blob: 1b7d81f4902d4d26d3b2db2eddbebd4aa6f18f75 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007 Oracle. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0, which accompanies this distribution
* and is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.value.swing;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.event.TreeModelListener;
import javax.swing.tree.TreePath;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.StringTools;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.event.ListChangeEvent;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.event.PropertyChangeEvent;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.event.StateChangeEvent;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.listener.ListChangeListener;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.listener.PropertyChangeListener;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.listener.StateChangeListener;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.listener.awt.AWTListChangeListenerWrapper;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.listener.awt.AWTPropertyChangeListenerWrapper;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.listener.awt.AWTStateChangeListenerWrapper;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.value.ListValueModel;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.value.PropertyValueModel;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.value.ReadOnlyPropertyValueModel;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.value.TreeNodeValueModel;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.value.ValueModel;
* This javax.swing.tree.TreeModel can be used to keep a TreeModelListener
* (e.g. a JTree) in synch with a tree of TreeNodeValueModel objects. Unlike
* javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel, you do not add and remove nodes with
* methods implemented here. You can add and remove nodes by adding and
* removing them directly to/from the nodes (or, more typically, the domain
* objects the nodes are wrapping and listening to).
* Due to limitations in JTree, the root of the tree can never be null,
* which, typically, should not be a problem. (If you want to display an empty
* tree you can set the JTree's treeModel to null.)
public class TreeModelAdapter
extends AbstractTreeModel
* A value model on the underlying tree's root node and its
* corresponding listener. This allows clients to swap out
* the entire tree. Due to limitations in JTree, the root should
* never be set to null while we have listeners.
private final PropertyValueModel rootHolder;
private final PropertyChangeListener rootListener;
* A listener that notifies us when a node's internal
* "state" changes (as opposed to the node's value or list of
* children), allowing us to forward notification to our listeners.
private final StateChangeListener nodeStateListener;
* A listener that notifies us when a node's "value"
* changes (as opposed to the node's state or list of
* children), allowing us to forward notification to our listeners.
* Typically, this will only happen with nodes that hold
* primitive data.
private final PropertyChangeListener nodeValueListener;
* A listener that notifies us when an underlying node's
* "list" of children changes, allowing us to keep our
* internal tree in synch with the underlying tree model.
private final ListChangeListener childrenListener;
/* these attributes make up our internal tree */
* The root cannot be null while we have listeners, which is
* most of the time. The root is cached so we can disengage
* from it when it has been swapped out.
private TreeNodeValueModel root;
* Map the nodes to their lists of children.
* We cache these so we can swap out the entire list of children
* when we receive a #listChanged() event (which does not include
* the items that were affected).
* @see EventChangePolicy#rebuildChildren()
final IdentityHashMap<TreeNodeValueModel, List<TreeNodeValueModel>> childrenLists;
* Map the children models to their parents.
* We cache these so we can figure out the "real" source of the
* list change events (the parent).
* @see EventChangePolicy#parent()
final IdentityHashMap<ListValueModel, TreeNodeValueModel> parents;
// ********** constructors **********
* Construct a tree model for the specified root.
public TreeModelAdapter(PropertyValueModel rootHolder) {
if (rootHolder == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
this.rootHolder = rootHolder;
this.rootListener = this.buildRootListener();
this.nodeStateListener = this.buildNodeStateListener();
this.nodeValueListener = this.buildNodeValueListener();
this.childrenListener = this.buildChildrenListener();
this.childrenLists = new IdentityHashMap<TreeNodeValueModel, List<TreeNodeValueModel>>();
this.parents = new IdentityHashMap<ListValueModel, TreeNodeValueModel>();
* Construct a tree model for the specified root.
public TreeModelAdapter(TreeNodeValueModel root) {
this(new ReadOnlyPropertyValueModel(root));
// ********** initialization **********
protected PropertyChangeListener buildRootListener() {
return new AWTPropertyChangeListenerWrapper(this.buildRootListener_());
protected PropertyChangeListener buildRootListener_() {
return new PropertyChangeListener() {
public void propertyChanged(PropertyChangeEvent e) {
public String toString() {
return "root listener";
protected PropertyChangeListener buildNodeValueListener() {
return new AWTPropertyChangeListenerWrapper(this.buildNodeValueListener_());
protected PropertyChangeListener buildNodeValueListener_() {
return new PropertyChangeListener() {
public void propertyChanged(PropertyChangeEvent e) {
TreeModelAdapter.this.nodeChanged((TreeNodeValueModel) e.getSource());
public String toString() {
return "node value listener";
protected StateChangeListener buildNodeStateListener() {
return new AWTStateChangeListenerWrapper(this.buildNodeStateListener_());
protected StateChangeListener buildNodeStateListener_() {
return new StateChangeListener() {
public void stateChanged(StateChangeEvent e) {
TreeModelAdapter.this.nodeChanged((TreeNodeValueModel) e.getSource());
public String toString() {
return "node state listener";
protected ListChangeListener buildChildrenListener() {
return new AWTListChangeListenerWrapper(this.buildChildrenListener_());
protected ListChangeListener buildChildrenListener_() {
return new ListChangeListener() {
public void itemsAdded(ListChangeEvent e) {
new EventChangePolicy(e).addChildren();
public void itemsRemoved(ListChangeEvent e) {
new EventChangePolicy(e).removeChildren();
public void itemsReplaced(ListChangeEvent e) {
new EventChangePolicy(e).replaceChildren();
public void itemsMoved(ListChangeEvent e) {
new EventChangePolicy(e).moveChildren();
public void listCleared(ListChangeEvent e) {
new EventChangePolicy(e).clearChildren();
public void listChanged(ListChangeEvent e) {
new EventChangePolicy(e).rebuildChildren();
public String toString() {
return "children listener";
// ********** TreeModel implementation **********
public Object getRoot() {
return this.root;
public Object getChild(Object parent, int index) {
return ((TreeNodeValueModel) parent).child(index);
public int getChildCount(Object parent) {
return ((TreeNodeValueModel) parent).childrenSize();
public boolean isLeaf(Object node) {
return ((TreeNodeValueModel) node).isLeaf();
public void valueForPathChanged(TreePath path, Object newValue) {
((TreeNodeValueModel) path.getLastPathComponent()).setValue(newValue);
public int getIndexOfChild(Object parent, Object child) {
return ((TreeNodeValueModel) parent).indexOfChild((TreeNodeValueModel) child);
* Extend to start listening to the underlying model if necessary.
public void addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener l) {
if (this.hasNoTreeModelListeners()) {
* Extend to stop listening to the underlying model if appropriate.
public void removeTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener l) {
if (this.hasNoTreeModelListeners()) {
// ********** behavior **********
* Listen to the root and all the other nodes
* in the underlying tree model.
private void engageModel() {
this.rootHolder.addPropertyChangeListener(ValueModel.VALUE, this.rootListener);
this.root = (TreeNodeValueModel) this.rootHolder.value();
if (this.root == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(); // the root cannot be null while we have listeners
* Add the root and all of the nodes to the underlying tree.
private void addRoot() {
this.addNode(0, this.root);
* Stop listening to the root and all the other
* nodes in the underlying tree model.
private void disengageModel() {
this.root = null;
this.rootHolder.removePropertyChangeListener(ValueModel.VALUE, this.rootListener);
* Remove the root and all of the nodes from the underlying tree.
private void removeRoot() {
this.removeNode(0, this.root);
* The root has been swapped.
* This method is a bit gnarly because the API for notifying listeners
* that the root has changed is a bit inconsistent with that used for
* non-root nodes.
void rootChanged() {
TreeNodeValueModel newRoot = (TreeNodeValueModel) this.rootHolder.value();
if (newRoot == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(); // the root cannot be null while we have listeners
// remove all the current root's children from the tree
// and remove the it from the internal tree
// save the old root and swap in the new root
TreeNodeValueModel oldRoot = this.root;
this.root = newRoot;
// we must be listening to both the old and new roots when we fire the event
// because their values can be affected by whether they have listeners
// now we can stop listening to the old root
// add the new root to the internal tree and
// add all its children to the tree also
* Either the "value" or the "state" of the specified node has changed,
* forward notification to our listeners.
void nodeChanged(TreeNodeValueModel node) {
TreeNodeValueModel parent = node.parent();
if (parent == null) {
} else {
this.fireTreeNodeChanged(parent.path(), parent.indexOfChild(node), node);
* Listen to the nodes, notify our listeners that the nodes were added,
* and then add the nodes to our internal tree.
* We must listen to the nodes before notifying anybody, because
* adding a listener can change the value of a node.
void addChildren(Object[] path, int[] childIndices, Object[] children) {
int len = childIndices.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
this.engageNode((TreeNodeValueModel) children[i]);
this.fireTreeNodesInserted(path, childIndices, children);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
this.addNode(childIndices[i], (TreeNodeValueModel) children[i]);
* Listen to the node and its children model.
private void engageNode(TreeNodeValueModel node) {
node.addPropertyChangeListener(ValueModel.VALUE, this.nodeValueListener);
node.childrenModel().addListChangeListener(ListValueModel.LIST_VALUES, this.childrenListener);
* Add the node to our internal tree;
* then recurse down through the node's children,
* adding them to the internal tree also.
private void addNode(int index, TreeNodeValueModel node) {
this.addNodeToInternalTree(node.parent(), index, node, node.childrenModel());
new NodeChangePolicy(node).addChildren();
* Add the specified node to our internal tree.
private void addNodeToInternalTree(TreeNodeValueModel parent, int index, TreeNodeValueModel node, ListValueModel childrenModel) {
List<TreeNodeValueModel> siblings = this.childrenLists.get(parent);
if (siblings == null) {
siblings = new ArrayList<TreeNodeValueModel>();
this.childrenLists.put(parent, siblings);
siblings.add(index, node);
this.parents.put(childrenModel, node);
* Remove nodes from our internal tree, notify our listeners that the
* nodes were removed, then stop listening to the nodes.
* We must listen to the nodes until after notifying anybody, because
* removing a listener can change the value of a node.
void removeChildren(Object[] path, int[] childIndices, Object[] children) {
int len = childIndices.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// the indices slide down a notch each time we remove a child
this.removeNode(childIndices[i] - i, (TreeNodeValueModel) children[i]);
this.fireTreeNodesRemoved(path, childIndices, children);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
this.disengageNode((TreeNodeValueModel) children[i]);
* First, recurse down through the node's children,
* removing them from our internal tree;
* then remove the node itself from our internal tree.
private void removeNode(int index, TreeNodeValueModel node) {
new NodeChangePolicy(node).removeChildren();
this.removeNodeFromInternalTree(node.parent(), index, node, node.childrenModel());
* Remove the specified node from our internal tree.
private void removeNodeFromInternalTree(TreeNodeValueModel parent, int index, TreeNodeValueModel node, ListValueModel childrenModel) {
List<TreeNodeValueModel> siblings = this.childrenLists.get(parent);
if (siblings.isEmpty()) {
* Stop listening to the node and its children model.
private void disengageNode(TreeNodeValueModel node) {
node.childrenModel().removeListChangeListener(ListValueModel.LIST_VALUES, this.childrenListener);
node.removePropertyChangeListener(ValueModel.VALUE, this.nodeValueListener);
void moveChildren(TreeNodeValueModel parent, int targetIndex, int sourceIndex, int length) {
List<TreeNodeValueModel> childrenList = this.childrenLists.get(parent);
ArrayList<TreeNodeValueModel> temp = new ArrayList<TreeNodeValueModel>(length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
childrenList.addAll(targetIndex, temp);
// ********** standard methods **********
public String toString() {
return StringTools.buildToStringFor(this, this.root);
// ********** inner classes **********
* Coalesce some of the common change policy behavior.
private abstract class ChangePolicy {
ChangePolicy() {
* Add the current set of children.
void addChildren() {
TreeModelAdapter.this.addChildren(this.parent().path(), this.childIndices(), this.childArray());
* Remove the current set of children.
void removeChildren() {
TreeModelAdapter.this.removeChildren(this.parent().path(), this.childIndices(), this.childArray());
* Return an array of the indices of the current set of children,
* which should be contiguous.
int[] childIndices() {
return this.buildIndices(this.childrenStartIndex(), this.childrenSize());
* Return an array of the current set of children.
Object[] childArray() {
return this.buildArray(this.children(), this.childrenSize());
* Build an array to hold the elements in the specified iterator.
* If they are different sizes, something is screwed up...
Object[] buildArray(Iterator<?> stream, int size) {
Object[] array = new Object[size];
for (int i = 0; stream.hasNext(); i++) {
array[i] =;
return array;
* Return a set of indices, starting at zero and
* continuing for the specified size.
int[] buildIndices(int size) {
return buildIndices(0, size);
* Return a set of indices, starting at the specified index and
* continuing for the specified size.
int[] buildIndices(int start, int size) {
int[] indices = new int[size];
int index = start;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
indices[i] = index++;
return indices;
* Return the parent of the current set of children.
abstract TreeNodeValueModel parent();
* Return the starting index for the current set of children.
abstract int childrenStartIndex();
* Return the size of the current set of children.
abstract int childrenSize();
* Return an interator on the current set of children.
abstract Iterator children();
* Wraps a ListChangeEvent for adding, removing, replacing,
* and changing children.
private class EventChangePolicy extends ChangePolicy {
private ListChangeEvent event;
EventChangePolicy(ListChangeEvent event) {
this.event = event;
* Map the ListChangeEvent's source to the corresponding parent.
TreeNodeValueModel parent() {
return TreeModelAdapter.this.parents.get(this.event.getSource());
* The ListChangeEvent's item index is the children start index.
int childrenStartIndex() {
return this.event.index();
* The ListChangeEvent's size is the children size.
int childrenSize() {
return this.event.itemsSize();
* The ListChangeEvent's items are the children.
Iterator children() {
return this.event.items();
* Remove the old nodes and add the new ones.
void replaceChildren() {
Object[] parentPath = this.parent().path();
int[] childIndices = this.childIndices();
TreeModelAdapter.this.removeChildren(parentPath, childIndices, this.replacedChildren());
TreeModelAdapter.this.addChildren(parentPath, childIndices, this.childArray());
* Remove the old nodes and add the new ones.
void moveChildren() {
TreeModelAdapter.this.moveChildren(this.parent(), this.event.targetIndex(), this.event.sourceIndex(), this.event.moveLength());
* Clear all the nodes.
void clearChildren() {
TreeNodeValueModel parent = this.parent();
Object[] parentPath = parent.path();
List<TreeNodeValueModel> childrenList = TreeModelAdapter.this.childrenLists.get(parent);
int[] childIndices = this.buildIndices(childrenList.size());
Object[] childArray = this.buildArray(childrenList.iterator(), childrenList.size());
TreeModelAdapter.this.removeChildren(parentPath, childIndices, childArray);
* Remove all the old nodes and add all the new nodes.
void rebuildChildren() {
TreeNodeValueModel parent = this.parent();
Object[] parentPath = parent.path();
List<TreeNodeValueModel> childrenList = TreeModelAdapter.this.childrenLists.get(parent);
int[] childIndices = this.buildIndices(childrenList.size());
Object[] childArray = this.buildArray(childrenList.iterator(), childrenList.size());
TreeModelAdapter.this.removeChildren(parentPath, childIndices, childArray);
childIndices = this.buildIndices(parent.childrenModel().size());
childArray = this.buildArray(parent.childrenModel().iterator(), parent.childrenSize());
TreeModelAdapter.this.addChildren(parentPath, childIndices, childArray);
* The ListChangeEvent's replaced items are the replaced children.
Object[] replacedChildren() {
return this.buildArray(this.event.replacedItems(), this.event.itemsSize());
* Wraps a TreeNodeValueModel for adding and removing its children.
private class NodeChangePolicy extends ChangePolicy {
private TreeNodeValueModel node;
NodeChangePolicy(TreeNodeValueModel node) {
this.node = node;
* The node itself is the parent.
TreeNodeValueModel parent() {
return this.node;
* Since we will always be dealing with all of the node's
* children, the children start index is always zero.
int childrenStartIndex() {
return 0;
* Since we will always be dealing with all of the node's
* children, the children size is always equal to the size
* of the children model.
int childrenSize() {
return this.node.childrenModel().size();
* Since we will always be dealing with all of the node's
* children, the children are all the objects held by
* the children model.
Iterator children() {
return this.node.childrenModel().iterator();