blob: 96e438ffa1d8dc6711671b885a6d9bcc3168286a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 the Eclipse BaSyx Authors
* This program and the accompanying materials are made
* available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.basyx.components.configuration.builder;
import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.manager.ConnectedAssetAdministrationShellManager;
import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.registration.api.IAASRegistry;
import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.registration.proxy.AASRegistryProxy;
import org.eclipse.basyx.components.configuration.CFGBaSyxProtocolType;
import org.eclipse.basyx.components.configuration.ConfigurableComponent;
import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.manager.VABConnectionManager;
import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.protocol.http.connector.HTTPConnectorFactory;
import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.registry.api.IVABRegistryService;
* Configuration builder for BaSyx services
* @author kuhn
public class BaSyxServiceConfigurationBuilder<T extends BaSyxServiceConfigurationBuilder<T>> extends BaSyxConfigurationBuilder<Void> {
* BaSyx registry URL
protected String registryURL = null;
* BaSyx connection manager type
protected CFGBaSyxProtocolType protocoltype = null;
protected IVABRegistryService vabDirectory = null;
* Constructor
public BaSyxServiceConfigurationBuilder(ConfigurableComponent<?> component) {
// Set configured component
* Set registry URL
public T registryURL(String url) {
// Store registry URL
registryURL = url;
// Return 'this' reference
return (T) this;
* Create registry instance based on configuration
public IAASRegistry getRegistry() {
// Create and return registry
return new AASRegistryProxy(registryURL);
* Set connection manager type
public T connectionManagerType(CFGBaSyxProtocolType protocol) {
// Store protocol type
protocoltype = protocol;
// Return 'this' reference
return (T) this;
* Set VAB Directory
public T directoryService(IVABRegistryService vabDirectory) {
// Store VAB directory
this.vabDirectory = vabDirectory;
// Return 'this' Refence
return (T) this;
* Create connection manager based on configuration
public VABConnectionManager getConnectionManager() {
// Create and return VABConnectionManager
return new VABConnectionManager(vabDirectory, new HTTPConnectorFactory());
* Create connected AAS-manager based on configuration
public ConnectedAssetAdministrationShellManager getConnetedAASManager() {
// Create and return connected AAS-manager
return new ConnectedAssetAdministrationShellManager(getRegistry(), new HTTPConnectorFactory());