blob: 0ff0d9c4f8d635f5df1727b36051067953374588 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 Fondazione Bruno Kessler.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Luca Cristoforetti - initial API and implementation
package org.polarsys.chess.diagramsCreator.commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.AbstractHandler;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionEvent;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionException;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.RecordingCommand;
import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.TransactionalEditingDomain;
import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.util.TransactionUtil;
import org.eclipse.gef.commands.Command;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.editparts.IGraphicalEditPart;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.ArrangeRequest;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Bounds;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.gmfdiag.css.CSSShapeImpl;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Property;
import org.polarsys.chess.service.gui.utils.SelectionUtil;
* A class that arranges the graphical elements inside the diagram (via arrange all command) and
* resizes the main block if requested. Used for both IBDs and BDD.
* No more used since ELK.
* @author cristofo
public class ArrangeHandler extends AbstractHandler {
/** Int value that indicates the number of times to execute the command */
public static final String LOOP_TIMES = "loop_times";
/** Boolean flag that indicates whether the main diagram should be processed, or its main element */
public static final String PROCESS_DIAGRAM = "process_diagram";
* Resizes the given element depending on the contained components.
* @param element the element to resize
private void resizeElement(IGraphicalEditPart element) {
int maxX = 0;
int maxY = 0;
// Get the compartment edit part
IGraphicalEditPart compartmentEP = (IGraphicalEditPart) element.getChildren().get(1);
// Loop on all the edit parts
List<?>compartmentChildren = compartmentEP.getChildren();
for (Object childEP : compartmentChildren) {
// Get the UML element associated to the EP and look for properties
EObject semanticElement = ((IGraphicalEditPart) childEP).resolveSemanticElement();
if (semanticElement instanceof Property) {
// Get the size and position of the Property box
final CSSShapeImpl viewShape = (CSSShapeImpl) ((IGraphicalEditPart) childEP).getNotationView();
final Bounds layout = (Bounds) viewShape.getLayoutConstraint();
int x = layout.getX() + layout.getWidth();
int y = layout.getY() + layout.getHeight();
if (x > maxX) {
maxX = x;
if (y > maxY) {
maxY = y;
final int width = maxX + 100; // Needed to pass it to the inner class
final int heigth = maxY + 100; // Needed to pass it to the inner class
// Resize the main element to fit all the internal boxes
final TransactionalEditingDomain domain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain(element.getNotationView());
domain.getCommandStack().execute(new RecordingCommand(domain) {
protected void doExecute() {
final CSSShapeImpl viewShape = (CSSShapeImpl) ((IGraphicalEditPart) element).getNotationView();
final Bounds layout = (Bounds) viewShape.getLayoutConstraint();
// If needed, resize the box
if (layout.getWidth() < width) {
if (layout.getHeight() < heigth) {
public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
final List<IGraphicalEditPart> selection = new ArrayList<IGraphicalEditPart>();
final IGraphicalEditPart selectedEditPart = SelectionUtil.getInstance().getSelectedGraphicalObject(event);
// Read the parameter to understand what to arrange
final String processDiagram = event.getParameter(PROCESS_DIAGRAM);
if (processDiagram != null && processDiagram.equals("false")) {
// Get the EditPart of the main element
final IGraphicalEditPart elementEditPart = (IGraphicalEditPart) selectedEditPart.getChildren().get(0);
// Process the structure compartment of the main element
selection.add((IGraphicalEditPart) elementEditPart.getChildren().get(1));
} else {
// Process the main element
final ArrangeRequest request = new ArrangeRequest("arrangeAllAction"); //$NON-NLS-1$
final Command cmd = selection.get(0).getCommand(request);
// Retrieve the number of times to execute the command
int loopTimes = 1;
try {
loopTimes = Integer.parseInt(event.getParameter(LOOP_TIMES));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// No parameter given or NAN, just do one loop
// Call the command the given number of times
if (cmd != null && cmd.canExecute()) {
for (int i = 0; i < loopTimes; i++) {
// Resize the main element and not the diagram, if needed
if (processDiagram != null && processDiagram.equals("false")) {
resizeElement((IGraphicalEditPart) selectedEditPart.getChildren().get(0));
return null;