blob: 25d352b251f8264531f0b84281df156c1dfd8309 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Code Archetypes for the CHESS Component Model --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2011-2012 --
-- University of Padova, ITALY --
-- --
-- Author: Marco Panunzio --
-- --
-- All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials --
-- are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License --
-- v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at --
-- --
with System;
with Ada.Real_Time;
package Container_Protection is
-- ** Task_Release **
-- Interface for the definition of descriptor-less release entries
type Task_Release is protected interface;
procedure Enqueue_For_Release(Self : in out Task_Release;
Release_Time : out Ada.Real_Time.Time) is abstract;
-- Interface for the definition of subprograms to control the release
-- of tasks
type Release_Control is limited interface;
procedure Set_Release_Flag(Self : in out Release_Control;
New_Flag : in Boolean) is abstract;
function Get_Release_Flag(Self : in Release_Control) return Boolean
is abstract;
-- Simple OBCS used by cyclic tasks.
-- Permits to block the execution of a task by setting
-- the entry's barrier to false.
protected type Release_Control_OBCS(C : System.Any_Priority) is new
Task_Release and Release_Control with
pragma Priority(C);
entry Enqueue_for_Release(Release_Time : out Ada.Real_Time.Time);
procedure Set_Release_Flag(New_Flag : in Boolean);
function Get_Release_Flag return Boolean;
Barrier : Boolean := True;
end Release_Control_OBCS;
protected type Simple_Counter_OBCS(C: System.Any_Priority; Size : Natural) is
new Task_Release and Release_Control with
pragma Priority(C);
entry Enqueue_for_Release(Release_Time : out Ada.Real_Time.Time);
procedure Set_Release_Flag(New_Flag : in Boolean);
function Get_Release_Flag return Boolean;
procedure Put_Request;
Max_Pending : Natural := Size;
Request_Pending : Natural := 0;
Barrier : Boolean := True;
Barrier_Release_Flag : Boolean := True;
end Simple_Counter_OBCS;
end Container_Protection;