blob: f77885fa95bec0a5abe564defd13d6affecfbe79 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#include <chrono>
#include <iomanip>
#include <regex>
#include <BaSyx/submodel/simple/common/xsd_types/AnyURI.h>
#include <BaSyx/submodel/simple/common/xsd_types/DateTime.h>
#include <BaSyx/submodel/simple/common/xsd_types/Date.h>
#include <BaSyx/submodel/simple/common/xsd_types/DayTimeDuration.h>
#include <BaSyx/submodel/simple/common/xsd_types/YearMonthDuration.h>
#include <BaSyx/submodel/simple/common/xsd_types/Time.h>
#include <BaSyx/submodel/simple/common/xsd_types/GYearMonth.h>
#include <BaSyx/submodel/simple/common/xsd_types/GYear.h>
#include <BaSyx/submodel/simple/common/xsd_types/GMonthDay.h>
#include <BaSyx/submodel/simple/common/xsd_types/GDay.h>
#include <BaSyx/submodel/simple/common/xsd_types/GMonth.h>
#include <sstream>
namespace basyx {
namespace xsd_types {
using namespace submodel;
static const std::string getPrimitiveXSDType(type::valueType type)
case type::valueType::Bool:
return "boolean";
case type::valueType::Int:
return "integer";
case type::valueType::Float:
return "float";
case type::valueType::String:
return "string";
return "Type not supported!";
template<typename T, typename Enable = void>
struct xsd_type
static constexpr int fail_vab_type_not_supported() { static_assert("Type not supported by VAB!"); return 0; };
static const std::string getDataTypeDef()
return "Not supported!";
struct xsd_type<bool>
static const std::string getDataTypeDef()
return "boolean";
static const inline bool getXSDRepresentation(const bool & bool_value)
return bool_value;
static const inline bool fromXSDRepresentation(basyx::object value)
return value.Get<bool>();
struct xsd_type<int>
static const std::string getDataTypeDef()
return "integer";
static const inline int getXSDRepresentation(const int & int_value)
return int_value;
static const inline int fromXSDRepresentation(basyx::object value)
return value.Get<int>();
struct xsd_type<long>
static const std::string getDataTypeDef()
return "long";
static const inline long getXSDRepresentation(const long & long_value)
return long_value;
static const inline long fromXSDRepresentation(basyx::object value)
return value.Get<long>();
struct xsd_type<short>
static const std::string getDataTypeDef()
return "short";
static const inline short getXSDRepresentation(const short & short_value)
return short_value;
static const inline short fromXSDRepresentation(basyx::object value)
return value.Get<short>();
struct xsd_type<unsigned int>
static const std::string getDataTypeDef()
return "unsignedInt";
static const inline unsigned int getXSDRepresentation(const unsigned int & uint_value)
return uint_value;
static const inline unsigned int fromXSDRepresentation(basyx::object value)
return value.Get<unsigned int>();
struct xsd_type<unsigned short>
static const std::string getDataTypeDef()
return "unsignedShort";
static const inline unsigned short getXSDRepresentation(const unsigned short & ushort_value)
return ushort_value;
static const inline unsigned short fromXSDRepresentation(basyx::object value)
return value.Get<unsigned short>();
struct xsd_type<unsigned long>
static const std::string getDataTypeDef()
return "unsignedLong";
static const inline unsigned long getXSDRepresentation(const unsigned long & ulong_value)
return ulong_value;
static const inline unsigned long fromXSDRepresentation(basyx::object value)
return value.Get<unsigned long>();
struct xsd_type<double>
static const std::string getDataTypeDef()
return "double";
static const inline double getXSDRepresentation(const double & double_value)
return double_value;
static const inline double fromXSDRepresentation(basyx::object value)
return value.Get<double>();
struct xsd_type<float>
static const std::string getDataTypeDef()
return "float";
static const inline float getXSDRepresentation(const float & float_value)
return float_value;
static const inline float fromXSDRepresentation(basyx::object value)
return value.Get<float>();
struct xsd_type<std::string>
static const std::string getDataTypeDef()
return "string";
static const inline std::string getXSDRepresentation(const std::string & string)
return string;
static const inline std::string fromXSDRepresentation(basyx::object value)
return value.GetStringContent();
struct xsd_type<simple::AnyURI>
static const std::string getDataTypeDef()
return "anyURI";
static const inline std::string getXSDRepresentation(const simple::AnyURI & uri)
return uri.getUri();
static const inline simple::AnyURI fromXSDRepresentation(const std::string & value)
return value;
struct xsd_type<simple::Date>
static constexpr char format[] = "%Y-%m-%dZ";
static const std::string getDataTypeDef()
return "date";
static const inline std::string getXSDRepresentation(const simple::Date & date)
std::stringstream formatted;
formatted << std::put_time(&date.getDate(), format);
return formatted.str();
static const inline simple::Date fromXSDRepresentation(basyx::object value)
tm date;
// Daylight Saving is not in effect
date.tm_isdst = 0;
std::stringstream sstream;
sstream << value.GetStringContent();
sstream >> std::get_time(&date, format);
return simple::Date{date};
struct xsd_type<simple::DateTime>
static constexpr char format[] = "%Y-%m-%dT%TZ";
static const std::string getDataTypeDef()
return "dateTime";
static const inline std::string getXSDRepresentation(const simple::DateTime & dateTime)
std::stringstream formatted;
formatted << std::put_time(&dateTime.getTime(), format);
return formatted.str();
static const inline simple::DateTime fromXSDRepresentation(basyx::object value)
tm time;
// Daylight Saving Time is not in effect
time.tm_isdst = 0;
std::stringstream sstream;
sstream << value.GetStringContent();
sstream >> std::get_time(&time, format);
return simple::DateTime{time};
struct xsd_type<simple::DayTimeDuration>
static constexpr int seconds_per_day = 86400; //60*60*24
static constexpr int seconds_per_hour = 3600; //60*60
static constexpr int seconds_per_minute = 60;
static const std::string getDataTypeDef()
return "dayTimeDuration";
static const inline std::string getXSDRepresentation(const simple::DayTimeDuration & dayTimeDuration)
std::string xsd_str;
long duration = dayTimeDuration.getDuration().count();
if (duration < 0)
xsd_str = "-";
duration *= -1;
xsd_str += "P";
if (duration / seconds_per_day)
xsd_str += std::to_string(duration / seconds_per_day) + "D";
duration = duration % seconds_per_day;
if (duration / seconds_per_hour)
xsd_str += std::to_string(duration / seconds_per_hour) + "H";
duration = duration % seconds_per_hour;
if (duration / seconds_per_minute)
xsd_str += std::to_string(duration / seconds_per_minute) + "M";
duration = duration % seconds_per_minute;
if (duration)
xsd_str += std::to_string(duration) + "S";
return xsd_str;
static const inline simple::DayTimeDuration fromXSDRepresentation(basyx::object value)
std::string xsd_str = value.GetStringContent();
long seconds = 0;
std::smatch match;
std::regex regex("\\d+D");
if (std::regex_search(xsd_str, match, regex))
seconds += std::stol(match.str()) * seconds_per_day;
regex = "\\d+H";
if (std::regex_search(xsd_str, match, regex))
seconds += std::stol(match.str()) * seconds_per_hour;
regex = "\\d+M";
if (std::regex_search(xsd_str, match, regex))
seconds += std::stol(match.str()) * seconds_per_minute;
regex = "\\d+S";
if (std::regex_search(xsd_str, match, regex))
seconds += std::stol(match.str());
if (xsd_str.find('-') == 0)
seconds *= -1;
return simple::DayTimeDuration{std::chrono::duration<long>(seconds)};
struct xsd_type<simple::YearMonthDuration>
static const std::string getDataTypeDef()
return "yearMonthDuration";
static const inline std::string getXSDRepresentation(const simple::YearMonthDuration & yearMonthDuration)
std::string xsd_str;
int years = yearMonthDuration.getYears();
int months = yearMonthDuration.getMonths();
if (years < 0)
xsd_str += "-";
years *= -1;
} else if (months < 0 and years == 0)
xsd_str += "-";
months *= -1;
xsd_str += "P";
xsd_str += (years > 0) ? std::to_string(years) + "Y" : "";
xsd_str += (months > 0) ? std::to_string(months) + "M" : "";
return xsd_str;
static const inline simple::YearMonthDuration fromXSDRepresentation(basyx::object value)
std::string xsd_str = value.GetStringContent();
int years = 0, months = 0;
std::smatch match;
std::regex regex("\\d+Y");
if (std::regex_search(xsd_str, match, regex))
years = std::stoi(match.str());
regex = "\\d+M";
if (std::regex_search(xsd_str, match, regex))
months = std::stoi(match.str());
if (xsd_str.find('-') == 0)
(years == 0) ? months *= -1 : years *= -1;
simple::YearMonthDuration yearMonthDuration{years,months};
return yearMonthDuration;
struct xsd_type<simple::Time>
static const std::string getDataTypeDef()
return "time";
static const inline std::string getXSDRepresentation(const simple::Time & time)
char buffer[9];
snprintf(buffer, 9, "%02d:%02d:%02d", time.getHours(), time.getMinutes(), int(time.getSeconds()));
std::string xsd_str{buffer};
// check if number has decimal places
if (std::fmod(time.getSeconds(), 1.0) != 0)
snprintf(buffer, 9, "%.05f", time.getSeconds());
std::string decimal = buffer;
// find trailing zeros and erase them
decimal = decimal.erase(decimal.find_last_not_of('0') + 1, std::string::npos).substr(decimal.find("."));
xsd_str += decimal;
return xsd_str + std::string{time.getTimezone()};
static const inline simple::Time fromXSDRepresentation(basyx::object value)
std::string xsd_str = value.GetStringContent();
std::smatch match;
std::regex regex{"(\\d\\d):(\\d\\d):(\\d\\d(\\.\\d+)?)([Z|\\+|\\-].*)"};
std::regex_search(xsd_str, match, regex);
float second = 0;
uint8_t hour = std::stoi(match.str(1)); // first (\\d\\d)
uint8_t minute = std::stoi(match.str(2)); // second (\\d\\d)
second = std::stof(match.str(3)); // (\\d\\d(\\.\\d+)?) Two digits plus optional decimal point and arbitrary number of digits
std::string timezone = match.str(5); // ([Z|\+|\-]) "Z" or + or - and arbitrary characters
return simple::Time{hour, minute, second, timezone};
struct xsd_type<simple::GYearMonth>
static const std::string getDataTypeDef()
return "gYearMonth";
static const inline std::string getXSDRepresentation(const simple::GYearMonth & date)
char buffer[15];
if (date.getYear() < 0)
snprintf(buffer, 15, "%05d-%02d", date.getYear(), date.getMonth());
snprintf(buffer, 15, "%04d-%02d", date.getYear(), date.getMonth());
return buffer + std::string{date.getTimezone()};
static const inline simple::GYearMonth fromXSDRepresentation(basyx::object value)
std::string xsd_str = value.GetStringContent();
std::smatch match;
std::regex regex{"(-?\\d+)-(\\d\\d)([Z|\\+|\\-].*)"};
std::regex_search(xsd_str, match, regex);
int year = std::stoi(match.str(1)); // first (\\d+)
uint8_t month = std::stoi(match.str(2)); // second (\\d\\d)
std::string timezone = match.str(3);
return simple::GYearMonth{year, month, timezone};
struct xsd_type<simple::GYear>
static const std::string getDataTypeDef()
return "gYear";
static const inline std::string getXSDRepresentation(const simple::GYear & year)
char buffer[15];
if (year.getYear() < 0)
snprintf(buffer, 15, "%05d", year.getYear());
snprintf(buffer, 15, "%04d", year.getYear());
return buffer + std::string{year.getTimezone()};
static const inline simple::GYear fromXSDRepresentation(basyx::object value)
std::string xsd_str = value.GetStringContent();
std::smatch match;
std::regex regex{"(-?\\d+)([Z|\\+|\\-].*)"};
std::regex_search(xsd_str, match, regex);
int year = std::stoi(match.str(1)); // first (\\d+)
std::string timezone = match.str(2);
return simple::GYear{year, timezone};
struct xsd_type<simple::GMonthDay>
static const std::string getDataTypeDef()
return "gMonthDay";
static const inline std::string getXSDRepresentation(const simple::GMonthDay & monthDay)
char buffer[10];
snprintf(buffer, 8, "--%02d-%02d", monthDay.getMonth(), monthDay.getDay());
return buffer + std::string{monthDay.getTimezone()};
static const inline simple::GMonthDay fromXSDRepresentation(basyx::object value)
std::string xsd_str = value.GetStringContent();
std::smatch match;
std::regex regex{"\\-\\-(\\d\\d)\\-(\\d\\d)([Z|\\+|\\-].*)"};
std::regex_search(xsd_str, match, regex);
uint8_t month = std::stoi(match.str(1)); // first (\\d\\d)
uint8_t day = std::stoi(match.str(2)); // second (\\d\\d)
std::string timezone = match.str(3);
return simple::GMonthDay{month, day, timezone};
struct xsd_type<simple::GDay>
static const std::string getDataTypeDef()
return "gDay";
static const inline std::string getXSDRepresentation(const simple::GDay & day)
char buffer[7];
snprintf(buffer, 7, "---%02d", day.getDay());
return buffer + std::string{day.getTimezone()};
static const inline simple::GDay fromXSDRepresentation(basyx::object value)
std::string xsd_str = value.GetStringContent();
std::smatch match;
std::regex regex{"\\-\\-\\-(\\d\\d)([Z|\\+|\\-].*)"};
std::regex_search(xsd_str, match, regex);
uint8_t day = std::stoi(match.str(1)); // first (\\d\\d)
std::string timezone = match.str(2);
return simple::GDay{day, timezone};
struct xsd_type<simple::GMonth>
static const std::string getDataTypeDef()
return "gMonth";
static const inline std::string getXSDRepresentation(const simple::GMonth & month)
char buffer[6];
snprintf(buffer, 6, "--%02d", month.getMonth());
return buffer + std::string{month.getTimezone()};
static const inline simple::GMonth fromXSDRepresentation(basyx::object value)
std::string xsd_str = value.GetStringContent();
std::smatch match;
std::regex regex{"\\-\\-(\\d\\d)([Z|\\+|\\-].*)"};
std::regex_search(xsd_str, match, regex);
uint8_t month = std::stoi(match.str(1)); // first (\\d\\d)
std::string timezone = match.str(2);
return simple::GMonth{month, timezone};