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<title>Commenting out code</title>
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<div role="main"><h1>Commenting out code</h1>
<p>You can comment out one or more lines of code in any C/C++ editor view.
The leading characters <samp>//</samp> are added to the beginning of each line when commenting one or more lines of code.
You can also block comment multiple lines of code using the characters <samp>/* */</samp>.</p>
<p><strong>Tip:</strong> The characters <samp>/* */</samp> on lines that already are
already commented out are not affected when you comment and uncomment code as
described above.</p>
<p><img src="../images/cdt_menu_toggle_comments.png" alt="Commenting out code menu choices"></p>
<p>To toggle <samp>//</samp> comments on code:</p>
<li>In the C/C++ editor, select the line(s) of code that you want to comment out. If no lines are selected comments will be added (or removed) at the current cursor position.</li>
<li>Right-click and select <strong>Source &gt; Toggle Comment</strong>. (<samp>CTRL+/</samp>)</li>
<p>To block comment <samp>/* */</samp> code:</p>
<li>In the C/C++ editor, select multiple line(s) of code to comment out.</li>
<li>To comment out multiple code lines right-click and select <strong>Source &gt; Add Block Comment</strong>. (<samp>CTRL+SHIFT+/</samp>)</li>
<li>To uncomment multiple code lines right-click and select <strong>Source &gt; Remove Block Comment</strong>. (<samp>CTRL+SHIFT+\</samp>)</li>
<p><img src="../images/ngconcepts.gif" ALT="Related concepts" width="143" height="21">
<a href="../concepts/cdt_o_code_entry.htm">Code entry</a></p>
<p><img src="../images/ngtasks.gif" ALT="Related tasks" width="143" height="21">
<a href="cdt_t_cust_cpp_editor.htm">Customizing the C/C++ editor</a><br>
<a href="cdt_o_con_assist.htm">Working with Content Assist</a></p>
<p><img src="../images/ngref.gif" ALT="Related reference" width="143" height="21">
<a href="../reference/cdt_o_ceditor_pref.htm">C/C++ editor preferences</a></p>
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