blob: 19e126a6dd52e4f1a3aea447b613efaca177aa4e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2015 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* John Camelon (IBM) - Initial API and implementation
* Markus Schorn (Wind River Systems)
* Thomas Corbat (IFS)
package org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ASTVisitor;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTExpression;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTNode;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IBasicType.Kind;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTSimpleDeclSpecifier;
public class CPPASTSimpleDeclSpecifier extends CPPASTBaseDeclSpecifier
implements ICPPASTSimpleDeclSpecifier {
private int type;
private boolean isSigned;
private boolean isUnsigned;
private boolean isShort;
private boolean isLong;
private boolean isLonglong;
private boolean isComplex;
private boolean isImaginary;
private IASTExpression fDeclTypeExpression;
public CPPASTSimpleDeclSpecifier copy() {
return copy(CopyStyle.withoutLocations);
public CPPASTSimpleDeclSpecifier copy(CopyStyle style) {
return copy(new CPPASTSimpleDeclSpecifier(), style);
protected <T extends CPPASTSimpleDeclSpecifier> T copy(T copy, CopyStyle style) {
CPPASTSimpleDeclSpecifier target = copy;
target.type = type;
target.isSigned = isSigned;
target.isUnsigned = isUnsigned;
target.isShort = isShort;
target.isLong = isLong;
target.isLonglong= isLonglong;
target.isComplex= isComplex;
target.isImaginary= isImaginary;
if (fDeclTypeExpression != null) {
return super.copy(copy, style);
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier
public int getType() {
return type;
public void setType(int type) {
this.type = type;
public void setType(Kind kind) {
private int getType(Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case eBoolean:
return t_bool;
case eChar:
return t_char;
case eWChar:
return t_wchar_t;
case eChar16:
return t_char16_t;
case eChar32:
return t_char32_t;
case eDouble:
return t_double;
case eFloat:
return t_float;
case eFloat128:
return t_float128;
case eDecimal32:
return t_decimal32;
case eDecimal64:
return t_decimal64;
case eDecimal128:
return t_decimal128;
case eInt:
return t_int;
case eInt128:
return t_int128;
case eUnspecified:
return t_unspecified;
case eVoid:
return t_void;
case eNullPtr:
// Null pointer type cannot be expressed with a simple decl specifier.
return t_unspecified;
public boolean isSigned() {
return isSigned;
public boolean isUnsigned() {
return isUnsigned;
public boolean isShort() {
return isShort;
public boolean isLong() {
return isLong;
public boolean isLongLong() {
return isLonglong;
public boolean isComplex() {
return isComplex;
public boolean isImaginary() {
return isImaginary;
public IASTExpression getDeclTypeExpression() {
return fDeclTypeExpression;
public void setSigned(boolean value) {
isSigned = value;
public void setUnsigned(boolean value) {
isUnsigned = value;
public void setLong(boolean value) {
isLong = value;
public void setShort(boolean value) {
isShort = value;
public void setLongLong(boolean value) {
isLonglong = value;
public void setComplex(boolean value) {
isComplex = value;
public void setImaginary(boolean value) {
isImaginary = value;
public void setDeclTypeExpression(IASTExpression expression) {
fDeclTypeExpression = expression;
if (expression != null) {
public boolean accept(ASTVisitor action) {
if (action.shouldVisitDeclSpecifiers) {
switch (action.visit(this)) {
case ASTVisitor.PROCESS_ABORT: return false;
case ASTVisitor.PROCESS_SKIP: return true;
default: break;
if (fDeclTypeExpression != null && !fDeclTypeExpression.accept(action))
return false;
if (!acceptByAttributeSpecifiers(action))
return false;
if (action.shouldVisitDeclSpecifiers) {
switch (action.leave(this)) {
case ASTVisitor.PROCESS_ABORT: return false;
case ASTVisitor.PROCESS_SKIP: return true;
default: break;
return true;
public void replace(IASTNode child, IASTNode other) {
if (child == fDeclTypeExpression) {
fDeclTypeExpression= (IASTExpression) other;
super.replace(child, other);