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<title>Rename Refactoring</title>
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<h1>Rename Refactoring</h1>
Use the <strong>Refactor &gt; Rename</strong> command to rename
variables, functions, classes, methods, fields or typedefs.
In an Editor window, select an item and run <strong>Refactor
&gt; Rename...</strong> from the context menu.
<img src="../images/cdt_inline_rename.png"
alt="Example of inline renaming.">
<p>All uses of the name are highlighted, and updated in real time
as you type. If you want to view the preview, or change any options,
simply click on the triangle, or press the keyboard shortcut again.
Otherwise, the options are the same as the last time a rename
refactoring was done.</p>
<p>When you hit Enter, all the item's declarations, definitions
and references will be changed to use the new name. The standard Undo
command can be used to revert the changes, if necessary.</p>
<p>The options can be set using a dialog box, where you can
specify the new name, and set various options affecting how hard to
look for uses of the name that should be updated. From there you can
also view the Preview of the changes that will be made by the
<img src="../images/cdt_rename_dialog.png" alt="Rename dialog box">
<p>Items to be renamed can also be selected from the Project
Explorer window, although inline renaming is not available in this
case, so the dialog box comes up immediately.</p>
<img src="../images/cdt_refactor.png"
alt="Project Explorer context menu Refactor &gt; Rename command">
<img src="../images/ngref.gif" alt="Related reference" width="143"
height="21"> <br> <a
href="../reference/cdt_u_m_refactor.htm">Refactor Menu actions</a>
<img src="../images/ng00_07.gif" alt="IBM Copyright Statement">