blob: 2870c294122dfae83854255395ed73de3c0c445b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007 Oracle. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0, which accompanies this distribution
* and is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.value.prefs;
import java.util.prefs.PreferenceChangeEvent;
import java.util.prefs.PreferenceChangeListener;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.BidiStringConverter;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.listener.ChangeListener;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.listener.PropertyChangeListener;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.value.AspectAdapter;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.value.PropertyValueModel;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.value.ReadOnlyPropertyValueModel;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.value.ValueModel;
* This adapter wraps a Preference and converts it into a PropertyValueModel.
* It listens for the appropriate "preference" changes and converts them into
* VALUE property changes. It also allows the specification of a default value
* for the Preference, which, by default, is null (and is probably *not* a very
* good default).
* You can configure whether the preference's value is returned,
* unchanged, as a string or as some other object (e.g. an Integer) by
* setting the adapter's converter. Internally, the preference's value
* is stored as the converted object; and the conversions take place
* when reading or writing from the preferences node or retrieving the
* value from an event fired by the preferences node.
* This adapter is a bit different from most other adapters because the
* change events fired off by a Preferences node are asynchronous from
* the change itself. (AbstractPreferences uses an event dispatch daemon.)
* As a result, a client can set our value with #setValue(Object) and we
* will return from that method before we ever receive notification from
* the Preferences node that *it* has changed. This means we cannot
* rely on that event to keep our internally cached value in synch.
public class PreferencePropertyValueModel<P>
extends AspectAdapter
implements PropertyValueModel
/** The key to the preference we use for the value. */
protected final String key;
* Cache the current (object) value of the preference so we
* can pass an "old value" when we fire a property change event.
protected P value;
* The default (object) value returned if there is no value
* associated with the preference.
protected final P defaultValue;
* This converter is used to convert the preference's
* string value to and from an object.
protected final BidiStringConverter<P> converter;
/** A listener that listens to the appropriate preference. */
protected final PreferenceChangeListener preferenceChangeListener;
// ********** constructors **********
* Construct an adapter for the specified preference.
* The default value of the preference will be null.
public PreferencePropertyValueModel(Preferences preferences, String key) {
this(preferences, key, null);
* Construct an adapter for the specified preference with
* the specified default value for the preference.
public PreferencePropertyValueModel(Preferences preferences, String key, P defaultValue) {
this(preferences, key, defaultValue, BidiStringConverter.Default.<P>instance());
* Construct an adapter for the specified preference with
* the specified default value for the preference.
public PreferencePropertyValueModel(Preferences preferences, String key, P defaultValue, BidiStringConverter<P> converter) {
this(new ReadOnlyPropertyValueModel(preferences), key, defaultValue, converter);
* Construct an adapter for the specified preference with
* the specified default value for the preference.
public static PreferencePropertyValueModel<Boolean> forBoolean(Preferences preferences, String key, boolean defaultValue) {
return new PreferencePropertyValueModel<Boolean>(
defaultValue ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE,
* Construct an adapter for the specified preference with
* the specified default value for the preference.
public static PreferencePropertyValueModel<Integer> forInteger(Preferences preferences, String key, int defaultValue) {
return new PreferencePropertyValueModel<Integer>(
new Integer(defaultValue),
* Construct an adapter for the specified preference.
* The default value of the preference will be null.
public PreferencePropertyValueModel(ValueModel preferencesHolder, String key) {
this(preferencesHolder, key, null);
* Construct an adapter for the specified preference with
* the specified default value for the preference.
public PreferencePropertyValueModel(ValueModel preferencesHolder, String key, P defaultValue) {
this(preferencesHolder, key, defaultValue, BidiStringConverter.Default.<P>instance());
* Construct an adapter for the specified preference with
* the specified default value for the preference.
public PreferencePropertyValueModel(ValueModel preferencesHolder, String key, P defaultValue, BidiStringConverter<P> converter) {
this.key = key;
this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
this.converter = converter;
this.preferenceChangeListener = this.buildPreferenceChangeListener();
// our value is null when we are not listening to the preference
this.value = null;
// ********** initialization **********
* A preference has changed, notify the listeners if necessary.
protected PreferenceChangeListener buildPreferenceChangeListener() {
// transform the preference change events into VALUE property change events
return new PreferenceChangeListener() {
public void preferenceChange(PreferenceChangeEvent e) {
PreferencePropertyValueModel.this.preferenceChanged(e.getKey(), e.getNewValue());
public String toString() {
return "preference change listener";
// ********** ValueModel implementation **********
* Return the cached (converted) value.
public synchronized Object value() {
return this.value;
// ********** PropertyValueModel implementation **********
// TODO combine these methods when PropertyValueModel is parameterized
public synchronized void setValue(Object value) {
this.setValue2((P) value);
* Set the cached value, then set the appropriate preference value.
protected void setValue2(P value) {
if (this.hasNoListeners()) {
return; // no changes allowed when we have no listeners
Object old = this.value;
this.value = value;
this.fireAspectChange(old, value);
if ((this.subject != null) && this.shouldSetPreference(old, value)) {
// ********** AspectAdapter implementation **********
protected Class<? extends ChangeListener> listenerClass() {
return PropertyChangeListener.class;
protected String listenerAspectName() {
return VALUE;
protected boolean hasListeners() {
return this.hasAnyPropertyChangeListeners(VALUE);
protected void fireAspectChange(Object oldValue, Object newValue) {
this.firePropertyChanged(VALUE, oldValue, newValue);
protected void engageNonNullSubject() {
((Preferences) this.subject).addPreferenceChangeListener(this.preferenceChangeListener);
this.value = this.buildValue();
protected void disengageNonNullSubject() {
try {
((Preferences) this.subject).removePreferenceChangeListener(this.preferenceChangeListener);
} catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
// for some odd reason, we are not allowed to remove a listener from a "dead"
// preferences node; so handle the exception that gets thrown here
if ( ! ex.getMessage().equals("Node has been removed.")) {
// if it is not the expected exception, re-throw it
throw ex;
this.value = null;
// ********** AbstractModel implementation **********
public void toString(StringBuilder sb) {
sb.append(" => ");
// ********** public API **********
* Return the preference's key.
public String getKey() {
return this.key;
// ********** internal methods **********
* Return the preference's value.
* At this point the subject may be null.
protected P buildValue() {
return (this.subject == null) ? null : this.buildValue_();
* Return the appropriate preference, converted to the appropriate object.
* At this point we can be sure that the subject is not null.
protected P buildValue_() {
return this.convertToObject(((Preferences) this.subject).get(this.key, this.convertToString(this.defaultValue)));
* Set the appropriate preference after converting the value to a string.
* At this point we can be sure that the subject is not null.
protected void setValue_(P value) {
((Preferences) this.subject).put(this.key, this.convertToString(value));
* Return whether the specified new value should be passed
* through to the preference. By default, only if the value has changed,
* will it be passed through to the preference. This also has the
* effect of not creating new preferences in the "backing store"
* if the new value is the same as the default value.
* Subclasses can override this method to return true if they
* would like to ALWAYS pass through the new value to the preference.
protected boolean shouldSetPreference(Object oldValue, Object newValue) {
return this.attributeValueHasChanged(oldValue, newValue);
* Convert the specified object to a string that can be stored as
* the value of the preference.
protected String convertToString(P o) {
return this.converter.convertToString(o);
* Convert the specified preference value string to an
* appropriately-typed object to be returned to the client.
protected P convertToObject(String s) {
return this.converter.convertToObject(s);
protected void preferenceChanged(String prefKey, String newValue) {
if (prefKey.equals(this.key)) {
* The underlying preference changed; either because we changed it
* in #setValue_(Object) or a third-party changed it.
* If this is called because of our own change, the event will be
* swallowed because the old and new values are the same.
protected synchronized void preferenceChanged() {
Object old = this.value;
this.value = this.buildValue();
this.fireAspectChange(old, this.value);