blob: 959e8e85a2d1e497e191baf32bab8f285dd775f1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007, 2018 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Michael Scharf (Wind River) - initial API and implementation
* Anton Leherbauer (Wind River) - [206329] Changing terminal size right after connect does not scroll properly
* Anton Leherbauer (Wind River) - [433751] Add option to enable VT100 line wrapping mode
* Anton Leherbauer (Wind River) - [458218] Add support for ANSI insert mode
* Anton Leherbauer (Wind River) - [458402] Add support for scroll up/down and scroll region
* @noextend This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.
* @noreference This class not intended to be referenced by clients.
* It used to be package protected, and it is public only for Unit Tests.
public class VT100EmulatorBackend implements IVT100EmulatorBackend {
private static class ScrollRegion {
static final ScrollRegion FULL_WINDOW = new ScrollRegion(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1);
private final int fTop;
private final int fBottom;
ScrollRegion(int top, int bottom) {
fTop = top;
fBottom = bottom;
boolean contains(int line) {
return line >= fTop && line <= fBottom;
int getTopLine() {
return fTop;
int getBottomLine() {
return fBottom;
int getHeight() {
return fBottom - fTop + 1;
* This field holds the number of the column in which the cursor is
* logically positioned. The leftmost column on the screen is column 0, and
* column numbers increase to the right. The maximum value of this field is
* {@link #widthInColumns} - 1. We track the cursor column using this field
* to avoid having to recompute it repeatly using StyledText method calls.
* <p>
* The StyledText widget that displays text has a vertical bar (called the
* "caret") that appears _between_ character cells, but ANSI terminals have
* the concept of a cursor that appears _in_ a character cell, so we need a
* convention for which character cell the cursor logically occupies when
* the caret is physically between two cells. The convention used in this
* class is that the cursor is logically in column N when the caret is
* physically positioned immediately to the _left_ of column N.
* <p>
* When fCursorColumn is N, the next character output to the terminal appears
* in column N. When a character is output to the rightmost column on a
* given line (column widthInColumns - 1), the cursor moves to column 0 on
* the next line after the character is drawn (this is the default line wrapping
* mode). If VT100 line wrapping mode is enabled, the cursor does not move
* to the next line until the next character is printed (this is known as
* the VT100 'eat_newline_glitch').
* If the cursor is in the bottommost line when line wrapping
* occurs, the topmost visible line is scrolled off the top edge of the
* screen.
* <p>
private int fCursorColumn;
private int fCursorLine;
/* true if last output occurred on rightmost column
* and next output requires line wrap */
private boolean fWrapPending;
private boolean fInsertMode;
private TerminalStyle fDefaultStyle;
private TerminalStyle fStyle;
int fLines;
int fColumns;
final private ITerminalTextData fTerminal;
private boolean fVT100LineWrapping;
private ScrollRegion fScrollRegion = ScrollRegion.FULL_WINDOW;
public VT100EmulatorBackend(ITerminalTextData terminal) {
fTerminal = terminal;
public void clearAll() {
synchronized (fTerminal) {
// clear the history
int n = fTerminal.getHeight();
for (int line = 0; line < n; line++) {
fTerminal.setDimensions(fLines, fTerminal.getWidth());
setCursor(0, 0);
public void setDimensions(int lines, int cols) {
synchronized (fTerminal) {
if (lines == fLines && cols == fColumns)
return; // nothing to do
// relative cursor line
int cl = getCursorLine();
int cc = getCursorColumn();
int height = fTerminal.getHeight();
// absolute cursor line
int acl = cl + height - fLines;
int newLines = Math.max(lines, height);
if (lines < fLines) {
if (height == fLines) {
// if the terminal has no history, then resize by
// setting the size to the new size
// TODO We are assuming that cursor line points at end of text
newLines = Math.max(lines, cl + 1);
fLines = lines;
fColumns = cols;
// make the terminal at least as high as we need lines
fTerminal.setDimensions(newLines, fColumns);
// compute relative cursor line
cl = acl - (newLines - fLines);
setCursor(cl, cc);
* @nooverride This method is not intended to be re-implemented or extended by clients.
* @noreference This method is not intended to be referenced by clients.
* It used to be package protected, and it is public only for Unit Tests.
public int toAbsoluteLine(int line) {
synchronized (fTerminal) {
return fTerminal.getHeight() - fLines + line;
public void insertCharacters(int charactersToInsert) {
synchronized (fTerminal) {
int line = toAbsoluteLine(fCursorLine);
int n = charactersToInsert;
for (int col = fColumns - 1; col >= fCursorColumn + n; col--) {
char c = fTerminal.getChar(line, col - n);
TerminalStyle style = fTerminal.getStyle(line, col - n);
fTerminal.setChar(line, col, c, style);
int last = Math.min(fCursorColumn + n, fColumns);
for (int col = fCursorColumn; col < last; col++) {
fTerminal.setChar(line, col, '\000', null);
public void eraseToEndOfScreen() {
synchronized (fTerminal) {
for (int line = toAbsoluteLine(fCursorLine + 1); line < toAbsoluteLine(fLines); line++) {
public void eraseToCursor() {
synchronized (fTerminal) {
for (int line = toAbsoluteLine(0); line < toAbsoluteLine(fCursorLine); line++) {
public void eraseAll() {
synchronized (fTerminal) {
for (int line = toAbsoluteLine(0); line < toAbsoluteLine(fLines); line++) {
public void eraseLine() {
synchronized (fTerminal) {
public void eraseLineToEnd() {
synchronized (fTerminal) {
int line = toAbsoluteLine(fCursorLine);
for (int col = fCursorColumn; col < fColumns; col++) {
fTerminal.setChar(line, col, '\000', null);
public void eraseLineToCursor() {
synchronized (fTerminal) {
int line = toAbsoluteLine(fCursorLine);
for (int col = 0; col <= fCursorColumn; col++) {
fTerminal.setChar(line, col, '\000', null);
public void insertLines(int n) {
synchronized (fTerminal) {
if (!isCusorInScrollingRegion())
assert n > 0;
int line = toAbsoluteLine(fCursorLine);
int nLines = Math.min(fTerminal.getHeight() - line, fScrollRegion.getBottomLine() - fCursorLine + 1);
fTerminal.scroll(line, nLines, n);
public void deleteCharacters(int n) {
synchronized (fTerminal) {
int line = toAbsoluteLine(fCursorLine);
for (int col = fCursorColumn + n; col < fColumns; col++) {
char c = fTerminal.getChar(line, col);
TerminalStyle style = fTerminal.getStyle(line, col);
fTerminal.setChar(line, col - n, c, style);
int first = Math.max(fCursorColumn, fColumns - n);
for (int col = first; col < fColumns; col++) {
fTerminal.setChar(line, col, '\000', null);
public void deleteLines(int n) {
synchronized (fTerminal) {
if (!isCusorInScrollingRegion())
assert n > 0;
int line = toAbsoluteLine(fCursorLine);
int nLines = Math.min(fTerminal.getHeight() - line, fScrollRegion.getBottomLine() - fCursorLine + 1);
fTerminal.scroll(line, nLines, -n);
private boolean isCusorInScrollingRegion() {
return fScrollRegion.contains(fCursorLine);
public TerminalStyle getDefaultStyle() {
synchronized (fTerminal) {
return fDefaultStyle;
public void setDefaultStyle(TerminalStyle defaultStyle) {
synchronized (fTerminal) {
fDefaultStyle = defaultStyle;
public TerminalStyle getStyle() {
synchronized (fTerminal) {
if (fStyle == null)
return fDefaultStyle;
return fStyle;
public void setStyle(TerminalStyle style) {
synchronized (fTerminal) {
fStyle = style;
public void appendString(String buffer) {
synchronized (fTerminal) {
char[] chars = buffer.toCharArray();
if (fInsertMode)
int line = toAbsoluteLine(fCursorLine);
int i = 0;
while (i < chars.length) {
if (fWrapPending) {
line = doLineWrap();
int n = Math.min(fColumns - fCursorColumn, chars.length - i);
fTerminal.setChars(line, fCursorColumn, chars, i, n, fStyle);
int col = fCursorColumn + n;
i += n;
// wrap needed?
if (col == fColumns) {
if (fVT100LineWrapping) {
// deferred line wrapping (eat_newline_glitch)
setCursorColumn(col - 1);
fWrapPending = true;
} else {
line = doLineWrap();
} else {
private int doLineWrap() {
int line;
line = toAbsoluteLine(fCursorLine);
line = toAbsoluteLine(fCursorLine);
return line;
* MUST be called from a synchronized block!
private void doNewline() {
if (fCursorLine == fScrollRegion.getBottomLine())
else if (fCursorLine + 1 >= fLines) {
int h = fTerminal.getHeight();
if (h != fTerminal.getHeight())
setCursorLine(fCursorLine + 1);
} else {
setCursorLine(fCursorLine + 1);
public void processNewline() {
synchronized (fTerminal) {
public int getCursorLine() {
synchronized (fTerminal) {
return fCursorLine;
public int getCursorColumn() {
synchronized (fTerminal) {
return fCursorColumn;
public void setCursor(int targetLine, int targetColumn) {
synchronized (fTerminal) {
public void setCursorColumn(int targetColumn) {
synchronized (fTerminal) {
if (targetColumn < 0)
targetColumn = 0;
else if (targetColumn >= fColumns)
targetColumn = fColumns - 1;
fCursorColumn = targetColumn;
fWrapPending = false;
// We make the assumption that nobody is changing the
// terminal cursor except this class!
// This assumption gives a huge performance improvement
public void setCursorLine(int targetLine) {
synchronized (fTerminal) {
if (targetLine < 0)
targetLine = 0;
else if (targetLine >= fLines)
targetLine = fLines - 1;
fCursorLine = targetLine;
// We make the assumption that nobody is changing the
// terminal cursor except this class!
// This assumption gives a huge performance improvement
public int getLines() {
synchronized (fTerminal) {
return fLines;
public int getColumns() {
synchronized (fTerminal) {
return fColumns;
public void setVT100LineWrapping(boolean enable) {
fVT100LineWrapping = enable;
public boolean isVT100LineWrapping() {
return fVT100LineWrapping;
public void setInsertMode(boolean enable) {
fInsertMode = enable;
public void setScrollRegion(int top, int bottom) {
if (top < 0 || bottom < 0)
fScrollRegion = ScrollRegion.FULL_WINDOW;
else if (top < bottom)
fScrollRegion = new ScrollRegion(top, bottom);
public void scrollUp(int n) {
assert n > 0;
synchronized (fTerminal) {
int line = toAbsoluteLine(fScrollRegion.getTopLine());
int nLines = Math.min(fTerminal.getHeight() - line, fScrollRegion.getHeight());
fTerminal.scroll(line, nLines, -n);
public void scrollDown(int n) {
assert n > 0;
synchronized (fTerminal) {
int line = toAbsoluteLine(fScrollRegion.getTopLine());
int nLines = Math.min(fTerminal.getHeight() - line, fScrollRegion.getHeight());
fTerminal.scroll(line, nLines, n);