blob: 8a9859c450e4fc295f4d0d8663635ac344d6d814 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 Fondazione Bruno Kessler.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Alberto Debiasi - initial API and implementation
package org.polarsys.chess.contracts.profile.chesscontract.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringJoiner;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.PackageableElement;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Parameter;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ParameterDirectionKind;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.Command;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionEvent;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.IHandler;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.TreeIterator;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.WrappedException;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.NamedElement;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Namespace;
//import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.MARTE.MARTE_Annexes.VSL.DataTypes.BoundedSubtype;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.sysml.portandflows.FlowDirection;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.sysml.portandflows.FlowPort;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.sysml.service.types.element.SysMLElementTypes;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.service.types.utils.ElementUtil;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.views.modelexplorer.ModelExplorerPage;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.views.modelexplorer.ModelExplorerPageBookView;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.views.modelexplorer.ModelExplorerView;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorInput;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
import org.eclipse.ui.IFileEditorInput;
import org.eclipse.ui.IViewPart;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchCommandConstants;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow;
import org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException;
import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
import org.eclipse.ui.commands.ICommandService;
import org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDE;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.AggregationKind;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Association;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Behavior;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.BodyOwner;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.CallEvent;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Classifier;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Comment;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Component;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ConnectableElement;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Connector;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ConnectorEnd;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Constraint;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.DataType;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Dependency;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Enumeration;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.EnumerationLiteral;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.FunctionBehavior;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.LiteralInteger;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.LiteralString;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.LiteralUnlimitedNatural;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Model;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.MultiplicityElement;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.OpaqueBehavior;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.OpaqueExpression;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Operation;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Port;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Profile;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Property;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Pseudostate;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.PseudostateKind;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.RedefinableTemplateSignature;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Region;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Signal;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.SignalEvent;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.StateMachine;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Stereotype;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.TemplateParameter;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Transition;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Trigger;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Type;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLFactory;
//import org.polarsys.chess.contracts.profile.chesscontract.util.ContractEntityUtil;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ValueSpecification;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Vertex;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.VisibilityKind;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.resource.UMLResource;
import org.polarsys.chess.chessmlprofile.ParameterizedArchitecture.InstantiatedArchitectureConfiguration;
import org.polarsys.chess.chessmlprofile.StateMachines.PrioritizedTransition;
import org.polarsys.chess.contracts.profile.chesscontract.FormalProperty;
import org.polarsys.chess.core.util.uml.ResourceUtils;
import org.polarsys.chess.core.util.uml.UMLUtils;
import eu.fbk.eclipse.standardtools.utils.core.utils.EObjectUtil;
* Util class that provides methods to manage SysML/CHESS/MARTE objects.
public class EntityUtil {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(EntityUtil.class);
public static final String BLOCK = "SysML::Blocks::Block";
public static final String SYSTEM = "CHESSContract::System";
public static final String FLOW_Port = "SysML::PortAndFlows::FlowPort";
private static final String FLOW_Port_MARTE = "MARTE::MARTE_DesignModel::GCM::FlowPort";
public static final String BOUNDED_TYPE = "MARTE::MARTE_Annexes::VSL::DataTypes::BoundedSubtype";
private static final String COMP_TYPE = "CHESS::ComponentModel::ComponentType";
private static final String COMP_IMPL = "CHESS::ComponentModel::ComponentImplementation";
private static final String SYSVIEW = "CHESS::Core::CHESSViews::SystemView";
public static final String INSTANTIATED_ARCHITECTURE_CONFIGURATION = "CHESS::ParameterizedArchitecture::InstantiatedArchitectureConfiguration";
private static final String INTEGER_TYPE = "PrimitiveTypes::Integer";
private static final String STRING_TYPE = "PrimitiveTypes::String";
private static final String REAL_TYPE = "PrimitiveTypes::Real";
private static final String BOOLEAN_TYPE = "PrimitiveTypes::Boolean";
private static final String CHESS_CONTINUOUS_TYPE = "CHESSContract::DataTypes::Continuous";
private static final String MARTE_BOOLEAN_TYPE = "MARTE_Library::MARTE_PrimitivesTypes::Boolean";
private static final String MARTE_REAL_TYPE = "MARTE_Library::MARTE_PrimitivesTypes::Real";
private static final String MARTE_INTEGER_TYPE = "MARTE_Library::MARTE_PrimitivesTypes::Integer";
private static final String FORMAL_PROP = "CHESSContract::FormalProperty";
private static final String FAULTY_STATE_MACHINE = "CHESS::Dependability::ThreatsPropagation::ErrorModel";
public static final String DELEGATION_CONST = "CHESSContract::DelegationConstraint";
public static final String PRIORITIZED_TRANSITION = "CHESS::StateMachines::PrioritizedTransition";
public static final String MACRO_DEFINITION = "CHESS::Expressions::MacroDefinition";
public static final String PARAMETER_ASSUMPTIONS = "CHESS::Expressions::ParameterAssumptions";
// default names of created objects
private static final String DEFAULT_DELEGATION_PREFIX = "DelegConstr_";
private static final String DEFAULT_PAR_ASSUMPTION_PREFIX = "ParamAssumption";
private static final String DEFAULT_ASSOCIATION_NAME = "association";
private static final String DEFAULT_ENUMERATION_NAME = "Enumeration";
private static final String DEFAULT_SIGNAL_NAME = "Signal";
private static final String DEFAULT_CONNECTOR_NAME = "connector";
private static final String DEFAULT_DELEGATION_CONSTRAINT_LITERAL_STRING_NAME = "constraintSpec";
private static final String DEFAULT_PAR_ASSUMPTION_LITERAL_STRING_NAME = "constraintSpec";
private static final String DEFAULT_MACRO_DEFINITION_STRING_NAME = "constraintSpec";
private static final String DEFAULT_PARAMETER_IN_NAME = "parameterIn";
private static final String DEFAULT_PARAMETER_OUT_NAME = "parameterOut";
private static final String DEFAULT_BOUNDEDTYPE_NAME = "BoundedInteger_";
private static final String modelExtension = ".di";
// Library for UML primitive types
private Model umlLibrary = null;
// Library for CHESS types like continuous
private Profile chessContractLibrary = null;
private static EntityUtil entityUtilInstance;
public static EntityUtil getInstance() {
if (entityUtilInstance == null) {
entityUtilInstance = new EntityUtil();
return entityUtilInstance;
public IFile getCurrentIFile() throws Exception {
IWorkbenchPage page = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();
if (page != null) {
IEditorPart editorPart = page.getActiveEditor();
if (editorPart != null) {
IEditorInput editorInput = editorPart.getEditorInput();
if ((editorInput != null) && (editorInput instanceof IFileEditorInput)) {
return ((IFileEditorInput) editorInput).getFile();
return null;
public void openCurrentModelIntoEditor(IFile file) throws Exception {
IProject project = file.getProject();
if (project == null) {
throw new Exception("No project associated to the file " + file.getName());
// Look inside the resources to find the model file. The extension of
// that file should be
// standard, but the model name could be different from the project
// name.
IFile modelFile = null;
try {
IResource[] resources = project.members();
for (IResource iResource : resources) {
if (iResource.getName().endsWith(modelExtension) && iResource.getType() == IResource.FILE) {
modelFile = (IFile) iResource;
} catch (CoreException e1) {
if (modelFile == null) {
throw new Exception("No model found in the project " + project.getName());
// Open the model file
IWorkbenchPage page = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();
try {
IDE.openEditor(page, modelFile, true);
} catch (PartInitException e) {
public Model loadModel(String projectName, String fileName) {
IWorkspaceRoot wRoot = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
logger.debug("wRoot: " + wRoot);
IProject proj = wRoot.getProject(projectName);
return loadModel(proj, fileName);
public Model loadModel(IProject proj, String fileName) {
IFile file = proj.getFile(fileName);
IPath loc = file.getLocation();
logger.debug("loc: " + loc);
ResourceSet resSet = new ResourceSetImpl();
Resource resource = resSet.getResource(URI.createFileURI(loc.toString()), true);
Model model = ResourceUtils.getModel(resource);
return model;
* Loads a package from the given resource.
* @param uri
* the URI of the resource to load
* @return the retrieved package
public Package loadPackage(URI uri) {
Package package_ = null;
try {
final ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl();
final Resource resource = resourceSet.getResource(uri, true);
package_ = (Package) EcoreUtil.getObjectByType(resource.getContents(), UMLPackage.Literals.PACKAGE);
} catch (WrappedException we) {
return package_;
* Returns the Type Continuous.
* @return the requested Type
public Type getContinuousType() {
if (chessContractLibrary == null) {
chessContractLibrary = (Profile) loadPackage(
// The Continuous type is defined here:
// CHESSContract::DataTypes::Continuous
// Get the correct package inside the profile
final Package dataTypes = chessContractLibrary.getNestedPackage("DataTypes");
// Get the correct type
final Type type = dataTypes.getOwnedType("Continuous");
if (type != null) {
logger.debug("Type '" + type.getQualifiedName() + "' found.");
return type;
return null;
* Returns the primitive type from the standard primitive library.
* @param name
* the name of the Type
* @return the requested primitive type
public Type getPrimitiveType(String name) {
if (umlLibrary == null) {
umlLibrary = (Model) loadPackage(URI.createURI(UMLResource.UML_PRIMITIVE_TYPES_LIBRARY_URI));
// Get the correct type from the library
final Type type = umlLibrary.getOwnedType(name);
if (type != null) {
logger.debug("Type '" + type.getQualifiedName() + "' found.");
logger.debug("Type object'" + type + "' found.");
return type;
return null;
* Returns the delegation constraint with the given specs from a list
* @param delegationConstraints
* the list of delegation constraints to scan
* @param variable
* variable part
* @param constraint
* costraint part
* @return the delegation constraint, if found
public Constraint getExistingDelegationConstraint(EList<Constraint> delegationConstraints, String variableIdText,
String constraintText, String iterConditionText) {
// Text of the delegation constraint
final String formalPropertyText = createDelegationConstraintText(variableIdText, constraintText,
// Loop on all the delegation constraints to find one with same text
for (Constraint delegationConstraint : delegationConstraints) {
final LiteralString specification = (LiteralString) delegationConstraint.getSpecification();
if (specification.getValue().equals(formalPropertyText)) {
return delegationConstraint;
return null;
* Return the Parameter with the given speccs if present among a list of
* Parameters
* @param parameters
* the list of Parameters to scan
* @param type
* the type of the Parameter
* @param isInput
* the direction of the Parameter
* @return the Parameter, if found
public Parameter getExistingFunctionBehaviorParameter(EList<Parameter> parameters, Type functionBehaviourType,
boolean isInput) {
for (Parameter parameter : parameters) {
if (parameter.getType() == functionBehaviourType) {
if ((isInput && parameter.getDirection() == ParameterDirectionKind.IN_LITERAL)
|| (!isInput && parameter.getDirection() == ParameterDirectionKind.OUT_LITERAL)) {
return parameter;
return null;
* Returns the list of contract refinements associated to a Class
* @param owner
* the owner Class
* @return the list of contract refinements
public EList<DataType> getDataTypes(Class owner) {
EList<DataType> contractRefinements = new BasicEList<DataType>();
for (Classifier classifier : owner.getNestedClassifiers()) {
if (classifier instanceof DataType) {
contractRefinements.add((DataType) classifier);
return contractRefinements;
public org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Port getExistingUmlPort(String portName, EList<NamedElement> existingPorts) {
for (Object object : existingPorts) {
final org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Port tmpPort = (org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Port) object;
if (tmpPort.getName().equals(portName)) {
return (org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Port) tmpPort;
return null;
public org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Port getExistingUmlPort(String portName, String typeName,
EList<NamedElement> existingPorts) {
for (Object object : existingPorts) {
final org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Port tmpPort = (org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Port) object;
if (tmpPort.getName().equals(portName) && tmpPort.getType().getName().equals(typeName)) {
return tmpPort;
// Port found
return null;
public Stereotype findStereotype(Package pkg, String stereotypeName) {
for (Stereotype sub : UMLUtil.findSubstereotypes(pkg, stereotypeName)) {
if (sub.getQualifiedName().equals(stereotypeName)) {
return sub;
return null;
public void updateUmlStaticPort(org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Port port, String[] newMultiplicityRange) {
final String[] multiplicityRange = getAttributeMultiplicity(port);
// Update its multiplicity if needed
if (!equalMultiplicityBoundaries(newMultiplicityRange, multiplicityRange)) {
setAttributeMultiplicity(port, newMultiplicityRange);
public void updateUmlNonStaticPort(Port port, Type newType, String[] newMultiplicityRange) {
if (!port.getType().getName().equals(newType.getName())) {
// Update its multiplicity if needed
final String[] multiplicityRange = getAttributeMultiplicity(port);
if (!equalMultiplicityBoundaries(newMultiplicityRange, multiplicityRange)) {
setAttributeMultiplicity(port, newMultiplicityRange);
public FunctionBehavior createUmlFunctionBehaviour(String functionBehaviourName, EList<Type> inputTypes,
EList<String[]> inputMultiplicities, Type outputType, String[] outputMultiplicity, Class owner) {
// Create an empty functionBehavior
FunctionBehavior functionBehavior = createFunctionBehavior(owner, functionBehaviourName);
createUmlFunctionBehaviorParameters(functionBehavior, inputTypes, inputMultiplicities, outputType,
return functionBehavior;
public void createUmlFunctionBehaviorParameters(FunctionBehavior functionBehavior, EList<Type> inputTypes,
EList<String[]> inputMultiplicities, Type outputType, String[] outputMultiplicity) {
// Create the input parameters
for (int i = 0; i < inputTypes.size(); i++) {
Type parameterType = inputTypes.get(i);
String[] parameterMultiplicity = inputMultiplicities.get(i);
createFunctionBehaviorParameter(functionBehavior, parameterType, parameterMultiplicity, true);
// Create the output parameter
createFunctionBehaviorParameter(functionBehavior, outputType, outputMultiplicity, false);
public Constraint createDelegationConstraint(Class owner, String variableIdText, String constraintText,
String iterConditionText, Stereotype delegationConstraintStereotype) {
String delegationName = DEFAULT_DELEGATION_PREFIX + variableIdText;
logger.debug("\n\n\n Creating delegation constraint " + delegationName + " for owner " + owner);
final Constraint newUMLConstraint = owner.createOwnedRule(delegationName.toString());
final LiteralString literalString = UMLFactory.eINSTANCE.createLiteralString();
final String formalPropertyText = createDelegationConstraintText(variableIdText, constraintText,
logger.debug("\n\nCreated " + delegationName + " Delegation Constraint\n\n");
return newUMLConstraint;
public Connector createUmlConnector(String constraintName, Property partWithPortOfConstraint,
Class portOwnerOfConstraint, String variableName, Property partWithPortOfVariable,
Class portOwnerOfVariable, Class owner) {
// Create the source end
// Create the name using an incremental value
final String connectorName = DEFAULT_CONNECTOR_NAME + (owner.getOwnedConnectors().size() + 1);
// Create a connector, but only after I'm sure it isn't
// a delegation constraint
logger.debug("\n\n\n Creating connector " + connectorName + " for owner " + owner);
Connector connector = createConnector(connectorName);
logger.debug("Creating source end :" + constraintName);
createUmlConnectorEnd(connector, constraintName, partWithPortOfConstraint, portOwnerOfConstraint);
// Create the target end
logger.debug("Creating source end :" + variableName);
createUmlConnectorEnd(connector, variableName, partWithPortOfVariable, portOwnerOfVariable);
// At last, add the connector to the owner
entityUtilInstance.addConnector(owner, connector);
return connector;
* Returns the System View package that is found in the given UML model.
* @param umlModel
* the model to use
* @return the package
public Package getSystemView(UmlModel umlModel) {
if (umlModel == null) {
logger.error("No Models are open");
return null;
logger.debug("UML Model name = " + umlModel.getIdentifier());
TreeIterator<EObject> allElements = umlModel.getResource().getAllContents();
if (allElements != null) {
Collection<Package> packages = EcoreUtil.getObjectsByType(iterator2Collection(allElements),
for (Package p : packages) {
if (p.getAppliedStereotype(SYSVIEW) != null) {
logger.debug("Found systemView!");
return p;
logger.error("SystemView not found!");
return null;
public Package getCurrentSystemView() {
return getSystemView(UmlUtils.getUmlModel());
public Package createPackage(Package owner, final String elementName) {
return owner.createNestedPackage(elementName);
public Comment createComment(Package owner, String content) {
Comment comment = owner.createOwnedComment();
return comment;
public Dependency createDependency(Package owner, NamedElement supplierElement, NamedElement clientElement) {
Dependency dependency = owner.createDependency(supplierElement);
return dependency;
public Property createInstantiatedArchitecture(Class paramRootComponent, Class instantiatedRootComponent,
ArrayList<String> parameters) {
int numInstantiatedArchitecures = getInstantiatedArchitecureConfigurations(paramRootComponent).size();
Property property = paramRootComponent
.createOwnedAttribute("InstantiateArc_" + (numInstantiatedArchitecures + 1), null);
InstantiatedArchitectureConfiguration instantiatedArchitecture = getInstantiatedArchitectureConfiguration(
if (instantiatedRootComponent != null) {
return property;
public InstantiatedArchitectureConfiguration getInstantiatedArchitectureConfiguration(Property umlProperty) {
Stereotype instantiatedArchitectureStereotype = UMLUtil.getAppliedStereotype(umlProperty,
return (InstantiatedArchitectureConfiguration) umlProperty
public String getInstantiatedArchitectureConfigurationName(
InstantiatedArchitectureConfiguration instantiatedArchitecture) {
return instantiatedArchitecture.getBase_Property().getName();
* Creates a Block element in the given package.
* @param owner
* the Package that will contain the element
* @param elementName
* the name of the new Block
* @param blockStereotype
* the stereotype of the Block element
* @return the newly created Class
public Class createBlock(Package owner, final String elementName, Stereotype blockStereotype) {
Class umlClass = owner.createOwnedClass(elementName, false);
// owner.createPackagedElement(elementName, newUMLClass.eClass()); This
// also works...
// owner.getPackagedElements().add(newUMLClass); // This works too!
logger.debug("\n\nCreated " + elementName + " Block\n\n");
return umlClass;
public Class createSystemBlock(Package owner, final String elementName, Stereotype blockStereotype,
Stereotype sytemblockStereotype) {
Class umlClass = createBlock(owner, elementName, blockStereotype);
return umlClass;
private ConnectorEnd createUmlConnectorEnd(Connector connector, String sourcePort, Property partWithPort,
Class portOwner) {
// Get the port and set it
ConnectableElement role = portOwner.getOwnedPort(sourcePort, null);
if (role != null) {
return entityUtilInstance.createConnectorEnd(connector, partWithPort, role);
return null;
* Creates a new BoundedSubType as requested.
* @param pkg
* the package where to create the Enumeration
* @param typeName
* the name of the type
* @param lowerBound
* the lower bound
* @param upperBound
* the upper bound
* @return the created type
public Type createBoundedSubType(Package pkg, String typeName, String lowerBoundValue, String upperBoundValue,
Stereotype boundedTypeStereotype) {
// Create a data type to the component view and apply the stereotype
final Type dataType = pkg.createOwnedType(typeName, UMLPackage.Literals.DATA_TYPE);
// Stereotype stereotype = UMLUtils.applyStereotype(dataType,
// Extract the stereotiped type and configure it
// BoundedSubtype boundedType = (BoundedSubtype)
// dataType.getStereotypeApplication(stereotype);
final BoundedSubtype boundedType = (BoundedSubtype) dataType.getStereotypeApplication(boundedTypeStereotype);
boundedType.setBaseType((DataType) getPrimitiveType("Integer"));
// boundedType.setBaseType((DataType) getUMLPrimitiveType("Integer"));
// // Alternative version
logger.debug("Type '" + dataType.getQualifiedName() + "' created.");
return dataType;
* Creates a new Enumeration as requested.
* @param pkg
* the package where to create the Enumeration
* @param enumType
* the type specifying the values
* @return the created Enumeration
public Enumeration createEnumerationFromEnumType(Package pkg, Set<String> enumValues) {
// Create the name using an incremental value
final String enumerationName = DEFAULT_ENUMERATION_NAME + (getEnumerations(pkg).size() + 1);
final Enumeration enumeration = pkg.createOwnedEnumeration(enumerationName);
// final Set<String> values = getListValuesForEnumType(enumType);
for (String string : enumValues) {
logger.debug("Type '" + enumeration.getQualifiedName() + "' created.");
return enumeration;
* Retrieves all the Enumerations owned by the package.
* @param pkg
* the package to be searched
* @return
public EList<Enumeration> getEnumerations(Package pkg) {
final EList<Enumeration> enumerations = new BasicEList<Enumeration>();
final EList<Type> types = pkg.getOwnedTypes();
for (Type type : types) {
if (type instanceof Enumeration) {
enumerations.add((Enumeration) type);
return enumerations;
public EList<Enumeration> getEnumerationsInOrder(Package pkg) {
final EList<Enumeration> enumerations = getEnumerations(pkg);
Collections.sort(enumerations, new Comparator<Enumeration>() {
public int compare(Enumeration o1, Enumeration o2) {
return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName());
return enumerations;
* Creates a Signal type in the given package.
* @param pkg
* the package where to create the Enumeration
* @return the newly created type
public Signal createSignalType(Package pkg) {
final String signalName = DEFAULT_SIGNAL_NAME;
final Type type = pkg.createOwnedType(signalName, UMLPackage.Literals.SIGNAL);
logger.debug("Type '" + type.getQualifiedName() + "' created.");
return (Signal) type;
* Looks for a Signal already defined in the package.
* @param pkg
* the package in which look for the Signal
* @return the Signal already defined
public Signal getExistingSignalType(Package pkg) {
final EList<Type> types = pkg.getOwnedTypes();
for (Type type : types) {
if (type instanceof Signal) {
return (Signal) type;
return null;
* Looks for a specific enumeration among existing enumerations of the given
* package.
* @param pkg
* the package in which look for the Enumeration
* @param enumType
* the enumeration to match
* @return the enumeration already defined
public Enumeration getExistingEnumerationForEnumType(Package pkg, Set<String> enumValues) {
final EList<Enumeration> enumerations = getEnumerations(pkg);
if (enumerations.size() > 0) {
for (Enumeration enumeration : enumerations) {
if (enumValues.equals(getListValuesForEnumeration(enumeration))) {
return enumeration;
return null;
* Returns a Signal as requested (Only a Signal can be defined in the
* package).
* @param pkg
* the package where to look for or create the new type
* @return the requested type
public Type getOrCreateSignalType(Package pkg) {
// Look for existing Signal Type in the package
final Type type = getExistingSignalType(pkg);
if (type != null) {
// The type has been found in the package, use it
logger.debug("Type '" + type.getQualifiedName() + "' found.");
return type;
} else {
return createSignalType(pkg);
public Type getOrCreateEnumerationType(Set<String> enumValues, Package pkg) {
// Look for existing Enumerations in the package
final Type type = getExistingEnumerationForEnumType(pkg, enumValues);
if (type != null) {
// The type has been found in the package, use it
logger.debug("Type '" + type.getQualifiedName() + "' found.");
return type;
} else {
return createEnumerationFromEnumType(pkg, enumValues);
public Type getOrCreateBoundedSubType(String[] boundaries, Package pkg, Stereotype boundedTypeStereotype) {
String lowerBound = boundaries[0];
String upperBound = boundaries[1];
// Generate a suitable type name
final String typeName = DEFAULT_BOUNDEDTYPE_NAME + lowerBound + "_" + upperBound;
return getOrCreateBoundedSubType(typeName, pkg, lowerBound, upperBound, boundedTypeStereotype);
public Type getOrCreateBoundedSubType(String typeName, Package pkg, String lowerBoundValue, String upperBoundValue,
Stereotype boundedTypeStereotype) {
// Look for that type in the ComponentView
Type type = pkg.getOwnedType(typeName);
if (type != null) {
// The type has been found in the package, use it
logger.debug("Type '" + type.getQualifiedName() + "' found.");
return type;
} else {
return (Type) createBoundedSubType(pkg, typeName, lowerBoundValue, upperBoundValue, boundedTypeStereotype);
* Returns the list of the values inside a given Enumeration.
* @param enumeration
* the Enumeration to be analysed
* @return the list of contained values
private Set<String> getListValuesForEnumeration(Enumeration enumeration) {
final Set<String> enumValuesNames = new TreeSet<String>(); // Ordered
// list of
// values
// Set<String> enumValuesNames = new HashSet<String>(); // Original
// order of values
for (EnumerationLiteral enumLit : enumeration.getOwnedLiterals()) {
return enumValuesNames;
public String getFormalPropertyStr(FormalProperty formalProperty, String language) {
String str = null;
if (formalProperty != null) {
str = getConstraintBodyStr(formalProperty.getBase_Constraint(), language);
return str;
public void updateUmlAssociation(Property componentInstance, Type newType, String[] newMultiplicity)
throws Exception {
// The component instance is already present, update its
// type if needed
if (!componentInstance.getType().equals(newType)) {
// Add the association to the list of changes, it
// needs to be redrawn
// addedElements.add(componentInstance.getAssociation());
String[] componentInstanceMultiplicity = getComponentInstanceMultiplicity(componentInstance);
if (!equalMultiplicityBoundaries(componentInstanceMultiplicity, newMultiplicity)) {
setAttributeMultiplicity(componentInstance, newMultiplicity);
public void updateUmlConstraint(Constraint umlConstraint, String updatedText, String language) {
final String formalPropertyText = getConstraintBodyStr(umlConstraint, language);
// If the expression is different, save it,
// otherwise go on
if (!updatedText.equals(formalPropertyText)) {
setTextInUMLConstraint(umlConstraint, updatedText, language);
public String getConstraintBodyStr(Constraint formalProperty, String language) {
String str = null;
if (formalProperty != null) {
if (formalProperty.getSpecification() != null) {
if (formalProperty.getSpecification() instanceof LiteralString) {
str = formalProperty.getSpecification().stringValue();
} else if (formalProperty.getSpecification() instanceof OpaqueExpression) {
str = getBodyForLanguageOfBodyOwner((OpaqueExpression) formalProperty.getSpecification(), language);
// logger.debug("getFormalPropertyStr: "+str);
return str;
* Returns the component instance with the given name.
* @param owner
* the class owning the instance
* @param componentName
* the name of the instance
* @return the UML property representing the component instance
public Property getSubComponentInstance(Class owner, String componentName) {
// logger.debug("getSubComponentInstance");
for (Property umlProperty : (owner.getAttributes())) {
// logger.debug("umlProperty: " + umlProperty);
// logger.debug("umlProperty.getname: " + umlProperty.getName());
if (umlProperty.getName().equals(componentName)
&& EntityUtil.getInstance().isComponentInstance(umlProperty)) {
return umlProperty;
return null;
public String getSystemElementURIFragment(Model model) throws Exception {
if (model != null) {
TreeIterator<EObject> allElements = model.eResource().getAllContents();
if (allElements != null) {
Collection<org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class> classes = EcoreUtil
.getObjectsByType(iterator2Collection(allElements), UMLPackage.eINSTANCE.getClass_());
for (Class c : classes) {
if (isSystem(c)) {
return c.eResource().getURIFragment(c);
throw new Exception("Element does not exist.");
public String getSystemViewPackageURIFragment(Model model) throws Exception {
Package p = getSystemViewPackage(model);
return p.eResource().getURIFragment(p);
public Package getSystemViewPackage(Model model) throws Exception {
if (model != null) {
TreeIterator<EObject> allElements = model.eResource().getAllContents();
if (allElements != null) {
Collection<org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package> packages = EcoreUtil
.getObjectsByType(iterator2Collection(allElements), UMLPackage.eINSTANCE.getPackage());
for (Package p : packages) {
if (isSystemViewPackage(p)) {
return p;
throw new Exception("Element does not exist.");
public EObject getElement(String projectName, String umlFileModelName, String elementID) throws Exception {
Model model = loadModel(projectName, umlFileModelName);
return getElement(model, elementID);
public EObject getElement(Model model, String elementURI) throws Exception {
if (model != null) {
* TreeIterator<EObject> allElements =
* model.eResource().getAllContents(); while(allElements.hasNext()){
* logger.debug("URI fragment: "
* getURI().fragment()); }
EObject umlElement = model.eResource().getEObject(elementURI.trim());
return umlElement;
return null;
public String getUmlElementName(String projectName, String fileModelPath, String elementID) throws Exception {
Model model = loadModel(projectName, fileModelPath);
if (model != null) {
EObject umlElement = model.eResource().getEObject(elementID.trim());
return ((Class) umlElement).getName();
return null;
public EList<Element> getSubComponentsOfOwner(Constraint constraint) {
Element element = constraint.getOwner();
EList<Element> subComponents = new BasicEList<Element>();
for (Property umlProperty : getSubComponentsInstances((Class) element)) {
return subComponents;
public Element getSubComponent(Element element, String componentName) {
for (Property umlProperty : getSubComponentsInstances((Class) element)) {
if (umlProperty.getName().compareTo(componentName) == 0) {
return getUmlType(umlProperty);
return null;
public String[] getSubComponentsNameOfConstraintOwner(Constraint constraint) {
Element umlElement = constraint.getOwner();
Set<String> subCompArr = getSubComponentsNames((Class) umlElement);
return toArray(subCompArr);
private String[] toArray(Set<String> set) {
String[] strArray = new String[set.size()];
return set.toArray(strArray);
private String[] toArray(EList<String> eList) {
String[] strArray = new String[eList.size()];
return eList.toArray(strArray);
public String getComponentID(Element umlComponent) {
if ((isBlock(umlComponent))) {
return ((Class) umlComponent).getName();
if (isComponentInstance((Element) umlComponent)) {
return (((Property) umlComponent).getName());
return null;
public String getQualifiedName(NamedElement element) {
return ((NamedElement) element).getQualifiedName();
public String getComponentName(Element umlComponent) {
if ((isBlock(umlComponent))) {
return ((Class) umlComponent).getName();
if (isComponentInstance((Element) umlComponent)) {
return (((Property) umlComponent).getName());
return null;
public EList<Property> getInstantiatedArchitecureElementsAsProperties(Class umlComponent) {
EList<Property> instantiatedArchitecureList = new BasicEList<Property>();
for (Property umlProperty : ((Class) umlComponent).getAttributes()) {
if (isInstantiatedArchitecuture(umlProperty)) {
return instantiatedArchitecureList;
public EList<InstantiatedArchitectureConfiguration> getInstantiatedArchitecureConfigurations(Class umlComponent) {
EList<InstantiatedArchitectureConfiguration> instantiatedArchitecureList = new BasicEList<InstantiatedArchitectureConfiguration>();
for (Property umlProperty : ((Class) umlComponent).getAttributes()) {
if (isInstantiatedArchitecuture(umlProperty)) {
return instantiatedArchitecureList;
public Set<Property> getSubComponentsInstances(Class umlComponent) {
Set<Property> subComponents = new HashSet<Property>();
EList<Property> umlProperties = ((Class) umlComponent).getAttributes();
if (umlProperties != null) {
for (Property umlProperty : umlProperties) {
if (isComponentInstance(umlProperty)) {
return subComponents;
* Returns the component instance with the given name.
* @param umlComponent
* the class owning the instance
* @param componentName
* the name of the instance
* @return the UML property representing the component instance
public Property getUmlComponentInstance(Class umlComponent, String componentName) {
for (Property umlProperty : (umlComponent.getAttributes())) {
if (umlProperty.getName().equals(componentName) && isComponentInstance(umlProperty)) {
return umlProperty;
return null;
public String[] getEnumValuesFromComponentPorts(Class umlComponent) {
EList<String> enumValuesEList = new BasicEList<String>();
for (Port port : getUmlPortsFromClass(umlComponent)) {
if (isEnumerationAttribute(port)) {
Set<String> currValues = getListValuesForEnumeratorType(port.getType());
return toArray(enumValuesEList);
public EList<String> getEnumValuesFromComponentAttributes(Element umlComponent) {
EList<String> enumValuesEList = new BasicEList<String>();
if (isComponentInstance(umlComponent)) {
umlComponent = getUmlType((Property) umlComponent);
if (isBlock(umlComponent) || (isCompType(umlComponent) || (isComponentImplementation(umlComponent)))) {
Class umlClass = (Class) umlComponent;
for (Property umlProperty : umlClass.getOwnedAttributes()) {
if (isEnumerationAttribute(umlProperty)) {
Set<String> currValues = getListValuesForEnumeratorType(umlProperty.getType());
if (currValues != null) {
EList<FunctionBehavior> functionBehaviors = getUmlFunctionBehaviors(umlClass);
if (functionBehaviors != null) {
for (FunctionBehavior functionBehavior : functionBehaviors) {
for (Parameter parameter : functionBehavior.inputParameters()) {
Set<String> currValues = getListValuesForEnumeratorType(parameter.getType());
if (currValues != null) {
for (Parameter parameter : functionBehavior.outputParameters()) {
Set<String> currValues = getListValuesForEnumeratorType(parameter.getType());
if (currValues != null) {
return enumValuesEList;
// return toArray(enumValuesEList);
public ArrayList<Class> getBlocks(Package umlSelectedPackage) {
final EList<Element> packageChildren = umlSelectedPackage.getOwnedElements();
ArrayList<Class> blocksAsClasses = new ArrayList<Class>();
if (!packageChildren.isEmpty()) {
// logger.debug("getBlocks: "+packageChildren.size());
blocksAsClasses = new ArrayList<Class>();
for (Element element : packageChildren) {
if (EntityUtil.getInstance().isBlock(element)
&& !ContractEntityUtil.getInstance().isContract(element)) {
blocksAsClasses.add((Class) element);
return blocksAsClasses;
public Set<String> getSubComponentsNames(Class umlComponent) {
Set<String> subComponentsNames = new HashSet<String>();
for (Property umlProperty : getSubComponentsInstances(umlComponent)) {
return subComponentsNames;
public String[] getSubComponentsName(Class umlComponent) {
return toArray(getSubComponentsNames(umlComponent));
public EList<Port> getUmlPorts(Element umlElement, boolean isStaticPort) {
EList<Port> portsArr = new BasicEList<Port>();
if (isBlock(umlElement) || isCompType(umlElement) || isComponentImplementation(umlElement)) {
portsArr.addAll(getUmlPortsFromClass((Class) umlElement, isStaticPort));
if (isComponentInstance(umlElement)) {
portsArr.addAll(getUmlPortsFromProperty((Property) umlElement, isStaticPort));
return portsArr;
private EList<Port> getUmlPortsFromProperty(Property umlElement, boolean isStaticPort) {
return getUmlPortsFromClass((Class) getUmlType((Property) umlElement), isStaticPort);
* private EList<Port> getUMLPortsFromProperty(Element umlElement, int
* portDirection, boolean isStaticPort) { return
* getUMLPortsFromClass((Class)getUMLType((Property)
* umlElement),portDirection,isStaticPort); }
public EList<Port> getUmlPorts(Element umlElement, int portDirection, boolean isStaticPort) {
EList<Port> portsArr = new BasicEList<Port>();
if (isBlock(umlElement)) {
portsArr.addAll(getUmlPortsFromClass((Class) umlElement, portDirection, isStaticPort));
if (isCompType(umlElement) || (isComponentImplementation(umlElement))) {
portsArr.addAll(getUmlPortsFromComponent((Component) umlElement, portDirection, isStaticPort));
if (isComponentInstance(umlElement)) {
portsArr.addAll(getUmlPorts(getUmlType((Property) umlElement), portDirection, isStaticPort));
return portsArr;
private EList<Port> getUmlPortsFromClass(Class umlComponent, int portDirection, boolean isStatic) {
EList<Port> ports = new BasicEList<Port>();
for (Port umlPort : umlComponent.getOwnedPorts()) {
FlowPort fp = getFlowPort(umlPort);
if ((fp.getDirection().getValue() == portDirection) && (umlPort.isStatic() == isStatic)) {
return ports;
public boolean isInputPort(Element umlPort) {
return (umlPort instanceof Property && getPortDirection(umlPort) != null
&& getPortDirection(umlPort) == FlowDirection.IN_VALUE);
public boolean isInOutPort(Element umlPort) {
return (umlPort instanceof Property && getPortDirection(umlPort) != null
&& getPortDirection(umlPort) == FlowDirection.INOUT_VALUE);
public boolean isOutputPort(Element umlPort) {
return (umlPort instanceof Property && getPortDirection(umlPort) != null
&& getPortDirection(umlPort) == FlowDirection.OUT_VALUE);
public Integer getPortDirection(Element umlPort) {
if (isFlowPort(umlPort)) {
return ((FlowPort) getFlowPort((Port) umlPort)).getDirection().getValue();
} else if (isFlowPortMarte(umlPort)) {
return ((org.eclipse.papyrus.MARTE.MARTE_DesignModel.GCM.FlowPort) getFlowPortMarte((Port) umlPort))
} else {
return null;
private Set<Port> getUmlPortsFromComponent(Component umlComponent, int portDirection, boolean isStaticPort) {
Set<Port> ports = new HashSet<Port>();
for (Port umlPort : umlComponent.getOwnedPorts()) {
org.eclipse.papyrus.MARTE.MARTE_DesignModel.GCM.FlowPort fp = getFlowPortMarte(umlPort);
if ((fp.getDirection().getValue() == portDirection) && (umlPort.isStatic() == isStaticPort)) {
return ports;
private EList<Port> getUmlPortsFromClass(Class umlComponent, boolean isStaticPort) {
EList<Port> ports = new BasicEList<Port>();
for (Port umlPort : umlComponent.getOwnedPorts()) {
if (umlPort.isStatic() == isStaticPort) {
return ports;
private Set<Port> getUmlPortsFromClass(Class umlComponent) {
Set<Port> ports = new HashSet<Port>();
for (Port umlPort : umlComponent.getOwnedPorts()) {
return ports;
* private Set<Port> getUmlPortsFromComponent(Component umlComponent) {
* Set<Port> ports = new HashSet<Port>();
* for (Port umlPort : umlComponent.getOwnedPorts()) { ports.add(umlPort); }
* return ports; }
public Package getToPackage(org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element umlElememt) {
Package tmp = umlElememt.getNearestPackage();
while (tmp.getOwner() != null && (tmp.getOwner() instanceof Package)) {
tmp = (Package) tmp.getOwner();
return tmp;
private FlowPort getFlowPort(Port umlPort) {
Stereotype contrStereo = UMLUtil.getAppliedStereotype(umlPort, FLOW_Port, false);
return (FlowPort) umlPort.getStereotypeApplication(contrStereo);
private org.eclipse.papyrus.MARTE.MARTE_DesignModel.GCM.FlowPort getFlowPortMarte(Port umlPort) {
Stereotype flowPortStereo = UMLUtil.getAppliedStereotype(umlPort, FLOW_Port_MARTE, false);
return (org.eclipse.papyrus.MARTE.MARTE_DesignModel.GCM.FlowPort) umlPort
public boolean isPort(Element umlElement) {
return ((umlElement instanceof Property) && (isFlowPort(umlElement) || isFlowPortMarte(umlElement)));
private boolean isFlowPort(Element umlElement) {
return (umlElement instanceof Property && UMLUtil.getAppliedStereotype(umlElement, FLOW_Port, false) != null);
private boolean isFlowPortMarte(Element umlElement) {
return (umlElement instanceof Property
&& UMLUtil.getAppliedStereotype(umlElement, FLOW_Port_MARTE, false) != null);
public void deleteComponentContract(Class clazz) {
public boolean isComponentImplementation(Element umlElement) {
return (umlElement instanceof Class && UMLUtil.getAppliedStereotype(umlElement, COMP_IMPL, false) != null);
public boolean isInstantiatedArchitecuture(Element umlElement) {
return (umlElement instanceof Property
&& UMLUtil.getAppliedStereotype(umlElement, INSTANTIATED_ARCHITECTURE_CONFIGURATION, false) != null);
// modified method!!
public boolean isComponentInstance(Element umlProperty) {
// return UMLUtil.getAppliedStereotype(umlProperty, COMP_INST, false) !=
// null;
if (!(umlProperty instanceof Property)) {
return false;
Property property = (Property) umlProperty;
if (property.getAssociation() == null) {
return false;
if (ContractEntityUtil.getInstance().isContractProperty(property)) {
return false;
if (isInstantiatedArchitecuture(property)) {
return false;
Element owner = (getOwner(umlProperty));
Association association = property.getAssociation();
int associationEndsSize = association.getEndTypes().size();
if (associationEndsSize != 2) {
return false;
boolean End1TypeIsOwner = association.getEndTypes().get(0).equals(owner);
boolean End2TypeIsOwner = association.getEndTypes().get(1).equals(owner);
return (associationEndsSize == 2) && ((End1TypeIsOwner) || (End2TypeIsOwner));
// Type umlPropertyType = ((Property) umlProperty).getType();
// return (isBlock(umlPropertyType) ||
// isComponentImplementation(umlPropertyType));
public boolean isBooleanAttribute(Property umlProperty) {
return isBooleanType(umlProperty.getType());
public boolean isBooleanType(Type type) {
if (type != null) {
return ((type.getQualifiedName().compareTo(BOOLEAN_TYPE) == 0)
|| (type.getQualifiedName().compareTo(MARTE_BOOLEAN_TYPE) == 0));
return false;
* public String[] getLowerUpperBoundsForRangeType(Property umlProperty) {
* return getLowerUpperBoundsForRangeType(umlProperty.getType()); }
public String[] getLowerUpperBoundsForRangeType(Type umlType) {
BoundedSubtype boundedSubtype = getRangeAttribute(umlType);
String[] bounds = { boundedSubtype.getMinValue(), boundedSubtype.getMaxValue() };
return bounds;
private BoundedSubtype getRangeAttribute(Type umlType) {
Stereotype boundedStereo = UMLUtil.getAppliedStereotype(umlType, BOUNDED_TYPE, false);
return (BoundedSubtype) umlType.getStereotypeApplication(boundedStereo);
public boolean isRangeAttribute(Property umlProperty) {
return isRangeType(umlProperty.getType());
public boolean isRangeType(Type umlType) {
if (umlType != null) {
if (UMLUtil.getAppliedStereotype(umlType, BOUNDED_TYPE, false) != null) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean isDoubleAttribute(Property umlProperty) {
if (umlProperty.getType() != null) {
return (umlProperty.getType().getName().compareTo("Double") == 0);
return false;
public boolean isStringAttribute(Property umlProperty) {
return isStringType(umlProperty.getType());
public boolean isRealAttribute(Property umlProperty) {
return isRealType(umlProperty.getType());
public boolean isIntegerAttribute(Property umlProperty) {
return isIntegerType(umlProperty.getType());
public boolean isContinuousAttribute(Property umlProperty) {
if (umlProperty.getType() != null) {
return isContinuousType(umlProperty.getType());
return false;
public boolean isContinuousType(Type type) {
if (type != null) {
return type.getQualifiedName().compareTo(CHESS_CONTINUOUS_TYPE) == 0;
} else
return false;
public Type getAttributeType(Property umlProperty) {
return (umlProperty.getType());
public boolean isEnumerationAttribute(Property umlProperty) {
return isEnumerationType(umlProperty.getType());
public boolean isEnumerationType(Type umlType) {
if (umlType != null) {
return (umlType instanceof Enumeration);
return false;
public Set<String> getListValuesForEnumeratorType(Type umlType) {
Set<String> enumValuesNames = new HashSet<String>();
if (umlType instanceof Enumeration) {
for (EnumerationLiteral enumLit : ((Enumeration) umlType).getOwnedLiterals()) {
return enumValuesNames;
return null;
public boolean isEnumValue(String value, Type umlType) {
if (umlType instanceof Enumeration) {
return getListValuesForEnumeratorType(umlType).contains(value);
return false;
public String[] getValuesForEnumeratorType(Type umlType) {
Set<String> enumValuesNames = getListValuesForEnumeratorType(umlType);
if (enumValuesNames != null) {
return toArray(enumValuesNames);
return null;
public Element getUmlType(Property umlProperty) {
return ((Element) umlProperty.getType());
public boolean isBlock(Element umlClass) {
return (umlClass instanceof Class && UMLUtil.getAppliedStereotype(umlClass, BLOCK, false) != null);
public boolean isCompType(Element umlComponent) {
return (umlComponent instanceof Class && UMLUtil.getAppliedStereotype(umlComponent, COMP_TYPE, false) != null);
public boolean isSystem(Element umlElement) {
return (umlElement instanceof Class && UMLUtil.getAppliedStereotype(umlElement, SYSTEM, false) != null);
public boolean isFaultyStateMachine(Element umlElement) {
return (umlElement instanceof StateMachine
&& UMLUtil.getAppliedStereotype(umlElement, FAULTY_STATE_MACHINE, false) != null);
public boolean isNominalStateMachine(Element umlElement) {
return (umlElement instanceof StateMachine
&& UMLUtil.getAppliedStereotype(umlElement, FAULTY_STATE_MACHINE, false) == null);
public boolean isPrioritizedTransition(Element umlElement) {
return (umlElement instanceof Transition
&& UMLUtil.getAppliedStereotype(umlElement, PRIORITIZED_TRANSITION, false) != null);
* public void saveConstraint(final Constraint constraint, final String
* text) {
* TransactionalEditingDomain domain =
* TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain(constraint);
* domain.getCommandStack().execute(new RecordingCommand(domain) {
* @Override protected void doExecute() {
* LiteralString litString = (LiteralString) constraint.getSpecification();
* litString.setValue(text); constraint.setSpecification(litString); } }); }
public Element getOwner(Element umlElement) {
return umlElement.getOwner();
public String getName(Class umlClass) {
return umlClass.getName();
public String[] getPortsNames(Element umlElement, int portDirection, boolean isStaticPort) {
EList<String> portsNames = new BasicEList<String>();
for (Port umlPort : getUmlPorts(umlElement, portDirection, isStaticPort)) {
return toArray(portsNames);
public EList<String> getPortsName(EList<Port> ports) {
EList<String> portsNames = new BasicEList<String>();
for (Port umlPort : ports) {
return portsNames;
public String[] getInputPortsNames(Element umlElement, boolean isStaticPort) {
return getPortsNames(umlElement, FlowDirection.IN_VALUE, isStaticPort);
public String[] getOutputPortsNames(Element umlElement, boolean isStaticPort) {
return getPortsNames(umlElement, FlowDirection.OUT_VALUE, isStaticPort);
public String[] getInputOutputPortsNames(Element umlElement, boolean isStaticPort) {
return getPortsNames(umlElement, FlowDirection.INOUT_VALUE, isStaticPort);
public Set<Property> getSupportedAttributes(Element umlElement, Boolean isStaticAttribute) {
Set<Property> simpleAttributes = new HashSet<Property>();
if (isComponentInstance(umlElement)) {
umlElement = getUmlType((Property) umlElement);
if (isBlock(umlElement) || (isCompType(umlElement) || (isComponentImplementation(umlElement)))) {
Class umlClass = (Class) umlElement;
for (Property umlProperty : umlClass.getOwnedAttributes()) {
if ((isStaticAttribute == null) || (umlProperty.isStatic() == isStaticAttribute)) {
if (isBooleanAttribute(umlProperty) || isContinuousAttribute(umlProperty)
|| isDoubleAttribute(umlProperty) || isRangeAttribute(umlProperty)
|| isEnumerationAttribute(umlProperty) || isIntegerAttribute(umlProperty)
|| isRealAttribute(umlProperty) || isStringAttribute(umlProperty)) {
} /*
* else if (isContinuousAttribute(umlProperty)) {
* simpleAttributes.add(umlProperty); }else if
* (isDoubleAttribute(umlProperty)) {
* simpleAttributes.add(umlProperty); }else if
* (isRangeAttribute(umlProperty)) {
* simpleAttributes.add(umlProperty); }else if
* (isEnumerationAttribute(umlProperty)) {
* simpleAttributes.add(umlProperty); }else if
* (isIntegerAttribute(umlProperty)) {
* simpleAttributes.add(umlProperty); }else if
* (isRealAttribute(umlProperty)) {
* simpleAttributes.add(umlProperty); }else if
* (isStringAttribute(umlProperty)) {
* simpleAttributes.add(umlProperty); }
return simpleAttributes;
private Set<Property> getIntegerAttributes(Element umlElement) {
Set<Property> integerAttributes = new HashSet<Property>();
if (isBlock(umlElement) || (isCompType(umlElement) || (isComponentImplementation(umlElement)))) {
Class umlClass = (Class) umlElement;
EList<Property> attributes = umlClass.getOwnedAttributes();
for (Property umlProperty : attributes) {
if (isIntegerAttribute(umlProperty)) {
if (isComponentInstance(umlElement)) {
integerAttributes.addAll(getIntegerAttributes(getUmlType((Property) umlElement)));
return integerAttributes;
public Set<Property> getAttributesExceptPorts(Element umlElement, Boolean isStaticAttribute) {
Set<Property> attributes = new HashSet<Property>();
for (Property umlProperty : getSupportedAttributes(umlElement, isStaticAttribute)) {
if (!isPort(umlProperty)) {
return attributes;
public Set<Property> getIntegerAttributesExceptPorts(Element umlElement) {
Set<Property> integerAttributes = new HashSet<Property>();
for (Property umlProperty : getIntegerAttributes(umlElement)) {
if (!isPort(umlProperty)) {
return integerAttributes;
public Collection<StateMachine> getNominalStateMachines() {
UmlModel umlModel = UmlUtils.getUmlModel();
Set<StateMachine> stateMachines = getNominalStateMachines(umlModel);
return stateMachines;
public Set<StateMachine> getNominalStateMachines(UmlModel umlModel) {
Set<StateMachine> stateMachines = new HashSet<StateMachine>();
if (umlModel != null) {
TreeIterator<EObject> allElements = umlModel.getResource().getAllContents();
if (allElements != null) {
Collection<org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class> classes = EcoreUtil
.getObjectsByType(iterator2Collection(allElements), UMLPackage.eINSTANCE.getClass_());
for (Class c : classes) {
if (isNominalStateMachine(c)) {
stateMachines.add((StateMachine) c);
return stateMachines;
public Set<StateMachine> getNominalStateMachines(Class umlSelectedComponent, boolean fromSubComponent) {
Set<StateMachine> stateMachines = getNominalStateMachines(umlSelectedComponent);
if (fromSubComponent) {
for (Property subComponentInstance : getSubComponentsInstances(umlSelectedComponent)) {
stateMachines.addAll(getNominalStateMachines((Class) subComponentInstance.getType(), true));
return stateMachines;
public StateMachine getFirstNominalStateMachine(Class umlSelectedComponent) {
Set<StateMachine> stateMachines = getNominalStateMachines(umlSelectedComponent);
if ((stateMachines != null) && (stateMachines.size() > 0)) {
return stateMachines.iterator().next();
} else
return null;
public Set<StateMachine> getNominalStateMachines(Class umlSelectedComponent) {
Set<StateMachine> stateMachines = new HashSet<StateMachine>();
if (umlSelectedComponent != null) {
EList<Behavior> behaviours = umlSelectedComponent.getOwnedBehaviors();
if (behaviours != null) {
for (Class c : behaviours) {
if (isNominalStateMachine(c)) {
stateMachines.add((StateMachine) c);
return stateMachines;
* Returns the state machine with the given name inside the given element.
* @param umlSelectedComponent
* the owner component
* @param stateMachineName
* the name of the state machine
* @return
public StateMachine getNominalStateMachine(Class umlSelectedComponent, String stateMachineName) {
for (StateMachine stateMachine : getNominalStateMachines(umlSelectedComponent)) {
if (stateMachine.getName().equals(stateMachineName)) {
return stateMachine;
return null;
private <T> Collection<T> iterator2Collection(final Iterator<T> iter) {
ArrayList<T> list = new ArrayList<T>();
for (; iter.hasNext();) {
T item =;
return list;
public EList<Transition> getTranstitions(StateMachine stateMachine) {
Region region = stateMachine.getRegions().get(0);
return region.getTransitions();
public EList<Vertex> getStates(StateMachine stateMachine) {
Region region = stateMachine.getRegions().get(0);
return region.getSubvertices();
public Vertex getState(StateMachine stateMachine, String stateName) {
Region region = stateMachine.getRegions().get(0);
return region.getSubvertex(stateName);
public boolean isInitialState(Vertex state) {
return (state instanceof Pseudostate)
&& ((Pseudostate) state).getKind().equals(PseudostateKind.INITIAL_LITERAL);
public boolean isFinalState(Vertex state) {
return ((state instanceof Pseudostate)
&& ((Pseudostate) state).getKind().getName().compareTo("Terminate") == 0);
public EList<Vertex> getIntermediateStates(StateMachine stateMachine) {
EList<Vertex> intermediateStates = new BasicEList<Vertex>();
for (Vertex state : getStates(stateMachine)) {
if (!isInitialState(state) && !isFinalState(state)) {
return intermediateStates;
public EList<String> getStatesNameList(EList<Vertex> states) {
EList<String> names = new BasicEList<String>();
for (Vertex state : states) {
return names;
public EList<String> getTransitionNameList(EList<Transition> transitions) throws Exception {
// logger.debug("getTransitionNameList");
EList<String> transNames = new BasicEList<String>();
for (Transition trans : transitions) {
if (trans.getName() == null) {
throw new Exception("In " + trans.containingStateMachine().getQualifiedName()
+ ", one transition has name == null.");
// logger.debug("transition Name: " + trans.getName());
return transNames;
public String getStateMachineName(StateMachine stateMachine) {
return stateMachine.getName();
public String getTransitionName(Transition transition) {
return transition.getName();
public Vertex getInitialState(StateMachine stateMachine) {
for (Vertex state : getStates(stateMachine)) {
if (isInitialState(state)) {
return state;
return null;
public EList<Transition> getInitialTransitions(StateMachine stateMachine) throws Exception {
Vertex initialState = getInitialState(stateMachine);
if (initialState != null) {
return initialState.getOutgoings();
} else {
throw new Exception("The state machine of " + ((Class) (stateMachine.getOwner())).getName()
+ " does not have the initial state.");
public EList<Transition> getNonInitialTransitions(StateMachine stateMachine) {
EList<Vertex> states = getIntermediateStates(stateMachine);
EList<Transition> transitions = new BasicEList<Transition>();
for (Vertex state : states) {
if (!isInitialState(state)) {
return transitions;
public EList<Transition> getOutgoingTransitions(Vertex state) {
return state.getOutgoings();
public EList<Transition> getIncomingTransitions(Vertex state) {
return state.getIncomings();
public String getSignalEventName(Trigger trigger) {
if (trigger.getEvent() instanceof SignalEvent) {
return ((SignalEvent) trigger.getEvent()).getSignal().getName();
return null;
public Vertex getTransitionNextState(Transition transition) {
return transition.getTarget();
public Vertex getTransitionSourceState(Transition transition) {
return transition.getSource();
public Constraint getTransitionGuard(Transition transition) {
return transition.getGuard();
public String getTransitionGuardText(Transition transition, String language) {
Constraint condition = getTransitionGuard((Transition) transition);
if (condition != null) {
return getConditionExpression(condition, language);
return null;
public OpaqueBehavior getTransitionEffect(Transition transition) {
if (transition.getEffect() instanceof OpaqueBehavior) {
return (OpaqueBehavior) transition.getEffect();
return null;
public EList<String> getTransitionEffectParameters(Transition transition) {
OpaqueBehavior effect = getTransitionEffect(transition);
EList<String> paramsNames = new BasicEList<String>();
for (Parameter par : effect.getOwnedParameters()) {
return paramsNames;
public String getTransitionEffectText(Transition transition, String language) {
OpaqueBehavior effect = getTransitionEffect(transition);
if (effect != null) {
return getBodyForLanguageOfBodyOwner(getTransitionEffect(transition), language);
return null;
public Integer getTransitionPriority(Transition transition) {
if (isPrioritizedTransition(transition)) {
Stereotype prioritizedTransitionStereotype = UMLUtil.getAppliedStereotype(transition,
PrioritizedTransition prioritizedTransition = (PrioritizedTransition) transition
return prioritizedTransition.getPriority();
return null;
public void setTransitionEffectText(Transition transition, String effectText, String language) {
OpaqueBehavior effect = getTransitionEffect(transition);
if (effect != null) {
effect.getLanguages().add(0, language);
effect.getBodies().add(0, effectText);
public String getGuardName(Constraint guard) {
return guard.getName();
public String getStateName(Vertex state) {
return state.getName();
public String getEffectName(Behavior effect) {
return effect.getName();
public boolean isFinalTransition(Transition transition) {
return isFinalState(transition.getTarget());
public EList<Port> getEvents(StateMachine stateMachine) {
EList<Port> eventsPort = getEventPorts(getOwner(stateMachine));
return eventsPort;
public Constraint createTransitionGuard(Transition transition, String guardName, String guardText,
String language) {
// Create an empty guard for the transition
final Constraint guard = transition.createGuard(guardName);
// Create an opaque expression and assign it to the guard
final OpaqueExpression opaqueExpression = UMLFactory.eINSTANCE.createOpaqueExpression();
guard.createSpecification(null, null, opaqueExpression.eClass());
// Fill the opaque expression
setOpaqueExpressionTextInUMLConstraint(guard, guardText, language);
return guard;
public OpaqueBehavior createTransitionEffect(Transition transition, String effectName, String effectText,
String language) {
// Create an empty behavior for the transition
final OpaqueBehavior opaqueBehavior = (OpaqueBehavior) transition.createEffect(effectName,
// Fill the effect
setTransitionEffectText(transition, effectText, language);
return opaqueBehavior;
public EList<Port> getEventPorts(Element umlElement) {
EList<Port> eventPorts = new BasicEList<Port>();
if (isComponentInstance(umlElement)) {
umlElement = getUmlType((Property) umlElement);
if (isBlock(umlElement) || (isCompType(umlElement) || (isComponentImplementation(umlElement)))) {
Class umlClass = (Class) umlElement;
for (Property umlProperty : umlClass.getOwnedAttributes()) {
if (isEventPortAttribute(umlProperty)) {
eventPorts.add((Port) umlProperty);
return eventPorts;
public boolean isEventPortAttribute(Property umlProperty) {
return ((umlProperty.getType() != null) && (isEventType(umlProperty.getType())));
public boolean isEventType(Type type) {
return (type instanceof Signal);
public EList<Port> getTransitionEvents(Transition transition) {
if (!isTransitionWithNoEvent(transition)) {
return transition.getTriggers().get(0).getPorts();
return null;
public String getPortName(Port port) {
return port.getName();
public String getAttributeName(Property attribute) {
return attribute.getName();
* Returns the name of the given parameter
* @param parameter
* the parameter
* @return the requested name
public String getParameterName(Parameter parameter) {
return parameter.getName();
* Returns the owner of the given parameter
* @param parameter
* the parameter
* @return the owner of the parameter
public Element getParameterOwner(Parameter parameter) {
return parameter.getOwner();
* Returns the owner of the given function behavior
* @param function
* the function behavior
* @return the owner of the function behavior
public Element getUmlFunctionBehaviorOwner(FunctionBehavior function) {
return function.getOwner();
public boolean isTransitionWithNoEvent(Transition transition) {
return !((transition.getTriggers() != null) && (transition.getTriggers().size() != 0)
&& (transition.getTriggers().get(0).getPorts() != null)
&& transition.getTriggers().get(0).getPorts().size() != 0);
public boolean isRealType(Type type) {
if (type != null) {
return ((type.getQualifiedName().compareTo(REAL_TYPE) == 0)
|| (type.getQualifiedName().compareTo(MARTE_REAL_TYPE) == 0));
return false;
public boolean isIntegerType(Type type) {
if (type != null) {
return ((type.getQualifiedName().compareTo(INTEGER_TYPE) == 0)
|| (type.getQualifiedName().compareTo(MARTE_INTEGER_TYPE) == 0));
return false;
public boolean isStringType(Type type) {
if (type != null) {
return (type.getQualifiedName().compareTo(STRING_TYPE) == 0);
return false;
public Collection<? extends Port> getUmlPortsExceptEvents(Element umlElement, int portDirection) {
if (isComponentInstance(umlElement)) {
umlElement = getUmlType((Property) umlElement);
Set<Port> portsArr = new HashSet<Port>();
if (isBlock(umlElement)) {
portsArr.addAll(getUmlPortsExceptEventsFromClass((Class) umlElement, portDirection));
if (isCompType(umlElement) || (isComponentImplementation(umlElement))) {
portsArr.addAll(getUmlPortsExceptEventsFromComponent((Component) umlElement, portDirection));
return portsArr;
private Collection<? extends Port> getUmlPortsExceptEventsFromComponent(Component umlComponent, int portDirection) {
Set<Port> ports = new HashSet<Port>();
for (Port umlPort : umlComponent.getOwnedPorts()) {
org.eclipse.papyrus.MARTE.MARTE_DesignModel.GCM.FlowPort fp = getFlowPortMarte(umlPort);
if ((fp.getDirection().getValue() == portDirection) && (!isEventPortAttribute(umlPort))) {
return ports;
private Collection<? extends Port> getUmlPortsExceptEventsFromClass(Class umlElement, int portDirection) {
Set<Port> ports = new HashSet<Port>();
for (Port umlPort : umlElement.getOwnedPorts()) {
FlowPort fp = getFlowPort(umlPort);
if ((fp.getDirection().getValue() == portDirection) && (!isEventPortAttribute(umlPort))) {
return ports;
public String getConditionExpression(Constraint condition, String language) {
if ((condition.getSpecification() != null) && (condition.getSpecification() instanceof OpaqueExpression)
&& ((OpaqueExpression) condition.getSpecification()).getBodies() != null) {
return getBodyForLanguageOfBodyOwner((OpaqueExpression) condition.getSpecification(), language);
return null;
* Checks if the selected object is a package in the <<SystemView>> branch.
* @param pkg
* the selected element
* @return true if the package is valid
public boolean isSystemViewPackage(Element obj) {
if (obj instanceof Package) {
final Package pkg = (Package) obj;
if (pkg.getAppliedStereotype(SYSVIEW) != null) {
return true;
} else {
EList<Package> owningPackages = pkg.allOwningPackages();
for (Package owningPackage : owningPackages) {
if (owningPackage.getAppliedStereotype(SYSVIEW) != null) {
return true;
return false;
public EList<Constraint> getRefinementFormalPropertiesAsConstraints(Element component) {
if (component instanceof Class) {
return getRefinementFormalPropertiesAsConstraintsFromClass((Class) component);
} else if (component instanceof Property) {
return getRefinementFormalPropertiesAsConstraintsFromProperty((Property) component);
return null;
private EList<Constraint> getRefinementFormalPropertiesAsConstraintsFromClass(Class component) {
EList<Constraint> formalProperties = new BasicEList<Constraint>();
for (Constraint umlConstraint : ((Class) component).getOwnedRules()) {
if (isRefinementFormalProperty(umlConstraint)) {
return formalProperties;
private EList<Constraint> getRefinementFormalPropertiesAsConstraintsFromProperty(Property componentInstance) {
return getRefinementFormalPropertiesAsConstraintsFromClass((Class) componentInstance.getType());
public EList<Constraint> getInterfaceFormalPropertiesAsConstraints(Element component) {
if (component instanceof Class) {
return getInterfaceFormalPropertiesAsConstraintsFromClass((Class) component);
} else if (component instanceof Property) {
return getInterfaceFormalPropertiesAsConstraintsFromProperty((Property) component);
return null;
private EList<Constraint> getInterfaceFormalPropertiesAsConstraintsFromClass(Class component) {
EList<Constraint> formalProperties = new BasicEList<Constraint>();
for (Constraint umlConstraint : ((Class) component).getOwnedRules()) {
if (isInterfaceFormalProperty(umlConstraint)) {
return formalProperties;
private EList<Constraint> getInterfaceFormalPropertiesAsConstraintsFromProperty(Property componentInstance) {
return getInterfaceFormalPropertiesAsConstraintsFromClass((Class) componentInstance.getType());
public boolean isFormalProperty(Element umlConstraint) {
if (umlConstraint instanceof Constraint) {
return UMLUtil.getAppliedStereotype(umlConstraint, FORMAL_PROP, false) != null;
return false;
public boolean isInterfaceFormalProperty(Element umlConstraint) {
return (isFormalProperty(umlConstraint)
&& (((Constraint) umlConstraint).getVisibility() == VisibilityKind.PUBLIC_LITERAL));
public boolean isRefinementFormalProperty(Element umlConstraint) {
return (isFormalProperty(umlConstraint)
&& (((Constraint) umlConstraint).getVisibility() == VisibilityKind.PRIVATE_LITERAL));
* Returns the list of Macro Definitions in the given element, as UML
* Constraints.
* @param umlElement
* the Element to analyze
* @return the list of Macro Definitions as UML Constraints
public EList<Constraint> getMacroDefinitionsAsUMLConstraints(Element umlElement) {
EList<Constraint> constraints = new BasicEList<Constraint>();
if (isBlock(umlElement) || isCompType(umlElement) || isComponentImplementation(umlElement)) {
for (Constraint umlConstraint : ((Class) umlElement).getOwnedRules()) {
if (isMacroDefinition(umlConstraint)) {
constraints.add((Constraint) umlConstraint);
if (isComponentInstance(umlElement)) {
constraints.addAll(getMacroDefinitionsAsUMLConstraints(getUmlType((Property) umlElement)));
return constraints;
* Checks if the given element is a Macro Definition.
* @param umlConstraint
* the constraint
* @return true if the given element is a Macro Definition
public boolean isMacroDefinition(Element umlConstraint) {
if (umlConstraint instanceof Constraint) {
return UMLUtil.getAppliedStereotype(umlConstraint, MACRO_DEFINITION, false) != null;
return false;
public String getConstraintQualifiedName(Constraint formalProperty) {
if (formalProperty != null) {
return ((Constraint) formalProperty).getQualifiedName();
return null;
public String getConstraintName(Constraint constraint) {
if (constraint != null) {
return ((Constraint) constraint).getName();
return null;
public FormalProperty getFormalProperty(Constraint umlConstraint) {
Stereotype formalPropertyStereotype = UMLUtil.getAppliedStereotype(umlConstraint, FORMAL_PROP, false);
return (FormalProperty) umlConstraint.getStereotypeApplication(formalPropertyStereotype);
public boolean isDelegationConstraint(Element umlProperty) {
return ((umlProperty instanceof Constraint)
&& (UMLUtil.getAppliedStereotype(umlProperty, DELEGATION_CONST, false) != null));
public EList<Constraint> getDelegationConstraintsAsUMLConstraints(Element umlElement) {
EList<Constraint> constraints = new BasicEList<Constraint>();
if (isBlock(umlElement) || isCompType(umlElement) || isComponentImplementation(umlElement)) {
for (Constraint umlConstraint : ((Class) umlElement).getOwnedRules()) {
if (isDelegationConstraint(umlConstraint)) {
constraints.add((Constraint) umlConstraint);
if (isComponentInstance(umlElement)) {
constraints.addAll(getDelegationConstraintsAsUMLConstraints(getUmlType((Property) umlElement)));
return constraints;
public EList<FunctionBehavior> getUmlFunctionBehaviors(Element umlElement) {
EList<FunctionBehavior> functionBehaviours = null;
if (isComponentInstance((Element) umlElement)) {
umlElement = ((Property) umlElement).getType();
if (umlElement instanceof Class) {
Class umlClass = (Class) umlElement;
EList<Behavior> behaviours = umlClass.getOwnedBehaviors();
for (Behavior behavior : behaviours) {
if (behavior instanceof FunctionBehavior) {
if (functionBehaviours == null) {
functionBehaviours = new BasicEList<FunctionBehavior>();
functionBehaviours.add((FunctionBehavior) behavior);
return functionBehaviours;
* Returns the name of the given function behavior
* @param function
* the function behavior
* @return the requested name
public String getUmlFunctionBehaviorName(FunctionBehavior uninterpretedFunction) {
return uninterpretedFunction.getName();
public Type getUmlFunctionBehaviorOutputType(FunctionBehavior uninterpretedFunction) {
for (Parameter parameter : uninterpretedFunction.getOwnedParameters()) {
if (parameter.getDirection() == ParameterDirectionKind.OUT_LITERAL) {
return parameter.getType();
return null;
public EList<Type> getUmlFunctionBehaviorInputTypes(FunctionBehavior uninterpretedFunction) {
EList<Type> inputTypes = new BasicEList<Type>();
for (Parameter parameter : uninterpretedFunction.getOwnedParameters()) {
if (parameter.getDirection() == ParameterDirectionKind.IN_LITERAL) {
return inputTypes;
* Returns the input parameters of the given function behavior
* @param function
* the function behavior
* @return the input parameters
public EList<Parameter> getUmlFunctionBehaviorInputParameters(FunctionBehavior function) {
final EList<Parameter> inputParameters = new BasicEList<Parameter>();
// Loop on all the parameters to find the input ones
final EList<Parameter> parameters = function.getOwnedParameters();
for (Parameter parameter : parameters) {
if (parameter.getDirection() == ParameterDirectionKind.IN_LITERAL) {
return inputParameters;
public Parameter getUmlFunctionBehaviorOutputParameter(FunctionBehavior function) {
// Loop on all the parameters to find the input ones
final EList<Parameter> parameters = function.getOwnedParameters();
for (Parameter parameter : parameters) {
if (parameter.getDirection() == ParameterDirectionKind.OUT_LITERAL) {
return (parameter);
return null;
public Object getParameterType(Parameter parameter) {
return parameter.getType();
public String[] getComponentInstanceMultiplicity(Property component) throws Exception {
if (isComponentInstance(component)) {
return getAttributeMultiplicity(component);
throw new Exception("" + component.getName() + " is not a component instance");
public String[] getAttributeMultiplicity(MultiplicityElement attribute) {
// logger.debug("getAttributeMultiplicity");
ValueSpecification upperValueSpecification = attribute.getUpperValue();
ValueSpecification lowerValueSpecification = attribute.getLowerValue();
String upperValue = getValueSpecificationValue(upperValueSpecification);
String lowerValue = getValueSpecificationValue(lowerValueSpecification);
String[] boundaries = { lowerValue, upperValue };
return boundaries;
public String getValueSpecificationValue(ValueSpecification valueSpecification) {
String strValue = null;
Object value = null;
if (valueSpecification instanceof LiteralInteger) {
// logger.debug("instanceof LiteralInteger");
value = ((LiteralInteger) valueSpecification).getValue();
} else if (valueSpecification instanceof LiteralUnlimitedNatural) {
// logger.debug("instanceof LiteralUnlimitedNatural");
value = ((LiteralUnlimitedNatural) valueSpecification).getValue();
} else if (valueSpecification instanceof LiteralString) {
// logger.debug("instanceof LiteralString");
value = ((LiteralString) valueSpecification).getValue();
logger.debug("value: " + value);
strValue = String.valueOf(value);
if (strValue == "null") {
strValue = null;
// logger.debug("getValueSpecificationValue: " + strValue);
return strValue;
* Adds a connector to the given element.
* @param owner
* the owner element
* @param connector
* the conne
public void addConnector(Class owner, Connector connector) {
// Add the new connector to the list
* Creates a connector, but doesn't add it to the owner.
* @param owner
* the owner element
* @return the created Connector
public Connector createConnector(String connectorName) {
Connector connector = UMLFactory.eINSTANCE.createConnector();
logger.debug("\n\nCreated " + connectorName + " Connector\n\n");
return connector;
* Creates an end to the given connector.
* @param connector
* the owner Connector
* @param sourceOwner
* the component instance owning the port
* @param sourcePort
* the port to be connected
* @return
public ConnectorEnd createConnectorEnd(Connector connector, Property sourceOwner, ConnectableElement sourcePort) {
final ConnectorEnd end = connector.createEnd();
return end;
public Parameter createFunctionBehaviorParameter(FunctionBehavior owner, String parameterName, Type parameterType,
String[] multiplicity, boolean isInput) {
logger.debug("\n\n\n Creating functionBehaviorParameter " + parameterName + " for owner " + owner);
final Parameter parameter = owner.createOwnedParameter(parameterName, parameterType);
parameter.setDirection(isInput ? ParameterDirectionKind.IN_LITERAL : ParameterDirectionKind.OUT_LITERAL);
setAttributeMultiplicity(parameter, multiplicity);
logger.debug("\n\nCreated " + parameterName + " functionBehaviorParameter\n\n");
return parameter;
public Object clone(Object original) {
EObject context = (EObject) original;
EcoreUtil.Copier copier = new EcoreUtil.Copier();
EObject copy = copier.copy(context);
return copy;
public Constraint createFormalProperty(final Namespace formalPropertyOwner, String formalPropertyName) {
// Contract contract = getContract(umlContract);
// final String formalPropertyName = prefix_name + "_" +
// umlContract.getName();
final String propertyName = formalPropertyName;
* TransactionalEditingDomain domain =
* TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain(formalPropertyOwner);
* domain.getCommandStack().execute(new RecordingCommand(domain) {
* @Override protected void doExecute() {
Constraint umlNewConstraint = formalPropertyOwner.createOwnedRule(propertyName);
UMLUtils.applyStereotype(umlNewConstraint, FORMAL_PROP);
* } });
return formalPropertyOwner.getOwnedRule(propertyName);
* Creates an empty FunctionBehavior belonging to the given owner
* @param owner
* the owner class of the functionBehavior
* @param functionBehaviorName
* the name of the functionBehavior
* @return the newly created FunctionBehavior
public FunctionBehavior createFunctionBehavior(Class owner, String functionBehaviorName) {
logger.debug("\n\n\n Creating functionBehavior " + functionBehaviorName + " for owner " + owner);
final FunctionBehavior functionBehavior = (FunctionBehavior) owner.createOwnedBehavior(functionBehaviorName,
logger.debug("\n\nCreated " + functionBehaviorName + " FunctionBehavior\n\n");
return functionBehavior;
* Creates a PrioritizedTransition and sets it the given priority.
* @param transition
* the Transition to be stereotyped
* @param priority
* the priority to assign
public void createPrioritizedTransition(Transition transition, Integer priority) {
final Stereotype prioritizedTransitionStereotype = findStereotype(transition.getNearestPackage(),
if (prioritizedTransitionStereotype != null) {
if (!transition.isStereotypeApplied(prioritizedTransitionStereotype)) {
final PrioritizedTransition prioritizedTransition = (PrioritizedTransition) transition
* Returns the input Parameters of the given FunctionBehavior
* @param owner
* the FunctionBehavior to analyze
* @return the list of input Parameters
public EList<Parameter> getOwnedInputParameters(FunctionBehavior owner) {
EList<Parameter> inputParameters = new BasicEList<Parameter>();
for (Parameter parameter : owner.getOwnedParameters()) {
if (parameter.getDirection() == ParameterDirectionKind.IN_LITERAL) {
return inputParameters;
public Parameter createFunctionBehaviorParameter(FunctionBehavior owner, Type parameterType, String[] multiplicity,
boolean isInput) {
// Create the name
String parameterName = null;
if (isInput) {
parameterName = DEFAULT_PARAMETER_IN_NAME + (getOwnedInputParameters(owner).size() + 1); // Incremental
// name
} else {
parameterName = DEFAULT_PARAMETER_OUT_NAME; // There could be only
// one
// output
return createFunctionBehaviorParameter(owner, parameterName, parameterType, multiplicity, isInput);
public org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Port createNonStaticPort(Class owner, String portName, Type portType,
String[] multiplicityBounds, boolean isInput, Stereotype flowportStereotype) {
org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Port umlPort = UMLFactory.eINSTANCE.createPort();
FlowPort flowPort = (FlowPort) umlPort.getStereotypeApplication(flowportStereotype);
flowPort.setDirection(isInput ? FlowDirection.IN : FlowDirection.OUT);
setAttributeMultiplicity(umlPort, multiplicityBounds);
// This version is nicer but a little slower
// org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Port umlPort = owner.createOwnedPort(portName,
// portType);
// Stereotype stereotype = UMLUtils.applyStereotype(umlPort, FLOWPORT);
// umlPort.setAggregation(AggregationKind.get(AggregationKind.COMPOSITE));
// FlowPort flowPort = (FlowPort)
// umlPort.getStereotypeApplication(stereotype);
// flowPort.setDirection(isInput? FlowDirection.IN: FlowDirection.OUT);
logger.debug("\n\nCreated " + portName + " Port\n\n");
return umlPort;
public org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Port createStaticPort(Class owner, String portName, Type portType,
String[] multiplicityBounds, Stereotype flowPortStereotype) {
org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Port umlPort = UMLFactory.eINSTANCE.createPort();
FlowPort flowPort = (FlowPort) umlPort.getStereotypeApplication(flowPortStereotype);
setAttributeMultiplicity(umlPort, multiplicityBounds);
return umlPort;
public RedefinableTemplateSignature createRedefinableTemplateSignature(Class owner, String parameterName) {
RedefinableTemplateSignature redefinableTemplateSignature = UMLFactory.eINSTANCE
TemplateParameter templateParameter = UMLFactory.eINSTANCE.createTemplateParameter();
LiteralString stringParameter = UMLFactory.eINSTANCE.createLiteralString();
return redefinableTemplateSignature;
public String createDelegationConstraintText(String variableIdTextName, String constraintText,
String iterConditionText) {
final StringBuffer delegationText = new StringBuffer();
delegationText.append(variableIdTextName + " := " + constraintText);
if (iterConditionText != null && iterConditionText.length() > 0) {
delegationText.append(" " + iterConditionText);
return delegationText.toString();
public Connector getExistingConnector(EList<Connector> connectors, String variablePortOwner,
String variablePortName, String constraintPortOwner, String constraintPortName) {
// Loop on all the connectors to find one with same values
for (Connector connector : connectors) {
final EList<ConnectorEnd> ends = connector.getEnds();
if (ends.size() == 2) {
// Check the first end
final Property sourceOwner = ends.get(0).getPartWithPort(); // Should
// be
// the
// owner
// of
// the
// port
final org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Port sourcePort = (org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Port) ends.get(0).getRole(); // Should
// be
// the
// port
if (sourcePort.getName().equals(constraintPortName)) {
if (sourceOwner != null && sourceOwner.getName().equals(constraintPortOwner)) {
} else if (sourceOwner == null && constraintPortOwner == null) {
} else {
} else {
// One end is correct, go on with the second
final Property targetOwner = ends.get(1).getPartWithPort(); // Should
// be
// the
// owner
// of
// the
// port
final org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Port targetPort = (org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Port) ends.get(1).getRole(); // Should
// be
// the
// port
if (targetPort.getName().equals(variablePortName)) {
if (targetOwner != null && targetOwner.getName().equals(variablePortOwner)) {
} else if (targetOwner == null && variablePortOwner == null) {
} else {
} else {
// Connector found
return connector;
return null;
* Create a public formal property
* @param owner
* the owner of the property
* @param assertionName
* the name of the formal property
* @param assertionText
* the text of the formal property
* @return the newly created formal property
public Constraint createInterfaceFormalProperty(Class owner, String assertionName, String assertionText) {
final Constraint umlConstraint = createFormalProperty(owner, assertionName);
final LiteralString newLs = UMLFactory.eINSTANCE.createLiteralString();
final ValueSpecification vs = umlConstraint.createSpecification("ConstraintSpec", null, newLs.eClass());
setLiteralStringTextInUMLConstraint(umlConstraint, assertionText);
return umlConstraint;
* Create a private formal property
* @param owner
* the owner of the property
* @param assertionName
* the name of the formal property
* @param assertionText
* the text of the formal property
* @return the newly created formal property
public Constraint createRefinementFormalProperty(Class owner, String assertionName, String assertionText) {
final Constraint umlConstraint = createFormalProperty(owner, assertionName);
final LiteralString newLs = UMLFactory.eINSTANCE.createLiteralString();
final ValueSpecification vs = umlConstraint.createSpecification("ConstraintSpec", null, newLs.eClass());
setLiteralStringTextInUMLConstraint(umlConstraint, assertionText);
return umlConstraint;
public void setTextInUMLConstraint(final Constraint umlConstraint, final String formalPropertyText,
final String language) {
logger.debug("saveFormalProperty: " + formalPropertyText);
// Constraint umlConstraint =
// formalProperty.getBase_Constraint();
if (umlConstraint.getSpecification() instanceof LiteralString) {
setLiteralStringTextInUMLConstraint(umlConstraint, formalPropertyText);
} else if (umlConstraint.getSpecification() instanceof OpaqueExpression) {
setOpaqueExpressionTextInUMLConstraint(umlConstraint, formalPropertyText, language);
public void setLiteralStringTextInUMLConstraint(final Constraint umlConstraint, final String formalPropertyText) {
* TransactionalEditingDomain domain =
* TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain(umlConstraint);
* domain.getCommandStack().execute(new RecordingCommand(domain) {
* @Override protected void doExecute() {
if (umlConstraint.getSpecification() instanceof LiteralString) {
LiteralString litString = (LiteralString) umlConstraint.getSpecification();
* } });
public void setOpaqueExpressionTextInUMLConstraint(final Constraint umlConstraint, final String formalPropertyText,
final String language) {
* TransactionalEditingDomain domain =
* TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain(umlConstraint);
* domain.getCommandStack().execute(new RecordingCommand(domain) {
* @Override protected void doExecute() {
if (umlConstraint.getSpecification() instanceof OpaqueExpression) {
// logger.debug("saveFormalProperty OpaqueExpression");
OpaqueExpression opaqueExpr = (OpaqueExpression) umlConstraint.getSpecification();
// opaqueExpr.getLanguages().
setOpaqueExpressionBodyForLanguage(opaqueExpr, language, formalPropertyText);
* } });
private void setOpaqueExpressionBodyForLanguage(org.eclipse.uml2.uml.OpaqueExpression opaqueExpression,
String language, String body) {
// checks both lists by size
// checks if language exists, if not, creates one
if (!opaqueExpression.getLanguages().contains(language)) {
// opaqueExpression.getLanguages().add(0, language);
// opaqueExpression.getBodies().add(0, body);
} else {
// retrieve the index of the given language in the opaque Expression
int index = opaqueExpression.getLanguages().indexOf(language);
// sets the body at the given index in the list of bodies.
opaqueExpression.getBodies().set(index, body);
* Deletes an element from the model.
* @param element
* the element to remove
* @throws Exception
public void deleteElementInTheModel(NamedElement element) throws Exception {
// Give the focus to the ModelExplorerView
ModelExplorerView modelExplorerView = getModelExplorerView();
// Select the requested element
List<Object> elements = new ArrayList<Object>();
IHandler deleteHandler = getActiveHandlerFor(IWorkbenchCommandConstants.EDIT_DELETE);
deleteHandler.execute(new ExecutionEvent());
* Returns the handler for the given command.
* @param commandId
* the command
* @return the handler
private IHandler getActiveHandlerFor(final String commandId) {
final ICommandService commandService = (ICommandService) PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow()
commandService.refreshElements(commandId, null);
final Command cmd = commandService.getCommand(commandId);
return cmd.getHandler();
// Needed to bring out a reference from the inner class...
ModelExplorerView modelExplorerView;
* Returns the ModelExplorerView.
* @return
private ModelExplorerView getModelExplorerView() {
Display.getDefault().syncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
final IWorkbenchWindow activeWorkbenchWindow = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow();
// we look for the modelexplorer
IViewPart modelexplorer;
try {
modelexplorer = activeWorkbenchWindow.getActivePage().showView(ModelExplorerPageBookView.VIEW_ID);
} catch (PartInitException ex) {
final ModelExplorerPageBookView view = (ModelExplorerPageBookView) modelexplorer;
final ModelExplorerPage page = (ModelExplorerPage) view.getCurrentPage();
final IViewPart viewer = page.getViewer();
modelExplorerView = (ModelExplorerView) viewer;
return modelExplorerView;
* Removes an element from the list.
* @param members
* the list of members
* @param qualifiedElement
* the qualified name of the element to remove
public void removeElement(EList<Class> members, String qualifiedElement) {
removeNamedElement(members, qualifiedElement);
* Removes a function behavior from the list.
* @param members
* the list of members
* @param qualifiedElement
* the qualified name of the function behavior to remove
public void removeFunctionBehavior(EList<Behavior> members, String qualifiedElement) {
removeNamedElement(members, qualifiedElement);
* Removes a FunctionBehavior parameter from the list.
* @param members
* the list of members
* @param qualifiedElement
* the qualified name of the function behavior parameter to
* remove
public void removeFunctionBehaviorParameter(EList<Parameter> members, String qualifiedElement) {
removeNamedElement(members, qualifiedElement);
* Removes a formal property from the list.
* @param members
* the list of members
* @param qualifiedElement
* the qualified name of the formal property to remove
public void removeFormalProperty(EList<Constraint> members, String qualifiedElement) {
removeNamedElement(members, qualifiedElement);
* Removes a named element from the given list.
* @param members
* the list of members
* @param qualifiedElement
* the qualified name of the element to remove
public void removeNamedElement(EList<?> members, String qualifiedElement) {
for (Object object : members) {
NamedElement element = (NamedElement) object;
if (element.getQualifiedName().equals(qualifiedElement)) {
try {
// ((Element) element).destroy(); //TODO: investigate this
// line!
} catch (Exception e) {
* Removes a property from the list.
* @param members
* the list of members
* @param qualifiedElement
* the qualified name of the property to remove
public void removeProperty(EList<Property> members, String qualifiedElement) {
removeNamedElement(members, qualifiedElement);
* Removes a property from the list.
* @param members
* the list of members
* @param qualifiedElement
* the qualified name of the property to remove
public void removeConnector(EList<Connector> members, String qualifiedElement) {
removeNamedElement(members, qualifiedElement);
* Removes a port from the list.
* @param members
* the list of members
* @param qualifiedElement
* the qualified name of the port to remove
public void removePort(EList<NamedElement> members, String qualifiedElement) {
removeNamedElement(members, qualifiedElement);
* Removes a Macro Definition from the list.
* @param members
* the list of members
* @param qualifiedElement
* the qualified name of the macro to remove
public void removeMacroDefinition(EList<Constraint> members, String qualifiedElement) {
removeNamedElement(members, qualifiedElement);
public Association createUmlAssociation(String subComponentName, Type type, String[] multiplicity, Class owner) {
final String associationName = DEFAULT_ASSOCIATION_NAME
+ (countPackageAssociations(owner.getNearestPackage()) + 1);
// I should create an Association between the elements
// and not a Component Instance!
return createAssociation(owner, associationName, subComponentName, type, multiplicity);
* Returns the number or defined associations for the given package.
* @param pkg
* the package to analyze
* @return the number of associations found in package
private int countPackageAssociations(Package pkg) {
int counter = 0;
EList<NamedElement> namedList = pkg.getOwnedMembers();
for (NamedElement namedElement : namedList) {
if (namedElement instanceof Association) {
return counter;
* Creates an association between the given owner and element. It will also
* create the relative component instance inside the owner element.
* @param owner
* the parent Class
* @param elementName
* the name of the end element
* @param elementType
* the type of the end element
* @return the created Association
public Association createAssociation(Class owner, String associationName, String elementName, Type elementType,
String[] multiplicity) {
logger.debug("\n\n\n Creating association " + associationName + " for owner " + owner);
logger.debug("elementName = " + elementName + " with type " + elementType.getName() + " [" + multiplicity[0]
+ "," + multiplicity[1] + "]");
org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package package_ = owner.getNearestPackage();
Association association = (Association) package_.createOwnedType(null, UMLPackage.Literals.ASSOCIATION);
Property subComponentInstance = buildAssociationEndInternal(association, elementName, elementType, null, true,
(AggregationKind) AggregationKind.get(AggregationKind.COMPOSITE));
buildAssociationEndInternal(association, owner.getName().toLowerCase(), owner, null, false,
(AggregationKind) AggregationKind.get(AggregationKind.NONE));
if (associationName != null) {
// Create the association and adds it to the owning package
// the method owner.createAssociation does not allow to set multiplicity
// equal to null
* final Association association = owner.createAssociation( true,
* AggregationKind.get(AggregationKind.COMPOSITE), elementName, 1, 1,
* elementType, false, AggregationKind.get(AggregationKind.NONE),
* owner.getName().toLowerCase(), 1, 1);
* association.setName(associationName);
logger.debug("createAssociation done");
if (!isOneInstance(multiplicity)) {
setAttributeMultiplicity(subComponentInstance, multiplicity);
// Add SysML Nature on the new Association
ElementUtil.addNature(association, SysMLElementTypes.SYSML_NATURE);
logger.debug("\n\nCreated " + associationName + " Association\n\n");
return association;
* public static Association createAssociation(Type type, boolean
* end1IsNavigable, AggregationKind end1Aggregation, String end1Name, int
* end1Lower, int end1Upper, Type end1Type, boolean end2IsNavigable,
* AggregationKind end2Aggregation, String end2Name, int end2Lower, int
* end2Upper) { org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package package_ =
* type.getNearestPackage(); if (package_ == null) { throw new
* IllegalStateException(); } if (end1Aggregation == null) { throw new
* IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(end1Aggregation)); } if
* (end2Aggregation == null) { throw new
* IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(end2Aggregation)); } Association
* association = (Association) package_.createOwnedType(null,
* UMLPackage.Literals.ASSOCIATION); createAssociationEnd(type, association,
* end1IsNavigable, end1Aggregation, end1Name, end1Lower, end1Upper,
* end1Type); createAssociationEnd(end1Type, association, end2IsNavigable,
* end2Aggregation, end2Name, end2Lower, end2Upper, type); return
* association; }
* protected static Property createAssociationEnd(Class type, Association
* association, boolean isNavigable, AggregationKind aggregation, String
* name, int lower, int upper, Type endType) { EList<Property>
* ownedAttributes = type.getOwnedAttributes(); Property associationEnd =
* type.createOwnedProperty(ownedAttributes == null || !isNavigable ?
* association : type, name, endType, lower, upper);
* associationEnd.setAggregation(aggregation); if (isNavigable) { if
* (ownedAttributes == null) {
* association.getNavigableOwnedEnds().add(associationEnd); } else {
* association.getMemberEnds().add(associationEnd); } } return
* associationEnd; }
private Property buildAssociationEndInternal(final Association assoc, final String name, final Type type,
final Integer[] multi, final Boolean navigable, final AggregationKind aggregation) {
// The attribute 'targetScope' of an AssociationEnd in UML1.x is no
// longer supported in UML2.x
Property property = UMLFactory.eINSTANCE.createProperty();
property.setType((Type) type);
property.setAssociation((Association) assoc);
if (name != null) {
if (navigable != null) {
if (!(Boolean) navigable) {
((Association) assoc).getOwnedEnds().add(property);
if (aggregation != null) {
property.setAggregation((AggregationKind) aggregation);
if (multi != null) {
if (multi[0] != null) {
if (multi[1] != null) {
return property;
private boolean isOneInstance(String[] multiplicityBoundariesAsExpressons) {
return (((multiplicityBoundariesAsExpressons[0] == null) && (multiplicityBoundariesAsExpressons[1] == null))
|| (multiplicityBoundariesAsExpressons[0] == "") && (multiplicityBoundariesAsExpressons[1] == ""))
|| (isEqualToOne(multiplicityBoundariesAsExpressons[0])
&& isEqualToOne(multiplicityBoundariesAsExpressons[1]));
private boolean isEqualToOne(String expression) {
return isInteger(expression) && (Integer.valueOf(expression) == 1);
public static boolean isInteger(String s) {
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return false;
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
return false;
// only got here if we didn't return false
return true;
* Removes a delegation constraint from the list.
* @param members
* the list of members
* @param qualifiedElement
* the qualified name of the delegation constraint to remove
public void removeDelegationConstraint(EList<Constraint> members, String qualifiedElement) {
removeNamedElement(members, qualifiedElement);
public boolean equalMultiplicityBoundaries(String[] newMultiplicityRange, String[] multiplicityRange) {
logger.debug("equalMultiplicityBoundaries [0]: " + newMultiplicityRange[0] + " " + multiplicityRange[0]);
logger.debug("equalMultiplicityBoundaries [1]: " + newMultiplicityRange[1] + " " + multiplicityRange[1]);
boolean equalLowerValue = equals(newMultiplicityRange[0], multiplicityRange[0]);
boolean equalUpperValue = equals(newMultiplicityRange[1], multiplicityRange[1]);
logger.debug(equalLowerValue + " - " + equalUpperValue);
return (equalLowerValue && equalUpperValue);
private boolean equals(String text1, String text2) {
// logger.debug("(text1 == text2): " + (text1 == text2));
// logger.debug("text1.equals(text2): "+text1.equals(text2) );
return ((text1 == text2) && (text2 == null)) || ((text1 != null) && (text2 != null) && text1.equals(text2));
public void setAttributeMultiplicity(MultiplicityElement property, String[] newMultiplicityRange) {
logger.debug("setAttributeMultiplicity: " + newMultiplicityRange[0] + " " + newMultiplicityRange[1]);
if (newMultiplicityRange[0] != null) {
} else {
if (newMultiplicityRange[1] != null) {
} else {
private LiteralString createLiteralStringWithValue(String value) {
LiteralString literalString = UMLFactory.eINSTANCE.createLiteralString();
return literalString;
* Returns the list of Parameter Assumptions of the given element.
* @param umlElement
* the element to analyze
* @return the list of Parameter Assumptions as Constraints
public EList<Constraint> getParameterAssumptionsAsConstraintsUml(Element umlElement) {
EList<Constraint> constraints = new BasicEList<Constraint>();
if (isBlock(umlElement) || isCompType(umlElement) || isComponentImplementation(umlElement)) {
for (Constraint umlConstraint : ((Class) umlElement).getOwnedRules()) {
if (isParameterAssumptions(umlConstraint)) {
constraints.add((Constraint) umlConstraint);
if (isComponentInstance(umlElement)) {
constraints.addAll(getParameterAssumptionsAsConstraintsUml(getUmlType((Property) umlElement)));
return constraints;
* Checks if the given element is a Parameter Assumptions.
* @param umlConstraint
* the constraint
* @return true if the given element is a Parameter Assumptions.
public boolean isParameterAssumptions(Element umlConstraint) {
if (umlConstraint instanceof Constraint) {
return UMLUtil.getAppliedStereotype(umlConstraint, PARAMETER_ASSUMPTIONS, false) != null;
return false;
* Creates a new Parameter Assumptions element.
* @param parameterAssumptionsExpression
* the expression
* @param owner
* the owning element
* @param parameterAssumptionsStereotype
* the stereotype to apply
* @return
public Constraint createParameterAssumptions(String parameterAssumptionsExpression, Class owner,
Stereotype parameterAssumptionsStereotype) {
final int numParameterAssumptions = getParameterAssumptionsAsConstraintsUml(owner).size();
final String parameterAssumptionsName = DEFAULT_PAR_ASSUMPTION_PREFIX + (numParameterAssumptions + 1);
logger.debug("\n\n\n Creating Parameter Assumption " + parameterAssumptionsName + " for owner " + owner);
final Constraint newUMLConstraint = owner.createOwnedRule(parameterAssumptionsName);
final LiteralString literalString = UMLFactory.eINSTANCE.createLiteralString();
logger.debug("\n\nCreated " + parameterAssumptionsName + " Parameter Assumption\n\n");
return newUMLConstraint;
/* Should be no more used */
public Element createUmlConstraint(Class owner, String parameterAssumptionsText) {
int numParameterAssumptions = getParameterAssumptionsAsConstraintsUml(owner).size();
String parameterAssumptionsName = DEFAULT_PAR_ASSUMPTION_PREFIX + (numParameterAssumptions + 1);
logger.debug("\n\n\n Creating constraint " + parameterAssumptionsName + " for owner " + owner);
final Constraint newUMLConstraint = owner.createOwnedRule(parameterAssumptionsName);
final LiteralString literalString = UMLFactory.eINSTANCE.createLiteralString();
logger.debug("\n\nCreated " + parameterAssumptionsName + " Constraint\n\n");
return newUMLConstraint;
* Returns the Constraint associated to the ParameterAssumptions with the
* given expression
* @param parameterAssumptionsExpression
* the expression to find
* @param owner
* the owning element
* @return the UML Constraint found
public Constraint getParameterAssumptionsFromExpression(String parameterAssumptionsExpression, Class owner) {
for (Constraint umlConstraint : ((Class) owner).getOwnedRules()) {
if (isParameterAssumptions(umlConstraint)
&& getConstraintBodyStr(umlConstraint, null).equals(parameterAssumptionsExpression)) {
return umlConstraint;
return null;
public void removeParameterAssumptions(EList<Constraint> members, String qualifiedElement) {
removeNamedElement(members, qualifiedElement);
public String[] getUmlFunctionBehaviorOutputMultiplicity(FunctionBehavior uninterpretedFunction) {
for (Parameter parameter : uninterpretedFunction.getOwnedParameters()) {
if (parameter.getDirection() == ParameterDirectionKind.OUT_LITERAL) {
return getAttributeMultiplicity(parameter);
return null;
public EList<String[]> getUmlFunctionBehaviorInputMultiplicities(FunctionBehavior uninterpretedFunction) {
EList<String[]> inputMultiplicities = new BasicEList<String[]>();
for (Parameter parameter : uninterpretedFunction.getOwnedParameters()) {
if (parameter.getDirection() == ParameterDirectionKind.IN_LITERAL) {
return inputMultiplicities;
* Returns the properties of the component that are only local to it.
* @param component
* @return
public EList<Property> getLocalProperties(Element component) {
final EList<Property> localProperties = new BasicEList<Property>();
if (isComponentInstance(component)) {
component = getUmlType((Property) component);
if (isBlock(component) || (isCompType(component) || (isComponentImplementation(component)))) {
final Class umlClass = (Class) component;
final EList<Property> attributes = umlClass.getOwnedAttributes();
for (final Property umlProperty : attributes) {
if (umlProperty != null && !isComponentInstance(umlProperty) && !isPort(umlProperty)
&& !ContractEntityUtil.getInstance().isContractProperty(umlProperty)) {
return localProperties;
* Returns the name of a local property.
* @param property
* the property
* @return the property name
public String getLocalPropertyName(Property property) {
if (property != null) {
return property.getName();
return null;
* Returns the list of enumerations as a single string.
* @param enumeration
* the enumeration
* @return the list of values
private String getEnumTypeValuesAsStr(Enumeration enumeration) {
final StringJoiner enumValues = new StringJoiner(", ", "[", "]");
for (final String value : getListValuesForEnumeratorType(enumeration)) {
return enumValues.toString();
* Returns the type of a local property, taking care of range and
* enumerations.
* @param property
* the property
* @return the property type
public String getLocalPropertyType(Property property) {
if (property != null) {
final Type propertyType = property.getType();
if (propertyType != null) {
if (isRangeType(propertyType)) {
String[] range = getLowerUpperBoundsForRangeType(propertyType);
return propertyType.getName() + " - Range [" + range[0] + " .. " + range[1] + "]";
} else if (isEnumerationType(propertyType)) {
return propertyType.getName() + " - Enum " + getEnumTypeValuesAsStr((Enumeration) propertyType);
} else {
return propertyType.getName();
return null;
* Creates a new Macro Definition element.
* @param macroDefinitionName
* the name of the macro
* @param macroDefinitionExpression
* the expression
* @param owner
* the owning element
* @param macroDefinitionStereotype
* the stereotype to apply
* @return the Constraint element
public Constraint createMacroDefinition(String macroDefinitionName, String macroDefinitionExpression, Class owner,
Stereotype macroDefinitionStereotype) {
logger.debug("\n\n\n Creating Macro Definition " + macroDefinitionName + " for owner " + owner);
final Constraint newUMLConstraint = owner.createOwnedRule(macroDefinitionName);
final LiteralString literalString = UMLFactory.eINSTANCE.createLiteralString();
logger.debug("\n\nCreated " + macroDefinitionName + " Macro Definition\n\n");
return newUMLConstraint;
* Updates the expression of the given Macro Definition, if needed.
* @param umlConstraint
* the Macro Definition as Constraint
* @param macroDefinitionExpression
* the new expression
* @param mapMacroDefinitionsToKeep
* the map of existing Macro Definitions
public void updateMacroDefinition(Constraint umlConstraint, String macroDefinitionExpression, String language) {
// Get the current expression
final String constraintExpression = getConstraintBodyStr(umlConstraint, language);
// If the expression is different, save it, otherwise go on
if (!macroDefinitionExpression.equals(constraintExpression)) {
setLiteralStringTextInUMLConstraint(umlConstraint, macroDefinitionExpression);
* Returns the System component of the given package, if any.
* @param pkg
* the package containing the architecture
* @return the System component, or null if any or more than one are found
public Class getSystemComponent(Package pkg) {
boolean found = false;
Element systemElement = null;
if (pkg != null) {
final EList<Element> ownedElements = pkg.getOwnedElements();
for (Element element : ownedElements) {
if (isSystem(element)) {
if (!found) {
systemElement = element;
found = true;
} else {
return null;
if (found) {
return (Class) systemElement;
} else {
return null;
public EList<String> getParametersListFromInstantiatedArchitectureConfiguration(
InstantiatedArchitectureConfiguration instantiatedArchitectureConfiguration) {
return instantiatedArchitectureConfiguration.getParameterList();
public EList<Operation> getUmlOperations(Element umlElement) {
if (isComponentInstance((Element) umlElement)) {
umlElement = ((Property) umlElement).getType();
if (umlElement instanceof Class) {
Class umlClass = (Class) umlElement;
return umlClass.getOwnedOperations();
return null;
public EList<Operation> getUmlOperations(Element umlElement, String language) {
EList<Operation> operations = null;
if (isComponentInstance((Element) umlElement)) {
umlElement = ((Property) umlElement).getType();
if (umlElement instanceof Class) {
Class umlClass = (Class) umlElement;
if (!umlClass.getOwnedOperations().isEmpty()) {
operations = new BasicEList<Operation>();
for (Operation operation : umlClass.getOwnedOperations()) {
if (getUmlOperationBody(operation, language) != null) {
return operations;
public String getUmlOperationName(Operation operation) {
return operation.getName();
public EList<?> getUmlOperationInputTypes(Operation operation) {
EList<Type> inputTypes = new BasicEList<Type>();
for (Parameter parameter : operation.getOwnedParameters()) {
if (parameter.getDirection() == ParameterDirectionKind.IN_LITERAL) {
return inputTypes;
public String getUmlOperationBody(Operation operation, String language) {
if (!operation.getMethods().isEmpty()) {
Behavior behavior = operation.getMethods().get(0);
if (behavior instanceof OpaqueBehavior) {
return getOpaqueBehaviorBody((OpaqueBehavior) behavior, language);
} else if (behavior instanceof FunctionBehavior) {
return getFunctionBehaviorBody((FunctionBehavior) behavior, language);
return null;
public Type getUmlOperationOutputType(Operation operation) {
for (Parameter parameter : operation.getOwnedParameters()) {
if (parameter.getDirection() == ParameterDirectionKind.RETURN_LITERAL) {
return parameter.getType();
return null;
* Gets the value of the 'Body' attribute for the
* <code>FunctionBehavior</code> for a given language.
* @param language
* the language in which the body is written
* @return the value of 'Body' at the index i
public String getFunctionBehaviorBody(FunctionBehavior functionBehavior, String language) {
return getBodyForLanguageOfBodyOwner(functionBehavior, language);
* Gets the value of the 'Body' attribute for the
* <code>OpaqueBehavior</code> for a given language.
* @param language
* the language in which the body is written
* @return the value of 'Body' at the index i
public String getOpaqueBehaviorBody(OpaqueBehavior opaqueBehavior, String language) {
return getBodyForLanguageOfBodyOwner(opaqueBehavior, language);
* Returns the body for a bodyOwner for the given language
* @param bodyOwner
* the bodyOwner to edit.
* @param language
* the language in which the body is written
* @return the body for the given language or the empty string if the
* language was not found
public String getBodyForLanguageOfBodyOwner(BodyOwner bodyOwner, String language) {
String body = null;
if (language == null) {
if (!bodyOwner.getBodies().isEmpty()) {
body = bodyOwner.getBodies().get(0);
} else {
// retrieve the index of the given language in the opaque Expression
int index = bodyOwner.getLanguages().indexOf(language);
if (index != -1) {
// language found. return the corresponding body in the bodies
// list.
// List should be synchronized, ie having the same size, but be
// sure...
if (index < bodyOwner.getBodies().size()) {
body = bodyOwner.getBodies().get(index);
return body;
* sets the body for a bodyOwner for the given language.
* <p>
* If the language was already defined, it replaces the corresponding body.
* If the language was not already defined, it adds it to the list of
* languages and adds the corresponding body.
* <p>
* A utility method,
* {@link OpaqueExpression#checkAndCorrectLists(org.eclipse.uml2.uml.OpaqueExpression)}
* is used to correct the language and body lists.
* @param bodyOwner
* the opaque expression to edit.
* @param language
* the language in which the body is written
* @param body
* the body to save
public void setBodyForLanguageOfBodyOwner(BodyOwner bodyOwner, String language, String body) {
// checks both lists by size
// checks if language exists, if not, creates one
if (!bodyOwner.getLanguages().contains(language)) {
} else {
// retrieve the index of the given language in the opaque Expression
int index = bodyOwner.getLanguages().indexOf(language);
// sets the body at the given index in the list of bodies.
bodyOwner.getBodies().set(index, body);
* Checks body and languages list of a bodyOwner.
* <p>
* It returns <code>true</code> if both lists have the same size. It returns
* <code>false</code> if one of the list was bigger than the other one. In
* this latter case, one of the list was corrected, ie enough elements where
* added in the list
* @param bodyOwner
* the bodyOwner to check
* @return <code>true</code> if both lists already had the same size,
* <code>false</code> in other cases.
private boolean checkAndCorrectListsOfBodyOwner(BodyOwner bodyOwner) {
// both lists, languages and bodies, should have the same size
final int bodySize = bodyOwner.getBodies().size();
final int languageSize = bodyOwner.getLanguages().size();
// check both size
// if equals, lists are supposed synchronized, it is ok
// if less body than languages, add bodies
// if more body, add enough languages
if (bodySize == languageSize) {
return true;
} else {
final int difference = languageSize - bodySize;
if (difference > 0) {
// more languages strings than body strings, add enough bodies
for (int i = 0; i < difference; i++) {
} else {
// more body strings than language strings, add enough languages
for (int i = 0; i < (-difference); i++) {
// lists had to be modified, return false...
return false;
public EList<Property> getBlockTypeAttributes(Class blockAsClass) {
EList<Property> attributes = new BasicEList<Property>();
for (Property umlProperty : blockAsClass.getOwnedAttributes()) {
if (!isPort(umlProperty)) {
if (isBlockTypeAttribute(umlProperty)) {
return attributes;
public String getAttributeVisibility(Property attribute) {
return attribute.getVisibility().getName();
public boolean isBlockTypeAttribute(String attributeName, Class blockAsClass) {
if (blockAsClass != null) {
for (Property umlProperty : blockAsClass.getOwnedAttributes()) {
if (!isPort(umlProperty)) {
if (isBlockTypeAttribute(umlProperty) && (umlProperty.getName().equals(attributeName))) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean isBlockTypeAttribute(Property umlProperty) {
return (umlProperty.getType() != null) && (isBlock(umlProperty.getType()));
* public boolean isConcurrentOperation(String operationName, Class
* blockType) {
* if (blockType != null) { logger.debug("isConcurrentOperation: " +
* operationName + " class: " + blockType.getName()); for (Operation
* operation : blockType.getOperations()) {
* logger.debug("operation.getName(): " + operation.getName());
* logger.debug("operation.getConcurrency(): " +
* operation.getConcurrency());
* logger.debug("CallConcurrencyKind.CONCURRENT_LITERAL: " +
* CallConcurrencyKind.CONCURRENT_LITERAL); logger.
* debug("operation.getConcurrency().getLiteral().equals(CallConcurrencyKind.CONCURRENT_LITERAL) "
* + operation.getConcurrency().getLiteral().equals(CallConcurrencyKind.
* logger.debug("operation.getName().equals(operationName)) " +
* operation.getName().equals(operationName));
* if (operation.getConcurrency().equals(CallConcurrencyKind.
* CONCURRENT_LITERAL) && (operation.getName().equals(operationName))) {
* logger.debug("TRUE"); return true; } } } return false; }
public Class getBlockType(Package currPackage, String blockName) {
PackageableElement element = currPackage.getPackagedElement(blockName);
if (isBlock(element)) {
return (Class) element;
return null;
public Class getAttributeBlockType(String attributeName, Class block) {
// logger.debug("getAttributeBlockType: " + block + " , " +
// attributeName);
for (Property property : block.getAttributes()) {
// logger.debug("property.getName(): " + property.getName());
// logger.debug("isBlockTypeAttribute(property): " +
// isBlockTypeAttribute(property));
if (property.getName().equals(attributeName) && (isBlockTypeAttribute(property))) {
// logger.debug("OK!");
return (Class) property.getType();
return null;
public Type getOperationType(String operationName, Class block) {
final Operation operation = getOperation(operationName, block);
if (operation != null) {
return getUmlOperationOutputType(operation);
// // logger.debug("getOperationType: " + block + " , " +
// operationName);
// for (Operation operation : block.getOwnedOperations()) {
// // logger.debug("operation.getName(): " + operation.getName());
// if (operation.getName().equals(operationName)) {
// // logger.debug("OK!");
// return getUmlOperationOutputType(operation);
// }
// }
return null;
public Operation getOperation(String operationName, Class block) {
return block.getOwnedOperation(operationName, null, null);
// logger.debug("getOperationType: " + block + " , " + operationName);
// for (Operation operation : block.getOwnedOperations()) {
// logger.debug("operation.getName(): " + operation.getName());
// if (operation.getName().equals(operationName)) {
// logger.debug("OK!");
// return operation;
// }
// }
// return null;
public boolean isAttribute(String attributeName, Class blockAsClass) {
if (blockAsClass != null) {
Property umlProperty = blockAsClass.getOwnedAttribute(attributeName, null);
if ((umlProperty != null) && (!isPort(umlProperty))) {
return true;
* for (Property umlProperty : blockAsClass.getOwnedAttributes()) {
* if (umlProperty.getName().equals(attributeName)) { if
* (!isPort(umlProperty)) { return true; } } }
return false;
public boolean isOperation(String operationName, Class blockAsClass) {
if (blockAsClass != null) {
Operation umlOperation = blockAsClass.getOwnedOperation(operationName, null, null);
if (umlOperation != null) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean containsEnumeration(Package currPackage, boolean searchInNestedPackages) {
final EList<Type> types = currPackage.getOwnedTypes();
for (Type type : types) {
if (type instanceof Enumeration) {
return true;
if (searchInNestedPackages) {
for (Package nestedPackage : currPackage.getNestedPackages()) {
if (containsEnumeration(nestedPackage, searchInNestedPackages))
return true;
return false;
public Type getAttributeType(String attributeName, Class block) {
// logger.debug("getAttribute of block: " + block + " , " +
// attributeName);
for (Property property : block.getAttributes()) {
// logger.debug("property.getName(): " + property.getName());
if (property.getName().equals(attributeName)) {
// logger.debug("OK!");
return property.getType();
return null;
public Type getParameterType(int paramIndex, String methodName, Class retrieveBlockType) {
// logger.debug("getParameterType: " + retrieveBlockType + " , " +
// methodName + " , " + paramIndex);
Operation operation = getOperation(methodName, retrieveBlockType);
// logger.debug("getParameterType operation: " + operation);
if ((operation != null) // && (operation.getMethods() != null) &&
// (!operation.getMethods().isEmpty())
) {
if (operation.inputParameters() != null) {
EList<Parameter> params = operation.inputParameters();
if ((!params.isEmpty())) {
Parameter par = params.get(paramIndex);
if (par != null) {
// logger.debug("getParameterType par: " + par);
return par.getType();
return null;
public String getCallEventOperationName(Trigger trigger) {
if (trigger.getEvent() instanceof CallEvent) {
return ((CallEvent) trigger.getEvent()).getOperation().getName();
return null;
public Collection<CallEvent> getAllCallEvent(Class currBlock) {
Model model = currBlock.getModel();
TreeIterator<EObject> allElements = model.eResource().getAllContents();
if (allElements != null) {
Collection<CallEvent> callEvents = EcoreUtil.getObjectsByType(iterator2Collection(allElements),
return callEvents;
return null;
public String getCallEventOperationName(CallEvent callEvent) throws Exception {
if (callEvent.getOperation() != null) {
return callEvent.getOperation().getName();
throw new Exception("The callEvent " + callEvent.getQualifiedName() + " has no associated operation");
public EList<String> getOperationsNames(Class component) {
EList<String> operationsNames = new BasicEList<String>();
for (Operation operation : component.getOwnedOperations()) {
String operationName = operation.getName();
return operationsNames;
public EList<String> getAttributesNames(Class component) {
EList<String> attributesNames = new BasicEList<String>();
for (Property attribute : component.getOwnedAttributes()) {
String attributeName = attribute.getName();
if (!isPort(attribute)) {
return attributesNames;
public EList<Parameter> getOperationParameters(String operationName, Class parentClass) {
Operation op = parentClass.getOwnedOperation(operationName, null, null);
if (op != null) {
return op.getOwnedParameters();
return null;
public Operation getCallEventOperation(CallEvent callEvent) throws Exception {
if (callEvent.getOperation() != null) {
return callEvent.getOperation();
throw new Exception("The callEvent " + callEvent.getQualifiedName() + " has no associated operation");
public EList<String> getParametersNames(Operation operation) {
EList<String> parametersNames = new BasicEList<String>();
for (Parameter par : operation.getOwnedParameters()) {
return parametersNames;
public Object getParameterType(String paramName, String methodName, Class retrieveBlockType) {
Operation operation = getOperation(methodName, retrieveBlockType);
if ((operation != null)) {
if (operation.inputParameters() != null) {
Parameter par = operation.getOwnedParameter(paramName, null);
if (par != null) {
// logger.debug("getParameterType par: " + par);
return par.getType();
return null;
public Object getParameterType(String paramName, Operation operation) {
if ((operation != null)) {
if (operation.inputParameters() != null) {
Parameter par = operation.getOwnedParameter(paramName, null);
if (par != null) {
// logger.debug("getParameterType par: " + par);
return par.getType();
return null;
public Collection<Enumeration> getAllEnumeratives(Package packageElement) throws Exception {
return (Collection<Enumeration>) EObjectUtil.getAllElements(UMLPackage.eINSTANCE.getEnumeration(),
public Collection<Operation> getAllOperations(Package packageElement) throws Exception {
if (packageElement != null) {
TreeIterator<EObject> allElements = packageElement.eResource().getAllContents();
Collection<org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Operation> operations = EcoreUtil
.getObjectsByType(iterator2Collection(allElements), UMLPackage.eINSTANCE.getOperation());
return operations;
throw new Exception("Element does not exist.");
public Collection<Class> getAllClasses(Package packageElement) throws Exception {
Collection<Class> classElements = null;
if (packageElement != null) {
TreeIterator<EObject> allElements = packageElement.eResource().getAllContents();
if (allElements != null) {
classElements = getClassObjects(iterator2Collection(allElements));
return classElements;
throw new Exception("Element does not exist.");
public static <T> Collection<T> getClassObjects(Collection<EObject> objects) {
Collection<T> result = new ArrayList<T>();
for (EObject object : objects) {
if (UMLPackage.eINSTANCE.getClass_().isInstance(object) && object.eContainer() instanceof Package) {
T t = (T) object;
return result;