blob: d695a839d77edd97706dbb296e60a67fc34df9d6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2011 Intel Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Intel Corporation - Initial API and implementation
* IBM Corporation
* James Blackburn (Broadcom Corp.)
package org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.CCorePlugin;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.CommandLauncher;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.ErrorParserManager;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.ICommandLauncher;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.cdtvariables.CdtVariableException;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.cdtvariables.ICdtVariableManager;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings.model.COutputEntry;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings.model.ICConfigurationDescription;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings.model.ICLanguageSettingEntry;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings.model.ICOutputEntry;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings.model.ICSettingEntry;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings.model.ICStorageElement;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings.model.extension.CBuildData;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings.model.util.CDataUtil;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings.model.util.LanguageSettingEntriesSerializer;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.SafeStringInterner;
import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.AbstractBuildRunner;
import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.BuildException;
import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.ExternalBuildRunner;
import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.IBuildObject;
import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.IBuilder;
import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.IConfiguration;
import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.IManagedConfigElement;
import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.IManagedProject;
import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.IProjectType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.IResourceInfo;
import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.IToolChain;
import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.InternalBuildRunner;
import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.ManagedBuildManager;
import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.ManagedBuilderCorePlugin;
import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.dataprovider.BuildBuildData;
import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.macros.BuildMacroProvider;
import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.macros.FileContextBuildMacroValues;
import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.macros.BuildMacroException;
import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.macros.IBuildMacroProvider;
import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.macros.IFileContextBuildMacroValues;
import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.macros.IReservedMacroNameSupplier;
import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.makegen.IManagedBuilderMakefileGenerator;
import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.makegen.IManagedBuilderMakefileGenerator2;
import org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.makegen.gnu.GnuMakefileGenerator;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IncrementalProjectBuilder;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IConfigurationElement;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtension;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtensionPoint;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
import org.eclipse.core.variables.IStringVariableManager;
import org.eclipse.core.variables.VariablesPlugin;
import org.osgi.framework.Version;
public class Builder extends HoldsOptions implements IBuilder, IMatchKeyProvider<Builder>, IRealBuildObjectAssociation {
public static final int UNLIMITED_JOBS = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private static final String EMPTY_STRING = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
// Superclass
private String superClassId;
// Parent and children
private IToolChain parent;
// Managed Build model attributes
private String unusedChildren;
private String errorParserIds;
private Boolean isAbstract;
private String command;
private String args;
private IConfigurationElement buildFileGeneratorElement;
private String versionsSupported;
private String convertToId;
private FileContextBuildMacroValues fileContextBuildMacroValues;
private String builderVariablePattern;
private Boolean isVariableCaseSensitive;
private String[] reservedMacroNames;
private IReservedMacroNameSupplier reservedMacroNameSupplier;
private IConfigurationElement reservedMacroNameSupplierElement;
private String autoBuildTarget;
private Boolean autoBuildEnabled;
private String incrementalBuildTarget;
private Boolean incrementalBuildEnabled;
private String cleanBuildTarget;
private Boolean cleanBuildEnabled;
private Boolean managedBuildOn;
private Boolean keepEnvVarInBuildfile;
private Boolean supportsManagedBuild;
//custom builder settings
private String[] customizedErrorParserIds;
private HashMap<String, String> customizedEnvironment;
private Boolean appendEnvironment;// = Boolean.valueOf(true);
private String buildPath;
private HashMap<String, String> customBuildProperties;
// private Boolean isWorkspaceBuildPath;
private String ignoreErrCmd;
private Boolean stopOnErr;
// parallelization
private String parallelBuildCmd;
private Boolean isParallelBuildEnabled;
private Integer parallelNumberAttribute; // negative number denotes "optimal" value, see getOptimalParallelJobNum()
private boolean isTest;
// Miscellaneous
private boolean isExtensionBuilder = false;
private boolean resolved = true;
private IConfigurationElement previousMbsVersionConversionElement = null;
private IConfigurationElement currentMbsVersionConversionElement = null;
private BuildBuildData fBuildData;
private Boolean fSupportsCustomizedBuild;
private List<Builder> identicalList;
private ICOutputEntry[] outputEntries;
private ICommandLauncher fCommandLauncher = null;
private IConfigurationElement fCommandLauncherElement = null;
private AbstractBuildRunner fBuildRunner = null;
private IConfigurationElement fBuildRunnerElement = null;
* C O N S T R U C T O R S
* This constructor is called to create a builder defined by an extension point in
* a plugin manifest file, or returned by a dynamic element provider
* @param parent The IToolChain parent of this builder, or <code>null</code> if
* defined at the top level
* @param element The builder definition from the manifest file or a dynamic element
* provider
* @param managedBuildRevision The fileVersion of Managed Buid System
public Builder(IToolChain parent, IManagedConfigElement element, String managedBuildRevision) {
this.parent = parent;
isExtensionBuilder = true;
// setup for resolving
resolved = false;
// Set the managedBuildRevision
// Hook me up to the Managed Build Manager
* This constructor is called to create a Builder whose attributes and children will be
* added by separate calls.
* @param parent The parent of the builder, if any
* @param superClass The superClass, if any
* @param Id The id for the new Builder
* @param name The name for the new Builder
* @param isExtensionElement Indicates whether this is an extension element or a managed project element
public Builder(ToolChain parent, IBuilder superClass, String Id, String name, boolean isExtensionElement) {
this.parent = parent;
this.superClass = superClass;
if (this.superClass != null) {
superClassId = this.superClass.getId();
isExtensionBuilder = isExtensionElement;
if (isExtensionElement) {
// Hook me up to the Managed Build Manager
} else {
fBuildData = new BuildBuildData(this);
* Create a <code>Builder</code> based on the specification stored in the
* project file (.cdtbuild).
* @param parent The <code>IToolChain</code> the Builder will be added to.
* @param element The XML element that contains the Builder settings.
* @param managedBuildRevision The fileVersion of Managed Buid System
public Builder(IToolChain parent, ICStorageElement element, String managedBuildRevision) {
this.parent = parent;
isExtensionBuilder = false;
fBuildData = new BuildBuildData(this);
// Set the managedBuildRevision
// Initialize from the XML attributes
private HashMap<String, String> cloneMap(HashMap<String, String> map) {
return (HashMap<String, String>) map.clone();
* Create a <code>Builder</code> based upon an existing builder.
* @param parent The <code>IToolChain</code> the builder will be added to.
* @param builder The existing builder to clone.
public Builder(IToolChain parent, String Id, String name, Builder builder) {
this.parent = parent;
superClass = builder.superClass;
if (superClass != null) {
if (builder.superClassId != null) {
superClassId = new String(builder.superClassId);
// Set the managedBuildRevision & the version
isExtensionBuilder = false;
// Copy the remaining attributes
if(builder.versionsSupported != null) {
versionsSupported = new String(builder.versionsSupported);
if(builder.convertToId != null) {
convertToId = new String(builder.convertToId);
if (builder.unusedChildren != null) {
unusedChildren = new String(builder.unusedChildren);
if (builder.errorParserIds != null) {
errorParserIds = new String(builder.errorParserIds);
if (builder.isAbstract != null) {
isAbstract = new Boolean(builder.isAbstract.booleanValue());
if (builder.command != null) {
command = new String(builder.command);
if (builder.args != null) {
args = new String(builder.args);
autoBuildTarget = builder.autoBuildTarget;
autoBuildEnabled = builder.autoBuildEnabled;
incrementalBuildTarget = builder.incrementalBuildTarget;
incrementalBuildEnabled = builder.incrementalBuildEnabled;
cleanBuildTarget = builder.cleanBuildTarget;
cleanBuildEnabled = builder.cleanBuildEnabled;
managedBuildOn = builder.managedBuildOn;
keepEnvVarInBuildfile = builder.keepEnvVarInBuildfile;
supportsManagedBuild = builder.supportsManagedBuild;
if(builder.customizedErrorParserIds != null)
customizedErrorParserIds = builder.customizedErrorParserIds.clone();
if(builder.customizedEnvironment != null)
customizedEnvironment = cloneMap(builder.customizedEnvironment);
appendEnvironment = builder.appendEnvironment;
buildPath = builder.buildPath;
if(builder.customBuildProperties != null)
customBuildProperties = cloneMap(builder.customBuildProperties);
buildFileGeneratorElement = builder.buildFileGeneratorElement;
if(builder.fileContextBuildMacroValues != null){
fileContextBuildMacroValues = (FileContextBuildMacroValues)builder.fileContextBuildMacroValues.clone();
builderVariablePattern = builder.builderVariablePattern;
if(builder.isVariableCaseSensitive != null)
isVariableCaseSensitive = new Boolean(builder.isVariableCaseSensitive.booleanValue());
if(builder.reservedMacroNames != null)
reservedMacroNames = builder.reservedMacroNames.clone();
reservedMacroNameSupplierElement = builder.reservedMacroNameSupplierElement;
reservedMacroNameSupplier = builder.reservedMacroNameSupplier;
fBuildData = new BuildBuildData(this);
stopOnErr = builder.stopOnErr;
ignoreErrCmd = builder.ignoreErrCmd;
isParallelBuildEnabled = builder.isParallelBuildEnabled;
parallelNumberAttribute = builder.parallelNumberAttribute;
parallelBuildCmd = builder.parallelBuildCmd;
if(builder.outputEntries != null){
outputEntries = builder.outputEntries.clone();
fCommandLauncher = builder.fCommandLauncher;
fCommandLauncherElement = builder.fCommandLauncherElement;
fBuildRunner = builder.fBuildRunner;
fBuildRunnerElement = builder.fBuildRunnerElement;
public void copySettings(Builder builder, boolean allBuildSettings){
try {
if(isAutoBuildEnable() != builder.isAutoBuildEnable())
} catch (CoreException e) {
try {
if(isIncrementalBuildEnabled() != builder.isIncrementalBuildEnabled())
} catch (CoreException e) {
try {
if(isFullBuildEnabled() != builder.isFullBuildEnabled())
} catch (CoreException e) {
try {
if(isCleanBuildEnabled() != builder.isCleanBuildEnabled())
} catch (CoreException e) {
if(isStopOnError() != builder.isStopOnError()
&& supportsStopOnError(builder.isStopOnError())){
try {
} catch (CoreException e) {
if (isParallelBuildOn() != builder.isParallelBuildOn() && supportsParallelBuild()) {
try {
} catch (CoreException e) {
if (getParallelizationNumAttribute() != builder.getParallelizationNumAttribute() && supportsParallelBuild()) {
try {
} catch (CoreException e) {
if(builder.keepEnvironmentVariablesInBuildfile() &&
if(isManagedBuildOn() != builder.isManagedBuildOn()
&& supportsBuild(builder.isManagedBuildOn())){
try {
} catch (CoreException e) {
if(builder.customizedErrorParserIds != null)
customizedErrorParserIds = builder.customizedErrorParserIds.clone();
if(builder.customizedEnvironment != null)
customizedEnvironment = cloneMap(builder.customizedEnvironment);
appendEnvironment = builder.appendEnvironment;
if(builder.customBuildProperties != null)
customBuildProperties = cloneMap(builder.customBuildProperties);
if(!CDataUtil.objectsEqual(getAutoBuildTargetAttribute(), builder.getAutoBuildTargetAttribute())){
autoBuildTarget = builder.getAutoBuildTargetAttribute();
if(!CDataUtil.objectsEqual(getIncrementalBuildTargetAttribute(), builder.getIncrementalBuildTargetAttribute())){
incrementalBuildTarget = builder.getIncrementalBuildTargetAttribute();
if(!CDataUtil.objectsEqual(getCleanBuildTargetAttribute(), builder.getCleanBuildTargetAttribute())){
cleanBuildTarget = builder.getCleanBuildTargetAttribute();
/* public Builder(IToolChain parent, String Id, String name, Builder builder, ICStorageElement el) {
this(parent, Id, name, builder);
* E L E M E N T A T T R I B U T E R E A D E R S A N D W R I T E R S
* Loads the builder information from the ManagedConfigElement specified in the
* argument.
* @param element Contains the Builder information
protected void loadFromManifest(IManagedConfigElement element) {
ManagedBuildManager.putConfigElement(this, element);
// id
String idAttribute = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(element.getAttribute(IBuildObject.ID));
// Get the name
final String nameAttribute = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(element.getAttribute(IBuildObject.NAME));
// Set the version after extracting from 'id' attribute
// superClass
superClassId = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(element.getAttribute(IProjectType.SUPERCLASS));
// Get the unused children, if any
unusedChildren = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(element.getAttribute(IProjectType.UNUSED_CHILDREN));
// Get the 'versionsSupported' attribute
versionsSupported = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(element.getAttribute(VERSIONS_SUPPORTED));
// Get the 'convertToId' attribute
convertToId = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(element.getAttribute(CONVERT_TO_ID));
// get the 'variableFormat' attribute
builderVariablePattern = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(element.getAttribute(VARIABLE_FORMAT));
// get the 'isVariableCaseSensitive' attribute
String isCS = element.getAttribute(IS_VARIABLE_CASE_SENSITIVE);
if(isCS != null)
isVariableCaseSensitive = new Boolean("true".equals(isCS)); //$NON-NLS-1$
// get the reserved macro names
String reservedNames = element.getAttribute(RESERVED_MACRO_NAMES);
if(reservedNames != null)
reservedMacroNames = reservedNames.split(","); //$NON-NLS-1$
reservedMacroNames = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(reservedMacroNames);
// Get the reservedMacroNameSupplier configuration element
String reservedMacroNameSupplier = element.getAttribute(RESERVED_MACRO_NAME_SUPPLIER);
if(reservedMacroNameSupplier != null && element instanceof DefaultManagedConfigElement){
reservedMacroNameSupplierElement = ((DefaultManagedConfigElement)element).getConfigurationElement();
// isAbstract
String isAbs = element.getAttribute(IProjectType.IS_ABSTRACT);
if (isAbs != null){
isAbstract = new Boolean("true".equals(isAbs)); //$NON-NLS-1$
// command
command = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(element.getAttribute(IBuilder.COMMAND));
// arguments
args = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(element.getAttribute(IBuilder.ARGUMENTS));
autoBuildTarget = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_AUTO));
String tmp = element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_AUTO_ENABLED);
if(tmp != null)
autoBuildEnabled = Boolean.valueOf(tmp);
incrementalBuildTarget = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_INCREMENTAL));
tmp = element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_AUTO_ENABLED);
if(tmp != null)
incrementalBuildEnabled = Boolean.valueOf(tmp);
cleanBuildTarget = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_CLEAN));
tmp = element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_CLEAN_ENABLED);
if(tmp != null)
cleanBuildEnabled = Boolean.valueOf(tmp);
tmp = element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_MANAGED_BUILD_ON);
if(tmp != null)
managedBuildOn = Boolean.valueOf(tmp);
tmp = element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_KEEP_ENV);
if(tmp != null)
keepEnvVarInBuildfile = Boolean.valueOf(tmp);
tmp = element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_SUPORTS_MANAGED_BUILD);
if(tmp != null)
supportsManagedBuild = Boolean.valueOf(tmp);
if(tmp != null)
customizedErrorParserIds = CDataUtil.stringToArray(tmp, ";"); //$NON-NLS-1$
customizedErrorParserIds = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(customizedErrorParserIds);
tmp = element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_ENVIRONMENT);
if(tmp != null)
customizedEnvironment = MapStorageElement.decodeMap(tmp);
tmp = element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_APPEND_ENVIRONMENT);
if(tmp != null)
appendEnvironment = Boolean.valueOf(tmp);
buildPath = element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_BUILD_PATH);
tmp = element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_CUSTOM_PROPS);
if(tmp != null)
customBuildProperties = MapStorageElement.decodeMap(tmp);
ignoreErrCmd = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_IGNORE_ERR_CMD));
tmp = element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_STOP_ON_ERR);
if (tmp != null)
stopOnErr = Boolean.valueOf(tmp);
tmp = element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_PARALLEL_BUILD_CMD);
if (tmp != null)
parallelBuildCmd = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(tmp);
tmp = element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_PARALLEL_BUILD_ON);
if (tmp != null) {
isParallelBuildEnabled = Boolean.valueOf(tmp);
if (isParallelBuildEnabled) {
// Get the semicolon separated list of IDs of the error parsers
errorParserIds = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(element.getAttribute(IToolChain.ERROR_PARSERS));
// Store the configuration element IFF there is a build file generator defined
String buildfileGenerator = element.getAttribute(BUILDFILEGEN_ID);
if (buildfileGenerator != null && element instanceof DefaultManagedConfigElement) {
buildFileGeneratorElement = ((DefaultManagedConfigElement)element).getConfigurationElement();
//load the File Context Build Macro Values
fileContextBuildMacroValues = new FileContextBuildMacroValues(this,element);
tmp = element.getAttribute(IS_SYSTEM);
if(tmp != null)
isTest = Boolean.valueOf(tmp).booleanValue();
IManagedConfigElement[] children = element.getChildren();
for(int i = 0; i < children.length; i++){
IManagedConfigElement child = children[i];
if (loadChild(child)) {
// nothing
} else {
String name = child.getName();
ICSettingEntry entries[] = LanguageSettingEntriesSerializer.loadEntries(new ManagedConfigStorageElement(child));
if(entries.length == 0){
outputEntries = new ICOutputEntry[0];
} else {
List<ICSettingEntry> list = new ArrayList<ICSettingEntry>(entries.length);
for(int k = 0; k < entries.length; k++){
if(entries[k].getKind() == ICLanguageSettingEntry.OUTPUT_PATH)
outputEntries = list.toArray(new ICOutputEntry[list.size()]);
String commandLauncher = element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_COMMAND_LAUNCHER);
if(commandLauncher != null && element instanceof DefaultManagedConfigElement){
fCommandLauncherElement = ((DefaultManagedConfigElement)element).getConfigurationElement();
String buildRunner = element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_BUILD_RUNNER);
if (buildRunner != null && element instanceof DefaultManagedConfigElement)
fBuildRunnerElement = ((DefaultManagedConfigElement)element).getConfigurationElement();
private String encodeParallelizationNumber(Integer jobsNumber) {
if (jobsNumber <= 0)
if (jobsNumber.equals(UNLIMITED_JOBS))
return jobsNumber.toString();
private int decodeParallelizationNumber(String value) {
int parallelNumber = -1;
if (value == null || VALUE_OPTIMAL.equals(value)) {
parallelNumber = -getOptimalParallelJobNum();
} else if (VALUE_UNLIMITED.equals(value)) {
parallelNumber = UNLIMITED_JOBS;
} else {
try {
parallelNumber = Integer.decode(value);
if (parallelNumber <= 0) {
// compatibility with legacy representation - it was that inconsistent
if (isInternalBuilder()) {
// "optimal" for Internal Builder
parallelNumber = -getOptimalParallelJobNum();
} else {
// unlimited for External Builder
parallelNumber = UNLIMITED_JOBS;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// default to "optimal" if not recognized
parallelNumber = -getOptimalParallelJobNum();
return parallelNumber;
* Initialize the builder information from the XML element
* specified in the argument
* @param element An XML element containing the builder information
protected void loadFromProject(ICStorageElement element) {
// id
// note: IDs are unique so no benefit to intern them
if(element.getAttribute(IBuildObject.ID) != null)
// name
if (element.getAttribute(IBuildObject.NAME) != null) {
// Set the version after extracting from 'id' attribute
// superClass
if(element.getAttribute(IProjectType.SUPERCLASS) != null){
superClassId = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(element.getAttribute(IProjectType.SUPERCLASS));
if (superClassId != null && superClassId.length() > 0) {
superClass = ManagedBuildManager.getExtensionBuilder(superClassId);
// Check for migration support
// Get the 'versionSupported' attribute
if (element.getAttribute(VERSIONS_SUPPORTED) != null) {
versionsSupported = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(element.getAttribute(VERSIONS_SUPPORTED));
// Get the 'convertToId' id
if (element.getAttribute(CONVERT_TO_ID) != null) {
convertToId = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(element.getAttribute(CONVERT_TO_ID));
// Get the unused children, if any
if (element.getAttribute(IProjectType.UNUSED_CHILDREN) != null) {
unusedChildren = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(element.getAttribute(IProjectType.UNUSED_CHILDREN));
// isAbstract
if (element.getAttribute(IProjectType.IS_ABSTRACT) != null) {
String isAbs = element.getAttribute(IProjectType.IS_ABSTRACT);
if (isAbs != null){
isAbstract = new Boolean("true".equals(isAbs)); //$NON-NLS-1$
// command
if (element.getAttribute(IBuilder.COMMAND) != null) {
command = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(element.getAttribute(IBuilder.COMMAND));
// arguments
if (element.getAttribute(IBuilder.ARGUMENTS) != null) {
args = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(element.getAttribute(IBuilder.ARGUMENTS));
if(element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_AUTO) != null)
autoBuildTarget = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_AUTO));
String tmp = element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_AUTO_ENABLED);
if(tmp != null)
autoBuildEnabled = Boolean.valueOf(tmp);
if(element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_INCREMENTAL) != null)
incrementalBuildTarget = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_INCREMENTAL));
tmp = element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_INCREMENTAL_ENABLED);
if(tmp != null)
incrementalBuildEnabled = Boolean.valueOf(tmp);
if(element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_CLEAN) != null)
cleanBuildTarget = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_CLEAN));
tmp = element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_CLEAN_ENABLED);
if(tmp != null)
cleanBuildEnabled = Boolean.valueOf(tmp);
tmp = element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_MANAGED_BUILD_ON);
if(tmp != null)
managedBuildOn = Boolean.valueOf(tmp);
tmp = element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_KEEP_ENV);
if(tmp != null)
keepEnvVarInBuildfile = Boolean.valueOf(tmp);
tmp = element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_SUPORTS_MANAGED_BUILD);
if(tmp != null)
supportsManagedBuild = Boolean.valueOf(tmp);
if(tmp != null)
customizedErrorParserIds = CDataUtil.stringToArray(tmp, ";"); //$NON-NLS-1$
tmp = element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_ENVIRONMENT);
if(tmp != null)
customizedEnvironment = MapStorageElement.decodeMap(tmp);
tmp = element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_APPEND_ENVIRONMENT);
if(tmp != null)
appendEnvironment = Boolean.valueOf(tmp);
if(element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_BUILD_PATH) != null)
buildPath = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_BUILD_PATH));
tmp = element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_CUSTOM_PROPS);
if(tmp != null)
customBuildProperties = MapStorageElement.decodeMap(tmp);
// Get the semicolon separated list of IDs of the error parsers
if (element.getAttribute(IToolChain.ERROR_PARSERS) != null) {
errorParserIds = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(element.getAttribute(IToolChain.ERROR_PARSERS));
// Note: build file generator cannot be specified in a project file because
// an IConfigurationElement is needed to load it!
if (element.getAttribute(IBuilder.BUILDFILEGEN_ID) != null) {
// TODO: Issue warning?
if(element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_IGNORE_ERR_CMD) != null)
ignoreErrCmd = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_IGNORE_ERR_CMD));
tmp = element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_STOP_ON_ERR);
if (tmp != null)
stopOnErr = Boolean.valueOf(tmp);
tmp = element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_PARALLEL_BUILD_CMD);
if (tmp != null)
parallelBuildCmd = SafeStringInterner.safeIntern(tmp);
tmp = element.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_PARALLEL_BUILD_ON);
if (tmp != null) {
isParallelBuildEnabled = Boolean.valueOf(tmp);
if (isParallelBuildEnabled) {
ICStorageElement[] children = element.getChildren();
for(int i = 0; i < children.length; i++){
ICStorageElement child = children[i];
if (loadChild(child)) {
// nothing
} else {
String name = child.getName();
ICSettingEntry entries[] = LanguageSettingEntriesSerializer.loadEntries(child);
if(entries.length == 0){
outputEntries = new ICOutputEntry[0];
} else {
List<ICSettingEntry> list = new ArrayList<ICSettingEntry>(entries.length);
for(int k = 0; k < entries.length; k++){
if(entries[k].getKind() == ICLanguageSettingEntry.OUTPUT_PATH)
outputEntries = list.toArray(new ICOutputEntry[list.size()]);
public void serialize(ICStorageElement element) {
serialize(element, true);
* Persist the builder to the project file.
public void serialize(ICStorageElement element, boolean resetDirtyState) {
if (superClass != null)
element.setAttribute(IProjectType.SUPERCLASS, superClass.getId());
element.setAttribute(IBuildObject.ID, id);
if (name != null) {
element.setAttribute(IBuildObject.NAME, name);
if (unusedChildren != null) {
element.setAttribute(IProjectType.UNUSED_CHILDREN, unusedChildren);
if (isAbstract != null) {
element.setAttribute(IProjectType.IS_ABSTRACT, isAbstract.toString());
// versionsSupported
if (versionsSupported != null) {
element.setAttribute(VERSIONS_SUPPORTED, versionsSupported);
// convertToId
if (convertToId != null) {
element.setAttribute(CONVERT_TO_ID, convertToId);
if (errorParserIds != null) {
element.setAttribute(IToolChain.ERROR_PARSERS, errorParserIds);
if (command != null) {
element.setAttribute(IBuilder.COMMAND, command);
if (args != null) {
element.setAttribute(IBuilder.ARGUMENTS, args);
if(autoBuildTarget != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_AUTO, autoBuildTarget);
if(autoBuildEnabled != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_AUTO_ENABLED, autoBuildEnabled.toString());
if(incrementalBuildTarget != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_INCREMENTAL, incrementalBuildTarget);
if(incrementalBuildEnabled != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_INCREMENTAL_ENABLED, incrementalBuildEnabled.toString());
if(cleanBuildTarget != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_CLEAN, cleanBuildTarget);
if(cleanBuildEnabled != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_CLEAN_ENABLED, cleanBuildEnabled.toString());
if(managedBuildOn != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_MANAGED_BUILD_ON, managedBuildOn.toString());
if(keepEnvVarInBuildfile != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_KEEP_ENV, keepEnvVarInBuildfile.toString());
if(supportsManagedBuild != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_SUPORTS_MANAGED_BUILD, supportsManagedBuild.toString());
if(customizedErrorParserIds != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_CUSTOMIZED_ERROR_PARSERS, CDataUtil.arrayToString(customizedErrorParserIds, ";")); //$NON-NLS-1$
if(customizedEnvironment != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_ENVIRONMENT, MapStorageElement.encodeMap(customizedEnvironment));
if(appendEnvironment != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_APPEND_ENVIRONMENT, appendEnvironment.toString());
if(buildPath != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_BUILD_PATH, buildPath);
if(customBuildProperties != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_CUSTOM_PROPS, MapStorageElement.encodeMap(customBuildProperties));
if (ignoreErrCmd != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_IGNORE_ERR_CMD, ignoreErrCmd);
if (stopOnErr != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_STOP_ON_ERR, stopOnErr.toString());
if (parallelBuildCmd != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_PARALLEL_BUILD_CMD, parallelBuildCmd);
if (isParallelBuildEnabled != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_PARALLEL_BUILD_ON, isParallelBuildEnabled.toString());
if (isParallelBuildOn() && parallelNumberAttribute != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_PARALLELIZATION_NUMBER, encodeParallelizationNumber(parallelNumberAttribute));
// Note: build file generator cannot be specified in a project file because
// an IConfigurationElement is needed to load it!
if (buildFileGeneratorElement != null) {
// TODO: issue warning?
// options
try {
} catch (BuildException e) {
if(outputEntries != null){
ICStorageElement outEl = element.createChild(OUTPUT_ENTRIES);
LanguageSettingEntriesSerializer.serializeEntries(outputEntries, outEl);
// I am clean now
public void serializeRawData(ICStorageElement element) {
if (superClass != null)
element.setAttribute(IProjectType.SUPERCLASS, superClass.getId());
element.setAttribute(IBuildObject.ID, id);
if (getName() != null) {
element.setAttribute(IBuildObject.NAME, getName());
if (unusedChildren != null) {
element.setAttribute(IProjectType.UNUSED_CHILDREN, unusedChildren);
if (isAbstract != null) {
element.setAttribute(IProjectType.IS_ABSTRACT, isAbstract.toString());
// versionsSupported
if (versionsSupported != null) {
element.setAttribute(VERSIONS_SUPPORTED, versionsSupported);
// convertToId
if (convertToId != null) {
element.setAttribute(CONVERT_TO_ID, convertToId);
if (getErrorParserIds() != null) {
element.setAttribute(IToolChain.ERROR_PARSERS, getErrorParserIds());
if (getCommand() != null) {
element.setAttribute(IBuilder.COMMAND, getCommand());
if (getArgumentsAttribute() != null) {
element.setAttribute(IBuilder.ARGUMENTS, getArguments/*Attribute*/());
if(getAutoBuildTargetAttribute() != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_AUTO, getAutoBuildTargetAttribute());
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_AUTO_ENABLED, Boolean.valueOf(isAutoBuildEnable()).toString());
if(getIncrementalBuildTargetAttribute() != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_INCREMENTAL, getIncrementalBuildTargetAttribute());
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_INCREMENTAL_ENABLED, Boolean.valueOf(isIncrementalBuildEnabled()).toString());
if(getCleanBuildTargetAttribute() != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_CLEAN, getCleanBuildTargetAttribute());
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_CLEAN_ENABLED, Boolean.valueOf(isCleanBuildEnabled()).toString());
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_MANAGED_BUILD_ON, Boolean.valueOf(isManagedBuildOn()).toString());
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_KEEP_ENV, Boolean.valueOf(keepEnvironmentVariablesInBuildfile()).toString());
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_SUPORTS_MANAGED_BUILD, Boolean.valueOf(supportsBuild(true)).toString());
if(customizedErrorParserIds != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_CUSTOMIZED_ERROR_PARSERS, CDataUtil.arrayToString(customizedErrorParserIds, ";")); //$NON-NLS-1$
if(customizedEnvironment != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_ENVIRONMENT, MapStorageElement.encodeMap(customizedEnvironment));
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_APPEND_ENVIRONMENT, Boolean.valueOf(appendEnvironment()).toString());
if(getBuildPathAttribute() != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_BUILD_PATH, getBuildPathAttribute());
if(customBuildProperties != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_CUSTOM_PROPS, MapStorageElement.encodeMap(customBuildProperties));
if (getIgnoreErrCmdAttribute() != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_IGNORE_ERR_CMD, getIgnoreErrCmdAttribute());
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_STOP_ON_ERR, Boolean.valueOf(isStopOnError()).toString());
if (parallelBuildCmd != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_PARALLEL_BUILD_CMD, parallelBuildCmd);
if (isParallelBuildEnabled != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_PARALLEL_BUILD_ON, isParallelBuildEnabled.toString());
if (isParallelBuildOn() && parallelNumberAttribute != null)
element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_PARALLELIZATION_NUMBER, encodeParallelizationNumber(parallelNumberAttribute));
// Note: build file generator cannot be specified in a project file because
// an IConfigurationElement is needed to load it!
if (buildFileGeneratorElement != null) {
// TODO: issue warning?
// options
try {
} catch (BuildException e) {
if(outputEntries != null){
ICStorageElement outEl = element.createChild(OUTPUT_ENTRIES);
LanguageSettingEntriesSerializer.serializeEntries(outputEntries, outEl);
* P A R E N T A N D C H I L D H A N D L I N G
public IToolChain getParent() {
return parent;
* M O D E L A T T R I B U T E A C C E S S O R S
public IBuilder getSuperClass() {
return (IBuilder)superClass;
public String getName() {
return (name == null && superClass != null) ? superClass.getName() : name;
public boolean isAbstract() {
if (isAbstract != null) {
return isAbstract.booleanValue();
} else {
return false; // Note: no inheritance from superClass
public String getUnusedChildren() {
if (unusedChildren != null) {
return unusedChildren;
} else
return EMPTY_STRING; // Note: no inheritance from superClass
public String getCommand() {
if (command == null) {
// If I have a superClass, ask it
if (superClass != null) {
return getSuperClass().getCommand();
} else {
return "make"; //$NON-NLS-1$
return command;
public String getArguments() {
String args = getArgumentsAttribute();
String stopOnErrCmd = getStopOnErrCmd(isStopOnError());
int parallelNum = getParallelizationNum();
String parallelCmd = isParallelBuildOn() ? getParallelizationCmd(parallelNum) : EMPTY_STRING;
String reversedStopOnErrCmd = getStopOnErrCmd(!isStopOnError());
String reversedParallelBuildCmd = !isParallelBuildOn() ? getParallelizationCmd(parallelNum) : EMPTY_STRING;
args = removeCmd(args, reversedStopOnErrCmd);
args = removeCmd(args, reversedParallelBuildCmd);
args = addCmd(args, stopOnErrCmd);
args = addCmd(args, parallelCmd);
return args != null ? args.trim() : null;
private String addCmd(String args, String cmd){
// Don't modify the args parameter if the cmd to add is emtpy.
// Bug 360846
if(cmd.length() == 0)
return args;
if(getCmdIndex(args, cmd) == -1){
if(args.length() != 0){
args += ' ';
args += cmd;
return args;
private String removeCmd(String args, String cmd){
int index = getCmdIndex(args, cmd);
if(index != -1){
String prefix = args.substring(0, index).trim();
String suffix = args.substring(index + cmd.length(), args.length()).trim();
if(prefix.length() == 0){
args = suffix;
} else if (suffix.length() == 0){
args = prefix;
} else {
args = prefix + ' ' + suffix;
args = args.trim();
return args;
private int getCmdIndex(String args, String cmd){
if(cmd.length() == 0)
return -1;
String tmp = args;
int index = -1;
for(index = tmp.indexOf(cmd); index != -1; index = tmp.indexOf(cmd, index + 1)){
if(index != 0){
char c = tmp.charAt(index-1);
if(c != '\t' && c != ' ')
int end = index + cmd.length();
if(end < tmp.length()){
char c = tmp.charAt(end);
if(c != '\t' && c != ' ')
return index;
public String getParallelizationCmd(int num) {
String pattern = getParrallelBuildCmd();
if (pattern.length() == 0 || num == 0) {
// "unlimited" number of jobs results in not adding the number to parallelization cmd
// that behavior corresponds that of "make" flag "-j".
return processParallelPattern(pattern, num == UNLIMITED_JOBS, num);
* This method turns the supplied pattern to parallelization command
* It supports 2 kinds of pattern where "*" is replaced with number of jobs:
* <li>Pattern 1 (supports "<b>-j*</b>"): "text*text" -> "text#text"</li>
* <li>Pattern 2 (supports "<b>-[j*]</b>"): "text[text*text]text" -> "texttext#texttext</li>
* <br>Where # is num or empty if {@code empty} is {@code true})
private String processParallelPattern(String pattern, boolean empty, int num){
Assert.isTrue(num > 0);
int start = pattern.indexOf(PARALLEL_PATTERN_NUM_START);
int end = -1;
boolean hasStartChar = false;
String result;
if(start != -1){
end = pattern.indexOf(PARALLEL_PATTERN_NUM_END);
if(end != -1){
hasStartChar = true;
} else {
start = -1;
if(start == -1){
start = pattern.indexOf(PARALLEL_PATTERN_NUM);
if(start != -1){
end = start + PARALLEL_PATTERN_NUM.length();
if(start == -1){
result = pattern;
} else {
String prefix;
String suffix;
String numStr;
prefix = pattern.substring(0, start);
suffix = pattern.substring(end);
numStr = pattern.substring(start, end);
result = prefix + suffix;
} else {
String resolvedNum;
String numPrefix, numSuffix;
numStr = numStr.substring(0, PARALLEL_PATTERN_NUM_START.length());
numStr = numStr.substring(numStr.length() - PARALLEL_PATTERN_NUM_END.length());
int numStart = pattern.indexOf(PARALLEL_PATTERN_NUM);
if(numStart != -1){
int numEnd = numStart + PARALLEL_PATTERN_NUM.length();
numPrefix = numStr.substring(0, numStart);
numSuffix = numStr.substring(numEnd);
resolvedNum = numPrefix + new Integer(num).toString() + numSuffix;
} else {
resolvedNum = EMPTY_STRING;
} else {
resolvedNum = new Integer(num).toString();
result = prefix + resolvedNum + suffix;
return result;
public String getArgumentsAttribute() {
if (args == null) {
// If I have a superClass, ask it
if (superClass != null) {
return ((Builder)superClass).getArgumentsAttribute();
return args;
public String getErrorParserIds() {
String ids = errorParserIds;
if (ids == null) {
// If I have a superClass, ask it
if (superClass != null) {
ids = getSuperClass().getErrorParserIds();
return ids;
public String[] getErrorParserList() {
String parserIDs = getErrorParserIds();
String[] errorParsers = null;
if (parserIDs != null) {
// Check for an empty string
if (parserIDs.length() == 0) {
errorParsers = new String[0];
} else {
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(parserIDs, ";"); //$NON-NLS-1$
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(tok.countTokens());
while (tok.hasMoreElements()) {
String[] strArr = {""}; //$NON-NLS-1$
errorParsers = list.toArray(strArr);
} else {
errorParsers = new String[0];
return errorParsers;
public void setCommand(String cmd) {
if(getCommand().equals(cmd)) return;
if (cmd == null && command == null) return;
if (command == null || cmd == null || !cmd.equals(command)) {
command = cmd;
public void setArguments(String newArgs) {
if(newArgs != null){
String stopOnErrCmd = getStopOnErrCmd(isStopOnError());
String parallelCmd = isParallelBuildOn() ? getParallelizationCmd(getParallelizationNum()) : EMPTY_STRING;
newArgs = removeCmd(newArgs, stopOnErrCmd);
newArgs = removeCmd(newArgs, parallelCmd);
public void setArgumentsAttribute(String newArgs) {
if (newArgs == null && args == null) return;
if (args == null || newArgs == null || !newArgs.equals(args)) {
args = newArgs;
public void setErrorParserIds(String ids) {
String currentIds = getErrorParserIds();
if (ids == null && currentIds == null) return;
if (currentIds == null || ids == null || !(currentIds.equals(ids))) {
errorParserIds = ids;
public void setIsAbstract(boolean b) {
isAbstract = new Boolean(b);
public IConfigurationElement getBuildFileGeneratorElement() {
if (buildFileGeneratorElement == null) {
if (superClass != null) {
return ((Builder)superClass).getBuildFileGeneratorElement();
return buildFileGeneratorElement;
public IManagedBuilderMakefileGenerator getBuildFileGenerator(){
IConfigurationElement element = getBuildFileGeneratorElement();
if (element != null) {
try {
if (element.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("target")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
if (element.getAttribute(ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.MAKEGEN_ID) != null) {
return (IManagedBuilderMakefileGenerator) element.createExecutableExtension(ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.MAKEGEN_ID);
} else {
if (element.getAttribute(IBuilder.BUILDFILEGEN_ID) != null) {
return (IManagedBuilderMakefileGenerator) element.createExecutableExtension(IBuilder.BUILDFILEGEN_ID);
} catch (CoreException e) {
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
return new GnuMakefileGenerator();
public void setBuildFileGeneratorElement(IConfigurationElement element) {
buildFileGeneratorElement = element;
* O B J E C T S T A T E M A I N T E N A N C E
public boolean isExtensionElement() {
return isExtensionBuilder;
public boolean isDirty() {
// This shouldn't be called for an extension Builder
if (isExtensionBuilder) return false;
return super.isDirty();
public void setDirty(boolean isDirty) {
public void resolveReferences() {
if (!resolved) {
resolved = true;
// Resolve superClass
if (superClassId != null && superClassId.length() > 0) {
superClass = ManagedBuildManager.getExtensionBuilder(superClassId);
if (superClass == null) {
// Report error
"superClass", //$NON-NLS-1$
"builder", //$NON-NLS-1$
public String getConvertToId() {
if (convertToId == null) {
// If I have a superClass, ask it
if (superClass != null) {
return getSuperClass().getConvertToId();
} else {
return convertToId;
public void setConvertToId(String convertToId) {
if (convertToId == null && this.convertToId == null) return;
if (convertToId == null || this.convertToId == null || !convertToId.equals(this.convertToId)) {
this.convertToId = convertToId;
public String getVersionsSupported() {
if (versionsSupported == null) {
// If I have a superClass, ask it
if (superClass != null) {
return getSuperClass().getVersionsSupported();
} else {
return versionsSupported;
public void setVersionsSupported(String versionsSupported) {
if (versionsSupported == null && this.versionsSupported == null) return;
if (versionsSupported == null || this.versionsSupported == null || !versionsSupported.equals(this.versionsSupported)) {
this.versionsSupported = versionsSupported;
public IFileContextBuildMacroValues getFileContextBuildMacroValues(){
if(fileContextBuildMacroValues == null && superClass != null)
return getSuperClass().getFileContextBuildMacroValues();
return fileContextBuildMacroValues;
public String getBuilderVariablePattern(){
if(builderVariablePattern == null && superClass != null)
return getSuperClass().getBuilderVariablePattern();
return builderVariablePattern;
public boolean isVariableCaseSensitive(){
if(isVariableCaseSensitive == null){
if(superClass != null)
return getSuperClass().isVariableCaseSensitive();
return true;
return isVariableCaseSensitive.booleanValue();
public String[] getReservedMacroNames(){
if(reservedMacroNames == null && superClass != null)
return getSuperClass().getReservedMacroNames();
return reservedMacroNames;
public IReservedMacroNameSupplier getReservedMacroNameSupplier(){
if(reservedMacroNameSupplier == null && reservedMacroNameSupplierElement != null){
reservedMacroNameSupplier = (IReservedMacroNameSupplier)reservedMacroNameSupplierElement.createExecutableExtension(RESERVED_MACRO_NAME_SUPPLIER);
}catch(CoreException e){
if(reservedMacroNameSupplier == null && superClass != null)
return getSuperClass().getReservedMacroNameSupplier();
return reservedMacroNameSupplier;
* This function checks for migration support for the builder, while
* loading. If migration support is needed, looks for the available
* converters and stores them.
public void checkForMigrationSupport() {
// String tmpId = null;
boolean isExists = false;
if (getSuperClass() == null) {
// If 'superClass' is null, then there is no builder available in
// plugin manifest file with the same 'id' & version.
// Look for the 'versionsSupported' attribute
String high = ManagedBuildManager
SortedMap<String, ? extends IBuilder> subMap = null;
if (superClassId.compareTo(high) <= 0) {
subMap = ManagedBuildManager.getExtensionBuilderMap().subMap(superClassId, high + "\0"); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
// It means there are no entries in the map for the given id.
// make the project is invalid
IToolChain parent = getParent();
IConfiguration parentConfig = parent.getParent();
IManagedProject managedProject = parentConfig.getManagedProject();
if (managedProject != null) {
// for each element in the 'subMap',
// check the 'versionsSupported' attribute whether the given
// builder version is supported
String baseId = ManagedBuildManager
String version = ManagedBuildManager
Collection<? extends IBuilder> c = subMap.values();
IBuilder[] builderElements = c.toArray(new IBuilder[c.size()]);
for (int i = 0; i < builderElements.length; i++) {
IBuilder builderElement = builderElements[i];
if (ManagedBuildManager.getIdFromIdAndVersion(
builderElement.getId()).compareTo(baseId) > 0)
// First check if both base ids are equal
if (ManagedBuildManager.getIdFromIdAndVersion(
builderElement.getId()).equals(baseId)) {
// Check if 'versionsSupported' attribute is available'
String versionsSupported = builderElement
if ((versionsSupported != null)
&& (!versionsSupported.equals(""))) { //$NON-NLS-1$
String[] tmpVersions = versionsSupported.split(","); //$NON-NLS-1$
for (int j = 0; j < tmpVersions.length; j++) {
if (new Version(version).equals(new Version(
tmpVersions[j]))) {
// version is supported.
// Do the automatic conversion without
// prompting the user.
// Get the supported version
String supportedVersion = ManagedBuildManager
+ "_" + supportedVersion); //$NON-NLS-1$
// If control comes here means that 'superClass' is null
// So, set the superClass to this builder element
superClass = builderElement;
superClassId = superClass.getId();
isExists = true;
break; // break the outer for loop if 'isExists' is true
if (getSuperClass() != null) {
// If 'getSuperClass()' is not null, look for 'convertToId' attribute in plugin
// manifest file for this builder.
String convertToId = getSuperClass().getConvertToId();
if ((convertToId == null) || (convertToId.equals(""))) { //$NON-NLS-1$
// It means there is no 'convertToId' attribute available and
// the version is still actively
// supported by the tool integrator. So do nothing, just return
} else {
// Incase the 'convertToId' attribute is available,
// it means that Tool integrator currently does not support this
// version of builder.
// Look for the converters available for this builder version.
} else {
// make the project is invalid
IToolChain parent = getParent();
IConfiguration parentConfig = parent.getParent();
IManagedProject managedProject = parentConfig.getManagedProject();
if (managedProject != null) {
private void getConverter(String convertToId) {
String fromId = null;
String toId = null;
// Get the Converter Extension Point
IExtensionPoint extensionPoint = Platform.getExtensionRegistry()
.getExtensionPoint("org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core", //$NON-NLS-1$
"projectConverter"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (extensionPoint != null) {
// Get the extensions
IExtension[] extensions = extensionPoint.getExtensions();
for (int i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++) {
// Get the configuration elements of each extension
IConfigurationElement[] configElements = extensions[i]
for (int j = 0; j < configElements.length; j++) {
IConfigurationElement element = configElements[j];
if (element.getName().equals("converter")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
fromId = element.getAttribute("fromId"); //$NON-NLS-1$
toId = element.getAttribute("toId"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Check whether the current converter can be used for
// the selected builder
if (fromId.equals(getSuperClass().getId())
&& toId.equals(convertToId)) {
// If it matches
String mbsVersion = element
.getAttribute("mbsVersion"); //$NON-NLS-1$
Version currentMbsVersion = ManagedBuildManager
// set the converter element based on the MbsVersion
if (currentMbsVersion.compareTo(new Version(mbsVersion))>0) {
previousMbsVersionConversionElement = element;
} else {
currentMbsVersionConversionElement = element;
// If control comes here, it means 'Tool Integrator' specified
// 'convertToId' attribute in toolchain definition file, but
// has not provided any converter.
// So, make the project is invalid
IToolChain parent = getParent();
IConfiguration parentConfig = parent.getParent();
IManagedProject managedProject = parentConfig.getManagedProject();
if (managedProject != null) {
public IConfigurationElement getPreviousMbsVersionConversionElement() {
return previousMbsVersionConversionElement;
public IConfigurationElement getCurrentMbsVersionConversionElement() {
return currentMbsVersionConversionElement;
public CBuildData getBuildData() {
return fBuildData;
// public String[] getCustomizedErrorParserIds(){
// if(customizedErrorParserIds != null)
// return (String[])customizedErrorParserIds.clone();
// return null;
// }
public String[] getErrorParsers() {
if(isCustomBuilder() && customizedErrorParserIds != null)
return customizedErrorParserIds.clone();
IToolChain parent = getParent();
IConfiguration parentConfig = parent.getParent();
return parentConfig.getErrorParserList();
public String[] getCustomizedErrorParserIds(){
if(customizedErrorParserIds != null)
return customizedErrorParserIds.clone();
return null;
public void setCustomizedErrorParserIds(String[] ids){
customizedErrorParserIds = ids != null ? (String[])ids.clone() : ids;
public void setErrorParsers(String[] parsers) throws CoreException {
customizedErrorParserIds = (parsers != null && parsers.length != 0) ? (String[])parsers.clone() : parsers;
} else {
IToolChain parent = getParent();
IConfiguration parentConfig = parent.getParent();
private Object getMacroContextData(){
return this;//!isExtensionBuilder ? (Object)this : (Object)getParent().getParent();
public String getBuildArguments() {
String args = getArguments();
IBuildMacroProvider provider = ManagedBuildManager.getBuildMacroProvider();
try {
args = provider.resolveValue(args, "", " ", IBuildMacroProvider.CONTEXT_CONFIGURATION, getMacroContextData()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
} catch (BuildMacroException e) {
return args;
public IPath getBuildCommand() {
String command = getCommand();
IBuildMacroProvider provider = ManagedBuildManager.getBuildMacroProvider();
try {
command = provider.resolveValue(command, "", " ", IBuildMacroProvider.CONTEXT_CONFIGURATION, getMacroContextData()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
} catch (BuildMacroException e) {
return new Path(command);
public String getBuildPathAttribute(){
return getBuildPathAttribute(true);
public String getBuildPathAttribute(boolean querySuperClass){
if(buildPath == null){
if(querySuperClass && superClass != null){
return ((Builder)superClass).getBuildPathAttribute(true);
return buildPath;
public void setBuildPath(String path){
public void setBuildPathAttribute(String path){
buildPath = path;
public String getBuildPath(){
return getDefaultBuildPath();
String path = getBuildPathAttribute();
if(path == null){
path = getDefaultBuildPath();
// if(isManagedBuildOn() && !isExtensionElement()) {
// buildPath = path;
// }
return path;
private boolean isBuildPathEditable(){
return !isManagedBuildOn();
public String getDefaultBuildPath(){
Configuration cfg = (Configuration)getConfguration();
IPath buildPath;
String result;
// Builder extBuilder = (Builder)ManagedBuildManager.getExtensionBuilder(this);
// String attr = extBuilder.getBuildPathAttribute();
if(cfg != null){
if(!isExtensionElement() && !cfg.isPreference()){
IProject project = cfg.getOwner().getProject();
// if(attr == null){
IManagedBuilderMakefileGenerator gen = getBuildFileGenerator();
if(gen instanceof IManagedBuilderMakefileGenerator2){
((IManagedBuilderMakefileGenerator2)gen).initialize(IncrementalProjectBuilder.FULL_BUILD, cfg, this, new NullProgressMonitor());
} else {
gen.initialize(project, ManagedBuildManager.getBuildInfo(project), new NullProgressMonitor());
buildPath = gen.getBuildWorkingDir();
if(buildPath == null)
buildPath = new Path(cfg.getName());
} else {
buildPath = Path.EMPTY;
// } else {
// buildPath = new Path(attr);
// }
buildPath = project.getFullPath().append(buildPath);
IStringVariableManager mngr = VariablesPlugin.getDefault().getStringVariableManager();
result = buildPath.toString();
result = mngr.generateVariableExpression("workspace_loc", result); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
result = buildPath.toString();
} else {
result = cfg.getName();
if(result == null)
result = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
result = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
result = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
return result;
/* public boolean isWorkspaceBuildPath(){
String path = getBuildPathAttribute();
if(path == null)
return true;
if(isWorkspaceBuildPath == null){
if(superClass != null)
return superClass.isWorkspaceBuildPath();
return true;
return isWorkspaceBuildPath.booleanValue();
public IPath getBuildLocation() {
String path = getBuildPath();
IBuildMacroProvider provider = ManagedBuildManager.getBuildMacroProvider();
try {
path = provider.resolveValue(path, "", " ", IBuildMacroProvider.CONTEXT_CONFIGURATION, getMacroContextData()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
} catch (BuildMacroException e) {
return new Path(path);
public boolean isDefaultBuildCmd() {
return isExtensionBuilder || (command == null && args == null /*&& stopOnErr == null && parallelBuildOn == null && parallelNum == null */ && superClass != null);
public boolean isStopOnError() {
if(stopOnErr == null){
if(superClass != null){
return getSuperClass().isStopOnError();
return true;
return stopOnErr.booleanValue();
public void setBuildArguments(String args) throws CoreException {
public void setBuildCommand(IPath command) throws CoreException {
String cmd = command != null ? command.toString() : null;
public void setBuildLocation(IPath location) throws CoreException {
String path = location != null ? location.toString() : null;
public void setStopOnError(boolean on) throws CoreException {
if(isStopOnError() == on)
String curCmd = getStopOnErrCmd(isStopOnError());
String args = getArgumentsAttribute();
String updatedArgs = removeCmd(args, curCmd);
stopOnErr = Boolean.valueOf(on);
public void setUseDefaultBuildCmd(boolean on) throws CoreException {
if(!isExtensionBuilder && superClass != null){
command = null;
args = null;
// stopOnErr = null;
// parallelBuildOn = null;
// parallelNum = null;
} else {
command = getCommand();
public String getAutoBuildTargetAttribute() {
if(autoBuildTarget == null){
if(superClass != null)
return ((Builder)superClass).getAutoBuildTargetAttribute();
return null;
return autoBuildTarget;
public String getAutoBuildTarget() {
String attr = getAutoBuildTargetAttribute();
if(attr != null){
IBuildMacroProvider provider = ManagedBuildManager.getBuildMacroProvider();
try {
attr = provider.resolveValue(attr, "", " ", IBuildMacroProvider.CONTEXT_CONFIGURATION, getMacroContextData()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
} catch (BuildMacroException e) {
if(attr == null){
return attr;
public String getCleanBuildTargetAttribute() {
if(cleanBuildTarget == null){
if(superClass != null)
return ((Builder)superClass).getCleanBuildTargetAttribute();
return null;
return cleanBuildTarget;
public String getCleanBuildTarget() {
String attr = getCleanBuildTargetAttribute();
if(attr != null){
IBuildMacroProvider provider = ManagedBuildManager.getBuildMacroProvider();
try {
attr = provider.resolveValue(attr, "", " ", IBuildMacroProvider.CONTEXT_CONFIGURATION, getMacroContextData()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
} catch (BuildMacroException e) {
if(attr == null){
return attr;
public String getFullBuildTarget() {
return getIncrementalBuildTarget();
public String getIncrementalBuildTargetAttribute() {
if(incrementalBuildTarget == null){
if(superClass != null)
return ((Builder)superClass).getIncrementalBuildTargetAttribute();
return null;
return incrementalBuildTarget;
public String getIncrementalBuildTarget() {
String attr = getIncrementalBuildTargetAttribute();
if(attr != null){
IBuildMacroProvider provider = ManagedBuildManager.getBuildMacroProvider();
try {
attr = provider.resolveValue(attr, "", " ", IBuildMacroProvider.CONTEXT_CONFIGURATION, getMacroContextData()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
} catch (BuildMacroException e) {
if(attr == null){
return attr;
public boolean isAutoBuildEnable() {
if(autoBuildEnabled == null){
if(superClass != null)
return getSuperClass().isAutoBuildEnable();
return false;
return autoBuildEnabled.booleanValue();
public boolean isCleanBuildEnabled() {
if(cleanBuildEnabled == null){
if(superClass != null)
return getSuperClass().isCleanBuildEnabled();
return true;
return cleanBuildEnabled.booleanValue();
public boolean isFullBuildEnabled() {
return isIncrementalBuildEnabled();
public boolean isIncrementalBuildEnabled() {
if(incrementalBuildEnabled == null){
if(superClass != null)
return getSuperClass().isIncrementalBuildEnabled();
return true;
return incrementalBuildEnabled.booleanValue();
public void setAutoBuildEnable(boolean enabled) throws CoreException {
autoBuildEnabled = Boolean.valueOf(enabled);
public void setAutoBuildTarget(String target) throws CoreException {
autoBuildTarget = target;
public void setCleanBuildEnable(boolean enabled) throws CoreException {
cleanBuildEnabled = Boolean.valueOf(enabled);
public void setCleanBuildTarget(String target) throws CoreException {
cleanBuildTarget = target;
public void setFullBuildEnable(boolean enabled) throws CoreException {
public void setFullBuildTarget(String target) throws CoreException {
public void setIncrementalBuildEnable(boolean enabled) throws CoreException {
incrementalBuildEnabled = Boolean.valueOf(enabled);
public void setIncrementalBuildTarget(String target) throws CoreException {
incrementalBuildTarget = target;
public boolean appendEnvironment() {
if(appendEnvironment == null){
if(superClass != null){
return getSuperClass().appendEnvironment();
return true;
return appendEnvironment.booleanValue();
public String getBuildAttribute(String name, String defaultValue) {
String result = null;
result = getIncrementalBuildTargetAttribute();
} else if(BUILD_TARGET_AUTO.equals(name)){
result = getAutoBuildTargetAttribute();
} else if(BUILD_TARGET_CLEAN.equals(name)){
result = getCleanBuildTargetAttribute();
} else if(BUILD_LOCATION.equals(name)){
result = getBuildPathAttribute();
} else if(BUILD_COMMAND.equals(name)){
result = getCommand();
} else if(BUILD_ARGUMENTS.equals(name)){
result = getArguments();
} else if(BuilderFactory.BUILD_COMMAND.equals(name)){
result = getCommand();
} else if(BuilderFactory.BUILD_LOCATION.equals(name)){
result = getBuildPathAttribute();
} else if(BuilderFactory.STOP_ON_ERROR.equals(name)){
result = Boolean.valueOf(isStopOnError()).toString();
} else if(BuilderFactory.USE_DEFAULT_BUILD_CMD.equals(name)){
result = Boolean.valueOf(isDefaultBuildCmd()).toString();
} else if(BuilderFactory.BUILD_TARGET_AUTO.equals(name)){
result = getAutoBuildTargetAttribute();
} else if(BuilderFactory.BUILD_TARGET_INCREMENTAL.equals(name)){
result = getIncrementalBuildTargetAttribute();
} else if(BuilderFactory.BUILD_TARGET_FULL.equals(name)){
result = getIncrementalBuildTargetAttribute();
} else if(BuilderFactory.BUILD_TARGET_CLEAN.equals(name)){
result = getCleanBuildTargetAttribute();
} else if(BuilderFactory.BUILD_FULL_ENABLED.equals(name)){
result = Boolean.valueOf(isFullBuildEnabled()).toString();
} else if(BuilderFactory.BUILD_CLEAN_ENABLED.equals(name)){
result = Boolean.valueOf(isCleanBuildEnabled()).toString();
} else if(BuilderFactory.BUILD_INCREMENTAL_ENABLED.equals(name)){
result = Boolean.valueOf(isIncrementalBuildEnabled()).toString();
} else if(BuilderFactory.BUILD_AUTO_ENABLED.equals(name)){
result = Boolean.valueOf(isAutoBuildEnable()).toString();
} else if(BuilderFactory.BUILD_ARGUMENTS.equals(name)){
result = getArguments();
} else if(BuilderFactory.ENVIRONMENT.equals(name)){
result = customizedEnvironment != null ?
MapStorageElement.encodeMap(customizedEnvironment) : null;
} else if(BuilderFactory.BUILD_APPEND_ENVIRONMENT.equals(name)){
result = Boolean.valueOf(appendEnvironment()).toString();
} else if(customBuildProperties != null){
result = customBuildProperties.get(name);
if(result == null)
return defaultValue;
return result;
public static String[] toBuildAttributes(String name) {
} else if(ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_AUTO.equals(name)){
return new String[]{BUILD_TARGET_AUTO, BuilderFactory.BUILD_TARGET_AUTO};
} else if(ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_CLEAN.equals(name)){
return new String[]{BUILD_TARGET_CLEAN, BuilderFactory.BUILD_TARGET_CLEAN};
} else if(ATTRIBUTE_BUILD_PATH.equals(name)){
return new String[]{BUILD_LOCATION, BuilderFactory.BUILD_LOCATION};
} else if(COMMAND.equals(name)){
return new String[]{BUILD_COMMAND, BuilderFactory.BUILD_COMMAND};
} else if(ARGUMENTS.equals(name)){
return new String[]{BUILD_ARGUMENTS, BuilderFactory.BUILD_ARGUMENTS};
} else if(ATTRIBUTE_STOP_ON_ERR.equals(name)){
return new String[]{BuilderFactory.STOP_ON_ERROR};
} //TODO else if(BuilderFactory.USE_DEFAULT_BUILD_CMD.equals(name)){
// return getCommand();
return new String[]{BuilderFactory.BUILD_INCREMENTAL_ENABLED, BuilderFactory.BUILD_FULL_ENABLED};
} else if(ATTRIBUTE_CLEAN_ENABLED.equals(name)){
return new String[]{BuilderFactory.BUILD_CLEAN_ENABLED};
} else if(ATTRIBUTE_AUTO_ENABLED.equals(name)){
return new String[]{BuilderFactory.BUILD_AUTO_ENABLED};
} else if(ATTRIBUTE_ENVIRONMENT.equals(name)){
return new String[]{BuilderFactory.ENVIRONMENT};
} else if(ATTRIBUTE_APPEND_ENVIRONMENT.equals(name)){
return new String[]{BuilderFactory.BUILD_APPEND_ENVIRONMENT};
return new String[]{ErrorParserManager.PREF_ERROR_PARSER};
return new String[0];
public static String toBuilderAttribute(String name) {
|| BuilderFactory.BUILD_TARGET_INCREMENTAL.equals(name)
|| BUILD_TARGET_FULL.equals(name)
|| BuilderFactory.BUILD_TARGET_FULL.equals(name)){
} else if (BUILD_TARGET_AUTO.equals(name)
|| BuilderFactory.BUILD_TARGET_AUTO.equals(name)) {
} else if (BUILD_TARGET_CLEAN.equals(name)
|| BuilderFactory.BUILD_TARGET_CLEAN.equals(name)) {
} else if (BUILD_LOCATION.equals(name)
|| BuilderFactory.BUILD_LOCATION.equals(name)) {
} else if (BUILD_COMMAND.equals(name)
|| BuilderFactory.BUILD_COMMAND.equals(name)) {
return COMMAND;
} else if (BUILD_ARGUMENTS.equals(name)
|| BuilderFactory.BUILD_ARGUMENTS.equals(name)) {
} else if (BuilderFactory.STOP_ON_ERROR.equals(name)) {
} //TODO else if(BuilderFactory.USE_DEFAULT_BUILD_CMD.equals(name)){
// return getCommand();
else if (BuilderFactory.BUILD_INCREMENTAL_ENABLED.equals(name)
|| BuilderFactory.BUILD_FULL_ENABLED.equals(name)) {
} else if (BuilderFactory.BUILD_CLEAN_ENABLED.equals(name)){
} else if (BuilderFactory.BUILD_AUTO_ENABLED.equals(name)) {
} else if (BuilderFactory.ENVIRONMENT.equals(name)) {
} else if (BuilderFactory.BUILD_APPEND_ENVIRONMENT.equals(name)){
} else if (ErrorParserManager.PREF_ERROR_PARSER.equals(name)) {
return null;
public Map<String, String> getEnvironment() {
if(customizedEnvironment != null)
return cloneMap(customizedEnvironment);
return null;
public Map<String, String> getExpandedEnvironment() throws CoreException {
if(customizedEnvironment != null){
Map<String, String> expanded = cloneMap(customizedEnvironment);
ICdtVariableManager mngr = CCorePlugin.getDefault().getCdtVariableManager();
String separator = CCorePlugin.getDefault().getBuildEnvironmentManager().getDefaultDelimiter();
ICConfigurationDescription cfgDes = ManagedBuildManager.getDescriptionForConfiguration(getParent().getParent());
Set<Entry<String, String>> entrySet = expanded.entrySet();
for (Entry<String, String> entry : entrySet) {
String value = entry.getValue();
try {
value = mngr.resolveValue(value, "", separator, cfgDes); //$NON-NLS-1$
} catch (CdtVariableException e){
return expanded;
return null;
public void setAppendEnvironment(boolean append) throws CoreException {
appendEnvironment = Boolean.valueOf(append);
public void setBuildAttribute(String name, String value)
throws CoreException {
incrementalBuildTarget = value;
} else if(BUILD_TARGET_AUTO.equals(name)){
autoBuildTarget = value;
} else if(BUILD_TARGET_CLEAN.equals(name)){
cleanBuildTarget = value;
} else if(BUILD_LOCATION.equals(name)){
buildPath = value;
} else if(BUILD_COMMAND.equals(name)){
command = value;
} else if(BUILD_ARGUMENTS.equals(name)){
args = value;
} else if(BuilderFactory.BUILD_COMMAND.equals(name)){
command = value;
} else if(BuilderFactory.BUILD_LOCATION.equals(name)){
buildPath = value;
} else if(BuilderFactory.STOP_ON_ERROR.equals(name)){
stopOnErr = Boolean.valueOf(value);
} else if(BuilderFactory.USE_DEFAULT_BUILD_CMD.equals(name)){
if(value == null || Boolean.valueOf(value).booleanValue()){
if(superClass != null)
command = null;
} else if(BuilderFactory.BUILD_TARGET_AUTO.equals(name)){
autoBuildTarget = value;
} else if(BuilderFactory.BUILD_TARGET_INCREMENTAL.equals(name)){
incrementalBuildTarget = value;
} else if(BuilderFactory.BUILD_TARGET_FULL.equals(name)){
autoBuildTarget = value;
} else if(BuilderFactory.BUILD_TARGET_CLEAN.equals(name)){
cleanBuildTarget = value;
} else if(BuilderFactory.BUILD_FULL_ENABLED.equals(name)){
autoBuildEnabled = value != null ?
Boolean.valueOf(value) : null;
} else if(BuilderFactory.BUILD_CLEAN_ENABLED.equals(name)){
cleanBuildEnabled = value != null ?
Boolean.valueOf(value) : null;
} else if(BuilderFactory.BUILD_INCREMENTAL_ENABLED.equals(name)){
incrementalBuildEnabled = value != null ?
Boolean.valueOf(value) : null;
} else if(BuilderFactory.BUILD_AUTO_ENABLED.equals(name)){
autoBuildEnabled = value != null ?
Boolean.valueOf(value) : null;
} else if(BuilderFactory.BUILD_ARGUMENTS.equals(name)){
args = value;
} else if(BuilderFactory.ENVIRONMENT.equals(name)){
if(value == null){
customizedEnvironment = null;
} else {
customizedEnvironment = MapStorageElement.decodeMap(value);
} else if(BuilderFactory.BUILD_APPEND_ENVIRONMENT.equals(name)){
appendEnvironment = value != null ?
Boolean.valueOf(value) : null;
} else {
getCustomBuildPropertiesMap().put(name, value);
private Map<String, String> getCustomBuildPropertiesMap(){
if(customBuildProperties == null){
customBuildProperties = new HashMap<String, String>();
return customBuildProperties;
public void setEnvironment(Map<String, String> env) throws CoreException {
customizedEnvironment = new HashMap<String, String>(env);
public boolean isCustomBuilder() {
if(!isExtensionBuilder && getParent().getBuilder() != this)
return true;
return false;
public IConfiguration getConfguration(){
if(getParent() != null)
return getParent().getParent();
return null;
public boolean isManagedBuildOn() {
IConfiguration cfg = getConfguration();
if(cfg != null){
return false;
else if(!cfg.supportsBuild(false))
return true;
Boolean attr = getManagedBuildOnAttribute();
if(attr != null)
return attr.booleanValue();
return true;
public Boolean getManagedBuildOnAttribute(){
if(managedBuildOn == null){
if(superClass != null)
return ((Builder)superClass).getManagedBuildOnAttribute();
return null;
return managedBuildOn;
public void setManagedBuildOn(boolean on) throws CoreException {
managedBuildOn = Boolean.valueOf(on);
public boolean canKeepEnvironmentVariablesInBuildfile() {
return BuildMacroProvider.canKeepMacrosInBuildfile(this);
public boolean keepEnvironmentVariablesInBuildfile() {
if(keepEnvVarInBuildfile == null){
if(superClass != null)
return getSuperClass().keepEnvironmentVariablesInBuildfile();
return false;
return keepEnvVarInBuildfile.booleanValue();
public void setKeepEnvironmentVariablesInBuildfile(boolean keep) {
keepEnvVarInBuildfile = Boolean.valueOf(keep);
public boolean supportsCustomizedBuild() {
if(fSupportsCustomizedBuild == null){
IManagedBuilderMakefileGenerator makeGen = getBuildFileGenerator();
if(makeGen instanceof IManagedBuilderMakefileGenerator2)
fSupportsCustomizedBuild = Boolean.valueOf(true);
fSupportsCustomizedBuild = Boolean.valueOf(false);
return fSupportsCustomizedBuild.booleanValue();
public boolean supportsBuild(boolean managed) {
if(supportsManagedBuild == null){
if(superClass != null)
return getSuperClass().supportsBuild(managed);
return managed || !isInternalBuilder();
return supportsManagedBuild.booleanValue();
public void setParent(IToolChain toolChain){
parent = toolChain;
public boolean matches(IBuilder builder){
if(builder == this)
return true;
IBuilder rBld = ManagedBuildManager.getRealBuilder(this);
if(rBld == null)
return false;
return rBld == ManagedBuildManager.getRealBuilder(builder);
public MatchKey<Builder> getMatchKey() {
return null;
return null;
return new MatchKey<Builder>(this);
public void setIdenticalList(List<Builder> list) {
identicalList = list;
public String getNameAndVersion(){
String name = getName();
String version = ManagedBuildManager.getVersionFromIdAndVersion(getId());
if(version != null && version.length() != 0){
return new StringBuffer().append(name).append(" (").append(version).append("").toString(); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
return name;
public List<Builder> getIdenticalList() {
return identicalList;
public boolean isInternalBuilder() {
IBuilder internalBuilder = ManagedBuildManager.getInternalBuilder();
for(IBuilder builder = this; builder != null; builder = builder.getSuperClass()){
if(internalBuilder == builder)
return true;
return false;
* Returns the optimal number of parallel jobs.
* The number is the number of available processors on the machine.
* The function never returns number smaller than 1.
public int getOptimalParallelJobNum() {
// Bug 398426: On my Mac running parallel builds at full tilt hangs the desktop.
// Need to pull it back one.
int j = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
if (j > 1 && Platform.getOS().equals(Platform.OS_MACOSX))
return j - 1;
return j;
* Returns the internal representation of maximum number of parallel jobs
* to be used for a build.
* Note that negative number represents "optimal" value.
* The value of the number is encoded as follows:
* <pre>
* Status Returns
* No parallel 1
* Optimal -CPU# (negative number of processors)
* Specific >0 (positive number)
* Unlimited Builder.UNLIMITED_JOBS
* </pre>
public int getParallelizationNumAttribute() {
if (!isParallelBuildOn())
return 1;
if(parallelNumberAttribute == null){
if(superClass != null){
return ((Builder)superClass).getParallelizationNumAttribute();
return 1;
return parallelNumberAttribute.intValue();
private void setParallelizationNumAttribute(int parallelNumber) {
isParallelBuildEnabled = (parallelNumber != 1);
if (parallelNumber > 0) {
parallelNumberAttribute = parallelNumber;
} else {
// "optimal"
parallelNumberAttribute = -getOptimalParallelJobNum();
public int getParallelizationNum() {
return Math.abs(getParallelizationNumAttribute());
* {@inheritDoc}
* @param jobs - maximum number of jobs. There are 2 special cases:
* <br>- any number <=0 is interpreted as setting "optimal" property,
* the value of the number itself is ignored in this case
* <br>- value 1 will turn parallel mode off.
public void setParallelizationNum(int jobs) throws CoreException {
if (!supportsParallelBuild())
if (parallelNumberAttribute == null || parallelNumberAttribute != jobs) {
String curCmd = getParallelizationCmd(getParallelizationNum());
String args = getArgumentsAttribute();
String updatedArgs = removeCmd(args, curCmd);
if (!updatedArgs.equals(args)) {
public boolean supportsParallelBuild() {
return true;
return getParrallelBuildCmd().length() != 0;
public boolean supportsStopOnError(boolean on) {
return true;
return getIgnoreErrCmdAttribute().length() != 0;
return true;
public String getStopOnErrCmd(boolean stop){
return getIgnoreErrCmdAttribute();
public String getIgnoreErrCmdAttribute(){
if(ignoreErrCmd == null){
if(superClass != null){
return ((Builder)superClass).getIgnoreErrCmdAttribute();
return ignoreErrCmd;
public String getParrallelBuildCmd() {
if (parallelBuildCmd == null) {
if (superClass != null) {
return ((Builder) superClass).getParrallelBuildCmd();
return parallelBuildCmd;
public boolean isParallelBuildOn() {
if (!supportsParallelBuild()) {
return false;
if (isParallelBuildEnabled == null) {
if (superClass != null) {
return getSuperClass().isParallelBuildOn();
return false;
return isParallelBuildEnabled.booleanValue();
* {@inheritDoc}
* @param on - the flag to enable or disable parallel mode.
* <br>{@code true} to enable, in this case the maximum number of jobs
* will be set to "optimal" number, see {@link #getOptimalParallelJobNum()}.
* <br>{@code false} to disable, the number of jobs will be set to 1.
public void setParallelBuildOn(boolean on) throws CoreException {
if (on) {
// set "optimal" jobs by default when enabling parallel build
} else {
public Set<String> contributeErrorParsers(Set<String> set){
if(getErrorParserIds() != null){
if(set == null)
set = new HashSet<String>();
String ids[] = getErrorParserList();
if(ids.length != 0)
return set;
public void resetErrorParsers(){
errorParserIds = null;
void removeErrorParsers(Set<String> set){
Set<String> oldSet = contributeErrorParsers(null);
if(oldSet == null)
oldSet = new HashSet<String>();
setErrorParserList(oldSet.toArray(new String[oldSet.size()]));
public void setErrorParserList(String[] ids) {
if(ids == null){
errorParserIds = null;
} else if(ids.length == 0){
errorParserIds = EMPTY_STRING;
} else {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
for(int i = 1; i < ids.length; i++){
buf.append(";").append(ids[i]); //$NON-NLS-1$
errorParserIds = buf.toString();
public boolean isSystemObject() {
return true;
if(getConvertToId().length() != 0)
return true;
if(getParent() != null)
return getParent().isSystemObject();
return false;
public String getUniqueRealName() {
String name = getName();
if(name == null){
name = getId();
} else {
String version = ManagedBuildManager.getVersionFromIdAndVersion(getId());
if(version != null){
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.append(" (v").append(version).append(")"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
name = buf.toString();
return name;
public ICOutputEntry[] getOutputEntries(){
return getDefaultOutputSettings();
ICOutputEntry[] entries = getOutputEntrySettings();
if(entries == null || entries.length == 0){
entries = getDefaultOutputSettings();
return entries;
private ICOutputEntry[] getDefaultOutputSettings(){
Configuration cfg = (Configuration)getConfguration();
if(cfg == null || cfg.isPreference() || cfg.isExtensionElement()){
return new ICOutputEntry[]{new COutputEntry(Path.EMPTY, null, ICLanguageSettingEntry.VALUE_WORKSPACE_PATH | ICLanguageSettingEntry.RESOLVED)};
IPath path = ManagedBuildManager.getBuildFullPath(cfg, this);
IProject proj = cfg.getOwner().getProject();
IPath projFullPath = proj.getFullPath();
if(path != null && projFullPath.isPrefixOf(path)){
path = path.removeFirstSegments(projFullPath.segmentCount()).makeRelative();
} else {
path = Path.EMPTY;
return new ICOutputEntry[]{new COutputEntry(path, null, ICLanguageSettingEntry.VALUE_WORKSPACE_PATH | ICLanguageSettingEntry.RESOLVED)};
public ICOutputEntry[] getOutputEntrySettings(){
if(outputEntries == null){
if(superClass != null){
return ((Builder)superClass).getOutputEntrySettings();
return null;
return outputEntries.clone();
public void setOutputEntries(ICOutputEntry[] entries){
if(entries != null)
outputEntries = entries.clone();
outputEntries = null;
private int getSuperClassNum(){
int num = 0;
for(IBuilder superTool = getSuperClass(); superTool != null; superTool = superTool.getSuperClass()){
return num;
public int compareTo(Builder other) {
if(other.isSystemObject() != isSystemObject())
return isSystemObject() ? 1 : -1;
return getSuperClassNum() - other.getSuperClassNum();
public IRealBuildObjectAssociation getExtensionObject() {
return (Builder)ManagedBuildManager.getExtensionBuilder(this);
public IRealBuildObjectAssociation[] getIdenticBuildObjects() {
return (IRealBuildObjectAssociation[])ManagedBuildManager.findIdenticalBuilders(this);
public IRealBuildObjectAssociation getRealBuildObject() {
return (Builder)ManagedBuildManager.getRealBuilder(this);
public IRealBuildObjectAssociation getSuperClassObject() {
return (Builder)getSuperClass();
public final int getType() {
public boolean isRealBuildObject() {
return ManagedBuildManager.getRealBuilder(this) == this;
public boolean isExtensionBuildObject() {
return isExtensionElement();
public String toString() {
return getUniqueRealName();
public ICommandLauncher getCommandLauncher() {
if(fCommandLauncher != null)
return fCommandLauncher;
if(fCommandLauncher == null && fCommandLauncherElement != null){
fCommandLauncher = (ICommandLauncher)fCommandLauncherElement.createExecutableExtension(ATTRIBUTE_COMMAND_LAUNCHER);
return fCommandLauncher;
}catch(CoreException e){
if(fCommandLauncher == null && superClass != null)
return getSuperClass().getCommandLauncher();
else if(fCommandLauncher == null) // catch all for backwards compatibility
fCommandLauncher = new CommandLauncher();
return fCommandLauncher;
public AbstractBuildRunner getBuildRunner() throws CoreException {
// Already defined
if (fBuildRunner != null)
return fBuildRunner;
// Instantiate from model
if (fBuildRunnerElement != null) {
fBuildRunner = (AbstractBuildRunner)fBuildRunnerElement.createExecutableExtension(ATTRIBUTE_BUILD_RUNNER);
return fBuildRunner;
// Check with superClass
if (superClass != null)
return getSuperClass().getBuildRunner();
// Default internal or external builder
if (isInternalBuilder())
return new InternalBuildRunner();
return new ExternalBuildRunner();
protected IResourceInfo getParentResourceInfo() {
// There are no resources associated with builders
return null;