blob: 56abe48ce71f51c46b4506c341474b14bf384077 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 the Eclipse BaSyx Authors
* This program and the accompanying materials are made
* available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.basyx.examples.mockup.devicemanager;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.aggregator.restapi.AASAggregatorProvider;
import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.registration.proxy.AASRegistryProxy;
import org.eclipse.basyx.components.configuration.CFGBaSyxProtocolType;
import org.eclipse.basyx.components.devicemanager.TCPDeviceManagerComponent;
import org.eclipse.basyx.examples.contexts.BaSyxExamplesContext;
import org.eclipse.basyx.submodel.restapi.MultiSubmodelElementProvider;
import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.manager.VABConnectionManager;
import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.modelprovider.VABElementProxy;
import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.modelprovider.VABPathTools;
import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.protocol.http.connector.HTTPConnectorProvider;
* Example manufacturing device manager code
* This example code illustrates a basic device manager component. It implements the interaction between a device and the BaSyx infrastructure.
* This code is for example deployed on the device (in case of availability of a Java runtime environment) or to an explicit connector device.
* The Asset Administration Shell is not kept on the device, but transferred to an AAS server during registration. This ensures its presence also
* if the device itself is not available, e.g. due to a failure. Important asset data, such as manufacturer, and support contacts remain available
* in this case.
* This code implements the following:
* - Registration of device the AAS and sub models with the BaSyx infrastructure
* - Updating of sub model properties to reflect the device status
* - TCP connection to legacy device
* @author kuhn
public class ManufacturingDeviceManager extends TCPDeviceManagerComponent {
* AAS server connection
protected VABElementProxy aasServerConnection = null;
* Constructor
public ManufacturingDeviceManager(int port) {
// Invoke base constructor
// Configure this device manager
.registryURL("http://localhost:8080/" + BaSyxExamplesContext.REGISTRYURL)
.directoryService(new ExamplesPreconfiguredDirectory())
// Set registry that will be used by this service
setRegistry(new AASRegistryProxy("http://localhost:8080/" + BaSyxExamplesContext.REGISTRYURL));
// Set service connection manager and create AAS server connection
setConnectionManager(new VABConnectionManager(new ExamplesPreconfiguredDirectory(), new HTTPConnectorProvider()));
// - Create AAS server connection
aasServerConnection = getConnectionManager().connectToVABElement("AASServer");
// Set AAS server VAB object ID, AAS server URL, and AAS server path prefix
setAASServerURL("http://localhost:8080/" + BaSyxExamplesContext.AASSERVERURL);
* Initialize the device, and register it with the backend
public void start() {
// Base implementation
// Create the device AAS and sub model structure
// Register AAS and sub model descriptors in directory (push AAS descriptor to server)
* Get AAS descriptor for managed device
protected AASDescriptor getAASDescriptor() {
// Create AAS and sub model descriptors
AASDescriptor aasDescriptor = new AASDescriptor(lookupURN("AAS"), getAASEndpoint(lookupURN("AAS")));
addSubModelDescriptorURI(aasDescriptor, lookupURN("Status"), "Status");
// Return AAS and sub model descriptors
return aasDescriptor;
* Create the device AAS and sub model structure
protected void createDeviceAASAndSubModels() {
// Register URNs of managed VAB objects
addShortcut("AAS", new ModelUrn(""));
addShortcut("Status", new ModelUrn(""));
// Create device AAS
AssetAdministrationShell aas = new AssetAdministrationShell();
// - Populate AAS
// - Transfer device AAS to server
aasServerConnection.setModelPropertyValue(VABPathTools.concatenatePaths(AASAggregatorProvider.PREFIX, VABPathTools.encodePathElement(aas.getIdentification().getId())), aas);
// The device also brings a sub model structure with an own ID that is being pushed on the server
// - Create generic sub model and add properties
SubModel statusSM = new SubModel();
// - Set submodel ID
// - Property status: indicate device status
Property statusProp = new Property("offline");
// - Property statistics: export invocation statistics for every service
// - invocations: indicate total service invocations. Properties are not persisted in this example,
// therefore we start counting always at 0.
Property invocationsProp = new Property(0);
// - Transfer device sub model to server
aasServerConnection.setModelPropertyValue(AASAggregatorProvider.PREFIX + "/" + VABPathTools.encodePathElement(lookupURN("AAS").getId()) + "/aas/submodels/" + statusSM.getIdShort(), statusSM);
* Received a string from network
public void onReceive(byte[] rxData) {
// Do not process null values
if (rxData == null) return;
String aasPath = "/" + AASAggregatorProvider.PREFIX + "/" + VABPathTools.encodePathElement(lookupURN("AAS").getId());
// Convert received data to string
String rxStr = new String(rxData);
// - Trim string to remove possibly trailing and leading white spaces
rxStr = rxStr.trim();
// Check what was being received. This check is performed based on a prefix that he device has to provide);
// - Update of device status
if (hasPrefix(rxStr, "status:"))
aasServerConnection.setModelPropertyValue(aasPath + "/aas/submodels/Status/submodel/" + MultiSubmodelElementProvider.ELEMENTS + "/status/value", removePrefix(rxStr, "status"));
// - Device indicates service invocation
if (hasPrefix(rxStr, "invocation:")) {
// Start of process
if (hasPrefix(rxStr, "invocation:start")) {
// Read and increment invocation counter
HashMap<String, Object> property = (HashMap<String, Object>) aasServerConnection.getModelPropertyValue(aasPath + "/aas/submodels/Status/submodel/" + MultiSubmodelElementProvider.ELEMENTS + "/invocations");
int invocations = (int) property.get("value");
aasServerConnection.setModelPropertyValue(aasPath + "/aas/submodels/Status/submodel/" + MultiSubmodelElementProvider.ELEMENTS + "/invocations/value", ++invocations);
// End of process
if (hasPrefix(rxStr, "invocation:end")) {
// Do nothing for now