blob: 9b14747689d7c418c2373408f3688b2b714a26c4 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Ada infrastructural code generator --
-- for the CHESS component model --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2011-2012 --
-- University of Padova, ITALY --
-- --
-- Author: Marco Panunzio --
-- --
-- All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials --
-- are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License --
-- v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at --
-- --
* 2015/04/03 NP: fixed problem regarding ordering of slots in instances of connectors
* in getBoundPIslot (slot 0 instead of slot1)
package org.polarsys.chess.codegen.ada.service;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.MARTE.MARTE_Annexes.VSL.DataTypes.TupleType;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.MARTE.MARTE_DesignModel.GCM.ClientServerKind;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.MARTE.MARTE_DesignModel.GCM.ClientServerPort;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.MARTE.MARTE_DesignModel.HLAM.CallConcurrencyKind;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.MARTE.MARTE_Foundations.Alloc.Assign;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Activity;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ActivityFinalNode;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ActivityNode;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Behavior;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.CallOperationAction;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Classifier;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Comment;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Component;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Connector;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ConnectorEnd;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ControlFlow;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.DataType;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.InitialNode;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.InstanceSpecification;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.InstanceValue;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Interface;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.NamedElement;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Operation;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Parameter;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Port;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.PrimitiveType;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Property;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Slot;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Stereotype;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Type;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ValueSpecification;
import org.polarsys.chess.chessmlprofile.ComponentModel.ComponentImplementation;
import org.polarsys.chess.chessmlprofile.Dependability.MitigationMeans.TransmissionWithProtocol;
import org.polarsys.chess.chessmlprofile.Predictability.RTComponentModel.CHRtPortSlot;
import org.polarsys.chess.chessmlprofile.Predictability.RTComponentModel.CHRtSpecification;
// TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc
* The Class UML2Service contains utility methods that are meant to be called from the Acceleo Transformation
public class UML2Service {
/** The Constant DOCSTEREO. */
private static final String DOCSTEREO = "Papyrus::Documentation::Documentation";
// private static final String REQUIREMENT_EXTENSION = "requirement";
// private static final Object LINK = "#Link_to";
* Gets the provided interface from a Port (must be stereotyped as ClientServerPort)
* @param port the port
* @param stName the stereotype name. Must be "MARTE::MARTE_DesignModel::GCM::ClientServerPort"
* @return the provided interface
public Interface getProvidedInterface(Port port, String stName) {
Stereotype clSvPortSt = port.getAppliedStereotype(stName);
ClientServerPort clSvPort = (ClientServerPort) port.getStereotypeApplication(clSvPortSt);
// Assumption : 1 PI per Port
return clSvPort.getProvInterface().get(0);
* Gets the required interface from a Port (must be stereotyped as ClientServerPort)
* @param port the port
* @param stName the stereotype name. Must be "MARTE::MARTE_DesignModel::GCM::ClientServerPort"
* @return the required interface
public Interface getRequiredInterface(Port port, String stName) {
Stereotype clSvPortSt = port.getAppliedStereotype(stName);
ClientServerPort clSvPort = (ClientServerPort) port.getStereotypeApplication(clSvPortSt);
// Assumption : 1 RI per Port
return clSvPort.getReqInterface().get(0);
* Checks if a specific port is a ClientServerPort which can provide interfaces.
* @param pt the port
* @param stName the stereotype name. Must be "MARTE::MARTE_DesignModel::GCM::ClientServerPort"
* @return true if the port is a ClientServerPort of kind PROVIDED, false otherwise
public Boolean isProvidedPort(Port pt, String stName) {
Stereotype st = pt.getAppliedStereotype(stName);
ClientServerPort csp = (ClientServerPort) pt.getStereotypeApplication(st);
if (csp != null)
return csp.getKind().equals(ClientServerKind.PROVIDED);
return false;
* Checks if a specific port is a ClientServerPort which can require interfaces.
* @param pt the port
* @param stName the stereotype name. Must be "MARTE::MARTE_DesignModel::GCM::ClientServerPort"
* @return true if the port is a ClientServerPort of kind REQUIRED, false otherwise
public Boolean isRequiredPort(Port pt, String stName) {
Stereotype st = pt.getAppliedStereotype(stName);
ClientServerPort csp = (ClientServerPort) pt.getStereotypeApplication(st);
if (csp != null)
return csp.getKind().equals(ClientServerKind.REQUIRED);
return false;
* Gets the list of the provided interfaces from a list of ClientServerPorts.
* @param portList the list of ports.
* @param stName the stereotype name. Must be "MARTE::MARTE_DesignModel::GCM::ClientServerPort"
* @return a list containing the provided interfaces.
public List<Interface> getProvidedInterfaceList(List<Port> portList, String stName) {
ArrayList<Interface> intList = new ArrayList<Interface>();
Port pt = null;
Stereotype st = null;
ClientServerPort csp = null;
for (int i=0; i <portList.size(); i++) {
pt = portList.get(i);
st = pt.getAppliedStereotype(stName);
csp = (ClientServerPort) pt.getStereotypeApplication(st);
if (csp!= null && csp.getKind().equals(ClientServerKind.PROVIDED)) {
// Assumption: only 1 providedInterface x Port
return intList;
* Returns a String representing the names of the provided interfaces from a list of ClientServerPorts.
* @param portList the list of ports.
* @param stName the stereotype name. Must be "MARTE::MARTE_DesignModel::GCM::ClientServerPort"
* @return the String representing the names of the provided interfaces
public String getProvidedInterfaceListAsQualifiedString(List<Port> portList, String stName) {
Port pt = null;
Stereotype st = null;
ClientServerPort csp = null;
String piNameList = new String();
String interfaceName = null;
boolean firstWritten = false;
for (int i=0; i <portList.size(); i++) {
pt = portList.get(i);
st = pt.getAppliedStereotype(stName);
csp = (ClientServerPort) pt.getStereotypeApplication(st);
if (csp != null && csp.getKind().equals(ClientServerKind.PROVIDED)) {
// Assumption: only 1 providedInterface x Port
interfaceName = csp.getProvInterface().get(0).getName();
if (! firstWritten) {
piNameList += interfaceName + "." + interfaceName;
firstWritten = true;
} else {
piNameList += " and " + interfaceName + "." + interfaceName;
return piNameList;
* Checks if among the elements of a List of ClientServerPort, at least one can require ports.
* @param portList the list of ports.
* @param stName the stereotype name. Must be "MARTE::MARTE_DesignModel::GCM::ClientServerPort"
* @return true if a ClientServerPort of kind REQUIRED is found in the list, false otherwise.
public Boolean hasRequiredInterface(List<Port> portList, String stName) {
Port pt = null;
Stereotype st = null;
ClientServerPort csp = null;
for (int i=0; i <portList.size(); i++) {
pt = portList.get(i);
st = pt.getAppliedStereotype(stName);
csp = (ClientServerPort) pt.getStereotypeApplication(st);
if (csp!= null && csp.getKind().equals(ClientServerKind.REQUIRED)) {
return true;
return false;
* Gets the list of the required interfaces from a list of ClientServerPorts.
* @param portList the list of ports.
* @param stName the stereotype name. Must be "MARTE::MARTE_DesignModel::GCM::ClientServerPort"
* @return a list containing the required interfaces.
public List<Interface> getRequiredInterfaceList(List<Port> portList, String stName) {
ArrayList<Interface> intList = new ArrayList<Interface>();
Port pt = null;
Stereotype st = null;
ClientServerPort csp = null;
for (int i=0; i <portList.size(); i++) {
pt = portList.get(i);
st = pt.getAppliedStereotype(stName);
csp = (ClientServerPort) pt.getStereotypeApplication(st);
if (csp != null && csp.getKind().equals(ClientServerKind.REQUIRED)) {
// Assumption: only 1 requiredInterface x Port
return intList;
* Gets a String representing the operation signature.
* @param c the component containing the operation
* @param op the operation
* @return the operation signature as a String
public String getOperationSignature(Component c, Operation op) {
String opName = new String(c.getName() + "." + op.getName());
List<Parameter> lParam = op.getOwnedParameters();
if (lParam.size() > 0) {
opName += "(";
opName += lParam.get(0).getType().getName();
if (lParam.size() > 1) {
for (int i=1; i < lParam.size(); i++) {
opName += ", " + lParam.get(i).getType().getName();
opName += ")";
return opName;
* This is a method very specific to the Acceleo transformation (Ada code generation)
* @param slotList the slot list
* @param stName the st name
* @param st2Name the st2 name
* @return the package to with spec
public List<String> getPackageToWithSpec(List<Object> slotList, String stName, String st2Name) {
boolean cyclicRequired = false;
boolean sporadicRequired = false;
boolean pkgSystemAdded = false;
boolean pkgRealTimeAdded = false;
boolean pkgDataStructureAdded = false;
boolean pkgContainerProtectionAdded = false;
boolean pkgCyclicTaskAdded = false;
Slot slot = null;
CHRtPortSlot chrtPs = null;
CHRtSpecification chrtSpec = null;
List<CHRtSpecification> chRtSpecList = null;
ArrayList<String> withPackageList = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i=0; i < slotList.size(); i++) {
slot = (Slot) slotList.get(i);
List<Stereotype> stList = slot.getAppliedStereotypes();
if (! stList.isEmpty()) {
chrtPs = (CHRtPortSlot) slot.getStereotypeApplication(stList.get(0));
chRtSpecList = chrtPs.getCH_RtSpecification();
for (int j=0; j < chRtSpecList.size(); j++) {
chrtSpec = chRtSpecList.get(j);
String occKind = chrtSpec.getOccKind();
if (occKind != null && ! occKind.equals("")) {
if (occKind.startsWith("periodic") && ! cyclicRequired) {
if (! pkgRealTimeAdded) {
withPackageList.add("with Ada.Real_Time; use Ada.Real_Time;");
pkgRealTimeAdded = true;
if (! pkgDataStructureAdded) {
withPackageList.add("with Data_Structure;");
pkgDataStructureAdded = true;
if (! pkgContainerProtectionAdded) {
withPackageList.add("with Container_Protection; use Container_Protection;");
pkgContainerProtectionAdded = true;
if (!pkgCyclicTaskAdded) {
String withCyclicTask = "with Cyclic_Task;";
if (isMonitored(slot))
withCyclicTask = "with Cyclic_Task_Monitored;";
pkgCyclicTaskAdded = true;
cyclicRequired = true;
} else if (occKind.startsWith("sporadic") && ! sporadicRequired) {
if (! pkgSystemAdded) {
withPackageList.add("with System;");
pkgSystemAdded = true;
if (! pkgRealTimeAdded) {
withPackageList.add("with Ada.Real_Time; use Ada.Real_Time;");
pkgRealTimeAdded = true;
if (! pkgDataStructureAdded) {
withPackageList.add("with Data_Structure;");
pkgDataStructureAdded = true;
sporadicRequired = true;
} else if (chrtSpec.getProtection().equals(CallConcurrencyKind.GUARDED)) {// occKind is null or ""
if (! pkgSystemAdded) {
withPackageList.add("with System;");
pkgSystemAdded = true;
if (cyclicRequired && sporadicRequired) {
return withPackageList;
* Gets the "value" substring of a given VSL string.
* For example, from the VSL String (value=45.0,unit=ms) this method returns 45.0
* @param inputVSL the input VSL string
* @return the "value" substring
public String getValue(String inputVSL) {
int endOfValueIndex = inputVSL.indexOf(",unit");
int startOfValueIndex = inputVSL.indexOf("value=") + 6;
return inputVSL.substring(startOfValueIndex, endOfValueIndex);
* Gets the "unit" substring of a given VSL string.
* For example, from the VSL String (value=45.0,unit=ms) this method returns ms
* @param inputVSL the input VSL string
* @return the "unit" substring
public String getUnit(String inputVSL) {
int startOfUnitIndex = inputVSL.indexOf("unit=") + 5;
int endOfUnitIndex = inputVSL.indexOf("))");
return inputVSL.substring(startOfUnitIndex, endOfUnitIndex);
* Gets the Priority of an operation.
* Pre-condition : op is an operation marked as "cyclic" in some CHRtSpecification
* @param slotList the list of Slots in the model
* @param op the Operation
* @param stName unused
* @return the priority as String, or a message error
public String getPriority(List<Object> slotList, Operation op, String stName) {
Slot slot = null;
for (int i=0; i < slotList.size(); i++) {
slot = (Slot) slotList.get(i);
CHRtPortSlot chrtPs = null;
List<Stereotype> stList = slot.getAppliedStereotypes();
if (! stList.isEmpty()) {
chrtPs = (CHRtPortSlot) slot.getStereotypeApplication(stList.get(0));
List<CHRtSpecification> CHRtSpecList = chrtPs.getCH_RtSpecification();
for (int j=0; j < CHRtSpecList.size(); j++) {
if (CHRtSpecList.get(j).getContext().equals(op)) {
return CHRtSpecList.get(j).getRelativePriority();
* Gets the Period or minimum interarrival time (MIAT) of an operation.
* Pre-condition : op is an operation marked as "cyclic" or "sporadic" in some CHRtSpecification
* @param slotList the list of Slots in the model
* @param op the Operation
* @param stName unused
* @return the period (for a "cyclic" operation) or the MIAT (for a "sporadic" operation)
public String getPeriodOrMIAT(List<Object> slotList, Operation op, String stName) {
Slot slot = null;
for (int i=0; i < slotList.size(); i++) {
slot = (Slot) slotList.get(i);
CHRtPortSlot chrtPs = null;
List<Stereotype> stList = slot.getAppliedStereotypes();
if (! stList.isEmpty()) {
chrtPs = (CHRtPortSlot) slot.getStereotypeApplication(stList.get(0));
List<CHRtSpecification> CHRtSpecList = chrtPs.getCH_RtSpecification();
for (int j=0; j < CHRtSpecList.size(); j++) {
if (CHRtSpecList.get(j).getContext().equals(op)) {
String occKind = chrtPs.getCH_RtSpecification().get(0).getOccKind();
String periodOrMIAT = getValue(occKind);
if (periodOrMIAT.length() <= 5) {
return periodOrMIAT.substring(0, periodOrMIAT.length()-2);
} else {
return periodOrMIAT.substring(0, periodOrMIAT.length()-5).concat("_").
concat(periodOrMIAT.substring(periodOrMIAT.length()-5, periodOrMIAT.length()-2));
* Gets the Ceiling of an operation.
* Pre-condition : op is an operation marked as "cyclic", "sporadic" or "protected" in some CHRtSpecification
* @param slotList the list of Slots in the model
* @param op the Operation
* @param stName unused
* @return the Ceiling as String, or a message error
public String getCeiling(List<Object> slotList, Operation op, String stName) {
Slot slot = null;
for (int i=0; i < slotList.size(); i++) {
slot = (Slot) slotList.get(i);
CHRtPortSlot chrtPs = null;
List<Stereotype> stList = slot.getAppliedStereotypes();
if (! stList.isEmpty()) {
chrtPs = (CHRtPortSlot) slot.getStereotypeApplication(stList.get(0));
List<CHRtSpecification> CHRtSpecList = chrtPs.getCH_RtSpecification();
for (int j=0; j < CHRtSpecList.size(); j++) {
if (CHRtSpecList.get(j).getContext().equals(op)) {
return chrtPs.getCH_RtSpecification().get(j).getCeiling();
* Gets a list of cyclic operations from a list of slots.
* @param slotList the list of Slots in the model
* @param stName unused
* @return a list containing the cyclic operations
public List<Operation> getCyclicOperationList(List<Slot> slotList, String stName) {
ArrayList<Operation> cyclicOpList = new ArrayList<Operation>();
CHRtPortSlot chrtPs = null;
Slot slot = null;
for (int i=0; i < slotList.size(); i++) {
slot = (Slot) slotList.get(i);
List<Stereotype> stList = slot.getAppliedStereotypes();
if (! stList.isEmpty()) {
chrtPs = (CHRtPortSlot) slot.getStereotypeApplication(stList.get(0));
List<CHRtSpecification> CHRtSpecList = chrtPs.getCH_RtSpecification();
for (int j=0; j < CHRtSpecList.size(); j++) {
String occKind = chrtPs.getCH_RtSpecification().get(j).getOccKind();
if (occKind != null) {
if (occKind.startsWith("periodic")) {
cyclicOpList.add((Operation) CHRtSpecList.get(j).getContext());
return cyclicOpList;
//TODO it has to be modified after INTECS adds the stereotype for monitoring
public boolean isMonitored(List<Object> slotList, Operation op, String stName) {
Slot slot = null;
for (int i=0; i < slotList.size(); i++) {
slot = (Slot) slotList.get(i);
CHRtPortSlot chrtPs = null;
List<Stereotype> stList = slot.getAppliedStereotypes();
if (! stList.isEmpty()) {
chrtPs = (CHRtPortSlot) slot.getStereotypeApplication(stList.get(0));
List<CHRtSpecification> CHRtSpecList = chrtPs.getCH_RtSpecification();
for (int j=0; j < CHRtSpecList.size(); j++) {
if (CHRtSpecList.get(j).getContext().equals(op)) {
return isMonitored(slot);
return false;
public String getMonitoredTaskName(List<Object> slotList, Operation op, String stName) {
Slot slot = null;
for (int i=0; i < slotList.size(); i++) {
slot = (Slot) slotList.get(i);
CHRtPortSlot chrtPs = null;
List<Stereotype> stList = slot.getAppliedStereotypes();
if (! stList.isEmpty()) {
chrtPs = (CHRtPortSlot) slot.getStereotypeApplication(stList.get(0));
List<CHRtSpecification> CHRtSpecList = chrtPs.getCH_RtSpecification();
for (int j=0; j < CHRtSpecList.size(); j++) {
CHRtSpecification chRtSpecification = CHRtSpecList.get(j);
if (chRtSpecification.getContext().equals(op)) {
return chrtPs.getBase_Slot().getOwningInstance().getName() + "_"
+ chrtPs.getBase_Slot().getDefiningFeature().getName()
+ "_" + chRtSpecification.getContext().getName();
return "INVALID";
//TODO it has to be modified after INTECS adds the stereotype for monitoring
public boolean isMonitored(Slot op) {
return true;
* Gets a list of sporadic operations from a list of slots.
* @param slotList the list of Slots in the model
* @param stName unused
* @return a list containing the sporadic operations
public List<Operation> getSporadicOperationList(List<Slot> slotList, String stName) {
ArrayList<Operation> sporadicOpList = new ArrayList<Operation>();
CHRtPortSlot chrtPs = null;
Slot slot = null;
for (int i=0; i < slotList.size(); i++) {
slot = (Slot) slotList.get(i);
List<Stereotype> stList = slot.getAppliedStereotypes();
if (! stList.isEmpty()) {
chrtPs = (CHRtPortSlot) slot.getStereotypeApplication(stList.get(0));
List<CHRtSpecification> CHRtSpecList = chrtPs.getCH_RtSpecification();
for (int j=0; j < CHRtSpecList.size(); j++) {
String occKind = chrtPs.getCH_RtSpecification().get(j).getOccKind();
if (occKind != null) {
if (occKind.startsWith("sporadic")) {
sporadicOpList.add((Operation) CHRtSpecList.get(j).getContext());
return sporadicOpList;
* Gets a list of protected operations from a list of slots.
* @param slotList the list of Slots in the model
* @param stName unused
* @return a list containing the protected operations
public List<Operation> getProtectedOperationList(List<Slot> slotList, String stName) {
ArrayList<Operation> protectedOpList = new ArrayList<Operation>();
CHRtPortSlot chrtPs = null;
Slot slot = null;
for (int i=0; i < slotList.size(); i++) {
slot = (Slot) slotList.get(i);
List<Stereotype> stList = slot.getAppliedStereotypes();
if (! stList.isEmpty()) {
chrtPs = (CHRtPortSlot) slot.getStereotypeApplication(stList.get(0));
List<CHRtSpecification> CHRtSpecList = chrtPs.getCH_RtSpecification();
for (int j=0; j < CHRtSpecList.size(); j++) {
String occKind = chrtPs.getCH_RtSpecification().get(j).getOccKind();
// Sporadic kind is GUARDED and occKind => sporadic(...)
if (CHRtSpecList.get(j).getProtection().equals(CallConcurrencyKind.GUARDED) &&
(occKind == null || occKind.isEmpty())) {
protectedOpList.add((Operation) CHRtSpecList.get(j).getContext());
return protectedOpList;
* Gets the Protected Operation from the given Slot
* @param sl the Slot
* @param stName unused
* @return the Protected Operation
public List<Operation> getSlotProtectedOperation(Slot sl, String stName) {
ArrayList<Operation> protectedOpList = new ArrayList<Operation>();
CHRtPortSlot chrtPs = null;
List<Stereotype> stList = sl.getAppliedStereotypes();
if (! stList.isEmpty()) {
chrtPs = (CHRtPortSlot) sl.getStereotypeApplication(stList.get(0));
List<CHRtSpecification> CHRtSpecList = chrtPs.getCH_RtSpecification();
for (int j=0; j < CHRtSpecList.size(); j++) {
String occKind = chrtPs.getCH_RtSpecification().get(j).getOccKind();
// Sporadic kind is GUARDED and occKind => sporadic(...)
if (CHRtSpecList.get(j).getProtection().equals(CallConcurrencyKind.GUARDED) &&
(occKind == null || occKind.isEmpty())) {
protectedOpList.add((Operation) CHRtSpecList.get(j).getContext());
return protectedOpList;
* Gets a list of unprotected operations from a list of slots.
* @param slotList the list of Slots in the model
* @param stName unused
* @return a list containing the unprotected operations
public List<Operation> getUnprotectedOperationList(List<Slot> slotList, String stName) {
ArrayList<Operation> unprotectedOpList = new ArrayList<Operation>();
CHRtPortSlot chrtPs = null;
Slot slot = null;
for (int i=0; i < slotList.size(); i++) {
slot = (Slot) slotList.get(i);
List<Stereotype> stList = slot.getAppliedStereotypes();
if (! stList.isEmpty()) {
chrtPs = (CHRtPortSlot) slot.getStereotypeApplication(stList.get(0));
List<CHRtSpecification> CHRtSpecList = chrtPs.getCH_RtSpecification();
for (int j=0; j < CHRtSpecList.size(); j++) {
String occKind = chrtPs.getCH_RtSpecification().get(j).getOccKind();
if (CHRtSpecList.get(j).getProtection().equals(CallConcurrencyKind.CONCURRENT) &&
(occKind == null || occKind.isEmpty())) {
unprotectedOpList.add((Operation) CHRtSpecList.get(j).getContext());
return unprotectedOpList;
* Gets the list of component instances from the list of the instances with multiplicity. (i.e package "_full" in the model)
* @param instList the list of the instances with multiplicity
* @param stName the name of the stereotype. Must be "CHESS::ComponentModel::ComponentImplementation"
* @return the list of the component instances
public List<InstanceSpecification> getComponentInstanceList(List<InstanceSpecification> instList, String stName) {
ArrayList<InstanceSpecification> componentInstanceList = new ArrayList<InstanceSpecification>();
for (int i=0; i<instList.size(); i++) {
List<Classifier> clList = instList.get(i).getClassifiers();
if (clList.size() > 0) {
Stereotype st = clList.get(0).getAppliedStereotype(stName);
if (st != null && !instList.get(i).getNearestPackage().getName().endsWith("_full")) {
return componentInstanceList;
* Gets the list of slots that require an interface from a list of instances
* @param instList the list of instances
* @param stName the stereotype name. Must be "MARTE::MARTE_DesignModel::GCM::ClientServerPort"
* @return the list of slots that require an interface
public List<Slot> getRequiredInterfaceSlotList(List<InstanceSpecification> instList, String stName) {
ArrayList<Slot> reqInterfaceSlotList = new ArrayList<Slot>();
for (int i=0; i<instList.size(); i++) {
List<Slot> slList = instList.get(i).getSlots();
for (int j=0; j<slList.size(); j++) {
if (slList.get(j).getDefiningFeature() instanceof Port) {
Port pt = (Port) slList.get(j).getDefiningFeature();
Stereotype st = pt.getAppliedStereotype(stName);
if (st != null) {
ClientServerPort csp = (ClientServerPort) pt.getStereotypeApplication(st);
if (csp.getKind() == ClientServerKind.REQUIRED) {
// the list of all RI
return reqInterfaceSlotList;
* Gets the list of slots that require an interface from a single instance
* @param instList the InstanceSpecfication
* @param stName the stereotype name. Must be "MARTE::MARTE_DesignModel::GCM::ClientServerPort"
* @return the list of slots that require an interface
public List<Slot> getInstanceRequiredInterfaceSlotList(InstanceSpecification inst, String stName) {
ArrayList<Slot> reqInterfaceSlotList = new ArrayList<Slot>();
List<Slot> slList = inst.getSlots();
for (int j=0; j<slList.size(); j++) {
if (slList.get(j).getDefiningFeature() instanceof Port) {
Port pt = (Port) slList.get(j).getDefiningFeature();
Stereotype st = pt.getAppliedStereotype(stName);
if (st != null) {
ClientServerPort csp = (ClientServerPort) pt.getStereotypeApplication(st);
if (csp.getKind() == ClientServerKind.REQUIRED) {
// the list of all RI slots of the instance specification
return reqInterfaceSlotList;
* Gets the list of slots that provide an interface from a list of instances
* @param instList the list of instances
* @param stName the stereotype name. Must be "MARTE::MARTE_DesignModel::GCM::ClientServerPort"
* @return the list of slots that provide an interface
public List<Slot> getProvidedInterfaceSlotList(List<InstanceSpecification> instList, String stName) {
ArrayList<Slot> provInterfaceSlotList = new ArrayList<Slot>();
for (int i=0; i<instList.size(); i++) {
List<Slot> slList = instList.get(i).getSlots();
for (int j=0; j<slList.size(); j++) {
if (slList.get(j).getDefiningFeature() instanceof Port) {
Port pt = (Port) slList.get(j).getDefiningFeature();
Stereotype st = pt.getAppliedStereotype(stName);
if (st != null) {
ClientServerPort csp = (ClientServerPort) pt.getStereotypeApplication(st);
if (csp.getKind() == ClientServerKind.PROVIDED) {
// the list of all RI
return provInterfaceSlotList;
* Gets the list of slots that provide an interface from a single instance
* @param instList the InstanceSpecfication
* @param stName the stereotype name. Must be "MARTE::MARTE_DesignModel::GCM::ClientServerPort"
* @return the list of slots that provide an interface
public List<Slot> getInstanceProvidedInterfaceSlotList(InstanceSpecification inst, String stName) {
ArrayList<Slot> provInterfaceSlotList = new ArrayList<Slot>();
List<Slot> slList = inst.getSlots();
for (int j=0; j<slList.size(); j++) {
if (slList.get(j).getDefiningFeature() instanceof Port) {
Port pt = (Port) slList.get(j).getDefiningFeature();
Stereotype st = pt.getAppliedStereotype(stName);
if (st != null) {
ClientServerPort csp = (ClientServerPort) pt.getStereotypeApplication(st);
if (csp.getKind() == ClientServerKind.PROVIDED) {
// the list of all RI slots of the instance specification
return provInterfaceSlotList;
* Gets the connector inst list.
* @param instList the inst list
* @param stName the st name
* @return the connector inst list
public List<InstanceSpecification> getConnectorInstList(List<InstanceSpecification> instList, String stName) {
ArrayList<InstanceSpecification> connectorInstList = new ArrayList<InstanceSpecification>();
for (int i=0; i<instList.size(); i++) {
if (instList.get(i).getClassifiers().size()==0) {
List<Slot> slList = instList.get(i).getSlots();
if (slList.size() > 0) {
Port pt = (Port) slList.get(0).getDefiningFeature();
Stereotype st = pt.getAppliedStereotype(stName);
// check if the defining feature is a <<ClientServerPort>>
if (st != null) {
return connectorInstList;
* Gets the component impl list.
* @param compList the comp list
* @param stName the st name
* @return the component impl list
public List<Component> getComponentImplList(List<Component> compList, String stName) {
ArrayList<Component> compImplList = new ArrayList<Component>();
for (int i=0; i<compList.size(); i++) {
Stereotype st = compList.get(i).getAppliedStereotype(stName);
// check if it is a <<ComponentImplementation>>
if (st != null) {
return compImplList;
* Gets the provided slot bounded to the given slot
* @param sl the given slot
* @param connectorInstList the list of connector instances
* @return the bounded provided slot
public Slot getBoundPIslot(Slot sl, List<InstanceSpecification> connectorInstList) {
// All methods based on equality between slot fail (indexOf, contains, etc..)
// Check that definingFeature and owningInstance of the slot are matching
for (int i=0; i<connectorInstList.size(); i++) {
List<Slot> slotList = connectorInstList.get(i).getSlots();
List<Slot> targetInstanceSlotList = null;
Slot targetSlot = null;
// 2 slots are included in the instance of the connecto.
Slot slot0 = slotList.get(0);
Slot slot1 = slotList.get(1);
if (slot0.getDefiningFeature().equals(sl.getDefiningFeature())) {
List<ValueSpecification> vsList = slot0.getValues();
InstanceValue iv = (InstanceValue) vsList.get(0);
if (sl.getOwningInstance().equals(iv.getInstance())) {
//slot1 is the slot in the instance of the connector
//we must return the slot in the instance of the component instance!
vsList = slot1.getValues();
iv = (InstanceValue) vsList.get(0);
InstanceSpecification targetIs = iv.getInstance();
targetInstanceSlotList = targetIs.getSlots();
for (int j = 0; j < targetInstanceSlotList.size(); j++) {
targetSlot = targetInstanceSlotList.get(j);
if (targetSlot.getDefiningFeature().equals(slot1.getDefiningFeature())) {
return targetSlot;
} else if (slot1.getDefiningFeature().equals(sl.getDefiningFeature())) {
List<ValueSpecification> vsList = slot1.getValues();
InstanceValue iv = (InstanceValue) vsList.get(0);
if (sl.getOwningInstance().equals(iv.getInstance())) {
//slot0 is the slot in the instance of the connector
//we must return the slot in the instance of the component instance!
vsList = slot0.getValues();
iv = (InstanceValue) vsList.get(0);
InstanceSpecification targetIs = iv.getInstance();
targetInstanceSlotList = targetIs.getSlots();
for (int j = 0; j < targetInstanceSlotList.size(); j++) {
targetSlot = targetInstanceSlotList.get(j);
if (targetSlot.getDefiningFeature().equals(slot0.getDefiningFeature())) {
return targetSlot;
return sl;
* Gets the required slots bounded to the given slot
* @param sl the given slot
* @param connectorInstList the list of connector instances
* @return the bounded required slots list
public List<Slot> getBoundRIslotList(Slot sl, List<InstanceSpecification> connectorInstList) {
List<Slot> boundRIslotList = new ArrayList<Slot>();
// Check that definingFeature and owningInstance of the slot are matching
for (int i=0; i<connectorInstList.size(); i++) {
List<Slot> slotList = connectorInstList.get(i).getSlots();
List<Slot> targetInstanceSlotList = null;
Slot targetSlot = null;
// 2 slots are included in the instance of the connector.
Slot slot0 = slotList.get(0);
Slot slot1 = slotList.get(1);
if (slot0.getDefiningFeature().equals(sl.getDefiningFeature())) {
List<ValueSpecification> vsList = slot0.getValues();
InstanceValue iv = (InstanceValue) vsList.get(0);
if (sl.getOwningInstance().equals(iv.getInstance())) {
//slot1 is the slot in the instance of the connector
//we must return the corresponding slot in the instance of the component instance!
vsList = slot1.getValues();
iv = (InstanceValue) vsList.get(0);
InstanceSpecification targetIs = iv.getInstance();
targetInstanceSlotList = targetIs.getSlots();
for (int j = 0; j < targetInstanceSlotList.size(); j++) {
targetSlot = targetInstanceSlotList.get(j);
if (targetSlot.getDefiningFeature().equals(slot1.getDefiningFeature())) {
} else if (slot1.getDefiningFeature().equals(sl.getDefiningFeature())) {
List<ValueSpecification> vsList = slot1.getValues();
InstanceValue iv = (InstanceValue) vsList.get(0);
if (sl.getOwningInstance().equals(iv.getInstance())) {
//slot0 is the slot in the instance of the connector
//we must return the corresponding slot in the instance of the component instance!
vsList = slot0.getValues();
iv = (InstanceValue) vsList.get(0);
InstanceSpecification targetIs = iv.getInstance();
targetInstanceSlotList = targetIs.getSlots();
for (int j = 0; j < targetInstanceSlotList.size(); j++) {
targetSlot = targetInstanceSlotList.get(j);
if (targetSlot.getDefiningFeature().equals(slot0.getDefiningFeature())) {
return boundRIslotList;
* Checks if the given operation is cyclic
* @param slotList the list of slots in the model
* @param op the operation
* @param stName unused
* @return true, if the operation cyclic
public boolean isCyclicOperation(List<Slot> slotList, Operation op, String stName) {
CHRtPortSlot chrtPs = null;
Slot slot = null;
for (int i=0; i < slotList.size(); i++) {
slot = (Slot) slotList.get(i);
List<Stereotype> stList = slot.getAppliedStereotypes();
if (! stList.isEmpty()) {
chrtPs = (CHRtPortSlot) slot.getStereotypeApplication(stList.get(0));
List<CHRtSpecification> CHRtSpecList = chrtPs.getCH_RtSpecification();
for (int j=0; j < CHRtSpecList.size(); j++) {
Operation myOp = (Operation) CHRtSpecList.get(j).getContext();
if (myOp.equals(op)) {
String occKind = chrtPs.getCH_RtSpecification().get(j).getOccKind();
if (occKind != null) {
if (occKind.startsWith("periodic")) {
return true;
return false;
* Gets the list of operations called by the given operation.
* @param op the given operation
* @return the list of called operations
public List<CallOperationAction> getCalledOperation(Operation op) {
ArrayList<CallOperationAction> coaList = new ArrayList<CallOperationAction>();
List<Behavior> bhList = op.getMethods();
if (bhList.size() > 0) {
for (int i=0; i < bhList.size(); i++) {
if (bhList.get(i) instanceof Activity) {
List<ActivityNode> actNodeList = ((Activity) bhList.get(i)).getNodes();
for (int j=0; j < actNodeList.size(); j++) {
if (actNodeList.get(j) instanceof CallOperationAction) {
coaList.add((CallOperationAction) actNodeList.get(j));
return coaList;
* Checks if two operation are equal to each other according to the following criteria:
* name, visibility, size of parameter list
* type of parameters, name of parameters
* isAbstract is purposely not considered
* @param op1 the first operation
* @param op2 the second operation
* @return true, two operation are equal to each other
public boolean isSameOperation(Operation op1, Operation op2) {
if (! op1.getName().equals(op2.getName())) {
return false;
if (! op1.getVisibility().equals(op2.getVisibility())) {
return false;
List<Parameter> paramList1 = op1.getOwnedParameters();
List<Parameter> paramList2 = op2.getOwnedParameters();
if (paramList1.size() != paramList2.size()) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < paramList1.size(); i++) {
Parameter par1 = paramList1.get(i);
Parameter par2 = paramList2.get(i);
//par1.getType().equals(par2.getType()) unexpectedly fails
//replacing it with a very reliable check on names
if (! par1.getType().getName().equals(par2.getType().getName())) {
return false;
if (! par1.getName().equals(par2.getName())) {
return false;
if (! par1.getDirection().equals(par2.getDirection())) {
return false;
return true;
* Gets the interface containing the given operation searching in the list of provided interfaces
* @param op the given operation
* @param ptList the list of ports. Used to get the list of provided interfaces
* @param stName the stereotype name
* @return the interface containing the given operation
public Interface getInterface(Operation op, List<Port> ptList, String stName) {
List<Interface> interfaceList = getProvidedInterfaceList(ptList, stName);
for (int i=0; i < interfaceList.size(); i++) {
Interface myIf = interfaceList.get(i);
List<Operation> opList = myIf.getOperations();
for (int j=0; j < opList.size(); j++) {
if ( isSameOperation(op, opList.get(j))) {
return myIf;
return null;
* Checks if is data type with required.
* Checks if the generated code requires a "with DataTypes;" clause
* @param aInt the Interface
* @return true, if "with DataTypes;" clause is required
public boolean isDataTypeWithRequired(Interface aInt) {
List<Operation> opList = aInt.getOwnedOperations();
for (int i=0; i < opList.size(); i++) {
List<Parameter> parList = opList.get(i).getOwnedParameters();
for (int j=0; j < parList.size(); j++) {
Parameter par = parList.get(j);
if (! (par.getName().equals("Integer") || par.getName().equals("Float") ||
par.getName().equals("Natural") )) {
return true;
return false;
* Gets the implementation language from a given ComponentImplementation.
* @param c the given ComponentImplementation
* @param stName the stereotype name
* @return the implementation language String
public String getImplementationLanguage(Component c, String stName) {
Stereotype cImplSt = c.getAppliedStereotype(stName);
ComponentImplementation cImpl = (ComponentImplementation) c.getStereotypeApplication(cImplSt);
String lang = cImpl.getLanguage();
if (lang == null) {
return "Ada";
} else {
return lang;
* Converts, if possible, an Ada data type to a C data type.
* @param type the Ada type
* @return the C type as String
public String adaTypeToCtype(Type type) {
if (type instanceof PrimitiveType && type.getName().equals("Integer")) {
return "int";
} else if (type instanceof PrimitiveType && type.getName().equals("Float")) {
return "float";
} else if (type instanceof PrimitiveType && type.getName().equals("Boolean")) {
return "bool";
} //else if (type instanceof Enumeration) {
// return "int";
// assumes that the datatype have been defined in the datatype package
return type.getName();
* Checks if there is at least one ComponentImplementation with language equals to C or C++
* @param lComp the list of ComponentImplementation
* @param stName the stereotype name
* @return true if there is at least one ComponentImplementation with language equals to C or C++
public Boolean hasCimplementation(List<Component> lComp, String stName) {
for (int i=0; i < lComp.size(); i++) {
Stereotype compImplSt = lComp.get(i).getAppliedStereotype(stName);
if (compImplSt != null) {
ComponentImplementation cImpl = (ComponentImplementation) lComp.get(i).getStereotypeApplication(compImplSt);
if (cImpl.getLanguage().equals("C") || (cImpl.getLanguage().equals("C++"))) {
return true;
// all component implementations are realized in Ada
return false;
* Gets the list of called operation (CalledOperationAction) from the given Activity.
* @param act the Activity
* @return the list of called operations
public List<CallOperationAction> getCalledOperationList(Activity act) {
ArrayList<CallOperationAction> coaList = new ArrayList<CallOperationAction>();
List<ActivityNode> actNodeList = act.getNodes();
ActivityNode actNode = null;
ControlFlow cf = null;
boolean finalNodeFound = false;
for (int j=0; j < actNodeList.size(); j++) {
if (actNodeList.get(j) instanceof InitialNode) {
actNode = (InitialNode) actNodeList.get(j);
// iNode contains the initial node of a well-specified activity diagram
while (! finalNodeFound) {
cf = (ControlFlow) actNode.getOutgoings().get(0);
if (cf.getTarget() instanceof CallOperationAction) {
actNode = (CallOperationAction) cf.getTarget();
coaList.add((CallOperationAction) actNode);
} else if (cf.getTarget() instanceof ActivityFinalNode){
finalNodeFound = true;
} else {
return null;
return coaList;
* Gets the the Intra-Component Binding (ICB) Activity of the given Operation
* @param op the operation
* @return the ICB Activity
public Activity getICB(Operation op) {
List<Behavior> bhList = op.getMethods();
for (int i=0; i<bhList.size(); i++) {
if (bhList.get(i) instanceof Activity) {
return (Activity) bhList.get(i);
return null;
* Gets the component instance list.
* @param cImpl the c impl
* @param allIsList the all is list
* @return the component instance list
public List<InstanceSpecification> getComponentInstanceList(Component cImpl, List<InstanceSpecification> allIsList) {
ArrayList<InstanceSpecification> isList = new ArrayList<InstanceSpecification>();
for (int i=0; i<allIsList.size(); i++) {
if (allIsList.get(i).getClassifiers().get(0).equals(cImpl)) {
return isList;
// Deployment related services
* Checks if the system is single node.
* @param allIsList the list of all the instances
* @param stName the stereotype name
* @return true if the system is single node, false if it is multi node (distributed)
public Boolean isSingleNodeSystem(List<InstanceSpecification> allIsList, String stName) {
InstanceSpecification processingNode = null;
Stereotype st = null;
for (int i=0; i < allIsList.size(); i++) {
st = allIsList.get(i).getAppliedStereotype(stName);
if (st != null) {
if (processingNode == null) {
processingNode = allIsList.get(i);
} else {
if (! allIsList.get(i).equals(processingNode)) {
return false;
return true;
* Gets the list of processing nodes.
* @param allIsList the list of all the instances
* @param stName the the stereotype name
* @return the list of processing nodes.
public List<InstanceSpecification> getProcessingNodeList(List<InstanceSpecification> allIsList, String stName) {
ArrayList<InstanceSpecification> pnList = new ArrayList<InstanceSpecification>();
Stereotype st = null;
for (int i=0; i < allIsList.size(); i++) {
st = allIsList.get(i).getAppliedStereotype(stName);
if (st != null) {
return pnList;
* Gets the instance specification deployed to the given instance specification hw node.
* @param node the given hw node
* @param commList the list of comments (assigns)
* @param stName the stereotype name
* @return list of instance specification deployed
public List<InstanceSpecification> getNodeInstanceSpecification(InstanceSpecification node, List<Comment> commList, String stName) {
ArrayList<InstanceSpecification> isList = new ArrayList<InstanceSpecification>();
Stereotype st = null;
Assign ass = null;
for (int i=0; i < commList.size(); i++) {
st = commList.get(i).getAppliedStereotype(stName);
if (st != null) {
ass = (Assign) commList.get(i).getStereotypeApplication(st);
if (ass.getTo().get(0).equals(node)) {
InstanceSpecification fromInst = (InstanceSpecification) ass.getFrom().get(0);
return isList;
* Gets the list of component implementations from the given list of instance specifications.
* (it should be the list of deployed instances @see UML2Service.getNodeInstanceSpecification)
* @param isList the the list of instance specifications
* @param stName the stereotype name
* @return the list of component implementations
public List<Component> getNodeComponentImplementationList(List<InstanceSpecification> isList, String stName) {
ArrayList<Component> cImplList = new ArrayList<Component>();
Component cImpl = null;
for (int i=0; i < isList.size(); i++) {
if (isList.get(i).getClassifiers().get(0) instanceof Component) {
cImpl = (Component) isList.get(i).getClassifiers().get(0);
if (cImpl.getAppliedStereotype(stName) != null) {
return cImplList;
* Gets the list of component types from the given list of component implementations
* @param cImplList the list of component implementations
* @param stName the stereotype name
* @return the list of component types
public List<Component> getNodeComponentTypeList(List<Component> cImplList, String stName) {
ArrayList<Component> cTypeList = new ArrayList<Component>();
Component cType = null;
for (int i=0; i < cImplList.size(); i++) {
if (cImplList.get(i).getClientDependencies().get(0).getSuppliers().get(0) instanceof Component) {
cType = (Component) cImplList.get(i).getClientDependencies().get(0).getSuppliers().get(0);
if (cType.getAppliedStereotype(stName) != null) {
return cTypeList;
* Gets the list of component types from the given list of component implementations
* @param cImplList the list of component implementations
* @param stName the stereotype name
* @return the list of component types
public List<Component> getAllComponentTypeList(List<Component> allComponentList, String stName) {
ArrayList<Component> cTypeList = new ArrayList<Component>();
for (int i=0; i < allComponentList.size(); i++) {
if (allComponentList.get(i).getAppliedStereotype(stName) != null) {
return cTypeList;
* Gets the list of interfaces from the given list of component types
* @param cImplList the list of component types
* @param stName the stereotype name
* @return the list of interfaces
public List<Interface> getNodeInterfaceList(List<Component> cTypeList, String stName) {
ArrayList<Interface> ifList = new ArrayList<Interface>();
Stereotype st = null;
for (int i=0; i < cTypeList.size(); i++) {
List<Property> pList = cTypeList.get(i).getOwnedAttributes();
ClientServerPort csp = null;
if (pList != null) {
for (int j=0; j < pList.size(); j++) {
if (pList.get(j) instanceof Port) {
st = pList.get(j).getAppliedStereotype(stName);
if (st != null) {
csp = (ClientServerPort) pList.get(j).getStereotypeApplication(st);
if (csp.getKind().equals(ClientServerKind.PROVIDED)) {
if (csp.getProvInterface().get(0) != null) {
} else if (csp.getKind().equals(ClientServerKind.REQUIRED)) {
if (csp.getReqInterface().get(0) != null) {
return ifList;
* Gets the deployment processing node.
* @param sl the given slot
* @param commList the list of comments (Assigns)
* @param stName the stereotype name
* @return the deployment processing node
public InstanceSpecification getDeploymentProcessingNode(Slot sl, List<Comment> commList, String stName) {
Stereotype st = null;
Assign assign = null;
for (int i=0; i < commList.size(); i++) {
st = commList.get(i).getAppliedStereotype(stName);
if (st != null) {
assign = (Assign) commList.get(i).getStereotypeApplication(st);
if (assign.getFrom() != null && assign.getTo() != null) {
if (assign.getTo().get(0) instanceof InstanceSpecification &&
assign.getFrom().get(0) instanceof InstanceSpecification) {
if (assign.getFrom().get(0).equals(sl.getOwningInstance())) {
return (InstanceSpecification) assign.getTo().get(0);
return null;
* Checks if the remote communication is necessary.
* @param slList the list of slots
* @param procNode the processing node (@see UML2Service.getDeploymentProcessingNode)
* @param commList the list of comments
* @param stName the stereotype name
* @return true if remote communication is necessary, false otherwise
public Boolean isRemoteCommNecessary (List<Slot> slList, InstanceSpecification procNode,
List<Comment> commList, String stName) {
for (int i=0; i < slList.size(); i++) {
if (! this.getDeploymentProcessingNode(slList.get(i), commList, stName).equals(procNode)){
return true;
return false;
* Gets the provided operation list.
* @param cTypeList the list of component types
* @param stName the stereotype name
* @return the list of provided operations
public List<Operation> getProvidedOperationList (List<Component> cTypeList, String stName) {
ArrayList<Operation> opList = new ArrayList<Operation>();
Stereotype st = null;
Port pt = null;
Interface myIf = null;
for (int i=0; i < cTypeList.size(); i++) {
List<Property> pList = cTypeList.get(i).getOwnedAttributes();
for (int j=0; j < pList.size(); j++) {
if (pList.get(j) instanceof Port) {
pt = (Port) pList.get(j);
st = pt.getAppliedStereotype(stName);
ClientServerPort csp = (ClientServerPort) pt.getStereotypeApplication(st);
if (csp == null) //flow-port case
if (csp.getKind().equals(ClientServerKind.PROVIDED)) {
myIf = csp.getProvInterface().get(0);
List<Operation> ifOpList = myIf.getOwnedOperations();
for (int k=0; k < ifOpList.size(); k++) {
return opList;
* Gets the remote required slot list.
* @param riSlotList the required slot list
* @param procNode the processing node
* @param connectorInstList the connector instance list
* @param commList the list of comments
* @param assignStName the assign stereotype name
* @return the remote required slot list
public List<Slot> getRemoteRIslotList(List<Slot> riSlotList, InstanceSpecification procNode,
List<InstanceSpecification> connectorInstList, List<Comment> commList,
String assignStName) {
ArrayList<Slot> remoteRIslotList = new ArrayList<Slot>();
Slot boundSlot = null;
for (int i=0; i<riSlotList.size(); i++) {
boundSlot = getBoundPIslot(riSlotList.get(i), connectorInstList);
if (! getDeploymentProcessingNode(boundSlot, commList, assignStName).equals(procNode)) {
if (! remoteRIslotList.contains(boundSlot)) {
return remoteRIslotList;
* Checks if remote msg client is necessary.
* @param riSlotList the required slot list
* @param procNode the processing node
* @param connectorInstList the connector instance list
* @param commList the list of comments
* @param assignStName the assign stereotype name
* @return true if remote msg client is necessary, false otherwise
public Boolean isRemoteMsgClientNecessary(List<Slot> riSlotList, InstanceSpecification procNode,
List<InstanceSpecification> connectorInstList, List<Comment> commList, String assignStName) {
Slot boundSlot = null;
for (int i = 0; i < riSlotList.size(); i++) {
boundSlot = getBoundPIslot(riSlotList.get(i), connectorInstList);
if (!getDeploymentProcessingNode(boundSlot, commList, assignStName).equals(procNode)) {
return true;
// all RI slots are connected to PI of instances deployed on the same processor node
return false;
* Checks if remote msg server is necessary.
* @param slList the slot list
* @param procNode the processing node
* @param connectorInstList the connector instance list
* @param commList the list of comments
* @param stName the stereotype name
* @return true if remote msg server is necessary, false otherwise
public Boolean isRemoteMsgServerNecessary (List<Slot> slList, InstanceSpecification procNode,
List<InstanceSpecification> connectorInstList, List<Comment> commList, String stName) {
List<Slot> boundSlotList = null;
for (int i=0; i < slList.size(); i++) {
boundSlotList = getBoundRIslotList(slList.get(i), connectorInstList);
for (int j=0; j < boundSlotList.size(); j++) {
if (! this.getDeploymentProcessingNode(boundSlotList.get(j), commList, stName).equals(procNode)){
return true;
return false;
* Check whether to use sequence id.
* @param sl the slot
* @param connectorInstList the list of connector instances
* @param connectorList the list of connectors
* @param stName the stereotype name
* @return true if sequence id is used, false otherwise
public Boolean useSequenceID(Slot sl, List<InstanceSpecification> connectorInstList,
List<Connector> connectorList, String stName) {
// Check that definingFeature and owningInstance of the slot are matching
for (int i=0; i<connectorInstList.size(); i++) {
List<Slot> slotList = connectorInstList.get(i).getSlots();
// 2 slots are included in the instance of the connector.
Slot slot0 = slotList.get(0);
Slot slot1 = slotList.get(1);
if (slot0.getDefiningFeature().equals(sl.getDefiningFeature())) {
List<ValueSpecification> vsList = slot0.getValues();
InstanceValue iv = (InstanceValue) vsList.get(0);
if (sl.getOwningInstance().equals(iv.getInstance())) {
return isTransmissionWithSequenceID(slot0, slot1, connectorList, stName);
} else if (slot1.getDefiningFeature().equals(sl.getDefiningFeature())) {
List<ValueSpecification> vsList = slot1.getValues();
InstanceValue iv = (InstanceValue) vsList.get(0);
if (sl.getOwningInstance().equals(iv.getInstance())) {
return isTransmissionWithSequenceID(slot0, slot1, connectorList, stName);
return false;
* Checks if the connector has transmission with sequence id.
* @param slot0 the first slot
* @param slot1 the second slot
* @param connectorList the list of connectors
* @param stName the stereotype name
* @return true if the connector has transmission with sequence id, false otherwise
public Boolean isTransmissionWithSequenceID(Slot slot0, Slot slot1, List<Connector> connectorList, String stName) {
// assessing whether the connector has a "TransmissionWithProtocol" stereotype on it
List<ConnectorEnd> ctEndList = null;
for (int i=0; i < connectorList.size(); i++) {
ctEndList = connectorList.get(i).getEnds();
ConnectorEnd ce0 = ctEndList.get(0);
ConnectorEnd ce1 = ctEndList.get(1);
if ((ce0.getRole().equals(slot0.getDefiningFeature()) || ce1.getRole().equals(slot0.getDefiningFeature()))
(ce0.getRole().equals(slot1.getDefiningFeature()) || ce1.getRole().equals(slot1.getDefiningFeature()))) {
Stereotype st = connectorList.get(i).getAppliedStereotype(stName);
if (st == null) {
return false;
} else {
TransmissionWithProtocol twp = (TransmissionWithProtocol) connectorList.get(i).getStereotypeApplication(st);
return twp.isUseSeqID();
return false;
* Gets the CRC library.
* @param sl the slot
* @param connectorInstList the list of connector instances
* @param connectorList the list of connectors
* @param stName the stereotype name
* @return the CRC library
public String getCRClib(Slot sl, List<InstanceSpecification> connectorInstList,
List<Connector> connectorList, String stName) {
// Check that definingFeature and owningInstance of the slot are matching
for (int i=0; i<connectorInstList.size(); i++) {
List<Slot> slotList = connectorInstList.get(i).getSlots();
// 2 slots are included in the instance of the connector.
Slot slot0 = slotList.get(0);
Slot slot1 = slotList.get(1);
if (slot0.getDefiningFeature().equals(sl.getDefiningFeature())) {
List<ValueSpecification> vsList = slot0.getValues();
InstanceValue iv = (InstanceValue) vsList.get(0);
if (sl.getOwningInstance().equals(iv.getInstance())) {
return getTransmissionWithCRC(slot0, slot1, connectorList, stName);
} else if (slot1.getDefiningFeature().equals(sl.getDefiningFeature())) {
List<ValueSpecification> vsList = slot1.getValues();
InstanceValue iv = (InstanceValue) vsList.get(0);
if (sl.getOwningInstance().equals(iv.getInstance())) {
return getTransmissionWithCRC(slot0, slot1, connectorList, stName);
return "";
* Gets the transmission with CRC.
* @param slot0 the first slot
* @param slot1 the second slot
* @param connectorList the list of connectors
* @param stName the stereotype name
* @return the transmission with CRC
public String getTransmissionWithCRC(Slot slot0, Slot slot1, List<Connector> connectorList, String stName) {
// assessing whether the connector has a "TransmissionWithProtocol" stereotype on it
List<ConnectorEnd> ctEndList = null;
for (int i=0; i < connectorList.size(); i++) {
ctEndList = connectorList.get(i).getEnds();
ConnectorEnd ce0 = ctEndList.get(0);
ConnectorEnd ce1 = ctEndList.get(1);
if ((ce0.getRole().equals(slot0.getDefiningFeature()) || ce1.getRole().equals(slot0.getDefiningFeature()))
(ce0.getRole().equals(slot1.getDefiningFeature()) || ce1.getRole().equals(slot1.getDefiningFeature()))) {
Stereotype st = connectorList.get(i).getAppliedStereotype(stName);
if (st == null) {
return "";
} else {
TransmissionWithProtocol twp = (TransmissionWithProtocol) connectorList.get(i).getStereotypeApplication(st);
return twp.getCRC();
return "";
* Gets the Papyrus documentation of an element
* @param elem the Element
* @return the documentation as a String
public String getDocumentation(NamedElement elem){
String docString = "";
EList<Comment> comments = elem.getOwnedComments();
for (Comment comment : comments) {
Stereotype documentation = comment.getAppliedStereotype(DOCSTEREO);
if(documentation != null){
docString = comment.getBody();
String commented = "";
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(docString);
while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
String line = scanner.nextLine();
commented += ("-- " + line + System.getProperty("line.separator"));
return commented;
* Gets the tuple attributes of a MARTE's TupleType stereotype.
* @param dt the data type
* @param stereo the stereotype (TupleType)
* @return the list of proerties that are the tuple attributes
public List<Property> getTupleAttributes(DataType dt, Stereotype stereo){
TupleType tuple = (TupleType) dt.getStereotypeApplication(stereo);
return tuple.getTupleAttrib() ;
* checks if the operation generates a function in Ada.
* it's a function if there's one and only one parameter with direction "return"
* @param op the operation
* @return true if it's a function, false otherwise (it is a procedure)
public Boolean isFunction(Operation op){
Boolean res = false;
int retCount = 0;
for (Parameter par : op.getOwnedParameters()) {
if(retCount == 1){
res = true;
return res;
* Gets the return parameter of a given operation.
* The given operation must be a function (@see UML2Service.isFunction).
* @param op the given Operation
* @return the return parameter of the operation
public Parameter getReturnParam(Operation op){
Parameter param = null;
for (Parameter par : op.getOwnedParameters()) {
if(par.getDirection().toString().equals("return")) param = par;
return param;