blob: d8b535445a7dd70540be78e8f25f5f877ac1c90e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2006, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0, which accompanies this distribution
* and is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jpt.core.context;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import org.eclipse.jpt.db.Schema;
* Provisional API: This interface is part of an interim API that is still under
* development and expected to change significantly before reaching stability.
* It is available at this early stage to solicit feedback from pioneering
* adopters on the understanding that any code that uses this API will almost
* certainly be broken (repeatedly) as the API evolves.
public interface TypeMapping extends JpaContextNode {
* Return a unique key for the ITypeMapping. If this is defined in an
* extension they should be equal.
String getKey();
PersistentType getPersistentType();
boolean isMapped();
* Return the type mapping's primary table name, null if a primary table
* does not apply.
String getPrimaryTableName();
* Return the type mapping's primary database table.
org.eclipse.jpt.db.Table getPrimaryDbTable();
Schema getDbSchema();
* Return the type mapping's "persistence" inheritance hierarchy,
* <em>including</em> the type mapping itself.
* The returned iterator will return elements infinitely if the hierarchy
* has a loop.
Iterator<TypeMapping> inheritanceHierarchy();
* Return the type mapping's "associated" tables, which includes the primary
* table and the collection of secondary tables.
Iterator<Table> associatedTables();
* Return the type mapping's "associated" tables, which includes the primary
* table and the collection of secondary tables, as well as all inherited
* "associated" tables.
Iterator<Table> associatedTablesIncludingInherited();
* Return the identifiers of the type mapping's "associated" tables, which
* includes the primary table and the collection of secondary tables, as
* well as all the inherited "associated" tables.
Iterator<String> associatedTableNamesIncludingInherited();
* return the resolved associated db table with the passed in name
org.eclipse.jpt.db.Table getDbTable(String tableName);
* Return whether the specified table is invalid for any annotations
* associated with the type mapping.
boolean tableNameIsInvalid(String tableName);
* A convenience methods for getting the attribute mappings from PersistentType.attributes()
<T extends AttributeMapping> ListIterator<T> attributeMappings();
* Return all the attribute mappings in the type mapping's
* inheritance hierarchy.
Iterator<AttributeMapping> allAttributeMappings();
* Return an Iterator of attribute names that can be overridden by a
* sub type mapping.
Iterator<String> overridableAttributeNames();
* Return an Iterator of all attribute names that can be overridden in this
* type mapping.
Iterator<String> allOverridableAttributeNames();
* Returns the Column of the overridable attribute mapping with the given
* attribute name. In 2.0 this name could use dot-notation for nested mappings.
Column resolveOverridenColumn(String attributeName);
RelationshipReference resolveRelationshipReference(String associationOverrideName);
* Return an Iterator of associations names that can be overridden in this
* type mapping.
Iterator<String> overridableAssociationNames();
* Return an Iterator of all associations names that can be overridden in this
* type mapping.
Iterator<String> allOverridableAssociationNames();
* Return whether the given attribute mapping key is valid for this
* particular type mapping (for example, id's are not valid for an
* embeddable type mapping)
boolean attributeMappingKeyAllowed(String attributeMappingKey);
* Return whether any database metadata specific validation should occur.
* (For instance, if the connection is not active, then it should not.)
boolean shouldValidateAgainstDatabase();