blob: b83d5ca3dd255857f9883c86c752739c3ab91b6e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007 Oracle. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0, which accompanies this distribution
* and is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.value.swing;
import javax.swing.AbstractListModel;
import javax.swing.event.ListDataListener;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.StringTools;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.event.ListChangeEvent;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.listener.ListChangeListener;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.listener.awt.AWTListChangeListenerWrapper;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.value.CollectionListValueModelAdapter;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.value.CollectionValueModel;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.value.ListValueModel;
* This javax.swing.ListModel can be used to keep a ListDataListener
* (e.g. a JList) in synch with a ListValueModel (or a CollectionValueModel).
* An instance of this ListModel *must* be supplied with a value model,
* which is a ListValueModel on the bound list or a CollectionValueModel
* on the bound collection. This is required - the list (or collection)
* itself can be null, but the value model that holds it cannot.
public class ListModelAdapter
extends AbstractListModel
/** A value model on the underlying model list. */
protected ListValueModel listHolder;
* Cache the size of the list for "dramatic" changes.
* @see #listChanged(ListChangeEvent)
protected int listSize;
/** A listener that allows us to forward changes made to the underlying model list. */
protected final ListChangeListener listChangeListener;
// ********** constructors **********
* Default constructor - initialize stuff.
private ListModelAdapter() {
this.listSize = 0;
this.listChangeListener = this.buildListChangeListener();
* Constructor - the list holder is required.
public ListModelAdapter(ListValueModel listHolder) {
* Constructor - the collection holder is required.
public ListModelAdapter(CollectionValueModel collectionHolder) {
// ********** initialization **********
protected ListChangeListener buildListChangeListener() {
return new AWTListChangeListenerWrapper(this.buildListChangeListener_());
protected ListChangeListener buildListChangeListener_() {
return new ListChangeListener() {
public void itemsAdded(ListChangeEvent e) {
public void itemsRemoved(ListChangeEvent e) {
public void itemsReplaced(ListChangeEvent e) {
public void itemsMoved(ListChangeEvent e) {
public void listCleared(ListChangeEvent e) {
public void listChanged(ListChangeEvent e) {
public String toString() {
return "list listener";
// ********** ListModel implementation **********
public int getSize() {
return this.listHolder.size();
public Object getElementAt(int index) {
return this.listHolder.get(index);
* Extend to start listening to the underlying model list if necessary.
public void addListDataListener(ListDataListener l) {
if (this.hasNoListDataListeners()) {
this.listSize = this.listHolder.size();
* Extend to stop listening to the underlying model list if appropriate.
public void removeListDataListener(ListDataListener l) {
if (this.hasNoListDataListeners()) {
this.listSize = 0;
// ********** public API **********
* Return the underlying list model.
public ListValueModel getModel() {
return this.listHolder;
* Set the underlying list model.
public void setModel(ListValueModel listHolder) {
if (listHolder == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
boolean hasListeners = this.hasListDataListeners();
if (hasListeners) {
this.listHolder = listHolder;
if (hasListeners) {
* Set the underlying collection model.
public void setModel(CollectionValueModel collectionHolder) {
this.setModel(new CollectionListValueModelAdapter(collectionHolder));
// ********** queries **********
* Return whether this model has no listeners.
protected boolean hasNoListDataListeners() {
return this.getListDataListeners().length == 0;
* Return whether this model has any listeners.
protected boolean hasListDataListeners() {
return ! this.hasNoListDataListeners();
// ********** behavior **********
protected void engageModel() {
this.listHolder.addListChangeListener(ListValueModel.LIST_VALUES, this.listChangeListener);
protected void disengageModel() {
this.listHolder.removeListChangeListener(ListValueModel.LIST_VALUES, this.listChangeListener);
// ********** list change support **********
* Items were added to the underlying model list.
* Notify listeners of the changes.
protected void itemsAdded(ListChangeEvent e) {
int start = e.index();
int end = start + e.itemsSize() - 1;
this.fireIntervalAdded(this, start, end);
this.listSize += e.itemsSize();
* Items were removed from the underlying model list.
* Notify listeners of the changes.
protected void itemsRemoved(ListChangeEvent e) {
int start = e.index();
int end = start + e.itemsSize() - 1;
this.fireIntervalRemoved(this, start, end);
this.listSize -= e.itemsSize();
* Items were replaced in the underlying model list.
* Notify listeners of the changes.
protected void itemsReplaced(ListChangeEvent e) {
int start = e.index();
int end = start + e.itemsSize() - 1;
this.fireContentsChanged(this, start, end);
* Items were moved in the underlying model list.
* Notify listeners of the changes.
protected void itemsMoved(ListChangeEvent e) {
int start = Math.min(e.sourceIndex(), e.targetIndex());
int end = Math.max(e.sourceIndex(), e.targetIndex()) + e.moveLength() - 1;
this.fireContentsChanged(this, start, end);
* The underlying model list was cleared.
* Notify listeners of the changes.
protected void listCleared() {
if (this.listSize != 0) {
this.fireIntervalRemoved(this, 0, this.listSize - 1);
this.listSize = 0;
* The underlying model list has changed "dramatically".
* Notify listeners of the changes.
protected void listChanged() {
if (this.listSize != 0) {
this.fireIntervalRemoved(this, 0, this.listSize - 1);
this.listSize = this.listHolder.size();
if (this.listSize != 0) {
this.fireIntervalAdded(this, 0, this.listSize - 1);
// ********** Object overrides **********
public String toString() {
return StringTools.buildToStringFor(this, this.listHolder);