blob: 8aa9c9657edfe1a8febe13e45f0fe75b24843535 [file] [log] [blame]
[comment encoding = UTF-8 /]
-- Ada infrastructural code generator --
-- for the CHESS component model --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2011-2012 --
-- University of Padova, ITALY --
-- --
-- Author: Marco Panunzio --
-- --
-- All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials --
-- are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License --
-- v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at --
-- --
[module ComponentType('', '')]
[import org::polarsys::chess::codegen::ada::main::Copyright /]
[template public generateComponentType(model : Model, procNode : InstanceSpecification, ct : Component) {
ptList : Sequence(Port) = ct.ownedAttribute->filter(Port)->asSequence();
procNodeName : String =;
clSvPortStName : String = 'MARTE::MARTE_DesignModel::GCM::ClientServerPort';
[file (procNodeName.concat('/src/component_repository/type/').concat('').toLower(), false, 'UTF-8')]
[comment With section to import Interfaces referenced as PI and RI /]
[for (pt : Port | ct.ownedAttribute->filter("Port"))]
[if (isProvidedPort(pt, clSvPortStName))]
with [getProvidedInterface(pt, clSvPortStName).name /];
[if (isRequiredPort(pt, clSvPortStName))]
with [getRequiredInterface(pt, clSvPortStName).name /];
[comment Package declaration and type declaration /]
package ['s')/] is
-- Declaration of the component type
type [] is abstract new [getProvidedInterfaceListAsQualifiedString(ptList, clSvPortStName)/] with private;
-- Setters for the RI
[for (pt : Port | ct.ownedAttribute->filter("Port"))]
[let st : Stereotype = pt.getAppliedStereotype(clSvPortStName)]
[if (isRequiredPort(pt, clSvPortStName))]
procedure Set_[] (Self: in out [];
ptr : in [getRequiredInterface(pt, clSvPortStName).name/].[getRequiredInterface(pt, clSvPortStName).name/]_ptr);
[if hasRequiredInterface(ptList, clSvPortStName)]
type [] is abstract new [getProvidedInterfaceListAsQualifiedString(ptList, clSvPortStName)/] with record
-- List of RI
[for (pt : Port | ct.ownedAttribute->filter("Port"))]
[if (isRequiredPort(pt, clSvPortStName))]
[] : [getRequiredInterface(pt, clSvPortStName).name/].[getRequiredInterface(pt, clSvPortStName).name/]_ptr;
end record;
type [] is abstract new [getProvidedInterfaceListAsQualifiedString(ptList, clSvPortStName)/] with null record;
end ['s')/];
[comment Generate .adb only if RI list is not empty
(The declaration of setter bodies is then necessary) /]
[if hasRequiredInterface(ptList, clSvPortStName)]
[file (procNodeName.concat('/src/component_repository/type/').concat('s.adb').toLower(), false, 'UTF-8')]
package body ['s')/] is
-- Setters for the RI
[for (pt : Port | ct.ownedAttribute->filter("Port"))]
[if (isRequiredPort(pt, clSvPortStName))]
procedure Set_[] (Self: in out [];
ptr : in [getRequiredInterface(pt, clSvPortStName).name/].[getRequiredInterface(pt, clSvPortStName).name/]_ptr) is
Self.[] := ptr;
end Set_[];
end ['s')/];
[query public getProvidedInterface(arg0 : Port, arg1 : String) : Interface
= invoke('org.polarsys.chess.codegen.ada.service.UML2Service', 'getProvidedInterface(org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Port, java.lang.String)', Sequence{arg0, arg1}) /]
[query public getRequiredInterface(arg0 : Port, arg1 : String) : Interface
= invoke('org.polarsys.chess.codegen.ada.service.UML2Service', 'getRequiredInterface(org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Port, java.lang.String)', Sequence{arg0, arg1}) /]
[query public isProvidedPort(arg0 : Port, arg1: String) : Boolean
= invoke('org.polarsys.chess.codegen.ada.service.UML2Service', 'isProvidedPort(org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Port, java.lang.String)', Sequence{arg0, arg1}) /]
[query public isRequiredPort(arg0 : Port, arg1: String) : Boolean
= invoke('org.polarsys.chess.codegen.ada.service.UML2Service', 'isRequiredPort(org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Port, java.lang.String)', Sequence{arg0, arg1}) /]
[query public getProvidedInterfaceListAsQualifiedString(arg0 : Sequence(OclAny), arg1 : String) : String
= invoke('org.polarsys.chess.codegen.ada.service.UML2Service', 'getProvidedInterfaceListAsQualifiedString(java.util.List, java.lang.String)', Sequence{arg0, arg1}) /]
[query public hasRequiredInterface(arg0 : Sequence(OclAny), arg1 : String) : Boolean
= invoke('org.polarsys.chess.codegen.ada.service.UML2Service', 'hasRequiredInterface(java.util.List, java.lang.String)', Sequence{arg0, arg1}) /]