blob: 32d4d5dd57f8917da492dafa2faac45ea7733ba3 [file] [log] [blame]
- Copyright (c) 2015-2016 University of Padova, ITALY - Intecs SpA
- All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- Contributors:
- Alessandro Zovi
- Stefano Puri
- Laura Baracchi
- Nicholas Pacini
- Initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/package org.polarsys.chess.multicore.utils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.crypto.spec.OAEPParameterSpec;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.command.CommandStack;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Enumerator;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.TransactionalEditingDomain;
import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.util.TransactionUtil;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.MARTE.MARTE_DesignModel.HLAM.CallConcurrencyKind;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.MARTE.MARTE_DesignModel.HRM.HwLogical.HwDevice.HwDevice;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.MARTE.MARTE_Foundations.Alloc.Assign;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.MARTE.MARTE_Foundations.NFPs.NfpConstraint;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Activity;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ActivityNode;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.CallOperationAction;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Classifier;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Comment;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Component;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Constraint;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.InstanceSpecification;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.LiteralString;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Model;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.NamedElement;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Slot;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Stereotype;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ValueSpecification;
import org.polarsys.chess.chessmlprofile.ComponentModel.ComponentImplementation;
import org.polarsys.chess.chessmlprofile.ComponentModel.FunctionalPartition;
import org.polarsys.chess.chessmlprofile.Core.CHESS;
import org.polarsys.chess.chessmlprofile.Core.CHGaResourcePlatform;
import org.polarsys.chess.chessmlprofile.Core.FunctionalPartitions;
import org.polarsys.chess.chessmlprofile.Predictability.DeploymentConfiguration.HardwareBaseline.CH_HwProcessor;
import org.polarsys.chess.chessmlprofile.Predictability.RTComponentModel.CHRtPortSlot;
import org.polarsys.chess.chessmlprofile.Predictability.RTComponentModel.CHRtSpecification;
import org.polarsys.chess.chessmlprofile.util.Constants;
import org.polarsys.chess.core.profiles.CHESSProfileManager;
import org.polarsys.chess.core.util.uml.ModelError;
import org.polarsys.chess.core.util.uml.UMLUtils;
import org.polarsys.chess.multicore.model.CHCore;
import org.polarsys.chess.multicore.model.CHTask;
import org.polarsys.chess.validator.constraints.StringParser;
* The Class QueryUtils.
public class QueryUtils {
* The Class OccKindInfo.
public static class OccKindInfo {
/** The value. */
public double value;
/** The type. */
public String type;
/** The unit. */
public String unit;
/** The Constant MARTE_ASSIGN. */
private static final String MARTE_ASSIGN = "MARTE::MARTE_Foundations::Alloc::Assign";
/** The Constant MARTE_NFPCONSTRAINT. */
private static final String MARTE_NFPCONSTRAINT = "MARTE::MARTE_Foundations::NFPs::NfpConstraint";
public static final int COMPONENT_TO_PARTITION = 0;
/** The Constant PARTITION_TO_CORE. */
public static final int PARTITION_TO_CORE = 1;
/** The Constant COMPONENT_TO_CORE. */
public static final int COMPONENT_TO_CORE = 2;
/** The Constant TASK_TO_CORE. */
public static final int TASK_TO_CORE = 3;
* Gets the chess.
* @param umlModel the uml model
* @return the chess
public static CHESS getCHESS(Model umlModel) {
return UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(umlModel, CHESS.class);
* Gets the command stack.
* @param umlModel the uml model
* @return the command stack
public static CommandStack getCommandStack(Model umlModel) {
TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain(umlModel);
return editingDomain.getCommandStack();
* returns the component which owns the assigns from components to partitions.
* @param umlModel the uml model
* @return the partitions component
* @throws ModelError the model error
* @deprecated PartitionsComponent stereotype is deprecated
public static Component getPartitionsComponent(Model umlModel) throws ModelError {
// assumption: assigns are stored in the root SW system i.e. the one
// stereotyped with CHGaResourcePlatform
CHESS chess = getCHESS(umlModel);
Package componentViewP = chess.getComponentView().getBase_Package();
for (Element el : componentViewP.allOwnedElements()) {
if (el instanceof Component) {
Component c = (Component) el;
// LB 20150707 Next line to be reviewed based on considerations about
// partitions' component
boolean b = c.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Partitions");
b = b || UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(el, FunctionalPartitions.class) != null;
if (b)
return c;
throw new ModelError("Partitions component not found.");
* Given a Partition returns the list of Components that are assigned to it.
* @param partition the partition
* @param assignments the assignments
* @return the components assigned 2 partition
public static LinkedHashSet<Object> getComponentsAssigned2Partition(InstanceSpecification partition, EList<Assign> assignments) {
LinkedHashSet<Object> result = new LinkedHashSet<Object>();
for (Assign theAssignment : assignments) {
if (theAssignment != null) {
try {
if (theAssignment.getTo().contains((Object) partition) && (elementIsComponentInstance(theAssignment.getFrom().get(0)))) {
} catch (Exception e) {
// do nothing
return result;
* Deletes all the associations of the given type.
* @param parent the parent
public static void deleteAssociations(Component parent, int associationType) {
for (Object el : parent.getOwnedComments().toArray()) {
if (el instanceof Comment) {
Comment assignComment = (Comment) el;
Assign assign = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(assignComment, Assign.class);
// Only delete one kind of associations
try {
if ((assign != null && associationType == PARTITION_TO_CORE && (elementIsPartitionInstance(assign.getFrom().get(0))))
|| (assign != null && associationType == COMPONENT_TO_CORE && (elementIsComponentInstance(assign.getFrom().get(0))) && (elementIsProcessorInstance(assign.getTo().get(0))))
|| (assign != null && associationType == TASK_TO_CORE && (elementIsSlotInstance(assign.getFrom().get(0))) && (elementIsProcessorInstance(assign.getTo().get(0))))
|| (assign != null && associationType == COMPONENT_TO_PARTITION && (elementIsComponentInstance(assign.getFrom().get(0))) && (elementIsPartitionInstance(assign.getTo().get(0))))) {
if (assign != null && assign.getImpliedConstraint().size() > 0) {
for (Object c : assign.getImpliedConstraint().toArray()) {
if (c instanceof NfpConstraint) {
NfpConstraint n = (NfpConstraint) c;
} catch (Exception e) {
// 20160225 Always delete assignments where one end is null!
// for (Object el : parent.getOwnedRules().toArray()) {
// if (el instanceof Constraint) {
// Constraint assignComment = (Constraint) el;
// assignComment.destroy();
// }
// }
* Returns the CHTask associated to the given element (if this is a CHRTPortSlot).
* @param element the element
* @return task that corresponds to the input slot, if any
public static CHTask getTaskFromSlot(Element element) {
if (!(element instanceof Slot)) {
return null;
Slot slot = (Slot) element;
CHRtPortSlot chSlot = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(slot, CHRtPortSlot.class);
if (chSlot == null) {
return null;
EList<CHRtSpecification> chSpecs = chSlot.getCH_RtSpecification();
for (CHRtSpecification chRtSpecification : chSpecs) {
String occKind = chRtSpecification.getOccKind();
if (occKind != null && isOccKindSporadicOrPeriodic(occKind)) {
return new CHTask(chSlot, chRtSpecification);
return null;
* Returns all the CHTasks associated to the given element (if this is a CHRTPortSlot).
* @param element the element
* @return task that corresponds to the input slot, if any
private static EList<CHTask> getAllTasksFromSlot(Element element) {
EList<CHTask> chTaskList = new BasicEList<CHTask>();
if (!(element instanceof Slot)) {
return chTaskList;
Slot slot = (Slot) element;
CHRtPortSlot chSlot = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(slot, CHRtPortSlot.class);
if (chSlot == null) {
return chTaskList;
EList<CHRtSpecification> chSpecs = chSlot.getCH_RtSpecification();
for (CHRtSpecification chRtSpecification : chSpecs) {
String occKind = chRtSpecification.getOccKind();
if (occKind != null && isOccKindSporadicOrPeriodic(occKind)) {
chTaskList.add(new CHTask(chSlot, chRtSpecification));
// return new CHTask(chSlot, chRtSpecification);
return chTaskList;
* Element is slot instance.
* @param element the element
* @return true, if successful
public static boolean elementIsSlotInstance(Element element) {
return element instanceof Slot;
* Given a component, create all the Component to Partition Assignments.
* @param parent the parent
* @param result the result
public static void buildComponent2PartitionAssignment(Component parent, Map<InstanceSpecification, LinkedHashSet<Object>> result) {
for (InstanceSpecification partitionInst : result.keySet()) {
for (Object o : result.get(partitionInst)) {
if (o instanceof InstanceSpecification) {
InstanceSpecification componentInst = (InstanceSpecification) o;
Comment c = parent.createOwnedComment();
UMLUtils.applyStereotype(c, MARTE_ASSIGN);
Assign assign = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(c, Assign.class);
* Builds the core name.
* @param coreNumber the core number
* @return the string
public static String buildCoreName(int coreNumber) {
/* coreNumber starts from 0 */
return "core" + coreNumber;
* Create all the Partition to Core Assignments.
* @param parent the parent
* @param result the result
public static void buildPartition2CoreAssignments(Component parent, Map<CHCore, LinkedHashSet<Object>> result) {
for (CHCore core : result.keySet()) {
for (Object o : result.get(core)) {
if (o instanceof InstanceSpecification) {
InstanceSpecification partitionInst = (InstanceSpecification) o;
Comment c = parent.createOwnedComment();
UMLUtils.applyStereotype(c, MARTE_ASSIGN);
Assign assign = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(c, Assign.class);
Constraint n = parent.createOwnedRule(core.getName());
UMLUtils.applyStereotype(n, MARTE_NFPCONSTRAINT);
NfpConstraint rule = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(n, NfpConstraint.class);
ValueSpecification valueSpec = n.createSpecification("core", null, UMLPackage.Literals.LITERAL_STRING);
LiteralString value = (LiteralString) valueSpec;
* Returns the first CHGaResourcePlatform that is found inside the given package.
* @param cmpv the cmpv
* @return the one resource platform package
public static Package getOneResourcePlatformPackage(Package cmpv) {
/* breath-first search */
final LinkedList<Package> breadthFirstList = new LinkedList<Package>();
while (!breadthFirstList.isEmpty()) {
final Package candidate = breadthFirstList.poll();
CHGaResourcePlatform a = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(candidate, CHGaResourcePlatform.class);
if (a != null)
return candidate;
for (final Package p : candidate.getNestedPackages()) {
return null;
* Gets the resource platform package.
* @param cmpv the cmpv
* @return the resource platform package
* @deprecated This method returns only one platform package. In the newer
* version of CHESS there can be multiple platform packages.
* Replace with getResourcePlatformPackages
public static Package getResourcePlatformPackage(Package cmpv) {
/* breath-first search */
final LinkedList<Package> breadthFirstList = new LinkedList<Package>();
while (!breadthFirstList.isEmpty()) {
final Package candidate = breadthFirstList.poll();
CHGaResourcePlatform a = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(candidate, CHGaResourcePlatform.class);
if (a != null)
return candidate;
for (final Package p : candidate.getNestedPackages()) {
return null;
* Returns the list of CHGaResourcePlatforms found inside the view with the given name in the given model.
* @param umlModel the uml model
* @param viewName the view name
* @return the resource platform packages
* @throws ModelError the model error
public static EList<Package> getResourcePlatformPackages(Model umlModel, String viewName) throws ModelError {
Package pack = CHESSProfileManager.getViewByStereotype((Model) umlModel, viewName);
if (pack == null)
throw new ModelError(viewName + " not found.");
// Package cmpv
/* breath-first search */
EList<Package> result = new BasicEList<Package>();
final LinkedList<Package> breadthFirstList = new LinkedList<Package>();
while (!breadthFirstList.isEmpty()) {
final Package candidate = breadthFirstList.poll();
CHGaResourcePlatform a = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(candidate, CHGaResourcePlatform.class);
if (a != null)
// return candidate;
for (final Package p : candidate.getNestedPackages()) {
return result;
// return null;
* Returns the list of CHGaResourcePlatforms found inside the given Package.
* @param cmpv is the given package
* @return the resource platform packages
public static List<Package> getResourcePlatformPackages(Package cmpv) {
List<Package> candidates = new ArrayList<Package>();
/* breath-first search */
final LinkedList<Package> breadthFirstList = new LinkedList<Package>();
while (!breadthFirstList.isEmpty()) {
final Package candidate = breadthFirstList.poll();
CHGaResourcePlatform a = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(candidate, CHGaResourcePlatform.class);
if (a != null)
for (final Package p : candidate.getNestedPackages()) {
return candidates;
* Returns a Component that is stereotyped as CHGaResourcePlatform inside the view with the given name
* in the given model.
* @param umlModel the uml model
* @param viewName the view name
* @return the resource platform component
* @throws ModelError the model error
public static Component getResourcePlatformComponent(Model umlModel, String viewName) throws ModelError {
Package parent = CHESSProfileManager.getViewByStereotype(umlModel, viewName);
if (parent == null)
throw new ModelError(viewName + " not found.");
/* breath-first search */
final LinkedList<Element> breadthFirstList = new LinkedList<Element>();
while (!breadthFirstList.isEmpty()) {
final Element t = breadthFirstList.poll();
if (t instanceof Component) {
Component candidate = (Component) t;
CHGaResourcePlatform a = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(candidate, CHGaResourcePlatform.class);
if (a != null)
return candidate;
for (final Element e : t.getOwnedElements()) {
throw new ModelError("CHGaResourcePlatform not found in " + viewName + " view.");
* Returns true if the given InstanceSpecification is a functional Partition, false otherwise.
* @param e the e
* @return true, if is partition instance
public static boolean isPartitionInstance(InstanceSpecification e) {
for (Classifier c : e.getClassifiers()) {
if (UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(c, FunctionalPartition.class) != null)
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if the given InstanceSpecification is a ComponentImplementation, false otherwise.
* @param e the e
* @return true, if is component instance
public static boolean isComponentInstance(InstanceSpecification e) {
for (Classifier c : e.getClassifiers()) {
if (UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(c, ComponentImplementation.class) != null)
return true;
return false;
* Checks if is guarded.
* @param spec the spec
* @return true, if is guarded
public static boolean isGuarded(CHRtSpecification spec) {
return spec.getProtection().getName().equals(CallConcurrencyKind.GUARDED.getName());
* Checks if is occ kind sporadic or periodic.
* @param occKind the occ kind
* @return true, if is occ kind sporadic or periodic
public static boolean isOccKindSporadicOrPeriodic(String occKind) {
if (occKind == null)
return false;
return isOccKindSporadic(occKind) || isOccKindPeriodic(occKind);
* Checks if is occ kind sporadic.
* @param occKind the occ kind
* @return true, if is occ kind sporadic
public static boolean isOccKindSporadic(String occKind) {
String t = occKind.toLowerCase();
return t.matches(".*sporadic.*");
* Checks if is occ kind periodic.
* @param occKind the occ kind
* @return true, if is occ kind periodic
public static boolean isOccKindPeriodic(String occKind) {
String t = occKind.toLowerCase();
return t.matches(".*periodic.*");
* Returns the OccKindInfo that correspomnds to the input string.
* @param occKind the String with the occurrency kind information
* @return OccKindInfo
public static OccKindInfo getOccKindInfo(String occKind) {
StringParser sp = new StringParser();
OccKindInfo info = new OccKindInfo();
if (isOccKindSporadic(occKind)) {
info.value = sp.getValuePattern(occKind, "minInterarrival");
info.type = "sporadic";
info.unit = sp.getUnitPattern(occKind, "minInterarrival");
} else if (occKind.toLowerCase().matches(".*periodic.*")) {
info.value = sp.getValuePattern(occKind, "period");
info.unit = sp.getUnitPattern(occKind, "period");
info.type = "periodic";
} else {
return null;
return info;
* Returns a map with the Component to Partition assignments.
* @param umlModel the uml model
* @param parent the parent
* @return the map
* @throws ModelError the model error
public static Map<InstanceSpecification, Set<CHRtSpecification>> buildPartitionComponentMap(Model umlModel, Package parent) throws ModelError {
Map<InstanceSpecification, Set<CHRtSpecification>> map = new HashMap<InstanceSpecification, Set<CHRtSpecification>>();
EList<Assign> assignmentList = UMLUtils.getComponent2PartitionAssignments(umlModel, CHESSProfileManager.COMPONENT_VIEW);
if (!assignmentList.isEmpty()) {
for (Assign assign : assignmentList) {
if (assign == null)
for (Element i : assign.getFrom()) {
if (i instanceof InstanceSpecification) {
InstanceSpecification ii = (InstanceSpecification) i;
processComponentInstance(map, assign, ii);
return map;
* Returns a map with the Partition to Core assignments.
* @param umlModel the uml model
* @return the map
* @throws ModelError the model error
public static Map<String, Set<InstanceSpecification>> buildPartitionCoreMap(Model umlModel) throws ModelError {
Map<String, Set<InstanceSpecification>> map = new HashMap<String, Set<InstanceSpecification>>();
EList<Assign> assignmentList = UMLUtils.getPartition2CoreAssignments(umlModel, CHESSProfileManager.DEPLOYMENT_VIEW);
if (!assignmentList.isEmpty()) {
for (Assign assign : assignmentList) {
for (Element i : assign.getFrom()) {
if (i instanceof InstanceSpecification) {
processPartitionInstance(map, assign);
return map;
// public static Map<InstanceSpecification, Set<CHRtSpecification>>
// buildPartitionComponentMap(Component parent) {
// Map<InstanceSpecification, Set<CHRtSpecification>> map = new
// HashMap<InstanceSpecification, Set<CHRtSpecification>>();
// for (Comment el : parent.getOwnedComments()) {
// Comment assignComment = (Comment) el;
// Assign assign = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(assignComment,
// Assign.class);
// if (assign == null)
// continue;
// for (Element i : assign.getFrom()) {
// if (i instanceof InstanceSpecification) {
// InstanceSpecification ii = (InstanceSpecification) i;
// processComponentInstance(map, assign, ii);
// }
// }
// }
// return map;
// }
* Process partition instance.
* @param map the map
* @param assign the assign
private static void processPartitionInstance(Map<String, Set<InstanceSpecification>> map, Assign assign) {
try {
if (assign.getImpliedConstraint().size() > 0) {
for (Object c : assign.getImpliedConstraint().toArray()) {
if (c instanceof NfpConstraint) {
ValueSpecification x = ((NfpConstraint) c).getBase_Constraint().getSpecification();
if (x instanceof LiteralString) {
LiteralString s = (LiteralString) x;
String coreName = ((NamedElement) assign.getTo().get(0)).getName() + s.getValue();
InstanceSpecification part = (InstanceSpecification) assign.getFrom().get(0);
Set<InstanceSpecification> value = map.get(coreName);
if (value == null)
value = new HashSet<InstanceSpecification>();
map.put(coreName, value);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
* Process component instance.
* @param map the map
* @param assign the assign
* @param instanceSpec the instance spec
private static void processComponentInstance(Map<InstanceSpecification, Set<CHRtSpecification>> map, Assign assign, InstanceSpecification instanceSpec) {
for (Element element : instanceSpec.getOwnedElements()) {
if (element instanceof Slot) {
Slot slot = (Slot) element;
CHRtPortSlot chSlot = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(slot, CHRtPortSlot.class);
if (chSlot != null) {
EList<CHRtSpecification> chSpecs = chSlot.getCH_RtSpecification();
addToMap(map, assign.getTo(), chSpecs);
* Adds the to map.
* @param map the map
* @param to the to
* @param chSpecs the ch specs
/* add only periodic or sporadic components */
private static void addToMap(Map<InstanceSpecification, Set<CHRtSpecification>> map, EList<Element> to, EList<CHRtSpecification> chSpecs) {
for (Element partition : to) {
if (partition instanceof InstanceSpecification) {
InstanceSpecification p = (InstanceSpecification) partition;
for (CHRtSpecification chRtSpecification : chSpecs) {
String occKind = chRtSpecification.getOccKind();
if (occKind != null) {
if (isOccKindSporadicOrPeriodic(occKind)) {
addToMap(map, p, chRtSpecification);
* Adds the to map.
* @param map the map
* @param p the p
* @param chRtSpecification the ch rt specification
private static void addToMap(Map<InstanceSpecification, Set<CHRtSpecification>> map, InstanceSpecification p, CHRtSpecification chRtSpecification) {
Set<CHRtSpecification> value = map.get(p);
if (value == null)
value = new HashSet<CHRtSpecification>();
map.put(p, value);
* Returns true if the given InstanceSpecification is sterotyped as CH_HwProcessor.
* @param e the e
* @return true, if is processor instance
public static boolean isProcessorInstance(InstanceSpecification e) {
for (Classifier c : e.getClassifiers()) {
if (UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(c, CH_HwProcessor.class) != null)
return true;
return false;
* check if an instance specification is an instance of a MARTE Device.
* @param instSpec the inst spec
* @return true if the input is an instance of a MARTE Device, false
* otherwise.
public static boolean isDeviceInstance(InstanceSpecification instSpec) {
Classifier classifier = instSpec.getClassifiers().get(0);
EList<Stereotype> stereotypeList = classifier.getAppliedStereotypes();
for (Stereotype theStereo : stereotypeList) {
EObject object = classifier.getStereotypeApplication(theStereo);
if (object instanceof HwDevice) {
return true;
return false;
* Gets the one processor.
* @param umlModel the uml model
* @return the one processor
public static CH_HwProcessor getOneProcessor(Model umlModel) {
Package depv = CHESSProfileManager.getViewByStereotype((Model) umlModel, CHESSProfileManager.DEPLOYMENT_VIEW);
depv = QueryUtils.getOneResourcePlatformPackage(depv);
if (depv != null) {
EList<Element> all = depv.allOwnedElements();
for (Element element : all) {
if (element instanceof InstanceSpecification) {
InstanceSpecification e = (InstanceSpecification) element;
if (e.getQualifiedName() != null && QueryUtils.isProcessorInstance(e)) {
CH_HwProcessor t = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(e, CH_HwProcessor.class);
return t;
return null;
* Gets the all processor instances.
* @param umlModel the uml model
* @return the all processor instances
* @throws ModelError the model error
public static EList<CH_HwProcessor> getAllProcessorInstances(Model umlModel) throws ModelError {
EList<CH_HwProcessor> processors = new BasicEList<CH_HwProcessor>();
Package depv = CHESSProfileManager.getViewByStereotype((Model) umlModel, CHESSProfileManager.DEPLOYMENT_VIEW);
if (depv == null)
throw new ModelError("Deployment view not found.");
List<Package> platformPackages = QueryUtils.getResourcePlatformPackages(depv);
if (platformPackages.isEmpty())
throw new ModelError("CHGaResourcePlatform not found in Deployment view.");
for (Package pp : platformPackages) {
EList<Element> all = pp.allOwnedElements();
for (Element element : all) {
if (element instanceof InstanceSpecification) {
InstanceSpecification e = (InstanceSpecification) element;
if (e.getQualifiedName() != null && QueryUtils.isProcessorInstance(e)) {
CH_HwProcessor t = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(e, CH_HwProcessor.class);
if (processors.size() == 0)
throw new ModelError("Processors not found.");
return processors;
* Gets the all processor instances in package.
* @param thePackage the the package
* @return the all processor instances in package
* @throws ModelError the model error
public static EList<CH_HwProcessor> getAllProcessorInstancesInPackage(Package thePackage) throws ModelError {
EList<CH_HwProcessor> processors = new BasicEList<CH_HwProcessor>();
EList<Element> all = thePackage.allOwnedElements();
for (Element element : all) {
if (element instanceof InstanceSpecification) {
InstanceSpecification e = (InstanceSpecification) element;
if (e.getQualifiedName() != null && QueryUtils.isProcessorInstance(e)) {
CH_HwProcessor t = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(e, CH_HwProcessor.class);
if (processors.size() == 0)
throw new ModelError("Processors not found.");
return processors;
* Filter multi core processors.
* @param processors the processors
* @return the e list
public static EList<CH_HwProcessor> filterMultiCoreProcessors(EList<CH_HwProcessor> processors) {
EList<CH_HwProcessor> candidates = new BasicEList<CH_HwProcessor>();
for (CH_HwProcessor processor : processors) {
if (getCores(processor).size() > 1)
return candidates;
* Gets the cores.
* @param processor the processor
* @return the cores
public static EList<CHCore> getCores(CH_HwProcessor processor) {
InstanceSpecification processorBaseInst = processor.getBase_InstanceSpecification();
Component processorComponent = (Component) processorBaseInst.getClassifiers().get(0);
Stereotype chHwProcessorStereo = processorComponent.getAppliedStereotype(Constants.CH_HWPROCESSOR);
CH_HwProcessor chHwProc = (CH_HwProcessor) processorComponent.getStereotypeApplication(chHwProcessorStereo);
String coreNumber = null;
coreNumber = chHwProc.getNbCores();
int icoreNumber = 1;
try {
icoreNumber = Integer.parseInt(coreNumber);
} catch (Exception e) {
icoreNumber = 1;
EList<CHCore> cores = new BasicEList<CHCore>();
for (int i = 0; i < icoreNumber; i++) {
cores.add(new CHCore(processor, QueryUtils.buildCoreName(i)));
return cores;
* Gets the all partition instances.
* @param umlModel the uml model
* @return the all partition instances
* @throws ModelError the model error
public static EList<InstanceSpecification> getAllPartitionInstances(Model umlModel) throws ModelError {
Package cmpv = CHESSProfileManager.getViewByStereotype(umlModel, CHESSProfileManager.COMPONENT_VIEW);
if (cmpv == null)
throw new ModelError("Component view not found.");
cmpv = QueryUtils.getOneResourcePlatformPackage(cmpv);
if (cmpv == null)
throw new ModelError("CHGaResourcePlatform not found in Component View.");
EList<Element> all = cmpv.allOwnedElements();
EList<InstanceSpecification> partitions = new BasicEList<InstanceSpecification>();
for (Element element : all) {
if (!(element instanceof InstanceSpecification))
InstanceSpecification is = (InstanceSpecification) element;
if (!(is.getQualifiedName() != null && QueryUtils.isPartitionInstance(is)))
if (partitions.size() == 0)
throw new ModelError("Partition Instances not found.");
return partitions;
* Gets the all component instances.
* @param umlModel the uml model
* @return the all component instances
* @throws ModelError the model error
public static EList<InstanceSpecification> getAllComponentInstances(Model umlModel) throws ModelError {
Package cmpv = CHESSProfileManager.getViewByStereotype(umlModel, CHESSProfileManager.COMPONENT_VIEW);
if (cmpv == null)
throw new ModelError("Component view not found.");
cmpv = QueryUtils.getOneResourcePlatformPackage(cmpv);
if (cmpv == null)
throw new ModelError("CHGaResourcePlatform not found in Component View.");
EList<Element> all = cmpv.allOwnedElements();
EList<InstanceSpecification> components = new BasicEList<InstanceSpecification>();
for (Element element : all) {
if (!(element instanceof InstanceSpecification))
InstanceSpecification is = (InstanceSpecification) element;
if (!(is.getQualifiedName() != null && QueryUtils.isComponentInstance(is)))
if (components.size() == 0)
throw new ModelError("Component Instances not found.");
return components;
* Gets the all task instances.
* @param umlModel the uml model
* @return the all task instances
* @throws ModelError the model error
public static EList<CHTask> getAllTaskInstances(Model umlModel) throws ModelError {
EList<CHTask> tasks = new BasicEList<CHTask>();
EList<InstanceSpecification> x = getAllComponentInstances(umlModel);
for (InstanceSpecification instanceSpecification : x) {
for (Element element1 : instanceSpecification.getOwnedElements()) {
if (!(element1 instanceof Slot))
Slot slot = (Slot) element1;
CHRtPortSlot chSlot = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(slot, CHRtPortSlot.class);
if (chSlot == null)
EList<CHRtSpecification> chSpecs = chSlot.getCH_RtSpecification();
for (CHRtSpecification chRtSpecification : chSpecs) {
tasks.add(new CHTask(chSlot, chRtSpecification));
if (tasks.size() == 0)
throw new ModelError("Tasks Instances not found.");
return tasks;
* Delete task 2 core associations.
* @param hwSystem the hw system
public static void deleteTask2CoreAssociations(Component hwSystem) {
deleteAssociations(hwSystem, TASK_TO_CORE);
* Delete component 2 core associations.
* @param hwSystem the hw system
public static void deleteComponent2CoreAssociations(Component hwSystem) {
deleteAssociations(hwSystem, COMPONENT_TO_CORE);
* Delete partition 2 core associations.
* @param hwSystem the hw system
public static void deletePartition2CoreAssociations(Component hwSystem) {
deleteAssociations(hwSystem, PARTITION_TO_CORE);
* Builds the instance 2 core assignments.
* @param hwSystem the hw system
* @param result the result
public static void buildInstance2CoreAssignments(Component hwSystem, Map<CHCore, LinkedHashSet<Object>> result) {
for (CHCore core : result.keySet()) {
for (Object o : result.get(core)) {
if (o instanceof InstanceSpecification) {
InstanceSpecification componentInst = (InstanceSpecification) o;
Comment c = hwSystem.createOwnedComment();
UMLUtils.applyStereotype(c, MARTE_ASSIGN);
Assign assign = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(c, Assign.class);
Constraint n = hwSystem.createOwnedRule(core.getName());
UMLUtils.applyStereotype(n, MARTE_NFPCONSTRAINT);
NfpConstraint rule = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(n, NfpConstraint.class);
ValueSpecification valueSpec = n.createSpecification("core", null, UMLPackage.Literals.LITERAL_STRING);
LiteralString value = (LiteralString) valueSpec;
* Gets the CHRT spec from instances.
* @param instances the instances
* @return the CHRT spec from instances
public static Set<CHRtSpecification> getCHRTSpecFromInstances(EList<InstanceSpecification> instances) {
Set<CHRtSpecification> result = new HashSet<CHRtSpecification>();
for (InstanceSpecification is : instances) {
for (Element el : is.getOwnedElements()) {
if (!(el instanceof Slot))
Slot slot = (Slot) el;
CHRtPortSlot chSlot = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(slot, CHRtPortSlot.class);
if (chSlot == null)
EList<CHRtSpecification> chSpecs = chSlot.getCH_RtSpecification();
for (CHRtSpecification chRtSpecification : chSpecs) {
String occKind = chRtSpecification.getOccKind();
if (occKind != null && isOccKindSporadicOrPeriodic(occKind)) {
return result;
* Gets the CH tasks.
* @param instances the instances
* @return the CH tasks
public static Map<CHRtSpecification, Slot> getCHTasks(EList<InstanceSpecification> instances) {
Map<CHRtSpecification, Slot> result = new HashMap<CHRtSpecification, Slot>();
for (InstanceSpecification is : instances) {
for (Element el : is.getOwnedElements()) {
if (!(el instanceof Slot))
Slot slot = (Slot) el;
CHRtPortSlot chSlot = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(slot, CHRtPortSlot.class);
if (chSlot == null)
EList<CHRtSpecification> chSpecs = chSlot.getCH_RtSpecification();
for (CHRtSpecification chRtSpecification : chSpecs) {
String occKind = chRtSpecification.getOccKind();
if (occKind != null) {
if (isOccKindSporadicOrPeriodic(occKind)) {
result.put(chRtSpecification, slot);
return result;
* Gets the CH tasks list.
* @param instances the instances
* @return the CH tasks list
public static EList<CHTask> getCHTasksList(EList<InstanceSpecification> instances) {
EList<CHTask> result = new BasicEList<CHTask>();
for (InstanceSpecification is : instances) {
for (Element el : is.getOwnedElements()) {
if (!(el instanceof Slot))
Slot slot = (Slot) el;
CHRtPortSlot chSlot = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(slot, CHRtPortSlot.class);
if (chSlot == null)
EList<CHRtSpecification> chSpecs = chSlot.getCH_RtSpecification();
for (CHRtSpecification chRtSpecification : chSpecs) {
String occKind = chRtSpecification.getOccKind();
if (occKind != null && isOccKindSporadicOrPeriodic(occKind)) {
result.add(new CHTask(chSlot, chRtSpecification));
return result;
* Builds the task 2 core assignments.
* @param hwSystem the hw system
* @param processor the processor
* @param coresToCHRtSpec the cores to CH rt spec
* @param mapCHRtSpecToInstances the map CH rt spec to instances
public static void buildTask2CoreAssignments(Component hwSystem, InstanceSpecification processor, Map<String, LinkedHashSet<CHRtSpecification>> coresToCHRtSpec,
Map<CHRtSpecification, InstanceSpecification> mapCHRtSpecToInstances) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
* Gets the operation chain.
* @param umlModel the uml model
* @param chtasks the chtasks
* @return the operation chain
* @throws ModelError the model error
* foreach deferred op get its slot in the instance package get its activity
* diagram if any collect the called operations get the corresponding
* component and so its specification
* this is useful to calculate the WCET of the task generated from the
* deferred op
public static HashMap<CHTask, EList<CHTask>> getOperationChain(Model umlModel, EList<CHTask> chtasks) throws ModelError {
Package instPkg = InstanceQuery.getInstanceSpecPackage(umlModel);
if (instPkg == null) {
throw new ModelError("Instance package not in the model: use the create instance command to create this package");
HashMap<CHTask, EList<CHTask>> map = new HashMap<CHTask, EList<CHTask>>();
for (CHTask dOp : chtasks) {
EList<CHTask> list = new BasicEList<CHTask>();
CHRtPortSlot chRtPortSlot = InstanceQuery.getCHRtPortSlot(instPkg, dOp.getCHRtSpecification());
slot2EndToEndWorkFlow(instPkg, chRtPortSlot, dOp.getCHRtSpecification(), list);
map.put(dOp, list);
return map;
* Gets the operation chain 2.
* @param umlModel the uml model
* @param chtasks the chtasks
* @return the operation chain 2
* @throws ModelError the model error
public static HashMap<CHRtSpecification, EList<CHTask>> getOperationChain2(Model umlModel, Set<CHRtSpecification> chtasks) throws ModelError {
Package instPkg = InstanceQuery.getInstanceSpecPackage(umlModel);
if (instPkg == null) {
throw new ModelError("Instance package not in the model: use the create instance command to create this package");
HashMap<CHRtSpecification, EList<CHTask>> map = new HashMap<CHRtSpecification, EList<CHTask>>();
for (CHRtSpecification dOp : chtasks) {
EList<CHTask> list = new BasicEList<CHTask>();
CHRtPortSlot chRtPortSlot = InstanceQuery.getCHRtPortSlot(instPkg, dOp);
slot2EndToEndWorkFlow(instPkg, chRtPortSlot, dOp, list);
map.put(dOp, list);
return map;
* Slot 2 end to end work flow.
* @param instPkg the inst pkg
* @param currentChSlot the current ch slot
* @param dOp the d op
* @param list the list
* @throws ModelError the model error
private static void slot2EndToEndWorkFlow(Package instPkg, CHRtPortSlot currentChSlot, CHRtSpecification dOp, EList<CHTask> list) throws ModelError {
InstanceSpecification owningInstance = currentChSlot.getBase_Slot().getOwningInstance();
Activity method = InstanceQuery.getMethod(dOp);
if (method == null)
return;// TODO throw exception?
for (ActivityNode node : method.getNodes()) {
if (node instanceof CallOperationAction) {
CallOperationAction callOp = (CallOperationAction) node;
EList<Slot> riSlot = InstanceQuery.getSlotFromPort(callOp, owningInstance);
for (Slot slot : riSlot) {
Slot usedPiSlot = InstanceQuery.getOppositeSlot(slot);
CHRtSpecification usedCH = InstanceQuery.getCHFromSlot(usedPiSlot, callOp.getOperation());
CHRtPortSlot ch = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(usedPiSlot, CHRtPortSlot.class);
if (!InstanceQuery.isDeferred(usedCH)) {
list.add(new CHTask(ch, usedCH));
slot2EndToEndWorkFlow(instPkg, ch, usedCH, list);
// Operation operation = callOp.getOperation();//=>use to match the
// context of the chrtspec
// Port riPort = callOp.getOnPort();//=>get link and then pi then
// chrtspec
// Port piPort = getOppositePort(riPort);
// getCHRtCommentsfromPort(piPort, operation);
* Wcet unit.
* @param wcetSpec the wcet spec
* @param theUnit the the unit
* @return the int
private static int wcetUnit(String wcetSpec, String theUnit) {
int ret = -1;
if (wcetSpec == null)
return ret;
StringParser sp = new StringParser();
double value = sp.getValueNFP(wcetSpec);
String unit = sp.getUnitNFP(wcetSpec);
if (value == -1)
return ret;
int intValue = unitConversion(value, unit, theUnit);
return intValue;
* Unit conversion float.
* @param value the value
* @param fromUnit the from unit
* @param toUnit the to unit
* @return the float
public static float unitConversionFloat(double value, String fromUnit, String toUnit) {
int toFactor = 1000000;
if (toUnit.equalsIgnoreCase("s")) {
toFactor = 1000000000;
} else if (toUnit.equalsIgnoreCase("ms")) {
toFactor = 1000000;
} else if (toUnit.equalsIgnoreCase("us")) {
toFactor = 1000;
} else if (toUnit.equalsIgnoreCase("ns")) {
toFactor = 1;
int fromFactor = 1000000;
if (fromUnit.equalsIgnoreCase("s")) {
fromFactor = 1000000000;
} else if (fromUnit.equalsIgnoreCase("ms")) {
fromFactor = 1000000;
} else if (fromUnit.equalsIgnoreCase("us")) {
fromFactor = 1000;
} else if (fromUnit.equalsIgnoreCase("ns")) {
fromFactor = 1;
float ratio = (float) fromFactor / toFactor;
float intValue = (float) (value * ratio);
return intValue;
* Wcet unit float.
* @param wcetSpec the wcet spec
* @param theUnit the the unit
* @return the float
private static float wcetUnitFloat(String wcetSpec, String theUnit) {
int ret = -1;
if (wcetSpec == null)
return ret;
StringParser sp = new StringParser();
double value = sp.getValueNFP(wcetSpec);
String unit = sp.getUnitNFP(wcetSpec);
if (value == -1)
return ret;
return unitConversionFloat(value, unit, theUnit);
* Unit conversion.
* @param value the value
* @param fromUnit the from unit
* @param toUnit the to unit
* @return the int
public static int unitConversion(double value, String fromUnit, String toUnit) {
int toFactor = 1000000;
if (toUnit.equalsIgnoreCase("s")) {
toFactor = 1000000000;
} else if (toUnit.equalsIgnoreCase("ms")) {
toFactor = 1000000;
} else if (toUnit.equalsIgnoreCase("us")) {
toFactor = 1000;
} else if (toUnit.equalsIgnoreCase("ns")) {
toFactor = 1;
int fromFactor = 1000000;
if (fromUnit.equalsIgnoreCase("s")) {
fromFactor = 1000000000;
} else if (fromUnit.equalsIgnoreCase("ms")) {
fromFactor = 1000000;
} else if (fromUnit.equalsIgnoreCase("us")) {
fromFactor = 1000;
} else if (fromUnit.equalsIgnoreCase("ns")) {
fromFactor = 1;
double ratio = (double) fromFactor / toFactor;
int intValue = (int) Math.round(value * ratio);
return intValue;
* Gets the WCE tunit float.
* @param chRtSpecification the ch rt specification
* @param unitOfMeasure the unit of measure
* @return the WCE tunit float
* @throws ModelError the model error
public static float getWCETunitFloat(CHRtSpecification chRtSpecification, String unitOfMeasure) throws ModelError {
StringParser sp = new StringParser();
String wcet = chRtSpecification.getLocalWCET();
float intValue = wcetUnitFloat(wcet, unitOfMeasure);
if (intValue != -1)
return intValue;
wcet = chRtSpecification.getWCET();
intValue = wcetUnit(wcet, unitOfMeasure);
if (intValue != -1)
return intValue;
throw new ModelError("WCET for %s is not set correctly", chRtSpecification.getContext().getName());
* Gets the WCE tunit.
* @param chRtSpecification the ch rt specification
* @param unitOfMeasure the unit of measure
* @return the WCE tunit
* @throws ModelError the model error
public static int getWCETunit(CHRtSpecification chRtSpecification, String unitOfMeasure) throws ModelError {
StringParser sp = new StringParser();
String wcet = chRtSpecification.getLocalWCET();
int intValue = wcetUnit(wcet, unitOfMeasure);
if (intValue != -1)
return intValue;
wcet = chRtSpecification.getWCET();
intValue = wcetUnit(wcet, unitOfMeasure);
if (intValue != -1)
return intValue;
throw new ModelError("WCET for %s is not set correctly", chRtSpecification.getContext().getName());
* Gets the wcet.
* @param chRtSpecification the ch rt specification
* @return the wcet
* @throws ModelError the model error
// TODO a similar method is implemented in the m2m plugin (
public static double getWCET(CHRtSpecification chRtSpecification) throws ModelError {
StringParser sp = new StringParser();
double x = -1;
String wcet = chRtSpecification.getLocalWCET();
if (wcet != null) {
x = sp.getValueNFP(wcet);
if (x != -1)
return x;
wcet = chRtSpecification.getWCET();
if (wcet != null) {
x = sp.getValueNFP(wcet);
if (x != -1)
return x;
throw new ModelError("WCET for %s is not set correctly", chRtSpecification.getContext().getName());
* Check if Instance Specification in input is assigned to a Partition.
* @param i the i
* @param assignments the assignments
* @return true, if is assigned 2 partition
public static boolean isAssigned2Partition(InstanceSpecification i, EList<Assign> assignments) {
for (Assign theAssignment : assignments) {
if (theAssignment != null) {
try {
if (theAssignment.getFrom().contains((Object) i) && (elementIsPartitionInstance(theAssignment.getTo().get(0)))) {
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* Check if this Partition is assigned to a CPU.
* @param i the i
* @param assignments the assignments
* @return true, if is assigned 2 processor
public static boolean isAssigned2Processor(InstanceSpecification i, EList<Assign> assignments) {
for (Assign theAssignment : assignments) {
if (theAssignment != null) {
try {
if (theAssignment.getFrom().contains((Object) i) && elementIsProcessorInstance(theAssignment.getTo().get(0))) {
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* Check if this Partition is assigned to a CPU.
* @param i the i
* @param pack the pack
* @param assignments the assignments
* @return true, if is assigned 2 core
public static boolean isAssigned2Core(InstanceSpecification i, Package pack, EList<Assign> assignments) {
String packQN = pack.getQualifiedName();
String assignedTargetQN = "";
String assignedTargetElementName = "";
for (Assign theAssignment : assignments) {
if (theAssignment != null) {
try {
EList<Element> assignmentSource = theAssignment.getFrom();
Element assignmentTarget = theAssignment.getTo().get(0);
assignedTargetQN = ((NamedElement) assignmentTarget).getQualifiedName();
assignedTargetElementName = ((NamedElement) assignmentTarget).getLabel();
if (assignmentSource.contains((Object) i) && elementIsProcessorInstance(assignmentTarget)) {
if (!theAssignment.getImpliedConstraint().isEmpty() && theAssignment.getImpliedConstraint().get(0) != null) {
if ((packQN + "::" + assignedTargetElementName).equals(assignedTargetQN)) {
return true;
} else {
// Check if it is a single-core
InstanceSpecification instSpecProc = (InstanceSpecification) assignmentTarget;
if (processorInstanceIsSingleCore(instSpecProc)) {
if ((packQN + "::" + assignedTargetElementName).equals(assignedTargetQN)) {
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* Check if this Partition is assigned to a CPU.
* @param i the i
* @param assignments the assignments
* @return true, if is assigned 2 core
public static boolean isAssigned2Core(InstanceSpecification i, EList<Assign> assignments) {
for (Assign theAssignment : assignments) {
if (theAssignment != null) {
try {
if (theAssignment.getFrom().contains((Object) i) && elementIsProcessorInstance(theAssignment.getTo().get(0))) {
if (!theAssignment.getImpliedConstraint().isEmpty() && theAssignment.getImpliedConstraint().get(0) != null) {
return true;
} else {
// Check if it is a single-core
Element elem = theAssignment.getTo().get(0);
InstanceSpecification instSpecProc = (InstanceSpecification) elem;
if (processorInstanceIsSingleCore(instSpecProc)) {
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
// /**
// * Check if this Partition is assigned to a CPU
// * @param i
// * @param assignments
// * @return
// */
// public static boolean isAssigned2Core(InstanceSpecification i,
// EList<Assign> assignments) {
// for (Assign theAssignment : assignments) {
// if (theAssignment != null) {
// if (theAssignment.getFrom().contains((Object)i) &&
// elementIsProcessorInstance(theAssignment.getTo().get(0)) &&
// !theAssignment.getImpliedConstraint().isEmpty()&&
// theAssignment.getImpliedConstraint().get(0)!=null ) {
// return true;
// }
// }
// }
// return false;
// }
* Returns TRUE if the given Task is assigned to a Core in the Deployment
* identified by the given package.
* @param task the task
* @param pack the pack
* @param assignments the assignments
* @return true, if is task assigned 2 core
public static boolean isTaskAssigned2Core(CHTask task, Package pack, EList<Assign> assignments) {
String taskName = task.getCHRtSpecification().getContext().getName();
String packQN = pack.getQualifiedName();
String assignedTargetQN = "";
String assignedTargetElementName = "";
for (Assign theAssignment : assignments) {
if (theAssignment != null) {
try {
Element assignmentSource = theAssignment.getFrom().get(0);
Element assignmentTarget = theAssignment.getTo().get(0);
assignedTargetQN = ((NamedElement) assignmentTarget).getQualifiedName();
assignedTargetElementName = ((NamedElement) assignmentTarget).getLabel();
if ((packQN + "::" + assignedTargetElementName).equals(assignedTargetQN) && QueryUtils.elementIsSlotInstance(assignmentSource) && theAssignment.getImpliedConstraint() != null
&& !theAssignment.getImpliedConstraint().isEmpty()) {
String theTaskValue = getTaskNameFromImpliedNfpConstraint(theAssignment);
if (theTaskValue != null && theTaskValue.length() > 0) {
if (theTaskValue.equals(taskName)) {
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* Returns true if the given task is assigned to a core, false otherwise.
* @param t the t
* @param assignments the assignments
* @return true if the given task is assigned to a core
public static boolean isTaskAssigned2Core(CHTask t, EList<Assign> assignments) {
for (Assign theAssignment : assignments) {
if (theAssignment != null) {
Element assignmentSource = theAssignment.getFrom().get(0);
if (QueryUtils.elementIsSlotInstance(assignmentSource)) {
CHTask theTask = getTaskFromSlot(assignmentSource);
if ((theTask != null && theTask.equals(t)) && elementIsProcessorInstance(theAssignment.getTo().get(0))) {
return true;
return false;
* Given the Core (and related processor) get the list of partitions that are
* assigned to it.
* @param core the core
* @param assignments the assignments
* @return the partitions assigned 2 core
public static LinkedHashSet<Object> getPartitionsAssigned2Core(CHCore core, EList<Assign> assignments) {
LinkedHashSet<Object> result = new LinkedHashSet<Object>();
InstanceSpecification processorInstance = core.getProcessorInstance();
String theCoreName = core.getName();
String theCoreValue = null;
for (Assign theAssignment : assignments) {
if (theAssignment != null) {
try {
Element assignmentSource = theAssignment.getFrom().get(0);
// Only look at assignments where:
// ASSIGNMENT_SOURCE is a Partition
// ASSIGNMENT_TARGET is the Processor that owns the core
if (!QueryUtils.elementIsPartitionInstance(assignmentSource) || (!theAssignment.getTo().contains((Object) processorInstance))) {
// found an assignment for the processor that owns the core:
// let's look into it so see if it is related to the core we are
// analyzing
if (theAssignment.getImpliedConstraint() != null && !theAssignment.getImpliedConstraint().isEmpty()) {
theCoreValue = getCoreNameFromImpliedNfpConstraint(theAssignment);
if (theCoreValue.equals(theCoreName)) {
// if target of assignment is a partition
} else {
if (processorInstanceIsSingleCore(processorInstance)) {
// If no core is specified in the Implied Constraint and the
// Processor has only 1 Core
} catch (Exception e) {
return result;
* Returns the name of the Core to which the given assignment is related.
* @param theAssignment the the assignment
* @return the name of the Core to which theAssignment is related
public static String getCoreNameFromImpliedNfpConstraint(Assign theAssignment) {
String coreName = null;
try {
NfpConstraint theImpliedNfpConstraint = theAssignment.getImpliedConstraint().get(0);
Constraint cnstr = theImpliedNfpConstraint.getBase_Constraint();
ValueSpecification valueSpec = cnstr.getSpecification();
LiteralString value = (LiteralString) valueSpec;
coreName = value.getValue();
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Error in getCoreNameFromImpliedNfpConstraint");
return coreName;
* Gets the task name from implied nfp constraint.
* @param theAssignment the the assignment
* @return the task name from implied nfp constraint
private static String getTaskNameFromImpliedNfpConstraint(Assign theAssignment) {
String taskName = null;
try {
// the first one is the core, the second one is the task
NfpConstraint theImpliedNfpConstraint = theAssignment.getImpliedConstraint().get(1);
Constraint cnstr = theImpliedNfpConstraint.getBase_Constraint();
ValueSpecification valueSpec = cnstr.getSpecification();
LiteralString value = (LiteralString) valueSpec;
taskName = value.getValue();
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Error in getTaskNameFromImpliedNfpConstraint");
return taskName;
* Returns true if the given element is a partition instance, false otherwise.
* @param element the element
* @return true if the element is a partition instance, false otherwise
public static boolean elementIsPartitionInstance(Element element) {
if (!(element instanceof InstanceSpecification)) {
return false;
InstanceSpecification is = (InstanceSpecification) element;
if (is.getQualifiedName() != null && QueryUtils.isPartitionInstance(is)) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if the given element is a component instance, false otherwise.
* @param element the element
* @return true if the element is a component instance, false otherwise
public static boolean elementIsComponentInstance(Element element) {
if (!(element instanceof InstanceSpecification)) {
return false;
InstanceSpecification is = (InstanceSpecification) element;
if (is.getQualifiedName() != null && QueryUtils.isComponentInstance(is)) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if the given element is a processor instance, false otherwise.
* @param element the element
* @return true if the element is a processor instance, false otherwise
public static boolean elementIsProcessorInstance(Element element) {
if (!(element instanceof InstanceSpecification)) {
return false;
InstanceSpecification is = (InstanceSpecification) element;
if (is.getQualifiedName() != null && QueryUtils.isProcessorInstance(is)) {
return true;
return false;
* Given the Core (and related processor) get the list of components that are
* assigned to it.
* @param core the core
* @param assignments the assignments
* @return the components assigned 2 core
public static LinkedHashSet<Object> getComponentsAssigned2Core(CHCore core, EList<Assign> assignments) {
LinkedHashSet<Object> result = new LinkedHashSet<Object>();
InstanceSpecification processorInstance = core.getProcessorInstance();
String theCoreName = core.getName();
String theCoreValue = null;
for (Assign theAssignment : assignments) {
if (theAssignment != null) {
try {
// Only look at assignments where:
// ASSIGNMENT_SOURCE is a Component
// ASSIGNMENT_TARGET is the Processor that owns the core
Element assignmentSource = theAssignment.getFrom().get(0);
if (!QueryUtils.elementIsComponentInstance(assignmentSource) || !theAssignment.getTo().contains((Object) processorInstance)) {
// found an assignment for the processor that owns the core:
// let's look into it so see if it is related to the core we are
// analyzing
if (theAssignment.getImpliedConstraint() != null && !theAssignment.getImpliedConstraint().isEmpty()) {
theCoreValue = getCoreNameFromImpliedNfpConstraint(theAssignment);
if (theCoreValue.equals(theCoreName)) {
} else {
if (processorInstanceIsSingleCore(processorInstance)) {
// If no core is specified in the Implied Constraint and the
// Processor has only 1 Core
} catch (Exception e) {
return result;
* Given the Core (and related processor) get the list of tasks that are
* assigned to it.
* @param core the core
* @param pack the pack
* @param assignments the assignments
* @return the tasks assigned 2 core
public static LinkedHashSet<Object> getTasksAssigned2Core(CHCore core, Package pack, EList<Assign> assignments) {
String packQN = pack.getQualifiedName();
LinkedHashSet<Object> result = new LinkedHashSet<Object>();
InstanceSpecification processorInstance = core.getProcessorInstance();
String theCoreName = core.getName();
String theCoreValue = null;
String theTaskValue = null;
for (Assign theAssignment : assignments) {
if (theAssignment != null) {
try {
if (theAssignment.getTo().contains((Object) processorInstance)) {
// found an assignment for the processor that owns the core:
// let's look into it so see if it is related to the core we are
// analyzing
Element assignmentSource = theAssignment.getFrom().get(0);
Element assignmentTarget = theAssignment.getTo().get(0);
String assignedTargetQN = ((NamedElement) assignmentTarget).getQualifiedName();
String assignedTargetElementName = ((NamedElement) assignmentTarget).getLabel();
EList<CHTask> chTaskList = new BasicEList<CHTask>();
if ((packQN + "::" + assignedTargetElementName).equals(assignedTargetQN) && theAssignment.getImpliedConstraint() != null && !theAssignment.getImpliedConstraint().isEmpty()) {
theCoreValue = getCoreNameFromImpliedNfpConstraint(theAssignment);
theTaskValue = getTaskNameFromImpliedNfpConstraint(theAssignment);
if (theCoreValue.equals(theCoreName)) {
if (QueryUtils.elementIsSlotInstance(assignmentSource)) {
chTaskList = getAllTasksFromSlot(assignmentSource);
for (CHTask theChTask : chTaskList) {
String theTaskName = theChTask.getCHRtSpecification().getContext().getName();
if (theChTask != null && theTaskName.equals(theTaskValue)) {
} else {
// If no core is specified in the Implied Constraint and the
// Processor has only 1 Core
if (processorInstanceIsSingleCore(processorInstance) && QueryUtils.elementIsSlotInstance(assignmentSource)) {
chTaskList = getAllTasksFromSlot(assignmentSource);
for (CHTask theChTask : chTaskList) {
String theTaskName = theChTask.getCHRtSpecification().getContext().getName();
if (theChTask != null && theTaskName.equals(theTaskValue)) {
} catch (Exception e) {
return result;
* Returns the list of Component to Core assignments in the given view in the given model.
* @param umlModel the uml model
* @param viewName the view name
* @return the component 2 core assignments
* @throws ModelError the model error
public static EList<Assign> getComponent2CoreAssignments(Model umlModel, String viewName) throws ModelError {
// LB 20150708 we now look for assignments in the CHGA resource platform
// component
// Package cmpv = CHESSProfileManager.getViewByStereotype(umlModel,
// viewName);
// cmpv = QueryUtils.getResourcePlatformPackage(cmpv);
Component rpc = QueryUtils.getResourcePlatformComponent(umlModel, viewName);
EList<Element> all = rpc.allOwnedElements();
EList<Assign> assignments = new BasicEList<Assign>();
Stereotype stereo = null;
for (Element element : all) {
if ((element.getAppliedStereotype(MARTE_ASSIGN) != null)) {
stereo = element.getAppliedStereotype(MARTE_ASSIGN);
EObject eobj = element.getStereotypeApplication(stereo);
Assign a = (Assign) eobj;
Element assignmentSource = a.getFrom().get(0);
Element assignmentTarget = a.getTo().get(0);
// SOURCE must be a Component
// TARGET must be a Processor
if (elementIsProcessorInstance(assignmentTarget)) {
if (elementIsComponentInstance(assignmentSource)) {
InstanceSpecification componentInst = (InstanceSpecification) assignmentSource;
if (isComponentInstance(componentInst)) {
return assignments;
* Returns the list of Component to Partition assignments in the given view in the given model.
* @param umlModel the uml model
* @param viewName the view name
* @return the component 2 partition assignments
* @throws ModelError the model error
public static EList<Assign> getComponent2PartitionAssignments(Model umlModel, String viewName) throws ModelError {
// LB 20150708 we now look for assignments in the CHGA resource platform
// component
// Package cmpv = CHESSProfileManager.getViewByStereotype(umlModel,
// viewName);
// cmpv = QueryUtils.getResourcePlatformPackage(cmpv);
Component rpc = QueryUtils.getResourcePlatformComponent(umlModel, viewName);
EList<Element> all = rpc.allOwnedElements();
EList<Assign> assignments = new BasicEList<Assign>();
Stereotype stereo = null;
for (Element element : all) {
if ((element.getAppliedStereotype(MARTE_ASSIGN) != null)) {
stereo = element.getAppliedStereotype(MARTE_ASSIGN);
EObject eobj = element.getStereotypeApplication(stereo);
Assign a = (Assign) eobj;
Element assignmentSource = a.getFrom().get(0);
Element assignmentTarget = a.getTo().get(0);
// SOURCE must be a Component
// TARGET must be a Partition
if (elementIsPartitionInstance(assignmentTarget)) {
if (elementIsComponentInstance(assignmentSource)) {
InstanceSpecification componentInst = (InstanceSpecification) assignmentSource;
if (isComponentInstance(componentInst)) {
return assignments;
* Returns the list of Partition to Core assignments in the given view in the given model.
* @param umlModel the uml model
* @param viewName the view name
* @return the partition 2 core assignments
* @throws ModelError the model error
public static EList<Assign> getPartition2CoreAssignments(Model umlModel, String viewName) throws ModelError {
// LB 20150708 we now look for assignments in the CHGA resource platform
// component
// Package cmpv = CHESSProfileManager.getViewByStereotype(umlModel,
// viewName);
// cmpv = QueryUtils.getResourcePlatformPackage(cmpv);
Component rpc = QueryUtils.getResourcePlatformComponent(umlModel, viewName);
EList<Element> all = rpc.allOwnedElements();
EList<Assign> assignments = new BasicEList<Assign>();
Stereotype stereo = null;
for (Element element : all) {
if ((element.getAppliedStereotype(MARTE_ASSIGN) != null)) {
stereo = element.getAppliedStereotype(MARTE_ASSIGN);
EObject eobj = element.getStereotypeApplication(stereo);
Assign a = (Assign) eobj;
Element assignmentSource = a.getFrom().get(0);
Element assignmentTarget = a.getTo().get(0);
// SOURCE must be a Partition
// TARGET must be a Processor
if (elementIsPartitionInstance(assignmentSource) && elementIsProcessorInstance(assignmentTarget)) {
return assignments;
* Returns the list of Task to Core assignments in the given view in the given model.
* @param umlModel the uml model
* @param viewName the view name
* @return the task 2 core assignments
* @throws ModelError the model error
public static EList<Assign> getTask2CoreAssignments(Model umlModel, String viewName) throws ModelError {
// LB 20150708 we now look for assignments in the CHGA resource platform
// component
// Package cmpv = CHESSProfileManager.getViewByStereotype(umlModel,
// viewName);
// cmpv = QueryUtils.getResourcePlatformPackage(cmpv);
Component rpc = QueryUtils.getResourcePlatformComponent(umlModel, viewName);
EList<Element> all = rpc.allOwnedElements();
EList<Assign> assignments = new BasicEList<Assign>();
Stereotype stereo = null;
for (Element element : all) {
if ((element.getAppliedStereotype(MARTE_ASSIGN) != null)) {
stereo = element.getAppliedStereotype(MARTE_ASSIGN);
EObject eobj = element.getStereotypeApplication(stereo);
Assign a = (Assign) eobj;
Element assignmentSource = a.getFrom().get(0);
Element assignmentTarget = a.getTo().get(0);
// SOURCE must be a Task
// TARGET must be a Processor
if (elementIsSlotInstance(assignmentSource) && elementIsProcessorInstance(assignmentTarget)) {
return assignments;
* Returns true is the input Instance Processor has only 1 CORE.
* @param processorInstance the processor instance
* @return true, if successful
public static boolean processorInstanceIsSingleCore(InstanceSpecification processorInstance) {
Classifier processorClass = processorInstance.getClassifiers().get(0);
CH_HwProcessor processorType = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(processorClass, CH_HwProcessor.class);
String coreNumber = null;
coreNumber = processorType.getNbCores();
int icoreNumber = 1;
try {
icoreNumber = Integer.parseInt(coreNumber);
} catch (Exception e) {
icoreNumber = 1;
if (icoreNumber == 1) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns the Package (in the Deployment View) that owns the input system.
* @param umlModel the uml model
* @param theSystem the the system
* @return the owner CH ga resource platform package
* @throws ModelError the model error
public static Package getOwnerCHGaResourcePlatformPackage(Model umlModel, InstanceSpecification theSystem) throws ModelError {
EList<Package> packList = QueryUtils.getResourcePlatformPackages(umlModel, Constants.DEPLOYMENT_VIEW_NAME);
for (Package pack : packList) {
EList<Element> packElems = pack.allOwnedElements();
for (Element elem : packElems) {
if (elem instanceof InstanceSpecification) {
if (((InstanceSpecification) elem).equals(theSystem)) {
return pack;
return null;