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<p>A breakpoint suspends the execution of a program at the location where the breakpoint is set.
To set a line breakpoint, right-click in the marker bar area on the left side of an editor beside
the line where you want the program to be suspended, then choose <strong>Toggle Breakpoint</strong>. You can
also double-click on the marker bar next to the source code line. A new breakpoint marker appears
on the marker bar, directly to the left of the line where you added the breakpoint. Also, the new
breakpoint appears in the Breakpoints view list.
<p>Once set, a breakpoint can be enabled and disabled by right-clicking on its icon or by
right-clicking on its description in the <strong>Breakpoints</strong> view.
<li>When a breakpoint is enabled, it causes the program to suspend whenever it is hit.
Enabled breakpoints are indicated with a blue
<img src="../images/icon_breakpoint_obj.gif" alt="enabled breakpoint" > circle.
Enabled breakpoints that are successfully installed
are indicated with a checkmark <img src="../images/installed_ovr.gif" alt="checkmark overlay" > overlay.</li>
<li>When a breakpoint is disabled, it will not affect the execution of the program.
Disabled breakpoints are indicated with a white
<img src="../images/icon_breakpoint_disable.gif" alt="disabled breakpoint" > circle.<br>
<img src="../images/add_breakpoint.png" ALT="Editor view with cursor highlighting breakpoint" width="453" height="335">
<p><strong>Note: </strong>Execution will also suspend
if <strong>Stop at main() on startup</strong> is enabled
on the <strong>Launch Configuration</strong> dialog.
To access the <strong>Launch Configuration</strong> dialog,
from the menu bar choose <strong>Run > Debug</strong>.
<p><img src="../images/ngref.gif" ALT="Related reference" width="143" height="21">
<a href="../reference/cdt_o_views.htm">Run menu</a><br>
<a href="../reference/cdt_o_views.htm">Breakpoints view</a>
<img src="../images/rh03_04.gif" ALT="Red Hat Statement"><br>
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