blob: 8cb670840c920df4712b937d13249c69d5dd9f00 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007, 2015 Symbian Software Systems and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Andrew Ferguson (Symbian) - Initial implementation
* Markus Schorn (Wind River Systems)
* Sergey Prigogin (Google)
* Nathan Ridge
package org.eclipse.cdt.internal.index.tests;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ASTTypeUtil;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.DOMException;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.EScopeKind;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTProblem;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IBinding;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ICompositeType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IEnumeration;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IEnumerator;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IFunction;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IPointerType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IProblemType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IValue;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IVariable;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPBasicType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPBinding;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPClassScope;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPClassType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPConstructor;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPField;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPFunction;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPFunctionType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPMethod;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPNamespace;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPNamespaceScope;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPPointerToMemberType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPVariable;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.SemanticQueries;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.index.IIndex;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.index.IIndexBinding;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.IProblem;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.ClassTypeHelper;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
* For testing PDOM binding CPP language resolution
* aftodo - once we have non-problem bindings working, each test should
* additionally check that the binding obtained has characteristics as
* expected (type,name,etc..)
public abstract class IndexCPPBindingResolutionTest extends IndexBindingResolutionTestBase {
public static class SingleProject extends IndexCPPBindingResolutionTest {
public SingleProject() { setStrategy(new SinglePDOMTestStrategy(true)); }
public static TestSuite suite() { return suite(SingleProject.class); }
public static class ProjectWithDepProj extends IndexCPPBindingResolutionTest {
public ProjectWithDepProj() { setStrategy(new ReferencedProject(true)); }
public static TestSuite suite() { return suite(ProjectWithDepProj.class); }
public static void addTests(TestSuite suite) {
/* Assertion helpers */
/* ##################################################################### */
static protected void assertField(
IBinding binding,
String qn,
Class expType,
String expTypeQN) {
assertTrue(binding instanceof ICPPField);
ICPPField field = (ICPPField) binding;
assertQNEquals(qn, field);
if (expTypeQN != null) {
assert(field.getType() instanceof ICPPBinding);
ICPPBinding tyBinding = (ICPPBinding) field.getType();
assertQNEquals(expTypeQN, tyBinding);
static protected void assertClassTypeBinding(IBinding binding,
String qn,
int key,
int bases,
int fields,
int declaredFields,
int methods,
int declaredMethods,
int allDeclaredMethods,
int friends,
int constructors,
int nestedClasses) {
assertTrue(binding instanceof ICPPClassType);
assertClassType((ICPPClassType) binding, qn, key, bases, fields, declaredFields, methods,
declaredMethods, allDeclaredMethods, friends, constructors, nestedClasses);
static protected void assertClassType(
IType type,
String qn,
int key,
int bases,
int fields,
int declaredFields,
int methods,
int declaredMethods,
int allDeclaredMethods,
int friends,
int constructors,
int nestedClasses) {
assertTrue(type instanceof ICPPClassType);
ICPPClassType classType = (ICPPClassType) type;
assertQNEquals(qn, classType);
assertEquals(key, classType.getKey());
assertEquals(bases, classType.getBases().length);
assertEquals(fields, classType.getFields().length);
assertEquals(declaredFields, classType.getDeclaredFields().length);
assertEquals(methods, classType.getMethods().length);
assertEquals(declaredMethods, classType.getDeclaredMethods().length);
assertEquals(allDeclaredMethods, classType.getAllDeclaredMethods().length);
assertEquals(friends, classType.getFriends().length);
assertEquals(constructors, classType.getConstructors().length);
assertEquals(nestedClasses, classType.getNestedClasses().length);
public void assertEnumeration(IBinding binding, String name, String[] enumerators) throws DOMException {
assertTrue(binding instanceof IEnumeration);
assertEquals(name, binding.getName());
IEnumerator[] aEnumerators = ((IEnumeration)binding).getEnumerators();
Set expectedEnumerators = new HashSet();
Set actualEnumerators = new HashSet();
for (IEnumerator enumerator : aEnumerators) {
assertEquals(expectedEnumerators, actualEnumerators);
* @param type
* @param cqn
* @param qn may be null
static protected void assertPTM(IType type, String cqn, String qn) {
assertTrue(type instanceof ICPPPointerToMemberType);
ICPPPointerToMemberType ptmt = (ICPPPointerToMemberType) type;
ICPPClassType classType = (ICPPClassType) ptmt.getMemberOfClass();
assertQNEquals(cqn, classType);
if (qn != null) {
assert(ptmt.getType() instanceof ICPPBinding);
ICPPBinding tyBinding = (ICPPBinding) ptmt.getType();
assertQNEquals(qn, tyBinding);
private void asserValueEquals(IValue initialValue, long i) {
final Number numericalValue = initialValue.numberValue();
assertEquals(i, numericalValue.longValue());
private void assertUserDefinedLiteralType(String retName) {
ICPPVariable v= getBindingFromFirstIdentifier("test =");
assertEquals(retName, ASTTypeUtil.getType(v.getType()));
// namespace ns { class A; enum E {E1}; typedef int T; }
// class B {
// public:
// void m(ns::A* a);
// void n(ns::E* a);
// void o(ns::T* a);
// void p(ns::E a);
// };
// namespace ns {
// class A {};
// typedef int T;
// }
// using ns::A;
// using ns::E;
// using ns::T;
// using ns::E1;
// void B::m(A* a) {}
// void B::n(E* a) {}
// void B::o(T* a) {}
// void B::p(E a) {}
// void usage() {
// B b;
// b.p(E1);
// }
public void testUsingTypeDeclaration_201177() {
IBinding b0= getBindingFromASTName("B::m", 4);
IBinding b1= getBindingFromASTName("B::n", 4);
IBinding b2= getBindingFromASTName("B::o", 4);
IBinding b3= getBindingFromASTName("p(E1)", 1);
assertInstance(b0, ICPPMethod.class);
assertInstance(b1, ICPPMethod.class);
assertInstance(b2, ICPPMethod.class);
// namespace n { class A{}; class B{}; class C{}; }
// namespace m {
// using namespace n;
// class D{};
// }
// m::C c;
// m::D d;
public void testUsingNamingDirective_177917_1a() {
IBinding b0= getBindingFromASTName("C c", 1);
IBinding b1= getBindingFromASTName("D d", 1);
// namespace n { class A{}; }
// namespace m {
// using namespace n;
// class B {};
// }
// namespace n { class C{}; }
// m::C c;
public void testUsingNamingDirective_177917_1b() {
IBinding b0= getBindingFromFirstIdentifier("C c");
// int ff(int x) { return x; }
// namespace n { class A {}; }
// namespace m { class B {}; enum C{CE1,CE2}; }
// namespace o { int (*f)(int)= ff; }
// using n::A;
// A a;
// using namespace m;
// B b;
// C c= CE1;
// using o::f;
// int g(int x) {return 4;}
// int g(char x) {return 2;}
// int nn= g(f(2));
public void testUsingTypeDeclaration_177917_1() {
IBinding b1= getBindingFromASTName("A a", 1);
IBinding b2= getBindingFromASTName("B b", 1);
IBinding b3= getBindingFromASTName("C c", 1);
IBinding b4= getBindingFromASTName("CE1", 3);
IBinding b5= getBindingFromASTName("f(2", 1);
// namespace a { class A {}; }
// namespace b {
// using a::A;
// class B {};
// }
// b::A aa;
// b::B bb;
public void testUsingTypeDeclaration_177917_2() {
IBinding b0= getBindingFromASTName("A aa", 1);
IBinding b1= getBindingFromASTName("B bb", 1);
// namespace header {
// class clh {
// };
// void fh();
// void fh(int a);
// class cl {
// };
// void f();
// void f(int a);
// }
// using header::clh;
// using header::fh;
// namespace source {
// class cls {
// };
// void fs();
// void fs(int a);
// }
// using header::cl;
// using header::f;
// using source::cls;
// using source::fs;
// void test() {
// fh();
// fh(1);
// clh c;
// f();
// f(1);
// cl c1;
// fs();
// fs(1);
// cls c2;
// }
public void testUsingOverloadedFunctionDeclaration() {
IBinding b;
b= getBindingFromASTName("fh()", 2);
b= getBindingFromASTName("fh(1)", 2);
b= getBindingFromASTName("clh c", 3);
b= getBindingFromASTName("f()", 1);
b= getBindingFromASTName("f(1)", 1);
b= getBindingFromASTName("cl c1", 2);
b= getBindingFromASTName("fs()", 2);
b= getBindingFromASTName("fs(1)", 2);
b= getBindingFromASTName("cls c2", 3);
// int (*f)(int);
// int g(int n){return n;}
// int g(int n, int m){ return n+m; }
// void foo() {
// f= g;
// }
public void testPointerToFunction() {
IBinding b0 = getBindingFromASTName("f= g;", 1);
IBinding b1 = getBindingFromASTName("g;", 1);
assertInstance(b0, ICPPVariable.class);
ICPPVariable v0= (ICPPVariable) b0;
assertInstance(v0.getType(), IPointerType.class);
IPointerType p0= (IPointerType) v0.getType();
assertInstance(p0.getType(), ICPPFunctionType.class);
ICPPFunctionType f0= (ICPPFunctionType) p0.getType();
assertInstance(f0.getReturnType(), ICPPBasicType.class);
assertEquals(1, f0.getParameterTypes().length);
assertInstance(f0.getParameterTypes()[0], ICPPBasicType.class);
assertInstance(b1, ICPPFunction.class);
ICPPFunctionType f1= ((ICPPFunction)b1).getType();
assertInstance(f1.getReturnType(), ICPPBasicType.class);
assertEquals(1, f1.getParameterTypes().length);
assertInstance(f1.getParameterTypes()[0], ICPPBasicType.class);
// class Base {public: int field; void foo() {}};
// class C : public Base {
// public:
// struct CS { long* l; C *method(CS **); };
// CS cs;
// CS **cspp;
// long * CS::* ouch;
// long * CS::* autsch;
// C* (CS::*method)(CS **);
// };
// C *cp = new C(); /*b0, b1*/
// void references() {
// long l = 5, *lp;
// lp = &l;
// cp->cs.*cp->ouch = lp = cp->cs.*cp->autsch; /*b2, b3, b4*/
// &(cp->cs)->*cp->autsch = lp = &(cp->cs)->*cp->ouch;
// (cp->cs).method(cp->cspp);/*1*/ (&(cp->cs))->method(cp->cspp);/*2*/
// ((cp->cs).*(cp->method))(cp->cspp);/*3*/
// ((&(cp->cs))->*(cp->method))(cp->cspp);/*4*/
// }
public void testPointerToMemberFields() throws IOException, DOMException {
IBinding b0 = getBindingFromASTName("C *cp", 1);
assertClassType((ICPPClassType)b0, "C", ICPPClassType.k_class, 1, 6, 5, 9, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1);
IBinding b1 = getBindingFromASTName("cp = new C()", 2);
assertVariable(b1, "cp", IPointerType.class, null);
IPointerType b1type = (IPointerType) ((ICPPVariable)b1).getType();
assertClassType(b1type.getType(), "C", ICPPClassType.k_class, 1, 6, 5, 9, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1);
IBinding b2 = getBindingFromASTName("cs.*cp->o", 2);
ICPPField field0 = (ICPPField) b2;
assertTrue(field0.getType() instanceof ICPPClassType);
IBinding b3 = getBindingFromASTName("ouch = lp", 4);
assertField(b3, "C::ouch", ICPPPointerToMemberType.class, null);
assertPTM(((ICPPField)b3).getType(), "C::CS", null);
IBinding b4 = getBindingFromASTName("autsch;", 6);
assertField(b4, "C::autsch", ICPPPointerToMemberType.class, null);
assertPTM(((ICPPField)b4).getType(), "C::CS", null);
IBinding b5 = getBindingFromASTName("cs)->*cp->a", 2);
assertField(b5, "C::cs", ICPPClassType.class, "C::CS");
assertClassType(((ICPPField)b5).getType(), "C::CS", ICompositeType.k_struct, 0, 1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0);
IBinding b6 = getBindingFromASTName("autsch = lp", 6);
assertField(b4, "C::autsch", ICPPPointerToMemberType.class, null);
assertPTM(((ICPPField)b4).getType(), "C::CS", null);
IBinding b7 = getBindingFromASTName("ouch;", 4);
assertField(b3, "C::ouch", ICPPPointerToMemberType.class, null);
assertPTM(((ICPPField)b3).getType(), "C::CS", null);
// class C {}; struct S {}; union U {}; enum E {ER1,ER2,ER3};
// int var1; C var2; S *var3; void func(E); void func(C);
// namespace ns {}
// typedef int Int; typedef int *IntPtr;
// void func(int*); void func(int);
// void references() {
// C c; /*c*/ S s; /*s*/ U u; /*u*/ E e; /*e*/
// var1 = 1; /*var1*/ var2 = c; /*var2*/ var3 = &s; /*var3*/
// func(e); /*func1*/ func(var1); /*func2*/ func(c); /*func3*/
// Int a; /*a*/
// IntPtr b = &a; /*b*/
// func(*b); /*func4*/ func(a); /*func5*/
// }
// class C2 : public C {}; /*base*/
// struct S2 : public S {}; /*base*/
public void testSimpleGlobalBindings() throws IOException, DOMException {
IBinding b0 = getBindingFromASTName("C c; ", 1);
assertClassTypeBinding(b0, "C", ICPPClassType.k_class, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0);
IBinding b1 = getBindingFromASTName("c; ", 1);
assertVariable(b1, "c", ICPPClassType.class, "C");
ICPPClassType b1type = (ICPPClassType) ((ICPPVariable) b1).getType();
assertClassTypeBinding(b1type, "C", ICPPClassType.k_class, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0);
assertEquals(EScopeKind.eGlobal, b1type.getScope().getKind());
assertTrue(b1type.getCompositeScope() instanceof ICPPClassScope);
assertClassTypeBinding(((ICPPClassScope) b1type.getCompositeScope()).getClassType(), "C", ICPPClassType.k_class, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0);
IBinding b2 = getBindingFromASTName("S s;", 1);
assertClassTypeBinding(b2, "S", ICompositeType.k_struct, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0);
IBinding b3 = getBindingFromASTName("s;", 1);
assertVariable(b3, "s", ICPPClassType.class, "S");
ICPPClassType b3type = (ICPPClassType) ((ICPPVariable) b3).getType();
assertClassTypeBinding(b3type, "S", ICompositeType.k_struct, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0);
IBinding b4 = getBindingFromASTName("U u;", 1);
assertClassTypeBinding(b4, "U", ICompositeType.k_union, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0);
IBinding b5 = getBindingFromASTName("u; ", 1);
assertVariable(b5, "u", ICPPClassType.class, "U");
ICPPClassType b5type = (ICPPClassType) ((ICPPVariable) b5).getType();
assertClassTypeBinding(b5type, "U", ICompositeType.k_union, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0);
IBinding b6 = getBindingFromASTName("E e; ", 1);
assertEnumeration(b6, "E", new String[] {"ER1","ER2","ER3"});
IBinding b7 = getBindingFromASTName("e; ", 1);
assertVariable(b7, "e", IEnumeration.class, "E");
IEnumeration b5type = (IEnumeration) ((ICPPVariable) b7).getType();
assertEnumeration(b5type, "E", new String[] {"ER1","ER2","ER3"});
assertEquals(EScopeKind.eGlobal, b5type.getScope().getKind());
IBinding b8 = getBindingFromASTName("var1 = 1;", 4);
assertVariable(b8, "var1", ICPPBasicType.class, null);
IBinding b9 = getBindingFromASTName("var2 = c;", 4);
assertVariable(b9, "var2", ICPPClassType.class, "C");
ICPPClassType b9type = (ICPPClassType) ((ICPPVariable) b9).getType();
assertClassTypeBinding(b9type, "C", ICPPClassType.k_class, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0);
IBinding b10 = getBindingFromASTName("var3 = &s;", 4);
assertVariable(b10, "var3", IPointerType.class, null);
IPointerType b10type = (IPointerType) ((ICPPVariable) b10).getType();
assertClassTypeBinding((ICPPClassType) b10type.getType(), "S", ICompositeType.k_struct, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0);
IBinding b11 = getBindingFromASTName("func(e);", 4);
IBinding b12 = getBindingFromASTName("func(var1);", 4);
IBinding b13 = getBindingFromASTName("func(c);", 4);
IBinding b14 = getBindingFromASTName("Int a; ", 3);
IBinding b15 = getBindingFromASTName("a; ", 1);
IBinding b16 = getBindingFromASTName("IntPtr b = &a; ", 6);
IBinding b17 = getBindingFromASTName("b = &a; /*b*/", 1);
IBinding b18 = getBindingFromASTName("func(*b);", 4);
IBinding b19 = getBindingFromASTName("b); /*func4*/", 1);
IBinding b20 = getBindingFromASTName("func(a);", 4);
IBinding b21 = getBindingFromASTName("a); /*func5*/", 1);
IBinding b22 = getBindingFromASTName("C2 : public", 2);
IBinding b23 = getBindingFromASTName("C {}; /*base*/", 1);
IBinding b24 = getBindingFromASTName("S2 : public", 2);
IBinding b25 = getBindingFromASTName("S {}; /*base*/", 1);
//// header content
//class TopC {}; struct TopS {}; union TopU {}; enum TopE {TopER1,TopER2};
//short topBasic; void *topPtr; TopC *topCPtr; TopU topFunc(){return *new TopU();}
//// referencing content
//namespace n1 {
// class TopC {}; struct TopS {}; union TopU {}; enum TopE {TopER1,TopER2};
// short topBasic; void *topPtr;/*A*/ TopC *topCPtr;/*A*/ TopU topFunc(){return *new TopU();}
// class C {
// class TopC {}; struct TopS {}; union TopU {}; enum TopE {TopER1,TopER2};
// short topBasic; void *topPtr;/*B*/ TopC *topCPtr;/*B*/ TopU topFunc(){return *new TopU();}
// void references() {
// ::TopC c; ::TopS s; ::TopU u; ::TopE e = ::TopER1;
// ::topBasic++; ::topPtr = &::topBasic; ::topCPtr = &c; ::topFunc();
// }
// };
public void testSingletonQualifiedName() {
IBinding b0 = getBindingFromASTName("TopC c", 4);
IBinding b1 = getBindingFromASTName("TopS s", 4);
IBinding b2 = getBindingFromASTName("TopU u", 4);
IBinding b3 = getBindingFromASTName("TopE e", 4);
IBinding b4 = getBindingFromASTName("TopER1;", 6);
IBinding b5 = getBindingFromASTName("topBasic++", 8);
IBinding b6 = getBindingFromASTName("topPtr = &", 6);
IBinding b7 = getBindingFromASTName("topBasic; ::", 8);
IBinding b8 = getBindingFromASTName("topCPtr = &", 7);
IBinding b9 = getBindingFromASTName("topFunc();", 7);
IBinding _b5 = getBindingFromASTName("topBasic; v", 8);
IBinding _b6 = getBindingFromASTName("topPtr;/*A*/", 6);
IBinding _b7 = getBindingFromASTName("topPtr;/*B*/", 6);
IBinding _b8 = getBindingFromASTName("topCPtr;/*A*/", 7);
IBinding _b9 = getBindingFromASTName("topCPtr;/*B*/", 7);
IBinding _b10 = getBindingFromASTName("topFunc(){", 7);
// // header content
// namespace n1 { namespace n2 { struct S {}; } }
// class c1 { public: class c2 { public: struct S {}; }; };
// struct s1 { struct s2 { struct S {}; }; };
// union u1 { struct u2 { struct S {}; }; };
// namespace n3 { class c3 { public: struct s3 { union u3 { struct S {}; }; }; }; }
// // reference content
// void reference() {
// ::n1::n2::S _s0; n1::n2::S _s1;
// ::c1::c2::S _s2; c1::c2::S _s3;
// ::s1::s2::S _s4; s1::s2::S _s5;
// ::u1::u2::S _s6; u1::u2::S _s7;
// ::n3::c3::s3::u3::S _s8;
// n3::c3::s3::u3::S _s9;
// }
// namespace n3 { c3::s3::u3::S _s10; }
// namespace n1 { n2::S _s11; }
// namespace n1 { namespace n2 { S _s12; }}
public void testQualifiedNamesForStruct() throws DOMException {
IBinding b0 = getBindingFromASTName("S _s0;", 1);
assertTrue(b0.getScope() instanceof ICPPNamespaceScope);
assertTrue(b0.getScope().getParent() instanceof ICPPNamespaceScope);
assertEquals(EScopeKind.eGlobal, b0.getScope().getParent().getParent().getKind());
assertQNEquals("n1::n2::S", b0);
IBinding b1 = getBindingFromASTName("S _s1;", 1);
assertTrue(b1.getScope() instanceof ICPPNamespaceScope);
assertTrue(b1.getScope().getParent() instanceof ICPPNamespaceScope);
assertEquals(EScopeKind.eGlobal, b1.getScope().getParent().getParent().getKind());
assertQNEquals("n1::n2::S", b1);
IBinding b2 = getBindingFromASTName("S _s2;", 1);
assertTrue(b2.getScope() instanceof ICPPClassScope);
assertTrue(b2.getScope().getParent() instanceof ICPPClassScope);
assertEquals(EScopeKind.eGlobal, b2.getScope().getParent().getParent().getKind());
assertQNEquals("c1::c2::S", b2);
IBinding b3 = getBindingFromASTName("S _s3;", 1);
assertQNEquals("c1::c2::S", b3);
IBinding b4 = getBindingFromASTName("S _s4;", 1);
assertQNEquals("s1::s2::S", b4);
IBinding b5 = getBindingFromASTName("S _s5;", 1);
assertQNEquals("s1::s2::S", b5);
IBinding b6 = getBindingFromASTName("S _s6;", 1);
assertQNEquals("u1::u2::S", b6);
IBinding b7 = getBindingFromASTName("S _s7;", 1);
assertQNEquals("u1::u2::S", b7);
IBinding b8 = getBindingFromASTName("S _s8;", 1);
assertQNEquals("n3::c3::s3::u3::S", b8);
IBinding b9 = getBindingFromASTName("S _s9;", 1);
assertQNEquals("n3::c3::s3::u3::S", b9);
IBinding b10 = getBindingFromASTName("S _s10;", 1);
assertTrue(b10.getScope() instanceof ICPPClassScope);
assertTrue(b10.getScope().getParent() instanceof ICPPClassScope);
assertTrue(b10.getScope().getParent().getParent() instanceof ICPPClassScope);
assertTrue(b10.getScope().getParent().getParent().getParent() instanceof ICPPNamespaceScope);
assertEquals(EScopeKind.eGlobal, b10.getScope().getParent().getParent().getParent().getParent().getKind());
assertQNEquals("n3::c3::s3::u3::S", b10);
IBinding b11 = getBindingFromASTName("S _s11;", 1);
assertQNEquals("n1::n2::S", b11);
IBinding b12 = getBindingFromASTName("S _s12;", 1);
assertQNEquals("n1::n2::S", b12);
// // header content
// namespace n1 { namespace n2 { union U {}; } }
// class c1 { public: class c2 { public: union U {}; }; };
// struct s1 { struct s2 { union U {}; }; };
// union u1 { struct u2 { union U {}; }; };
// namespace n3 { class c3 { public: struct s3 { union u3 { union U {}; }; }; }; }
// // reference content
// void reference() {
// ::n1::n2::U _u0; n1::n2::U _u1;
// ::c1::c2::U _u2; c1::c2::U _u3;
// ::s1::s2::U _u4; s1::s2::U _u5;
// ::u1::u2::U _u6; u1::u2::U _u7;
// ::n3::c3::s3::u3::U _u8;
// n3::c3::s3::u3::U _u9;
// }
// namespace n3 { c3::s3::u3::U _u10; }
// namespace n1 { n2::U _u11; }
// namespace n1 { namespace n2 { U _u12; }}
public void testQualifiedNamesForUnion() throws DOMException {
IBinding b0 = getBindingFromASTName("U _u0;", 1);
assertQNEquals("n1::n2::U", b0);
IBinding b1 = getBindingFromASTName("U _u1;", 1);
assertQNEquals("n1::n2::U", b1);
IBinding b2 = getBindingFromASTName("U _u2;", 1);
assertQNEquals("c1::c2::U", b2);
IBinding b3 = getBindingFromASTName("U _u3;", 1);
assertQNEquals("c1::c2::U", b3);
IBinding b4 = getBindingFromASTName("U _u4;", 1);
assertQNEquals("s1::s2::U", b4);
IBinding b5 = getBindingFromASTName("U _u5;", 1);
assertQNEquals("s1::s2::U", b5);
IBinding b6 = getBindingFromASTName("U _u6;", 1);
assertQNEquals("u1::u2::U", b6);
IBinding b7 = getBindingFromASTName("U _u7;", 1);
assertQNEquals("u1::u2::U", b7);
IBinding b8 = getBindingFromASTName("U _u8;", 1);
assertQNEquals("n3::c3::s3::u3::U", b8);
IBinding b9 = getBindingFromASTName("U _u9;", 1);
assertQNEquals("n3::c3::s3::u3::U", b9);
IBinding b10 = getBindingFromASTName("U _u10;", 1);
assertQNEquals("n3::c3::s3::u3::U", b10);
IBinding b11 = getBindingFromASTName("U _u11;", 1);
assertQNEquals("n1::n2::U", b11);
IBinding b12 = getBindingFromASTName("U _u12;", 1);
assertQNEquals("n1::n2::U", b12);
// struct A {
// A& operator<<(int);
// void p() &;
// void p() &&;
// };
// A& operator<<(A&&, char);
// void test() {
// A a;
// A() << 1;//1 // calls A::operator<<(int)
// A() << 'c';//2 // calls operator<<(A&&, char)
// a << 1;//3 // calls A::operator<<(int)
// a << 'c';//4 // calls A::operator<<(int)
// A().p();//5 // calls A::p()&&
// a.p();//6 // calls A::p()&
// }
public void testRankingOfReferenceBindings() throws Exception {
ICPPMethod m= getBindingFromImplicitASTName("<< 1;//1", 2);
assertEquals(1, m.getType().getParameterTypes().length);
ICPPFunction f= getBindingFromImplicitASTName("<< 'c';//2", 2);
assertEquals(2, f.getType().getParameterTypes().length);
m= getBindingFromImplicitASTName("<< 1;//3", 2);
assertEquals(1, m.getType().getParameterTypes().length);
m= getBindingFromImplicitASTName("<< 'c';//4", 2);
assertEquals(1, m.getType().getParameterTypes().length);
m= getBindingFromFirstIdentifier("p();//5");
m= getBindingFromFirstIdentifier("p();//6");
// // header content
// namespace n1 { namespace n2 { class C {}; } }
// class c1 { public: class c2 { public: class C {}; }; };
// struct s1 { struct s2 { class C {}; }; };
// union u1 { union u2 { class C {}; }; };
// namespace n3 { class c3 { public: struct s3 { union u3 { class C {}; }; }; }; }
// // reference content
// void reference() {
// ::n1::n2::C _c0; n1::n2::C _c1;
// ::c1::c2::C _c2; c1::c2::C _c3;
// ::s1::s2::C _c4; s1::s2::C _c5;
// ::u1::u2::C _c6; u1::u2::C _c7;
// ::n3::c3::s3::u3::C _c8;
// n3::c3::s3::u3::C _c9;
// }
// namespace n3 { c3::s3::u3::C _c10; }
// namespace n1 { n2::C _c11; }
// namespace n1 { namespace n2 { C _c12; }}
public void testQualifiedNamesForClass() throws DOMException {
IBinding b0 = getBindingFromASTName("C _c0;", 1);
assertQNEquals("n1::n2::C", b0);
IBinding b1 = getBindingFromASTName("C _c1;", 1);
assertQNEquals("n1::n2::C", b1);
IBinding b2 = getBindingFromASTName("C _c2;", 1);
assertQNEquals("c1::c2::C", b2);
IBinding b3 = getBindingFromASTName("C _c3;", 1);
assertQNEquals("c1::c2::C", b3);
IBinding b4 = getBindingFromASTName("C _c4;", 1);
assertQNEquals("s1::s2::C", b4);
IBinding b5 = getBindingFromASTName("C _c5;", 1);
assertQNEquals("s1::s2::C", b5);
IBinding b6 = getBindingFromASTName("C _c6;", 1);
assertQNEquals("u1::u2::C", b6);
IBinding b7 = getBindingFromASTName("C _c7;", 1);
assertQNEquals("u1::u2::C", b7);
IBinding b8 = getBindingFromASTName("C _c8;", 1);
assertQNEquals("n3::c3::s3::u3::C", b8);
IBinding b9 = getBindingFromASTName("C _c9;", 1);
assertQNEquals("n3::c3::s3::u3::C", b9);
IBinding b10 = getBindingFromASTName("C _c10;", 1);
assertQNEquals("n3::c3::s3::u3::C", b10);
IBinding b11 = getBindingFromASTName("C _c11;", 1);
assertQNEquals("n1::n2::C", b11);
IBinding b12 = getBindingFromASTName("C _c12;", 1);
assertQNEquals("n1::n2::C", b12);
// // header content
// namespace n1 { namespace n2 { typedef int Int; } }
// class c1 { public: class c2 { public: typedef int Int; }; };
// struct s1 { struct s2 { typedef int Int; }; };
// union u1 { struct u2 { typedef int Int; }; };
// namespace n3 { class c3 { public: struct s3 { union u3 { typedef int Int; }; }; }; }
// // reference content
// void reference() {
// ::n1::n2::Int i0; n1::n2::Int i1;
// ::c1::c2::Int i2; c1::c2::Int i3;
// ::s1::s2::Int i4; s1::s2::Int i5;
// ::u1::u2::Int i6; u1::u2::Int i7;
// ::n3::c3::s3::u3::Int i8;
// n3::c3::s3::u3::Int i9;
// }
// namespace n3 { c3::s3::u3::Int i10; }
// namespace n1 { n2::Int i11; }
// namespace n1 { namespace n2 { Int i12; }}
public void testQualifiedNamesForTypedef() throws DOMException {
IBinding b0 = getBindingFromASTName("Int i0;", 3);
assertQNEquals("n1::n2::Int", b0);
IBinding b1= getBindingFromASTName("Int i1;", 3);
assertQNEquals("n1::n2::Int", b1);
IBinding b2 = getBindingFromASTName("Int i2;", 3);
assertQNEquals("c1::c2::Int", b2);
IBinding b3 = getBindingFromASTName("Int i3;", 3);
assertQNEquals("c1::c2::Int", b3);
IBinding b4 = getBindingFromASTName("Int i4;", 3);
assertQNEquals("s1::s2::Int", b4);
IBinding b5 = getBindingFromASTName("Int i5;", 3);
assertQNEquals("s1::s2::Int", b5);
IBinding b6 = getBindingFromASTName("Int i6;", 3);
assertQNEquals("u1::u2::Int", b6);
IBinding b7 = getBindingFromASTName("Int i7;", 3);
assertQNEquals("u1::u2::Int", b7);
IBinding b8 = getBindingFromASTName("Int i8;", 3);
assertQNEquals("n3::c3::s3::u3::Int", b8);
IBinding b9 = getBindingFromASTName("Int i9;", 3);
assertQNEquals("n3::c3::s3::u3::Int", b9);
IBinding b10 = getBindingFromASTName("Int i10;", 3);
assertQNEquals("n3::c3::s3::u3::Int", b10);
IBinding b11 = getBindingFromASTName("Int i11;", 3);
assertQNEquals("n1::n2::Int", b11);
IBinding b12 = getBindingFromASTName("Int i12;", 3);
assertQNEquals("n1::n2::Int", b12);
// struct A {
// static struct {
// } waldo;
// };
// decltype(A::waldo) A::waldo;
// A a;
public void testDecltype_434150() {
// // header content
// enum E { ER1, ER2 };
// // referencing content
// class C {
// E e1;
// static E e2;
// void m1() { e1 = ER1; }
// static void m2() { e2 = ER2; }
// };
public void testEnumeratorInClassScope() {
IBinding b0 = getBindingFromASTName("E e1", 1);
IBinding b1 = getBindingFromASTName("ER1; }", 3);
IBinding b2 = getBindingFromASTName("ER2; }", 3);
// // header content
// enum E { ER1, ER2 };
// // referencing content
// struct S {
// E e1;
// static E e2;
// void m1() { e1 = ER1; }
// static void m2() { e2 = ER2; }
// };
public void testEnumeratorInStructScope() {
IBinding b0 = getBindingFromASTName("E e1", 1);
IBinding b1 = getBindingFromASTName("ER1; }", 3);
IBinding b2 = getBindingFromASTName("ER2; }", 3);
// // header content
// enum E { ER1, ER2 };
// // referencing content
// union U {
// E e1;
// static E e2;
// void m1() { e1 = ER1; }
// static void m2() { e2 = ER2; }
// };
public void testEnumeratorInUnionScope() {
IBinding b0 = getBindingFromASTName("E e1", 1);
IBinding b1 = getBindingFromASTName("ER1; }", 3);
IBinding b2 = getBindingFromASTName("ER2; }", 3);
// // header content
// enum E { ER1, ER2 };
// // referencing content
// namespace n1 {
// E e1;
// static E e2;
// void f1() { e1 = ER1; }
// static void f2() { e2 = ER2; }
// };
public void testEnumeratorInNamespaceScope() {
IBinding b0 = getBindingFromASTName("E e1", 1);
IBinding b1 = getBindingFromASTName("ER1; }", 3);
IBinding b2 = getBindingFromASTName("ER2; }", 3);
// static union {
// int a;
// int b;
// };
// namespace N {
// static union {
// int c;
// int d;
// };
// }
// int waldo1 = a;
// int waldo2 = N::d;
public void testAnonymousUnion_377409() {
// void foo(int a=2, int b=3);
// void ref() { foo(); }
public void testFunctionDefaultArguments() {
IBinding b0 = getBindingFromASTName("foo();", 3);
// typedef int TYPE;
// namespace ns {
// const TYPE* foo(int a);
// };
// const TYPE* ns::foo(int a) { return 0; }
public void testTypeQualifier() {
IBinding b0 = getBindingFromASTName("foo(", 3);
// class Base { public: void foo(int i) {} };
// class Derived : public Base { public: void foo(long l) {} };
// void references() {
// Derived d; /*d*/
//; // calls long version
//; // also calls long version (int version is hidden)
// // aftodo - does this test make sense?
// }
public void testMethodHidingInInheritance() {
IBinding b0 = getBindingFromASTName("d; /*d*/", 1);
IBinding b1 = getBindingFromASTName("foo(55L);", 3);
IBinding b2 = getBindingFromASTName("foo(4);", 3);
// namespace x { namespace y { int i; } }
// class C { public:
// class x { public:
// class y { public:
// static int j;
// };
// };
// void method() {
// ::x::y::i++;
// x::y::j++;
// }
// };
public void testGQualifiedReference() {
IBinding b0 = getBindingFromASTName("x::y::i++", 1);
IBinding b1 = getBindingFromASTName("y::i++", 1);
IBinding b2 = getBindingFromASTName("i++", 1);
IBinding b3 = getBindingFromASTName("x::y::j++", 1);
IBinding b4 = getBindingFromASTName("y::j++", 1);
IBinding b5 = getBindingFromASTName("j++", 1);
////header content
//struct S {int i;};
//struct SS { S s, *sp; };
//S* retsptr() {return 0;}
//S rets() { return *new S(); }
//S s, *sp;
//SS ss, *ssp;
//S *a[3];
////reference content
//void references() {
// a[0]->i/*0*/++; (*a[0]).i/*1*/++; // IASTArraySubscriptExpression
// /* not applicable ?? */ // IASTBinaryExpression
// ((S*)sp)->i/*3*/++; ((S)s).i/*4*/++; //aftodo-valid? // IASTCastExpression
// (true ? sp : sp)->i/*5*/++; (true ? s : s).i/*6*/++; // IASTConditionalExpression
// (sp,sp)->i/*7*/++; (s,s).i/*8*/++; // IASTExpressionList
// ss.sp->i/*9*/++; ss.s.i/*10*/++; // IASTFieldReference
// ssp->sp->i/*11*/++; ssp->s.i/*12*/++; // IASTFieldReference
// retsptr()->i/*13*/++; rets().i/*14*/++; // IASTFunctionCallExpression
// sp->i/*15*/++; s.i/*16*/++; // IASTIdExpression
// /* not applicable */ // IASTLiteralExpression
// /* not applicable */ // IASTTypeIdExpression
// (*sp).i/*17*/++; // IASTUnaryExpression
// /* not applicable */ // ICPPASTDeleteExpression
// (new S())->i/*18*/++; // ICPPASTNewExpression
public void testFieldReference() {
IBinding b0 = getBindingFromASTName("i/*0*/", 1);
IBinding b1 = getBindingFromASTName("i/*1*/", 1);
// IBinding b2 = getBindingFromASTName(ast, "i/*2*/", 1);
IBinding b3 = getBindingFromASTName("i/*3*/", 1);
IBinding b4 = getBindingFromASTName("i/*4*/", 1);
IBinding b5 = getBindingFromASTName("i/*5*/", 1);
IBinding b6 = getBindingFromASTName("i/*6*/", 1);
IBinding b7 = getBindingFromASTName("i/*7*/", 1);
IBinding b8 = getBindingFromASTName("i/*8*/", 1);
IBinding b9 = getBindingFromASTName("i/*9*/", 1);
IBinding b10 = getBindingFromASTName("i/*10*/", 1);
IBinding b11 = getBindingFromASTName("i/*11*/", 1);
IBinding b12 = getBindingFromASTName("i/*12*/", 1);
IBinding b13 = getBindingFromASTName("i/*13*/", 1);
IBinding b14 = getBindingFromASTName("i/*14*/", 1);
IBinding b15 = getBindingFromASTName("i/*15*/", 1);
IBinding b16 = getBindingFromASTName("i/*16*/", 1);
IBinding b17 = getBindingFromASTName("i/*17*/", 1);
IBinding b18 = getBindingFromASTName("i/*18*/", 1);
// class C {public: C* cp;};
// C foo(C c);
// C* foo(C* c);
// int foo(int i);
// int foo(int i, C c);
// void references() {
// C c, *cp;
// foo/*a*/(cp[1]); // IASTArraySubscriptExpression
// foo/*b*/(cp+1); // IASTBinaryExpression
// foo/*c*/((C*) cp);/*1*/ // IASTCastExpression
// foo/*d*/(true ? c : c);/*2*/ // IASTConditionalExpression
// foo/*e*/(5, c);/*3*/ // IASTExpressionList
// foo/*f*/(c.cp);/*4*/ foo(cp->cp);/*5*/ // IASTFieldReference
// foo/*g*/(foo(c));/*6*/ foo(foo(1));/*7*/// IASTFunctionCallExpression
// foo/*h*/(c);/*8*/ // IASTIdExpression
// foo/*i*/(23489); // IASTLiteralExpression
// foo/*j*/(sizeof(C));/*9*/ // IASTTypeIdExpression
// foo/*k*/(*cp);/*10*/ // IASTUnaryExpression
// foo/*m*/(new C());/*12*/ // ICPPASTNewExpression
// // ?? foo/*n*/(); // ICPPASTSimpleTypeConstructorExpression
// // ?? foo/*o*/(); // ICPPASTTypenameExprssion
// // foo/*p*/(MADE_UP_SYMBOL); // ICPPASTTypenameExprssion
// }
public void testExpressionKindForFunctionCalls() {
// depends on bug 164470 because resolution takes place during parse.
IBinding b0 = getBindingFromASTName("foo/*a*/", 3);
IBinding b0a = getBindingFromASTName("cp[1]", 2);
// assertCompositeTypeParam(0, ICPPClassType.k_class, b0, "C");
IBinding b1 = getBindingFromASTName("foo/*b*/", 3);
IBinding b1a = getBindingFromASTName("cp+1", 2);
IBinding b2 = getBindingFromASTName("foo/*c*/", 3);
IBinding b2a = getBindingFromASTName("cp);/*1*/", 2);
IBinding b3 = getBindingFromASTName("foo/*d*/", 3);
IBinding b3a = getBindingFromASTName("c : c", 1);
IBinding b3b = getBindingFromASTName("c);/*2*/", 1);
IBinding b4 = getBindingFromASTName("foo/*e*/", 3);
IBinding b4a = getBindingFromASTName("c);/*3*/", 1);
IBinding b5 = getBindingFromASTName("cp);/*4*/", 2);
IBinding b5a = getBindingFromASTName("foo/*f*/", 3);
IBinding b5b = getBindingFromASTName("cp->cp);/*5*/", 2);
IBinding b5c = getBindingFromASTName("cp);/*5*/", 2);
IBinding b6 = getBindingFromASTName("foo/*g*/", 3);
IBinding b6a = getBindingFromASTName("foo(c));/*6*/", 3);
IBinding b6b = getBindingFromASTName("c));/*6*/", 1);
IBinding b6c = getBindingFromASTName("foo(foo(1));/*7*/", 3);
IBinding b6d = getBindingFromASTName("foo(1));/*7*/", 3);
IBinding b7 = getBindingFromASTName("foo/*h*/", 3);
IBinding b7a = getBindingFromASTName("c);/*8*/", 1);
IBinding b8 = getBindingFromASTName("foo/*i*/", 3);
IBinding b9 = getBindingFromASTName("foo/*j*/", 3);
IBinding b9a = getBindingFromASTName("C));/*9*/", 1);
IBinding b10 = getBindingFromASTName("foo/*k*/", 3);
IBinding b10a = getBindingFromASTName("cp);/*10*/", 2);
IBinding b12 = getBindingFromASTName("foo/*m*/", 3);
IBinding b12a = getBindingFromASTName("C());/*12*/", 1);
// IBinding b13 = getBindingFromASTName(ast, "foo/*n*/", 3);
// class C { public:
// typedef int i1; typedef long *lp1;
// class C1 {}; struct S1 {}; union U1 {}; enum E1 {A1};
// };
// struct S { public:
// typedef int i2; typedef long *lp2;
// class C2 {}; struct S2 {}; union U2 {}; enum E2 {A2};
// };
// union U { public:
// typedef int i3; typedef long *lp3;
// class C3 {}; struct S3 {}; union U3 {}; enum E3 {A3};
// };
// enum E {A};
// namespace n {
// typedef int i4; typedef long *lp4;
// class C4 {}; struct S4 {}; union U4 {}; enum E4 {A4};
// }
// void f(int);
// void f(long);
// void f(C); void f(C::i1); void f(C::lp1); void f(C::S1); void f(C::U1); void f(C::E1);
// void f(S); void f(S::i2); void f(S::lp2); void f(S::S2); void f(S::U2); void f(S::E2);
// void f(U); void f(U::i3); void f(U::lp3); void f(U::S3); void f(U::U3); void f(U::E3);
// void f(n::i4); void f(n::lp4); void f(n::S4); void f(n::U4); void f(n::E4);
// void f(E);
// void references() {
// void (*fintptr)(int), (*flongptr)(long);
// void (*fC)(C), (*fCi1)(C::i1), (*fClp1)(C::lp1), (*fCS1)(C::S1), (*fCU1)(C::U1), (*fCE1)(C::E1);
// void (*fS)(S), (*fSi2)(S::i2), (*fSlp2)(S::lp2), (*fSS2)(S::S2), (*fSU2)(S::U2), (*fSE2)(S::E2);
// void (*fU)(U), (*fUi3)(U::i3), (*fUlp3)(U::lp3), (*fUS3)(U::S3), (*fUU3)(U::U3), (*fUE3)(U::E3);
// void (*fni4)(n::i4), (*fnlp4)(n::lp4), (*fnS4)(n::S4), (*fnU4)(n::U4), (*fnE4)(n::E4);
// void (*fE)(E);
// fintptr = &f;/*0*/ flongptr = &f;/*1*/
// fC = &f;/*2*/ fCi1 = &f;/*3*/ fClp1 = &f;/*4*/ fCS1 = &f;/*5*/ fCU1 = &f;/*6*/ fCE1 = &f;/*7*/
// fS = &f;/*8*/ fSi2 = &f;/*9*/ fSlp2 = &f;/*10*/ fSS2 = &f;/*11*/ fSU2 = &f;/*12*/ fSE2 = &f;/*13*/
// fU = &f;/*14*/ fUi3 = &f;/*15*/ fUlp3 = &f;/*16*/ fUS3 = &f;/*17*/ fUU3 = &f;/*18*/ fUE3 = &f;/*19*/
// fni4 = &f;/*20*/ fnlp4 = &f;/*21*/ fnS4 = &f;/*22*/ fnU4 = &f;/*23*/ fnE4 = &f;/*24*/
// fE = &f;/*25*/
// }
public void testAddressOfOverloadedFunction() throws DOMException {
IBinding b0 = getBindingFromASTName("f;/*0*/", 1);
IBinding b1 = getBindingFromASTName("f;/*1*/", 1);
IBinding b2 = getBindingFromASTName("f;/*2*/", 1);
IBinding b3 = getBindingFromASTName("f;/*3*/", 1);
IBinding b4 = getBindingFromASTName("f;/*4*/", 1);
IBinding b5 = getBindingFromASTName("f;/*5*/", 1);
IBinding b6 = getBindingFromASTName("f;/*6*/", 1);
IBinding b7 = getBindingFromASTName("f;/*7*/", 1);
IBinding b8 = getBindingFromASTName("f;/*8*/", 1);
IBinding b9 = getBindingFromASTName("f;/*9*/", 1);
IBinding b10= getBindingFromASTName("f;/*10*/", 1);
IBinding b11 = getBindingFromASTName("f;/*11*/", 1);
IBinding b12 = getBindingFromASTName("f;/*12*/", 1);
IBinding b13 = getBindingFromASTName("f;/*13*/", 1);
IBinding b14 = getBindingFromASTName("f;/*14*/", 1);
IBinding b15 = getBindingFromASTName("f;/*15*/", 1);
IBinding b16 = getBindingFromASTName("f;/*16*/", 1);
IBinding b17 = getBindingFromASTName("f;/*17*/", 1);
IBinding b18 = getBindingFromASTName("f;/*18*/", 1);
IBinding b19 = getBindingFromASTName("f;/*19*/", 1);
IBinding b20 = getBindingFromASTName("f;/*20*/", 1);
IBinding b21 = getBindingFromASTName("f;/*21*/", 1);
IBinding b22 = getBindingFromASTName("f;/*22*/", 1);
IBinding b23 = getBindingFromASTName("f;/*23*/", 1);
IBinding b24 = getBindingFromASTName("f;/*24*/", 1);
// struct C {
// int m1(int a);
// int m2(int a) const;
// };
// C* func(int (C::*m)(int) const);
// C* func(int (C::*m)(int));
// void ref() {
// func(&C::m1);
// func(&C::m2);
// }
public void testAddressOfConstMethod_233889() {
IBinding fn1= getBindingFromASTName("func(&C::m1", 4, ICPPFunction.class);
IBinding fn2= getBindingFromASTName("func(&C::m2", 4, ICPPFunction.class);
assertNotSame(fn1, fn2);
// void f_int(int);
// void f_const_int(const int);
// void f_int_ptr(int*);
// void ref() {
// int i = 0;
// const int const_int = 0;
// f_int(i); // ok
// f_int(const_int); // ok (passed as value)
// f_const_int(i); // ok
// f_const_int(const_int); // ok
// }
// void f_const_int(const int const_int) {
// f_int_ptr(&const_int); // error
// }
public void testConstIntParameter() {
getBindingFromASTName("f_int(i)", 5);
getBindingFromASTName("f_int(const_int)", 5);
getBindingFromASTName("f_const_int(i)", 11);
getBindingFromASTName("f_const_int(const_int)", 11);
getProblemFromASTName("f_int_ptr(&const_int)", 9);
// void f_int_ptr(int*);
// void f_const_int_ptr(const int*);
// void f_int_const_ptr(int const*);
// void f_int_ptr_const(int *const);
// void f_const_int_ptr_const(const int*const);
// void f_int_const_ptr_const(int const*const);
// void ref() {
// int* int_ptr = 0;
// const int* const_int_ptr = 0;
// int const* int_const_ptr = 0;
// int *const int_ptr_const = 0;
// const int*const const_int_ptr_const = 0;
// int const*const int_const_ptr_const = 0;
// f_int_ptr(int_ptr); // ok
// f_int_ptr(const_int_ptr); // error
// f_int_ptr(int_const_ptr); // error
// f_int_ptr(int_ptr_const); // ok
// f_int_ptr(const_int_ptr_const); // error
// f_int_ptr(int_const_ptr_const); // error
// f_const_int_ptr(int_ptr); // ok
// f_const_int_ptr(const_int_ptr); // ok
// f_const_int_ptr(int_const_ptr); // ok
// f_const_int_ptr(int_ptr_const); // ok
// f_const_int_ptr(const_int_ptr_const); // ok
// f_const_int_ptr(int_const_ptr_const); // ok
// f_int_const_ptr(int_ptr); // ok
// f_int_const_ptr(const_int_ptr); // ok
// f_int_const_ptr(int_const_ptr); // ok
// f_int_const_ptr(int_ptr_const); // ok
// f_int_const_ptr(const_int_ptr_const); // ok
// f_int_const_ptr(int_const_ptr_const); // ok
// f_int_ptr_const(int_ptr); // ok
// f_int_ptr_const(const_int_ptr); // error
// f_int_ptr_const(int_const_ptr); // error
// f_int_ptr_const(int_ptr_const); // ok
// f_int_ptr_const(const_int_ptr_const); // error
// f_int_ptr_const(int_const_ptr_const); // error
// f_const_int_ptr_const(int_ptr); // ok
// f_const_int_ptr_const(const_int_ptr); // ok
// f_const_int_ptr_const(int_const_ptr); // ok
// f_const_int_ptr_const(int_ptr_const); // ok
// f_const_int_ptr_const(const_int_ptr_const); // ok
// f_const_int_ptr_const(int_const_ptr_const); // ok
// f_int_const_ptr_const(int_ptr); // ok
// f_int_const_ptr_const(const_int_ptr); // ok
// f_int_const_ptr_const(int_const_ptr); // ok
// f_int_const_ptr_const(int_ptr_const); // ok
// f_int_const_ptr_const(const_int_ptr_const); // ok
// f_int_const_ptr_const(int_const_ptr_const); // ok
// }
public void testConstIntPtrParameter() {
getBindingFromASTName("f_int_ptr(int_ptr)", 9);
getProblemFromASTName("f_int_ptr(const_int_ptr)", 9);
getProblemFromASTName("f_int_ptr(int_const_ptr)", 9);
getBindingFromASTName("f_int_ptr(int_ptr_const)", 9);
getProblemFromASTName("f_int_ptr(const_int_ptr_const)", 9);
getProblemFromASTName("f_int_ptr(int_const_ptr_const)", 9);
getBindingFromASTName("f_const_int_ptr(int_ptr)", 15);
getBindingFromASTName("f_const_int_ptr(const_int_ptr)", 15);
getBindingFromASTName("f_const_int_ptr(int_const_ptr)", 15);
getBindingFromASTName("f_const_int_ptr(int_ptr_const)", 15);
getBindingFromASTName("f_const_int_ptr(const_int_ptr_const)", 15);
getBindingFromASTName("f_const_int_ptr(int_const_ptr_const)", 15);
getBindingFromASTName("f_int_const_ptr(int_ptr)", 15);
getBindingFromASTName("f_int_const_ptr(const_int_ptr)", 15);
getBindingFromASTName("f_int_const_ptr(int_const_ptr)", 15);
getBindingFromASTName("f_int_const_ptr(int_ptr_const)", 15);
getBindingFromASTName("f_int_const_ptr(const_int_ptr_const)", 15);
getBindingFromASTName("f_int_const_ptr(int_const_ptr_const)", 15);
getBindingFromASTName("f_int_ptr_const(int_ptr)", 15);
getProblemFromASTName("f_int_ptr_const(const_int_ptr)", 15);
getProblemFromASTName("f_int_ptr_const(int_const_ptr)", 15);
getBindingFromASTName("f_int_ptr_const(int_ptr_const)", 15);
getProblemFromASTName("f_int_ptr_const(const_int_ptr_const)", 15);
getProblemFromASTName("f_int_ptr_const(int_const_ptr_const)", 15);
getBindingFromASTName("f_const_int_ptr_const(int_ptr)", 21);
getBindingFromASTName("f_const_int_ptr_const(const_int_ptr)", 21);
getBindingFromASTName("f_const_int_ptr_const(int_const_ptr)", 21);
getBindingFromASTName("f_const_int_ptr_const(int_ptr_const)", 21);
getBindingFromASTName("f_const_int_ptr_const(const_int_ptr_const)", 21);
getBindingFromASTName("f_const_int_ptr_const(int_const_ptr_const)", 21);
getBindingFromASTName("f_int_const_ptr_const(int_ptr)", 21);
getBindingFromASTName("f_int_const_ptr_const(const_int_ptr)", 21);
getBindingFromASTName("f_int_const_ptr_const(int_const_ptr)", 21);
getBindingFromASTName("f_int_const_ptr_const(int_ptr_const)", 21);
getBindingFromASTName("f_int_const_ptr_const(const_int_ptr_const)", 21);
getBindingFromASTName("f_int_const_ptr_const(int_const_ptr_const)", 21);
// // the header
// void f(int*){} // b1
// void f(const int*){} // b2
// void f(int const*){} // b2, redef
// void f(int *const){} // b1, redef
// void f(const int*const){} // b2, redef
// void f(int const*const){} // b2, redef
public void testConstIntPtrParameterInDefinitionAST() throws CoreException {
IBinding binding1= getBindingFromASTName("f(int*){}", 1);
IBinding binding2= getBindingFromASTName("f(const int*){}", 1);
getProblemFromASTName("f(int const*){}", 1);
getProblemFromASTName("f(int *const){}", 1);
getProblemFromASTName("f(const int*const){}", 1);
getProblemFromASTName("f(int const*const){}", 1);
// // the header
// void f(int&){} // b1
// void f(const int&){} // b2
// void f(int const&){} // b2, redef
public void testConstIntRefParameterInDefinitionAST() throws CoreException {
IBinding binding1= getBindingFromASTName("f(int&){}", 1);
IBinding binding2= getBindingFromASTName("f(const int&){}", 1);
getProblemFromASTName("f(int const&){}", 1);
// // the header
// void f(int*); // b1
// void f(const int*); // b2
// void f(int const*); // b2
// void f(int *const); // b1
// void f(const int*const); // b2
// void f(int const*const); // b2
// void f(int*){} // b1
// void f(const int*){} // b2
// void ref() {
// int* int_ptr = 0;
// const int* const_int_ptr = 0;
// int const* int_const_ptr = 0;
// int *const int_ptr_const = 0;
// const int*const const_int_ptr_const = 0;
// int const*const int_const_ptr_const = 0;
// f(int_ptr); // b1
// f(const_int_ptr); // b2
// f(int_const_ptr); // b2
// f(int_ptr_const); // b1
// f(const_int_ptr_const); // b2
// f(int_const_ptr_const); // b2
// }
public void testConstIntPtrParameterInDefinitionAST2() throws CoreException {
IBinding binding1= getBindingFromASTName("f(int*){}", 1);
IBinding binding2= getBindingFromASTName("f(const int*){}", 1);
assertEquals(binding1, getBindingFromASTName("f(int_ptr)", 1));
assertEquals(binding2, getBindingFromASTName("f(const_int_ptr)", 1));
assertEquals(binding2, getBindingFromASTName("f(int_const_ptr)", 1));
assertEquals(binding1, getBindingFromASTName("f(int_ptr_const)", 1));
assertEquals(binding2, getBindingFromASTName("f(const_int_ptr_const)", 1));
assertEquals(binding2, getBindingFromASTName("f(int_const_ptr_const)", 1));
// void f(int*); // b1
// void f(const int*); // b2
// void f(int const*); // b2
// void f(int *const); // b1
// void f(const int*const); // b2
// void f(int const*const); // b2
// void f(int*){} // b1
// void f(const int*){} // b2
// void ref() {
// int* int_ptr = 0;
// const int* const_int_ptr = 0;
// int const* int_const_ptr = 0;
// int *const int_ptr_const = 0;
// const int*const const_int_ptr_const = 0;
// int const*const int_const_ptr_const = 0;
// f(int_ptr); // b1
// f(const_int_ptr); // b2
// f(int_const_ptr); // b2
// f(int_ptr_const); // b1
// f(const_int_ptr_const); // b2
// f(int_const_ptr_const); // b2
// }
public void testConstIntPtrParameterInDefinition() throws CoreException {
IBinding binding1= getBindingFromASTName("f(int*){}", 1);
IBinding binding2= getBindingFromASTName("f(const int*){}", 1);
assertEquals(binding1, getBindingFromASTName("f(int_ptr)", 1));
assertEquals(binding2, getBindingFromASTName("f(const_int_ptr)", 1));
assertEquals(binding2, getBindingFromASTName("f(int_const_ptr)", 1));
assertEquals(binding1, getBindingFromASTName("f(int_ptr_const)", 1));
assertEquals(binding2, getBindingFromASTName("f(const_int_ptr_const)", 1));
assertEquals(binding2, getBindingFromASTName("f(int_const_ptr_const)", 1));
assertEquals(2, getIndex().findNames(binding1, IIndex.FIND_DECLARATIONS).length);
assertEquals(4, getIndex().findNames(binding2, IIndex.FIND_DECLARATIONS).length);
assertEquals(1, getIndex().findNames(binding1, IIndex.FIND_DEFINITIONS).length);
assertEquals(1, getIndex().findNames(binding2, IIndex.FIND_DEFINITIONS).length);
// // header file
// struct myStruct {
// int a;
// };
// union myUnion {
// int b;
// };
// // referencing content
// struct myStruct;
// union myUnion;
// void test() {
// struct myStruct* u;
// union myUnion* v;
// u->a= 1; // since we include the definition, we may use the type.
// v->b= 1; // since we include the definition, we may use the type.
// }
public void testTypeDefinitionWithFwdDeclaration() {
getBindingFromASTName("a= 1", 1);
getBindingFromASTName("b= 1", 1);
// namespace x {
// int a(int);
// }
// using namespace x;
// using x::a;
// void test() {
// a(1);
// }
public void testLegalConflictWithUsingDeclaration() {
getBindingFromASTName("a(1)", 1);
// class A {};
// class B {};
// class C {
// public:
// operator B() {B b; return b;}
// };
// class D : public C {};
// void foo(B b) {}
// class E : public C {};
// void refs() {
// C c;
// foo(c);
// D d;
// foo(d);
// E e;
// foo(e);
// }
public void testUserDefinedConversionOperator_224364() {
IBinding ca= getBindingFromASTName("C c;", 1);
assertInstance(ca, ICPPClassType.class);
IBinding foo1= getBindingFromASTName("foo(c)", 3);
IBinding da= getBindingFromASTName("D d", 1);
assertInstance(da, ICPPClassType.class);
IBinding foo2= getBindingFromASTName("foo(d)", 3);
IBinding foo3= getBindingFromASTName("foo(e)", 3);
// int a= 1+2-3*4+10/2; // -4
// int b= a+4;
// int* c= &b;
// enum X {e0, e4=4, e5, e2=2, e3};
// void ref() {
// a; b; c; e0; e2; e3; e4; e5;
// }
public void testValues() {
IVariable v= (IVariable) getBindingFromASTName("a;", 1);
asserValueEquals(v.getInitialValue(), -4);
v= (IVariable) getBindingFromASTName("b;", 1);
asserValueEquals(v.getInitialValue(), 0);
v= (IVariable) getBindingFromASTName("c;", 1);
IEnumerator e= (IEnumerator) getBindingFromASTName("e0", 2);
asserValueEquals(e.getValue(), 0);
e= (IEnumerator) getBindingFromASTName("e2", 2);
asserValueEquals(e.getValue(), 2);
e= (IEnumerator) getBindingFromASTName("e3", 2);
asserValueEquals(e.getValue(), 3);
e= (IEnumerator) getBindingFromASTName("e4", 2);
asserValueEquals(e.getValue(), 4);
e= (IEnumerator) getBindingFromASTName("e5", 2);
asserValueEquals(e.getValue(), 5);
// namespace ns1 { namespace ns2 {
// class A {};
// }}
// using namespace ns1::ns2;
// A a;
public void testUsingDirectiveWithQualifiedName_269727() {
getBindingFromASTName("A a", 1, ICPPClassType.class);
// void f(int (&v)[1]);
// void f(int (&v)[2]);
// void test() {
// int a[1], b[2];
// f(a); f(b);
// }
public void testArrayTypeWithSize_269926() {
IFunction f1= getBindingFromASTName("f(a)", 1, IFunction.class);
IFunction f2= getBindingFromASTName("f(b)", 1, IFunction.class);
// class A {
// class B;
// void method();
// };
// class A::B {
// B(int x);
// static void m(int p);
// };
// void A::method() {
// new B(0);
// B::m(0);
// }
public void testNestedClass_284665() {
ICPPClassType b0 = getBindingFromASTName("B {", 1, ICPPClassType.class);
assertFalse(b0 instanceof IIndexBinding);
ICPPConstructor b1 = getBindingFromASTName("B(int x)", 1, ICPPConstructor.class);
assertFalse(b1 instanceof IIndexBinding);
ICPPClassType b2 = getBindingFromASTName("B(0)", 1, ICPPClassType.class);
ICPPMethod b3 = getBindingFromASTName("m(0)", 1, ICPPMethod.class);
assertFalse(b3 instanceof IIndexBinding);
// class A {
// friend inline void m(A p) {}
// };
// void test(A a) {
// m(a);
// }
public void testInlineFriendFunction_284690() {
getBindingFromASTName("m(a)", 1, IFunction.class);
// namespace ns {
// struct S {};
// }
// namespace m {
// void h(ns::S);
// }
// namespace ns {
// inline namespace a {
// using namespace m;
// struct A {};
// void fa(S s);
// }
// inline namespace b {
// struct B {};
// void fb(S s);
// void gb(a::A);
// }
// void f(S s);
// void g(a::A);
// void g(b::B);
// }
// ns::S s;
// ns::A a0;
// ns::B b0;
// ns::a::A a;
// ns::b::B b;
// void ok() {
// fa(s); fb(s); f(s);
// g(a);
// gb(a);
// }
public void testInlineNamespace_305980a() {
IFunction f= getBindingFromASTName("fa(s)", 2);
f= getBindingFromASTName("fb(s)", 2);
f= getBindingFromASTName("f(s)", 1);
f= getBindingFromASTName("g(a)", 1);
f= getBindingFromASTName("gb(a)", 2);
// namespace ns {
// struct S {};
// }
// namespace m {
// void h(ns::S);
// }
// namespace ns {
// inline namespace a {
// using namespace m;
// struct A {};
// void fa(S s);
// }
// inline namespace b {
// struct B {};
// void fb(S s);
// void gb(a::A);
// }
// void f(S s);
// void g(a::A);
// void g(b::B);
// }
// namespace ns {}
// namespace m {}
// ns::S s;
// ns::A a0;
// ns::B b0;
// ns::a::A a;
// ns::b::B b;
// void ok() {
// fa(s); fb(s); f(s);
// g(a);
// gb(a);
// }
public void testInlineNamespace_305980am() {
IFunction f= getBindingFromASTName("fa(s)", 2);
f= getBindingFromASTName("fb(s)", 2);
f= getBindingFromASTName("f(s)", 1);
f= getBindingFromASTName("g(a)", 1);
f= getBindingFromASTName("gb(a)", 2);
// namespace ns {
// inline namespace m {
// int a;
// }
// }
// void test() {
// ns::m::a; //1
// ns::a; //2
// }
public void testInlineNamespace_305980b() {
IVariable v1= getBindingFromASTName("a; //1", 1);
IVariable v2= getBindingFromASTName("a; //2", 1);
assertEquals(v1, v2);
// namespace ns {
// inline namespace m {
// int a;
// }
// }
// namespace ns {
// void test() {
// m::a; //1
// a; //2
// }
// }
// void test() {
// ns::m::a; //3
// ns::a; //4
// }
public void testInlineNamespace_305980bm() {
IVariable v1= getBindingFromASTName("a; //1", 1);
IVariable v2= getBindingFromASTName("a; //2", 1);
IVariable v3= getBindingFromASTName("a; //3", 1);
IVariable v4= getBindingFromASTName("a; //4", 1);
assertEquals(v1, v2);
assertEquals(v2, v3);
assertEquals(v3, v4);
// namespace out {
// void f(int);
// }
// namespace out2 {
// void g(int);
// }
// using namespace out;
// inline namespace in {
// inline namespace in2 {
// void f(char);
// using namespace out2;
// }
// }
// void test() {
// ::f(1);
// ::g(1);
// }
public void testInlineNamespace_305980c() {
IFunction ref= getBindingFromASTName("f(1)", 1);
assertEquals("void (char)", ASTTypeUtil.getType(ref.getType()));
getBindingFromASTName("g(1)", 1);
// namespace out {
// void f(int);
// }
// namespace out2 {
// void g(int);
// }
// using namespace out;
// inline namespace in {
// inline namespace in2 {
// void f(char);
// using namespace out2;
// }
// }
// namespace out {}
// namespace out2 {}
// namespace in {}
// void test() {
// ::f(1);
// ::g(1);
// }
public void testInlineNamespace_305980cm() {
IFunction ref= getBindingFromASTName("f(1)", 1);
assertEquals("void (char)", ASTTypeUtil.getType(ref.getType()));
getBindingFromASTName("g(1)", 1);
// namespace ns {
// void fun();
// }
// namespace alias = ns;
// void alias::fun() {
// }
public void testNamespaceAliasAsQualifier_356493a() {
IFunction ref= getBindingFromASTName("fun", 0);
assertEquals("ns", ref.getOwner().getName());
// namespace ns {
// void fun();
// }
// namespace alias = ns;
// void alias::fun() {
// }
public void testNamespaceAliasAsQualifier_356493b() {
IFunction ref= getBindingFromASTName("fun", 0);
assertEquals("ns", ref.getOwner().getName());
// class A {};
// void f(A a) {}
// struct B {};
// void g(B b) {}
// struct A;
// class B;
// void test(A a, B b) {
// f(a);
// g(b);
// }
public void testStructClassMismatch_358282() {
getBindingFromASTName("f(a)", 1, ICPPFunction.class);
getBindingFromASTName("g(b)", 1, ICPPFunction.class);
// namespace {
// class A {};
// }
// A a;
public void testAnonymousNamespace() {
getBindingFromFirstIdentifier("A", ICPPClassType.class);
// namespace ns {
// namespace {
// const char str[] = "";
// }
// }
// namespace {
// const char str[] = "";
// }
// namespace ns {
// void f(const char* s);
// void test() {
// f(str);
// }
// }
public void testAnonymousNamespaces_392577() {
getBindingFromFirstIdentifier("f(str)", ICPPFunction.class);
// namespace ns {
// typedef int INT;
// }
// namespace {
// namespace ns {
// using ::ns::INT;
// }
// }
public void testAnonymousNamespaces_418130() {
// struct A {
// A(int);
// };
// struct B : public A {
// using A::A;
// };
// void foo(B);
// int test() {
// foo(1);
// }
public void testInheritedConstructor() {
// template <class T>
// struct A {
// A(T);
// };
// struct B : public A<int> {
// using A::A;
// };
// void foo(B);
// int test() {
// foo(1);
// }
public void testInheritedConstructorFromTemplateInstance() {
// struct A {
// A(int);
// };
// template <class T>
// struct B : public T {
// using T::T;
// };
// void foo(B<A>);
// int test() {
// foo(1);
// }
public void testInheritedConstructorFromUnknownClass() {
// template <typename T>
// struct A {};
// struct B {
// template <typename T>
// B(const A<T>&, int i = 3);
// };
// struct C : public B {
// using B::B;
// };
// void foo(C);
// void test(A<int> a) {
// foo(a);
// }
public void testInheritedTemplateConstructor() {
// constexpr int foo(int a = 42) {
// return a;
// }
// constexpr int waldo = foo();
public void testNameLookupInDefaultArgument_432701() {
IVariable waldo = getBindingFromASTName("waldo", 5);
assertEquals(42, waldo.getInitialValue().numberValue().longValue());
// struct function {
// template <typename T>
// function(T);
// };
// struct test {
// // These lambdas have the class 'test' as their owner.
// test(function f = [](int c) { return c; });
// function member = [](int c) { return c; };
// };
// int z;
public void testLambdaOwnedByClass_409882() {
// struct A {
// auto a = [](int p) { int waldo = p; return waldo; };
// };
// // No code in this file.
public void testLambdaOwnedByClass_449099() {
// extern char TableValue[10];
// char TableValue[sizeof TableValue];
public void testNameLookupFromArrayModifier_435075() {
// class NonVirt {
// void m();
// };
// class C1 : NonVirt {
// virtual void m();
// };
// class C2 : C1 {
// void m();
// };
// class C3 : C2 {
// void m(int);
// };
// class C4 : C3 {
// void m();
// };
// class C5 : C1 {
// void m();
// };
// void test(NonVirt* n, C1* c1, C2* c2, C3* c3, C4* c4, C5* c5) {
// n->m();//0
// c1->m();//1
// c2->m();//2
// c3->m(0);//3
// c4->m();//4
// c5->m();//5
// }
public void testOverridden_248846() throws Exception {
ICPPMethod m0= getBindingFromFirstIdentifier("m();//0");
ICPPMethod m1= getBindingFromFirstIdentifier("m();//1");
ICPPMethod m2= getBindingFromFirstIdentifier("m();//2");
ICPPMethod m3= getBindingFromFirstIdentifier("m(0);");
ICPPMethod m4= getBindingFromFirstIdentifier("m();//4");
ICPPMethod m5= getBindingFromFirstIdentifier("m();//5");
assertFalse(ClassTypeHelper.isOverrider(m0, m0));
assertFalse(ClassTypeHelper.isOverrider(m1, m0));
assertFalse(ClassTypeHelper.isOverrider(m2, m0));
assertFalse(ClassTypeHelper.isOverrider(m3, m0));
assertFalse(ClassTypeHelper.isOverrider(m4, m0));
assertFalse(ClassTypeHelper.isOverrider(m5, m0));
assertFalse(ClassTypeHelper.isOverrider(m0, m1));
assertFalse(ClassTypeHelper.isOverrider(m1, m1));
assertFalse(ClassTypeHelper.isOverrider(m3, m1));
assertTrue(ClassTypeHelper.isOverrider(m2, m1));
assertTrue(ClassTypeHelper.isOverrider(m4, m1));
assertTrue(ClassTypeHelper.isOverrider(m5, m1));
assertFalse(ClassTypeHelper.isOverrider(m0, m2));
assertFalse(ClassTypeHelper.isOverrider(m1, m2));
assertFalse(ClassTypeHelper.isOverrider(m2, m2));
assertFalse(ClassTypeHelper.isOverrider(m3, m2));
assertFalse(ClassTypeHelper.isOverrider(m5, m2));
assertTrue(ClassTypeHelper.isOverrider(m4, m2));
ICPPMethod[] ors= ClassTypeHelper.findOverridden(m0, null);
assertEquals(0, ors.length);
ors= ClassTypeHelper.findOverridden(m1, null);
assertEquals(0, ors.length);
ors= ClassTypeHelper.findOverridden(m2, null);
assertEquals(1, ors.length);
assertEquals(ors[0], m1);
ors= ClassTypeHelper.findOverridden(m3, null);
assertEquals(0, ors.length);
ors= ClassTypeHelper.findOverridden(m4, null);
assertEquals(2, ors.length);
assertEquals(ors[0], m2);
assertEquals(ors[1], m1);
ors= ClassTypeHelper.findOverridden(m5, null);
assertEquals(1, ors.length);
assertEquals(ors[0], m1);
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(unsigned long long i) { return Ret(); }
// auto test = 123_X;
public void testUserDefinedLiteralOperatorTypes1() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(long double i) { return Ret(); }
// auto test = 12.3_X;
public void testUserDefinedLiteralOperatorTypes2() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(const char* s) { return Ret(); }
// auto test = 123_X;
public void testUserDefinedLiteralOperatorTypes1a() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(const char* s) { return Ret(); }
// auto test = 12.3_X;
public void testUserDefinedLiteralOperatorTypes2a() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(unsigned long long d) { return Ret(); }
// bool operator "" _X(const char* s) { return false; }
// auto test = 123_X;
public void testUserDefinedLiteralOperatorTypes1b() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(long double d) { return Ret(); }
// bool operator "" _X(const char* s) { return false; }
// auto test = 12.3_X;
public void testUserDefinedLiteralOperatorTypes2b() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(const char* s, unsigned sz) { return Ret(); }
// auto test = "123"_X;
public void testUserDefinedLiteralOperatorTypes3() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(const wchar_t* s, unsigned sz) { return Ret(); }
// auto test = L"123"_X;
public void testUserDefinedLiteralOperatorTypes3a() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(const char16_t* s, unsigned sz) { return Ret(); }
// auto test = u"123"_X;
public void testUserDefinedLiteralOperatorTypes3b() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(const char32_t* s, unsigned sz) { return Ret(); }
// auto test = U"123"_X;
public void testUserDefinedLiteralOperatorTypes3c() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// template<char... Chars> Ret operator "" _X() { return Ret(); }
// auto test = 123_X;
public void testUserDefinedLiteralOperatorTypes4a() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// template<char... Chars> Ret operator "" _X() { return Ret(); }
// auto test = 123.123_X;
public void testUserDefinedLiteralOperatorTypes4b() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(const char* s, unsigned sz) { return Ret(); }
// auto test = "123" "123"_X;
public void testUserDefinedLiteralConcatenation1a() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(const char* s, unsigned sz) { return Ret(); }
// auto test = "123"_X "123";
public void testUserDefinedLiteralConcatenation1b() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(const char* s, unsigned sz) { return Ret(); }
// auto test = u8"123" "123"_X;
public void testUserDefinedLiteralConcatenation2a() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(const char* s, unsigned sz) { return Ret(); }
// auto test = u8"123"_X "123";
public void testUserDefinedLiteralConcatenation2b() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(const char* s, unsigned sz) { return Ret(); }
// auto test = "123" u8"123"_X;
public void testUserDefinedLiteralConcatenation2c() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(const char* s, unsigned sz) { return Ret(); }
// auto test = "123"_X u8"123";
public void testUserDefinedLiteralConcatenation2d() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(const wchar_t* s, unsigned sz) { return Ret(); }
// auto test = L"123" "123"_X;
public void testUserDefinedLiteralConcatenation3a() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(const wchar_t* s, unsigned sz) { return Ret(); }
// auto test = L"123"_X "123";
public void testUserDefinedLiteralConcatenation3b() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(const wchar_t* s, unsigned sz) { return Ret(); }
// auto test = "123" L"123"_X;
public void testUserDefinedLiteralConcatenation3c() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(const wchar_t* s, unsigned sz) { return Ret(); }
// auto test = "123"_X L"123";
public void testUserDefinedLiteralConcatenation3d() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(const char16_t* s, unsigned sz) { return Ret(); }
// auto test = u"123" "123"_X;
public void testUserDefinedLiteralConcatenation4a() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(const char16_t* s, unsigned sz) { return Ret(); }
// auto test = u"123"_X "123";
public void testUserDefinedLiteralConcatenation4b() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(const char16_t* s, unsigned sz) { return Ret(); }
// auto test = "123" u"123"_X;
public void testUserDefinedLiteralConcatenation4c() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(const char16_t* s, unsigned sz) { return Ret(); }
// auto test = "123"_X u"123";
public void testUserDefinedLiteralConcatenation4d() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(const char32_t* s, unsigned sz) { return Ret(); }
// auto test = U"123" "123"_X;
public void testUserDefinedLiteralConcatenation5a() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(const char32_t* s, unsigned sz) { return Ret(); }
// auto test = U"123"_X "123";
public void testUserDefinedLiteralConcatenation5b() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(const char32_t* s, unsigned sz) { return Ret(); }
// auto test = "123" U"123"_X;
public void testUserDefinedLiteralConcatenation5c() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(const char32_t* s, unsigned sz) { return Ret(); }
// auto test = "123"_X U"123";
public void testUserDefinedLiteralConcatenation5d() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(const char32_t* s, unsigned sz) { return Ret(); }
// auto test = "123"_X U"123"_X;
public void testUserDefinedLiteralConcatenation6() throws Exception {
// class Ret {};
// Ret operator "" _X(const char* s, unsigned sz) { return Ret(); }
// Ret operator "" _Y(const char* s, unsigned sz) { return Ret(); }
// auto test = "123"_X "123"_Y;
public void testUserDefinedLiteralBadConcat1() throws Exception {
IASTProblem[] problems = strategy.getAst(0).getPreprocessorProblems();
assertEquals(1, problems.length);
// class RetA {};
// class RetB {};
// template<char... Chars> RetA operator "" _X() { return RetA(); }
// RetB operator "" _X(unsigned long long i) { return RetB(); }
// auto test = 123_X;
public void testUserDefinedLiteralResolution1() throws Exception {
// class RetA {};
// class RetB {};
// template<char... Chars> RetA operator "" _X() { return RetA(); }
// RetB operator "" _X(long double i) { return RetB(); }
// auto test = 123.123_X;
public void testUserDefinedLiteralResolution2() throws Exception {
// class RetA {};
// class RetB {};
// template<char... Chars> RetA operator "" _X() { return RetA(); }
// RetB operator "" _X(const char * c) { return RetB(); }
// auto test = 123_X;
public void testUserDefinedLiteralResolution3() throws Exception {
ICPPVariable v= getBindingFromFirstIdentifier("test");
assertTrue(v.getType() instanceof IProblemType);
// struct A {
// virtual bool foo() = 0;
// };
// struct B : A {
// bool foo();
// };
// class B;
// int main() {
// B waldo;
// }
public void testFinalOverriderAnalysis_489477() throws Exception {
ICPPVariable waldo = getBindingFromFirstIdentifier("waldo");
IType type = waldo.getType();
assertInstance(type, ICPPClassType.class);
ICPPMethod[] pureVirtuals = SemanticQueries.getPureVirtualMethods((ICPPClassType) type, null);
assertEquals(0, pureVirtuals.length);