blob: 23acf587672ecf845bce63163573ec668a0c95ff [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2006, 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
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IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
<project name="UPC Parser" default="upc" basedir=".">
<description>Generates the UPC parser from LPG grammar files</description>
<import file="../../org.eclipse.cdt.core.lrparser/grammar/generate.xml" />
<property name="upc_location" value="../src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/dom/parser/upc" />
<target name="upc">
<description>Generate the UPC parser</description>
<!-- Generate main parser -->
<antcall target="generate_upc">
<param name="grammar_name" value="UPCParser" />
<!-- Generate parser for disambiguating declarations vs expression statements -->
<antcall target="generate_upc">
<param name="grammar_name" value="UPCExpressionParser" />
<!-- Generate parser for disambiguating cast expressions vs binary expressions-->
<antcall target="generate_upc">
<param name="grammar_name" value="UPCNoCastExpressionParser" />
<!-- Generate parser for disambiguating sizeof expressions -->
<antcall target="generate_upc">
<param name="grammar_name" value="UPCSizeofExpressionParser" />
<target name="generate_upc">
<property name="lpg_include" value="${lpg_include_loc}/c99" />
<antcall target="generate">
<param name="grammar_dir" value="upc" />
<param name="output_dir" value="${upc_location}" />
<param name="grammar_name" value="${grammar_name}" />
<target name="clean_l_files">
<fileset dir="${upc_location}" includes="**/*.l" />