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<title>Selecting an application to run or debug</title>
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<div role="main"><h1>Selecting an application to run or debug</h1>
<p>You need to specify the project or program that you want to run or debug for
this run configuration.</p>
<p>To select an application to run:</p>
<li>In the C/C++ Projects view, select a project.</li>
<li>Click <strong>Run &gt; Run</strong> or <strong>Run &gt; Debug</strong>.</li>
<li>In the <strong>Configurations</strong> box, expand <strong>C/C++ Local</strong>.</li>
<li>Select a run or debug configuration.</li>
<li>Click the <strong>Main</strong> tab.<br>
<img src="../images/run_config.png" alt="Run Configuration Window">
<li>Do the following:
<ul><li>In the <strong>Name</strong> box, type a descriptive name for this new a
descriptive name for this launch configuration.</li>
<li>In the <strong>Project</strong> box, type the name of the project containing
the application that you want to run.</li>
<li>In the <strong>C/C++ Application</strong> box, type the name of the executable
that you want to run.</li>
<li>Click <strong>Run</strong> or do the following, as required:<ul><li>To specify the
execution arguments that an application uses, and to specify the working directory for a run
configuration, see <a href="cdt_t_run_arg.htm">Specifying execution arguments</a>.</li><li>To set the environment variables
and values to use when an application runs, see <a href="cdt_t_run_env.htm">
Setting environment variables</a></li>
<li>To select a debugger to use when debugging an application, see
<a href="cdt_t_run_dbg.htm">Selecting a debugger</a></li>
<li>To specify the location of source files used when debugging a C or C++
application, see <a href="cdt_t_run_source.htm">Specifying the location of
source files</a></li>
<li>To specify where the run configuration is stored, how you access it and
the perspective to open when running an application, see
<a href="cdt_t_run_com.htm">Specifying the location of the run configuration</a></li></ul>
<p><img src="../images/ngconcepts.gif" ALT="Related concepts" width="143" height="21">
<a href="../concepts/cdt_c_projects.htm">C/C++ projects</a><br>
<a href="../concepts/cdt_c_proj_file_views.htm">Project file views</a></p>
<p><img src="../images/ngtasks.gif" ALT="Related tasks" width="143" height="21">
<a href="cdt_o_run_config.htm">Creating or editing a run configuration</a></p>
<p><img src="../images/ngref.gif" ALT="Related reference" width="143" height="21"> <br>
<a href="../reference/cdt_o_run_dbg_pages.htm">Run and Debug dialog box</a></p>
<img src="../images/ng00_04a.gif" ALT="IBM Copyright Statement" >