blob: a50439e728231b99c494f6a909e4d3c8ae0e5e51 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.basyx.testsuite.regression.vab.factory.xml;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.factory.xml.XmlParser;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
public class TestXmlParser {
private Map<String, Object> rootObj = new HashMap<>();
private static final String TAGS = "tags";
private static final String ATTR_1 = "attr_1";
private static final String ATTR_2 = "attr_2";
private static final String NAME = "name";
private static final String VALUE = "value";
private static final String NESTED_TAG = "nestedTag";
private static final String NESTED_TAGS = "nestedTags";
private static final String DEEPLY_NESTED_PARENT = "deeplyNestedTagParent";
private static final String DEEPLY_NESTED_TAGS_CHILD = "deeplyNestedTagsChild";
private static final String DEEPLY_NESTED_LEAF = "deeplyNestedTagsLeaf";
private static final String SOME_TAG = "someTag";
static final String TEXT = "#text";
static final String SOME_NAME = "Some name";
static final String VALUEV = "0.34242";
static final String ATTRNT = "attrnt";
static final String ATTRDN = "attrdn";
static final String DN_TEXT_1 = "deeply nested text 1";
static final String DN_TEXT_2 = "deeply nested text 2";
static final String ATTR_1_VAL = "some attr 1";
static final String ATTR_2_VAL = "some attr 2";
static final String ATTRNT_1_VAL = "1232";
static final String NESTED_TAG_1 = "nested text 1";
static final String NESTED_TAG_2 = "nested text 2";
static final String NESTED_TAG_3 = "nested text 3";
static final String SOME_TEXT_1 = "Some text 1";
static final String SOME_TEXT_2 = "Some text 2";
static final String SOME_TEXT_3 = "Some text 3";
static final String xmlTestContent = "<tags attr_1=\"some attr 1\" attr_2=\"some attr 2\"> "
+ " <name>Some name</name> "
+ " <value>0.34242</value> "
+ " <nestedTags attrnt=\"1232\"> "
+ " <nestedTag>nested text 1</nestedTag> "
+ " <nestedTag>nested text 2</nestedTag> "
+ " <nestedTag>nested text 3</nestedTag> "
+ " </nestedTags> "
+ " <deeplyNestedTagParent> "
+ " <deeplyNestedTagsChild> "
+ " <deeplyNestedTagsLeaf attrdn=\"some attr 1\">deeply nested text 1</deeplyNestedTagsLeaf> "
+ " <deeplyNestedTagsLeaf attrdn=\"some attr 2\">deeply nested text 2</deeplyNestedTagsLeaf> "
+ " </deeplyNestedTagsChild> "
+ " </deeplyNestedTagParent> "
+ " <someTag>Some text 1</someTag> "
+ " <someTag>Some text 2</someTag> "
+ " <someTag>Some text 3</someTag> "
+ "</tags> ";
public void TestBuildXmlMap() throws Exception {
* Checks whether the respective keys are present in the nested Map.
* @throws ParserConfigurationException
* @throws SAXException
* @throws IOException
public void testContainsAllKeys() throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
Map<String, Object> tags = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Object> nestedTags = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Object> deeplyNestedTagParent = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Object> deeplyNestedTagsChild = new HashMap<>();
List<Map<String, String>> deeplyNestedTagsLeaf = new ArrayList<>();
tags = (Map<String, Object>) rootObj.get(TAGS);
nestedTags = (Map<String, Object>) tags.get(NESTED_TAGS);
deeplyNestedTagParent = (Map<String, Object>) tags.get(DEEPLY_NESTED_PARENT);
deeplyNestedTagsChild = (Map<String, Object>) deeplyNestedTagParent.get(DEEPLY_NESTED_TAGS_CHILD);
deeplyNestedTagsLeaf = (List<Map<String, String>>) deeplyNestedTagsChild.get(DEEPLY_NESTED_LEAF);
* Checks elements of the root node
* @throws ParserConfigurationException
* @throws SAXException
* @throws IOException
public void testRootNode() throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
// Check Elements
assertNotEquals(null, rootObj.get(TAGS));
// Check attributes
assertNotEquals(null, rootObj.get(ATTR_1));
assertNotEquals(null, rootObj.get(ATTR_2));
// Check the objects are created of desired types
assertEquals(ATTR_1_VAL, rootObj.get(ATTR_1));
assertEquals(ATTR_2_VAL, rootObj.get(ATTR_2));
* Checks the elements of "nestedTags" tag.
* @throws ParserConfigurationException
* @throws SAXException
* @throws IOException
public void testNestedElements() throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
Map<String, Object> tags = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Object> nestedTags = new HashMap<>();
List<String> nestedTag = new ArrayList<>();
assertNotEquals(null, rootObj.get(TAGS));
tags = (Map<String, Object>) rootObj.get(TAGS);
assertNotEquals(null, tags.get(NESTED_TAGS));
nestedTags = (Map<String, Object>) tags.get(NESTED_TAGS);
// Attributes
assertEquals(ATTRNT_1_VAL, nestedTags.get(ATTRNT));
// Multiple tags are stored as list
assertNotEquals(null, tags.get(NESTED_TAGS));
nestedTag = (List<String>) nestedTags.get(NESTED_TAG);
assertEquals(NESTED_TAG_1, nestedTag.get(0));
assertEquals(NESTED_TAG_2, nestedTag.get(1));
assertEquals(NESTED_TAG_3, nestedTag.get(2));
* Checks the elements of "deeplyNestedTagParent" tag. This covers case when
* tags are nested inside tags.
* @throws ParserConfigurationException
* @throws SAXException
* @throws IOException
public void testDeeplyNestedElements() throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
Map<String, Object> tags = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Object> deeplyNestedTagParent = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Object> deeplyNestedTagsChild = new HashMap<>();
List<Map<String, String>> deeplyNestedTagsLeaf = new ArrayList<>();
assertNotEquals(null, rootObj.get(TAGS));
tags = (Map<String, Object>) rootObj.get(TAGS);
assertNotEquals(null, tags.get(DEEPLY_NESTED_PARENT));
deeplyNestedTagParent = (Map<String, Object>) tags.get(DEEPLY_NESTED_PARENT);
deeplyNestedTagsChild = (Map<String, Object>) deeplyNestedTagParent.get(DEEPLY_NESTED_TAGS_CHILD);
deeplyNestedTagsLeaf = (List<Map<String, String>>) deeplyNestedTagsChild.get(DEEPLY_NESTED_LEAF);
// Check if the desired objects are created
assertNotEquals(null, deeplyNestedTagsLeaf.get(0).get(TEXT));
assertNotEquals(null, deeplyNestedTagsLeaf.get(0).get(ATTRDN));
assertNotEquals(null, deeplyNestedTagsLeaf.get(1).get(TEXT));
assertNotEquals(null, deeplyNestedTagsLeaf.get(1).get(ATTRDN));
// Check the objects are created of desired types
assertTrue(rootObj instanceof HashMap);
assertTrue(rootObj.get(TAGS) instanceof HashMap);
assertTrue(deeplyNestedTagsChild.get(DEEPLY_NESTED_LEAF) instanceof ArrayList);
assertTrue(deeplyNestedTagParent.get(DEEPLY_NESTED_TAGS_CHILD) instanceof HashMap);
assertTrue(tags.get(DEEPLY_NESTED_PARENT) instanceof HashMap);
assertTrue(tags instanceof HashMap);
// Check the texts
assertEquals(DN_TEXT_1, deeplyNestedTagsLeaf.get(0).get(TEXT));
assertEquals(ATTR_1_VAL, deeplyNestedTagsLeaf.get(0).get(ATTRDN));
assertEquals(DN_TEXT_2, deeplyNestedTagsLeaf.get(1).get(TEXT));
assertEquals(ATTR_2_VAL, deeplyNestedTagsLeaf.get(1).get(ATTRDN));
* Checks whether Parent node(child of root node) multiple tags with the same
* node. Tag "someTag" is checked.
* @throws ParserConfigurationException
* @throws SAXException
* @throws IOException
public void testTextMulitpleTextNodeInParent() throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
Map<String, Object> tags = new HashMap<>();
List<String> someTag = new ArrayList<>();
tags = (Map<String, Object>) rootObj.get(TAGS);
someTag = (List<String>) tags.get(SOME_TAG);
// Check if the desired objects are created
assertNotEquals(null, rootObj);
assertNotEquals(null, tags);
assertNotEquals(null, someTag);
// Check the objects are created of desired types
assertTrue(tags.get(SOME_TAG) instanceof ArrayList);
assertEquals(SOME_TEXT_1, someTag.get(0));
assertEquals(SOME_TEXT_2, someTag.get(1));
assertEquals(SOME_TEXT_3, someTag.get(2));