blob: 084d4584ed6317d3c4dd48f891bb8148e96529da [file] [log] [blame]
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.metamodel.exception.MetamodelConstructionException;
import org.eclipse.basyx.submodel.metamodel.api.reference.enums.KeyElements;
import org.eclipse.basyx.submodel.metamodel.api.submodelelement.dataelement.IBlob;
* A blob element as defined in DAAS document <br/>
* @author pschorn, schnicke
public class Blob extends DataElement implements IBlob {
public static final String MIMETYPE = "mimeType";
public static final String MODELTYPE = "Blob";
* Creates an empty Blob object
public Blob() {
// Add model type
putAll(new ModelType(MODELTYPE));
* Constructor accepting only mandatory attribute
* @param idShort
* @param mimeType
public Blob(String idShort, String mimeType) {
putAll(new ModelType(MODELTYPE));
* Has to have a MimeType
* @param value
* the value of the BLOB instance of a blob data element
* @param mimeType
* states which file extension the file has; Valid values are defined
* in <i>RFC2046</i>, e.g. <i>image/jpg</i>
public Blob(byte[] value, String mimeType) {
// Add model type
putAll(new ModelType(MODELTYPE));
* Creates a Blob object from a map
* @param obj a Blob object as raw map
* @return a Blob object, that behaves like a facade for the given map
public static Blob createAsFacade(Map<String, Object> obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return null;
if (!isValid(obj)) {
throw new MetamodelConstructionException(Blob.class, obj);
Blob facade = new Blob();
return facade;
* Check whether all mandatory elements for the metamodel
* exist in a map
* @return true/false
public static boolean isValid(Map<String, Object> obj) {
return DataElement.isValid(obj) && obj.containsKey(Blob.MIMETYPE);
* Returns true if the given submodel element map is recognized as a blob
public static boolean isBlob(Map<String, Object> map) {
String modelType = ModelType.createAsFacade(map).getName();
// Either model type is set or the element type specific attributes are contained (fallback)
// Note: Fallback is ambiguous - File has exactly the same attributes
// => would need value parsing in order to be able to differentiate
return MODELTYPE.equals(modelType)
|| (modelType == null && (map.containsKey(Property.VALUE) && map.containsKey(MIMETYPE)));
public void setValue(Object value) {
if (value instanceof String) {
// Assume a Base64 encoded String
setValue((String) value);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given Object is not a String");
public String getValue() {
if (!containsKey(Property.VALUE)) {
return null;
return (String) get(Property.VALUE);
public byte[] getByteArrayValue() {
String value = getValue();
if ( value != null ) {
return Base64.getDecoder().decode(value);
} else {
return null;
public String getASCIIString() {
byte[] value = getByteArrayValue();
return new String(value, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII);
public void setASCIIString(String text) {
public void setMimeType(String mimeType) {
put(Blob.MIMETYPE, mimeType);
public String getMimeType() {
return (String) get(Blob.MIMETYPE);
protected KeyElements getKeyElement() {
return KeyElements.BLOB;
public Blob getLocalCopy() {
// Return a shallow copy
Blob copy = new Blob();
return copy;
public void setByteArrayValue(byte[] value) {
if (value != null) {
} else {
public void setValue(String value) {
put(Property.VALUE, value);