blob: 051264e14f930eead3fd2493362a0e442cdd722f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2015 Oracle. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0, which accompanies this distribution
* and is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jpt.common.utility.internal.collection;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.eclipse.jpt.common.utility.collection.Bag;
import org.eclipse.jpt.common.utility.predicate.Predicate;
import org.eclipse.jpt.common.utility.transformer.Transformer;
* {@link Collection} utility methods.
* @see org.eclipse.jpt.common.utility.internal.ArrayTools
* @see org.eclipse.jpt.common.utility.internal.iterable.IterableTools
* @see org.eclipse.jpt.common.utility.internal.iterator.IteratorTools
* @see ListTools
public final class CollectionTools {
// ********** add all **********
* Add all the elements returned by the specified iterable
* to the specified collection.
* Return whether the collection changed as a result.
public static <E> boolean addAll(Collection<? super E> collection, Iterable<? extends E> iterable) {
return addAll(collection, iterable.iterator());
* Add all the elements returned by the specified iterable
* to the specified collection.
* Return whether the collection changed as a result.
* The specified iterable size is a performance hint.
public static <E> boolean addAll(Collection<? super E> collection, Iterable<? extends E> iterable, int iterableSize) {
return addAll(collection, iterable.iterator(), iterableSize);
* Add all the elements returned by the specified iterator
* to the specified collection.
* Return whether the collection changed as a result.
public static <E> boolean addAll(Collection<? super E> collection, Iterator<? extends E> iterator) {
return iterator.hasNext() && addAll_(collection, iterator);
* assume the iterator is not empty
/* package */ static <E> boolean addAll_(Collection<? super E> collection, Iterator<? extends E> iterator) {
boolean modified = false;
do {
modified |= collection.add(;
} while (iterator.hasNext());
return modified;
* Add all the elements returned by the specified iterator
* to the specified collection.
* Return whether the collection changed as a result.
* The specified iterator size is a performance hint.
public static <E> boolean addAll(Collection<? super E> collection, Iterator<? extends E> iterator, int iteratorSize) {
return iterator.hasNext() && collection.addAll(ListTools.arrayList(iterator, iteratorSize));
* Add all the elements in the specified array
* to the specified collection.
* Return whether the collection changed as a result.
public static <E> boolean addAll(Collection<? super E> collection, E... array) {
return (array.length != 0) && addAll_(collection, array);
* assume the array is not empty
private static <E> boolean addAll_(Collection<? super E> collection, E... array) {
boolean modified = false;
for (E element : array) {
modified |= collection.add(element);
return modified;
// ********** contains all **********
* Return whether the specified collection contains all of the
* elements in the specified iterable.
public static boolean containsAll(Collection<?> collection, Iterable<?> iterable) {
return containsAll(collection, iterable.iterator());
* Return whether the specified collection contains all of the
* elements in the specified iterator, retrieving elements from the iterator
* until one is not found in the collection.
public static boolean containsAll(Collection<?> collection, Iterator<?> iterator) {
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
if ( ! collection.contains( {
return false;
return true;
* Return whether the specified collection contains all of the
* elements in the specified array.
public static boolean containsAll(Collection<?> collection, Object... array) {
for (int i = array.length; i-- > 0; ) {
if ( ! collection.contains(array[i])) {
return false;
return true;
// ********** filter **********
* Return a new collection with the filtered
* elements of the specified collection.
public static <E> HashBag<E> filter(Collection<? extends E> collection, Predicate<? super E> filter) {
HashBag<E> result = hashBag(collection.size());
for (E e : collection) {
if (filter.evaluate(e)) {
return result;
// ********** partition **********
* Divide the specified collection into the specified number of partitions.
* If the collection does not split evenly into the specified number of
* partitions, all the partitions will be one of two sizes; the first
* partions will be of size <code>collection.size()/count+1</code>,
* while the last partions will be of size <code>collection.size()/count</code>.
* The partitions will maintain the order of elements returned by the
* collection's iterator (i.e. the first elements returned by the iterator
* will be in the first partition, first element first).
public static <E> ArrayList<ArrayList<E>> partition(Collection<? extends E> collection, int count) {
if (count <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("count must be greater than zero: " + count); //$NON-NLS-1$
int collectionSize = collection.size();
if (collectionSize < count) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("collection size (" + collectionSize + ") must be greater than or equal to count: " + count); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
int partitionSize = collectionSize / count;
int remainder = collectionSize % count;
Iterator<? extends E> stream = collection.iterator();
ArrayList<ArrayList<E>> result = new ArrayList<ArrayList<E>>(count);
if (remainder != 0) {
// spread the remainder elements across the first partitions
for (int i = remainder; i-- > 0; ) {
ArrayList<E> partition = new ArrayList<E>(partitionSize);
for (int j = partitionSize; j-- > 0;) {
count = count - remainder;
for (int i = count; i-- > 0; ) {
ArrayList<E> partition = new ArrayList<E>(partitionSize);
for (int j = partitionSize; j-- > 0;) {
return result;
// ********** remove all **********
* Remove all the elements returned by the specified iterable
* from the specified collection.
* Return whether the collection changed as a result.
public static boolean removeAll(Collection<?> collection, Iterable<?> iterable) {
return removeAll(collection, iterable.iterator());
* Remove all the elements returned by the specified iterable
* from the specified collection.
* Return whether the collection changed as a result.
* The specified iterable size is a performance hint.
public static boolean removeAll(Collection<?> collection, Iterable<?> iterable, int iterableSize) {
return removeAll(collection, iterable.iterator(), iterableSize);
* Remove all the elements returned by the specified iterator
* from the specified collection.
* Return whether the collection changed as a result.
public static boolean removeAll(Collection<?> collection, Iterator<?> iterator) {
return iterator.hasNext() && collection.removeAll(hashSet(iterator));
* Remove all the elements returned by the specified iterator
* from the specified collection.
* Return whether the collection changed as a result.
* The specified iterator size is a performance hint.
public static boolean removeAll(Collection<?> collection, Iterator<?> iterator, int iteratorSize) {
return iterator.hasNext() && collection.removeAll(hashSet(iterator, iteratorSize));
* Remove all the elements in the specified array
* from the specified collection.
* Return whether the collection changed as a result.
public static boolean removeAll(Collection<?> collection, Object... array) {
return (array.length != 0) && collection.removeAll(hashSet(array));
// ********** remove all occurrences **********
* Remove all occurrences of the specified element
* from the specified collection.
* Return whether the collection changed as a result.
public static boolean removeAllOccurrences(Collection<?> collection, Object value) {
boolean modified = false;
Iterator<?> stream = collection.iterator();
if (value == null) {
while (stream.hasNext()) {
if ( == null) {
modified = true;
} else {
while (stream.hasNext()) {
if (value.equals( {
modified = true;
return modified;
// ********** retain all **********
* Retain only the elements in the specified iterable
* in the specified collection.
* Return whether the collection changed as a result.
public static boolean retainAll(Collection<?> collection, Iterable<?> iterable) {
return retainAll(collection, iterable.iterator());
* Retain only the elements in the specified iterable
* in the specified collection.
* Return whether the collection changed as a result.
* The specified iterable size is a performance hint.
public static boolean retainAll(Collection<?> collection, Iterable<?> iterable, int iterableSize) {
return retainAll(collection, iterable.iterator(), iterableSize);
* Retain only the elements in the specified iterator
* in the specified collection.
* Return whether the collection changed as a result.
public static boolean retainAll(Collection<?> collection, Iterator<?> iterator) {
if (iterator.hasNext()) {
return collection.retainAll(hashSet(iterator));
if (collection.isEmpty()) {
return false;
return true;
* Retain only the elements in the specified iterator
* in the specified collection.
* Return whether the collection changed as a result.
* The specified iterator size is a performance hint.
public static boolean retainAll(Collection<?> collection, Iterator<?> iterator, int iteratorSize) {
if (iterator.hasNext()) {
return collection.retainAll(hashSet(iterator, iteratorSize));
if (collection.isEmpty()) {
return false;
return true;
* Retain only the elements in the specified array
* in the specified collection.
* Return whether the collection changed as a result.
public static boolean retainAll(Collection<?> collection, Object... array) {
if (array.length > 0) {
return collection.retainAll(hashSet(array));
if (collection.isEmpty()) {
return false;
return true;
// ********** to array fix **********
* Return an array containing all of the elements in the specified collection.
* This is a compile-time type-safe alternative to
* {@link Collection#toArray(Object[])}.
public static <E> E[] toArray(Collection<? extends E> collection, Class<E> clazz) {
return collection.toArray((E[]) Array.newInstance(clazz, collection.size()));
// ********** transform **********
* Return a new collection with transformations of the
* elements in the specified collection.
public static <E1, E2> HashBag<E2> transform(Collection<E1> collection, Transformer<? super E1, ? extends E2> transformer) {
HashBag<E2> result = hashBag(collection.size());
for (E1 e : collection) {
return result;
// ********** hash bag factory methods **********
* Return a new hash bag.
public static <E> HashBag<E> hashBag() {
return new HashBag<E>();
* Return a new hash bag with the specified initial capacity.
public static <E> HashBag<E> hashBag(int initialCapacity) {
return new HashBag<E>(initialCapacity);
* Return a new hash bag with the specified initial capacity
* and load factor.
public static <E> HashBag<E> hashBag(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor) {
return new HashBag<E>(initialCapacity, loadFactor);
* Return a new hash bag corresponding to the specified iterable.
public static <E> HashBag<E> hashBag(Iterable<? extends E> iterable) {
return hashBag(iterable.iterator());
* Return a new hash bag corresponding to the specified iterable.
* The specified iterable size is a performance hint.
public static <E> HashBag<E> hashBag(Iterable<? extends E> iterable, int iterableSize) {
return hashBag(iterable.iterator(), iterableSize);
* Return a new hash bag corresponding to the specified iterator.
public static <E> HashBag<E> hashBag(Iterator<? extends E> iterator) {
HashBag<E> bag = hashBag();
return hashBag(iterator, bag);
* Return a new hash bag corresponding to the specified iterator.
* The specified iterator size is a performance hint.
public static <E> HashBag<E> hashBag(Iterator<? extends E> iterator, int iteratorSize) {
HashBag<E> bag = hashBag(iteratorSize);
return hashBag(iterator, bag);
private static <E> HashBag<E> hashBag(Iterator<? extends E> iterator, HashBag<E> bag) {
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
return bag;
* Return a new hash bag corresponding to the specified array.
public static <E> HashBag<E> hashBag(E... array) {
int len = array.length;
HashBag<E> bag = hashBag(len);
for (E item : array) {
return bag;
// ********** synchronized bag factory methods **********
* Return a synchronized bag.
public static <E> SynchronizedBag<E> synchronizedBag() {
HashBag<E> bag = hashBag();
return synchronizedBag(bag);
* Return a bag that synchronizes with specified mutex.
public static <E> SynchronizedBag<E> synchronizedBag(Object mutex) {
HashBag<E> bag = hashBag();
return synchronizedBag(bag, mutex);
* Return a bag that synchronizes the specified bag.
public static <E> SynchronizedBag<E> synchronizedBag(Bag<E> bag) {
return new SynchronizedBag<E>(bag);
* Return a bag that synchronizes the specified bag
* with specified mutex.
public static <E> SynchronizedBag<E> synchronizedBag(Bag<E> bag, Object mutex) {
return new SynchronizedBag<E>(bag, mutex);
* Return a bag corresponding to the specified stack, draining the stack
* in the process.
* The specified stack size is a performance hint.
public static <E> Bag<E> emptyBag() {
return EmptyBag.instance();
// ********** identity hash bag factory methods **********
* Return a new identity hash bag.
public static <E> IdentityHashBag<E> identityHashBag() {
return new IdentityHashBag<E>();
* Return a new identity hash bag with the specified initial capacity.
public static <E> IdentityHashBag<E> identityHashBag(int initialCapacity) {
return new IdentityHashBag<E>(initialCapacity);
* Return a new identity hash bag with the specified initial capacity
* and load factor.
public static <E> IdentityHashBag<E> identityHashBag(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor) {
return new IdentityHashBag<E>(initialCapacity, loadFactor);
* Return a new identity hash bag corresponding to the specified iterable.
public static <E> IdentityHashBag<E> identityHashBag(Iterable<? extends E> iterable) {
return identityHashBag(iterable.iterator());
* Return a new identity hash bag corresponding to the specified iterable.
* The specified iterable size is a performance hint.
public static <E> IdentityHashBag<E> identityHashBag(Iterable<? extends E> iterable, int iterableSize) {
return identityHashBag(iterable.iterator(), iterableSize);
* Return a new identity hash bag corresponding to the specified iterator.
public static <E> IdentityHashBag<E> identityHashBag(Iterator<? extends E> iterator) {
IdentityHashBag<E> bag = identityHashBag();
return identityHashBag(iterator, bag);
* Return a new identity hash bag corresponding to the specified iterator.
* The specified iterator size is a performance hint.
public static <E> IdentityHashBag<E> identityHashBag(Iterator<? extends E> iterator, int iteratorSize) {
IdentityHashBag<E> bag = identityHashBag(iteratorSize);
return identityHashBag(iterator, bag);
private static <E> IdentityHashBag<E> identityHashBag(Iterator<? extends E> iterator, IdentityHashBag<E> bag) {
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
return bag;
* Return a new identity hash bag corresponding to the specified array.
public static <E> IdentityHashBag<E> identityHashBag(E... array) {
int len = array.length;
IdentityHashBag<E> bag = identityHashBag(len);
for (E item : array) {
return bag;
// ********** hash set factory methods **********
* Return a new hash set corresponding to the specified iterable.
public static <E> HashSet<E> hashSet(Iterable<? extends E> iterable) {
return hashSet(iterable.iterator());
* Return a new hash set corresponding to the specified iterable.
* The specified iterable size is a performance hint.
public static <E> HashSet<E> hashSet(Iterable<? extends E> iterable, int iterableSize) {
return hashSet(iterable.iterator(), iterableSize);
* Return a new hash set corresponding to the specified iterator.
public static <E> HashSet<E> hashSet(Iterator<? extends E> iterator) {
return hashSet(iterator, new HashSet<E>());
* Return a new hash set corresponding to the specified iterator.
* The specified iterator size is a performance hint.
public static <E> HashSet<E> hashSet(Iterator<? extends E> iterator, int iteratorSize) {
return hashSet(iterator, new HashSet<E>(iteratorSize));
private static <E> HashSet<E> hashSet(Iterator<? extends E> iterator, HashSet<E> set) {
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
return set;
* Return a new hash set corresponding to the specified array.
public static <E> HashSet<E> hashSet(E... array) {
HashSet<E> set = new HashSet<E>(array.length);
for (int i = array.length; i-- > 0;) {
return set;
// ********** tree (sorted) set factory methods **********
* Return a new tree (sorted) set corresponding to the specified iterable.
public static <E extends Comparable<? super E>> TreeSet<E> treeSet(Iterable<? extends E> iterable) {
return treeSet(iterable.iterator());
* Return a new tree (sorted) set corresponding to the specified iterable.
* The specified iterable size is a performance hint.
public static <E extends Comparable<? super E>> TreeSet<E> treeSet(Iterable<? extends E> iterable, int iterableSize) {
return treeSet(iterable.iterator(), iterableSize);
* Return a new tree (sorted) set corresponding to the specified iterable
* and comparator.
public static <E> TreeSet<E> treeSet(Iterable<? extends E> iterable, Comparator<? super E> comparator) {
return treeSet(iterable.iterator(), comparator);
* Return a new tree (sorted) set corresponding to the specified iterable
* and comparator.
* The specified iterable size is a performance hint.
public static <E> TreeSet<E> treeSet(Iterable<? extends E> iterable, Comparator<? super E> comparator, int iterableSize) {
return treeSet(iterable.iterator(), comparator, iterableSize);
* Return a new tree (sorted) set corresponding to the specified iterator.
public static <E extends Comparable<? super E>> TreeSet<E> treeSet(Iterator<? extends E> iterator) {
return treeSet(iterator, null);
* Return a new tree (sorted) set corresponding to the specified iterator.
* The specified iterator size is a performance hint.
public static <E extends Comparable<? super E>> TreeSet<E> treeSet(Iterator<? extends E> iterator, int iteratorSize) {
return treeSet(iterator, null, iteratorSize);
* Return a new tree (sorted) set corresponding to the specified iterator
* and comparator.
public static <E> TreeSet<E> treeSet(Iterator<? extends E> iterator, Comparator<? super E> comparator) {
return treeSet(ListTools.arrayList(iterator), comparator);
* Return a new tree (sorted) set corresponding to the specified iterator
* and comparator.
* The specified iterator size is a performance hint.
public static <E> TreeSet<E> treeSet(Iterator<? extends E> iterator, Comparator<? super E> comparator, int iteratorSize) {
return treeSet(ListTools.arrayList(iterator, iteratorSize), comparator);
private static <E> TreeSet<E> treeSet(ArrayList<E> list, Comparator<? super E> comparator) {
TreeSet<E> sortedSet = new TreeSet<E>(comparator);
return sortedSet;
* Return a new tree (sorted) set corresponding to the specified array.
public static <E extends Comparable<? super E>> TreeSet<E> treeSet(E... array) {
return treeSet(array, null);
* Return a new tree (sorted) set corresponding to the specified array
* and comparator.
public static <E> TreeSet<E> treeSet(E[] array, Comparator<? super E> comparator) {
TreeSet<E> sortedSet = new TreeSet<E>(comparator);
return sortedSet;
// ********** Old School Vector factory methods **********
* Return a vector corresponding to the specified iterable.
* This is useful for legacy code that requires a {@link Vector}.
public static <E> Vector<E> vector(Iterable<? extends E> iterable) {
return vector(iterable.iterator());
* Return a vector corresponding to the specified iterable.
* This is useful for legacy code that requires a {@link Vector}.
public static <E> Vector<E> vector(Iterable<? extends E> iterable, int size) {
return vector(iterable.iterator(), size);
* Return a vector corresponding to the specified iterator.
* This is useful for legacy code that requires a {@link Vector}.
public static <E> Vector<E> vector(Iterator<? extends E> iterator) {
return vector(iterator, new Vector<E>());
* Return a vector corresponding to the specified iterator.
* This is useful for legacy code that requires a {@link Vector}.
public static <E> Vector<E> vector(Iterator<? extends E> iterator, int size) {
return vector(iterator, new Vector<E>(size));
private static <E> Vector<E> vector(Iterator<? extends E> iterator, Vector<E> v) {
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
return v;
* Return a vector corresponding to the specified array.
* This is useful for legacy code that requires a {@link Vector}.
public static <E> Vector<E> vector(E... array) {
Vector<E> v = new Vector<E>(array.length);
for (E item : array) {
return v;
// ********** constructor **********
* Suppress default constructor, ensuring non-instantiability.
private CollectionTools() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();