blob: afb48b8718868c248f21103cf7c63bee2e5dd1d7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2015 IBM Corporation and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* IBM - Initial API and implementation
* Markus Schorn (Wind River Systems)
* Nathan Ridge
package org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.tests.ast2;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ASTVisitor;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTCompoundStatement;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTDeclarationStatement;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTDeclarator;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTFunctionDeclarator;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTFunctionDefinition;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTIdExpression;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTIfStatement;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTName;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTProblem;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTReturnStatement;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTSimpleDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTTranslationUnit;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTUnaryExpression;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IArrayType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IBasicType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IBinding;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ICompositeType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IEnumeration;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IEnumerator;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IField;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IFunction;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IFunctionType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ILabel;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IParameter;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IPointerType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IProblemBinding;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IProblemType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IQualifierType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ISemanticProblem;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ITypedef;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IVariable;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPBase;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPClassType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPConstructor;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPField;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPMember;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPMethod;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPNamespace;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPReferenceType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPUsingDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPVariable;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.parser.ISourceCodeParser;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.parser.c.ANSICParserExtensionConfiguration;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.parser.c.GCCParserExtensionConfiguration;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.parser.c.ICParserExtensionConfiguration;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.parser.cpp.ANSICPPParserExtensionConfiguration;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.parser.cpp.GPPParserExtensionConfiguration;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.parser.cpp.ICPPParserExtensionConfiguration;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.FileContent;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.IScanner;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.NullLogService;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ParserLanguage;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ParserMode;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ScannerInfo;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.testplugin.util.BaseTestCase;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.c.CVisitor;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.c.GNUCSourceParser;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.GNUCPPSourceParser;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.CPPVisitor;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser.ParserException;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
* @author jcamelon
public class CompleteParser2Tests extends BaseTestCase {
private static final NullLogService NULL_LOG = new NullLogService();
public CompleteParser2Tests() {
public CompleteParser2Tests(String name) {
public static TestSuite suite() {
return suite(CompleteParser2Tests.class);
static private class NameCollector extends ASTVisitor {
public List nameList = new ArrayList();
public NameCollector() {
this(false); // Don't visit implicit names by default
public NameCollector(boolean shouldVisitImplicitNames) {
this.shouldVisitNames = true;
this.shouldVisitImplicitNames = shouldVisitImplicitNames;
public int visit(IASTName name) {
public IASTName getName(int idx) {
if (idx < 0 || idx >= nameList.size())
return null;
return (IASTName) nameList.get(idx);
public int size() {
return nameList.size();
protected void assertInstances(NameCollector nameCollector, IBinding binding, int num) throws Exception {
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nameCollector.size(); i++) {
if (nameCollector.getName(i).resolveBinding() == binding)
assertEquals(num, count);
protected IASTTranslationUnit parse(String code, boolean expectedToPass, ParserLanguage lang) throws Exception {
return parse(code, expectedToPass, lang, false);
protected IASTTranslationUnit parse(String code, boolean expectedToPass) throws Exception {
return parse(code, expectedToPass, ParserLanguage.CPP);
* @param code
protected IASTTranslationUnit parse(String code) throws Exception {
return parse(code, true, ParserLanguage.CPP);
protected IASTTranslationUnit parse(String code, boolean expectedToPass, ParserLanguage lang, boolean gcc)
throws Exception {
FileContent codeReader = FileContent.create("<test-code>", code.toCharArray());
ScannerInfo scannerInfo = new ScannerInfo();
ISourceCodeParser parser2 = null;
IScanner scanner = AST2TestBase.createScanner(codeReader, lang, ParserMode.COMPLETE_PARSE, scannerInfo);
if (lang == ParserLanguage.CPP) {
ICPPParserExtensionConfiguration config = null;
if (gcc) {
config = new GPPParserExtensionConfiguration();
} else {
config = new ANSICPPParserExtensionConfiguration();
parser2 = new GNUCPPSourceParser(scanner, ParserMode.COMPLETE_PARSE, NULL_LOG, config);
} else {
ICParserExtensionConfiguration config = null;
if (gcc) {
config = new GCCParserExtensionConfiguration();
} else {
config = new ANSICParserExtensionConfiguration();
parser2 = new GNUCSourceParser(scanner, ParserMode.COMPLETE_PARSE, NULL_LOG, config);
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parser2.parse();
if (parser2.encounteredError() && expectedToPass)
throw new ParserException("FAILURE");
if (expectedToPass) {
if (lang == ParserLanguage.C) {
IASTProblem[] problems = CVisitor.getProblems(tu);
assertEquals(problems.length, 0);
} else if (lang == ParserLanguage.CPP) {
IASTProblem[] problems = CPPVisitor.getProblems(tu);
assertEquals(problems.length, 0);
return tu;
public void testEmptyCompilationUnit() throws Exception {
parse("// no real code ");
public void testSimpleNamespace() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("namespace A { }");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 1);
assertTrue(col.getName(0).resolveBinding() instanceof ICPPNamespace);
public void testMultipleNamespaceDefinitions() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("namespace A { } namespace A { }");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 2);
ICPPNamespace A = (ICPPNamespace) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, A, 2);
public void testNestedNamespaceDefinitions() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("namespace A { namespace B { } }");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 2);
ICPPNamespace A = (ICPPNamespace) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPNamespace B = (ICPPNamespace) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
assertSame(A.getNamespaceScope(), B.getNamespaceScope().getParent());
public void testEmptyClassDeclaration() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("class A { };");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 1);
assertTrue(col.getName(0).resolveBinding() instanceof ICPPClassType);
public void testSimpleSubclass() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("class A { }; class B : public A { };");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 3);
ICPPClassType A = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPClassType B = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, A, 2);
assertEquals(B.getBases().length, 1);
ICPPBase base = B.getBases()[0];
assertSame(base.getBaseClass(), A);
assertEquals(base.getVisibility(), ICPPBase.v_public);
public void testNestedSubclass() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("namespace N { class A { }; } class B : protected virtual N::A { };");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 6);
ICPPNamespace N = (ICPPNamespace) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPClassType A = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
ICPPClassType B = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, N, 2);
assertInstances(col, A, 3);
assertInstances(col, B, 1);
assertSame(A.getScope(), N.getNamespaceScope());
ICPPBase base = B.getBases()[0];
assertSame(base.getBaseClass(), A);
assertEquals(base.getVisibility(), ICPPBase.v_protected);
public void testSimpleVariable() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("int x;");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 1);
IVariable x = (IVariable) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
assertTrue(x.getType() instanceof IBasicType);
IBasicType t = (IBasicType) x.getType();
assertEquals(t.getType(), IBasicType.t_int);
public void testSimpleClassReferenceVariable() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("class A { }; A x;");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 3);
ICPPClassType A = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
IVariable x = (IVariable) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, A, 2);
assertSame(x.getType(), A);
public void testNestedClassReferenceVariable() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("namespace N { class A { }; } N::A x;");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 6);
ICPPNamespace N = (ICPPNamespace) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPClassType A = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
IVariable x = (IVariable) col.getName(5).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, N, 2);
assertInstances(col, A, 3);
assertSame(x.getType(), A);
assertSame(A.getScope(), N.getNamespaceScope());
public void testMultipleDeclaratorsVariable() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("class A { }; A x, y, z;");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 5);
ICPPClassType A = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
IVariable x = (IVariable) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
IVariable y = (IVariable) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
IVariable z = (IVariable) col.getName(4).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, A, 2);
assertSame(A, x.getType());
assertSame(x.getType(), y.getType());
assertSame(y.getType(), z.getType());
public void testSimpleField() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("class A { double x; };");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 2);
ICPPClassType A = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPField x = (ICPPField) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
assertSame(x.getScope(), A.getCompositeScope());
IField[] fields = A.getFields();
assertEquals(fields.length, 1);
assertSame(fields[0], x);
public void testUsingClauses() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("namespace A { namespace B { int x; class C { static int y = 5; }; } } \n "
+ "using namespace A::B;\n " + "using A::B::x;" + "using A::B::C;" + "using A::B::C::y;");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 21);
ICPPNamespace A = (ICPPNamespace) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPNamespace B = (ICPPNamespace) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
IVariable x = (IVariable) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
ICPPClassType C = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
ICPPField y = (ICPPField) col.getName(4).resolveBinding();
ICPPUsingDeclaration using_x = (ICPPUsingDeclaration) col.getName(11).resolveBinding();
ICPPUsingDeclaration using_C = (ICPPUsingDeclaration) col.getName(15).resolveBinding();
ICPPUsingDeclaration using_y = (ICPPUsingDeclaration) col.getName(20).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, A, 5);
assertInstances(col, B, 6);
assertInstances(col, x, 1);
assertInstances(col, C, 2);
assertInstances(col, y, 1);
IBinding[] ds = using_x.getDelegates();
assertSame(ds[0], x);
assertSame(using_C.getDelegates()[0], C);
assertSame(using_y.getDelegates()[0], y);
public void testEnumerations() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("namespace A { enum E { e1, e2, e3 }; E varE;}");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 7);
ICPPNamespace A = (ICPPNamespace) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
IEnumeration E = (IEnumeration) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
IEnumerator e1 = (IEnumerator) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
IEnumerator e2 = (IEnumerator) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
IEnumerator e3 = (IEnumerator) col.getName(4).resolveBinding();
IVariable varE = (IVariable) col.getName(6).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, E, 2);
assertSame(E.getScope(), A.getNamespaceScope());
assertSame(e1.getScope(), A.getNamespaceScope());
public void testSimpleFunction() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("void foo(void);");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 2);
IFunction foo = (IFunction) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
IParameter p = (IParameter) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
assertEquals(0, foo.getParameters().length);
assertSame(p.getScope(), foo.getFunctionScope());
public void testSimpleFunctionWithTypes() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("class A { public: \n class B { }; }; const A::B & foo(A * myParam);");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 8);
ICPPClassType A = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPClassType B = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
IFunction foo = (IFunction) col.getName(5).resolveBinding();
IParameter p = (IParameter) col.getName(7).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, A, 3);
assertInstances(col, B, 3);
IFunctionType ftype = foo.getType();
assertTrue(ftype.getReturnType() instanceof ICPPReferenceType);
ICPPReferenceType rt = (ICPPReferenceType) ftype.getReturnType();
assertTrue(rt.getType() instanceof IQualifierType);
assertSame(((IQualifierType) rt.getType()).getType(), B);
IType pt = ftype.getParameterTypes()[0];
assertTrue(pt instanceof IPointerType);
assertSame(((IPointerType) pt).getType(), A);
public void testSimpleMethod() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("class A { void foo(); };");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 2);
ICPPClassType A = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPMethod foo = (ICPPMethod) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
assertSame(foo.getScope(), A.getCompositeScope());
public void testSimpleMethodWithTypes() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("class U { }; class A { U foo(U areDumb); };");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 6);
ICPPClassType U = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPClassType A = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
ICPPMethod foo = (ICPPMethod) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
IParameter p = (IParameter) col.getName(5).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, U, 3);
assertSame(foo.getScope(), A.getCompositeScope());
IFunctionType ft = foo.getType();
assertSame(ft.getReturnType(), U);
assertSame(p.getType(), U);
public void testUsingDeclarationWithFunctionsAndMethods() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
"namespace N { int foo(void); } class A { static int bar(void); }; using N::foo; using ::A::bar;");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 12);
ICPPNamespace N = (ICPPNamespace) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
IFunction foo = (IFunction) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
ICPPClassType A = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
ICPPMethod bar = (ICPPMethod) col.getName(4).resolveBinding();
ICPPUsingDeclaration using_foo = (ICPPUsingDeclaration) col.getName(8).resolveBinding();
ICPPUsingDeclaration using_bar = (ICPPUsingDeclaration) col.getName(11).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, N, 2);
assertInstances(col, foo, 1);
assertInstances(col, A, 2);
assertInstances(col, bar, 1);
assertSame(using_foo.getDelegates()[0], foo);
assertSame(using_bar.getDelegates()[0], bar);
public void testLinkageSpec() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("extern \"C\" { int foo(); }");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 1);
IFunction foo = (IFunction) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
public void testBogdansExample() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
"namespace A { namespace B { enum e1{e_1,e_2}; int x; class C { static int y = 5; }; }} ");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 8);
ICPPNamespace A = (ICPPNamespace) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPNamespace B = (ICPPNamespace) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
IEnumeration e1 = (IEnumeration) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
IEnumerator e_1 = (IEnumerator) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
IEnumerator e_2 = (IEnumerator) col.getName(4).resolveBinding();
IVariable x = (IVariable) col.getName(5).resolveBinding();
ICPPClassType C = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(6).resolveBinding();
ICPPField y = (ICPPField) col.getName(7).resolveBinding();
assertSame(B.getScope(), A.getNamespaceScope());
assertSame(e1.getScope(), B.getNamespaceScope());
assertSame(e_1.getScope(), B.getNamespaceScope());
assertSame(e_2.getType(), e1);
public void testAndrewsExample() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("namespace N{ class A {}; } using namespace N; class B: public A{};");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 5);
ICPPNamespace N = (ICPPNamespace) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPClassType A = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
ICPPClassType B = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, N, 2);
assertInstances(col, A, 2);
ICPPBase base = B.getBases()[0];
assertSame(base.getBaseClass(), A);
public void testSimpleTypedef() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("typedef int myInt;\n myInt var;");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 3);
ITypedef myInt = (ITypedef) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
IVariable var = (IVariable) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, myInt, 2);
assertTrue(myInt.getType() instanceof IBasicType);
assertSame(var.getType(), myInt);
public void testComplexTypedef() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("class A{ }; typedef A ** A_DOUBLEPTR;");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 3);
ICPPClassType A = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ITypedef APTR = (ITypedef) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, A, 2);
assertTrue(APTR.getType() instanceof IPointerType);
IPointerType pt = (IPointerType) APTR.getType();
assertTrue(pt.getType() instanceof IPointerType);
pt = (IPointerType) pt.getType();
assertSame(pt.getType(), A);
protected void assertQualifiedName(String[] fromAST, String[] theTruth) {
assertEquals(fromAST.length, theTruth.length);
for (int i = 0; i < fromAST.length; ++i) {
assertEquals(fromAST[i], theTruth[i]);
public void testBug40842() throws Exception {
Writer code = new StringWriter();
code.write("class A {} a;\n");
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(code.toString());
IASTSimpleDeclaration decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[0];
IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier comp = (IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) decl.getDeclSpecifier();
ICPPClassType A = (ICPPClassType) comp.getName().resolveBinding();
IVariable a = (IVariable) decl.getDeclarators()[0].getName().resolveBinding();
assertSame(a.getType(), A);
public void testNestedClassname() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("namespace A { \n class A::B { };}");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
ICPPNamespace A = (ICPPNamespace) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPClassType B = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, A, 2);
assertEquals(B.getScope(), A.getNamespaceScope());
public void testForwardDeclaration() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("class forward;");
IASTSimpleDeclaration decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) tu.getDeclarations()[0];
assertEquals(decl.getDeclarators().length, 0);
IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier spec = (IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) decl.getDeclSpecifier();
ICPPClassType forward = (ICPPClassType) spec.getName().resolveBinding();
public void testElaboratedType() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("class A; class A * a;");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 3);
ICPPClassType A = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
IVariable a = (IVariable) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
IPointerType ptr = (IPointerType) a.getType();
assertInstances(col, A, 2);
assertSame(ptr.getType(), A);
public void testForewardDeclarationWithUsage() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("class A; A * anA;class A { };");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 4);
ICPPClassType A = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
IVariable anA = (IVariable) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, A, 3);
IPointerType ptr = (IPointerType) anA.getType();
assertSame(ptr.getType(), A);
public void testASM() throws Exception {
parse("asm (\"blah blah blah\");");
* Tests GNU extensions to asm
* e.g. asm volatile ("stuff");
* asm ("addl %%ebx,%%eax" : "=a"(foo) : "a"(foo),"b"(bar));
public void testGNUASMExtension() throws Exception {
// volatile keyword
parse("asm volatile(\"blah blah blah\");", true, ParserLanguage.C, true);
parse("asm volatile(\"blah blah blah\");", true, ParserLanguage.CPP, true);
// Use of operands
parse("asm (\"addl %%ebx,%%eax\" : \"=a\"(foo) :\"a\"(foo), \"b\"(bar));", true, ParserLanguage.C, true);//$NON-NLS-1$
parse("asm (\"addl %%ebx,%%eax\" : \"=a\"(foo) :\"a\"(foo), \"b\"(bar));", true, ParserLanguage.CPP, true);//$NON-NLS-1$
// Invalid use of operands
parse("asm (\"addl %%ebx,%%eax\" \"=a\"(foo) :\"a\"(foo) : \"b\"(bar));", false, ParserLanguage.C, true);//$NON-NLS-1$
parse("asm (\"addl %%ebx,%%eax\" \"=a\"(foo) :\"a\"(foo) : \"b\"(bar));", false, ParserLanguage.CPP, true);//$NON-NLS-1$
// Code from bug 145389.
parse("#define mb() __asm__ __volatile__ (\"sync\" : : : \"memory\")\r\n" + "\r\n"
+ "int main(int argc, char **argv) {\r\n" + " mb();\r\n" + "}");
// Code from bug 117001
parse("static inline long\r\n" + "div_ll_X_l_rem(long long divs, long div, long *rem)\r\n" + "{\r\n"
+ " long dum2;\r\n"
+ " __asm__(\"divl %2\":\"=a\"(dum2), \"=d\"(*rem) // syntax error indicated at \":\"\r\n"
+ " : \"rm\"(div), \"A\"(divs));\r\n" + "\r\n" + " return dum2;\r\n" + "\r\n" + "}");
public void testOverride() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("void foo();\n void foo(int);\n");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 3);
IFunction foo1 = (IFunction) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
IFunction foo2 = (IFunction) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
assertNotSame(foo1, foo2);
public void testSimpleExpression() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("int x; int y = x;");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 3);
IVariable x = (IVariable) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
IVariable y = (IVariable) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, x, 2);
public void testParameterExpressions() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("int x = 5; void foo(int sub = x) { }");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 4);
IVariable x = (IVariable) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, x, 2);
public void testNestedNamespaceExpression() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("namespace A { int x = 666; } int y = A::x;");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 6);
ICPPNamespace A = (ICPPNamespace) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
IVariable x = (IVariable) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, A, 2);
assertInstances(col, x, 3);
public void testConstructorChain() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("int x = 5;\n class A \n{ public : \n int a; \n A() : a(x) { } };");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 6);
IVariable x = (IVariable) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPField a = (ICPPField) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
ICPPConstructor A = (ICPPConstructor) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, x, 2);
assertInstances(col, a, 2);
public void testArrayModExpression() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("const int x = 5; int y[ x ]; ");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 3);
IVariable x = (IVariable) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
IVariable y = (IVariable) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, x, 2);
assertTrue(y.getType() instanceof IArrayType);
assertTrue(((IArrayType) y.getType()).getType() instanceof IBasicType);
public void testPointerVariable() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("class A { }; A * anA;");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 3);
ICPPClassType A = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
IVariable anA = (IVariable) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, A, 2);
assertTrue(anA.getType() instanceof IPointerType);
assertSame(((IPointerType) anA.getType()).getType(), A);
public void testExceptionSpecification() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("class A { }; void foo(void) throw (A);");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 4);
ICPPClassType A = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, A, 2);
public void testNewExpressions() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("typedef int A; int B; int C; int D; int P; int*p = new (P) (A[B][C][D]);");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 11);
ITypedef A = (ITypedef) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
IVariable B = (IVariable) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
IVariable C = (IVariable) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
IVariable D = (IVariable) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
IVariable P = (IVariable) col.getName(4).resolveBinding();
IVariable p = (IVariable) col.getName(5).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, A, 2);
assertInstances(col, B, 2);
assertInstances(col, C, 2);
assertInstances(col, D, 2);
assertInstances(col, P, 2);
assertTrue(p.getType() instanceof IPointerType);
public void testBug41520() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("int f() { const int x = 666; const int y(x); }");
IASTCompoundStatement s = (IASTCompoundStatement) ((IASTFunctionDefinition) tu.getDeclarations()[0]).getBody();
IASTDeclarationStatement ds = (IASTDeclarationStatement) s.getStatements()[1];
IASTSimpleDeclaration decl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) ds.getDeclaration();
IASTDeclarator dtor = decl.getDeclarators()[0];
assertFalse(dtor instanceof IASTFunctionDeclarator);
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 4);
IVariable x = (IVariable) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
IVariable y = (IVariable) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, x, 2);
public void testNewXReferences() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("const int max = 5;\n int * x = new int[max];");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 3);
IVariable max = (IVariable) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, max, 2);
public void testQualifiedNameReferences() throws Exception {
// Used to cause AST Semantic exception
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
"class A{ class B{ class C { public: int cMethod(); }; }; }; \n int A::B::C::cMethod() {}; \n");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 9);
ICPPClassType A = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPClassType B = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
ICPPClassType C = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
ICPPMethod cMethod = (ICPPMethod) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, A, 2);
assertInstances(col, B, 2);
assertInstances(col, C, 2);
assertInstances(col, cMethod, 3);
assertEquals(cMethod.getVisibility(), ICPPMember.v_public);
assertSame(cMethod.getScope(), C.getCompositeScope());
assertSame(C.getScope(), B.getCompositeScope());
assertSame(B.getScope(), A.getCompositeScope());
public void testIsConstructor() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("class A{ public: A(); }; \n A::A() {}; \n");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 5);
ICPPClassType A = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPConstructor ctor = (ICPPConstructor) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, A, 2);
assertInstances(col, ctor, 3);
public void testIsDestructor() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("class A{ public: ~A(); }; \n A::~A() {}; \n");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 5);
ICPPClassType A = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPMethod dtor = (ICPPMethod) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, A, 2);
assertInstances(col, dtor, 3);
public void testBug41445() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("class A { }; namespace N { class B : public A { struct A {}; }; }");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 5);
ICPPClassType A = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPNamespace N = (ICPPNamespace) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
ICPPClassType B = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
ICPPClassType A2 = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(4).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, A, 2);
assertNotSame(A, A2);
assertSame(A2.getScope(), B.getCompositeScope());
assertSame(B.getScope(), N.getNamespaceScope());
assertSame(B.getBases()[0].getBaseClass(), A);
public void testSimpleFunctionBody() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
"class A { int f1(); }; const int x = 4; int f() { return x; } int A::f1() { return x; }");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 9);
ICPPClassType A = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPMethod f1 = (ICPPMethod) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
IVariable x = (IVariable) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, A, 2);
assertInstances(col, f1, 3);
assertInstances(col, x, 3);
public void testSimpleForLoop() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
"const int FIVE = 5; void f() { int x = 0; for (int i = 0; i < FIVE; ++i) { x += i; } }");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 9);
IVariable FIVE = (IVariable) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
IVariable x = (IVariable) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
IVariable i = (IVariable) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, FIVE, 2);
assertInstances(col, x, 2);
assertInstances(col, i, 4);
public void testBug42541() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("union{ int v; char a; } id;");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 4);
ICPPClassType unnamed = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPField v = (ICPPField) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
ICPPField a = (ICPPField) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
IVariable id = (IVariable) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
assertEquals(unnamed.getKey(), ICompositeType.k_union);
assertSame(v.getScope(), unnamed.getCompositeScope());
assertSame(a.getScope(), unnamed.getCompositeScope());
assertSame(id.getType(), unnamed);
public void testSimpleIfStatement() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
"const bool T = true; int foo() { if (T) { return 5; } else if (! T) return 20; else { return 10; } }");
IASTFunctionDefinition foo = (IASTFunctionDefinition) tu.getDeclarations()[1];
IASTCompoundStatement compound = (IASTCompoundStatement) foo.getBody();
IASTIfStatement ifstmt = (IASTIfStatement) compound.getStatements()[0];
assertTrue(ifstmt.getConditionExpression() instanceof IASTIdExpression);
assertTrue(ifstmt.getThenClause() instanceof IASTCompoundStatement);
assertTrue(ifstmt.getElseClause() instanceof IASTIfStatement);
ifstmt = (IASTIfStatement) ifstmt.getElseClause();
assertTrue(ifstmt.getConditionExpression() instanceof IASTUnaryExpression);
assertTrue(ifstmt.getThenClause() instanceof IASTReturnStatement);
assertTrue(ifstmt.getElseClause() instanceof IASTCompoundStatement);
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 4);
IVariable T = (IVariable) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, T, 3);
public void testSimpleWhileStatement() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
"const bool T = true; void foo() { int x = 0; while(T) { ++x; if (x == 100) break; } }");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 6);
IVariable T = (IVariable) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
IVariable x = (IVariable) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, T, 2);
assertInstances(col, x, 3);
public void testSimpleSwitchStatement() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("const int x = 5; const int y = 10; " + "void foo() { "
+ " while(true) { " + " switch(x) { "
+ " case 1: break; " + " case 2: goto blah; "
+ " case y: continue; " + " default: break; "
+ " } " + " } "
+ " blah : ; " + "} ");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 7);
IVariable x = (IVariable) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
IVariable y = (IVariable) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
ILabel blah = (ILabel) col.getName(4).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, x, 2);
assertInstances(col, y, 2);
assertInstances(col, blah, 2);
public void testSimpleDoStatement() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
"const int x = 3; int counter = 0; void foo() { do { ++counter; } while(counter != x); } ");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 6);
IVariable x = (IVariable) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
IVariable counter = (IVariable) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, x, 2);
assertInstances(col, counter, 3);
public void testThrowStatement() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("class A { }; void foo() throw (A) { A a; throw a; throw; } ");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(6, col.size());
ICompositeType A = (ICompositeType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, A, 3);
IVariable a = (IVariable) col.getName(4).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, a, 2);
public void testScoping() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("void foo() { int x = 3; if (x == 1) { int x = 4; } else int x = 2; }");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 5);
IVariable x1 = (IVariable) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
IVariable x2 = (IVariable) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
IVariable x3 = (IVariable) col.getName(4).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, x1, 2);
assertInstances(col, x2, 1);
assertInstances(col, x3, 1);
public void testEnumeratorReferences() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("enum E { e1, e2, e3 }; E anE = e1;");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 7);
IEnumeration E = (IEnumeration) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
IEnumerator e1 = (IEnumerator) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
IEnumerator e2 = (IEnumerator) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
IEnumerator e3 = (IEnumerator) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
IVariable anE = (IVariable) col.getName(5).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, E, 2);
assertInstances(col, e1, 2);
assertInstances(col, e2, 1);
assertInstances(col, e3, 1);
assertInstances(col, anE, 1);
public void testBug42840() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("void foo(); void foo() { } class SearchMe { };");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 3);
IFunction foo = (IFunction) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, foo, 2);
public void testBug42872() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
"struct B {}; struct D : B {}; void foo(D* dp) { B* bp = dynamic_cast<B*>(dp); }");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 10);
ICompositeType B = (ICompositeType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICompositeType D = (ICompositeType) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, B, 4);
assertInstances(col, D, 2);
public void testBug43503A() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
"class SD_01 { void f_SD_01() {}}; int main(){ SD_01 * a = new SD_01(); a->f_SD_01(); } ");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector(true);
assertEquals(col.size(), 9);
ICPPClassType SD_01 = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPMethod f_SD_01 = (ICPPMethod) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
ICPPConstructor ctor = SD_01.getConstructors()[0];
assertInstances(col, SD_01, 3);
assertInstances(col, ctor, 1);
assertInstances(col, f_SD_01, 2);
public void testBug42979() throws Exception {
Writer code = new StringWriter();
code.write("class OperatorOverload{\n");
code.write(" bool operator==(const class OperatorOverload& that)\n");
code.write(" { return true; }\n");
code.write(" bool operator!=(const class OperatorOverload& that);\n");
code.write("}; \n");
code.write("bool OperatorOverload::operator!=(const class OperatorOverload& that)\n");
code.write("{ return false; }\n");
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(code.toString());
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 12);
ICompositeType OperatorOverload = (ICompositeType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPMethod op1 = (ICPPMethod) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
ICPPMethod op2 = (ICPPMethod) col.getName(4).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, OperatorOverload, 5);
assertInstances(col, op1, 1);
assertInstances(col, op2, 3);
* class A { static int x; } int A::x = 5;
public void testBug43373() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("class A { static int x; }; int A::x = 5;");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 5);
ICompositeType A = (ICompositeType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPField x = (ICPPField) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, A, 2);
assertInstances(col, x, 3);
public void testBug39504() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("const int w = 2; int x[ 5 ]; int y = sizeof (x[w]);");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 5);
IVariable w = (IVariable) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
IVariable x = (IVariable) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, w, 2);
assertInstances(col, x, 2);
public void testBug43375() throws Exception {
parse("extern int x;");
public void testBug43503() throws Exception {
StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();
buff.append("class SD_02 { ");
buff.append(" public: ");
buff.append(" void f_SD_02(); ");
buff.append(" }; ");
buff.append("class SD_01 { \n");
buff.append(" public: \n");
buff.append(" SD_02 *next; \n"); // REFERENCE SD_02
buff.append(" void f_SD_01(); \n");
buff.append("}; \n");
buff.append("int main(){ \n");
buff.append(" SD_01* a = new SD_01(); \n"); // REFERENCE SD_01 * 2
buff.append(" a->f_SD_01(); \n"); // REFERENCE a && REFERENCE f_SD_01
buff.append("} \n");
buff.append("void SD_01::f_SD_01() \n"); // REFERENCE SD_01
buff.append("{ \n");
buff.append(" next->f_SD_02(); \n"); // REFERENCE next && reference f_SD_02
buff.append("} \n");
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buff.toString());
NameCollector col = new NameCollector(true);
assertEquals(col.size(), 18);
ICompositeType SD_02 = (ICompositeType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPMethod f_SD_02 = (ICPPMethod) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
ICPPClassType SD_01 = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
ICPPField next = (ICPPField) col.getName(4).resolveBinding();
ICPPMethod f_SD_01 = (ICPPMethod) col.getName(5).resolveBinding();
ICPPConstructor ctor = SD_01.getConstructors()[0];
assertInstances(col, SD_02, 2);
assertInstances(col, f_SD_02, 2);
assertInstances(col, SD_01, 4);
assertInstances(col, ctor, 1);
assertInstances(col, next, 2);
assertInstances(col, f_SD_01, 4);
public void testBug43679_A() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(
"struct Sample { int size() const; }; extern const Sample * getSample(); int trouble() { return getSample()->size(); } ");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 7);
ICompositeType sample = (ICompositeType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPMethod size = (ICPPMethod) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
IFunction getSample = (IFunction) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, sample, 2);
assertInstances(col, size, 2);
assertInstances(col, getSample, 2);
public void testBug43679_B() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("struct Sample{int size() const; }; struct Sample; ");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 3);
ICompositeType sample = (ICompositeType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPMethod size = (ICPPMethod) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, sample, 2);
assertInstances(col, size, 1);
public void testBug43951() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("class B{ B(); ~B(); }; B::B(){} B::~B(){}");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 9);
ICPPClassType B = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPConstructor constructor = (ICPPConstructor) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
ICPPMethod destructor = (ICPPMethod) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, B, 3);
assertInstances(col, constructor, 3);
assertInstances(col, destructor, 3);
public void testBug44342() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("class A { void f(){} void f(int){} }; int main(){ A * a = new A(); a->f();} ");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector(true);
assertEquals(col.size(), 11);
ICPPClassType A = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPMethod f1 = (ICPPMethod) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
ICPPMethod f2 = (ICPPMethod) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
ICPPConstructor ctor = A.getConstructors()[0];
IVariable a = (IVariable) col.getName(6).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, A, 3);
assertInstances(col, f1, 2);
assertInstances(col, f2, 1);
assertInstances(col, ctor, 1);
assertInstances(col, a, 2);
public void testCDesignatedInitializers() throws Exception {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
buffer.append("struct Inner { int a,b,c; };");
buffer.append("struct A { int x; int y[]; struct Inner innerArray[]; int z[]; };");
"struct A myA = { .x = 4, .y[3] = 4, .y[4] = 3, .innerArray[0].a = 3, .innerArray[1].b = 5, .innerArray[2].c=6, .z = { 1,4,5} };");
parse(buffer.toString(), true, ParserLanguage.C);
public void testBug39551A() throws Exception {
parse("extern float _Complex conjf (float _Complex);", true, ParserLanguage.C);
public void testBug39551B() throws Exception {
//this used to be 99.99 * __I__, but I don't know where the __I__ came from, its not in C99, nor in GCC
parse("_Imaginary double id = 99.99 * 1i;", true, ParserLanguage.C);
public void testCBool() throws Exception {
parse("_Bool x;", true, ParserLanguage.C);
public void testCBoolAsParameter() throws Exception {
parse("void f(_Bool b) {} " + "_Bool g(_Bool b) {} " + "void main(){" + " _Bool b; " + " f(b);"
+ " f(g((_Bool) 1) );" + "}", true, ParserLanguage.C);
public void testBug44510() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("int initialize(); " + "int initialize(char){} "
+ "int initialize(){ return 1; } " + "void main(){ int i = initialize(); }");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 7);
IFunction init1 = (IFunction) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
IFunction init2 = (IFunction) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, init1, 3);
assertInstances(col, init2, 1);
public void testBug44925() throws Exception {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
buffer.append("class MyClass { };");
buffer.append("class MyClass myObj1;");
buffer.append("enum MyEnum { Item1 };");
buffer.append("enum MyEnum myObj2;");
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString());
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 7);
ICPPClassType myClass = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
IVariable obj1 = (IVariable) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
IEnumeration myEnum = (IEnumeration) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
IEnumerator item = (IEnumerator) col.getName(4).resolveBinding();
IVariable obj2 = (IVariable) col.getName(6).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, myClass, 2);
assertInstances(col, myEnum, 2);
assertSame(obj1.getType(), myClass);
assertSame(obj2.getType(), myEnum);
assertSame(item.getType(), myEnum);
public void testBug44838() throws Exception {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
buffer.append("class A { int myX; A(int x); };\n");
buffer.append("A::A(int x) : myX(x) { if (x == 5) myX++; }\n");
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString());
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 12);
ICPPClassType A = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPField myX = (ICPPField) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
ICPPConstructor ctor = (ICPPConstructor) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
IParameter x = (IParameter) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, A, 2);
assertInstances(col, myX, 3);
assertInstances(col, ctor, 3);
assertInstances(col, x, 4);
public void testBug46165() throws Exception {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
buffer.append("class A { int myX; A(int x); };\n");
buffer.append("A::A(int x) : myX(x) { if (x == 5) myX++; }\n");
public void testBug47624() throws Exception {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
buffer.append("struct s { }; \n");
buffer.append("void f (int s) { \n");
buffer.append(" struct s sInstance; \n");
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString());
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 5);
ICPPClassType s = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
IParameter s2 = (IParameter) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
IVariable instance = (IVariable) col.getName(4).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, s, 2);
assertInstances(col, s2, 1);
assertSame(instance.getType(), s);
public void testQualifiedLookup() throws Exception {
//this is meant to test that on a->f, the lookup for f is qualified
//the namespace is necessary because of bug 47926
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
buffer.append("namespace N {");
buffer.append(" void f () {} \n");
buffer.append(" class A { }; \n");
buffer.append("void main() { N::A * a = new N::A(); a->f(); } ");
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString());
NameCollector col = new NameCollector(true);
assertEquals(col.size(), 14);
ICPPNamespace N = (ICPPNamespace) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
IFunction f = (IFunction) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
ICPPClassType A = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
ICPPConstructor ctor = A.getConstructors()[0];
IProblemBinding fp = (IProblemBinding) col.getName(13).resolveBinding();
assertEquals(fp.getID(), IProblemBinding.SEMANTIC_NAME_NOT_FOUND);
assertInstances(col, N, 3);
assertInstances(col, f, 1);
assertInstances(col, A, 5);
assertInstances(col, ctor, 1);
public void testBug43110() throws Exception {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
buffer.append("void x(int y, ...);\n");
buffer.append("void y(int x...);\n");
buffer.append("void z(...);");
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString());
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 5);
IFunction x = (IFunction) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
IFunction y = (IFunction) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
IFunction z = (IFunction) col.getName(4).resolveBinding();
public void testBug43110_XRef() throws Exception {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
buffer.append("void foo(...) {}\n");
buffer.append("void main(){ foo(1); }\n");
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(buffer.toString());
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 3);
IFunction foo = (IFunction) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, foo, 2);
public void testErrorHandling_1() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("A anA; int x = c; class A {}; A * anotherA = &anA; int b;", false);
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 9);
IProblemBinding p = (IProblemBinding) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
IVariable anA = (IVariable) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
IProblemBinding p2 = (IProblemBinding) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
ICPPClassType A = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(4).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, anA, 2);
assertInstances(col, A, 2);
IProblemType pt = (IProblemType) anA.getType();
assertEquals(ISemanticProblem.TYPE_UNRESOLVED_NAME, pt.getID());
public void testBug44340() throws Exception {
// Inline function with reference to variables declared after them
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("class A{ int getX() {return x[1];} int x[10];};");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 4);
ICPPField x = (ICPPField) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, x, 2);
public void testBug47628() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("void h(char) { }\n");
writer.write("void h(unsigned char) { }\n");
writer.write("void h(signed char) { } // not shown in outline, parsed as char\n");
public void testBug47636() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("void f(char[]); \n");
writer.write("void f(char *){} \n");
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(writer.toString());
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 4);
IFunction f1 = (IFunction) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
IParameter p1 = (IParameter) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
IFunction f2 = (IFunction) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
IParameter p2 = (IParameter) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
assertSame(f1, f2);
assertSame(p1, p2);
public void testBug45697() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write(" int f(bool); \n");
writer.write(" int f(char){ } ");
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(writer.toString());
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 4);
IFunction f1 = (IFunction) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
IParameter p1 = (IParameter) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
IFunction f2 = (IFunction) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
IParameter p2 = (IParameter) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
assertNotSame(f1, f2);
assertNotSame(p1, p2);
public void testBug54639() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("typedef enum _A { } A, *pA; ");
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(writer.toString());
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 3);
IEnumeration _A = (IEnumeration) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ITypedef A = (ITypedef) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
ITypedef pA = (ITypedef) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
assertSame(A.getType(), _A);
assertTrue(pA.getType() instanceof IPointerType);
assertSame(((IPointerType) pA.getType()).getType(), _A);
public void testBug55163() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("void foo() { \n");
writer.write(" int i, n; \n");
writer.write(" double di; \n");
writer.write(" for (i = n - 1, di = (double)(i + i); i > 0; i--){ } \n");
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(writer.toString());
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 11);
IVariable i = (IVariable) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
IVariable n = (IVariable) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
IVariable di = (IVariable) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, i, 6);
assertInstances(col, n, 2);
assertInstances(col, di, 2);
public void testBug55673() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("struct Example { int i; int (* pfi) (int); }; ");
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(writer.toString());
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 4);
ICPPField pfi = (ICPPField) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
assertTrue(pfi.getType() instanceof IPointerType);
assertTrue(((IPointerType) pfi.getType()).getType() instanceof IFunctionType);
public void testBug54531() throws Exception {
parse("typedef enum _A {} A, *pA;");
public void testBug56516() throws Exception {
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse("typedef struct blah sb;");
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 2);
ICPPClassType blah = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ITypedef sb = (ITypedef) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
assertSame(sb.getType(), blah);
public void testBug53786() throws Exception {
parse("struct Example { struct Data * data; };");
public void testBug54029() throws Exception {
parse("typedef int T; T i;");
public void testBug47625() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("struct s { int num; }; ");
writer.write("namespace ns{ ");
writer.write(" struct s { double num; };");
writer.write(" s inner = { 3.14 };");
writer.write(" ::s outer = { 42 };");
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(writer.toString());
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 10);
ICPPClassType s = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPClassType s2 = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
ICPPClassType ref1 = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(5).resolveBinding();
ICPPClassType ref2 = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(8).resolveBinding();
assertSame(s, ref2);
assertSame(s2, ref1);
public void testBug57754() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("struct X { ");
writer.write(" typedef int T; ");
writer.write(" void f(T); ");
writer.write("}; ");
writer.write("void X::f(T) { } ");
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(writer.toString());
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 10);
ICPPClassType X = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ITypedef T = (ITypedef) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
ICPPMethod f = (ICPPMethod) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, X, 2);
assertInstances(col, T, 3);
assertInstances(col, f, 3);
public void testBug57800() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("class G2 { int j; };");
writer.write("typedef G2 AltG2;");
writer.write("class AltG3 : AltG2 { int x;};");
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(writer.toString());
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 7);
ICPPClassType G2 = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ITypedef alt = (ITypedef) col.getName(3).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, G2, 2);
assertInstances(col, alt, 2);
public void testBug46246() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("struct A { ");
writer.write(" struct B { int ab; } b; ");
writer.write(" int a; ");
writer.write("}; ");
writer.write("struct A a1; ");
writer.write("struct B b1; ");
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(writer.toString(), true, ParserLanguage.C);
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(col.size(), 9);
ICompositeType A = (ICompositeType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICompositeType B = (ICompositeType) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, A, 2);
assertInstances(col, B, 2);
public void testBug45235() throws Exception {
parse("class A { friend class B; friend void f(); }; ");
public void testBug57791() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write(" void f() { ");
writer.write(" struct astruct astruct; ");
writer.write("; ");
writer.write(" }");
parse(writer.toString(), true, ParserLanguage.C);
public void testBug44249() throws Exception {
parse("class SD_01 { public:\n void SD_01::f_SD_01();};");
public void testBug59149() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("class A{ friend class B; friend class B; };");
writer.write("class B{ };");
public void testBug59302() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("class A { class N{}; }; ");
writer.write("class B { friend class A::N; }; ");
public void testULong() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("#ifndef ASMINCLUDE\n");
writer.write("typedef unsigned short ushort;\n");
writer.write("typedef volatile unsigned long semaphore;\n");
writer.write("typedef unsigned long ulong;\n");
writer.write("#ifndef _NO_LONGLONG\n");
writer.write("typedef long long longlong;\n");
writer.write("typedef unsigned long long ulonglong;\n");
writer.write("#endif /* _NO_LONGLONG */\n");
writer.write("#endif /* ASMINCLUDE */\n");
writer.write("typedef struct section_type_ {\n");
writer.write("ulong source;\n");
writer.write("ulong dest;\n");
writer.write("ulong bytes;\n");
writer.write("} section_type;\n");
public void testBug47926() throws Exception {
parse("void f() {} class A {}; void main() { A * a = new A(); a->f(); }", false);
public void testBug50984_ASTMethod_getOwnerClassSpecifier_ClassCastException() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("template < typename _OutIter > ");
writer.write("class num_put { ");
writer.write(" typedef _OutIter iter_type; ");
writer.write(" template< typename _ValueT > ");
writer.write(" iter_type _M_convert_float(iter_type); ");
writer.write("}; ");
writer.write("template < typename _OutIter > ");
writer.write("template < typename _ValueT > ");
writer.write("_OutIter num_put<_OutIter>::_M_convert_float(_OutIter) { } ");
public void testGloballyQualifiedUsingDeclaration() throws Exception {
parse("int iii; namespace N { using ::iii; }");
public void test57513_new() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("class A{ A(); A(int); }; \n");
writer.write(" void f() { \n");
writer.write(" A * a1 = new A; \n");
writer.write(" A * a2 = new(1)A(); \n");
writer.write(" A * a3 = new A(1); \n");
writer.write("} \n");
public void test57513_NoConstructor() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("class A{ }; \n");
writer.write(" void f() { \n");
writer.write(" A * a1 = new A; \n");
writer.write("} \n");
public void test57513_ctorinit() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("class A{ A(); A(A *); }; \n");
writer.write("class B : public A { B(); }; \n");
writer.write("B::B():A(new A){} \n");
public void test575513_qualified() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("namespace Foo{ ");
writer.write(" class Bar{ public : Bar(); }; ");
writer.write("} ");
writer.write("void main(){ ");
writer.write(" Foo::Bar * bar = new Foo::Bar(); ");
writer.write("} ");
public void testBug60944() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("typedef int OurInt;\n");
writer.write("class A { int x; };\n");
writer.write("typedef A AnotherA;\n");
writer.write("typedef AnotherA SecondA;\n");
writer.write("typedef OurInt AnotherInt;\n");
public void testDestructorReference() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("class ABC {\n");
writer.write(" public:\n");
writer.write(" ~ABC(){ }\n");
writer.write("int main() { ABC * abc = new ABC();\n");
public void testBug39676_tough() throws Exception {
parse("int widths[] = {[0 ... 9] = 1,[10 ... 99] = 2,[100] = 3 };", true, ParserLanguage.C, true);
public void testBug60939() throws Exception {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("namespace ABC { class DEF { }; }\n");
if (i == 0)
writer.write("using namespace ABC;\n");
writer.write("using ABC::DEF;\n");
writer.write("class GHI : public DEF { };");
public void testBug64010() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write(" #define ONE else if (0) { } \n");
writer.write(" #define TEN ONE ONE ONE ONE ONE ONE ONE ONE ONE ONE \n ");
writer.write(" #define HUN TEN TEN TEN TEN TEN TEN TEN TEN TEN TEN \n ");
writer.write(" #define THOU HUN HUN HUN HUN HUN HUN HUN HUN HUN HUN \n");
writer.write("void foo() ");
writer.write("{ ");
writer.write(" if (0) { } ");
writer.write(" /* 2,500 else if's. */ ");
writer.write(" THOU THOU HUN HUN HUN HUN HUN ");
writer.write("} ");
public void testBug64271() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("typedef int DWORD;\n");
writer.write("typedef char BYTE;\n");
writer.write("#define MAKEFOURCC(ch0, ch1, ch2, ch3) \\\n");
writer.write("((DWORD)(BYTE)(ch0) | ((DWORD)(BYTE)(ch1) << 8) | \\\n");
writer.write("((DWORD)(BYTE)(ch2) << 16) | ((DWORD)(BYTE)(ch3) << 24))\n");
writer.write("enum e {\n");
writer.write("blah1 = 5,\n");
writer.write("blah2 = MAKEFOURCC('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'),\n");
writer.write("e mye = blah;\n");
public void testBug47752() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("class BBC\n");
writer.write("int x;\n");
writer.write("void func(BBC bar)\n");
writer.write("catch (BBC error)\n");
writer.write(" //... error handling code ...\n");
public void testBug61972() throws Exception {
parse("#define DEF1(A1) A1\n#define DEF2 DEF1(DEF2)\nDEF2;", false);
public void testBug65569() throws Exception {
parse("class Sample;\nstruct Sample { /* ... */ };");
public void testBug64268() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("#define BODY \\\n");
writer.write("for (;;) { \\\n");
writer.write("/* this multi-line comment messes \\\n");
writer.write("up the parser. */ }\n");
writer.write(" void abc() {\n");
public void testBug67622() throws Exception {
parse("const char * x = __FILE__;");
public void testBug67680() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("template < class T> class Base {}; \n");
writer.write("class Derived : public Base, Base<int>, foo {}; \n");
parse(writer.toString(), false);
public void testTypeIDSignature() throws Exception {
parse("int * v = (int*)0;");//$NON-NLS-1$
public void testUnaryAmperCast() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("void f(char *); \r\n ");
writer.write("void f(char ); \n ");
writer.write("void main() { \n ");
writer.write(" char * t = new char[ 5 ]; \n ");
writer.write(" f(&t[1]); \n ");
writer.write("} \n ");
public void testBug68235() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write(" struct xTag { int x; }; ");
writer.write(" typedef xTag xType; ");
writer.write(" typedef struct yTag { int x; } yType; ");
writer.write(" class C1 { xType x; yType y; }; ");
public void testBug60407() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("struct ZZZ { int x, y, z; };\r\n");
writer.write("typedef struct ZZZ _FILE;\n");
writer.write("typedef _FILE FILE;\n");
writer.write("static void static_function(FILE * lcd){}\n");
writer.write("int main(int argc, char **argv) {\n");
writer.write("FILE * file = 0;\n");
writer.write("return 0;\n");
public void testBug68623() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("class A { \n");
writer.write(" A(); \n");
writer.write(" class sub{}; \n");
writer.write(" sub * x; \n");
writer.write("}; \n");
writer.write("A::A() : x((sub *) 0) {} \n");
writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("class A { \n");
writer.write(" A() : x (0) {} \n");
writer.write(" int x; \n");
writer.write("}; \n");
public void testBug69798() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("enum Flags { FLAG1, FLAG2 }; \n");
writer.write("int f() { int a, b; b = (a ? FLAG1 : 0) | FLAG2; } \n");
public void testBug69662() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("class A { operator float * (); }; \n");
writer.write("A::operator float * () { } \n");
public void testBug68528() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("namespace N526026\n");
writer.write("template <typename T>\n");
writer.write("class T526026\n");
writer.write("typedef int diff;\n");
writer.write("template<typename T>\n");
writer.write("inline T526026< T >\n");
writer.write("operator+(typename T526026<T>::diff d, const T526026<T> & x)\n");
writer.write("{ return T526026< T >(); }\n");
parse(writer.toString(), false);
public void testBug71094() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("using namespace DOESNOTEXIST;\n");
writer.write("class A { int x; };\n");
parse(writer.toString(), false);
public void testPredefinedSymbol_bug70928() throws Exception {
// GNU built-in storage class type __cdecl preceded by a custom return type
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("#define __cdecl __attribute__ ((__cdecl__))\n");
writer.write("typedef int size_t; \n int __cdecl foo(); \n");
parse(writer.toString(), true, ParserLanguage.CPP, true);
public void testPredefinedSymbol_bug70928_infinite_loop_test1() throws Exception {
// GNU builtin storage class type __cdecl preceded by a custom return type
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("#define __cdecl __attribute__ ((__cdecl__))\n");
writer.write("typedef int size_t; \n int __cdecl foo(); \n");
parse(writer.toString(), false, ParserLanguage.CPP, false);// test for an infinite loop if the GCC extensions aren't supported
parse(writer.toString(), false, ParserLanguage.C, false);// test for an infinite loop if the GCC extensions aren't supported
public void testPredefinedSymbol_bug70928_infinite_loop_test2() throws Exception {
// GNU builtin storage class type __cdecl preceded by a custom return type
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("int x __attribute__ ((aligned (16))) = 0;\n");
parse(writer.toString(), false, ParserLanguage.CPP, false);// test for an infinite loop if the GCC extensions aren't supported
parse(writer.toString(), false, ParserLanguage.C, false);// test for an infinite loop if the GCC extensions aren't supported
public void testBug102376() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("int func1 (void) __attribute__((,id2,id (,,),,,));\n");
writer.write("int func2 (void) __attribute__((id,id (id)));\n");
writer.write("int func3 (void) __attribute__((id,id (3)));\n");
writer.write("int func4 (void) __attribute__((id,id (1+2)));\n");
writer.write("void (****f1)(void) __attribute__((noreturn));\n");
writer.write("void (__attribute__((noreturn)) ****f2) (void);\n");
writer.write("char *__attribute__((aligned(8))) *f3;\n");
writer.write("char * __attribute__((aligned(8))) * f3;\n");
writer.write("void fatal1 () __attribute__ ((noreturn));\n");
writer.write("int square1 (int) __attribute__ ((pure));\n");
writer.write("extern int\n");
writer.write("my_printf1 (void *my_object, const char *my_format, ...)\n");
writer.write("__attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));\n");
writer.write("extern char *\n");
writer.write("my_dgettext1 (char *my_domain, const char *my_format)\n");
writer.write("__attribute__ ((format_arg (2)));\n");
writer.write("extern void *\n");
writer.write("my_memcpy1 (void *dest, const void *src, size_t len)\n");
writer.write("__attribute__((nonnull (1, 2)));\n");
writer.write("extern void *\n");
writer.write("my_memcpy2 (void *dest, const void *src, size_t len)\n");
writer.write("extern void foobar3 (void) __attribute__ ((section (\"bar\")));\n");
writer.write("int old_fn () __attribute__ ((deprecated));\n");
writer.write("void f5 () __attribute__ ((weak, alias (\"__f\")));\n");
writer.write("void __attribute__ ((visibility (\"protected\")))\n");
writer.write("f6 () { /* Do something. */; }\n");
writer.write("int i2 __attribute__ ((visibility (\"hidden\")));\n");
writer.write("void f7 () __attribute__ ((interrupt (\"IRQ\")));\n");
writer.write("void *alt_stack9;\n");
writer.write("void f8 () __attribute__ ((interrupt_handler,\n");
writer.write("sp_switch (\"alt_stack\")));\n");
writer.write("int x1 __attribute__ ((aligned (16))) = 0;\n");
writer.write("struct foo11 { int x[2] __attribute__ ((aligned (8))); };\n");
writer.write("short array12[3] __attribute__ ((aligned));\n");
writer.write("extern int old_var14 __attribute__ ((deprecated));\n");
writer.write("struct foo13\n");
writer.write("char a15;\n");
writer.write("int x16[2] __attribute__ ((packed));\n");
writer.write("struct duart15 a16 __attribute__ ((section (\"DUART_A\"))) = { 0 };\n");
writer.write("struct duart15 b17 __attribute__ ((section (\"DUART_B\"))) = { 0 };\n");
writer.write("char stack18[10000] __attribute__ ((section (\"STACK\"))) = { 0 };\n");
writer.write("int init_data19 __attribute__ ((section (\"INITDATA\"))) = 0;\n");
writer.write("int foo20 __attribute__((section (\"shared\"), shared)) = 0;\n");
writer.write("int foo21 __attribute__ ((vector_size (16)));\n");
writer.write("struct S22 { int a23; };\n");
writer.write("struct S24 __attribute__ ((vector_size (16))) foo;\n");
writer.write("struct S25 { short f27[3]; } __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));\n");
writer.write("typedef int more_aligned_int __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));\n");
writer.write("struct S26 { short f28[3]; } __attribute__ ((aligned));\n");
writer.write("struct my_unpacked_struct29\n");
writer.write("char c;\n");
writer.write("int i;\n");
writer.write(" \n");
writer.write("struct my_packed_struct __attribute__ ((__packed__))\n");
writer.write("char c;\n");
writer.write("int i;\n");
writer.write("struct my_unpacked_struct29 s;\n");
writer.write("typedef union\n");
writer.write("int *__ip;\n");
writer.write("union wait *__up;\n");
writer.write("} wait_status_ptr_t __attribute__ ((__transparent_union__));\n");
writer.write("typedef int T1 __attribute__ ((deprecated));\n");
writer.write("typedef short __attribute__((__may_alias__)) short_a;\n");
writer.write("extern const unsigned short int ** __ctype_b_loc (void) __attribute__ ((__const));");
parse(writer.toString(), true, ParserLanguage.C, true);
parse(writer.toString(), true, ParserLanguage.CPP, true);
public void testBug73652() throws Exception {
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("#define DoSuperMethodA IDoSuperMethodA\n");
writer.write("#define IDoSuperMethodA(a,b,c) IIntuition->IDoSuperMethodA(a,b,c)\n");
writer.write("void hang(void)\n");
parse(writer.toString(), false);
public void testBug73428() throws Exception {
parse("namespace { }");//$NON-NLS-1$
parse("namespace { };");//$NON-NLS-1$
parse("namespace { int abc; };");//$NON-NLS-1$
parse("namespace { int abc; }");//$NON-NLS-1$
public void testBug73615() throws Exception {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
if (i == 0)
writer.write("class B;\n");
writer.write("class A { A(B *); };\n");
if (i == 0)
parse(writer.toString(), false);
public void testBug74180() throws Exception {
parse("enum DHCPFOBoolean { false, true } additionalHB, more_payload; \n", true, ParserLanguage.C);
public void testBug72691() throws Exception {
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("typedef int * PINT; \n");
writer.write("typedef int * PINT; \n");
writer.write("PINT pint; \n");
public void testBug72691_2() throws Exception {
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("typedef int * PINT; \n");
writer.write("namespace N { \n");
writer.write(" typedef int * PINT; \n");
writer.write("} \n");
writer.write("using namespace N; \n");
writer.write("PINT pint; \n");
public void testBug74328() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("main(int argc, char **argv) {\n");
writer.write(" char *sign;\n");
writer.write("sign = \"\"; // IProblem generated here, syntax error\n");
writer.write("return argc;\n");
public void testBug71733() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("void foo(int);\n");
writer.write("#define BLAH() \\\n");
writer.write(" foo (/* slash / is misinterpreted as end of comment */ \\\n");
writer.write(" 4);\n");
writer.write("int f() { BLAH() }\n");
public void testBug69526() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("unsigned inkernel;\n");
writer.write("#define lock_kernel() (inkernel |= 0x01)");
writer.write("int main(int argc, char **argv) {");
public void testBug69454() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("#define CATCH_ALL_EXCEPTIONS() \\\n");
writer.write(" catch(Exception &ex) { handleException(ex); } \\\n");
writer.write(" catch(...) { handleException(); } \n");
writer.write("class Exception; \n");
writer.write("void handleException(Exception & ex) {} \n");
writer.write("void handleException() {} \n");
writer.write("void f() { \n");
writer.write(" try { int i; } \n");
writer.write(" CATCH_ALL_EXCEPTIONS(); \n");
writer.write("} \n");
public void testBug72692A() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("extern double pow(double, double);\n");
writer.write("extern double pow2(double, double){}\n");
writer.write("namespace DS {\n");
writer.write("using ::pow;\n");
writer.write("using ::pow2;\n");
writer.write("using DS::pow;\n");
writer.write("using DS::pow2;\n");
public void testBug72692B() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("extern double pow(double, double);\n");
writer.write("namespace DS {\n");
writer.write("using ::pow;\n");
writer.write("inline float pow(float __x, float __y)\n");
writer.write("{ return ::pow(static_cast<double>(__x), static_cast<double>(__y)); }\n");
writer.write("using namespace DS;\n");
writer.write("float foo() { double d1 = 3.0, d2 = 4.0; return pow(d1, d2); }");
public void testBug72692C() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("extern double pow(double, double){}\n");
writer.write("namespace DS {\n");
writer.write("using ::pow;\n");
writer.write("using DS::pow;\n");
public void testBug74575A() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("double pow(double, double);\n");
writer.write("float pow(float __x, float __y)\n");
writer.write("{ return 0; }\n");
public void testBug75338() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("class Thrown { };\n");
writer.write("void foo() throw(Thrown);");
public void testBug74847() throws Exception {
String code = "class A : public FOO {};";
parse(code, false);
public void testBug76696() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write(" void f(){ \n");
writer.write(" if (A a) { \n");
writer.write(" } else { \n");
writer.write(" } \n");
writer.write(" } \n");
parse(writer.toString(), false);
public void testBug74069() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("int f() { \n");
writer.write(" int a, b, c; \n");
writer.write(" if (a < b) \n");
writer.write(" if (b < c) \n");
writer.write(" return b; \n");
writer.write(" else if (a < c) \n");
writer.write(" return c; \n");
writer.write(" else \n");
writer.write(" return a; \n");
writer.write(" else if (a < c) \n");
writer.write(" return a; \n");
writer.write(" else if (b < c) \n");
writer.write(" return c; \n");
writer.write(" else \n");
writer.write(" return b; \n");
writer.write("} \n");
public void testBug77805() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("#if X // Do something only if X is true\n");
writer.write("/* some statements */\n");
public void testBug77821() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("typedef struct { /* ... */ }TYPE;\n");
writer.write("void ptrArith(const TYPE* pType) {\n");
writer.write("TYPE *temp = 0;\n");
writer.write("temp = (TYPE*)(pType + 1); /* Parser error is here */\n}\n");
public void testBug77009() throws Exception {
parse("int foo(volatile int &);\n");
public void testBug77281() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("void fun2(float a, float b) {}\n");
writer.write("int main() { fun2(0.24f, 0.25f); }\n");
public void testBug77921() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("void f()\n{\n");
writer.write("static float v0[] = { -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f };\n}\n");
public void testBug71317A() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("void f();\n");
writer.write("namespace NS {\n");
writer.write("using ::f;\n");
writer.write("using ::f;\n}");
public void testBug71317B() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("void f();\n");
writer.write("namespace NS {\n");
writer.write("void f();\n");
writer.write("using ::f;\n}");
public void testBug77097() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("#define SOME_MACRO() { \\\r\n");
writer.write("printf(\"Hello World\"); \\\r\n");
writer.write("printf(\"Good morning\"); \\\r\n");
public void testBug77276() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("#if (!defined(OS_LIBMODE_R) && !defined(OS_LIBMODE_RP) && \\\r\n");
writer.write("#define OS_LIBMODE_DP\r\n");
public void testBug78165() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("struct Node {\n");
writer.write("struct Node* Next; // OK: Refers to Node at global scope\n");
writer.write("struct Data* Data; // OK: Declares type Data at global scope and member Data\n");
writer.write("struct Data {\n");
writer.write("struct Node* Node; // OK: Refers to Node at global scope\n");
writer.write("friend struct Glob; // OK: Refers to (as yet) undeclared Glob at global scope.\n");
writer.write("struct Base {\n");
writer.write("struct Data; // OK: Declares nested Data\n");
writer.write("struct ::Data* thatData; // OK: Refers to ::Data\n");
writer.write("struct Base::Data* thisData; // OK: Refers to nested Data\n");
writer.write("friend class ::Data; // OK: global Data is a friend\n");
writer.write("friend class Data; // OK: nested Data is a friend\n");
writer.write("struct Data { /* ... */ }; // Defines nested Data\n");
writer.write("struct Data; // OK: Redeclares nested Data\n");
writer.write("struct Data; // OK: Redeclares Data at global scope\n");
writer.write("struct Base::Data* pBase; // OK: refers to nested Data\n");
public void testBug103560() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("#define A(a, b) a ## b \n");
writer.write("#define FOOBAR 1 \n");
writer.write("int i = A(FOO, BAR); \n");
parse(writer.toString(), true, ParserLanguage.CPP);
public void test158192_declspec_on_class() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("class __declspec(foobar) Foo1 {};\n");
writer.write("union __declspec(foobar) Foo2 {};\n");
writer.write("struct __declspec(foobar) Foo3 {};\n");
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(writer.toString(), true, ParserLanguage.CPP, true);
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(3, col.size());
ICompositeType fooClass = (ICompositeType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICompositeType fooUnion = (ICompositeType) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
ICompositeType fooStruct = (ICompositeType) col.getName(2).resolveBinding();
assertEquals(ICPPClassType.k_class, fooClass.getKey());
assertEquals(ICompositeType.k_union, fooUnion.getKey());
assertEquals(ICompositeType.k_struct, fooStruct.getKey());
assertInstances(col, fooClass, 1);
assertInstances(col, fooUnion, 1);
assertInstances(col, fooStruct, 1);
public void test158192_declspec_on_variable() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("__declspec(foobar) class Foo {} bar;\n");
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(writer.toString(), true, ParserLanguage.CPP, true);
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(2, col.size());
ICompositeType fooClass = (ICompositeType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPVariable bar = (ICPPVariable) col.getName(1).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, fooClass, 1);
assertInstances(col, bar, 1);
public void test158192_declspec_in_declarator() throws Exception {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
writer.write("int * __declspec(foo) bar = 0;\n");
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(writer.toString(), true, ParserLanguage.CPP, true);
IASTProblem[] problems = CPPVisitor.getProblems(tu);
assertFalse("__declspec rejected inside declarator", problems.length > 0);
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
assertEquals(1, col.size());
ICPPVariable bar = (ICPPVariable) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
assertInstances(col, bar, 1);
public void test173874_nestedClasses() throws Exception {
String code = "class aClass { class bClass; int x; };";
IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(code, true, ParserLanguage.CPP, true);
NameCollector col = new NameCollector();
ICPPClassType cls = (ICPPClassType) col.getName(0).resolveBinding();
ICPPClassType[] nested = cls.getNestedClasses();
assertEquals(1, nested.length);