blob: 1ff12b4906c831745cacab9801d0402ec4ae67eb [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This program is made available under the terms of the
# Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
# and is available at
# Contributors:
# Red Hat, Inc. - initial API and implementation
# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Red Hat, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This program is made available under the terms of the
# Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
# and is available at
# Contributors:
# Red Hat, Inc. - initial API and implementation
Activator_Error=An error occured
InputMessageAdapter_0=Input Message
OperationAdapter_0={0} - {1}
OutputMessageAdapter_0=Output Message
XSDAttributeDeclarationAdapter_XSD_Attribute_1=XSD Attribute
XSDElementDeclarationAdapter_XSD_Element_1=XSD Element
XSDTypeDefinitionAdapter_XSD_Type_1=XSD Type
XSDSimpleTypeDefinitionAdapter_0=Simple Type Definition
XSDComplexTypeDefinitionAdapter_0=Complex Type Definition
XSDSchemaAdapter_1=Schema targetNamespace={0}
XSDSchemaTreeNode_1=Schema targetNamespace={0}
SchemaImportDialog_Browse_WSDL_Title=Browse for a WSDL File to Import
SchemaImportDialog_Browse_XML_Title=Browse for an XML File to Import
SchemaImportDialog_Browse_XSD_Title=Browse for an XML Schema File to Import
SchemaImportDialog_Import_Type_Title=Import Type
SchemaImportDialog_Import_Source_Title=Import Source
SchemaImportDialog_File_System_Button=File System
SchemaImportDialog_Browse_Button=Browse ...
SchemaImportDialog_Select_Resource_Title=Select a Workspace Resource to Import
SchemaImportDialog_Types_Label=Available Types:
SchemaImportDialog_Invalid_Location=Invalid location syntax.
SchemaImportDialog_Ports_Title=Ports and Partner Links:
SchemaImportDialog_16=Filter by name
SchemaImportDialog_Loading_Message=Loading {0} ...
SchemaImportDialog_Loaded_Message=Loaded {0} [{1}ms]
SchemaImportDialog_Load_Failed_Message=Failed to load {0} [{1}ms]
SchemaImportDialog_XSD_Button=XML Schema (XSD)
SchemaImportDialog_WSDL_Button=Web Service Definition (WSDL)
SchemaImportDialog_Browse_Java_Title=Browse for a Java type to Import
SchemaImportDialog_Java_Types_Label=Java Types:
SchemaImportDialog_BPMN2_Button=BPMN 2.0 Diagram (BPMN2)
SchemaImportDialog_Browse_BPMN2_Title=Browse for a BPMN2 File to Import
SchemaImportDialog_Interfaces_Label=Interfaces and Participants:
SchemaImportDialog_Select_Java_Message=Please select a Java Type
ModelTreeLabelProvider_s1_s2={0} \: {1}
CommonLabels_Data_Type=Data Type
Bpmn2EditorAppearancePreferencePage_Colors_Group=Colors, Fonts and Line Styles
Bpmn2EditorAppearancePreferencePage_GraphicalElements_Group=Graphical Elements
Bpmn2EditorPreferencePage_Containers=Containers and Artifacts
Bpmn2EditorPreferencePage_Data_Elements=Data Elements
Bpmn2EditorPreferencePage_Fill_Color_Label=&Fill Color:
Bpmn2EditorPreferencePage_Foreground_Color_Label=&Foreground Color:
Bpmn2EditorPreferencePage_Label_Color_Label=&Label Color:
Bpmn2EditorPreferencePage_Label_Font_Label=Label &Font:
Bpmn2EditorPreferencePage_MultiSelected_Color_Label=&Multi-Selected Color:
Bpmn2EditorPreferencePage_Override_Size_Label=Override shape size with default values
Bpmn2EditorPreferencePage_Routing_Style_Label=Routing Style:
Bpmn2EditorPreferencePage_Selected_Color_Label=&Selected Color:
Bpmn2HomePreferencePage_Default_DI_Values_Title=Default values for BPMN Diagram Interchange (DI) optional attributes
Bpmn2PreferencePage_HomePage_Description=General settings for the BPMN2 Modeler
Bpmn2PropertyPage_HomePage_Description=Project specific settings for the BPMN2 Modeler
# Long descriptions of BPMN2 elements
UI_UnknownDiagram_long_description = The Diagram Type has not yet been defined.
UI_Process_long_description = A Process Diagram describes a sequence or flow of Activities in an organization with the objective of carrying out work. \
A Process is depicted as a graph of Flow Elements, which are a set of Activities, Events, Gateways, and \
Sequence Flows that define finite execution semantics. Processes can be defined at any level from \
enterprise-wide Processes to Processes performed by a single person. Low-level Processes can be grouped \
together to achieve a common business goal.
UI_Choreography_long_description = A Choreography Diagram formalizes the way business \
Participants coordinate their interactions. The focus is not on orchestrations of the work performed within these \
Participants, but rather on the exchange of information (Messages) between these Participants.
UI_Collaboration_long_description = A Collaboration usually contains two or more Pools, representing the Participants in the Collaboration. \
The Message exchange between the Participants is shown by a Message Flow that connects two Pools (or the objects \
within the Pools). The Messages associated with the Message Flows MAY also be shown. \
A Pool MAY be empty, a "black box", or MAY show a Process within ("white box"). Choreographies MAY be shown in \
between the Pools as they bisect the Message Flows between the Pools. All combinations of Pools, Processes, \
and a Choreography are allowed in a Collaboration.
UI_SequenceFlow_long_description = A Sequence Flow is used to show the order that \
Activities will be performed in a Process or a Choreography. \
A Sequence Flow can optionally define a condition Expression, indicating that control will be passed down the \
Sequence Flow only if the Expression evaluates to true. This Expression is typically used when the source of \
the Sequence Flow is a Gateway or an Activity. \
A Sequence Flow that has an Exclusive, Inclusive, or Complex Gateway or an Activity as its source can also be \
defined as "default". Such a Sequence Flow will have a marker to show that it is a default flow. The default \
Sequence Flow is taken only if all the other outgoing Sequence Flows from the Activity or \
Gateway are not valid (i.e., their condition Expressions are false).
UI_MessageFlow_long_description = A Message Flow is used to show the flow of Messages between two Participants that are \
prepared to send and receive them. In BPMN, two separate Pools in a Collaboration Diagram will represent the two \
Participants (e.g., PartnerEntities and/or PartnerRoles).
UI_Association_long_description = An Association is used to link information and Artifacts with BPMN graphical elements. \
Text Annotations and other Artifacts can be Associated with the graphical elements. An arrowhead on the Association indicates \
a direction of flow (e.g., data), when appropriate.
UI_Annotation_long_description = Text Annotations are a mechanism for providing additional information to the reader of a BPMN Diagram. \
The Text Annotation object can be connected to a specific object on the Diagram with an Association, but does not \
affect the flow of the Process.
UI_Task_long_description = A Task is an atomic Activity that is included within a Process. \
A Task is used when the work in the Process is not broken down to a finer level of Process detail.
UI_ManualTask_long_description = A Manual Task is a Task that is not managed by any business process engine. It can be considered as an unmanaged \
Task, unmanaged in the sense of that the business process engine does not track the start and completion of such a Task. \
An example of this could be a paper based instruction for a telephone technician to install a telephone at a customer location.
UI_UserTask_long_description = A User Task is a typical workflow Task where a human performer performs the Task with the assistance of a \
software application. The lifecycle of the Task is managed by a software component (called task manager) and is \
typically executed in the context of a Process. \
The User Task can be implemented using different technologies, specified by the implementation attribute. Besides \
the Web service technology, any technology can be used. A User Task for instance can be implemented using WSHumanTask \
by setting the implementation attribute to
UI_BusinessRuleTask_long_description = A Business Rule Task provides a mechanism for the Process to provide input to a Business Rules Engine and to get \
the output of calculations that the Business Rules Engine might provide.
UI_ServiceTask_long_description = A Service Task is a Task that uses some sort of service, which could be a Web service or an automated application.
UI_SendTask_long_description = A Send Task is a simple Task that is designed to send a Message to an external Participant (relative to the \
Process). Once the Message has been sent, the Task is completed.
UI_ReceiveTask_long_description = A Receive Task is a simple Task that is designed to wait for a Message to arrive from an external Participant \
(relative to the Process). Once the Message has been received, the Task is completed.
UI_ChoreographyTask_long_description = A Choreography Task is an atomic Activity in a Choreography Process. It represents an Interaction, which is one \
or two Message exchanges between two Participants.
UI_ScriptTask_long_description = A Script Task is executed by a business process engine.\
The modeler or implementer defines a script in a language that the engine can interpret.\
When the Task is ready to start, the engine will execute the script.\
When the script is completed, the Task will also be completed.
UI_StartEvent_long_description = As the name implies, the Start Event indicates where a particular Process will start. In terms of Sequence Flows, the\
Start Event starts the flow of the Process, and thus, will not have any incoming Sequence Flows and no Sequence\
Flow can connect to a Start Event. \
A Start Event may have one or more event triggers (Event Definitions) which cause the Process to be initiated.
UI_EndEvent_long_description = As the name implies, the End Event indicates where a Process will end. In terms of Sequence Flows, the End \
Event ends the flow of the Process, and thus, will not have any outgoing Sequence Flows and no Sequence Flow can \
connect from an End Event. \
An End Event may have one or more triggers (Event Definitions), which are passed back to an invoking or containing Process (if any).
UI_IntermediateThrowEvent_long_description = The Intermediate Throw Event is used to report some kind of condition (Event Definition) to \
an invoking or containing Process. The receiving Process should be designed so that it is prepared to handle the event with either a \
Start Event, Intermediate Catch Event or a Boundary Event.
UI_IntermediateCatchEvent_long_description = The Intermediate Catch Event is used to handle some kind of condition (Event Definition) \
that has occurred within the process or in an external process.
UI_BoundaryEvent_long_description = Boundary Events are attached to the borders of an Activity and are used to handle conditions (Event Definitions) \
that may have resulted during execution of the Activity.
UI_DataStore_long_description = A DataStore provides a mechanism for Activities to retrieve or update stored information that will persist beyond the scope of the Process. \
The same DataStore can be visualized, through a Data Store Reference, in one or more places in the Process.
UI_DataInput_long_description = Activities and Processes often required data in order to execute. In addition they may produce data during or as a result of execution. \
Data requirements are captured as Data Inputs and Input Sets.
UI_DataOutput_long_description = Activities and Processes often required data in order to execute. In addition they may produce data during or as a result of execution. \
Data that is produced is captured using Data Outputs and Output Sets.
UI_Message_long_description = A Message represents the content of a communication between two Participants.
UI_ExclusiveGateway_long_description = A diverging Exclusive Gateway (Decision) is used to create alternative paths within a Process flow. This is basically \
the "diversion point in the road" for a Process. For a given instance of the Process, only one of the paths can be taken. \
A Decision can be thought of as a question that is asked at a particular point in the Process. The question has a defined \
set of alternative answers. Each answer is associated with a condition Expression that is associated with a Gateway's \
outgoing Sequence Flows.
UI_InclusiveGateway_long_description = A diverging Inclusive Gateway (Inclusive Decision) can be used to create alternative but also parallel paths within a \
Process flow. Unlike the Exclusive Gateway, all condition Expressions are evaluated. The true evaluation of one \
condition Expression does not exclude the evaluation of other condition Expressions. All Sequence Flows with \
a true evaluation will be traversed by a token. Since each path is considered to be independent, all combinations of the \
paths MAY be taken, from zero to all. However, it should be designed so that at least one path is taken.
UI_ParallelGateway_long_description = A Parallel Gateway is used to synchronize (combine) parallel flows and to create parallel flows. \
A Parallel Gateway creates parallel paths without checking any conditions; each outgoing Sequence Flow is passed control upon execution of this Gateway. \
For incoming flows, the Parallel Gateway will wait for all incoming flows before triggering the flow through its outgoing Sequence Flows.
UI_EventBasedGateway_long_description = The Event-Based Gateway represents a branching point in the Process where the alternative paths that follow the \
Gateway are based on Events that occur, rather than the evaluation of Expressions using Process data (as with an \
Exclusive or Inclusive Gateway). A specific Event, usually the receipt of a Message, determines the path that will \
be taken. Basically, the decision is made by another Participant, based on data that is not visible to Process, thus, \
requiring the use of the Event-Based Gateway.
UI_ComplexGateway_long_description = The Complex Gateway can be used to model complex synchronization behavior. An Expression \
is used to describe the precise behavior. For example, this Expression could specify that \
three out of five incoming Sequence Flows are needed to activate the Gateway. The outgoing paths that are taken \
by the Gateway is determined by conditions on the outgoing Sequence Flows as in the split behavior of the Inclusive Gateway.
UI_CallActivity_long_description = A Call Activity identifies a point in the Process where a global Process or a Global Task is used.\
The Call Activity acts as a "wrapper" for the invocation of a global Process or Global Task within the execution.\
The activation of a call Activity results in the transfer of control to the called global Process or Global Task.
UI_Participant_long_description = A Pool is the graphical representation of a Participant in a Collaboration or Choreography and can be a \
specific PartnerEntity (e.g., a company) or can be a more general PartnerRole (e.g., a buyer, seller, or \
manufacturer). A Pool MAY or MAY NOT reference a Process. A Pool is NOT REQUIRED to contain a Process, \
i.e., it can be a black box.
UI_ParticipantBand_long_description = A Participant Band in a Choreography Task represents one of the partners in a business transaction. \
Only one of the Participants may the initiator (the light colored band) of the business transaction. \
The non-initiating Participants are shown as dark colored bands.
UI_Lane_long_description = A Lane is a sub-partition within a Process (often within a Pool) used to organize and categorize Activities within a Pool. \
Lanes are often used for such things as internal roles (e.g., Manager, \
Associate), systems (e.g., an enterprise application), an internal department (e.g., shipping, finance), etc. In addition, \
Lanes can be nested or defined in a matrix. For example, there could be an outer set of Lanes for \
company departments and then an inner set of Lanes for roles within each department.
UI_SubProcess_long_description = A Sub-Process is an Activity whose internal details have been modeled using Activities, Gateways, Events, and \
Sequence Flows. Sub-Processes define a contextual scope that can be used for attribute visibility, transactional \
scope, for the handling of exceptions, of Events, or for compensation. A Sub-Process can be in a collapsed view that hides its details \
or in an expanded view that shows its details within the view of the Process in which it is contained.
UI_Transaction_long_description = A Transaction is a specialized Sub-Process that is executed atomically, that is, all of its contained activities \
either execute successfully to completion, or their combined effects (primarily on data) are rolled back.
UI_SubChoreography_long_description = A Sub-Choreography is a compound Activity in that it has detail that is defined as a flow of other Activities, in this \
case, a Choreography. Each Sub-Choreography involves two or more Participants. The name of the Sub-Choreography and each of the Participants are all displayed \
in the different bands that make up the graphical notation. There are two or more Participant Bands and one Sub-Process Name Band.
UI_CallActivity_long_description = A Call Activity identifies a point in the Process where a global Process or a Global Task is used. The Call \
Activity acts as a wrapper for the invocation of a global Process or Global Task within the execution. The \
activation of a call Activity results in the transfer of control to the called global Process or Global Task.
UI_Conversation_long_description = A Conversation is an atomic element for a Conversation (Collaboration) diagram. It represents a set of Message \
Flows grouped together based on a concept and/or a CorrelationKey. A Conversation will involve two or more Participants.
UI_ConversationLink_long_description = Conversation Links are used to connect Conversations to and from Participants (Pools.)
UI_CallConversation_long_description = A Call Conversation identifies a place in the Conversation (Collaboration) where a global Conversation or a \
GlobalConversation is used.
UI_SubConversation_long_description = A Sub-Conversation is a ConversationNode that is a hierarchical division within the parent Collaboration. \
A Sub-Conversation is a graphical object within a Collaboration, but it also can be expanded to show the lower level \
details of the Conversation, which consist of Message Flows, Conversations, and/or other Sub-Conversations. \
The Sub-Conversation shares the Participants of its parent Conversation.
UI_CallChoreography_long_description = A Call Choreography identifies a point in the Process where a global Choreography or a Global Choreography Task is used. \
The Call Choreography acts as a place holder for the inclusion of the Choreography element it is calling.
UI_AdHocSubProcess_long_description = An Ad-Hoc Sub-Process contains any number of embedded inner Activities \
and is intended to be executed with a more flexible ordering compared to the typical routing of Processes. \
The contained Activities are executed sequentially or in parallel, they can be executed multiple times in an \
order that is only constrained through the specified Sequence Flows, Gateways, and data connections.
UI_Group_long_description = The Group object is an Artifact that provides a visual mechanism to group elements of a diagram informally. \
A Group is not an Activity or any Flow Object, and, therefore, cannot connect to Sequence \
Flows or Message Flows. In addition, Groups are not constrained by restrictions of Pools and Lanes. This means \
that a Group can stretch across the boundaries of a Pool to surround Diagram elements, often to \
identify Activities that exist within a distributed business-to-business transaction. \
Groups are often used to highlight certain sections of a Diagram and do not affect the flow of the Process.
UI_TextAnnotation_long_description = Text Annotations provide additional information to the reader about a BPMN diagram.
UI_Any_name_description = Descriptive name
UI_Documentation_text_description = Comments or other documentation about this activity.\n\
This is ignored during process execution.
UI_Any_isForCompensation_description = \
A flag that identifies whether this Activity is intended for the purposes of\n\
If false, then this Activity executes as a result of normal execution flow.\n\
If true, this Activity is only activated when a Compensation Event is\n\
detected and initiated under Compensation Event visibility scope
UI_DataInput_name_description = \
Name of the Input Parameter to which a Process variable\n\
or expression is assigned before the activity is executed.
UI_DataInputAssociation_sourceRef_description = \
A Process variable assigned to the activity's Input Parameter\n\
before the activity is executed
UI_DataOutput_name_description = \
Name of the Output Parameter containing the results of the activity (if any).\n\
The results are assigned to a Process variable before execution of the Process continues.
UI_DataOutputAssociation_targetRef_description = \
A Process variable to which the activity's results (if any) are assigned.
UI_Any_implementation_description = \
specifies the technology that will be used to send\n\
and receive the Messages. Valid values are "Unspecified"\n\
for leaving the implementation technology open,\n\
"WebService" for the Web service technology or a URI\n\
identifying any other technology or coordination protocol.
UI_Any_operationRef_description = \
Specifies the operation that is invoked by a Service Task.
UI_Any_messageRef_description = \
Message to be sent or received by this task.
UI_Any_instantiate_description = \
If checked, causes a new instance of the Process to be created.
UI_Any_itemSubjectRef_description = \
Specification of the items that are stored or conveyed by the parameter:\n\
defines the data structure, cardinality, data state and nature of the item.
UI_Any_itemKind_description = \
Defines the nature of the data item:\n\
Physical = some kind of real object, such as an Invoice or and Order\n\
Information = a data structure that explicitly defines the ordering\n\
and data types of the individual elements, such as an XML Schema or a Java type.
UI_Any_isCollection_description = \
If checked, data item is a collection of elements rather than a single instance.
UI_Any_structureRef_description = \
Defines the data structure of this item, for example an XML Schema or Java type.
UI_Any_dataState_description = \
Defines the state of the data, for example an Order may be "Submitted", "Rejected", "Fulfilled" etc.
CommonLabels_Data_Type=Data Type
DefaultSchemaImportDialog_XSD_Type=XSD Schema
DefaultSchemaImportDialog_XML_Filter=XML Files
DefaultSchemaImportDialog_XSD_Filter=XML Schema Files
DefaultSchemaImportDialog_Missing_Namespace_Message=This {0} does not define a target namespace
DefaultSchemaImportDialog_BPMN2_Filter_1=BPMN 2.0 Diagram Files
DefaultSchemaImportDialog_BPMN2_Filter_2=BPMN 2.0 Diagram Files
DefaultSchemaImportDialog_Java_Filter_1=Java Source Files
DefaultSchemaImportDialog_Java_Filter_2=Compiled Java Files
DefaultSchemaImportDialog_Java_Filter_3=Java Archives
DefaultSchemaImportDialog_WSDL_Filter=WSDL Definition Files