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<title>C/C++ Project properties: Preprocessor Include Paths, Macros, etc. - Entries tab</title>
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<div><h1>C/C++ Project properties: Preprocessor Include Paths, Macros, etc. - Entries tab</h1>
Include paths and preprocessor macros for C/C++ indexer can be inspected and set up on the project property page "Preprocessor Include Paths, Macros, etc.", "Entries" tab.
This tab presents <strong>Language Settings Providers</strong> employed by <a href="../concepts/cdt_c_scanner_discovery.htm">Scanner Discovery</a> to provide include paths,
macros and other <strong>Language Settings</strong>.
Note that the entries could be set also on an individual resource, such as file or folder. Open file or folder properties to inspect resource-specific entries.
The entries on a folder or a project will apply to all subfolders and C/C++ files under it - unless overriden on a lower level.
"Entries" tab shows a list of Language Settings Providers for each language. A provider node can be expanded to show include paths and macros defined by the provider.
A user can add custom entries here under "User Setting Entries" provider.
<p><img src="../images/scanner_discovery/sd_prop_entries.png" alt="Scanner Discovery Properties Entry Panel"></p>
<table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="1" width="600px" bordercolor="#DDDDDD" >
<caption><strong>Entries tab controls</strong></caption>
<col width="30%" valign="top" >
<col width="70%" valign="top" >
<tr style="text-align:center;">
<th id="group"><strong>Group</strong></th>
<th id="description"><strong>Description</strong></th>
<td headers="group"><strong>Configuration</strong></td>
<td headers="description">A set of properties for the project. Not required for debugging.</td>
<td headers="group"><strong>Manage Configurations...</strong></td>
<td headers="description">A dialog to create or manage configurations. Not required for debugging.</td>
<td headers="group"><strong>Languages</strong></td>
<td headers="description">Lists all of the languages defined by the toolchain. Select a language to see the list of applicable providers.</td>
<td headers="group"><strong>Setting Entries</strong></td>
<td headers="description">Lists all of the providers for the selected language and entries supplied by them. Expand a provider node to see the entries.</td>
<td headers="group"><strong>Show built-in values</strong></td>
<td headers="description">Disable checkbox "Show built-in values" to filter out built-in setting entries in the view.
Built-in compiler entries need to be provided to C/C++ indexer but not to the compiler during the build.
<td headers="group"><strong>Add...</strong></td>
<td headers="description">Add an entry to the provider. Enabled only when the provider supports the operation.</td>
<td headers="group"><strong>Edit...</strong></td>
<td headers="description">Edit the selected settings entry. Enabled only when the provider supports the operation.</td>
<td headers="group"><strong>Delete</strong></td>
<td headers="description">Delete the selected settings entry. Enabled only when the provider supports the operation.</td>
<td headers="group"><strong>Move Up</strong></td>
<td headers="description">Moves the selected entry higher in the list. Enabled only when the provider supports the operation</td>
<td headers="group"><strong>Move Down</strong></td>
<td headers="description">Moves the selected entry lower in the list. Enabled only when the provider supports the operation</td>
<h2>Adding and Editing entries</h2>
<p>Use <strong>Add...</strong> and <strong>Edit...</strong> buttons to add or modify the entries. Both buttons open similar dialog described here.</p>
<p><img src="../images/scanner_discovery/sd_prop_add_include.png" alt="Scanner Discovery Add Include Dialog"></p>
<table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="1" width="600px" bordercolor="#DDDDDD" >
<caption><strong>Add/Edit entries dialog</strong></caption>
<col width="30%" valign="top" >
<col width="70%" valign="top" >
<tr style="text-align:center;">
<th id="group"><strong>Group</strong></th>
<th id="description"><strong>Description</strong></th>
<td headers="group"><strong>Kind of Setting Entry</strong></td>
<td headers="description">A dropbox to select desired kind of setting entry.
<img src="../images/scanner_discovery/sd_prop_add_lse_kinds_dropdown.png"
alt="Scanner Discovery Kinds Dropdown
Following kinds are available:
- Include Directory
- Preprocessor Macro
- Include File
- Preprocessor Macros File
- Library Path
- Library"
<br>This dropbox is not available in "Edit" mode.
<td headers="group"><strong>Kind of path</strong></td>
<td headers="description">A dropbox to select desired kind of path.
<img src="../images/scanner_discovery/sd_prop_add_lse_paths_dropdown.png"
alt="Scanner Discovery Path Dropdown
Following kinds of paths are available:
- Project Path
- Workspace Path
- File System Path"
<br>This dropbox is shown for path entries only.
<td headers="group"><strong>Path</strong></td>
<td headers="description">Enter path value of the entry.
<br>This field is shown for path entries only.
<td headers="group"><strong>Open folder button</strong></td>
<td headers="description">Use folder button to navigate folder structure to select existing path.
The provided dialog varies depending on the kind of path selected in the corresponding dropbox.
<br>This button is shown for path entries only.
<td headers="group"><strong>Variables</strong></td>
<td headers="description">Select one of the build or environment variables provided by CDT to embed into "Path" field.
<br>This button is enabled only for File System Paths.
<td headers="group"><strong>Treat as built-in</strong></td>
<td headers="description">Enable this checkbox to mark the entry as built-in.
Built-in compiler entries need to be provided to C/C++ indexer but not to the compiler during the build.
<td headers="group"><strong>Contains system headers</strong></td>
<td headers="description">Enable if the include path is a system directory which contains system headers.
<br>This checkbox is shown for Include Directories only.
<td headers="group"><strong>Framework folder</strong></td>
<td headers="description">Mac OS has a unique way of specifying include directories for Frameworks.
Enable if the included directory is Mac Framework directory.
<br>This checkbox is shown for Include Directories only.
<td headers="group"><strong>Name</strong></td>
<td headers="description">Shown for Preprocessor Macro only. Specify the macro name here.</td>
<td headers="group"><strong>Value</strong></td>
<td headers="description">Shown for Preprocessor Macro only. Specify the macro value here.</td>
<p><img src="../images/ngconcepts.gif" alt="Related concepts" width="143" height="21"><br>
<a href="../concepts/cdt_c_scanner_discovery.htm">Scanner Discovery</a><br>
<a href="../concepts/cdt_c_indexer.htm">C/C++ Indexer</a><br>
<p><img src="../images/ngtasks.gif" alt="Related tasks" width="143" height="21"><br>
<a href="../tasks/cdt_t_sd.htm">Setting up include paths and macros for C/C++ indexer</a><br>
<p><img src="../images/ngref.gif" alt="Related reference" width="143" height="21"><br>
<a href="../reference/cdt_u_prop_general_sd_providers.htm">C/C++ Project properties: Preprocessor Include Paths, Macros, etc. - Providers tab</a><br>