blob: b7e2b6ba32c5df563e25eeac5916d7b14d508e1e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Martin Weber.
* Content is provided to you under the terms and conditions of the Eclipse Public License Version 2.0 "EPL".
* A copy of the EPL is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.cdt.jsoncdb.core.internal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import org.eclipse.cdt.jsoncdb.core.internal.builtins.GccBuiltinDetectionBehavior;
import org.eclipse.cdt.jsoncdb.core.internal.builtins.MaybeGccBuiltinDetectionBehavior;
import org.eclipse.cdt.jsoncdb.core.participant.Arglets;
import org.eclipse.cdt.jsoncdb.core.participant.DefaultToolCommandlineParser;
import org.eclipse.cdt.jsoncdb.core.participant.DefaultToolDetectionParticipant;
import org.eclipse.cdt.jsoncdb.core.participant.IArglet;
import org.eclipse.cdt.jsoncdb.core.participant.IToolCommandlineParser;
import org.eclipse.cdt.jsoncdb.core.participant.IToolDetectionParticipant;
import org.eclipse.cdt.jsoncdb.core.participant.IToolDetectionParticipant.MatchResult;
import org.eclipse.cdt.jsoncdb.core.participant.ResponseFileArglets;
import org.eclipse.cdt.jsoncdb.core.participant.builtins.IBuiltinsDetectionBehavior;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IConfigurationElement;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ILog;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
* Utility classes and methods to detect a parser for a compiler given on a
* command-line string.
* @author Martin Weber
public final class ParserDetection {
private static final ILog log = Plugin.getDefault().getLog();
private static final boolean DEBUG_PARTCIPANT_DETECTION = Boolean
.parseBoolean(Platform.getDebugOption(Plugin.PLUGIN_ID + "/debug/participant"));
* tool detectors and their tool option parsers for each tool of interest that
* takes part in the current build. The Matcher detects whether a command line
* is an invocation of the tool.
private static List<IToolDetectionParticipant> parserDetectors;
static void init() {
if (parserDetectors == null) {
parserDetectors = new ArrayList<>(22);
/** Names of known tools along with their command line argument parsers */
final IArglet[] gcc_args = { new Arglets.IncludePath_C_POSIX(), new Arglets.MacroDefine_C_POSIX(),
new Arglets.MacroUndefine_C_POSIX(),
// not defined by POSIX, but does not harm..
new Arglets.SystemIncludePath_C(), new Arglets.LangStd_GCC(), new Arglets.Sysroot_GCC(),
new Arglets.IncludeFile_GCC(), new Arglets.MacrosFile_GCC() };
IBuiltinsDetectionBehavior btbGccMaybee = new MaybeGccBuiltinDetectionBehavior();
IBuiltinsDetectionBehavior btbGcc = new GccBuiltinDetectionBehavior();
// POSIX compatible C compilers =================================
final IToolCommandlineParser cc = new DefaultToolCommandlineParser(new ResponseFileArglets.At(),
btbGccMaybee, gcc_args);
parserDetectors.add(new DefaultToolDetectionParticipant("cc", true, "exe", cc));
// POSIX compatible C++ compilers ===============================
final IToolCommandlineParser cxx = new DefaultToolCommandlineParser(new ResponseFileArglets.At(),
btbGccMaybee, gcc_args);
parserDetectors.add(new DefaultToolDetectionParticipant("c\\+\\+", true, "exe", cxx));
// GNU C compatible compilers ====
final IToolCommandlineParser gcc = new DefaultToolCommandlineParser(new ResponseFileArglets.At(),
btbGcc, gcc_args);
parserDetectors.add(new DefaultToolDetectionParticipant("gcc", true, "exe", gcc));
parserDetectors.add(new DefaultToolDetectionParticipant("clang", true, "exe", gcc));
// cross compilers, e.g. arm-none-eabi-gcc ====
parserDetectors.add(new DefaultToolDetectionParticipant("\\S+?-gcc", true, "exe", gcc));
// GNU C++ compatible compilers ====
final IToolCommandlineParser gxx = new DefaultToolCommandlineParser(new ResponseFileArglets.At(),
btbGcc, gcc_args);
parserDetectors.add(new DefaultToolDetectionParticipant("g\\+\\+", true, "exe", gxx));
parserDetectors.add(new DefaultToolDetectionParticipant("clang\\+\\+", true, "exe", gxx));
// cross compilers, e.g. arm-none-eabi-g++ ====
parserDetectors.add(new DefaultToolDetectionParticipant("\\S+?-g\\+\\+", true, "exe", gxx));
// cross compilers, e.g. arm-none-eabi-c++ ====
final IToolCommandlineParser cxx = new DefaultToolCommandlineParser(new ResponseFileArglets.At(),
btbGccMaybee, gcc_args);
parserDetectors.add(new DefaultToolDetectionParticipant("\\S+?-c\\+\\+", true, "exe", cxx));
// compilers from extension points
* @param consumer consumes the newly loaded IToolDetectionParticipant objects
private static void loadExtentionsSorted(Consumer<? super IToolDetectionParticipant> consumer) {
IConfigurationElement[] elements = Platform.getExtensionRegistry()
Map<IToolDetectionParticipant, Integer> sortMap = new HashMap<>();
for (IConfigurationElement e : elements) {
try {
Object obj = e.createExecutableExtension("class");
String attr = e.getAttribute("order");
Integer order = Integer.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
try {
order = Integer.parseUnsignedInt(Optional.ofNullable(attr).orElse("100000"));
order = Integer.max(10000, order);
} catch (NumberFormatException takeMax) {
if (obj instanceof IToolDetectionParticipant) {
sortMap.put((IToolDetectionParticipant) obj, order);
} catch (CoreException ex) {
log.log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Plugin.PLUGIN_ID, e.getNamespaceIdentifier(), ex));
// sort by order and add to list
/** Just static methods */
private ParserDetection() {
* Determines the parser detector that can parse the specified command-line.
* @param line the command line to process
* @param versionSuffixRegex the regular expression to match a version suffix
* in the compiler name or {@code null} to not try to
* detect the compiler with a version suffix
* @param tryWindowsDetectors whether to also try the detectors for ms windows
* OS
* @return {@code null} if none of the detectors matches the tool name in the
* specified command-line string. Otherwise, if the tool name matches, a
* {@code ParserDetectionResult} holding the remaining command-line
* string (without the portion that matched) is returned.
public static ParserDetectionResult determineDetector(String line, String versionSuffixRegex,
boolean tryWindowsDetectors) {
ParserDetectionResult result;
System.out.printf("> Command-line '%s'%n", line);
System.out.printf("> Looking up detector for command '%s ...'%n",
line.substring(0, Math.min(40, line.length())));
// try default detectors
result = determineDetector0(line, versionSuffixRegex, false);
if (result == null && tryWindowsDetectors) {
// try with backslash as file separator on windows
result = determineDetector0(line, versionSuffixRegex, true);
if (result == null) {
// try workaround for windows short file names
final String shortPathExpanded = expandShortFileName(line);
result = determineDetector0(shortPathExpanded, versionSuffixRegex, false);
if (result == null) {
// try with backslash as file separator on windows
result = determineDetector0(shortPathExpanded, versionSuffixRegex, true);
if (result != null) {
System.out.printf("< Found detector for command '%s': %s (%s)%n", result.getCommandLine().getCommand(),
return result;
* Determines a C-compiler-command line parser that is able to parse the
* relevant arguments in the specified command line.
* @param commandLine the command line to process
* @param versionSuffixRegex the regular expression to match a version suffix in
* the compiler name or {@code null} to not try to
* detect the compiler with a version suffix
* @param matchBackslash whether to match on file system paths with
* backslashes in the compiler argument or to match an
* paths with forward slashes
* @return {@code null} if none of the detectors matches the tool name in the
* specified command-line string. Otherwise, if the tool name matches, a
* {@code ParserDetectionResult} holding the de-compose command-line is
* returned.
private static ParserDetectionResult determineDetector0(String commandLine, String versionSuffixRegex,
boolean matchBackslash) {
Optional<DefaultToolDetectionParticipant.MatchResult> cmdline;
// try basenames
for (IToolDetectionParticipant pd : parserDetectors) {
System.out.printf(" Trying participant %s (%s)%n", pd, DetectorWithMethod.DetectionMethod.BASENAME);
if ((cmdline = pd.basenameMatches(commandLine, matchBackslash)).isPresent()) {
return new ParserDetectionResult(
new DetectorWithMethod(pd, DetectorWithMethod.DetectionMethod.BASENAME, matchBackslash),
if (versionSuffixRegex != null) {
// try with version pattern
for (IToolDetectionParticipant pd : parserDetectors) {
System.out.printf(" Trying participant %s (%s)%n", pd,
if ((cmdline = pd.basenameWithVersionMatches(commandLine, matchBackslash, versionSuffixRegex))
.isPresent()) {
return new ParserDetectionResult(
new DetectorWithMethod(pd, DetectorWithMethod.DetectionMethod.WITH_VERSION, matchBackslash),
// try with extension
for (IToolDetectionParticipant pd : parserDetectors) {
System.out.printf(" Trying participant %s (%s)%n", pd,
if ((cmdline = pd.basenameWithExtensionMatches(commandLine, matchBackslash)).isPresent()) {
return new ParserDetectionResult(
new DetectorWithMethod(pd, DetectorWithMethod.DetectionMethod.WITH_EXTENSION, matchBackslash),
if (versionSuffixRegex != null) {
// try with extension and version
for (IToolDetectionParticipant pd : parserDetectors) {
System.out.printf(" Trying participant %s (%s)%n", pd,
if ((cmdline = pd.basenameWithVersionAndExtensionMatches(commandLine, matchBackslash,
versionSuffixRegex)).isPresent()) {
return new ParserDetectionResult(new DetectorWithMethod(pd,
DetectorWithMethod.DetectionMethod.WITH_VERSION_EXTENSION, matchBackslash), cmdline.get());
return null;
* Tries to convert windows short file names for the compiler executable (like
* {@code AVR-G_~1.EXE}) into their long representation. This is a workaround
* for a <a href="">bug in
* CMake under windows</a>.<br>
* See <a href="">issue #31
private static String expandShortFileName(String commandLine) {
if (commandLine.indexOf('~', 6) == -1) {
// not a short file name
return commandLine;
String command;
StringBuilder commandLine2 = new StringBuilder();
// split at first space character
int idx = commandLine.indexOf(' ');
if (idx != -1) {
command = commandLine.substring(0, idx);
} else {
command = commandLine;
// convert to long file name and retry lookup
try {
command = new File(command).getCanonicalPath();
commandLine2.insert(0, command);
return commandLine2.toString();
} catch (IOException e) {
log.log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Plugin.PLUGIN_ID, command, e));
return commandLine;
// has public scope for unittest purposes
public static class DetectorWithMethod {
public enum DetectionMethod {
* the DefaultToolDetectionParticipant that matched the name of the tool on a
* given command-line
private final IToolDetectionParticipant detector;
/** describes the method that was used to match */
private final DetectionMethod how;
private final boolean matchBackslash;
* @param detector the DefaultToolDetectionParticipant that matched the
* name of the tool on a given command-line
* @param how describes the method that was used to match
* @param matchBackslash whether the match is on file system paths with
* backslashes in the compiler argument or to match an
* paths with forward slashes
public DetectorWithMethod(IToolDetectionParticipant detector, DetectionMethod how, boolean matchBackslash) {
if (detector == null)
throw new NullPointerException("detector"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (how == null)
throw new NullPointerException("how"); //$NON-NLS-1$
this.detector = detector; = how;
this.matchBackslash = matchBackslash;
* Gets the DefaultToolDetectionParticipant that matched the name of the tool on
* a given command-line.
* @return the detector, never {@code null}
public IToolDetectionParticipant getToolDetectionParticipant() {
return detector;
* Gets the method that was used to match.
* @return the detection method, never {@code null}
public DetectionMethod getHow() {
return how;
* @return the matchBackslash
public boolean isMatchBackslash() {
return matchBackslash;
// has public scope for unittest purposes
public static class ParserDetectionResult {
private final DetectorWithMethod detectorWMethod;
private final MatchResult commandLine;
* @param detectorWMethod the DefaultToolDetectionParticipant that matched the
* name of the tool on a given command-line
* @param commandLine the de-composed command-line, after the matcher has
* matched the tool name
public ParserDetectionResult(DetectorWithMethod detectorWMethod,
DefaultToolDetectionParticipant.MatchResult commandLine) {
this.detectorWMethod = detectorWMethod;
this.commandLine = commandLine;
* Gets the de-composed command-line.
public MatchResult getCommandLine() {
return commandLine;
* Gets the remaining arguments of the command-line, after the matcher has
* matched the tool name (i.e. without the command).
public String getReducedCommandLine() {
return this.commandLine.getArguments();
* Gets the DefaultToolDetectionParticipant that matched the name of the tool on
* a given command-line
* @return the detectorWMethod
public DetectorWithMethod getDetectorWithMethod() {
return detectorWMethod;