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<p class="betadraftsubtitle">Beta Draft: 2013-01-03</p>
<p><a id="CIAJAFEG" name="CIAJAFEG"></a><a id="ref_persistence_customization" name="ref_persistence_customization"></a></p>
<div class="sect3"><!-- infolevel="all" infotype="General" -->
<p><a id="sthref635" name="sthref635"></a>The following table lists the properties available in the Customization page of the <a href="ref_persistence_xmll_editor.htm#CIACCHID">persistence.xml Editor</a>.</p>
<div class="inftblhruleinformal">
<table class="HRuleInformal" summary="The following table lists the properties available in the Customization page of the persistence.xml Editor." dir="ltr" border="1" width="100%" frame="hsides" rules="rows" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
<col width="24%" />
<col width="*" />
<col width="24%" />
<tr align="left" valign="top">
<th align="left" valign="bottom" id="r1c1-t54">Property</th>
<th align="left" valign="bottom" id="r1c2-t54">Description</th>
<th align="left" valign="bottom" id="r1c3-t54">Default</th>
<tr align="left" valign="top">
<td align="left" id="r2c1-t54" headers="r1c1-t54">
<p><span class="bold">Weaving</span></p>
<td align="left" headers="r2c1-t54 r1c2-t54">
<p>Specifies if weaving of the entity classes is performed. The EclipseLink JPA persistence provider uses weaving to enhance JPA entities for such properties as lazy loading, change tracking, fetch groups, and internal optimizations. Select from the following options:</p>
<p><span class="bold">No Weaving</span></p>
<p><span class="bold">Weave Dynamically</span></p>
<p><span class="bold">Weave Statically</span> -- Use this option if you plan to execute your application outside of a Java EE 5 container in an environment that does not permit the use of <code>-javaagent:eclipselink.jar</code> on the JVM command line. This assumes that classes have already been statically woven. Run the static weaver on the classes before deploying them.</p>
<td align="left" headers="r2c1-t54 r1c3-t54">
<p>Weave Dynamically</p>
<tr align="left" valign="top">
<td align="left" id="r3c1-t54" headers="r1c1-t54">
<td align="left" headers="r3c1-t54 r1c2-t54">
<p>Select this option to enable lazy weaving.</p>
<td align="left" headers="r3c1-t54 r1c3-t54">
<tr align="left" valign="top">
<td align="left" id="r4c1-t54" headers="r1c1-t54">
<p>Fetch Groups</p>
<td align="left" headers="r4c1-t54 r1c2-t54">
<p>Select this option to enable fetch groups through weaving. Set this option to false if:</p>
<p>There is no weaving.</p>
<p>Classes should not be changed during weaving (for example, when debugging).</p>
<p>Set this property to false for platforms where it is not supported.</p>
<td align="left" headers="r4c1-t54 r1c3-t54">
<tr align="left" valign="top">
<td align="left" id="r5c1-t54" headers="r1c1-t54">
<td align="left" headers="r5c1-t54 r1c2-t54">
<p>Specify if Dali uses internal optimizations through weaving.</p>
<p>If enabled, enables lazy one-to-one and many-to-one mappings through weaving.</p>
<td align="left" headers="r5c1-t54 r1c3-t54">
<tr align="left" valign="top">
<td align="left" id="r6c1-t54" headers="r1c1-t54">
<td align="left" headers="r6c1-t54 r1c2-t54">
<p>Specify if Dali uses indirection on eager relationships.</p>
<td align="left" headers="r6c1-t54 r1c3-t54">
<tr align="left" valign="top">
<td align="left" id="r7c1-t54" headers="r1c1-t54">
<td align="left" headers="r7c1-t54 r1c2-t54">
<p>Select this option to use weaving to detect which fields or properties of the object change.</p>
<td align="left" headers="r7c1-t54 r1c3-t54">
<tr align="left" valign="top">
<td align="left" id="r8c1-t54" headers="r1c1-t54">
<p><span class="bold">Validation only</span></p>
<td align="left" headers="r8c1-t54 r1c2-t54">
<p>Specify if Dali should validate deployments by initializing descriptors but not connecting to the data source.</p>
<td align="left" headers="r8c1-t54 r1c3-t54">
<tr align="left" valign="top">
<td align="left" id="r9c1-t54" headers="r1c1-t54">
<p><span class="bold">Mapping files schema validation</span></p>
<td align="left" headers="r9c1-t54 r1c2-t54"><br /></td>
<td align="left" headers="r9c1-t54 r1c3-t54">
<tr align="left" valign="top">
<td align="left" id="r10c1-t54" headers="r1c1-t54">
<p><span class="bold">Throw exceptions</span></p>
<td align="left" headers="r10c1-t54 r1c2-t54">
<p>Select this option to set EclipseLink to throw an exception or log a warning when it encounters a problem with any of the files listed in a <span class="bold">persistence.xml</span> file <code>&lt;mapping-file&gt;</code> element.</p>
<td align="left" headers="r10c1-t54 r1c3-t54">
<tr align="left" valign="top">
<td align="left" id="r11c1-t54" headers="r1c1-t54">
<p>Exception handler</p>
<td align="left" headers="r11c1-t54 r1c2-t54">
<p>Select (or create) a Java class (that implements the <code>org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.ExceptionHandler</code> interface) to handle exceptions.</p>
<td align="left" headers="r11c1-t54 r1c3-t54"><br /></td>
<tr align="left" valign="top">
<td align="left" id="r12c1-t54" headers="r1c1-t54">
<p><span class="bold">Session Customizer</span></p>
<td align="left" headers="r12c1-t54 r1c2-t54">
<p>Select a session customizer class: a Java class that implements the <code></code> interface and provides a default (zero-argument) constructor. Use this class' <code>customize</code> method, which takes an <code>eclipselink.sessions.Session</code>, to programmatically access advanced EclipseLink session API.</p>
<td align="left" headers="r12c1-t54 r1c3-t54"><br /></td>
<tr align="left" valign="top">
<td align="left" id="r13c1-t54" headers="r1c1-t54">
<td align="left" headers="r13c1-t54 r1c2-t54">
<p>Specify which performance profiler to use in order to capture runtime statistics.</p>
<p>No Profiler &ndash; Do not use a performance profiler.</p>
<p>Performance Profiler &ndash; Use EclipseLink performance profiler (<code> class</code>).</p>
<p>Query Monitor &ndash; Monitor query executions and cache hits (<code> class</code>).</p>
<td align="left" headers="r13c1-t54 r1c3-t54">
<br /></div>
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<div align="center">
<div class="inftblnote"><br />
<table class="Note oac_no_warn" summary="" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
<td align="left">
<p class="notep1">Note:</p>
<p>This page is not available for projects using the <span class="bold">Generic</span> platform.</p>
<br /></div>
<!-- class="inftblnote" --></div>
<a id="sthref636" name="sthref636"></a>
<p class="subhead2">Related references</p>
<p><span class="italic">Java Persistence API (JPA) Extensions Reference for EclipseLink</span><br />
<code><a href=""></a></code></p>
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