blob: ae05b81f39524024e2e00bf1ec9df96bc1c20010 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Martin Weber.
* Content is provided to you under the terms and conditions of the Eclipse Public License Version 2.0 "EPL".
* A copy of the EPL is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.cdt.jsoncdb.core.participant;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.eclipse.cdt.jsoncdb.core.participant.IArglet.IArgumentCollector;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
* Various Arglet implementation for parsing tool arguments.
* @author Martin Weber
public final class Arglets {
private static final String EMPTY_STR = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** matches a macro name, with optional macro parameter list */
private static final String REGEX_MACRO_NAME = "([\\w$]+)(?:\\([\\w$, ]*?\\))?";
* matches a macro name, skipping leading whitespace. Name in matcher group 1
private static final String REGEX_MACRO_NAME_SKIP_LEADING_WS = "\\s*" + REGEX_MACRO_NAME;
* matches a macro argument in quotes, skipping leading whitespace. Quote
* character in matcher group 1, Name in matcher group 2
private static final String REGEX_MACRO_ARG_QUOTED__SKIP_LEADING_WS = "\\s*([\"'])" + REGEX_MACRO_NAME;
/** matches an include path with quoted directory. Name in matcher group 2 */
private static final String REGEX_INCLUDEPATH_QUOTED_DIR = "\\s*([\"'])(.+?)\\1";
* matches an include path with unquoted directory. Name in matcher group 1
private static final String REGEX_INCLUDEPATH_UNQUOTED_DIR = "\\s*([^\\s]+)";
* nothing to instantiate
private Arglets() {
// Matchers for options
* A matcher for option names. Includes information of the matcher groups that
* hold the option name.
* @author Martin Weber
public static class NameOptionMatcher {
final Matcher matcher;
final int nameGroup;
* Constructor.
* @param pattern - regular expression pattern being parsed by the parser.
* @param nameGroup - capturing group number defining name of an entry.
public NameOptionMatcher(String pattern, int nameGroup) {
this.matcher = Pattern.compile(pattern).matcher(EMPTY_STR);
this.nameGroup = nameGroup;
public String toString() {
return "NameOptionMatcher [matcher=" + this.matcher + ", nameGroup=" + this.nameGroup + "]";
* A matcher for preprocessor define options. Includes information of the
* matcher groups that hold the macro name and value.
* @author Martin Weber
public static class NameValueOptionMatcher extends NameOptionMatcher {
* the number of the value group, or {@code -1} for a pattern that does not
* recognize a macro value
private final int valueGroup;
* Constructor.
* @param pattern - regular expression pattern being parsed by the parser.
* @param nameGroup - capturing group number defining name of an entry.
* @param valueGroup - capturing group number defining value of an entry.
* @param pattern
* @param nameGroup
* @param valueGroup the number of the value group, or {@code -1} for a pattern
* that does not recognize a macro value
public NameValueOptionMatcher(String pattern, int nameGroup, int valueGroup) {
super(pattern, nameGroup);
this.valueGroup = valueGroup;
public String toString() {
return "NameValueOptionMatcher [matcher=" + this.matcher + ", nameGroup=" + this.nameGroup + ", valueGroup="
+ this.valueGroup + "]";
// generic option parsers
* A tool argument parser capable to parse a C-compiler macro definition
* argument.
public static abstract class MacroDefineGeneric {
protected final int processArgument(IArgumentCollector resultCollector, String args,
NameValueOptionMatcher[] optionMatchers) {
for (NameValueOptionMatcher oMatcher : optionMatchers) {
final Matcher matcher = oMatcher.matcher;
if (matcher.lookingAt()) {
final String name =;
final String value = oMatcher.valueGroup == -1 ? null :;
resultCollector.addDefine(name, value);
final int end = matcher.end();
return end;
return 0;// no input consumed
* A tool argument parser capable to parse a C-compiler macro cancel argument.
public static class MacroUndefineGeneric {
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.jsoncdb.IArglet#processArgument(java.util.List, java.lang.String)
protected final int processArgument(IArgumentCollector resultCollector, String argsLine,
NameOptionMatcher optionMatcher) {
final Matcher oMatcher = optionMatcher.matcher;
if (oMatcher.lookingAt()) {
final String name =;
final int end = oMatcher.end();
return end;
return 0;// no input consumed
* A tool argument parser capable to parse a C-compiler include path argument.
public static abstract class IncludePathGeneric {
* @param isSystemIncludePath <code>true</code> if the include path is a system include path otherwise <code>false</code>
* @param cwd the current working directory of the compiler at its invocation
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.jsoncdb.core.participant.IArglet#processArgument(IArgumentCollector,
* IPath, String)
protected final int processArgument(boolean isSystemIncludePath, IArgumentCollector resultCollector, IPath cwd,
String argsLine, NameOptionMatcher[] optionMatchers) {
for (NameOptionMatcher oMatcher : optionMatchers) {
final Matcher matcher = oMatcher.matcher;
if (matcher.lookingAt()) {
String name =;
// workaround for relative path by cmake bug
// : prepend cwd
IPath path = Path.fromOSString(name);
if (!path.isAbsolute()) {
// prepend CWD
name = cwd.append(path).toOSString();
if (isSystemIncludePath) {
} else {
final int end = matcher.end();
return end;
return 0;// no input consumed
* A tool argument parser capable to parse a C-compiler include file argument.
public static abstract class IncludeFileGeneric {
* @param cwd
* the current working directory of the compiler at its invocation
protected final int processArgument(IArgumentCollector resultCollector, IPath cwd, String argsLine,
NameOptionMatcher[] optionMatchers) {
for (NameOptionMatcher oMatcher : optionMatchers) {
final Matcher matcher = oMatcher.matcher;
if (matcher.lookingAt()) {
String name =;
final int end = matcher.end();
return end;
return 0;// no input consumed
* A tool argument parser capable to parse a C-compiler macros file argument.
public static abstract class MacrosFileGeneric {
* @param cwd
* the current working directory of the compiler at its invocation
protected final int processArgument(IArgumentCollector resultCollector, IPath cwd, String argsLine,
NameOptionMatcher[] optionMatchers) {
for (NameOptionMatcher oMatcher : optionMatchers) {
final Matcher matcher = oMatcher.matcher;
if (matcher.lookingAt()) {
String name =;
final int end = matcher.end();
return end;
return 0;// no input consumed
// POSIX compatible option parsers
* A tool argument parser capable to parse a POSIX compatible C-compiler macro
* definition argument: {@code -DNAME=value}.
public static class MacroDefine_C_POSIX extends MacroDefineGeneric implements IArglet {
private static final NameValueOptionMatcher[] optionMatchers = {
/* string or char literal value, with whitespace in value and escaped quotes */
new NameValueOptionMatcher("-D" + REGEX_MACRO_NAME_SKIP_LEADING_WS + "=(" + "([\"'])" // the quote char
// in group 3
+ "(?:" // non-capturing
+ "\\\\\\\\" // the escaped escape char
+ "|" // OR
+ "\\\\\\3" // the escaped quote char
+ "|" // OR
+ "(?!\\3)." // any character except the quote char
+ ")*" // zero or more times
+ "\\3" // the quote char
+ ")", 1, 2),
/* macro name only, w/ optional macro arglist */
new NameValueOptionMatcher("-D" + REGEX_MACRO_NAME_SKIP_LEADING_WS + "=((\\S+))", 1, 3),
/* separated, quoted name-value arg, whitespace in value */
new NameValueOptionMatcher("-D" + REGEX_MACRO_ARG_QUOTED__SKIP_LEADING_WS + "=((.+?))\\1", 2, 4),
/* macro name only */
new NameValueOptionMatcher("-D" + REGEX_MACRO_NAME_SKIP_LEADING_WS, 1, -1), };
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.jsoncdb.IArglet#processArgs(java.lang.String)
public int processArgument(IArgumentCollector resultCollector, IPath cwd, String argsLine) {
return processArgument(resultCollector, argsLine, optionMatchers);
* A tool argument parser capable to parse a POSIX compatible C-compiler macro
* cancel argument: {@code -UNAME}.
public static class MacroUndefine_C_POSIX extends MacroUndefineGeneric implements IArglet {
private static final NameOptionMatcher optionMatcher = new NameOptionMatcher(
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.jsoncdb.IArglet#processArgument(java.util.List, java.lang.String)
public int processArgument(IArgumentCollector resultCollector, IPath cwd, String argsLine) {
return processArgument(resultCollector, argsLine, optionMatcher);
* A tool argument parser capable to parse a POSIX compatible C-compiler include
* path argument: {@code -Ipath}.
public static class IncludePath_C_POSIX extends IncludePathGeneric implements IArglet {
private static final NameOptionMatcher[] optionMatchers = {
/* quoted directory */
new NameOptionMatcher("-I" + REGEX_INCLUDEPATH_QUOTED_DIR, 2),
/* unquoted directory */
new NameOptionMatcher("-I" + REGEX_INCLUDEPATH_UNQUOTED_DIR, 1) };
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.jsoncdb.IArglet#processArgs(java.lang.String)
public int processArgument(IArgumentCollector resultCollector, IPath cwd, String argsLine) {
return processArgument(true, resultCollector, cwd, argsLine, optionMatchers);
* A tool argument parser capable to parse a C-compiler system include path
* argument: {@code -system path}.
public static class SystemIncludePath_C extends IncludePathGeneric implements IArglet {
static final NameOptionMatcher[] optionMatchers = {
/* quoted directory */
new NameOptionMatcher("-isystem" + REGEX_INCLUDEPATH_QUOTED_DIR, 2),
/* unquoted directory */
new NameOptionMatcher("-isystem" + REGEX_INCLUDEPATH_UNQUOTED_DIR, 1), };
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.jsoncdb.IArglet#processArgs(java.lang.String)
public int processArgument(IArgumentCollector resultCollector, IPath cwd, String argsLine) {
return processArgument(true, resultCollector, cwd, argsLine, optionMatchers);
* A tool argument parser capable to parse a armcc-compiler system include path
* argument: {@code -Jdir}.
// TODO move this to the arm plugin
public static class SystemIncludePath_armcc extends IncludePathGeneric implements IArglet {
static final NameOptionMatcher[] optionMatchers = {
/* quoted directory */
new NameOptionMatcher("-J" + "([\"'])(.+?)\\1", 2),
/* unquoted directory */
new NameOptionMatcher("-J" + "([^\\s]+)", 1), };
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.jsoncdb.IArglet#processArgs(java.lang.String)
public int processArgument(IArgumentCollector resultCollector, IPath cwd, String argsLine) {
return processArgument(true, resultCollector, cwd, argsLine, optionMatchers);
// POSIX compatible option parsers
// compiler built-ins detection
* A tool argument parser capable to parse arguments from the command-line that
* affect built-in detection.
public static abstract class BuiltinDetctionArgsGeneric {
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.jsoncdb.core.participant.IArglet#processArgument(IArgumentCollector,
* IPath, String)
protected final int processArgument(IArgumentCollector resultCollector, String argsLine,
Matcher[] optionMatchers) {
for (Matcher matcher : optionMatchers) {
if (matcher.lookingAt()) {
return matcher.end();
return 0;// no input consumed
* A tool argument parser capable to parse a GCC include file argument {@code -include <file>}.
public static class IncludeFile_GCC extends IncludeFileGeneric implements IArglet {
private static final NameOptionMatcher[] optionMatchers = {
/* "-include=" quoted directory */
new NameOptionMatcher("-include" + REGEX_INCLUDEPATH_QUOTED_DIR, 2),
/* "-include=" unquoted directory */
new NameOptionMatcher("-include" + REGEX_INCLUDEPATH_UNQUOTED_DIR, 1), };
public int processArgument(IArgumentCollector resultCollector, IPath cwd, String argsLine) {
return processArgument(resultCollector, cwd, argsLine, optionMatchers);
* A tool argument parser capable to parse a GCC macros file argument {@code -imacros <file>}.
public static class MacrosFile_GCC extends MacrosFileGeneric implements IArglet {
private static final NameOptionMatcher[] optionMatchers = {
/* "-include=" quoted directory */
new NameOptionMatcher("-imacros" + REGEX_INCLUDEPATH_QUOTED_DIR, 2),
/* "-include=" unquoted directory */
new NameOptionMatcher("-imacros" + REGEX_INCLUDEPATH_UNQUOTED_DIR, 1), };
* @see de.marw.cmake.cdt.lsp.IArglet#processArgs(java.lang.String)
public int processArgument(IArgumentCollector resultCollector, IPath cwd, String argsLine) {
return processArgument(resultCollector, cwd, argsLine, optionMatchers);
* A tool argument parser capable to parse a GCC option to specify paths
* {@code --sysrooot}.
public static class Sysroot_GCC extends BuiltinDetctionArgsGeneric implements IArglet {
private static final Matcher[] optionMatchers = {
/* "--sysroot=" quoted directory */
Pattern.compile("--sysroot=" + REGEX_INCLUDEPATH_QUOTED_DIR).matcher(EMPTY_STR),
/* "--sysroot=" unquoted directory */
Pattern.compile("--sysroot=" + REGEX_INCLUDEPATH_UNQUOTED_DIR).matcher(EMPTY_STR),
/* "-isysroot=" quoted directory */
Pattern.compile("-isysroot=" + REGEX_INCLUDEPATH_QUOTED_DIR).matcher(EMPTY_STR),
/* "-isysroot=" unquoted directory */
Pattern.compile("-isysroot=" + REGEX_INCLUDEPATH_UNQUOTED_DIR).matcher(EMPTY_STR),
/* "--no-sysroot-prefix" */
Pattern.compile("--no-sysroot-prefix").matcher(EMPTY_STR) };
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.jsoncdb.IArglet#processArgs(java.lang.String)
public int processArgument(IArgumentCollector resultCollector, IPath cwd, String argsLine) {
return processArgument(resultCollector, argsLine, optionMatchers);
* A tool argument parser capable to parse a Clang option to specify the compilation target {@code --target}.
* @since 1.1
public static class Target_Clang extends BuiltinDetctionArgsGeneric implements IArglet {
private static final Matcher[] optionMatchers = {
/* "--target=" triple */
Pattern.compile("--target=\\w+(-\\w+)*").matcher("") }; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
* @see de.marw.cmake.cdt.lsp.IArglet#processArgs(java.lang.String)
public int processArgument(IArgumentCollector resultCollector, IPath cwd, String argsLine) {
return processArgument(resultCollector, argsLine, optionMatchers);
* A tool argument parser capable to parse a GCC option to specify the language
* standard {@code -std=xxx}.
public static class LangStd_GCC extends BuiltinDetctionArgsGeneric implements IArglet {
private static final Matcher[] optionMatchers = { Pattern.compile("-std=\\S+").matcher(EMPTY_STR),
Pattern.compile("-ansi").matcher(EMPTY_STR), };
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.jsoncdb.IArglet#processArgs(java.lang.String)
public int processArgument(IArgumentCollector resultCollector, IPath cwd, String argsLine) {
return processArgument(resultCollector, argsLine, optionMatchers);