blob: 618c10f3623d1ef8ec721483a6abe98c522cb46c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 Fondazione Bruno Kessler.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Luca Cristoforetti - initial API and implementation
package org.polarsys.chess.service.core.utils;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionEvent;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionException;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.TreeIterator;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.RecordingCommand;
import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.TransactionalEditingDomain;
import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.util.TransactionUtil;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelection;
import org.eclipse.ui.handlers.HandlerUtil;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Component;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Model;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.PackageableElement;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Stereotype;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage;
import org.polarsys.chess.chessmlprofile.Dependability.DependableComponent.Analysis;
import org.polarsys.chess.chessmlprofile.Dependability.DependableComponent.AnalysisContextElement;
import org.polarsys.chess.chessmlprofile.ParameterizedArchitecture.InstantiatedArchitectureConfiguration;
import org.polarsys.chess.contracts.profile.chesscontract.util.EntityUtil;
import org.polarsys.chess.core.util.uml.UMLUtils;
import org.polarsys.chess.service.gui.utils.SelectionUtil;
import eu.fbk.eclipse.standardtools.utils.ui.utils.CommandBuilder;
import eu.fbk.eclipse.standardtools.utils.ui.utils.DialogUtil;
import eu.fbk.eclipse.standardtools.utils.ui.utils.DirectoryUtil;
import eu.fbk.eclipse.standardtools.utils.ui.utils.ErrorsDialogUtil;
* Utility class to store the results of an analysis.
* @author cristofo
public class AnalysisResultUtil {
private static final String ANALYSIS_CONTEXT_ELEMENT = "CHESS::Dependability::DependableComponent::AnalysisContextElement";
private static final String ANALYSIS_VIEW = "CHESS::Core::CHESSViews::AnalysisView";
private static final String DEPENDABILITY_ANALYSIS_VIEW = "CHESS::Core::CHESSViews::DependabilityAnalysisView";
private static final String RESULTS_FILE_PATH = File.separator + "VerificationResults";
* public static final String FMEA_ANALYSIS = "FMEA"; public static final
* String FTA_ANALYSIS = "FTA"; public static final String
* CONTRACT_BASED_FTA_ANALYSIS = "CONTRACT_FTA"; public static final String
* String PROPERTY_VALIDATION_ANALYSIS = "PROP_VAL"; public static final
public static final String PROPERTY = "property";
public static final String CHECK_TYPE = "check_type";
public static final String SELECTED_PROPERTIES = "selected_properties";
public static final String SELECTED_COMPONENTS = "selected_components";
private static AnalysisResultUtil packageUtilInstance;
private final EntityUtil entityUtil = EntityUtil.getInstance();
private final ErrorsDialogUtil errorsDialogUtil = ErrorsDialogUtil.getInstance();
private final DialogUtil dialogUtil = DialogUtil.getInstance();
public static AnalysisResultUtil getInstance() {
if (packageUtilInstance == null) {
packageUtilInstance = new AnalysisResultUtil();
return packageUtilInstance;
* Converts an Iterator to a Collection
private <T> Collection<T> iterator2Collection(final Iterator<T> iter) {
ArrayList<T> list = new ArrayList<T>();
for (; iter.hasNext();) {
T item =;
return list;
* Returns the requested view, starting from the UML model.
* @return the requested view
public Package getDependabilityView() {
final UmlModel umlModel = UmlUtils.getUmlModel();
final TreeIterator<EObject> allElements = umlModel.getResource().getAllContents();
if (allElements != null) {
final Collection<Package> packages = EcoreUtil.getObjectsByType(iterator2Collection(allElements),
for (Package p : packages) {
if (p.getAppliedStereotype(DEPENDABILITY_ANALYSIS_VIEW) != null) {
return p;
errorsDialogUtil.showMessage_GenericError("Error: DependabilityAnalysisView not found!");
return null;
* Returns the requested view starting from the given package.
* @param pkg
* the package from which go up and find the wiew
* @return the requested view
public Package getDependabilityViewFromPackage(Package pkg) {
final Model model = pkg.getModel();
// Get the list of first level packages
EList<Package> modelPackages = model.getNestedPackages();
Package analysisView = null;
for (Package modelPackage : modelPackages) {
if (modelPackage.getAppliedStereotype(ANALYSIS_VIEW) != null) {
analysisView = modelPackage;
if (analysisView == null) {
"No <<AnalysisView>> view found. " + "Cannot read or store analyses results.");
return null;
// Get the list of second level packages
modelPackages = analysisView.getNestedPackages();
for (Package modelPackage : modelPackages) {
if (modelPackage.getAppliedStereotype(DEPENDABILITY_ANALYSIS_VIEW) != null) {
return modelPackage;
"No <<DependabilityAnalysisView>> view found. " + "Cannot read or store analyses results.");
return null;
* Applies the ResultElement stereotype to the given element.
* @param element
* the element
* @return the stereotype applied
private Stereotype applyAnalysisContextElementStereotype(Component element) {
return UMLUtils.applyStereotype(element, ANALYSIS_CONTEXT_ELEMENT);
* Returns the local path of the given absolute path.
* @param filePath
* the absolute file path
* @return the local path
private String getLocalPath(String filePath) {
return filePath.substring(filePath.indexOf(RESULTS_FILE_PATH) + 1, filePath.length());
* Returns the ResultElement application from a given UML element.
* @param element
* the element containing the appplication, if any
* @return the application of the stereotype
public AnalysisContextElement getAnalysisContextElementFromUmlElement(Element element) {
final Stereotype appliedStereotype = element.getAppliedStereotype(ANALYSIS_CONTEXT_ELEMENT);
return (AnalysisContextElement) element.getStereotypeApplication(appliedStereotype);
* Return a kind of qualified name for the given package.
* @param pkg
* the package
* @return the qualified name, without "model" and "::" replaced by "_"
public String getPackageName(Package pkg) {
String name = pkg.getQualifiedName();
name = name.substring(name.indexOf("::") + 2);
return name.replace("::", "_");
* Creates a ResultElement and store the given result.
* @param type
* the type of the analysis
* @param conditions
* the specified conditions
* @param filePath
* the path of the result file
* @param rootComponent
* the root component of the architecture
* @param analysisContext
* the context analysis used to run the check
* @return true if succeded
public boolean createOrUpdateAnalysisContext(final Analysis type, final EList<String> conditions, final String resultFilePath,
final boolean storeResultFilePath, final Class rootComponent,
final InstantiatedArchitectureConfiguration instantiatedArchitecture, final AnalysisContextElement analysisContext) {
final Package activePackage = rootComponent.getNearestPackage();
// Select the correct view where to store the result
final Package dependabilityView = getDependabilityViewFromPackage(activePackage);
if (dependabilityView == null) {
return false;
// Start a transaction to modify the package content
final TransactionalEditingDomain domain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain(dependabilityView);
domain.getCommandStack().execute(new RecordingCommand(domain) {
protected void doExecute() {
// Get the correct package, or create it if needed
final String componentPackageName = getPackageName(rootComponent.getNearestPackage());
Package dependabilityPackage = dependabilityView.getNestedPackage(componentPackageName, false,
UMLPackage.eINSTANCE.getPackage(), true);
// Compute the local path to store in the result
// final String localFilePath = getLocalPath(filePath);
// Check if the result is already present in the package
EList<PackageableElement> packageableElements = dependabilityPackage.getPackagedElements();
for (PackageableElement packageableElement : packageableElements) {
if (packageableElement != null && packageableElement instanceof Component
&& (packageableElement.getAppliedStereotype(ANALYSIS_CONTEXT_ELEMENT) != null)) {
// There is an element with the same name, check to see
// if it is possible to reuse it
final AnalysisContextElement resultElement = getAnalysisContextElementFromUmlElement(
if (resultElement.getType().equals(type) && resultElement.getRoot() == rootComponent) {
if (isEquals(resultElement.getConditions(), conditions)
& resultElement.getInstantiatedArchitecture()==(instantiatedArchitecture)) {
// Same analysis, can be updated with the new
// values
resultElement.setDate(new Date().toString());
// Remove the result file from disk and set the
// new one
* File resultFile; try { resultFile = new
* File(DirectoryUtil.getInstance().
* getCurrentProjectDir() + File.separator +
* resultElement.getFile());
* resultFile.delete(); } catch (Exception e) {
* dialogUtil.showMessage_ExceptionError(e);
* e.printStackTrace(); }
* resultElement.setFile(localFilePath);
// File resultFile = new File(resultFilePath);
if (resultFilePath != null) {
if (storeResultFilePath) {
} else {
try {
new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(resultFilePath))));
} catch (IOException e) {
int currAnalysisContextElement = countAnalysisContextElements(packageableElements, type) + 1;
// Create a new result element
final Component umlComponent = (Component) dependabilityPackage.createPackagedElement(
type.getName() + "_" + currAnalysisContextElement, UMLPackage.eINSTANCE.getComponent());
final Stereotype appliedStereotype = applyAnalysisContextElementStereotype(umlComponent);
if (appliedStereotype == null) {
"Cannot apply the "+ANALYSIS_CONTEXT_ELEMENT+" stereotype. " + "Is the CHESS model up to date?");
final AnalysisContextElement resultElement = (AnalysisContextElement) umlComponent
if (resultElement != null) {
resultElement.setDate(new Date().toString());
if (conditions != null) {
if (instantiatedArchitecture != null) {
if (resultFilePath != null) {
if (storeResultFilePath) {
} else {
try {
resultElement.setResult(new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(resultFilePath))));
} catch (IOException e) {
// resultElement.setContextAnalysis(contextAnalysis);
return true;
protected int countAnalysisContextElements(EList<PackageableElement> packageableElements, Analysis type) {
int numElements = 0;
for (PackageableElement packageableElement : packageableElements) {
if (packageableElement != null && packageableElement instanceof Component
&& (packageableElement.getAppliedStereotype(ANALYSIS_CONTEXT_ELEMENT) != null)) {
// There is an element with the same name, check to see
// if it is possible to reuse it
final AnalysisContextElement resultElement = getAnalysisContextElementFromUmlElement(
if (resultElement.getType().equals(type)) {
return numElements;
boolean isEquals(EList<String> eList, EList<String> conditions) {
if ((eList == null) && (conditions == null)) {
return true;
if ((eList == null) || (conditions == null)) {
return false;
if (eList.size() != conditions.size())
return false;
for (String s : conditions) {
if (!eList.contains(s))
return false;
return true;
* Returns the selected package, if any.
* @param event
* the event
* @return the selected package
private Package getPackageFromSelectedObject(ExecutionEvent event) {
final ISelection selection = HandlerUtil.getActiveWorkbenchWindow(event).getActivePage().getSelection();
final Object selectedUmlElement = SelectionUtil.getInstance().getUmlSelectedObject(selection);
if (selectedUmlElement instanceof Package) {
return (Package) selectedUmlElement;
return null;
* Gets the System component from the selected event, if any.
* @param event
* the event
* @return the System component
* @throws ExecutionException
public Class getSystemComponentFromEvent(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
final Package pkg = getPackageFromSelectedObject(event);
if (pkg == null || !entityUtil.isSystemViewPackage(pkg)) {
final ExecutionException e = new ExecutionException("Please select a package from <<SystemView>>");
throw e;
final Class systemComponent = EntityUtil.getInstance().getSystemComponent(pkg);
if (systemComponent == null) {
final ExecutionException e = new ExecutionException(
"The package does not have a <<System>> block or it has more than one. Please check.");
throw e;
return systemComponent;
* Computes the name for the results directory.
* @return the name that the directory should have
private String computeResultDir() {
try {
return DirectoryUtil.getInstance().getCurrentProjectDir() + RESULTS_FILE_PATH;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
* Returns the directory where validation result files are stored. If the
* directory is not present, it will be created.
* @return the string containing the directory
public String getResultDir() {
final String resultDir = computeResultDir();
final File directory = new File(resultDir);
if (!directory.exists()) {
return createResultDir(resultDir);
} else {
return resultDir;
* Creates the directory where to store validation results.
* @return the string containing the directory
private String createResultDir(String dirName) {
try {
final File directory = new File(dirName);
if (!directory.mkdirs()) {
errorsDialogUtil.showMessage_GenericError("Cannot create results directory: " + dirName);
return null;
return dirName;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
* Shows the result of the given function, reading data from the given file.
* @param functionName
* the name of the function used to obtain the result
* @param fileName
* the file containing the data to visualize
public void showResult(String functionName, String fileName) {
final String commandId = "";
final String functionNameParam = "function_name";
final String fileNameParam = "result_file";
CommandBuilder computeFaultTree;
try {
computeFaultTree =;
computeFaultTree.setParameter(functionNameParam, functionName);
computeFaultTree.setParameter(fileNameParam, fileName);
} catch (Exception e) {
public List<AnalysisContextElement> getAnalysisContexts(Class element,
InstantiatedArchitectureConfiguration instantiatedArchitecture, Analysis analysisType, Model model) {
List<AnalysisContextElement> result = new ArrayList<AnalysisContextElement>();
for (Element elem : model.allOwnedElements()) {
Stereotype stereo = elem.getAppliedStereotype(ANALYSIS_CONTEXT_ELEMENT);
if (stereo != null) {
AnalysisContextElement contextAnalysis = (AnalysisContextElement) elem.getStereotypeApplication(stereo);
if (contextAnalysis.getType().equals(analysisType) && contextAnalysis.getRoot().equals(element)
&& contextAnalysis.getInstantiatedArchitecture()==(instantiatedArchitecture)) {
return result;