blob: 61adb2d2d7154c7e29783d959f46920cc4c3a49b [file] [log] [blame]
package org.polarsys.chess.checkers.core.impl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Region;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.StateMachine;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Transition;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Vertex;
import org.polarsys.chess.checkers.core.checkerManager.Checker;
import org.polarsys.chess.checkers.core.checkerManager.CheckerMessage;
import org.polarsys.chess.contracts.profile.chesscontract.util.EntityUtil;
public class StateStatus extends Checker {
private Package systemViewPackage;
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(StateStatus.class);
private final EntityUtil entityUtil = EntityUtil.getInstance();
private static final String checkerName = "StateStatus";
* Creates a state checker
public StateStatus() {
super(checkerName, getTags());
* Creates a state checker with the given priority
* @param priority the priority
public StateStatus(int priority) {
super(checkerName, getTags(), priority);
private static Set<String> getTags() {
Set<String> tags = new HashSet<String>();
tags.add("state machine");
return tags;
public List<CheckerMessage> check(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws Exception {
List<CheckerMessage> messages = new ArrayList<CheckerMessage>();
Collection<Class> blocks = null;
blocks = getBlocks(systemViewPackage);
monitor.beginTask(unifiedName, blocks.size());
for (Class block : blocks) {
// warnings.addAll(checkForDeadAndUnreachableStates(block));
if (monitor.isCanceled())
throw new Exception("Checker interrupted");
return messages;
* Returns the blocks that should be checked inside the model. Can be overwritter if necessary.
* @param systemViewPackage
* @return
protected Collection<Class> getBlocks(Package systemViewPackage) {
try {
return (Collection<Class>) EntityUtil.getInstance().getAllClasses(systemViewPackage);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
* A dead state is a state with no transitions to other states.
* @param block
* @return list of errors
private List<CheckerMessage> checkForDeadStates(Class block) {
List<CheckerMessage> errors = new ArrayList<CheckerMessage>();
final Set<StateMachine> stateMachines = entityUtil.getNominalStateMachines(block);
if (stateMachines.isEmpty()) {
logger.error("No state machines are present in block " + block.getName());
for (StateMachine stateMachine : stateMachines) {
if (stateMachine == null) continue;
final String stateMachineName = stateMachine.getName();
final Region region = stateMachine.getRegion(null); // Assume that only one region is present
if (region == null) {
logger.error("State machine " + stateMachineName + " of block " + block.getName() +
" is not valid");
// If there is only one intermediate state, don't do any check
if (entityUtil.getIntermediateStates(stateMachine).size() <= 1) continue;
final EList<Vertex> states = entityUtil.getStates(stateMachine);
final List<String> deadStates = new ArrayList<String>(1);
for (Vertex state : states) {
if (entityUtil.isFinalState(state)) continue;
boolean dead = true;
final EList<Transition> outgoingTransitions = entityUtil.getOutgoingTransitions(state);
for (Transition transition : outgoingTransitions) {
if (entityUtil.getTransitionNextState(transition) != state) {
dead = false;
if (dead) {
final String msg = deadMsg(state, block);
errors.add(new CheckerMessage(msg, 2, state, unifiedName));
if (deadStates.size() == 0) {
logger.debug("State machine " + stateMachineName + ": all states are valid");
} else {
logger.error("State machine " + stateMachineName + ": the following states are dead: " +
String.join(", ", deadStates));
return errors;
* An unreachable state is a state that is no reachable from other states.
* @param block
* @return list of errors
private List<CheckerMessage> checkForUnreachableStates(Class block) {
List<CheckerMessage> errors = new ArrayList<CheckerMessage>();
final Set<StateMachine> stateMachines = entityUtil.getNominalStateMachines(block);
if (stateMachines.isEmpty()) {
logger.error("No state machines are present in block " + block.getName());
for (StateMachine stateMachine : stateMachines) {
if (stateMachine == null) continue;
final String stateMachineName = stateMachine.getName();
final Region region = stateMachine.getRegion(null); // Assume that only one region is present
if (region == null) {
logger.error("State machine " + stateMachineName + " of block " + block.getName() +
" is not valid");
final EList<Vertex> states = entityUtil.getIntermediateStates(stateMachine);
final List<String> unreachableStates = new ArrayList<String>(1);
for (Vertex state : states) {
boolean unreachable = true;
final EList<Transition> incomingTransitions = entityUtil.getIncomingTransitions(state);
for (Transition transition : incomingTransitions) {
if (entityUtil.getTransitionSourceState(transition) != state) {
unreachable = false;
if (unreachable) {
final String msg = unreachableMsg(state, block);
errors.add(new CheckerMessage(msg, 2, state, unifiedName));
if (unreachableStates.size() == 0) {
logger.debug("State machine " + stateMachineName + ": all states are valid");
} else {
logger.error("State machine " + stateMachineName + ": the following states are not reachable: " +
String.join(", ", unreachableStates));
return errors;
* An unreachable state is a state that is no reachable from other states.
* @param block
* @return list of errors
private List<CheckerMessage> checkForDeadAndUnreachableStates(Class block) {
List<CheckerMessage> errors = new ArrayList<CheckerMessage>();
final Set<StateMachine> stateMachines = entityUtil.getNominalStateMachines(block);
if (stateMachines.isEmpty()) {
logger.error("No state machines are present in block " + block.getName());
for (StateMachine stateMachine : stateMachines) {
if (stateMachine == null) continue;
final String stateMachineName = stateMachine.getName();
final Region region = stateMachine.getRegion(null); // Assume that only one region is present
if (region == null) {
logger.error("State machine " + stateMachineName + " of block " + block.getName() +
" is not valid");
final EList<Vertex> states = entityUtil.getStates(stateMachine);
final List<String> deadStates = new ArrayList<String>(1);
final List<String> unreachableStates = new ArrayList<String>(1);
int stateCounter = 0;
for (Vertex state : states) {
if (!entityUtil.isFinalState(state)) {
for (Vertex state : states) {
boolean dead = false;
boolean unreachable = false;
if (!entityUtil.isFinalState(state)) {
dead = true;
final EList<Transition> outgoingTransitions = entityUtil.getOutgoingTransitions(state);
for (Transition transition : outgoingTransitions) {
if (entityUtil.getTransitionNextState(transition) != state) {
dead = false;
if (!entityUtil.isInitialState(state)) {
unreachable = true;
final EList<Transition> incomingTransitions = entityUtil.getIncomingTransitions(state);
for (Transition transition : incomingTransitions) {
if (entityUtil.getTransitionSourceState(transition) != state) {
unreachable = false;
if ((dead && stateCounter > 2)) {
final String msg = deadMsg(state, block);
errors.add(new CheckerMessage(msg, 2, state, unifiedName));
if ((unreachable)) {
final String msg = unreachableMsg(state, block);
errors.add(new CheckerMessage(msg, 2, state, unifiedName));
if (deadStates.size() == 0) {
logger.debug("State machine " + stateMachineName + ": all states are valid");
} else {
logger.error("State machine " + stateMachineName + ": the following states are dead: " +
String.join(", ", deadStates));
if (unreachableStates.size() == 0) {
logger.debug("State machine " + stateMachineName + ": all states are valid");
} else {
logger.error("State machine " + stateMachineName + ": the following states are not reachable: " +
String.join(", ", unreachableStates));
return errors;
protected String deadMsg(Vertex state, Class block) {
return "The state '" + state.getName() + "' of block '" +
block.getName() + "' does not have any transitions to other states";
protected String unreachableMsg(Vertex state, Class block) {
return "The state '" + state.getName() + "' of block '" +
block.getName() + "' is never reachable";
public void init() throws Exception {
systemViewPackage = EntityUtil.getInstance().getCurrentSystemView();
//TODO: aprire esattamente il progetto corretto, dove sono quando lancio il check? Devo essere su un progetto,
// e quello viene analizzato