blob: 3c3460e1ba899617da20ca83e9ab8f492e79bb2d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.bpel.ui.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDAnnotation;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDAttributeDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDAttributeGroupDefinition;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDAttributeUse;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDAttributeUseCategory;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDComplexTypeContent;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDComplexTypeDefinition;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDConcreteComponent;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDConstraint;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDElementDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDFacet;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDFactory;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDFeature;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDImport;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDInclude;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDModelGroup;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDModelGroupDefinition;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDNamedComponent;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDNotationDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDParticle;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDSchema;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDSchemaCompositor;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDSchemaContent;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDSimpleTypeDefinition;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDTypeDefinition;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDWildcard;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDXPathDefinition;
import org.eclipse.xsd.util.XSDConstants;
import org.eclipse.xsd.util.XSDUtil;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;
* Collection of utility methods for dealing with navigation of the XSD model
public class XSDUtils {
// singleton lists of XSD simple type definitions for supported primitives (see getPrimitives()) and
// all xsd primitives (see getAdvancedPrimitives()) respectively
private static List<XSDSimpleTypeDefinition> primitives;
private static List<XSDTypeDefinition> advancedPrimitives;
// XSD short list -- these are the types presented to the user by default, rather than inundating them with
// all the available types
private static List<String> xsdShortList = new ArrayList<String>();
xsdShortList.add("string"); //$NON-NLS-1$
xsdShortList.add("int"); //$NON-NLS-1$
xsdShortList.add("double"); //$NON-NLS-1$
xsdShortList.add("date"); //$NON-NLS-1$
xsdShortList.add("time"); //$NON-NLS-1$
xsdShortList.add("dateTime"); //$NON-NLS-1$
xsdShortList.add("boolean"); //$NON-NLS-1$
xsdShortList.add("hexBinary"); //$NON-NLS-1$
xsdShortList.add("float"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// A list of all supported XSD types. Usually the user will not be presented with the full list, but
// rather with the xsd short list
private static List<String> supportedPrimitives = new ArrayList<String>();
static {
supportedPrimitives.add("anyType"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("anyURI"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("base64Binary"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("boolean"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("byte"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("date"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("dateTime"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("decimal"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("double"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("duration"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("ENTITIES"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("ENTITY"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("float"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("gDay"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("gMonth"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("gMonthDay"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("gYear"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("gYearMonth"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("hexBinary"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("ID"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("IDREF"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("IDREFS"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("int"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("integer"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("language"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("long"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("Name"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("NCName"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("negativeInteger"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("NMTOKEN"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("NMTOKENS"); //$NON-NLS-1$, "NMTOKENS");
supportedPrimitives.add("nonNegativeInteger"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("nonPositiveInteger"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("normalizedString"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("NOTATION"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("positiveInteger"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("QName"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("short"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("string"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("time"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("token"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("unsignedByte"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("unsignedInt"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("unsignedLong"); //$NON-NLS-1$
supportedPrimitives.add("unsignedShort"); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Add a local annotation with userInfo to the given item.
* <p>
* Note: We take an XSDConcreteComponent, however we must then cast it to
* one of the types that has a setAnnotation call defined, since it doesn't
* have a clear 'parent' interface for annotations.
* </p>
* <p>
* Also note that UserInformation and ApplicationInformation objects can
* only be added <b>after </b> the parent of the annotation has been added
* to an XSDSchema object. This is because these objects are modeled in the
* concrete DOM layer only, and otherwise will throw a DOMException.
* <p>
* @param component
* to add annotation to; may be any kind of XSDConcreteComponent
* object including an XSDSchema
* @param text
* text to add as the userInformation (xsd:documentation) node to
* the annotation
* @return the XSDAnnotation object created, after having been added to the
* component; null if any error occoured
public static XSDAnnotation addDocumentation(XSDConcreteComponent component, String text) {
if (null == component) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("addDocumentation called with null component"); //$NON-NLS-1$
try {
// First get the factory from the component: this is
// roundabout, but saves the user from having to
// pass it in
XSDFactory xsdFactory = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE;
// Create an XSDAnnotation object to hold everything
XSDAnnotation xsdAnnotation = xsdFactory.createXSDAnnotation();
// Depending on the XSDConcreteComponent type, cast to
// the appropriate type and add the annotation or, if component
// already has an annotation, use that one instead.
if (component instanceof XSDAttributeDeclaration) {
if(((XSDAttributeDeclaration) component).getAnnotation() == null)
((XSDAttributeDeclaration) component).setAnnotation(xsdAnnotation);
xsdAnnotation = ((XSDAttributeDeclaration) component).getAnnotation();
} else if (component instanceof XSDAttributeGroupDefinition) {
if(((XSDAttributeGroupDefinition) component).getAnnotation() == null)
((XSDAttributeGroupDefinition) component).setAnnotation(xsdAnnotation);
xsdAnnotation = ((XSDAttributeGroupDefinition) component).getAnnotation();
} else if (component instanceof XSDElementDeclaration) {
if(((XSDElementDeclaration) component).getAnnotation() == null)
((XSDElementDeclaration) component).setAnnotation(xsdAnnotation);
xsdAnnotation = ((XSDElementDeclaration) component).getAnnotation();
} else if (component instanceof XSDFacet) {
if(((XSDFacet) component).getAnnotation() == null)
((XSDFacet) component).setAnnotation(xsdAnnotation);
xsdAnnotation = ((XSDFacet) component).getAnnotation();
} else if (component instanceof XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition) {
if(((XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition) component).getAnnotation() == null)
((XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition) component).setAnnotation(xsdAnnotation);
xsdAnnotation = ((XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition) component).getAnnotation();
} else if (component instanceof XSDImport) {
if(((XSDImport) component).getAnnotation() == null)
((XSDImport) component).setAnnotation(xsdAnnotation);
xsdAnnotation = ((XSDImport) component).getAnnotation();
} else if (component instanceof XSDInclude) {
if(((XSDInclude) component).getAnnotation() == null)
((XSDInclude) component).setAnnotation(xsdAnnotation);
xsdAnnotation = ((XSDInclude) component).getAnnotation();
} else if (component instanceof XSDModelGroup) {
if(((XSDModelGroup) component).getAnnotation() == null)
((XSDModelGroup) component).setAnnotation(xsdAnnotation);
xsdAnnotation = ((XSDModelGroup) component).getAnnotation();
} else if (component instanceof XSDModelGroupDefinition) {
if(((XSDModelGroupDefinition) component).getAnnotation() == null)
((XSDModelGroupDefinition) component).setAnnotation(xsdAnnotation);
xsdAnnotation = ((XSDModelGroupDefinition) component).getAnnotation();
} else if (component instanceof XSDNotationDeclaration) {
if(((XSDNotationDeclaration) component).getAnnotation() == null)
((XSDNotationDeclaration) component).setAnnotation(xsdAnnotation);
xsdAnnotation = ((XSDNotationDeclaration) component).getAnnotation();
} else if (component instanceof XSDTypeDefinition) {
if(((XSDTypeDefinition) component).getAnnotation() == null)
((XSDTypeDefinition) component).setAnnotation(xsdAnnotation);
xsdAnnotation = ((XSDTypeDefinition) component).getAnnotation();
} else if (component instanceof XSDWildcard) {
if(((XSDWildcard) component).getAnnotation() == null)
((XSDWildcard) component).setAnnotation(xsdAnnotation);
xsdAnnotation = ((XSDWildcard) component).getAnnotation();
} else if (component instanceof XSDXPathDefinition) {
if(((XSDXPathDefinition) component).getAnnotation() == null)
((XSDXPathDefinition) component).setAnnotation(xsdAnnotation);
xsdAnnotation = ((XSDXPathDefinition) component).getAnnotation();
} else if (component instanceof XSDSchema) {
// Note that this adds a global annotation to the
// schema itself, not to any subcomponent
((XSDSchema) component).getContents().add(xsdAnnotation);
} else {
// Whoops, asked us to annotate an unannotateable item
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to addDocumentation onto type: " + component); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Remove any old documentation elements
for(int i = 0; i < xsdAnnotation.getElement().getChildNodes().getLength(); i++) {
Node node = xsdAnnotation.getElement().getChildNodes().item(i);
if (text!=null)
// Now that the xsdAnnotation is added to a parent
// XSDConcreteComponent, go ahead and create the
// UserInformation node (xsd:documentation) and
// add a DOM textNode to it containing the information
Element userInfo = xsdAnnotation.createUserInformation(null);
// Add the finished userInfo object to the concrete
// element of the xsdAnnotation
// Add the finished userInfo object to the user information
// list
return xsdAnnotation;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
* Adds the text to the component as a Documentation element (just like addDocumentation) and then adds the
* Documentation attributes to the Documentation element if they exist.
* If text is null then no documentation is set.
* If attributes is null then no attributes are added to the documentation element.
* @param component
* @param text
* @param attributes
* @return
public static XSDAnnotation addDocumentationAndAttributes(XSDConcreteComponent component, String text, Map attributes)
if (null == component)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("addDocumentationAndAttributes called with null component"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// nothing to add
if (text==null && attributes==null)
return null;
// add documentation
XSDAnnotation annotation = addDocumentation(component, text);
if (annotation==null)
return null;
// no attributes so return
if (attributes==null || attributes.isEmpty())
return annotation;
// get annotation dom element, create if necessary
Element userInfo = null;
if (annotation.getUserInformation().isEmpty())
userInfo = annotation.createUserInformation(null);
for (Iterator<Element> i = annotation.getUserInformation().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
userInfo =;
if (userInfo.getTagName().endsWith(XSDConstants.DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT_TAG))
if (userInfo==null)
return null;
// add attributes
String key = null;
for (Iterator<String> iter = attributes.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
key =;
userInfo.setAttribute(key, (String)attributes.get(key));
return annotation;
* Returns a string which is not used by any element in 'elements'. The name
* is generated by appending numerical suffixes on to 'prefix' until a
* unique one is found. PRECONDITION: 'elements' is a list of
* XSDNamedComponent instances
* @param prefix
* @param elements
* @return
public static String createUniqueElementName(String prefix, List elements) {
ArrayList<String> usedNames = new ArrayList<String>();
for(Iterator i = elements.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
usedNames.add( getDisplayName((XSDNamedComponent);
int i = 1;
String testName = prefix + i++;
while(usedNames.contains(testName)) {
testName = prefix + i++;
return testName;
* Like getPrimitives(), this returns a list of XSDTypeDefinitions. However where getPrimitives()
* returns the basic set supported by the editor, getAdvancedPrimitives returns every known XSD
* primitive type.
* @return
public static List<XSDTypeDefinition> getAdvancedPrimitives() {
advancedPrimitives = null;
if(advancedPrimitives == null) {
advancedPrimitives = new ArrayList<XSDTypeDefinition>();
// Get the schema for schemas instance to use when resolving primitives
XSDSchema schemaForSchemas = XSDUtil.getSchemaForSchema(XSDConstants.SCHEMA_FOR_SCHEMA_URI_2001);
// Start adding the simple types using the supportedPrimitives list
for (String typeName : supportedPrimitives) {
XSDTypeDefinition type = schemaForSchemas.resolveSimpleTypeDefinition(typeName);
// Return primitives in alpha order
Collections.sort(advancedPrimitives, new Comparator() {
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
if(o1 == null || o2 == null || ((XSDTypeDefinition) o1).getName() == null)
return 0;
return ((XSDTypeDefinition) o1).getName().compareToIgnoreCase(((XSDTypeDefinition) o2).getName());
return advancedPrimitives;
* Retrieves all the root Data types defined in the schema including complex types, user-defined simple types and anonymous
* complex types. If there's an anonymous complex type definition (from a root element declaration) then we return
* the element declaration's anonymous type.
* @param schema
* @return
public static List<XSDTypeDefinition> getAllDataTypes(XSDSchema schema)
if (schema==null)
return Collections.emptyList();
List<XSDTypeDefinition> bos = new ArrayList<XSDTypeDefinition>();
EList<XSDSchemaContent> contents = schema.getContents();
// First try the easy approach -- if this XSD contains a type definition, that's our BO,
// return it. This is the recommended path, and the way our tooling does things.
for (XSDSchemaContent item : contents) {
if (item instanceof XSDTypeDefinition)
// If we failed, we try a second pass, this time looking for an element
// with an anonymous complex
// type defined in line
for (XSDSchemaContent item : contents) {
if (item instanceof XSDElementDeclaration)
XSDElementDeclaration element = (XSDElementDeclaration) item;
if (element.getAnonymousTypeDefinition() instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition)
return bos;
* Given a BO (XSD Complex Type), return a list of the attributes
* within the complexType.
* @param bo
* @return List of XSDAttributeDeclaration
public static List<XSDAttributeDeclaration> getChildAttributes(XSDComplexTypeDefinition bo)
EList attrContents = bo.getAttributeContents();
List<XSDAttributeDeclaration> attrs = new ArrayList<XSDAttributeDeclaration>();
for (int i=0; i< attrContents.size(); i++)
Object next = attrContents.get(i);
// Attribute contents may include actual attribute delcarations (wrapped in XSDAttributeUses) or
// attribute group definitions, containing bundles of attributes
if(next instanceof XSDAttributeUse) {
attrs.add( ((XSDAttributeUse) next).getContent().getResolvedAttributeDeclaration() );
} else if (next instanceof XSDAttributeGroupDefinition) {
// Add these attributes to the end of attrContents to be processed in turn
XSDAttributeGroupDefinition attrGroup = (XSDAttributeGroupDefinition) next;
if(attrGroup.getResolvedAttributeGroupDefinition() != null)
return attrs;
* Given a BO (XSD Complex Type), return a list of the XSDFeatures
* within the complexType's modelgroup (sequence, choice, etc.)
* @param bo
* @return
public static List<XSDFeature> getChildElements(XSDComplexTypeDefinition bo)
return XSDUtils.getChildElements( getModelGroup(bo) );
* Given an XSDFeature, return a list of the XSDFeatures
* within the complexType's modelgroup (sequence, choice, etc.)
* @param bo
* @return
public static List<XSDFeature> getChildElements(XSDFeature elem)
XSDComplexTypeDefinition cType = getResolvedComplexType(elem);
return (cType != null) ? XSDUtils.getChildElements(cType) : Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
* Given a Model group, return a list of the XSDFeatures
* declared within.
* @param group
* @return
public static List<XSDFeature> getChildElements(XSDModelGroup group)
if(group == null)
return new ArrayList<XSDFeature>();
List<XSDFeature> children = new ArrayList<XSDFeature>();
for(Iterator<XSDParticle> i = group.getContents().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
XSDParticle next =;
if(next.getContent() instanceof XSDFeature)
children.add((XSDFeature) next.getContent());
else if (next.getTerm() instanceof XSDModelGroup)
children.addAll(getChildElements((XSDModelGroup) next.getTerm()));
return children;
* Return the contents of the documentation element in type's annotation, if it has one.
* Otherwise return null
* @param type
* @return
public static String getDocumentation(XSDFeature element) {
XSDAnnotation annotation = null;
if (element instanceof XSDAttributeDeclaration)
annotation = ((XSDAttributeDeclaration)element).getAnnotation();
else if (element instanceof XSDElementDeclaration)
annotation = ((XSDElementDeclaration)element).getAnnotation();
if(annotation != null) {
for(Iterator i = annotation.getUserInformation().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
Element domElement = (Element);
if(domElement.getTagName().endsWith(XSDConstants.DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT_TAG) &&
domElement.getFirstChild() instanceof Text) {
return ((Text) domElement.getFirstChild()).getData();
return null;
* Returns the attributes on the documentation element if they exist. I.e. returns source and xml:lang
* Returns an empty map if none.
* @param type
* @return
public static Map<String, String> getDocumentationAttributes(XSDTypeDefinition type)
Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<String, String>();
if (type.getAnnotation() != null)
XSDAnnotation annotation = type.getAnnotation();
for (Iterator i = annotation.getUserInformation().iterator(); i
Element element = (Element);
if (element.getTagName().endsWith(XSDConstants.DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT_TAG))
String source = element.getAttribute("source"); //$NON-NLS-1$
String lang = element.getAttribute("xml:lang"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (lang==null || lang.length()<1)
lang = element.getAttribute("lang"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (source!=null && source.length()>0)
attributes.put("source", source); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (lang!=null && lang.length()>0)
attributes.put("xml:lang", lang); //$NON-NLS-1$
return attributes;
return null;
* Returns the attributes on the documentation element if they exist. I.e. returns source and xml:lang
* Returns an empty map if none.
* @param element
* @return
public static Map<String, String> getDocumentationAttributes(XSDFeature element)
XSDAnnotation annotation = null;
Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<String, String>();
if (element instanceof XSDAttributeDeclaration)
annotation = ((XSDAttributeDeclaration)element).getAnnotation();
else if (element instanceof XSDElementDeclaration)
annotation = ((XSDElementDeclaration)element).getAnnotation();
if (annotation != null)
for (Iterator i = annotation.getUserInformation().iterator(); i
Element domElement = (Element);
if (domElement.getTagName().endsWith(XSDConstants.DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT_TAG))
String source = domElement.getAttribute("source"); //$NON-NLS-1$
String lang = domElement.getAttribute("xml:lang"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (lang==null || lang.length()<1)
lang = domElement.getAttribute("lang"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (source!=null && source.length()>0)
attributes.put("source", source); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (lang!=null && lang.length()>0)
attributes.put("xml:lang", lang); //$NON-NLS-1$
return attributes;
return null;
* Return the contents of the documentation element in type's annotation, if it has one.
* Otherwise return null
* @param type
* @return
public static String getDocumentation(XSDTypeDefinition type) {
if(type.getAnnotation() != null) {
XSDAnnotation annotation = type.getAnnotation();
for(Iterator i = annotation.getUserInformation().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
Element element = (Element);
if(element.getTagName().endsWith(XSDConstants.DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT_TAG) &&
element.getFirstChild() instanceof Text) {
return ((Text) element.getFirstChild()).getData();
return null;
* Given an XSD Complex Type Definition, return the model group containing
* its child elements.
* @param element
* @return
public static XSDModelGroup getModelGroup(XSDComplexTypeDefinition cType)
XSDParticle particle = cType.getComplexType();
// In cases where cType doesn't have a model group AND cType has a parent with a modelgroup, the
// call above will rather unexpectedly give us cType's PARENT's model group, rather than the null we
// might expect. We don't want that here, if the model group returned is null or belongs to someone
// other than us, return null
if (particle==null || particle.eContainer() != cType) {
return null;
// get the model group
Object particleContent = particle.getContent();
XSDModelGroup group = null;
if (particleContent instanceof XSDModelGroupDefinition) {
group = ((XSDModelGroupDefinition)particleContent).getResolvedModelGroupDefinition().getModelGroup();
} else if (particleContent instanceof XSDModelGroup) {
group = (XSDModelGroup)particleContent;
if (group == null) {
return null;
// if the content of the complex type is empty then the content
// must be in the complexContent, ie. we're extending another BO.
// if the group and the type are not in the same resource then
// we are extending another BO and we don't want to show inherited
// attributes.
if ( group.getContents().isEmpty() || group.eResource() != cType.eResource())
// if we are extending another BO then get the elements
// we are adding
if (cType.getBaseType()!=null)
XSDComplexTypeContent content = cType.getContent();
if (content instanceof XSDParticle) {
particleContent = ((XSDParticle)content).getContent();
if (particleContent instanceof XSDModelGroupDefinition) {
group = ((XSDModelGroupDefinition)particleContent).getResolvedModelGroupDefinition().getModelGroup();
} else if (particleContent instanceof XSDModelGroup) {
group = (XSDModelGroup)particleContent;
return group;
* General utility method for finding a name for an xsd component. This method will handle
* mapping of xsd primitive names to their human readable counterparts, as well as resolving
* element references for attributes and walking up object hierarchies for anonymous types.
* Basically this method should be used whenever a name is needed to minimize the risk of
* having a name of 'null' -- though this method WILL return null if no name can be found.
* @param component
* @return
public static String getDisplayName(XSDNamedComponent component) {
if(component == null)
return null;
if(component instanceof XSDTypeDefinition)
return getDisplayNameFromXSDType((XSDTypeDefinition) component);
if (component instanceof XSDFeature) {
XSDFeature feature = (XSDFeature) component;
if(feature.getName() != null)
return feature.getName();
else if (feature.getResolvedFeature() != null && feature.getResolvedFeature().getName() != null)
return feature.getResolvedFeature().getName();
return component.getName();
* Try a variety of methods to get a human readable name for type. In order, this method will
* - check whether type is null, and if so return null
* - check whether type is a restriction of a primitive type, if so return its parent's name
* - check whether type is a complex anonymous (un-named) inner type of a named element, and if so, return the element's name
* - check whether type is a primitive type, and if so return a human-readable version of that type
* - check whether type is a named, non-primitive type, and if so, return its name
* @param xsdType
* @return
public static String getDisplayNameFromXSDType(XSDTypeDefinition type) {
return getDisplayNameFromXSDType(type, true);
* Try a variety of methods to get a human readable name for type. In order, this method will
* - check whether type is null, and if so return null
* - check whether type is a complex anonymous (un-named) inner type of a named element, and if so, return the element's name
* - check whether type is a primitive type, and if so return a human-readable version of that type
* - check whether type is a named, non-primitive type, and if so, return its name
* - if returnPrimitiveParents is true, check whether type is a restriction of a primitive type,
* if so return its parent's name
* @param xsdType
* @param returnPrimitiveParents if true, and if type is an anonymous restriction of an xsd primitive
* type, this method will return the name of the parent primitive type. If false, restrictions of
* primitive types will not be treated differently from other types, and their container hierarchy will
* be walked, instead of their inheritance hierarchy.
* @return
public static String getDisplayNameFromXSDType(XSDTypeDefinition type, boolean returnPrimitiveParents) {
if(type == null)
return null;
// Does type have a name? If not, walk up the container tree to try and find one
if(type.getName() == null || type.getName().length() == 0) {
// In the special case where type is a restriction on a primitive type, just return the parent's
// name (which will either be a primitive itself, or a named simple type)
if(returnPrimitiveParents && isRestrictedPrimitiveType(type)) {
return getDisplayNameFromXSDType(type.getBaseType());
EObject container = type.eContainer();
while(container != null) {
if(container instanceof XSDNamedComponent && ((XSDNamedComponent) container).getName() != null) {
return ((XSDNamedComponent) container).getName();
container = container.eContainer();
// Type doesn't have a name, or a container with a name, nothing useful
return null;
} else
return type.getName();
* Return the type definition for the primitive with name xsdName (note, this is not the human-readable
* name, but the actual XSD type name.) Return null if a type with this name is not in the list of
* all primitives
* @param xsdName
* @return
public static XSDSimpleTypeDefinition getPrimitive(String xsdName) {
for(Iterator<XSDTypeDefinition> i = getAdvancedPrimitives().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
XSDSimpleTypeDefinition next = (XSDSimpleTypeDefinition);
if(next.getName().equals(xsdName)) {
return next;
return null;
* @return Returns a list of XSDSimpleTypeDefinitions representing each of the supported primitives.
* These will have their XSD spec names (e.g. xsd:dateTime) so they will likely need to be fed to
* getDisplayName() if they are going to be presented to humans
public static List<XSDSimpleTypeDefinition> getPrimitives() {
if(primitives == null) {
primitives = new ArrayList<XSDSimpleTypeDefinition>();
// Get the schema for schemas instance to use when resolving primitives
XSDSchema schemaForSchemas = XSDUtil.getSchemaForSchema(XSDConstants.SCHEMA_FOR_SCHEMA_URI_2001);
// Start adding the simple types from the XSD short list
for(Iterator<String> i = xsdShortList.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
String typeName =;
XSDSimpleTypeDefinition type = schemaForSchemas.resolveSimpleTypeDefinition(typeName);
// Return primitives in alpha order
Collections.sort(primitives, new Comparator() {
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
if(o1 == null || o2 == null || getDisplayNameFromXSDType((XSDTypeDefinition) o1) == null)
return 0;
return getDisplayNameFromXSDType((XSDTypeDefinition) o1).compareTo(getDisplayNameFromXSDType((XSDTypeDefinition) o2));
return primitives;
* Return a collection of all types referenced by the attributes (XSDFeatures) of source. This
* method is non-recursive (i.e. the list only contains direct references, not references-of-references)
* Will not return null, but may return an empty set. This will not return a BO reference if the file
* has been deleted (or just doesn't exist).
* @param source The complex type to examine for references
* @return a Collection of XSDComplexTypeDefinition instances -- no duplicates
public static Collection<XSDComplexTypeDefinition> getReferencedTypes(XSDComplexTypeDefinition source) {
if(source == null)
return Collections.emptySet();
List<XSDComplexTypeDefinition> results = new ArrayList<XSDComplexTypeDefinition>();
for(Iterator<XSDFeature> i = getChildElements(source).iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
XSDFeature element =;
XSDComplexTypeDefinition elementType = getResolvedComplexType(element);
if(elementType != null && !results.contains(elementType) && !XSDConstants.isSchemaForSchemaNamespace(elementType.getTargetNamespace()))
return results;
* Return a collection of all types referenced by the attributes (XSDFeatures) of source. This
* method is non-recursive (i.e. the list only contains direct references, not references-of-references)
* Will not return null, but may return an empty set. This will return a BO reference if the file
* has been deleted (or just doesn't exist).
* @param source The complex type to examine for references
* @return a Collection of XSDTypeDefinition (could be complex or simple type) instances -- no duplicates
public static Collection<XSDTypeDefinition> getAllReferencedTypes(XSDComplexTypeDefinition source)
return getAllReferencedTypes(source, false);
* Return a collection of all types referenced by the attributes (XSDFeatures) of source. This
* method is non-recursive (i.e. the list only contains direct references, not references-of-references)
* Will not return null, but may return an empty set. This will return a BO reference if the file
* has been deleted (or just doesn't exist).
* @param source The complex type to examine for references
* @param includeAnonymous if true, the returned list will include anonymous inlined types as well. These
* are not technically "referenced", however it allows this method to be used as a way to get all non-primitive
* types used in any way by source
* @return a Collection of XSDTypeDefinition (could be complex or simple type) instances -- no duplicates
public static Collection<XSDTypeDefinition> getAllReferencedTypes(XSDComplexTypeDefinition source, boolean includeAnonymous)
if (source == null)
return Collections.emptySet();
List<XSDTypeDefinition> results = new ArrayList<XSDTypeDefinition>();
XSDTypeDefinition elementType = null;
for (Iterator<XSDFeature> i = getChildElements(source).iterator(); i.hasNext();)
XSDFeature next =;
elementType = getResolvedType(next);
// Only add non-null, non-duplicate, non-primitive types. If includeAnonymous is false,
// anonymous types should be filtered out as well
if( elementType != null &&
!results.contains(elementType) &&
!XSDConstants.isSchemaForSchemaNamespace(elementType.getTargetNamespace()) &&
(includeAnonymous || elementType.eContainer() != next) )
return results;
* Given an element, return its complex type, or null if it does not have a complex type. This is
* slightly more complicated than just calling getType() since an element may not have a type at all, it
* may reference another element.
* @param element
* @return
public static XSDComplexTypeDefinition getResolvedComplexType(XSDFeature feature) {
// The contents of this method have been adapted to the more general getResolvedType,
// but this method is maintained for compatibility and convenience
XSDTypeDefinition resolvedType = getResolvedType(feature);
if(resolvedType instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition)
return (XSDComplexTypeDefinition) resolvedType;
return null;
* Given an element, return its type, or null if it does not have a type. This is
* slightly more complicated than just calling getType() since an element may not have
* a type at all, it may reference another element.
* @param element
* @return
public static XSDTypeDefinition getResolvedType(XSDFeature feature) {
// Special case of elements referencing stale XSD complex types
if (feature instanceof XSDElementDeclaration && ((XSDElementDeclaration) feature).getTypeDefinition() instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition) {
XSDElementDeclaration element = (XSDElementDeclaration) feature;
// We have a type, but types can be proxies, and proxies can become
// stale if the referenced
// type changes, so before we return it, re-resolve the proxy and
// then return it
XSDComplexTypeDefinition oldType = (XSDComplexTypeDefinition) element.getTypeDefinition();
EObject newType = EcoreUtil.resolve(element.getTypeDefinition(), element);
if (oldType != newType) {
// We only return the resolved type if the name and the namespace has not changed. Changing the name
// and namespace is essentially an unresolved BO.
String oldName = oldType.getName();
String newName = ((XSDTypeDefinition)newType).getName();
String oldTNS = oldType.getTargetNamespace();
String newTNS = ((XSDTypeDefinition)newType).getTargetNamespace();
if ( ((oldName==newName) || (oldName!=null && oldName.equals(newName))) &&
((oldTNS==newTNS) || (oldTNS!=null && oldTNS.equals(newTNS))) )
element.setTypeDefinition((XSDTypeDefinition) newType);
return element.getTypeDefinition();
} else if (feature.getType() != null) {
return feature.getType();
} else if (feature.getResolvedFeature() != null && feature.getResolvedFeature().getType() != null) {
// We reference another element
return feature.getResolvedFeature().getType();
} else {
return null;
* Return the base type from which this type inherits - that is, all xsd types are
* either xsd:anyType or xsd:anySimpleType at the topmost level of inheritance, so return the second
* topmost level of type's inheritance. The first specific type from which type inherits.
* @param type
* @return
public static XSDTypeDefinition getRootType(XSDTypeDefinition type) {
if(type == null)
return null;
XSDTypeDefinition baseType = type.getBaseType();
while(baseType != null && !XSDConstants.isAnySimpleType(baseType) && !XSDConstants.isAnyType(baseType)) {
// walk one more step up the hierarchy
type = baseType;
baseType = type.getBaseType();
// Since baseType, type's immediate parent, broke the while condition, we know that type is now
// as high up the tree as we want to be
return type;
* Given a schema, return the list of XSDSimpleTypeDefinitions found within it. Will not return null,
* but may return an empty list
* @param schema
* @return
public static List<XSDSimpleTypeDefinition> getUserDefinedSimpleTypes(XSDSchema schema) {
if(schema == null)
return Collections.emptyList();
List<XSDSimpleTypeDefinition> result = new ArrayList<XSDSimpleTypeDefinition>();
for (XSDSchemaContent next : schema.getContents()) {
if(next instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition)
return result;
* Given a display name for a BO attribute type, return the XSD type name.
* If the given input is not a display name, the input is returned.
* @param displayName
* @return
public static String getXSDTypeFromDisplayName(String displayName)
// Now a no-op since we no longer translate XSD type names to "human readable" ones
return displayName;
* Return true iff type is a descendant of a primitive xsd type. Will not return true for primitives
* themselves.
* @param type
* @return
public static boolean isRestrictedPrimitiveType(XSDTypeDefinition type) {
if(type instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition)
return false;
XSDTypeDefinition baseType = getRootType(type);
return getAdvancedPrimitives().contains(baseType);
* Gets the "minOccurs" attribute value for the given XSDFeature, if
* there is none then it returns the default 1.
* @param xsdElem
* @return
public static int getMinOccurs(XSDFeature xsdElem)
if (xsdElem.eContainer() instanceof XSDAttributeUse)
return (((XSDAttributeUse)xsdElem.eContainer()).getUse()==XSDAttributeUseCategory.REQUIRED_LITERAL?1:0);
XSDParticle particle = (XSDParticle)xsdElem.eContainer();
int min = 1;
if (particle.isSetMinOccurs())
min = particle.getMinOccurs();
return min;
* Gets the "maxOccurs" attribute value for the given XSDFeature, if
* there is none then it returns the default 1.
* @param xsdElem
* @return
public static int getMaxOccurs(XSDFeature xsdElem)
int max = 1;
// not a particle means an attribute use. attributes are maxed at 1.
if ( !(xsdElem.eContainer() instanceof XSDParticle) )
return max;
XSDParticle particle = (XSDParticle)xsdElem.eContainer();
if (particle.isSetMaxOccurs())
max = particle.getMaxOccurs();
return max;
* Return the Data Type from the given schema with the given name.
* @param schema - The schema containing the type.
* @param boName - The local name of the type to retrieve -- if null method returns first type found.
* @return The XSDTypeDefinition if one exists, null otherwise
public static XSDTypeDefinition getDataType(XSDSchema schema, String typeName) {
if(schema == null)
return null;
boolean pickFirstFound = (typeName==null || typeName.length()<1);
EList<XSDSchemaContent> contents = schema.getContents();
// First try the easy approach -- if this XSD contains a type definition with the right name, that's
// our type, return it. This is the recommended path, and the way our tooling does things.
for(Iterator<XSDSchemaContent> i = contents.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
Object item =;
if(item instanceof XSDTypeDefinition)
if (pickFirstFound)
return (XSDTypeDefinition) item;
else if ( typeName.equals(getDisplayName((XSDTypeDefinition)item)))
return (XSDTypeDefinition) item;
// If we failed, we try a second pass, this time looking for an element with an anonymous
// type defined in line
for(Iterator<XSDSchemaContent> i = contents.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
Object item =;
if(item instanceof XSDFeature) {
XSDFeature element = (XSDFeature) item;
XSDTypeDefinition resolvedType = getResolvedType(element);
if(resolvedType != null && resolvedType.getSchema() == schema) {
if (pickFirstFound)
return resolvedType;
else if (typeName.equals(getDisplayName(element)))
return resolvedType;
return null;
* Gets the "default" attribute value for the given XSDFeature, if there
* is none then it returns an empty string.
* @param xsdElem
* @return
public static String getDefaultValue(XSDFeature xsdElem)
XSDConstraint constraint = null;
if (xsdElem instanceof XSDAttributeDeclaration)
// attribute declarations store their default values in
// their containers (attribute uses)
XSDAttributeUse use = (XSDAttributeUse)xsdElem.getContainer();
if (use.isSetConstraint())
constraint = use.getConstraint();
if (constraint!=null && constraint.equals(XSDConstraint.DEFAULT_LITERAL))
if (use.getLexicalValue()!=null)
return use.getLexicalValue();
return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
else if (xsdElem instanceof XSDElementDeclaration)
if (xsdElem.isSetConstraint())
constraint = xsdElem.getConstraint();
if (constraint!=null && constraint.equals(XSDConstraint.DEFAULT_LITERAL))
if (xsdElem.getLexicalValue()!=null)
return xsdElem.getLexicalValue();
return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Return the enclosing Complex Type definition.
* @param component
* @return
public static XSDComplexTypeDefinition getEnclosingTypeDefinition(EObject component)
if (component == null)
return null;
if (component instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition)
return (XSDComplexTypeDefinition)component;
return getEnclosingTypeDefinition(component.eContainer());
* Given an XSD schema with a new target namespace set, this method will cycle through the XSD schema directives
* (i.e. imports/includes/redefines) and remove as appropriate.
* I.e. this method will remove all includes/redefines if the new TNS is different than the old TNS and it will remove
* all imports that have the same namespace as the new TNS (since these should now be includes).
* @param schema - has the new target namespace set
* @param oldTNS
public static void removeImportsAndIncludes(XSDSchema schema, String oldTNS)
if (schema==null)
String newTNS = schema.getTargetNamespace();
// namespace hasn't changed
if (newTNS==null && oldTNS==null)
// namespace hasn't changed
if (newTNS!=null && newTNS.equals(oldTNS))
// namespace has changed so remove all includes and remove any imports to the new namespace
ArrayList schemaContents = new ArrayList(schema.getContents());
for (Iterator i = schemaContents.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
Object next =;
if (next instanceof XSDImport)
XSDImport nextImport = (XSDImport) next;
if (nextImport.getNamespace()==null && newTNS==null)
else if (nextImport.getNamespace()!=null && nextImport.getNamespace().equals(newTNS))
else if (next instanceof XSDSchemaCompositor)
* Given an XSD complex type, return a list of the XSDFeatures (element
* and attribute declarations) within the complex type.
public static List<XSDFeature> getXSDElementsAndAttributes(XSDComplexTypeDefinition complexType)
List<XSDFeature> result = getChildElements(complexType);
result.addAll( getChildAttributes(complexType));
return result;