blob: bdc4b530313e744b673cd8f4d6783aa13faf9caf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 the Eclipse BaSyx Authors
* This program and the accompanying materials are made
* available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.basyx.components.aas.mongodb;
import static;
import static;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.eclipse.basyx.components.configuration.BaSyxMongoDBConfiguration;
import org.eclipse.basyx.submodel.metamodel.api.ISubmodel;
import org.eclipse.basyx.submodel.metamodel.api.submodelelement.ISubmodelElement;
import org.eclipse.basyx.submodel.metamodel.api.submodelelement.operation.IOperation;
import org.eclipse.basyx.submodel.metamodel.facade.submodelelement.SubmodelElementFacadeFactory;
import org.eclipse.basyx.submodel.restapi.SubmodelElementProvider;
import org.eclipse.basyx.submodel.restapi.api.ISubmodelAPI;
import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.exception.provider.MalformedRequestException;
import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.exception.provider.ResourceNotFoundException;
import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.modelprovider.VABPathTools;
import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.modelprovider.api.IModelProvider;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoClients;
* Implements the ISubmodelAPI for a mongoDB backend.
* @author espen
public class MongoDBSubmodelAPI implements ISubmodelAPI {
private static final String DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = "";
private static final String SMIDPATH = Identifiable.IDENTIFICATION + "." + Identifier.ID;
protected BaSyxMongoDBConfiguration config;
protected MongoOperations mongoOps;
protected String collection;
protected String smId;
* Receives the path of the file in it's constructor.
* @param configFilePath
public MongoDBSubmodelAPI(BaSyxMongoDBConfiguration config, String smId) {
* Receives the path of the .properties file in it's constructor from a resource.
public MongoDBSubmodelAPI(String resourceConfigPath, String smId) {
config = new BaSyxMongoDBConfiguration();
* Constructor using default sql connections
public MongoDBSubmodelAPI(String smId) {
* Sets the db configuration for the submodel API.
* @param config
public void setConfiguration(BaSyxMongoDBConfiguration config) {
this.config = config;
MongoClient client = MongoClients.create(config.getConnectionUrl());
this.mongoOps = new MongoTemplate(client, config.getDatabase());
this.collection = config.getSubmodelCollection();
* Sets the submodel id, so that this API points to the submodel with smId. Can be changed
* to point to a different submodel in the database.
* @param smId
public void setSubmodelId(String smId) {
this.smId = smId;
* Depending on whether the model is already in the db, this method inserts or replaces the existing data.
* The new submodel id for this API is taken from the given submodel.
* @param sm
public void setSubmodel(Submodel sm) {
String id = sm.getIdentification().getId();
Query hasId = query(where(SMIDPATH).is(smId));
Object replaced = mongoOps.findAndReplace(hasId, sm, collection);
if (replaced == null) {
mongoOps.insert(sm, collection);
public ISubmodel getSubmodel() {
// Query Submodel from MongoDB
Query hasId = query(where(SMIDPATH).is(smId));
Submodel result = mongoOps.findOne(hasId, Submodel.class, collection);
if (result == null) {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("The submodel " + smId + " could not be found in the database.");
// Remove mongoDB-specific map attribute from AASDescriptor
// Cast all SubmodelElement maps to ISubmodelElements before returning the submodel
Map<String, ISubmodelElement> elements = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Map<String, Object>> elemMaps = (Map<String, Map<String, Object>>) result
for (Entry<String, Map<String, Object>> entry : elemMaps.entrySet()) {
String shortId = entry.getKey();
Map<String, Object> elemMap = entry.getValue();
ISubmodelElement element = SubmodelElementFacadeFactory.createSubmodelElement(elemMap);
elements.put(shortId, element);
// Replace the element map in the submodel
result.put(Submodel.SUBMODELELEMENT, elements);
// Return the "fixed" submodel
return result;
public void addSubmodelElement(ISubmodelElement elem) {
// Get sm from db
Submodel sm = (Submodel) getSubmodel();
// Add element
// Replace db entry
Query hasId = query(where(SMIDPATH).is(smId));
mongoOps.findAndReplace(hasId, sm, collection);
private ISubmodelElement getTopLevelSubmodelElement(String idShort) {
Submodel sm = (Submodel) getSubmodel();
Map<String, ISubmodelElement> submodelElements = sm.getSubmodelElements();
ISubmodelElement element = submodelElements.get(idShort);
if (element == null) {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("The element \"" + idShort + "\" could not be found");
return convertSubmodelElement(element);
private ISubmodelElement convertSubmodelElement(ISubmodelElement element) {
// FIXME: Convert internal data structure of ISubmodelElement
Map<String, Object> elementMap = (Map<String, Object>) element;
IModelProvider elementProvider = new SubmodelElementProvider(new VABMapProvider(elementMap));
Object elementVABObj = elementProvider.getValue("");
return SubmodelElement.createAsFacade((Map<String, Object>) elementVABObj);
private void deleteTopLevelSubmodelElement(String idShort) {
// Get sm from db
Submodel sm = (Submodel) getSubmodel();
// Remove element
// Replace db entry
Query hasId = query(where(SMIDPATH).is(smId));
mongoOps.findAndReplace(hasId, sm, collection);
public Collection<IOperation> getOperations() {
Submodel sm = (Submodel) getSubmodel();
return sm.getOperations().values();
private void addNestedSubmodelElement(List<String> idShorts, ISubmodelElement elem) {
Submodel sm = (Submodel) getSubmodel();
// > 1 idShorts => add new sm element to an existing sm element
if (idShorts.size() > 1) {
idShorts = idShorts.subList(0, idShorts.size() - 1);
// Get parent SM element if more than 1 idShort
ISubmodelElement parentElement = getNestedSubmodelElement(sm, idShorts);
if (parentElement instanceof SubmodelElementCollection) {
((SubmodelElementCollection) parentElement).addSubmodelElement(elem);
// Replace db entry
Query hasId = query(where(SMIDPATH).is(smId));
mongoOps.findAndReplace(hasId, sm, collection);
} else {
// else => directly add it to the submodel
// Replace db entry
Query hasId = query(where(SMIDPATH).is(smId));
mongoOps.findAndReplace(hasId, sm, collection);
public Collection<ISubmodelElement> getSubmodelElements() {
Submodel sm = (Submodel) getSubmodel();
return sm.getSubmodelElements().values();
private void updateTopLevelSubmodelElement(String idShort, Object newValue) {
// Get sm from db
Submodel sm = (Submodel) getSubmodel();
// Unwrap value
newValue = unwrapParameter(newValue);
// Get and update property value
getElementProvider(sm, idShort).setValue(Property.VALUE, newValue);
// Replace db entry
Query hasId = query(where(SMIDPATH).is(smId));
mongoOps.findAndReplace(hasId, sm, collection);
private void updateNestedSubmodelElement(List<String> idShorts, Object newValue) {
Submodel sm = (Submodel) getSubmodel();
// Get parent SM element
ISubmodelElement element = getNestedSubmodelElement(sm, idShorts);
// Update value
IModelProvider mapProvider = new VABMapProvider((Map<String, Object>) element);
IModelProvider elemProvider = SubmodelElementProvider.getElementProvider(mapProvider);
elemProvider.setValue(Property.VALUE, newValue);
// Replace db entry
Query hasId = query(where(SMIDPATH).is(smId));
mongoOps.findAndReplace(hasId, sm, collection);
private Object getTopLevelSubmodelElementValue(String idShort) {
Submodel sm = (Submodel) getSubmodel();
return getElementProvider(sm, idShort).getValue("/value");
private Object getNestedSubmodelElementValue(List<String> idShorts) {
ISubmodelElement lastElement = getNestedSubmodelElement(idShorts);
IModelProvider mapProvider = new VABMapProvider((Map<String, Object>) lastElement);
return SubmodelElementProvider.getElementProvider(mapProvider).getValue("/value");
protected Object unwrapParameter(Object parameter) {
if (parameter instanceof Map<?, ?>) {
Map<String, Object> map = (Map<String, Object>) parameter;
// Parameters have a strictly defined order and may not be omitted at all.
// Enforcing the structure with valueType is ok, but we should unwrap null values, too.
if (map.get("valueType") != null && map.containsKey("value")) {
return map.get("value");
return parameter;
private IModelProvider getElementProvider(Submodel sm, String idShort) {
ISubmodelElement elem = sm.getSubmodelElements().get(idShort);
IModelProvider mapProvider = new VABMapProvider((Map<String, Object>) elem);
return SubmodelElementProvider.getElementProvider(mapProvider);
private ISubmodelElement getNestedSubmodelElement(Submodel sm, List<String> idShorts) {
Map<String, ISubmodelElement> elemMap = sm.getSubmodelElements();
// Get last nested submodel element
for (int i = 0; i < idShorts.size() - 1; i++) {
String idShort = idShorts.get(i);
ISubmodelElement elem = elemMap.get(idShort);
if (elem instanceof SubmodelElementCollection) {
elemMap = ((SubmodelElementCollection) elem).getSubmodelElements();
} else {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException(
idShort + " in the nested submodel element path could not be resolved.");
String lastIdShort = idShorts.get(idShorts.size() - 1);
if (!elemMap.containsKey(lastIdShort)) {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException(lastIdShort
+ " in the nested submodel element path could not be resolved.");
return elemMap.get(lastIdShort);
private ISubmodelElement getNestedSubmodelElement(List<String> idShorts) {
// Get sm from db
Submodel sm = (Submodel) getSubmodel();
// Get nested sm element from this sm
return convertSubmodelElement(getNestedSubmodelElement(sm, idShorts));
private Object invokeTopLevelOperation(String idShort, Object... params) {
// not possible to invoke operations on a submodel that is stored in a db
throw new MalformedRequestException("Invoke not supported by this backend");
private void deleteNestedSubmodelElement(List<String> idShorts) {
if ( idShorts.size() == 1 ) {
// Get sm from db
Submodel sm = (Submodel) getSubmodel();
// Get parent collection
List<String> parentIds = idShorts.subList(0, idShorts.size() - 1);
ISubmodelElement parentElement = getNestedSubmodelElement(sm, parentIds);
// Remove element
SubmodelElementCollection coll = (SubmodelElementCollection) parentElement;
coll.deleteSubmodelElement(idShorts.get(idShorts.size() - 1));
// Replace db entry
Query hasId = query(where(SMIDPATH).is(smId));
mongoOps.findAndReplace(hasId, sm, collection);
private Object invokeNestedOperation(List<String> idShorts, Object... params) {
// not possible to invoke operations on a submodel that is stored in a db
throw new MalformedRequestException("Invoke not supported by this backend");
private Object invokeNestedOperationAsync(List<String> idShorts, Object... params) {
// not possible to invoke operations on a submodel that is stored in a db
throw new MalformedRequestException("Invoke not supported by this backend");
public Object getOperationResult(String idShort, String requestId) {
// not possible to invoke operations on a submodel that is stored in a db
throw new MalformedRequestException("Invoke not supported by this backend");
public ISubmodelElement getSubmodelElement(String idShortPath) {
if(idShortPath.contains("/")) {
String[] splitted = VABPathTools.splitPath(idShortPath);
List<String> idShorts = Arrays.asList(splitted);
return getNestedSubmodelElement(idShorts);
}else {
return getTopLevelSubmodelElement(idShortPath);
public void deleteSubmodelElement(String idShortPath) {
if(idShortPath.contains("/")) {
String[] splitted = VABPathTools.splitPath(idShortPath);
List<String> idShorts = Arrays.asList(splitted);
}else {
public void updateSubmodelElement(String idShortPath, Object newValue) {
if(idShortPath.contains("/")) {
String[] splitted = VABPathTools.splitPath(idShortPath);
List<String> idShorts = Arrays.asList(splitted);
updateNestedSubmodelElement(idShorts, newValue);
}else {
updateTopLevelSubmodelElement(idShortPath, newValue);
public Object getSubmodelElementValue(String idShortPath) {
if(idShortPath.contains("/")) {
String[] splitted = VABPathTools.splitPath(idShortPath);
List<String> idShorts = Arrays.asList(splitted);
return getNestedSubmodelElementValue(idShorts);
}else {
return getTopLevelSubmodelElementValue(idShortPath);
public Object invokeOperation(String idShortPath, Object... params) {
if(idShortPath.contains("/")) {
String[] splitted = VABPathTools.splitPath(idShortPath);
List<String> idShorts = Arrays.asList(splitted);
return invokeNestedOperation(idShorts, params);
}else {
return invokeTopLevelOperation(idShortPath, params);
public Object invokeAsync(String idShortPath, Object... params) {
String[] splitted = VABPathTools.splitPath(idShortPath);
List<String> idShorts = Arrays.asList(splitted);
return invokeNestedOperationAsync(idShorts, params);
public void addSubmodelElement(String idShortPath, ISubmodelElement elem) {
String[] splitted = VABPathTools.splitPath(idShortPath);
List<String> idShorts = Arrays.asList(splitted);
addNestedSubmodelElement(idShorts, elem);