blob: d63b0006f079e4bc9453f3d8ff97d6dfb67598da [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 the Eclipse BaSyx Authors
* This program and the accompanying materials are made
* available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
import static org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.impl.BpmnModelConstants.CAMUNDA_NS;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.Bpmn;
import org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.BpmnModelInstance;
import org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.instance.ExtensionElements;
import org.camunda.bpm.model.xml.instance.ModelElementInstance;
import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.coder.json.serialization.DefaultTypeFactory;
import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.coder.json.serialization.GSONTools;
* A Factory that produces a defined BPMN-Model programically
* @author zhangzai
public class BPMNModelFactory {
// Path to the java class invoked by the process engine
private static final String TASKI_MPL = "org.eclipse.basyx.components.processengine.connector.DeviceServiceDelegate";
// id of the submodel
private static final String SUBMODEL_ID = "submodelId";
private static final String SERVICE_NAME = "serviceName";
private static final String SERVICE_PROVIDER = "serviceProvider";
private static final String SERVICE_PARAMETERS = "serviceParameter";
* Create the BPMN-Model and -process with specified process-ID and path to the
* java-delegate
* @param processId - Id of the process
* @return
public BpmnModelInstance create(String processId) {
// Create the BPMN Model
BpmnModelInstance modelInstance = Bpmn.createExecutableProcess("my-process")
.name("pickup the coil")
.name("check the current position of the coil")
.condition("Pickup position 1","${coilposition==1}")
.name("pickup the coil")
.name("drive the coil to the milling machine")
.name("lift the coil to the expected position")
.name("put the coil on the mandrel")
.name("set the lifter to the start position")
.name("drive the coilcar back to the start position")
.condition("Pickup position 2"," ${coilposition==2}")
.name("move to the coil")
//Add field extensions to service tasks
createFieldExtension( modelInstance, "liftTo", "coilcar", new Object[]{1}, SUBMODEL_ID, "t1");
createFieldExtension( modelInstance, "moveTo", "coilcar", new Object[]{1}, SUBMODEL_ID, "t2");
createFieldExtension( modelInstance, "moveTo", "coilcar", new Object[]{5}, SUBMODEL_ID, "t3");
createFieldExtension( modelInstance, "liftTo", "coilcar", new Object[]{6}, SUBMODEL_ID, "t4");
createFieldExtension( modelInstance, "moveTo", "coilcar", new Object[]{6}, SUBMODEL_ID, "t5");
createFieldExtension( modelInstance, "liftTo", "coilcar", new Object[]{0}, SUBMODEL_ID, "t6");
createFieldExtension( modelInstance, "moveTo", "coilcar", new Object[]{0}, SUBMODEL_ID, "t7");
return modelInstance;
* Create field extension. This is used to exchange data between a java-delegate and a bpmn-model
* @param fname -- Name of the field
* @param fexpression -- value of the field
* @return
private void createFieldExtension(BpmnModelInstance modelInstance, String serviceNameValue, String serviceProviderValue, Object[] params, String smIDValue, String taskid) {
ExtensionElements extensionElements = modelInstance.newInstance(ExtensionElements.class);
// Create the field serviceName
ModelElementInstance serviceName = extensionElements.addExtensionElement(CAMUNDA_NS, "field");
serviceName.setAttributeValueNs(CAMUNDA_NS, "stringValue", serviceNameValue);
serviceName.setAttributeValueNs(CAMUNDA_NS, "name", SERVICE_NAME);
// Create field service Provider
ModelElementInstance serviceProvider = extensionElements.addExtensionElement(CAMUNDA_NS, "field");
serviceProvider.setAttributeValueNs(CAMUNDA_NS, "stringValue", serviceProviderValue);
serviceProvider.setAttributeValueNs(CAMUNDA_NS, "name", SERVICE_PROVIDER);
// Create the field serviceParameter
ModelElementInstance serviceParameter = extensionElements.addExtensionElement(CAMUNDA_NS, "field");
serviceParameter.setAttributeValueNs(CAMUNDA_NS, "stringValue", generateJsonString(params));
serviceParameter.setAttributeValueNs(CAMUNDA_NS, "name", SERVICE_PARAMETERS);
// Create the field submodelID
ModelElementInstance submodelID = extensionElements.addExtensionElement(CAMUNDA_NS, "field");
submodelID.setAttributeValueNs(CAMUNDA_NS, "stringValue", smIDValue);
submodelID.setAttributeValueNs(CAMUNDA_NS, "name", SUBMODEL_ID);
// Add all fields into the task
* Generate JSON String of a parameter array
* @param params
* @return
private String generateJsonString(Object[] params) {
// Create serializer using BaSys SDK
GSONTools gson = new GSONTools(new DefaultTypeFactory());
// serialize array
String to = gson.serialize(new ArrayList<Object>(Arrays.asList(params)));
return to;