blob: a6fa6219299977c8b3181b9a3826bda30f5889d2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 Fondazione Bruno Kessler.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Luca Cristoforetti - initial API and implementation
package org.polarsys.chess.OSSImporter.core.actions;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Behavior;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Classifier;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.FunctionBehavior;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.NamedElement;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Property;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Type;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLFactory;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Connector;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Constraint;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.DataType;
import org.polarsys.chess.OSSImporter.core.exceptions.ImportException;
import org.polarsys.chess.OSSImporter.core.utils.ChessElementsUtil;
import org.polarsys.chess.OSSImporter.core.utils.OssTypeTranslator;
import org.polarsys.chess.OSSImporter.core.utils.StereotypeUtil;
import org.polarsys.chess.contracts.profile.chesscontract.ContractProperty;
import org.polarsys.chess.contracts.profile.chesscontract.ContractRefinement;
import org.polarsys.chess.contracts.profile.chesscontract.FormalProperty;
import org.polarsys.chess.contracts.profile.chesscontract.util.ContractEntityUtil;
import org.polarsys.chess.contracts.profile.chesscontract.util.EntityUtil;
import org.polarsys.chess.service.core.model.ChessSystemModel;
import eu.fbk.eclipse.standardtools.ModelTranslatorToOcra.core.utils.OSSModelUtil;
import eu.fbk.eclipse.standardtools.utils.core.utils.StringArrayUtil;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.RecordingCommand;
import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.TransactionalEditingDomain;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.sysml.portandflows.FlowDirection;
* This class takes as input a file in OCRA format and creates the equivalent
* CHESS model.
* @author cristofo
public class ImportOSSFileAction {
private static boolean validateSerializedElements = false;
private static String language = "OCRA";
// The instance of this class
private static ImportOSSFileAction classInstance;
private final ChessSystemModel chessSystemModel = ChessSystemModel.getInstance();
private final ContractEntityUtil contractEntityUtil = ContractEntityUtil.getInstance();
private final EntityUtil entityUtil = EntityUtil.getInstance();
// FIXME think how to manage this class
private final StereotypeUtil stereotypeUtil = StereotypeUtil.getInstance();
private final ChessElementsUtil chessElementsUtil = ChessElementsUtil.getInstance();
private OSSModelUtil ossModelUtil = OSSModelUtil.getInstance();
private OssTypeTranslator ossTypeTranslator = OssTypeTranslator.getInstance();
// Will contain elements being added to the model, big enough
private final EList<Element> addedElements = new BasicEList<>(2000);
// Will contain qualified names of elements being removed from the model,
// big enough
private final List<String> removedElements = new ArrayList<String>(2000);
// Will contain the name of diagrams containing element being removed
private final Set<String> modifiedDiagrams = new HashSet<String>();
private Package sysView = null;
// Map the name of the component with the Component object
private Map<String, Class> dslTypeToComponent;
// A possible exception that could happen during parsing
private ImportException importException;
// Logger for messages
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ImportOSSFileAction.class);
// Error messages during parsing
private StringBuffer importErrors;
* Gets an instance of the class if already present, or a new one if not.
* @return the instance of this class
public static ImportOSSFileAction getInstance() {
if (classInstance == null) {
classInstance = new ImportOSSFileAction();
return classInstance;
* Checks if the given expression refers to a function behavior
* @param owner
* the owner element
* @param expression
* the expression defining the function behavior
* @return
* @throws Exception
* private boolean isFunctionBehavior(Class owner, Expression expression)
* throws ImportException { // e.g. String variableOwnerName = //
* ossModelUtil.getNearestComponentName(variable); does not work if //
* variable has as name something like this: name[0] if (expression
* instanceof FullVariableId) { final FullVariableId variable =
* (FullVariableId) expression;
* Class component = null;
* // Get the name of the owner of the behavior, if present find the // type
* String variableOwnerName =
* ossModelUtil.getNearestComponentName(variable); if (variableOwnerName !=
* null) {
* // Retrieve the component instance containing the behavior final Property
* behaviorOwner = entityUtil.getUmlComponentInstance(owner,
* variableOwnerName);
* if (behaviorOwner.getType() != null) { // Get the component type final
* String typeName = behaviorOwner.getType().getName();
* // Get the component object containing the definition of the // port
* component = dslTypeToComponent.get(typeName); } else { throw new
* ImportException(variableOwnerName + " has no type"); } }
* if (variableOwnerName == null) {
* // I'm the owner of the functionBehavior component = owner; } return
* (component.getOwnedBehavior(variable.getId().getName()) != null); }
* return false; }
* Returns the first item contained in the tag
* @param tag
* the tag to be processed
* @return the unknown text
private String getTextOfTag(EObject tag) {
return (ossModelUtil.getOssElementAsString(tag, validateSerializedElements, true).split(" ")[0]);
* Parses the Refinements of the component.
* @param dslParentComponent
* the AST Component owning the refinement
* @param dslComponentRefinement
* the Refinement element to be parsed
* @throws Exception
private void parseRefinements(AbstractComponent dslParentComponent, Refinement dslComponentRefinement)
throws ImportException {
// Get all the RefinementInstances of the Refinement
final EList<RefinementInstance> dslRefInstances = dslComponentRefinement.getRefinements();
final Class owner = dslTypeToComponent.get(dslParentComponent.getType());
// Get all the existing component instances of the element
EList<Property> existingComponentInstances = (EList<Property>) chessSystemModel
// Prepare the map to mark existing component instances
HashMap<String, Boolean> mapComponentInstancesToKeep = Maps
for (Property componentInstance : existingComponentInstances) {
mapComponentInstancesToKeep.put(componentInstance.getQualifiedName(), null);
// Get all the existing connectors of the element
// Doing a copy because the list will otherwise increase as soon as a
// connector is created
EList<Connector> existingConnectors = new BasicEList<Connector>(owner.getOwnedConnectors());
// EList<Connector> connectors = owner.getOwnedConnectors();
// Prepare the map to mark existing connectors
HashMap<String, Boolean> mapConnectorsToKeep = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(existingConnectors.size());
for (Connector connector : existingConnectors) {
mapConnectorsToKeep.put(connector.getQualifiedName(), null);
// Get all the existing delegation contraints of the element
EList<Constraint> existingDelegationConstraints = entityUtil.getDelegationConstraintsAsUMLConstraints(owner);
// Prepare the map to mark existing delegation contraints
HashMap<String, Boolean> mapDelegationContraintsToKeep = Maps
for (Constraint delegationConstraint : existingDelegationConstraints) {
mapDelegationContraintsToKeep.put(delegationConstraint.getQualifiedName(), null);
// Get all the contract refinements of the element
EList<DataType> existingContractRefinements = entityUtil.getDataTypes(owner);
// Prepare the map to mark existing contract refinements
HashMap<String, Boolean> mapContractRefinementsToKeep = Maps
for (Classifier contractRefinement : existingContractRefinements) {
mapContractRefinementsToKeep.put(contractRefinement.getQualifiedName(), null);
// Get all the refinement formal properties
final EList<Constraint> existingFormalProperties = (EList<Constraint>) chessSystemModel
// Prepare the map to mark existing formal properties
final HashMap<String, Boolean> mapFormalPropertiesToKeep = Maps
for (Constraint formalProperty : existingFormalProperties) {
mapFormalPropertiesToKeep.put(formalProperty.getQualifiedName(), null);
// If some RefinementInstances are present, loop on them
if ((dslRefInstances != null) && !dslRefInstances.isEmpty()) {
for (RefinementInstance dslRefInstance : dslRefInstances) {
// Process the different types of refinements
if (containsSubComponent(dslRefInstance)) {
// SUB processing
parseSubComponent(dslRefInstance.getSubcomponent(), mapComponentInstancesToKeep, owner);
} else if (containsConnection(dslRefInstance)) {
// CONNECTION processing
parseConnection(dslRefInstance.getConnection(), existingConnectors, existingDelegationConstraints,
mapConnectorsToKeep, mapDelegationContraintsToKeep, owner);
} else if (containsRefinedBy(dslRefInstance)) {
parseRefinedBy(dslRefInstance.getRefinedby(), mapContractRefinementsToKeep, owner);
} else if (containsFormula(dslRefInstance)) {
// CONSTRAINT processing
addImportError("Found a CONSTRAINT tag, don't know how to handle it!");
} else if (containsProp(dslRefInstance)) {
// PROP processing
addImportError("Found a PROP tag, don't know how to handle it!");
} else if (containsAssertion(dslRefInstance)) {
// ASSERTION NAME processing
parseRefinementAssertion(dslRefInstance.getAssertion(), mapFormalPropertiesToKeep, owner);
} else if (dslRefInstance != null) {
addImportError("Found a " + getTextOfTag(dslRefInstance) + " tag, don't know how to handle it!");
removeUnusedRefinementElements(mapComponentInstancesToKeep, existingComponentInstances, mapConnectorsToKeep,
existingConnectors, mapDelegationContraintsToKeep, existingDelegationConstraints,
mapContractRefinementsToKeep, existingContractRefinements, mapFormalPropertiesToKeep,
private void removeUnusedRefinementElements(HashMap<String, Boolean> mapComponentInstancesToKeep,
EList<Property> existingComponentInstances, HashMap<String, Boolean> mapConnectorsToKeep,
EList<Connector> existingConnectors, HashMap<String, Boolean> mapDelegationContraintsToKeep,
EList<Constraint> existingDelegationConstraints, HashMap<String, Boolean> mapContractRefinementsToKeep,
EList<DataType> existingContractRefinements, HashMap<String, Boolean> mapFormalPropertiesToKeep,
EList<Constraint> existingFormalProperties) {
// Component instances cleanup time, associations will be removed
// automatically
for (String qualifiedElement : mapComponentInstancesToKeep.keySet()) {
if (mapComponentInstancesToKeep.get(qualifiedElement) == null) {
// System.out.println("component instance " + qualifiedElement +
// " should be removed");
.addAll(chessElementsUtil.getInvolvedDiagrams(existingComponentInstances, qualifiedElement));
entityUtil.removeProperty(existingComponentInstances, qualifiedElement);
// Connectors cleanup time
for (String qualifiedElement : mapConnectorsToKeep.keySet()) {
if (mapConnectorsToKeep.get(qualifiedElement) == null) {
// System.out.println("connector " + qualifiedElement + " should
// be removed");
modifiedDiagrams.addAll(chessElementsUtil.getInvolvedDiagrams(existingConnectors, qualifiedElement));
entityUtil.removeConnector(existingConnectors, qualifiedElement);
// Delegation constraints cleanup time
for (String qualifiedElement : mapDelegationContraintsToKeep.keySet()) {
if (mapDelegationContraintsToKeep.get(qualifiedElement) == null) {
// System.out.println("delegation constraint " +
// qualifiedElement + " should be removed");
.addAll(chessElementsUtil.getInvolvedDiagrams(existingDelegationConstraints, qualifiedElement));
entityUtil.removeDelegationConstraint(existingDelegationConstraints, qualifiedElement);
// Contract refinements cleanup time
for (String qualifiedElement : mapContractRefinementsToKeep.keySet()) {
if (mapContractRefinementsToKeep.get(qualifiedElement) == null) {
// System.out.println("contract refinement " + qualifiedElement
// + " should be removed");
.addAll(chessElementsUtil.getInvolvedDiagrams(existingContractRefinements, qualifiedElement));
contractEntityUtil.removeContractRefinement(existingContractRefinements, qualifiedElement);
// Formal properties cleanup time
for (String qualifiedElement : mapFormalPropertiesToKeep.keySet()) {
if (mapFormalPropertiesToKeep.get(qualifiedElement) == null) {
// System.out.println("formalProperty " + qualifiedElement + "
// should be removed");
.addAll(chessElementsUtil.getInvolvedDiagrams(existingFormalProperties, qualifiedElement));
entityUtil.removeFormalProperty(existingFormalProperties, qualifiedElement);
private boolean containsAssertion(RefinementInstance dslRefInstance) {
return dslRefInstance != null && dslRefInstance.getAssertion() != null;
private boolean containsProp(RefinementInstance dslRefInstance) {
return dslRefInstance != null && dslRefInstance.getProp() != null;
private boolean containsFormula(RefinementInstance dslRefInstance) {
return dslRefInstance != null && dslRefInstance.getFormula() != null;
private boolean containsRefinedBy(RefinementInstance dslRefInstance) {
return dslRefInstance != null && dslRefInstance.getRefinedby() != null;
private boolean containsConnection(RefinementInstance dslRefInstance) {
return dslRefInstance != null && dslRefInstance.getConnection() != null;
private boolean containsSubComponent(RefinementInstance dslRefInstance) {
return dslRefInstance != null && dslRefInstance.getSubcomponent() != null;
private void parseRefinementAssertion(Assertion assertion, HashMap<String, Boolean> mapFormalPropertiesToKeep,
Class owner) {
final String assertionName = assertion.getName();
final String assertionText = ossModelUtil.getExpressionAsString(assertion.getConstraint(),
// Retrieve the formal property from the owner, if any
// (working on the assertion name)
Constraint umlConstraint = owner.getOwnedRule(assertionName);
if (umlConstraint == null || !entityUtil.isFormalProperty(umlConstraint)) {
logger.debug("Formal property non found, creating one");
addedElements.add(entityUtil.createRefinementFormalProperty(owner, assertionName, assertionText));
} else {
if (entityUtil.isFormalProperty(umlConstraint)) {
logger.debug("Formal property already present");
chessElementsUtil.updateUmlRefinementFormalProperty(umlConstraint, assertionText, language,
private void parseRefinedBy(RefinedBy refinedBy, HashMap<String, Boolean> mapContractRefinementsToKeep, Class owner)
throws ImportException {
// REFINEDBY processing
// final RefinedBy refinement = dslRefInstance.getRefinedby();
final String refinedContractTypeName = refinedBy.getName();
logger.debug("\n\n\nContract name = " + refinedContractTypeName + " from " + owner.getName());
// Get the instance of the contract, using a library
// function
final ContractProperty chessContractProperty = contractEntityUtil
.getUmlContractPropertyOfUmlComponentFromContractPropertyType(owner, refinedContractTypeName);
// Get the refinements linked to that contract property
final EList<ContractRefinement> chessContractPropertyRefinements = chessSystemModel
// Loop on all the refinements to see if they already exist
final EList<FullContractIdList> refiningContractIds = refinedBy.getFullContractIds();
for (FullContractIdList refiningContractId : refiningContractIds) {
String componentInstanceName = getComponentNameCheckingOwnerSubComponents(refiningContractId, owner);
String[] componentInstanceRange = ossModelUtil
.getNearestComponentInstanceRangeFromFullContractId(refiningContractId, validateSerializedElements);
String componentInstanceIndex = ossModelUtil.getNearestComponentInstanceIndexFromFullContractId(
refiningContractId, componentInstanceName, validateSerializedElements);
String refinementNameOptSuffix = "";
if (!StringArrayUtil.isUndefined(componentInstanceRange)) {
refinementNameOptSuffix = refinementNameOptSuffix
.concat("." + componentInstanceRange[0] + "_" + componentInstanceRange[1]);
} else if (componentInstanceIndex != null) {
refinementNameOptSuffix = refinementNameOptSuffix.concat("." + componentInstanceIndex);
// Compose the name that the contract refinement should
// have
final String refinementName = componentInstanceName + "." +
// refiningContractProperty.getName()+
getRefiningContractPropertyName(componentInstanceName, owner, refiningContractId.getName())
+ refinementNameOptSuffix;
// Check to see if the refinement is already linked to
// the contract property
boolean alreadyLinked = false;
for (ContractRefinement contractRefinement : chessContractPropertyRefinements) {
if (contractRefinement.getBase_DataType().getName().equals(refinementName)) {
logger.debug("refinement already defined for the contract");
// Set the flag to signal the contract
// refinement is still used
alreadyLinked = true;
if (alreadyLinked) {
continue; // Go to the next refinement
} else {
logger.debug("refinement not present");
// Create a new refinement and add it to the
// contract property
final DataType umlRefinement = contractEntityUtil.getOrCreateContractRefinement(owner,
componentInstanceName, componentInstanceRange, componentInstanceIndex,
refiningContractId.getName(), stereotypeUtil.contractRefinementStereotype);
contractEntityUtil.addContractRefinementToContractProperty(chessContractProperty, umlRefinement);
// Store the new refinement
private String getComponentNameCheckingOwnerSubComponents(FullContractIdList refiningContractId, Class owner)
throws ImportException {
String componentInstanceName = ossModelUtil
String componentInstanceId = ossModelUtil.getNearestComponentInstanceIdFromFullContractId(refiningContractId,
final Property possiblePropertyFromComponentInstanceName = entityUtil.getUmlComponentInstance(owner,
final Property possiblePropertyFromComponentInstanceId = entityUtil.getUmlComponentInstance(owner,
if (possiblePropertyFromComponentInstanceName != null) {
return componentInstanceName;
} else if (possiblePropertyFromComponentInstanceId != null) {
return componentInstanceId;
} else
throw new ImportException(
"No subcomponent with name " + componentInstanceName + " is found in " + owner.getName());
private String getRefiningContractPropertyName(String componentInstanceName, Class owner,
String refiningContractTypeName) {
final Class refiningComponent = (Class) entityUtil.getUmlComponentInstance(owner, componentInstanceName)
logger.debug("refiningComponent: " + refiningComponent);
logger.debug("contractId.getName(): " + refiningContractTypeName);
// The refining contract property
final Property refiningContractProperty = contractEntityUtil
.getPropertyOfUmlComponentWithContractPropertyType(refiningComponent, refiningContractTypeName);
logger.debug("refiningContractProperty.getName(): " + refiningContractProperty.getName());
return refiningContractProperty.getName();
private void parseConnection(Connection connection, EList<Connector> existingConnectors,
EList<Constraint> existingDelegationConstraints, HashMap<String, Boolean> mapConnectors,
HashMap<String, Boolean> mapDelegationContraintsToKeep, Class owner) throws ImportException {
final FullVariableId variable = connection.getVariable();
final Expression constraint = connection.getConstraint();
final IterativeCondition iterCondition = connection.getIterativeCondition();
String variablePortName = null;
String constraintPortName = null;
Class componentTypeOfConstraint = null;
Class componentTypeOfVariable = null;
String componentInstanceNameOfConstraint = null;
String componentInstanceNameOfVariable = null;
Property componentInstanceOfConstraint = null;
Property componentInstanceOfVariable = null;
if ((constraint instanceof FullVariableId) && (variable instanceof FullVariableId) && ((iterCondition == null)
|| ((iterCondition.getConstraint() == null) && (iterCondition.getIteratorBounds() == null)))) {
// Details of the connector ends
variablePortName = ossModelUtil.getVariableIdAsString(variable.getId(), validateSerializedElements);
constraintPortName = ossModelUtil.getVariableIdAsString(((FullVariableId) constraint).getId(),
componentInstanceNameOfConstraint = ossModelUtil.getNearestComponentId((FullVariableId) constraint);
componentInstanceOfConstraint = entityUtil.getUmlComponentInstance(owner,
componentTypeOfConstraint = getPortOwner(componentInstanceOfConstraint, owner);
componentInstanceNameOfVariable = ossModelUtil.getNearestComponentId((FullVariableId) variable);
componentInstanceOfVariable = entityUtil.getUmlComponentInstance(owner, componentInstanceNameOfVariable);
componentTypeOfVariable = getPortOwner(componentInstanceOfVariable, owner);
if (connectorEndsExists(componentTypeOfConstraint, constraintPortName, componentTypeOfVariable,
variablePortName)) {
Connector connector = entityUtil.getExistingConnector(existingConnectors, componentInstanceNameOfVariable,
variablePortName, componentInstanceNameOfConstraint, constraintPortName);
if (connector != null) {
logger.debug("connector already present");
// Set the flag to signal the connector is still used
mapConnectors.put(connector.getQualifiedName(), Boolean.TRUE);
// continue;
} else {
logger.debug("connector is not present");
// Store the new connector
addedElements.add(entityUtil.createUmlConnector(constraintPortName, componentInstanceOfConstraint,
componentTypeOfConstraint, variablePortName, componentInstanceOfVariable,
componentTypeOfVariable, owner));
} else {
logger.debug("isDelegationConstraint: "
+ ossModelUtil.getOssElementAsString(connection, validateSerializedElements, true));
Constraint delegationConstraint = null;
// String constraintText =
// chessElementsUtil.getConstraintText(constraint);
String constraintText = ossModelUtil.getExpressionAsString(constraint, validateSerializedElements);
String variableIdText = ossModelUtil.getFullVariableIdAsString(variable, validateSerializedElements);
String iterConditionText = null;
if (iterCondition != null) {
iterConditionText = ossModelUtil.getIterativeConditionAsString(iterCondition,
if ((delegationConstraint = entityUtil.getExistingDelegationConstraint(existingDelegationConstraints,
variableIdText, constraintText, iterConditionText)) != null) {
logger.debug("delegation constraint already present");
// Set the flag to signal the delegation constraint
// is still used
mapDelegationContraintsToKeep.put(delegationConstraint.getQualifiedName(), Boolean.TRUE);
// continue;
} else {
logger.debug("delegation constraint is not present");
logger.debug("variableIdText: " + variableIdText);
logger.debug("constraintText: " + constraintText);
logger.debug("iterConditionText: " + iterConditionText);
// Create a delegation constraint, can be a
// LogicalExpression, IntegerLiteral,
// AddSubExpression, ...
addedElements.add(entityUtil.createDelegationConstraint(owner, variableIdText, constraintText,
iterConditionText, stereotypeUtil.delegationConstraintStereotype));
// continue;
* else if ((variable instanceof FullParameterId) || (constraint
* instanceof FullParameterId)) { // ParameterId not handled
* addImportError("Found a connection with a ParameterId, don't know how to handle it!"
* ); } else { // System.out.println("variable: " + variable);
* logger.debug("constraint not handled: " +
* ossModelUtil.getOssElementAsString(connection,
* validateSerializedElements, true));
* addImportError("Found the connetion: " + getTextOfTag(connection)
* + ", don't know how to handle it!"); }
private boolean connectorEndsExists(Class portOwnerOfConstraint, String constraintPortName,
Class portOwnerOfVariable, String variablePortName) {
logger.debug("(portOwnerOfConstraint != null)" + (portOwnerOfConstraint != null));
logger.debug("(constraintPortName != null)" + (constraintPortName != null));
logger.debug("(portOwnerOfVariable != null)" + (portOwnerOfVariable != null));
logger.debug("(variablePortName != null)" + (variablePortName != null));
// logger.debug("(portOwnerOfConstraint.getOwnedPort(constraintPortName,
// null)"+(portOwnerOfConstraint.getOwnedPort(constraintPortName,
// null)));
// logger.debug("(portOwnerOfVariable.getOwnedPort(variablePortName,
// null) != null)"+(portOwnerOfVariable.getOwnedPort(variablePortName,
// null) != null));
return (portOwnerOfConstraint != null) && (constraintPortName != null) && (portOwnerOfVariable != null)
&& (variablePortName != null) && (portOwnerOfConstraint.getOwnedPort(constraintPortName, null) != null)
&& (portOwnerOfVariable.getOwnedPort(variablePortName, null) != null);
* private boolean isDelegationConstraint(FullVariableId variable,
* Expression constraint, IterativeCondition iterCondition, Class owner)
* throws ImportException {
* logger.debug("isDelegationConstraint constraint: " + constraint);
* logger.debug("constraint instanceof FullVariableId: " + (constraint
* instanceof FullVariableId)); return // !(constraint instanceof
* FullVariableId) // || ((constraint instanceof
* FullVariableId)&&ossModelUtil.isVariableWithArray((FullVariableId)
* constraint)) // || !(variable instanceof FullVariableId) || (variable
* instanceof
* FullVariableId)&&(ossModelUtil.isVariableWithArray((FullVariableId)
* variable)) || (isFunctionBehavior(owner, variable) &&
* isFunctionBehavior(owner, constraint)) || (iterCondition != null); }
private Class getPortOwner(Property partWithPort, Class owner) {
Class portOwner = owner;
if (partWithPort != null) {
// Now I have to get the port object from the owning element
// Get the component type
final String typeName = partWithPort.getType().getName();
// Get the component object containing the definition of the port
portOwner = dslTypeToComponent.get(typeName);
return portOwner;
* private Property getPartWithPort(FullVariableId portId, Class owner) {
* Property partWithPort = null; String portOwnerName =
* ossModelUtil.getNearestComponentName(portId); if (portOwnerName != null)
* { partWithPort = entityUtil.getUmlComponentInstance(owner,
* portOwnerName); } if (partWithPort == null) { portOwnerName =
* ossModelUtil.getNearestComponentId(portId); partWithPort =
* entityUtil.getUmlComponentInstance(owner, portOwnerName); } return
* partWithPort; }
private void parseSubComponent(SubComponent subComponent, HashMap<String, Boolean> mapComponentInstancesToKeep,
Class owner) throws ImportException {
// SubComponent subComponent = dslRefInstance.getSubcomponent();
// SUB processing
final String subName = ossModelUtil.getSubComponentName(subComponent, validateSerializedElements);
logger.debug("\tsubcomponent name = " + subName);
final String subType = ossModelUtil.getSubComponentTypeName(subComponent);
logger.debug("\tsubcomponent type = " + subType);
String[] mulitplicityBoundaries = ossModelUtil
.getMultiplicityBoundariesFromOssSubComponentType(subComponent.getType(), validateSerializedElements);
logger.debug("\tsubcomponent multiplicityBoundaries = " + mulitplicityBoundaries[0] + " , "
+ mulitplicityBoundaries[1]);
final Type subComponentType = (Type) dslTypeToComponent.get(subType);
// Retrieve the component instance from the owner, if any
final Property componentInstance = entityUtil.getSubComponentInstance(owner, subName);
if (componentInstance == null) {
logger.debug("componentInstance not found, creating one");
.add(entityUtil.createUmlAssociation(subName, subComponentType, mulitplicityBoundaries, owner));
} else {
logger.debug("componentInstance already present");
if (!componentInstance.getType().equals(subComponentType)) {
// Add the association to the list of changes, it
// needs to be redrawn
try {
chessElementsUtil.updateUmlAssociation(componentInstance, subComponentType, mulitplicityBoundaries,
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e.getMessage() != null) {
throw new ImportException(e.getMessage());
} else {
throw new ImportException(e.toString());
* Creates a map with the formal properties names and the objects
* @param existingFormalProperties
* the list of constraints of the object
* @return the requested map
private HashMap<String, FormalProperty> prepareFormalPropertiesMap(EList<Constraint> existingFormalProperties) {
final HashMap<String, FormalProperty> map = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(existingFormalProperties.size());
// If the constraint is a formal property, store it
for (Constraint constraint : existingFormalProperties) {
final FormalProperty formalProperty = entityUtil.getFormalProperty(constraint);
if (formalProperty != null) {
map.put(formalProperty.getBase_Constraint().getName(), formalProperty);
return map;
* Parses the Interfaces of the component.
* @param dslParentComponent
* the AST Component owning the refinement
* @param dslComponentInterface
* the Interface element to be parsed
* @throws ImportException
private void parseInterfaces(AbstractComponent dslParentComponent, Interface dslComponentInterface)
throws ImportException {
// Get all the InterfaceInstances of the Interface
final EList<InterfaceInstance> dslIntInstances = dslComponentInterface.getInterfaces();
final Class owner = dslTypeToComponent.get(dslParentComponent.getType());
// Get all the existing ports of the element, static or not
final EList<NamedElement> existingNonStaticPorts = (EList<NamedElement>) chessSystemModel
existingNonStaticPorts.addAll((Collection<? extends NamedElement>) chessSystemModel.getStaticPorts(owner));
// Prepare the map to mark existing ports
final HashMap<String, Boolean> mapPortsToKeep = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(existingNonStaticPorts.size());
for (NamedElement port : existingNonStaticPorts) {
mapPortsToKeep.put(port.getQualifiedName(), null);
// Get all the existing contract properties
final EList<ContractProperty> existingContractProperties = (EList<ContractProperty>) chessSystemModel
// Prepare the map to mark existing contracts
final HashMap<String, Boolean> mapContractPropertiesToKeep = Maps
for (ContractProperty contractProperty : existingContractProperties) {
mapContractPropertiesToKeep.put(contractProperty.getBase_Property().getQualifiedName(), null);
// Get all the interface formal properties
final EList<Constraint> existingFormalProperties = (EList<Constraint>) chessSystemModel
// Create an hash map for the existing formal properties
final HashMap<String, FormalProperty> hashFormalProperties = prepareFormalPropertiesMap(
// Prepare the map to mark existing formal properties
final HashMap<String, Boolean> mapFormalPropertiesToKeep = Maps
for (Constraint formalProperty : existingFormalProperties) {
mapFormalPropertiesToKeep.put(formalProperty.getQualifiedName(), null);
// Get all the parameter assumptions
final EList<Constraint> existingParameterAssumptions = (EList<Constraint>) chessSystemModel
// Prepare the map to mark existing parameter assumptions
final HashMap<String, Boolean> mapParameterAssumptionsToKeep = Maps
for (Constraint parameterAssumptions : existingParameterAssumptions) {
mapParameterAssumptionsToKeep.put(parameterAssumptions.getQualifiedName(), null);
// Get all the functionBehaviors
final EList<Behavior> existingFunctionBehaviors = owner.getOwnedBehaviors();
// Prepare the map to mark existing functionBehaviors
final HashMap<String, Boolean> mapFunctionBehaviorsToKeep = Maps
for (Behavior behavior : existingFunctionBehaviors) {
mapFunctionBehaviorsToKeep.put(behavior.getQualifiedName(), null);
// Get all the defines
final EList<Constraint> existingDefines = (EList<Constraint>) chessSystemModel.getDefines(owner);
// Prepare the map to mark existing defines
final HashMap<String, Boolean> mapDefinesToKeep = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(existingDefines.size());
for (Constraint define : existingDefines) {
mapDefinesToKeep.put(define.getQualifiedName(), null);
// If some InterfaceInstances are present, loop on them
if ((dslIntInstances != null) && !dslIntInstances.isEmpty()) {
for (InterfaceInstance dslIntInstance : dslIntInstances) {
// Process the different types of interfaces
if (containsVariable(dslIntInstance)) {
final Variable dslVariable = dslIntInstance.getVariable();
if (dslVariable instanceof Port) {
// PORT processing
parsePort((Port) dslVariable, existingNonStaticPorts, mapPortsToKeep, owner);
} else if (dslVariable instanceof Parameter) {
// PARAMETER processing
parseParameter((Parameter) dslVariable, mapFunctionBehaviorsToKeep, existingNonStaticPorts,
mapPortsToKeep, owner);
} else if (dslVariable instanceof Operation) {
// OPERATION processing
addImportError("Found a OPERATION tag, don't know how to handle it!");
} else {
addImportError("Found a " + getTextOfTag(dslVariable) + " tag, don't know how to handle it!");
} else if (containsDefine(dslIntInstance)) {
// DEFINE processing
parseDefine(dslIntInstance.getDefine(), existingDefines, mapDefinesToKeep, owner);
} else if (containsContract(dslIntInstance)) {
// CONTRACT processing
parseContract(dslIntInstance.getContract(), hashFormalProperties, mapFormalPropertiesToKeep,
mapContractPropertiesToKeep, owner);
} else if (containsAssertion(dslIntInstance)) {
// ASSERTION NAME processing
parseInterfaceAssertion(dslIntInstance.getAssertion(), hashFormalProperties,
mapFormalPropertiesToKeep, owner);
} else if (containsParameterAssumptions(dslIntInstance)) {
parseParameterAssumptions(dslIntInstance.getParameterAssumptions(), mapParameterAssumptionsToKeep,
} else if (dslIntInstance != null) {
addImportError("Found a " + getTextOfTag(dslIntInstance) + " tag, don't know how to handle it!");
// Elements cleanup time
removeUnusedInterfaceElements(mapPortsToKeep, existingNonStaticPorts, mapContractPropertiesToKeep,
existingContractProperties, mapFormalPropertiesToKeep, existingFormalProperties,
mapParameterAssumptionsToKeep, existingParameterAssumptions, mapFunctionBehaviorsToKeep,
existingFunctionBehaviors, mapDefinesToKeep, existingDefines);
private void parseParameterAssumptions(ParameterAssumptions parameterAssumptions,
HashMap<String, Boolean> mapParameterAssumptionsToKeep, Class owner) {
final String parameterAssumptionsExpression = ossModelUtil
.getExpressionAsString(parameterAssumptions.getConstraint(), validateSerializedElements);
// Retrieve the constraint from the owner, if any
// (working on the constraint text)
final Constraint umlConstraint = entityUtil
.getParameterAssumptionsFromExpression(parameterAssumptionsExpression, owner);
if (umlConstraint == null || !entityUtil.isParameterAssumptions(umlConstraint)) {
logger.debug("Parameter assumptions non found, creating one");
addedElements.add(entityUtil.createParameterAssumptions(parameterAssumptionsExpression, owner,
} else {
if (entityUtil.isParameterAssumptions(umlConstraint)) {
logger.debug("Parameter assumptions already present");
// Set the flag to signal the Parameter Assumptions is
// still used
mapParameterAssumptionsToKeep.put(umlConstraint.getQualifiedName(), Boolean.TRUE);
private boolean containsParameterAssumptions(InterfaceInstance dslIntInstance) {
return dslIntInstance != null && dslIntInstance.getParameterAssumptions() != null;
private void removeUnusedInterfaceElements(HashMap<String, Boolean> mapPortsToKeep,
EList<NamedElement> existingNonStaticPorts, HashMap<String, Boolean> mapContractPropertiesToKeep,
EList<ContractProperty> existingContractProperties, HashMap<String, Boolean> mapFormalPropertiesToKeep,
EList<Constraint> existingFormalProperties, HashMap<String, Boolean> mapParameterAssumptionsToKeep,
EList<Constraint> existingParameterAssumptions, HashMap<String, Boolean> mapFunctionBehaviorsToKeep,
EList<Behavior> existingFunctionBehaviors, HashMap<String, Boolean> mapDefinesToKeep,
EList<Constraint> existingDefines) {
// Ports cleanup time
for (String qualifiedElement : mapPortsToKeep.keySet()) {
if (mapPortsToKeep.get(qualifiedElement) == null) {
// System.out.println("port " + qualifiedElement + " should be
// removed");
.addAll(chessElementsUtil.getInvolvedDiagrams(existingNonStaticPorts, qualifiedElement));
entityUtil.removePort(existingNonStaticPorts, qualifiedElement);
// Contracts cleanup time
// ** Contract instances and contract types are removed, but not their
// formal properties and refinements!
for (String qualifiedElement : mapContractPropertiesToKeep.keySet()) {
if (mapContractPropertiesToKeep.get(qualifiedElement) == null) {
// System.out.println("contractProperty " + qualifiedElement + "
// should be removed");
.addAll(chessElementsUtil.getInvolvedDiagrams(existingContractProperties, qualifiedElement));
contractEntityUtil.removeContractProperty(existingContractProperties, qualifiedElement);
// Formal properties cleanup time
for (String qualifiedElement : mapFormalPropertiesToKeep.keySet()) {
if (mapFormalPropertiesToKeep.get(qualifiedElement) == null) {
// System.out.println("formalProperty " + qualifiedElement + "
// should be removed");
.addAll(chessElementsUtil.getInvolvedDiagrams(existingFormalProperties, qualifiedElement));
entityUtil.removeFormalProperty(existingFormalProperties, qualifiedElement);
// Parameter Assumptions cleanup time
for (String qualifiedElement : mapParameterAssumptionsToKeep.keySet()) {
if (mapParameterAssumptionsToKeep.get(qualifiedElement) == null) {
// System.out.println("formalProperty " + qualifiedElement + "
// should be removed");
.addAll(chessElementsUtil.getInvolvedDiagrams(existingParameterAssumptions, qualifiedElement));
entityUtil.removeParameterAssumptions(existingParameterAssumptions, qualifiedElement);
// FunctionBehavior cleanup time
for (String qualifiedElement : mapFunctionBehaviorsToKeep.keySet()) {
if (mapFunctionBehaviorsToKeep.get(qualifiedElement) == null) {
// System.out.println("functionBehavior " + qualifiedElement + "
// should be removed");
.addAll(chessElementsUtil.getInvolvedDiagrams(existingFunctionBehaviors, qualifiedElement));
entityUtil.removeFunctionBehavior(existingFunctionBehaviors, qualifiedElement);
// Defines cleanup time
for (String qualifiedElement : mapDefinesToKeep.keySet()) {
if (mapDefinesToKeep.get(qualifiedElement) == null) {
// System.out.println("Define " + qualifiedElement + "
// should be removed");
modifiedDiagrams.addAll(chessElementsUtil.getInvolvedDiagrams(existingDefines, qualifiedElement));
entityUtil.removeMacroDefinition(existingDefines, qualifiedElement);
private void addImportError(String message) {
logger.error("Import Error: " + message);
importErrors.append(message + "\n");
private boolean containsAssertion(InterfaceInstance dslIntInstance) {
return dslIntInstance != null && dslIntInstance.getAssertion() != null;
private boolean containsContract(InterfaceInstance dslIntInstance) {
return dslIntInstance != null && dslIntInstance.getContract() != null;
private boolean containsDefine(InterfaceInstance dslIntInstance) {
return dslIntInstance != null && dslIntInstance.getDefine() != null;
private boolean containsVariable(InterfaceInstance dslIntInstance) {
return dslIntInstance != null && dslIntInstance.getVariable() != null;
private void parseInterfaceAssertion(Assertion assertion, HashMap<String, FormalProperty> hashFormalProperties,
HashMap<String, Boolean> mapFormalPropertiesToKeep, Class owner) {
final String assertionName = assertion.getName();
final String assertionText = ossModelUtil.getExpressionAsString(assertion.getConstraint(),
// Retrieve the formal property from the owner, if any
// (working on the assertion name)
Constraint umlConstraint = owner.getOwnedRule(assertionName);
if (umlConstraint == null || !entityUtil.isFormalProperty(umlConstraint)) {
logger.debug("Formal property not found, creating one");
addedElements.add(chessElementsUtil.createUmlInterfaceFormalProperty(assertionName, assertionText,
hashFormalProperties, owner));
} else {
if (entityUtil.isFormalProperty(umlConstraint)) {
logger.debug("Formal property already present");
chessElementsUtil.updateUmlFormalProperty(umlConstraint, assertionText, language, hashFormalProperties,
private void parseContract(Contract dslContract, HashMap<String, FormalProperty> hashFormalProperties,
HashMap<String, Boolean> mapFormalPropertiesToKeep, HashMap<String, Boolean> mapContractPropertiesToKeep,
Class owner) {
// parseContract();
// final Contract dslContract = dslIntInstance.getContract();
final Assumption dslAssumption = dslContract.getAssumption();
final Guarantee dslGuarantee = dslContract.getGuarantee();
final String ossAssumptionText = ossModelUtil.getExpressionAsString(dslAssumption.getConstraint(),
final String ossGuaranteeText = ossModelUtil.getExpressionAsString(dslGuarantee.getConstraint(),
final String contractName = dslContract.getName();
// Retrieve the contract type from the owner, if any
Class umlContract = (Class) owner.getOwnedMember(contractName, false,
if (umlContract == null) {
logger.debug("contract not found, creating one");
umlContract = chessElementsUtil.createUmlContract(contractName, ossAssumptionText, ossGuaranteeText,
hashFormalProperties, owner, stereotypeUtil.contractStereotype);
// Create a Contract Property
final String contractPropertyName = deriveContractPropertyNameFromContract(umlContract);
contractEntityUtil.createContractProperty(owner, contractPropertyName, (Type) umlContract,
} else {
logger.debug("Contract already present");
chessElementsUtil.updateUmlContract(umlContract, ossAssumptionText, ossGuaranteeText, language,
hashFormalProperties, mapContractPropertiesToKeep, mapFormalPropertiesToKeep, owner);
private void parseDefine(Define define, EList<Constraint> existingPorts, HashMap<String, Boolean> mapDefinesToKeep,
Class owner) {
final String defineName = define.getName();
final String defineExpression = ossModelUtil.getExpressionAsString(define.getConstraint(),
// Retrieve the define from the owner, if any
// (working on the define name)
final Constraint umlConstraint = owner.getOwnedRule(defineName);
if (umlConstraint == null || !entityUtil.isMacroDefinition(umlConstraint)) {
logger.debug("Macro definition not found, creating one");
addedElements.add(entityUtil.createMacroDefinition(defineName, defineExpression, owner,
} else {
if (entityUtil.isMacroDefinition(umlConstraint)) {
logger.debug("Macro definition already present");
chessElementsUtil.updateMacroDefinition(umlConstraint, defineExpression, language, mapDefinesToKeep);
* Returns a name for the ContractProperty, deriving it from the Contract
* type.
* @param contract
* the contract from which it derives
* @return a derived name, going lowercase
private String deriveContractPropertyNameFromContract(Class contract) {
final String contractName = contract.getName();
if (contractName.length() > 0) {
return contractName.toLowerCase();
} else {
return ((Contract) contract).getName().toLowerCase();
private void parsePort(Port ossPort, EList<NamedElement> existingPorts, HashMap<String, Boolean> mapPortsToKeep,
Class owner) throws ImportException {
// PORT processing
// final VariableId dslVariableID = ossPort.getId();
final ComplexType ossPortType = ossPort.getType();
String portName = ossModelUtil.getPortName(ossPort, validateSerializedElements);
logger.debug("port: " + ossPort);
logger.debug("portName: " + portName);
Type newPortType = ossTypeTranslator.getOrCreateTypeFromOssComplexType(ossPortType, owner.getNearestPackage());
if (newPortType == null) {
throw new ImportException("Not able to map the requested type for port : " + portName);
// return null; // Create the port anyway, without type
String[] newMultiplicityRange = ossModelUtil.getMultiplicityBoundariesFromOssComplexType(ossPortType,
// Version that updates the port
// Loop on all the ports to see if it is already existing
org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Port port = entityUtil.getExistingUmlPort(portName, existingPorts);
if (port != null) {
if (ossPort instanceof InputPort) {
chessElementsUtil.updateUmlNonStaticPort(port, ossPort, newPortType, newMultiplicityRange,
FlowDirection.IN, stereotypeUtil.flowPortStereotype, mapPortsToKeep);
} else if (ossPort instanceof OutputPort) {
chessElementsUtil.updateUmlNonStaticPort(port, ossPort, newPortType, newMultiplicityRange,
FlowDirection.OUT, stereotypeUtil.flowPortStereotype, mapPortsToKeep);
} else {
logger.debug("Port not found, creating it");
if (ossPort instanceof InputPort) {
addedElements.add(entityUtil.createNonStaticPort(owner, portName, newPortType, newMultiplicityRange,
true, stereotypeUtil.flowPortStereotype));
} else if (ossPort instanceof OutputPort) {
addedElements.add(entityUtil.createNonStaticPort(owner, portName, newPortType, newMultiplicityRange,
false, stereotypeUtil.flowPortStereotype));
private void parseParameter(Parameter ossParameter, HashMap<String, Boolean> mapFunctionBehaviorsToKeep,
EList<NamedElement> existingNonStaticPorts, HashMap<String, Boolean> mapPortsToKeep, Class owner)
throws ImportException {
// PARAMETER processing
// final FullParameterId ossParameterID =
// (FullParameterId)dslVariable.getId();
final ComplexType ossOutputType = ossParameter.getType();
// Check if there are optional parameters to detect how to handle it
final EList<ComplexType> ossInputTypes = ossParameter.getParameters();
String parameterName = ossModelUtil.getVariableIdAsString(ossParameter.getId(), validateSerializedElements);
if (ossInputTypes.size() != 0) {
parseParameterAsUmlFunctionBehaviour(parameterName, ossOutputType, ossInputTypes,
mapFunctionBehaviorsToKeep, owner);
} else {
parseParameterAsUmlStaticPort(parameterName, ossOutputType, existingNonStaticPorts, mapPortsToKeep, owner);
private void parseParameterAsUmlStaticPort(String ossParameterName, ComplexType ossParameterType,
EList<NamedElement> existingStaticPorts, HashMap<String, Boolean> mapPortsToKeep, Class owner)
throws ImportException {
// Convert the parameter to a static port
// Check if the port is already present
// String ossParameterName =
// ossModelUtil.getParameterName(ossParameterId);
final String[] newMultiplicityRange = ossModelUtil.getMultiplicityBoundariesFromOssComplexType(ossParameterType,
Type newParameterType = ossTypeTranslator.getOrCreateTypeFromOssComplexType(ossParameterType,
if (newParameterType == null) {
throw new ImportException("Not able to map the requested type for port : " + ossParameterName);
// Type ossPortType =
// ossElementsUtil.getOrCreateTypeFromOssType(dslVariableType,
// owner.getNearestPackage());
org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Port staticPort = entityUtil.getExistingUmlPort(ossParameterName,
newParameterType.getName(), existingStaticPorts);
* for (Object object : existingPorts) { final org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Port
* tmpPort = (org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Port) object; if
* (tmpPort.getName().equals(dslVariableID.getName()) &&
* tmpPort.getType().getName().equals().getName())) { port = tmpPort;
* break; // Port found } }
if (staticPort != null) {
logger.debug("Port already present");
chessElementsUtil.updateUmlStaticPort(staticPort, newMultiplicityRange, mapPortsToKeep);
} else {
// Create the port and mark it
addedElements.add(entityUtil.createStaticPort(owner, ossParameterName, newParameterType,
newMultiplicityRange, stereotypeUtil.flowPortStereotype));
// continue;
private void parseParameterAsUmlFunctionBehaviour(String parameterName, ComplexType ossOutputType,
EList<ComplexType> ossInputTypes, HashMap<String, Boolean> mapFunctionBehaviorsToKeep, Class owner)
throws ImportException {
// Check if the functionBehavior is already present
FunctionBehavior functionBehavior = (FunctionBehavior) owner.getOwnedBehavior(parameterName);
Type newOutputType = ossTypeTranslator.getOrCreateTypeFromOssComplexType(ossOutputType,
final String[] newMultiplicity = ossModelUtil.getMultiplicityBoundariesFromOssComplexType(ossOutputType,
EList<Type> newInputTypes = ossTypeTranslator.getOrCreateTypesFromOssComplexTypes(ossInputTypes,
final EList<String[]> newMultiplicities = ossModelUtil
.getMultiplicityBoundariesFromOssComplexTypes(ossInputTypes, validateSerializedElements);
if (newOutputType == null) {
throw new ImportException("Not able to map the requested type for port : " + parameterName);
if (functionBehavior == null) {
logger.debug("functionBehavior not found, creating one");
addedElements.add(entityUtil.createUmlFunctionBehaviour(parameterName, newInputTypes, newMultiplicities,
newOutputType, newMultiplicity, owner));
} else {
logger.debug("functionBehavior already present");
chessElementsUtil.updateUmlFunctionBehaviour(functionBehavior, newInputTypes, newMultiplicities,
newOutputType, newMultiplicity, mapFunctionBehaviorsToKeep);
* private SimpleType getSimpleType(EObject type){ if (type instanceof
* ParameterizedArrayType) { return
* ((ParameterizedArrayType)type).getType(); }else { return
* (SimpleType)type; } }
* Navigates the component and processes its interfaces.
* @param dslParentComponent
* the element in the tree
* @throws ImportException
private void parseComponentInterfaces(AbstractComponent dslParentComponent) throws ImportException {
logger.debug("\n\n\nParsing Interfaces for " + dslParentComponent.getType() + "\n");
// Get the Interfaces, if any
final Interface dslComponentInterface = dslParentComponent.getInterface();
if (dslComponentInterface != null) {
parseInterfaces(dslParentComponent, dslComponentInterface);
* Navigates the component and processes its refinements.
* @param dslParentComponent
* the element in the tree
* @throws Exception
private void parseComponentRefinements(AbstractComponent dslParentComponent) throws ImportException {
logger.debug("\n\n\nParsing Refinements for " + dslParentComponent.getType() + "\n");
// Get the Refinement, if any
final Refinement dslComponentRefinement = dslParentComponent.getRefinement();
if (dslComponentRefinement != null) {
parseRefinements(dslParentComponent, dslComponentRefinement);
* Returns the list of elements that have been modified or added to the
* model. Should be run after calling startParsing()
* @return the list of qualified names
public List<String> getAddedElements() {
final List<String> qualifiedNames = new ArrayList<String>(addedElements.size());
for (Element element : addedElements) {
if (element instanceof NamedElement) {
qualifiedNames.add(((NamedElement) element).getQualifiedName());
} else {
return qualifiedNames;
* Returns the list of elements that have been removed from the model.
* Should be run after calling startParsing()
* @return the list of qualified names
public List<String> getRemovedElements() {
return removedElements;
* Returns the list of diagrams containing element that have been removed
* from the model. Should be run after calling startParsing()
* @return the list of modified diagrams
public Set<String> getModifiedDiagrams() {
return modifiedDiagrams;
* Main method to be invoked to parse an OSS file.
* @param pkg
* the package in which add the elements
* @param ossFile
* the OSS file to be parsed
* @param append
* if true, elements will be added to the previous model. If
* false, they will overwrite it.
* @return
* @throws Exception
public StringBuffer startParsing(Package pkg, File ossFile, TransactionalEditingDomain domain) throws Exception {
logger.debug("pkg: " + pkg);
OSS ocraOssFile;
sysView = pkg; // Set the given package as working package
importErrors = new StringBuffer();
// Retrieve the needed stereotypes
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (ossFile != null) {
ocraOssFile = OSSModelFactory.getInstance().createOssModel(ossFile);
} else {
return importErrors;
// Retrieve the SystemComponent
SystemComponent dslSystemComponent = ocraOssFile.getSystem();
if (dslSystemComponent == null) {
logger.error("Import Error: System component is missing");
throw new ImportException("System component is missing");
// If the OCRA system component type is not defined, set it to 'System'
final String dslSystemComponentName = dslSystemComponent.getType() == null ? "System"
: dslSystemComponent.getType();
logger.debug("dslSystemComponent.type = " + dslSystemComponentName);
// Get all the existing members
EList<NamedElement> existingMembers = sysView.getOwnedMembers();
EList<Class> existingBlocks = new BasicEList<Class>(existingMembers.size());
// Prepare the map to mark existing blocks
HashMap<String, Boolean> mapBlocks = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(existingMembers.size());
for (Element member : existingMembers) {
if (entityUtil.isBlock(member) && !contractEntityUtil.isContract(member)) {
mapBlocks.put(((Class) member).getQualifiedName(), null);
existingBlocks.add((Class) member);
// Clear the lists for new and removed elements
// A map used to connect block names to their implementation
dslTypeToComponent = new HashMap<String, Class>();
// Clear the exception before starting the import
importException = null;
// Start a transaction to modify the package content
//Resource modelRes = SelectionUtil.getInstance().getSelectedModelResource();
//Package sysViewPkg = EntityUtil.getInstance().getCurrentSystemView();
//TransactionalEditingDomain domain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain(pkg);
domain.getCommandStack().execute(new RecordingCommand(domain) {
protected void doExecute() {
String blockQualifiedName = pkg.getQualifiedName() + "::" + dslSystemComponentName;
Class systemComponent = null;
if (!mapBlocks.containsKey(blockQualifiedName)) {
logger.debug("block not present: " + blockQualifiedName);
// Add a new systemComponent to the package
systemComponent = entityUtil.createSystemBlock(sysView, dslSystemComponent.getType(),
stereotypeUtil.blockStereotype, stereotypeUtil.systemStereotype);
// Add the component to the list of changes
} else {
logger.debug("block already present");
// Should retrieve the old one from the package
systemComponent = (Class) sysView.getOwnedMember(dslSystemComponentName, false,
// Set the flag to signal the block is still used
mapBlocks.put(blockQualifiedName, Boolean.TRUE);
// Store the systemComponent in a hash with its name
dslTypeToComponent.put(dslSystemComponentName, systemComponent);
// Populate the map and the package with the other Component
// elements
for (Component dslComponent : ocraOssFile.getComponents()) {
blockQualifiedName = pkg.getQualifiedName() + "::" + dslComponent.getType();
Class component = null;
if (!mapBlocks.containsKey(blockQualifiedName)) {
logger.debug("block not present: " + blockQualifiedName);
// Add a new block to the package
component = entityUtil.createBlock(sysView, dslComponent.getType(),
// Add the component to the list of changes
} else {
logger.debug("block already present: " + blockQualifiedName);
// Retrieve the old one
component = (Class) sysView.getOwnedMember(dslComponent.getType(), false,
// Set the flag to signal the block is still used
mapBlocks.put(blockQualifiedName, Boolean.TRUE);
// Store the component in a hash with its name
dslTypeToComponent.put(dslComponent.getType(), component);
// Now I have created all the Blocks in the package, loop on
// them, but not getting them from
// the package (it may be polluted with other blocks), but from
// the OSS model again.
try {
// Parse the system component
// Parse all the other components
for (Component dslComponent : ocraOssFile.getComponents()) {
// Parse the system component
// Parse all the other components
for (Component dslComponent : ocraOssFile.getComponents()) {
} catch (ImportException e) {
importException = e;
// return;
// Blocks cleanup time, remove blocks no more needed
for (String qualifiedElement : mapBlocks.keySet()) {
if (mapBlocks.get(qualifiedElement) == null) {
// System.out.println("block " + qualifiedElement + "
// should be removed");
.addAll(chessElementsUtil.getInvolvedDiagrams(existingBlocks, qualifiedElement));
entityUtil.removeElement(existingBlocks, qualifiedElement);
logger.debug("Total parsing time = " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms");
// addedElements contains all the elements that have been added or
// modified
logger.debug("addedElements size = " + addedElements.size());
for (Element element : addedElements) {
if (element instanceof NamedElement) {
logger.debug("added/modified element = " + ((NamedElement) element).getQualifiedName());
} else {
logger.debug("added/modified element = " + element);
// removedElements contains all the elements that have been removed from
// the model
logger.debug("removedElements size = " + removedElements.size());
for (String element : removedElements) {
logger.debug("removed element = " + element);
// modifiedDiagrams contains all the diagrams containing elements that
// have been removed from the model
logger.debug("modifiedDiagrams size = " + modifiedDiagrams.size());
for (String element : modifiedDiagrams) {
logger.debug("modified diagram = " + element);
// Propagate the exception, if any
if (importException != null) {
throw importException;
return importErrors;
// TODO: andrebbero rimossi anche i tipi creati, signal, enumeration,
// boundedsubtype,...