blob: 63718ddeac971584349621bf26e08ff3cc6053c7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 Intecs.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Intecs
package org.polarsys.chess.commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.AbstractHandler;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionEvent;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionException;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.IHandler;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.MARTE.MARTE_Foundations.Alloc.Assign;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.MARTE.MARTE_Foundations.GRM.Resource;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.RecordingCommand;
import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.TransactionalEditingDomain;
import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.util.TransactionUtil;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelection;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITreeSelection;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.editor.PapyrusMultiDiagramEditor;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.emf.facet.custom.metamodel.v0_2_0.internal.treeproxy.EObjectTreeElement;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.sysml.blocks.Block;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.sysml.portandflows.FlowPort;
import org.eclipse.ui.ISelectionService;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow;
import org.eclipse.ui.handlers.HandlerUtil;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Comment;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Component;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Connector;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.InstanceSpecification;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.InstanceValue;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Model;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Operation;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.PackageableElement;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Port;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Property;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Slot;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Stereotype;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.StructuralFeature;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Type;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLFactory;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage;
import org.polarsys.chess.chessmlprofile.ComponentModel.ComponentType;
import org.polarsys.chess.chessmlprofile.Core.CHESS;
import org.polarsys.chess.chessmlprofile.Core.CHGaResourcePlatform;
import org.polarsys.chess.chessmlprofile.Core.CHESSViews.DeploymentView;
import org.polarsys.chess.chessmlprofile.Dependability.DependableComponent.Propagation;
import org.polarsys.chess.chessmlprofile.Predictability.RTComponentModel.CHRtPortSlot;
import org.polarsys.chess.chessmlprofile.Predictability.RTComponentModel.CHRtSpecification;
import org.polarsys.chess.chessmlprofile.util.Constants;
import org.polarsys.chess.core.notifications.ResourceNotification;
import org.polarsys.chess.core.profiles.CHESSProfileManager;
import org.polarsys.chess.core.util.uml.UMLUtils;
import org.polarsys.chess.core.views.DiagramStatus;
import org.polarsys.chess.core.views.ViewUtils;
import org.polarsys.chess.service.gui.utils.CHESSEditorUtils;
* BuildModelInstanceCommand allows to create UML InstanceSpecifications starting from a Component definition
public class BuildModelInstanceCommand extends AbstractHandler implements
IHandler {
/** The Constant MARTE_CSP. */
private static final String MARTE_CSP = "MARTE::MARTE_DesignModel::GCM::ClientServerPort";
private static final String MARTE_FLOWPORT = "MARTE::MARTE_DesignModel::GCM::FlowPort";
/** The Constant MARTE_RESOURCE. */
private static final String MARTE_RESOURCE = "MARTE::MARTE_Foundations::GRM::Resource";
/** The Constant MARTE_ASSIGN. */
private static final String MARTE_ASSIGN = "MARTE::MARTE_Foundations::Alloc::Assign";
private static final String MARTE_MEMORYPARTITION = "MARTE::MARTE_DesignModel::SRM::SW_Concurrency::MemoryPartition";
/** The ac list. */
private static ArrayList<AssignCopy> acList;
/** The assigns. */
private static EList<Comment> assigns;
/** The instances list. */
private static ArrayList<InstanceSpecification> instancesList = new ArrayList<InstanceSpecification>();
/** The slot list. */
private static ArrayList<Slot> slotList = new ArrayList<Slot>();
private boolean ignoreErrors;
private InstanceSpecification oldRootInstance = null;
private Package oldInstancePackage = null;
//holds the mapping between a Property and the corresponding InstanceSpecification
private Map<Property, InstanceSpecification> property2InstMap = new HashMap<Property, InstanceSpecification>();
//the MARTE CHGaResourcePlatform stereotype applied to the root instance: it owns the reference to the Resource instances.
private CHGaResourcePlatform resPlatform = null;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* from the current selection retrieves the Component from which InstanceSpecifications (i.e. the object view) needs to be created.
* This handler is expected to the be invoked through the Papyrus ModelExplorer popup command
* @see org.eclipse.core.commands.AbstractHandler#execute(org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionEvent)
public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
ignoreErrors = false;
IWorkbenchWindow window = HandlerUtil.getActiveWorkbenchWindowChecked(event);
ISelectionService selectionService = window.getSelectionService();
ISelection selectionX = selectionService.getSelection();
if (!(selectionX instanceof ITreeSelection)){
ResourceNotification.showOk("Please invoke the Build Instance command on a single selection on the ModelExplorer");
return null;
ITreeSelection treesel = (ITreeSelection)selectionX;
if (treesel.getPaths().length == 0 || treesel.getPaths().length > 1){
ResourceNotification.showError("Please invoke the Build Instance command on a single selection on the ModelExplorer");
return null;
Object obj = treesel.getFirstElement();
if (!(obj instanceof EObjectTreeElement)){
ResourceNotification.showError("Please invoke the Build Instance command on a single selection on the ModelExplorer");
EObject eobj = ((EObjectTreeElement) obj).getEObject();
final Package view = ViewUtils.getView(eobj);
final Model umlModel = view.getModel();
final Class umlClass = (Class) eobj;
if (!ViewUtils.isDesignView(view, CHESSProfileManager.SYSTEM_VIEW) &&
!ViewUtils.isDesignView(view, CHESSProfileManager.COMPONENT_VIEW) &&
!ViewUtils.isDesignView(view, CHESSProfileManager.DEPLOYMENT_VIEW)) {
ResourceNotification.showError("Build Instance command can only be invoked on resources of the SystemView, ComponentView and DeploymentView");
return null;
if (ViewUtils.isDesignView(view, CHESSProfileManager.COMPONENT_VIEW)){
if (UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(umlClass, ComponentType.class)!= null){
ResourceNotification.showError("Build Instance command cannot be invoked on ComponentType");
return null;
return buildInstance(umlClass);
* Prepares the package which will own the instances and create the instances for the given UML::Class and its internal structure, i.e. the owned properties (parts and ports) and connectors.
* Extra functional information specified at class\property level is propagated to the instance level, where foreseen by the CHESS methodology
* (e.g. the CHRtSpecification specified for the ports are applied to the instances of the ports);
* Note that in case of multiple instances of the same class instantiated at different levels of the SW hierarchy,
* the assignment of the proper extra functional information for the derived instances cannot work while considering the information available at class-property level.
* This method tries to preserve the current SW to HW allocation, i.e. the Assign having the instances in 'from' and 'to' attributes.
* Moreover this method check if an instance model is already available for the given class; in case it tries to synchronize
* the new model with the information about extra functional properties specified in the old instance model.
* The model is updated by using a transactional command.
* @param umlClass the Class for which the instance-level representation has to be created
* @return the instance specification, stereotyped as MARTE Resource
* @since 0.10
public InstanceSpecification buildInstance(final Class umlClass){
PapyrusMultiDiagramEditor editor = CHESSEditorUtils.getCHESSEditor();
final DiagramStatus ds = CHESSEditorUtils.getDiagramStatus(editor);
final Package view = ViewUtils.getView(umlClass);
final Model umlModel = view.getModel();
oldInstancePackage = null;
oldRootInstance = null;
TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain(umlClass);
editingDomain.getCommandStack().execute(new RecordingCommand(editingDomain) {
protected void doExecute() {
//get the instance Package, if present
Package instPkg = null;
for(Element elem : umlClass.getOwner().getOwnedElements()){
if(elem instanceof Package && ((Package) elem).getName().equals(umlClass.getName() + "_instSpec")){
instPkg = (Package) elem;
//reuse instance package, if present, but destroy its children
if(instPkg != null){
EList<PackageableElement> elems = instPkg.getPackagedElements();
//save the root old instance
Package pkg = umlClass.getNearestPackage();
oldInstancePackage = pkg.createNestedPackage(umlClass.getName() + "_oldinstSpec");
EList<PackageableElement> tempElems = new BasicEList<PackageableElement>();
int size = elems.size();
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
PackageableElement pe = elems.get(i);
if (pe.getName() != null && !pe.getName().contains("."))
oldRootInstance = (InstanceSpecification) pe;
//create the instance package, if needed.
Package pkg = umlClass.getNearestPackage();
instPkg = pkg.createNestedPackage(umlClass.getName() + "_instSpec");
UMLUtils.applyStereotype(instPkg, Constants.CHGARESOURCEPLATFORM);
//perform build instances
buildComponentInstance(instPkg, umlClass, null, null, oldRootInstance);
//Assign are not used in the SystemView
if (!ViewUtils.isDesignView(view, CHESSProfileManager.SYSTEM_VIEW))
if (oldInstancePackage != null)
boolean compView = ViewUtils.isDesignView(view, CHESSProfileManager.COMPONENT_VIEW);
String msg = "Instances have been successfully generated under the "+instPkg.getName()+" Package.";
if (compView)
msg = msg+ "\n Check the CHESS Instance View to navigate and edit extra functional properties for SW instances.";
} catch (Exception e) {
ResourceNotification.showError("Problems while executing BuildInstance command: " + e.getMessage());
return null;
* Builds the instance-level representation of the given Component\Property.
* For a given UML::Class, instances are created for the Class itself and for its internal, i.e.: owned properties and connectors.
* @param pkg the Package which will own the created instance entities
* @param umlClass the Class for which the instance-level representation has to be created. If theProp is provided then comp must be the type of theProp.
* @param parentInstance the parent instance; it can be null.
* @param theProp the UML property for which the instance-level representation has to be created. It can be null.
* @param oldInst the instanceSpecification that will be replaced in the model; it allows to retrieve available properties on the instance, to be applied to the new one. It can be null
* @return the instance specification, stereotyped as MARTE Resource
private InstanceSpecification buildComponentInstance(Package pkg, Class umlClass, InstanceSpecification parentInstance, Property theProp, InstanceSpecification oldInst) {
//CHESS supports annotation of ports with CHRTSpecification through the composite diagram: in this case the instances of the ports derive the chrtSpecification from the decorated ports
List<Comment> commList = getAllCHRTSpec(umlClass, theProp);
InstanceSpecification inst = UMLFactory.eINSTANCE.createInstanceSpecification();
if(theProp != null){
String name = parentInstance.getName() + "." + theProp.getName();
if(parentInstance != null){
UMLUtils.applyStereotype(inst, MARTE_RESOURCE);
Resource res = (Resource) inst.getStereotypeApplication(inst.getAppliedStereotype(MARTE_RESOURCE));
Stereotype stereo = UMLUtils.applyStereotype(inst, Constants.CHGARESOURCEPLATFORM);
resPlatform = (CHGaResourcePlatform) inst.getStereotypeApplication(stereo);
//apply stereotypes to instances according to those applied to the property or the property type
if(theProp != null){
mapStereotypesFromPropertyToInstance(theProp, inst, oldInst);
for (Property subProp : umlClass.getAttributes()) {
if(subProp.getType() instanceof Class){
Class subCompImpl = (Class) subProp.getType();
if (!(subCompImpl instanceof Component) && (UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(subCompImpl, Block.class)== null)){
InstanceSpecification oldsubInst = getCorrespondingOldChildInstance (subProp, oldInst);
InstanceSpecification subInst = buildComponentInstance(pkg, subCompImpl, inst, subProp, oldsubInst);
Slot slot = UMLFactory.eINSTANCE.createSlot();
InstanceValue instValue = (InstanceValue) slot.createValue(subProp.getName(), null, UMLPackage.Literals.INSTANCE_VALUE);
else if(subProp.getAppliedStereotype(MARTE_CSP) != null || (UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(subProp, FlowPort.class)!=null)
|| subProp.getAppliedStereotype(MARTE_FLOWPORT) != null){
Slot slot = UMLFactory.eINSTANCE.createSlot();
//check if there are CHRtSpecifications linked to the port
List<CHRtSpecification> tmpList = new ArrayList<CHRtSpecification>();
for (Comment comm : commList) {
if(comm.getAppliedStereotype(Constants.CHRT_SPECIFICATION) != null && comm.getAnnotatedElements().contains(subProp)){
Stereotype chrtStereo = comm.getAppliedStereotype(Constants.CHRT_SPECIFICATION);
CHRtSpecification chrt = (CHRtSpecification) comm.getStereotypeApplication(chrtStereo);
CHRtPortSlot chrtportSlot = null;
if(tmpList.size() > 0){
Stereotype portSlotStereo = CHESSProfileManager.applyChRTPortSlotStereotype(slot);
chrtportSlot = (CHRtPortSlot) slot.getStereotypeApplication(portSlotStereo);
//check old slot
Slot oldSlot = getCorrespondingOldChildSlot(subProp, oldInst);
if (oldSlot != null){
Stereotype oldstereo = oldSlot.getApplicableStereotype(Constants.CH_CHRtPortSlot);
if (oldstereo != null){
CHRtPortSlot oldchrtportSlot = (CHRtPortSlot) oldSlot.getStereotypeApplication(oldstereo);
if (oldchrtportSlot != null){
if (chrtportSlot == null){
Stereotype portSlotStereo = CHESSProfileManager.applyChRTPortSlotStereotype(slot);
chrtportSlot = (CHRtPortSlot) slot.getStereotypeApplication(portSlotStereo);
for (Connector conn : umlClass.getOwnedConnectors()) {
buildConnectorInstance(pkg, conn, resPlatform, inst, property2InstMap);
if(theProp != null){
property2InstMap.put(theProp, inst);
//set <<chrtportslot>> attribute for the instance
//TODO this should be extended in case of multiple instances of the same class!!!
List<CHRtSpecification> tmpList = new ArrayList<CHRtSpecification>();
for (Comment comm : commList) {
if(comm.getAppliedStereotype(Constants.CHRT_SPECIFICATION) != null && comm.getAnnotatedElements().contains(umlClass)){
Stereotype chrtStereo = comm.getAppliedStereotype(Constants.CHRT_SPECIFICATION);
CHRtSpecification chrt = (CHRtSpecification) comm.getStereotypeApplication(chrtStereo);
CHRtPortSlot chrtportSlot = null;
if(tmpList.size() > 0){
Stereotype portSlotStereo = null;
if (inst.getAppliedStereotype(Constants.CH_CHRtPortSlot) != null)
portSlotStereo = inst.getAppliedStereotype(Constants.CH_CHRtPortSlot);
portSlotStereo = CHESSProfileManager.applyChRTPortSlotStereotype(inst);
chrtportSlot = (CHRtPortSlot) inst.getStereotypeApplication(portSlotStereo);
//TODO asynchronize with the old instance....
//end set <<chrtportslot>>
return inst;
//this method has been moved from BuildInstanceCommand (and made public)
* Map stereotypes from property to instance.
* @param property the property
* @param instance the instance
* @since 0.10
public static void mapStereotypesFromPropertyToInstance(Property property, InstanceSpecification instance, InstanceSpecification oldinstance){
Type type = property.getType();
EObject stereo = property.getStereotypeApplication(CHESSProfileManager.getCH_HWBus(property));
Element elem = property;
if (stereo == null){
//try to use the classifier
stereo = type.getStereotypeApplication(CHESSProfileManager.getCH_HWBus(type));
elem = type;
if (stereo != null){
Stereotype chHwBus = CHESSProfileManager.applyCH_HwBusStereotype(instance);
instance.setValue(chHwBus, "transmMode", elem.getValue(chHwBus, "transmMode"));
instance.setValue(chHwBus, "blockT", elem.getValue(chHwBus, "blockT"));
instance.setValue(chHwBus, "packetT", elem.getValue(chHwBus, "packetT"));
instance.setValue(chHwBus, "speedFactor", elem.getValue(chHwBus, "speedFactor"));
instance.setValue(chHwBus, "resMult", elem.getValue(chHwBus, "resMult"));
stereo = property.getStereotypeApplication(CHESSProfileManager.getCH_HWComputingResource(property));
elem = property;
if (stereo == null){
//try to use the classifier
stereo = type.getStereotypeApplication(CHESSProfileManager.getCH_HWComputingResource(type));
elem = type;
if (stereo != null){
Stereotype chHwComputingRes = CHESSProfileManager.applyCH_HwComputingResourceStereotype(instance);
instance.setValue(chHwComputingRes, "speedFactor", elem.getValue(chHwComputingRes, "speedFactor"));
instance.setValue(chHwComputingRes, "resMult", elem.getValue(chHwComputingRes, "resMult"));
stereo = property.getStereotypeApplication(CHESSProfileManager.getCH_HWProcessor(property));
elem = property;
if (stereo == null){
//try to use the classifier
stereo = type.getStereotypeApplication(CHESSProfileManager.getCH_HWProcessor(type));
elem = type;
if (stereo != null){
Stereotype chHwComputingRes = CHESSProfileManager.applyCH_HwProcessorStereotype(instance);
instance.setValue(chHwComputingRes, "speedFactor", elem.getValue(chHwComputingRes, "speedFactor"));
instance.setValue(chHwComputingRes, "resMult", elem.getValue(chHwComputingRes, "resMult"));
// instance.setValue(chHwComputingRes, "nbCores", elem.getValue(chHwComputingRes, "nbCores"));
//if the property is stereotyped, then apply the same stereotype to the instance (if applicable)
Stereotype memPartition = property.getAppliedStereotype(MARTE_MEMORYPARTITION);
if (memPartition != null){
if (oldinstance != null){
Stereotype oldstereo = oldinstance.getApplicableStereotype(Constants.CH_CHRtPortSlot);
CHRtPortSlot oldchrtportSlot = (CHRtPortSlot) oldinstance.getStereotypeApplication(oldstereo);
if (oldchrtportSlot != null){
Stereotype newstereo = instance.getApplicableStereotype(Constants.CH_CHRtPortSlot);
CHRtPortSlot chrtportSlot = (CHRtPortSlot) instance.getStereotypeApplication(newstereo);
if (chrtportSlot == null){
Stereotype portSlotStereo = CHESSProfileManager.applyChRTPortSlotStereotype(instance);
chrtportSlot = (CHRtPortSlot) instance.getStereotypeApplication(portSlotStereo);
* Builds the connector instance.
* @param pkg the pkg
* @param conn the conn
* @param resPlatform the res platform
* @param parentInstance the parent instance
* @param property2InstMap the property2 inst map
private void buildConnectorInstance(Package pkg, Connector conn, CHGaResourcePlatform resPlatform, InstanceSpecification parentInstance, Map<Property, InstanceSpecification> property2InstMap) {
InstanceSpecification connInst = UMLFactory.eINSTANCE.createInstanceSpecification();
String name = parentInstance.getName() + "." + conn.getName();
UMLUtils.applyStereotype(connInst, MARTE_RESOURCE);
Resource res = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(connInst, Resource.class);
Slot sourceSlot = connInst.createSlot();
Slot targetSlot = connInst.createSlot();
Port sourcePort = (Port) conn.getEnds().get(0).getRole();
InstanceValue value = (InstanceValue) sourceSlot.createValue("partWithPort", null, UMLPackage.Literals.INSTANCE_VALUE);
Property sourceProperty = conn.getEnds().get(0).getPartWithPort();
* from UML spec about ConnectorEnd: If a ConnectorEnd is attached to a Port of the containing Classifier, partWithPort will be empty.
* here, to keep the things simple, the instance field of the InstanceValue 'partWithPort' is set to the parent instance target\source of the delegation
InstanceSpecification sourceInstance = (sourceProperty == null ? parentInstance: property2InstMap.get(sourceProperty));
targetSlot.setDefiningFeature((StructuralFeature) conn.getEnds().get(1).getRole());
value = (InstanceValue) targetSlot.createValue("partWithPort", null, UMLPackage.Literals.INSTANCE_VALUE);
Property targetProperty = conn.getEnds().get(1).getPartWithPort();
InstanceSpecification targetInstance = (targetProperty == null ? parentInstance : property2InstMap.get(targetProperty));
//if the connector is <<propagation>> then attach <<propagation>> to instance specification as well
Propagation origPropagation = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(conn, Propagation.class);
if (origPropagation != null){
Propagation newPropagation = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(connInst, Propagation.class);
* Save assign allocations, in case the build instance command is invoked to update the instance level view
* @param umlModel the uml model
private static void saveAssignAllocations(Model umlModel){
//save assign allocations before build instance specifications
CHESS chess = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(umlModel, CHESS.class);
DeploymentView deplView = chess.getDeploymentView();
EList<Comment> tmp = deplView.getAssignList();
assigns = new BasicEList<Comment>();
for (int i = 0; i < tmp.size(); i++){
if(tmp.get(i).getAppliedStereotype(MARTE_ASSIGN) != null){
acList = AssignCopy.toAssignCopyList(assigns);
* Regenerate assign allocations.
* @param umlModel the uml model
private static void regenerateAssignAllocations(Model umlModel){
//regenerate, if possible, assign allocations
Iterator<InstanceSpecification> instIt;
Iterator<Slot> slotIt;
for (int i = 0; i < acList.size(); i++){
Comment com = assigns.get(i);
Assign assign = UMLUtils.getStereotypeApplication(com, Assign.class);
EList<Element> from = assign.getFrom();
EList<Element> to = assign.getTo();
AssignCopy ac = acList.get(i);
for (String fromName : ac.getFrom()){
instIt = instancesList.iterator();
InstanceSpecification isFrom = null;
InstanceSpecification tmpInst =;
isFrom = tmpInst;
if (isFrom != null && !from.contains(isFrom)){
slotIt = slotList.iterator();
Slot slFrom = null;
while (slotIt.hasNext()){
Slot tmpSlot =;
String slotName = tmpSlot.getOwningInstance().getQualifiedName() + "::"
+ tmpSlot.getDefiningFeature().getName();
slFrom = tmpSlot;
if(slFrom != null && !from.contains(slFrom)){
for (String toName : ac.getTo()){
instIt = instancesList.iterator();
InstanceSpecification isTo = null;
InstanceSpecification tmpInst =;
isTo = tmpInst;
if (isTo != null && !to.contains(isTo)){
slotIt = slotList.iterator();
Slot slTo = null;
while (slotIt.hasNext()){
Slot tmpSlot =;
String slotName = tmpSlot.getOwningInstance().getQualifiedName() + "::"
+ tmpSlot.getDefiningFeature().getName();
slTo = tmpSlot;
if(slTo != null && !to.contains(slTo)){
private InstanceSpecification getCorrespondingOldChildInstance (Property prop, InstanceSpecification inst){
if (inst == null)
return null;
EList<Slot> slots = inst.getSlots();
for (Slot s: slots){
if (s.getDefiningFeature() != null && s.getDefiningFeature().equals(prop)){
InstanceValue instvalue = (InstanceValue) s.getValues().get(0);
return instvalue.getInstance();
return null;
private Slot getCorrespondingOldChildSlot (Property prop, InstanceSpecification inst){
if (inst == null)
return null;
EList<Slot> slots = inst.getSlots();
for (Slot s: slots){
if (s.getDefiningFeature()!= null && s.getDefiningFeature().equals(prop)){
return s;
return null;
* returns the CHRTspecification Comments that have been already created for the operations of given class and/or property
* @param umlClass the class owning the operations possibly annotated with chrtspecification
* @param theProp can be null, the property (instance of component) which can have ports-operations annotated with CHRTspecification
* @return
private List<Comment> getAllCHRTSpec(Class umlClass, Property theProp){
//take all the comment owner by the Class
List<Comment> commList = umlClass.getOwnedComments();
List<Comment> mycommlist = new ArrayList<Comment>();
for (Comment comm:commList){
//when working with composite diagram the comments annotating ports of a given property are placed under the context classifier
if (theProp != null){
commList = theProp.getFeaturingClassifiers().get(0).getOwnedComments();
for (Comment comm:commList){
//check for chrt owned by operations
for (Operation op : umlClass.getOperations()){
commList = op.getOwnedComments();
for (Comment comm:commList){
return mycommlist;