blob: 8fc326115a72bba8acd19090bc739e3509e4f8c3 [file] [log] [blame]
[comment encoding = UTF-8 /]
-- Ada infrastructural code generator --
-- for the CHESS component model --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2011-2012 --
-- University of Padova, ITALY --
-- --
-- Author: Marco Panunzio --
-- --
-- All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials --
-- are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License --
-- v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at --
-- --
[module DataType('')]
[import org::polarsys::chess::codegen::ada::main::Copyright /]
[template public generateDataType(model: Model, procNode : InstanceSpecification) {
procNodeName : String =;
primitiveTypeList : Sequence(PrimitiveType) = PrimitiveType.allInstances()->asSequence();
enumerationList : Sequence(Enumeration) = Enumeration.allInstances()->asSequence();
dataTypeList : Sequence(DataType) = DataType.allInstances()->select(dt | dt.oclIsTypeOf(DataType))->asSequence();
BoundedSubtypeQN : String = 'MARTE::MARTE_Annexes::VSL::DataTypes::BoundedSubtype';
CollectionTypeQN : String = 'MARTE::MARTE_Annexes::VSL::DataTypes::CollectionType';
TupleTypeQN : String = 'MARTE::MARTE_Annexes::VSL::DataTypes::TupleType';
[file (procNodeName.concat('/src/datatype/').toLower(), false, 'UTF-8')]
package Datatype is
[for (pt : PrimitiveType | primitiveTypeList)]
[if ( = 'Integer')]
Integer_Default_Value : constant Integer := 0;
[elseif ( = 'Float')]
Float_Default_Value : constant Float := 0.0;
[elseif ( = 'Natural')]
Natural_Default_Value : constant Natural := 0;
[elseif ( = 'Boolean')]
Boolean_Default_Value : constant Boolean := False;
[comment Primitive type with constraints/]
[if (pt.ownedRule->select(c | = 'digits')->asSequence()->size() = 1)]
[let digits : Constraint = pt.ownedRule->select(c | = 'digits')->filter(Constraint)->any(true)]
[if (pt.ownedRule->select(c | = 'range')->asSequence()->size() = 1)]
[let range : Constraint = pt.ownedRule->select(c | = 'range')->filter(Constraint)->any(true)]
type [ /] is digits [digits.specification->filter(LiteralInteger).value /] range [range.specification->filter(Interval).min->filter(LiteralString).value/] .. [range.specification->filter(Interval).max->filter(LiteralString).value/];
[]_Default_Value : constant [] := 0.0;
type [ /] is digits [digits.specification->filter(LiteralInteger).value /];
[]_Default_Value : constant [] := 0.0;
[if (pt.ownedRule->select(c | = 'range')->asSequence()->size() = 1)]
[let range : Constraint = pt.ownedRule->select(c | = 'range')->filter(Constraint)->any(true)]
type [ /] is new Float range [range.specification->filter(Interval).min->filter(LiteralString).value/] .. [range.specification->filter(Interval).max->filter(LiteralString).value/];
[]_Default_Value : constant [] := 0.0;
[for (en : Enumeration | enumerationList)]
type [] is ([en.ownedLiteral->first().name/][for (el : EnumerationLiteral | en.ownedLiteral->excluding(en.ownedLiteral->first()))], [][/for]);
for [] use ([en.ownedLiteral->first().name/] => 0[for (el : EnumerationLiteral | en.ownedLiteral->excluding(en.ownedLiteral->first()))], [] => [i/][/for]);
pragma Convention(C, []);
[]_Default_Value : constant [] := [en.ownedLiteral->first().name/];
[for (dt : DataType | dataTypeList)]
[if (dt.getAppliedStereotype(BoundedSubtypeQN)->notEmpty())]
[comment MARTE BoundedSubtype: assume isMinOpen = isMaxOpen = false/]
[let boundStereo : Stereotype = dt.getAppliedStereotype(BoundedSubtypeQN)]
subtype [] is [dt.getValue(boundStereo, 'baseType').oclAsType(DataType).name/] range [dt.getValue(boundStereo, 'minValue')/] .. [dt.getValue(boundStereo, 'maxValue')/];
[if (dt.getAppliedStereotype(CollectionTypeQN)->notEmpty())]
[comment MARTE CollectionType: assume range of array is known (i.e no *)/]
[let collStereo : Stereotype = dt.getAppliedStereotype(CollectionTypeQN)]
[let collAttrib : Property = dt.getValue(collStereo, 'collectionAttrib').oclAsType(Property)]
type [] is array ([collAttrib.lower/]..[collAttrib.upper/]) of [];
[if (dt.getAppliedStereotype(TupleTypeQN)->notEmpty())]
[let tupleStereo : Stereotype = dt.getAppliedStereotype(TupleTypeQN)]
[let tupleAttrib : Sequence(Property) = getTupleAttributes(dt, tupleStereo)]
type [] is
[for (prop : Property | tupleAttrib)]
[] : [];
end record;
end Datatype;
[query public getTupleAttributes(dt : DataType, stereo : Stereotype) : Sequence(Property)
= invoke('org.polarsys.chess.codegen.ada.service.UML2Service', 'getTupleAttributes(org.eclipse.uml2.uml.DataType, org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Stereotype)', Sequence{dt, stereo})/]