blob: bec450f7efe1f66a67a01be54f2cf6df44030887 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 Nokia and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Nokia - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.internal.arm;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.IAddress;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.disassembler.EDCInstructionFunctionInfo;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.disassembler.EDCMixedInstruction;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.disassembler.IDisassembler;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.internal.arm.disassembler.DisassemblerARM.IDisassemblerOptionsARM;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.symbols.IEDCSymbolReader;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.symbols.IFunctionScope;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.symbols.ILineEntry;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.symbols.IScope;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.concurrent.CountingRequestMonitor;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.concurrent.DataRequestMonitor;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.datamodel.DMContexts;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.debug.service.IInstruction;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.debug.service.IMemory;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.debug.service.IMemory.IMemoryDMContext;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.debug.service.IMixedInstruction;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.debug.service.IModules.ISymbolDMContext;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.debug.service.IRunControl.IExecutionDMContext;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.service.DsfServicesTracker;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.service.DsfSession;
import org.eclipse.cdt.utils.Addr64;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.debug.core.model.MemoryByte;
public class ARMDisassembly extends Disassembly {
public ARMDisassembly(DsfSession session) {
super(session, new String[] {ARMDisassembly.class.getName()});
* overrides the default implementation in order to first break the
* whole requested range into a collection of ranges whose primary
* characteristic is whether the range is ARM or Thumb mode; this
* acts as a cache for each range so the disassembler doesn't have
* to perform a full look-up for every byte it disassembles.
public void getInstructions(final IDisassemblyDMContext context, BigInteger startAddress, BigInteger endAddress,
final DataRequestMonitor<IInstruction[]> drm) {
// FIXME: ignoring null startAddress and null endAddress semantics
getInstructions(context, new Addr64(startAddress), new Addr64(endAddress), null, drm);
* private version of getInstructions() that takes a pre-calculated RangeAndMode
* @param context
* @param start
* @param end
* @param preCalculatedRangeAndMode
* non-null arg will be used; null arg will forces use of result of getModeAndRange(startAddress, endAddress)
* @param drm
* @see getInstructions(IDisassemblyDMContext, BigInteger, BigInteger, DataRequestMonitor<IInstruction[]>)
private void getInstructions(final IDisassemblyDMContext context, final IAddress start, final IAddress end,
final RangeAndMode preCalculatedRangeAndMode, final DataRequestMonitor<IInstruction[]> drm) {
final TargetEnvironmentARM envARM = (TargetEnvironmentARM)getTargetEnvironmentService();
final IDisassembler disassembler = (envARM != null ) ? envARM.getDisassembler() : null;
if (disassembler == null) {
final DsfServicesTracker services = getServicesTracker();
if (services == null) // could be null if async invoked as or after debug session ends
IMemory memoryService = services.getService(IMemory.class);
if (memoryService == null) // could be null if async invoked as or after debug session ends
final IMemoryDMContext mem_dmc = DMContexts.getAncestorOfType(context, IMemoryDMContext.class);
final List<RangeAndMode> fullRange;
if (preCalculatedRangeAndMode != null) {
// the caller (likely getMixedInstructions() already determined the range
(fullRange = new ArrayList<RangeAndMode>(1)).add(preCalculatedRangeAndMode);
} else {
// figure out the range and mode for the whole range first
fullRange = getModeAndRange(context, start, end);
// use the adjusted start in case getModeAndRange() backed up for alignment
final IAddress actualStart;
if (fullRange.size() > 0) {
actualStart = fullRange.get(0).getStartAddress();
} else {
actualStart = start;
final int size = actualStart.distanceTo(end).intValue() + 16;
memoryService.getMemory(mem_dmc, actualStart, 0, 1, size,
new DataRequestMonitor<MemoryByte[]>(getExecutor(), drm) {
* overridden to create a non-error status plus pseudoInstruction data-set
* in the DRM requested by DisassemblyBackendDsf, where a DRM.status of
* ERROR is turned into an "invalid" block in its document map. Such
* blocks are repeatedly re-requested ... causing scrolling oddities & performance issues.
* @see Disassembly#failedMemoryDsfPseudoInstructions
protected void handleError() {
IStatus s = getStatus();
Throwable e = s.getException();
if (e instanceof MemoryError && s.getMessage().contains("Fail to read memory.")) {
drm.setData(failedMemoryDsfPseudoInstructions(actualStart, size, s.getMessage()));
} else {
protected void handleSuccess() {
List<MemoryByte> memBytes = Arrays.asList(getData());
Map<String, Object> options = new HashMap<String, Object>();
final List<IInstruction> result = new ArrayList<IInstruction>();
final CountingRequestMonitor crm = new CountingRequestMonitor(getExecutor(), drm) {
protected void handleSuccess() {
drm.setData(result.toArray(new IInstruction[result.size()]));
// always true, and compiler is generating false-positive null-check warning for envARM
// if (envARM.isLittleEndian(null))
options.put(IDisassemblerOptionsARM.ENDIAN_MODE, 2);
// for each range disassemble it
for (RangeAndMode rangeAndMode : fullRange) {
IAddress rStart = rangeAndMode.getStartAddress();
int rOff = actualStart.distanceTo(rStart).intValue();
int rLen = actualStart.distanceTo(rangeAndMode.getEndAddress()).intValue();
try {
memBytes.subList(rOff, rLen),
rStart, context,
disassembler, options));
} catch (CoreException e) {
* overrides the default implementation in order to first break the
* whole range into a collection of ranges with the primary
* characteristic being whether the range is ARM or Thumb mode;
* also takes advantage of the RangeAndMode list to further break
* the whole range into chunks based upon whether they have symbols
* and then also into ranges with function boundaries.
public void getMixedInstructions(IDisassemblyDMContext context, BigInteger startAddress,
BigInteger endAddress, final DataRequestMonitor<IMixedInstruction[]> drm) {
// FIXME: ignoring null startAddress and null endAddress semantics
DsfServicesTracker services = getServicesTracker();
if (services == null) // could be null if async invoked as or after debug session ends
IEDCSymbols symbolsService = services.getService(IEDCSymbols.class);
if (symbolsService == null) // could be null if async invoked as or after debug session ends
IEDCModules modulesService = services.getService(IEDCModules.class);
if (modulesService == null) // could be null if async invoked as or after debug session ends
// These are absolute runtime addresses.
ISymbolDMContext sym_dmc = DMContexts.getAncestorOfType(context, ISymbolDMContext.class);
IAddress end = new Addr64(endAddress);
IAddress start
= getStartAddressForLineEntryContainingAddress(symbolsService, modulesService, sym_dmc,
new Addr64(startAddress), end);
// figure out the range and mode for the whole range first
List<RangeAndMode> fullRange = getModeAndRange(context, start, end);
final List<IMixedInstruction> result = new ArrayList<IMixedInstruction>();
final CountingRequestMonitor crm = new CountingRequestMonitor(getExecutor(), drm) {
protected void handleSuccess() {
drm.setData(result.toArray(new IMixedInstruction[result.size()]));
// for each range disassemble it
for (final RangeAndMode rangeAndMode : fullRange) {
IAddress rangeStart = rangeAndMode.getStartAddress();
IAddress rangeEnd = rangeAndMode.getEndAddress();
if (rangeAndMode.hasSymbols()) {
// there is source for this range
final List<ILineEntry> codeLines
= symbolsService.getLineEntriesForAddressRange(sym_dmc, rangeStart, rangeEnd);
if (codeLines != null && !codeLines.isEmpty()) {
final IEDCModuleDMContext module
= modulesService.getModuleByAddress(sym_dmc, rangeStart);
// Get absolute runtime address of the line
start = module.toRuntimeAddress(codeLines.get(0).getLowAddress());
getInstructions(context, start, rangeEnd, rangeAndMode,
new DataRequestMonitor<IInstruction[]>(getExecutor(), crm) {
protected void handleSuccess() {
mixSource(result, rangeAndMode.getFunctionInfo(), module,
codeLines, getData());
// no source for this range, just get the disassembly for it
getInstructions(context, rangeStart, rangeEnd, rangeAndMode,
new DataRequestMonitor<IInstruction[]>(getExecutor(), crm) {
protected void handleSuccess() {
result.add(new EDCMixedInstruction("unknown", 0, getData()));//$NON-NLS-1$
* pseudo-override of {@link Disassembly#fillDisassemblyViewInstructions},
* with the additional up-front boolean isThumbMode
private ArrayList<IInstruction> fillDisassemblyViewInstructions(boolean isThumbMode,
final List<MemoryByte> memBytes,
final IAddress start, final IDisassemblyDMContext context,
final IDisassembler disassembler, Map<String, Object> options)
throws CoreException {
options.put(IDisassemblerOptionsARM.DISASSEMBLER_MODE, isThumbMode ? 2 : 1);
ArrayList<IInstruction> result
= super.fillDisassemblyViewInstructions(memBytes, start, context, disassembler, options);
* DSF-disassembly will occasionally request a block at a
* location that has no symbols and happens to start at the 2nd byte of
* the 2-byte BL/BLX ; this has only been observed when scrolling up or
* jumping to a location, and in such a case, if we just throw the 1st
* instruction away, the next scroll/jump will normally acquire a block
* starting further away and properly disassemble the BL/BLX.
* safety checks before throwing away an invalid opcode:
* - only check if there are at least 2 instructions (thus preventing a
* loop when DSF-disassembly is forced to collect only 1 instruction)
* - if 2nd instruction is not an invalid opcode (thus preventing a loop
* of empty retrievals when a block contains only invalid instructions)
if (isThumbMode && result.size() >= 2
&& result.get(0).getInstruction().contains(IDisassembler.INVALID_OPCODE)
&& !result.get(1).getInstruction().contains(IDisassembler.INVALID_OPCODE)) {
return result;
private static IAddress alignBack(IAddress addr, boolean thumbMode) {
if (addr == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
int rem = addr.getValue().intValue() % (thumbMode ? 2 : 4);
return (rem != 0) ? addr.add(-rem) : addr;
private static IAddress alignForward(IAddress addr, boolean thumbMode) {
if (addr == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
int mod = (thumbMode ? 2 : 4);
int rem = addr.getValue().intValue() % mod;
return (rem != 0) ? addr.add(mod-rem) : addr;
* take a range of addresses and break it into a list of RangeAndMode entries,
* with the attributes {startAddr, endAddr, [boolean ThumbMode], [boolean hasSymbols] [functionInfo]}
* <br><b>NOTE:</b> first address of first item in value returned
* may be before start address passed in
* @param context execution context for determining ThumbMode and symbols content
* @param start address to start checking, inclusive
* @param end address at end of range to check, exclusive
* @return List of RangeAndMode entries with ThumbMode and hasSymbols attributes
private List<RangeAndMode> getModeAndRange(IDisassemblyDMContext context, IAddress start, IAddress end) {
IExecutionDMContext exeDMC = DMContexts.getAncestorOfType(context, IExecutionDMContext.class);
IEDCModules modules = getServicesTracker().getService(IEDCModules.class);
TargetEnvironmentARM env = (TargetEnvironmentARM)getTargetEnvironmentService();
final List<RangeAndMode> result = new ArrayList<RangeAndMode>();
IEDCSymbols symbolsService = getServicesTracker().getService(IEDCSymbols.class);
final ISymbolDMContext sym_dmc = DMContexts.getAncestorOfType(context, ISymbolDMContext.class);
boolean thumbMode = (env != null) ? env.isThumbMode(exeDMC, start, false) : false;
start = alignBack(start, thumbMode); // align back so the requested address is included
int counter = 0;
while (start.add(counter).compareTo(end) < 0) {
IAddress preAlignedRangeStart = start.add(counter);
thumbMode = (env != null) ? env.isThumbMode(exeDMC, preAlignedRangeStart, false) : false;
IAddress rangeStart = alignForward(preAlignedRangeStart, thumbMode);
counter += preAlignedRangeStart.distanceTo(rangeStart).intValue();
ILineEntry startEntry = symbolsService.getLineEntryForAddress(sym_dmc, rangeStart);
RangeAndMode range = new RangeAndMode(rangeStart, null, thumbMode, (startEntry != null));
if (range.hasSymbols()) {
// figure out mode and end address
IEDCModuleDMContext module = modules.getModuleByAddress(sym_dmc, rangeStart);
if (module != null) {
IEDCSymbolReader reader = module.getSymbolReader();
if (reader != null) {
IScope scope = reader.getModuleScope().getScopeAtAddress(module.toLinkAddress(rangeStart));
while (scope != null && !(scope instanceof IFunctionScope)) {
scope = scope.getParent();
if (scope != null) {
IFunctionScope function = (IFunctionScope)scope;
IAddress functionEndAddress
= module.toRuntimeAddress(function.getHighAddress());
EDCInstructionFunctionInfo info
= new EDCInstructionFunctionInfo(scope.getName(),
if (functionEndAddress.compareTo(end) < 0) {
counter += rangeStart.distanceTo(range.getEndAddress()).intValue();
} else {
// got source file but no symbols;
// search for the next line with symbols
while (start.add(counter).compareTo(end) < 0) {
startEntry = symbolsService.getLineEntryForAddress(sym_dmc, start.add(counter));
if (startEntry != null) {
// even in ARM mode, always just count forward 2, in case next thumbMode section
// somehow strangely but legally starts on a non-4byte boundary.
// will re-align next ARM section above as necessary.
counter = counter + 2;
if (range.getEndAddress() == null)
return result;