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<title>CDT @branchVersion@ Build @buildId@</title>
<h2>CDT @branchVersion@ Build @buildId@</h2>
<p><a href="compilelog.txt">Compile Log</a></p>
<p><a href="junits.html">JUnit Results</a></p>
<h3>CDT Master Feature</h3>
<a href=""></a>
To use this zip file, in the menu Help->SoftwareUpdates->Find and Install..., select Search for new features to install,
click New Archived Site..., and point at the zip file. The Update Manager will start up and you can select the features
you want to install. You will at nead require the C/C++ Development Tooling feature which is the CDT runtime.
<p>This feature has everything, including:</p>
<li>CDT Runtime Feature - includes editor, search, builders, launch, debug, gnu toolchain integrations for build/debug, user documentation</li>
<li>CDT SDK Feature - superset of runtime that adds source and extension point schemas</li>
<li>GDB Hardware Debugging - Provides a launch configuration for launching gdb to do hardware debugging.</li>
<li>XL C/C++ Compiler Support - Provides an error parser and managed build support for IBM's XL C/C++ compilers.</li>
<li>ISO C99 Support - Provides a parser for the ISO/IEC 9899:1999 variant of the C programming language (aka C99), generated from a grammar using the LPG parser generator. The grammar can be reused and extended to create your own parser for variants on the C programming language.</li>
<li>Unified Parallel C Support - Provides support for the Unified Parallel C programming langugage. Provides parsing/indexing infrastructure and language definition, allowing the UPC language to be recognized by CDT. Requires the C99 parser feature.</li>
<li>CDT Testing Feature - includes all test plugins required for running automated JUnit tests</li>