blob: 5ae852105df1e234d512c6d964f5565c8f20b55a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Red Hat, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This program is made available under the terms of the
* Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
* and is available at
* Contributors:
* Red Hat, Inc. - initial API and implementation
* @author Ivar Meikas
package org.eclipse.bpmn2.modeler.core.di;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.Association;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.BaseElement;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.BoundaryEvent;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.ChoreographyActivity;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.ConversationLink;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.DataAssociation;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.DataInput;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.DataObject;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.DataObjectReference;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.DataOutput;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.DataStoreReference;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.Definitions;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.Event;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.FlowElement;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.FlowElementsContainer;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.FlowNode;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.ItemAwareElement;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.Lane;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.LaneSet;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.MessageFlow;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.Participant;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.Process;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.SequenceFlow;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.SubChoreography;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.SubProcess;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.di.BPMNDiagram;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.di.BPMNEdge;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.di.BPMNPlane;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.di.BPMNShape;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.di.BpmnDiFactory;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.modeler.core.features.GraphitiConstants;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.modeler.core.model.ModelHandler;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.modeler.core.preferences.Bpmn2Preferences;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.modeler.core.preferences.ShapeStyle;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.modeler.core.utils.AnchorUtil;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.modeler.core.utils.FeatureSupport;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.modeler.core.utils.GraphicsUtil;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.modeler.core.utils.ModelUtil;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.dd.dc.Bounds;
import org.eclipse.dd.dc.Point;
import org.eclipse.dd.di.DiagramElement;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.TreeIterator;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature;
import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.RecordingCommand;
import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.TransactionalEditingDomain;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.datatypes.IDimension;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.datatypes.ILocation;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.IAddFeature;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.IFeatureProvider;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.IUpdateFeature;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.context.IContext;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.context.impl.AddConnectionContext;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.context.impl.AddContext;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.context.impl.AreaContext;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.context.impl.UpdateContext;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.editor.DiagramEditor;
public class DIImport {
private DiagramEditor editor;
// private Diagram diagram;
private TransactionalEditingDomain domain;
private ModelHandler modelHandler;
private IFeatureProvider featureProvider;
private LinkedHashMap<BaseElement, PictogramElement> elements;
private Bpmn2Preferences preferences;
private ImportDiagnostics diagnostics;
private final IGaService gaService = Graphiti.getGaService();
private BPMNDiagram currentBPMNDiagram;
public DIImport(DiagramEditor editor) {
this.editor = editor;
domain = editor.getEditingDomain();
featureProvider = editor.getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider();
* Look for model diagram interchange information and generate all shapes for the diagrams.
* NB! Currently only first found diagram is generated.
public void generateFromDI() {
final List<BPMNDiagram> bpmnDiagrams = modelHandler.getAll(BPMNDiagram.class);
diagnostics = new ImportDiagnostics(modelHandler.getResource());
preferences = (Bpmn2Preferences) editor.getAdapter(Bpmn2Preferences.class);
elements = new LinkedHashMap<BaseElement, PictogramElement>();
Bpmn2Preferences prefs = Bpmn2Preferences.getInstance(modelHandler.getResource());
try {
domain.getCommandStack().execute(new RecordingCommand(domain) {
protected void doExecute() {
Diagram diagram = editor.getDiagramTypeProvider().getDiagram();
Definitions definitions = modelHandler.getDefinitions();
if (bpmnDiagrams.size() == 0) {
BPMNPlane plane = BpmnDiFactory.eINSTANCE.createBPMNPlane();
BPMNDiagram d = BpmnDiFactory.eINSTANCE.createBPMNDiagram();
// don't forget to add the new Diagram to our list for processing
}, bpmnDiagrams.get(0));
// First: add all IDs to our ID mapping table
TreeIterator<EObject> iter = definitions.eAllContents();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
ModelUtil.addID( );
// do the import
for (BPMNDiagram d : bpmnDiagrams) {
currentBPMNDiagram = d;
diagram = DIUtils.getOrCreateDiagram(editor.getDiagramBehavior(),d);
for (BPMNDiagram d : bpmnDiagrams) {
currentBPMNDiagram = d;
diagram = DIUtils.findDiagram(editor.getDiagramBehavior(),d);
editor.getDiagramTypeProvider().init(diagram, editor);
BPMNPlane plane = d.getPlane();
if (plane.getBpmnElement() == null) {
// Set the actual bpmnElement reference to the default if it is null.
// The editor relies on this to determine whether the BaseElement has
// its own diagram page or not.
elements.put(plane.getBpmnElement(), diagram);
List<DiagramElement> ownedElement = plane.getPlaneElement();
// relayoutLanes(ownedElement);
// search for BPMN elements that do not have the DI elements
// needed to render them in the editor
DIGenerator generator = new DIGenerator(DIImport.this);
finally {
public HashMap<BaseElement, PictogramElement> getImportedElements() {
return elements;
public ImportDiagnostics getDiagnostics() {
return diagnostics;
public DiagramEditor getEditor() {
return editor;
private void layoutAll() {
final List<BPMNDiagram> diagrams = modelHandler.getAll(BPMNDiagram.class);
// for (BPMNDiagram d : diagrams) {
// BPMNPlane plane = d.getPlane();
// for (DiagramElement de : plane.getPlaneElement()) {
// if (de instanceof BPMNShape) {
// BaseElement be = ((BPMNShape) de).getBpmnElement();
// PictogramElement pe = elements.get(be);
// if (pe instanceof Shape ) {
// Graphiti.getPeService().sendToFront((Shape)pe);
// }
// }
// }
// }
for (BaseElement be : elements.keySet()) {
PictogramElement pe = elements.get(be);
if (be instanceof SubProcess) { // we need the layout to hide children if collapsed
UpdateContext context = new UpdateContext(pe);
context.putProperty(GraphitiConstants.FORCE_UPDATE_ALL, Boolean.TRUE);
IUpdateFeature feature = featureProvider.getUpdateFeature(context);
if (feature!=null)
// else if (be instanceof Participant) {
// LayoutContext context = new LayoutContext(pe);
// ILayoutFeature feature = featureProvider.getLayoutFeature(context);
// if (feature!=null && feature.canLayout(context))
// feature.layout(context);
// }
// else if (be instanceof FlowNode) {
// LayoutContext context = new LayoutContext(pe);
// ILayoutFeature feature = featureProvider.getLayoutFeature(context);
// if (feature!=null && feature.canLayout(context))
// feature.layout(context);
// }
// else if (pe instanceof Connection) {
// UpdateContext context = new UpdateContext(pe);
// IUpdateFeature feature = featureProvider.getUpdateFeature(context);
// if (feature!=null && feature.updateNeeded(context).toBoolean()) {
// feature.update(context);
// }
// }
public void setModelHandler(ModelHandler modelHandler) {
this.modelHandler = modelHandler;
public void importShape(BPMNShape bpmnShape) {
if (!elements.containsKey(bpmnShape.getBpmnElement())) {
List<DiagramElement> newElements = new ArrayList<DiagramElement>();
* Imports shapes from DI. Since we don't know the order of shapes in DI,
* we may get an inner element like a boundary element before its parent.
* Therefore we use a queue to postpone the import of such elements, and
* prevent the layouting from crashing.
* @param ownedElement
private void importShapes(List<DiagramElement> ownedElement) {
Queue<BPMNShape> shapeQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<BPMNShape>();
// Enqueue shapes
for (DiagramElement diagramElement : ownedElement) {
if (diagramElement instanceof BPMNShape) {
BPMNShape diShape = (BPMNShape) diagramElement;
if (diShape.getBpmnElement() != null) {
// Process Queue
// First pass tries to find the missing BPMNShape container
// Second pass synthesizes missing containers
int queueLength = shapeQueue.size();
for (int pass=0; pass<=1; ++pass) {
int requeueCount = 0;
while (!shapeQueue.isEmpty() && requeueCount < queueLength) {
BPMNShape currentShape = shapeQueue.remove();
BaseElement bpmnElement = currentShape.getBpmnElement();
boolean postpone = false;
if (bpmnElement instanceof BoundaryEvent
&& !elements.containsKey(((BoundaryEvent) bpmnElement).getAttachedToRef())) {
postpone = true;
} else if (bpmnElement instanceof FlowNode) {
EObject container = bpmnElement.eContainer();
if ((container instanceof SubProcess || container instanceof SubChoreography)
&& !elements.containsKey(container)) {
postpone = true;
} else if (!((FlowNode) bpmnElement).getLanes().isEmpty()) {
List<Lane> lanes = ((FlowNode) bpmnElement).getLanes();
if (pass==0) {
for (Lane lane : lanes) {
if (!elements.containsKey(lane)) {
postpone = true;
else {
// synthesize missing Lane shapes
for (Lane lane : lanes) {
} else if (bpmnElement instanceof DataObject ||
bpmnElement instanceof DataObjectReference ||
bpmnElement instanceof DataStoreReference) {
EObject container = bpmnElement.eContainer();
if ((container instanceof SubProcess || container instanceof SubChoreography)
&& !elements.containsKey(container)) {
postpone = true;
} else if (bpmnElement instanceof Lane) {
// if this Lane is a child of another Lane, wait until the parent
// is materialized, regardless of what the Z-order implied by the
// order of BPMNShape elements is.
Lane lane = (Lane)bpmnElement;
if (lane.eContainer() instanceof LaneSet) {
LaneSet ls = (LaneSet)lane.eContainer();
if (ls.eContainer() instanceof Lane) {
Lane parentLane = (Lane)ls.eContainer();
if (!elements.containsKey(parentLane)) {
postpone = true;
else if (ls.eContainer() instanceof Process) {
// The Lane's container is a Process: if there is a Participant
// (Pools) that references this process, wait until that Participant
// shape is materialized.
Process process = (Process)ls.eContainer();
Definitions definitions = modelHandler.getDefinitions();
TreeIterator<EObject> iter = definitions.eAllContents();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
EObject next =;
if (next instanceof Participant) {
Participant participant = (Participant)next;
if (participant.getProcessRef() == process) {
if (!elements.containsKey(participant)) {
postpone = true;
if (postpone) {
// post-pone
} else {
requeueCount = 0;
if (shapeQueue.size()!=0) {
for (Iterator<BPMNShape> iterator = shapeQueue.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
BPMNShape currentShape =;
BaseElement bpmnElement = currentShape.getBpmnElement();
if (bpmnElement!=null) {
diagnostics.add(IStatus.WARNING, bpmnElement, Messages.DIImport_Dependency_not_found);
private void synthesizeLane(Lane lane) {
if (!elements.containsKey(lane)) {
List<BPMNDiagram> diagrams = modelHandler.getAll(BPMNDiagram.class);
// this is a new one
int xMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int yMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
for (FlowNode flowNode : lane.getFlowNodeRefs()) {
BPMNShape flowNodeBPMNShape = (BPMNShape)DIUtils.findDiagramElement(diagrams,flowNode);
if (flowNodeBPMNShape!=null) {
// adjust bounds of Lane
Bounds bounds = flowNodeBPMNShape.getBounds();
int x = (int)bounds.getX();
int y = (int)bounds.getY();
int w = (int)bounds.getWidth();
int h = (int)bounds.getHeight();
if (x<xMin)
xMin = x;
if (y<yMin)
yMin = y;
if (xMin+width < x + w)
width = x - xMin + w;
if (yMin+height < y + h)
height = y - yMin + h;
if (width>0 && height>0) {
// create a new BPMNShape for this Lane
AddContext context = new AddContext(new AreaContext(), lane);
context.putProperty(GraphitiConstants.IMPORT_PROPERTY, true);
// determine the container into which to place the new Lane
handleLane(lane, context, null);
ContainerShape newContainer = (ContainerShape)featureProvider.addIfPossible(context);
elements.put(lane, newContainer);
public void importConnection(BPMNEdge bpmnEdge) {
if (!elements.containsKey(bpmnEdge.getBpmnElement())) {
List<DiagramElement> newElements = new ArrayList<DiagramElement>();
private void importConnections(List<DiagramElement> ownedElement) {
for (DiagramElement diagramElement : ownedElement) {
if (diagramElement instanceof BPMNEdge) {
// Since Associations can have other connections as sources/targets
// handle these last.
if (((BPMNEdge) diagramElement).getBpmnElement() instanceof Association)
createEdge((BPMNEdge) diagramElement);
for (DiagramElement diagramElement : ownedElement) {
if (diagramElement instanceof BPMNEdge) {
if (!(((BPMNEdge) diagramElement).getBpmnElement() instanceof Association))
createEdge((BPMNEdge) diagramElement);
private Diagram getDiagram(EObject object) {
while (object!=null && !(object instanceof BPMNDiagram))
object = object.eContainer();
return DIUtils.getOrCreateDiagram(editor.getDiagramBehavior(), (BPMNDiagram)object);
* Find a Graphiti feature for given shape and generate necessary diagram elements.
* @param shape
private void createShape(BPMNShape shape) {
BaseElement bpmnElement = shape.getBpmnElement();
if (bpmnElement==null) {
diagnostics.add(IStatus.ERROR, shape, Messages.DIImport_Reference_not_found);
if (shape.getChoreographyActivityShape() != null) {
// FIXME: we currently generate participant bands automatically
AddContext context = new AddContext(new AreaContext(), bpmnElement);
IAddFeature addFeature = featureProvider.getAddFeature(context);
if (addFeature == null) {
diagnostics.add(IStatus.WARNING, bpmnElement, Messages.DIImport_No_Add_Feature);
Diagram diagram = getDiagram(shape);
context.putProperty(GraphitiConstants.IMPORT_PROPERTY, true);
context.setLocation((int)shape.getBounds().getX(), (int)shape.getBounds().getY());
context.setSize((int) shape.getBounds().getWidth(), (int) shape.getBounds().getHeight());
if (bpmnElement instanceof Lane) {
handleLane((Lane)bpmnElement, context, shape);
} else if (bpmnElement instanceof FlowNode){
handleFlowElement((FlowElement) bpmnElement, context, shape);
} else if (bpmnElement instanceof Participant) {
handleParticipant((Participant) bpmnElement, context, shape);
} else if (bpmnElement instanceof DataInput ||
bpmnElement instanceof DataOutput ||
bpmnElement instanceof DataObject ||
bpmnElement instanceof DataObjectReference ||
bpmnElement instanceof DataStoreReference) {
handleItemAwareElement((ItemAwareElement)bpmnElement, context, shape);
} else {
ShapeStyle ss = preferences.getShapeStyle(bpmnElement);
if (ss!=null && ss.getUseDefaultSize()) {
// Use default size for this thing instead of the
// size defined in the BPMNShape object. This means
// we'll need to adjust the position as well to keep
// the center of the object in its same relative position.
int x = context.getX();
int y = context.getY();
int w = context.getWidth();
int h = context.getHeight();
int dw = w - ss.getDefaultWidth();
int dh = h - ss.getDefaultHeight();
x += dw/2;
y += dh/2;
context.setLocation(x, y);
PictogramElement newContainer = featureProvider.addIfPossible(context);
if (newContainer!=null) {, new Object[] { bpmnElement, shape });
if (bpmnElement instanceof Participant) {
// If the Participant ("Pool") references a Process, add it to our list of elements;
// its ContainerShape is the same as the Participant's.
Process process = ((Participant) bpmnElement).getProcessRef();
if (process!=null)
elements.put(process, newContainer);
else if (bpmnElement instanceof ChoreographyActivity) {
ChoreographyActivity ca = (ChoreographyActivity)bpmnElement;
for (PictogramElement pe : ((ContainerShape)newContainer).getChildren()) {
Object o = Graphiti.getLinkService().getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement(pe);
if (o instanceof Participant)
elements.put((Participant)o, pe);
elements.put(bpmnElement, newContainer);
handleEvents(bpmnElement, newContainer);
private void handleEvents(BaseElement bpmnElement, PictogramElement newContainer) {
if (bpmnElement instanceof Event) {
EList<EObject> contents = bpmnElement.eContents();
for (EObject obj : contents) {
AddContext context = new AddContext();
context.setTargetContainer((ContainerShape) newContainer);
private void handleParticipant(Participant participant, AddContext context, BPMNShape shape) {
Diagram diagram = getDiagram(shape);
context.setLocation((int) shape.getBounds().getX(), (int) shape.getBounds().getY());
FeatureSupport.setHorizontal(context, shape.isIsHorizontal());
private void handleLane(Lane lane, AddContext context, BPMNShape shape) {
BaseElement parent = (BaseElement)lane.eContainer().eContainer();
ContainerShape targetContainer = null;
// find the process this lane belongs to
for (BaseElement be : elements.keySet()) {
if (be instanceof Participant) {
Process processRef = ((Participant) be).getProcessRef();
if (processRef != null && parent.getId().equals(processRef.getId())) {
targetContainer = (ContainerShape) elements.get(be);
} else if (be instanceof Process) {
if (be.getId().equals(parent.getId())) {
targetContainer = (ContainerShape) elements.get(be);
} else if (be instanceof Lane) {
if (be.getId().equals(parent.getId())) {
targetContainer = (ContainerShape) elements.get(be);
if (targetContainer==null)
targetContainer = getDiagram(shape);
if (shape!=null) {
int x = (int) shape.getBounds().getX();
int y = (int) shape.getBounds().getY();
ILocation loc = Graphiti.getPeLayoutService().getLocationRelativeToDiagram(targetContainer);
x -= loc.getX();
y -= loc.getY();
context.setLocation((int) x, y);
FeatureSupport.setHorizontal(context, shape.isIsHorizontal());
private void handleFlowElement(FlowElement element, AddContext context, BPMNShape shape) {
Diagram diagram = getDiagram(shape);
ContainerShape targetContainer = diagram;
int x = (int) shape.getBounds().getX();
int y = (int) shape.getBounds().getY();
int w = (int) shape.getBounds().getWidth();
int h = (int) shape.getBounds().getHeight();
// find a correct container element
List<Lane> lanes = null;
if (element instanceof FlowNode)
lanes = ((FlowNode)element).getLanes();
EObject parent = element.eContainer();
if ( (parent instanceof SubProcess
|| parent instanceof Process
|| parent instanceof SubChoreography)
&& (lanes==null || lanes.isEmpty())
) {
targetContainer = (ContainerShape) elements.get(parent);
if (targetContainer == null) {
BPMNDiagram childDiagram = DIUtils.findBPMNDiagram(element, true);
if (childDiagram!=null) {
targetContainer = DIUtils.findDiagram(editor.getDiagramBehavior(), childDiagram);
if (!(targetContainer instanceof Diagram)) {
ILocation loc = Graphiti.getPeLayoutService().getLocationRelativeToDiagram(targetContainer);
// if the flow element is not visible make it a child of the diagram
// this is only valid for ItemAwareElements
if (element instanceof ItemAwareElement) {
if (!GraphicsUtil.intersects(targetContainer, x, y, w, h)) {
targetContainer = diagram;
if (targetContainer != diagram) {
x -= loc.getX();
y -= loc.getY();
else if (lanes!=null && !lanes.isEmpty()) {
for (Lane lane : lanes) {
targetContainer = (ContainerShape) elements.get(lane);
ILocation loc = Graphiti.getPeLayoutService().getLocationRelativeToDiagram(targetContainer);
x -= loc.getX();
y -= loc.getY();
context.setLocation(x, y);
private void handleItemAwareElement(ItemAwareElement element, AddContext context, BPMNShape shape) {
ContainerShape targetContainer = null;
int x = (int) shape.getBounds().getX();
int y = (int) shape.getBounds().getY();
int w = (int) shape.getBounds().getWidth();
int h = (int) shape.getBounds().getHeight();
// Find a container for this data object shape: ItemAwareElements may or may not
// be direct child elements in the BPMN2 model (e.g. a DataObject inside a Lane,
// or a DataStoreReference inside a Pool) but we still want to visually represent
// them as child elements in the graphical view. So, for example, a DataObject that
// that was originally dropped into a Lane should move and behave as if it were a
// child shape of the Lane.
ArrayList<Entry<BaseElement, PictogramElement>> entries =
new ArrayList<Entry<BaseElement, PictogramElement>>(elements.entrySet());
// We have to iterate over the list of created elements in reverse order.
// This is the graphical Z-order, from top to bottom, of the BPMNShape elements.
for (int i=entries.size()-1; i>=0; --i) {
Entry<BaseElement, PictogramElement> entry = entries.get(i);
BaseElement be = entry.getKey();
PictogramElement pe = entry.getValue();
if ((be instanceof Lane && FeatureSupport.isLaneOnTop((Lane)be)) ||
(be instanceof Participant && !FeatureSupport.isChoreographyParticipantBand(pe)) ||
be instanceof FlowElementsContainer) {
ContainerShape value = (ContainerShape)entry.getValue();
if (GraphicsUtil.intersects(value, x, y, w, h)) {
targetContainer = (ContainerShape) value;
ILocation loc = Graphiti.getPeLayoutService().getLocationRelativeToDiagram(targetContainer);
x -= loc.getX();
y -= loc.getY();
if (targetContainer==null) {
// Some data items are both ItemAwareElements and FlowElements (i.e. DataObject,
// DataObjectReference, and DataStoreReference) and if they are not "contained"
// within a Lane or Pool, they need to be handled like FlowElements.
if (element instanceof FlowElement) {
handleFlowElement((FlowElement)element, context, shape);
targetContainer = getDiagram(shape);
context.setLocation(x, y);
* Find a Graphiti feature for given edge and generate necessary connections and bendpoints.
* @param shape
private void createEdge(BPMNEdge bpmnEdge) {
BaseElement bpmnElement = bpmnEdge.getBpmnElement();
EObject source = null;
EObject target = null;
PictogramElement se = null;
PictogramElement te = null;
// for some reason connectors don't have a common interface
if (bpmnElement instanceof MessageFlow) {
source = ((MessageFlow) bpmnElement).getSourceRef();
target = ((MessageFlow) bpmnElement).getTargetRef();
se = elements.get(source);
te = elements.get(target);
} else if (bpmnElement instanceof SequenceFlow) {
source = ((SequenceFlow) bpmnElement).getSourceRef();
target = ((SequenceFlow) bpmnElement).getTargetRef();
se = elements.get(source);
te = elements.get(target);
} else if (bpmnElement instanceof Association) {
source = ((Association) bpmnElement).getSourceRef();
target = ((Association) bpmnElement).getTargetRef();
se = elements.get(source);
te = elements.get(target);
} else if (bpmnElement instanceof ConversationLink) {
source = ((ConversationLink) bpmnElement).getSourceRef();
target = ((ConversationLink) bpmnElement).getTargetRef();
se = elements.get(source);
te = elements.get(target);
} else if (bpmnElement instanceof DataAssociation) {
// Data Association allows connections for multiple starting points, we don't support it yet
List<ItemAwareElement> sourceRef = ((DataAssociation) bpmnElement).getSourceRef();
ItemAwareElement targetRef = ((DataAssociation) bpmnElement).getTargetRef();
if (sourceRef != null && sourceRef.size()>0) {
source = sourceRef.get(0);
target = targetRef;
if (source!=null) {
do {
se = elements.get(source);
source = source.eContainer();
} while (se == null && source.eContainer() != null);
if (target!=null) {
do {
te = elements.get(target);
target = target.eContainer();
} while (te == null && target.eContainer() != null);
else if (bpmnElement==null) {
diagnostics.add(IStatus.ERROR, bpmnEdge, Messages.DIImport_Reference_not_found);
else {
// this could be some custom connection: it must define "sourceRef" and "targetRef"
// features so we know how to connect it.
EStructuralFeature sf = bpmnElement.eClass().getEStructuralFeature("sourceRef"); //$NON-NLS-1$
EStructuralFeature tf = bpmnElement.eClass().getEStructuralFeature("targetRef"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (sf!=null && tf!=null) {
source = (EObject) bpmnElement.eGet(sf);
target = (EObject) bpmnElement.eGet(tf);
se = elements.get(source);
te = elements.get(target);
if (se != null && te != null) {
if (source != null && target != null) {
addSourceAndTargetToEdge(bpmnEdge, source, target);
Connection conn = createConnectionAndSetBendpoints(bpmnEdge, se, te);
elements.put(bpmnElement, conn);
} else {
String message;
if (se==null && te==null)
message = Messages.DIImport_No_Source_or_Target;
else if (se==null)
message = Messages.DIImport_No_Source;
message = Messages.DIImport_No_Target;
diagnostics.add(IStatus.WARNING, bpmnElement, message);
private void addSourceAndTargetToEdge(BPMNEdge bpmnEdge, EObject source, EObject target) {
// We get most of the information from the BpmnEdge, not from the referencing business object. Because of this
// we must ensure, that the edge contains necessary information.
DiagramElement sourceElement = null;
DiagramElement targetElement = null;
try {
sourceElement = bpmnEdge.getSourceElement();
targetElement = bpmnEdge.getTargetElement();
}catch (ClassCastException e) {
// some other modelers like Yaoqiang BPMN are doing it wrong, they reference business objects instead of
// DiagramElements (see BPMN 2.0 spec, p. 405, this will cause an execption
// in the BPMN 2.0 metamodel implementation
if (sourceElement == null) {
bpmnEdge.setSourceElement(DIUtils.findBPMNShape(currentBPMNDiagram, (BaseElement) source));
if (targetElement == null) {
bpmnEdge.setTargetElement(DIUtils.findBPMNShape(currentBPMNDiagram, (BaseElement) target));
private Connection createConnectionAndSetBendpoints(BPMNEdge bpmnEdge, PictogramElement sourcePE,
PictogramElement targetPE) {
FixPointAnchor sourceAnchor = createAnchor(sourcePE, bpmnEdge, true);
FixPointAnchor targetAnchor = createAnchor(targetPE, bpmnEdge, false);
AddConnectionContext context = new AddConnectionContext(sourceAnchor, targetAnchor);
BaseElement bpmnElement = bpmnEdge.getBpmnElement();
IAddFeature addFeature = featureProvider.getAddFeature(context);
if (canAdd(addFeature,context)) {
context.putProperty(GraphitiConstants.IMPORT_PROPERTY, true);
// we'll have to pass the bendpoints along to the Add Feature because the
// label position depends on the midpoint of a connection - the label shape
// is actually a ConnectionDecorator which is the only way we can attach
// a label to a connection.
// Translate the BPMN2 WayPoint coordinates to Graphiti Points
List<> bendpoints =
new ArrayList<>();
List<Point> waypoints = bpmnEdge.getWaypoint();
// Note that the first and last waypoint terminate at the source and target
// shape's boundary somewhere, so skip these two points.
for (int i=1; i<waypoints.size()-1; ++i) {
Point p = waypoints.get(i);
bendpoints.add(Graphiti.getCreateService().createPoint((int)p.getX(), (int)p.getY()));
// attach this bendpoint list to the Add Context where the Add Feature can pick it up
context.putProperty(GraphitiConstants.CONNECTION_BENDPOINTS, bendpoints);
Connection connection = (Connection) featureProvider.addIfPossible(context);, new Object[] { bpmnElement, bpmnEdge });
return connection;
} else {
diagnostics.add(IStatus.WARNING, bpmnElement,Messages.DIImport_No_Create_Feature);
return null;
private FixPointAnchor createAnchor(PictogramElement pictogramElement, BPMNEdge bpmnEdge, boolean isSource) {
FixPointAnchor anchor;
Point waypoint = null;
if (isSource) {
waypoint = bpmnEdge.getWaypoint().get(0);
else {
waypoint = bpmnEdge.getWaypoint().get(bpmnEdge.getWaypoint().size()-1);
int x = (int)waypoint.getX();
int y = (int)waypoint.getY(); anchorPoint = gaService.createPoint(x,y);
// Some tools generate Edges that have their origin or destination waypoint at the center
// of the source/target shape. Adjust these locations so that they are at the edge of
// the shape.
// TODO: Figure out a way to maintain the original waypoint locations and still
// support the connection line routers. This will require a major rewrite of the
// whole anchor management ("anger management"?) scheme.
if (pictogramElement instanceof Shape) {
if (GraphicsUtil.contains((Shape)pictogramElement, anchorPoint)) {
// Only do this if the waypoint is "near" the center; "near" was arbitrarily chosen
// to mean within 3/4 of the shape's smallest dimension
IDimension size = GraphicsUtil.calculateSize((Shape)pictogramElement);
double d = 0.75 * Math.min(size.getWidth(), size.getHeight()); c =
double dd = GraphicsUtil.getLength(anchorPoint, c);
if (dd < d) {
if (isSource) {
waypoint = bpmnEdge.getWaypoint().get(1);
else {
waypoint = bpmnEdge.getWaypoint().get(bpmnEdge.getWaypoint().size()-2);
x = (int)waypoint.getX();
y = (int)waypoint.getY();
anchorPoint = gaService.createPoint(x,y);
anchor = AnchorUtil.createAnchor((AnchorContainer)pictogramElement, anchorPoint);
return anchor;
private boolean canAdd(IAddFeature addFeature, AddContext context) {
if (addFeature==null)
return false;
if (context.getTargetContainer() instanceof Diagram) {
Diagram diagram = (Diagram)context.getTargetContainer();
if (diagram!=featureProvider.getDiagramTypeProvider().getDiagram())
featureProvider.getDiagramTypeProvider().init(diagram, editor);
return addFeature.canAdd(context);
public static boolean isImporting(IContext context) {
Object o = context.getProperty(GraphitiConstants.IMPORT_PROPERTY);
if (o instanceof Boolean)
return (Boolean)o;
return false;