blob: b9c0d00fd11af8088dafb634feb93345061c230b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2015 Oracle. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0, which accompanies this distribution
* and is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation
import org.eclipse.jpt.common.utility.internal.ArrayTools;
import org.eclipse.jpt.common.utility.internal.CharArrayTools;
import org.eclipse.jpt.common.utility.internal.CharacterTools;
import org.eclipse.jpt.common.utility.internal.StringTools;
* {@link Writer} utility methods.
* @see StringTools
public final class WriterTools {
// ********** reverse **********
* Reverse the specified string.
public static void reverse(Writer writer, String string) throws IOException {
for (int i = string.length(); i-- > 0; ) {
* Reverse the specified string.
public static void reverse(Writer writer, char[] string) throws IOException {
for (int i = string.length; i-- > 0; ) {
// ********** padding/truncating/centering/repeating **********
* Center the specified string in the specified length.
* If the string is already the specified length, append it unchanged.
* If the string is longer than the specified length, truncate it.
* If the string is shorter than the specified length, pad it with spaces at
* each end.
public static void center(Writer writer, String string, int length) throws IOException {
center(writer, string, length, ' ');
* @see #center(Writer, String, int)
public static void center(Writer writer, char[] string, int length) throws IOException {
center(writer, string, length, ' ');
* Center the specified string in the specified length.
* If the string is already the specified length, append it unchanged.
* If the string is longer than the specified length, truncate it.
* If the string is shorter than the specified length, pad it with the
* specified character at each end.
public static void center(Writer writer, String string, int length, char c) throws IOException {
if (length == 0) {
int stringLength = string.length();
if (stringLength == length) {
} else if (stringLength > length) {
int begin = (stringLength - length) >> 1; // take fewer characters off the front
writer.write(string, begin, length);
} else {
int begin = (length - stringLength) >> 1; // add fewer characters to the front
fill(writer, begin, c);
fill(writer, length - (begin + stringLength), c);
* @see #center(Writer, String, int, char)
public static void center(Writer writer, char[] string, int length, char c) throws IOException {
if (length == 0) {
int stringLength = string.length;
if (stringLength == length) {
} else if (stringLength > length) {
int begin = (stringLength - length) >> 1; // take fewer characters off the front
writer.write(string, begin, length);
} else {
int begin = (length - stringLength) >> 1; // add fewer characters to the front
fill(writer, begin, c);
fill(writer, length - (begin + stringLength), c);
* Pad the specified string to the specified length.
* If the string is already the specified length, append it unchanged.
* If the string is longer than the specified length, throw an
* {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
* If the string is shorter than the specified length, pad it with spaces
* at the end.
public static void pad(Writer writer, String string, int length) throws IOException {
pad(writer, string, length, ' ');
* @see #pad(Writer, String, int)
public static void pad(Writer writer, char[] string, int length) throws IOException {
pad(writer, string, length, ' ');
* Pad the specified string to the specified length.
* If the string is already the specified length, append it unchanged.
* If the string is longer than the specified length, throw an
* {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
* If the string is shorter than the specified length, pad it with the
* specified character at the end.
public static void pad(Writer writer, String string, int length, char c) throws IOException {
int stringLength = string.length();
if (stringLength > length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("String is too long: " + stringLength + " > " + length); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
if (stringLength == length) {
} else {
pad_(writer, string, length, c);
* @see #pad(Writer, String, int, char)
public static void pad(Writer writer, char[] string, int length, char c) throws IOException {
int stringLength = string.length;
if (stringLength > length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("String is too long: " + stringLength + " > " + length); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
if (stringLength == length) {
} else {
pad_(writer, string, stringLength, length, c);
* Pad or truncate the specified string to the specified length.
* If the string is already the specified length, append it unchanged.
* If the string is longer than the specified length, truncate it.
* If the string is shorter than the specified length, pad it with spaces at
* the end.
public static void fit(Writer writer, String string, int length) throws IOException {
fit(writer, string, length, ' ');
* @see #fit(Writer, String, int)
public static void fit(Writer writer, char[] string, int length) throws IOException {
fit(writer, string, length, ' ');
* Pad or truncate the specified string to the specified length.
* If the string is already the specified length, append it unchanged.
* If the string is longer than the specified length, truncate it.
* If the string is shorter than the specified length, pad it with the
* specified character at the end.
public static void fit(Writer writer, String string, int length, char c) throws IOException {
if (length == 0) {
int stringLength = string.length();
if (stringLength == length) {
} else if (stringLength > length) {
writer.write(string, 0, length);
} else {
pad_(writer, string, length, c);
* @see #fit(Writer, String, int, char)
public static void fit(Writer writer, char[] string, int length, char c) throws IOException {
if (length == 0) {
int stringLength = string.length;
if (stringLength == length) {
} else if (stringLength > length) {
writer.write(string, 0, length);
} else {
pad_(writer, string, stringLength, length, c);
* Pad the specified string without validating the args.
private static void pad_(Writer writer, String string, int length, char c) throws IOException {
fill(writer, string, length, c);
* Add enough characters to the specified writer to compensate for
* the difference between the specified string and specified length.
private static void fill(Writer writer, String string, int length, char c) throws IOException {
fill(writer, string.length(), length, c);
* Pad the specified string without validating the args.
private static void pad_(Writer writer, char[] string, int stringLength, int length, char c) throws IOException {
fill(writer, stringLength, length, c);
* Add enough characters to the specified writer to compensate for
* the difference between the specified string and specified length.
private static void fill(Writer writer, int stringLength, int length, char c) throws IOException {
fill(writer, length - stringLength, c);
* Add the specified length of characters to the specified writer.
private static void fill(Writer writer, int length, char c) throws IOException {
writer.write(ArrayTools.fill(new char[length], c));
* Pad the specified string to the specified length.
* If the string is already the specified length, append it unchanged.
* If the string is longer than the specified length, throw an
* {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
* If the string is shorter than the specified length, pad it with zeros
* at the front.
public static void zeroPad(Writer writer, String string, int length) throws IOException {
frontPad(writer, string, length, '0');
* @see #zeroPad(Writer, String, int)
public static void zeroPad(Writer writer, char[] string, int length) throws IOException {
frontPad(writer, string, length, '0');
* Pad the specified string to the specified length.
* If the string is already the specified length, append it unchanged.
* If the string is longer than the specified length, throw an
* {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
* If the string is shorter than the specified length, pad it with the
* specified character at the front.
public static void frontPad(Writer writer, String string, int length, char c) throws IOException {
int stringLength = string.length();
if (stringLength > length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("String is too long: " + stringLength + " > " + length); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
if (stringLength == length) {
} else {
frontPad_(writer, string, length, c);
* @see #frontPad(Writer, String, int, char)
public static void frontPad(Writer writer, char[] string, int length, char c) throws IOException {
int stringLength = string.length;
if (stringLength > length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("String is too long: " + stringLength + " > " + length); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
if (stringLength == length) {
} else {
frontPad_(writer, string, stringLength, length, c);
* Pad or truncate the specified string to the specified length.
* If the string is already the specified length, append it unchanged.
* If the string is longer than the specified length, append only the last
* part of the string.
* If the string is shorter than the specified length, pad it with zeros
* at the front.
public static void zeroFit(Writer writer, String string, int length) throws IOException {
frontFit(writer, string, length, '0');
* @see #zeroFit(Writer, String, int)
public static void zeroFit(Writer writer, char[] string, int length) throws IOException {
frontFit(writer, string, length, '0');
* Pad or truncate the specified string to the specified length.
* If the string is already the specified length, append it unchanged.
* If the string is longer than the specified length, append only the last
* part of the string.
* If the string is shorter than the specified length, pad it with the
* specified character at the front.
public static void frontFit(Writer writer, String string, int length, char c) throws IOException {
if (length == 0) {
int stringLength = string.length();
if (stringLength == length) {
} else if (stringLength > length) {
writer.write(string, stringLength - length, length);
} else {
frontPad_(writer, string, length, c);
* @see #frontFit(Writer, String, int, char)
public static void frontFit(Writer writer, char[] string, int length, char c) throws IOException {
if (length == 0) {
int stringLength = string.length;
if (stringLength == length) {
} else if (stringLength > length) {
writer.write(string, stringLength - length, length);
} else {
frontPad_(writer, string, stringLength, length, c);
* Pad the specified string without validating the args.
private static void frontPad_(Writer writer, String string, int length, char c) throws IOException {
fill(writer, string, length, c);
* Pad the specified string without validating the args.
private static void frontPad_(Writer writer, char[] string, int stringLength, int length, char c) throws IOException {
fill(writer, stringLength, length, c);
* Repeat the specified string to the specified length.
* If the string is already the specified length, append it unchanged.
* If the string is longer than the specified length, truncate it.
* If the string is shorter than the specified length, repeat it to the
* specified length, truncating the last iteration if necessary.
public static void repeat(Writer writer, String string, int length) throws IOException {
if (length == 0) {
int stringLength = string.length();
if (stringLength == length) {
} else if (stringLength > length) {
writer.write(string, 0, length);
} else {
repeat(writer, string, length, stringLength);
* assume the string must, indeed, be repeated
private static void repeat(Writer writer, String string, int length, int stringLength) throws IOException {
do {
length = length - stringLength;
} while (stringLength <= length);
if (length > 0) {
writer.write(string, 0, length);
* @see #repeat(Writer, String, int)
public static void repeat(Writer writer, char[] string, int length) throws IOException {
if (length == 0) {
int stringLength = string.length;
if (stringLength == length) {
} else if (stringLength > length) {
writer.write(string, 0, length);
} else {
repeat(writer, string, length, stringLength);
* assume the string must, indeed, be repeated
private static void repeat(Writer writer, char[] string, int length, int stringLength) throws IOException {
do {
length = length - stringLength;
} while (stringLength <= length);
if (length > 0) {
writer.write(string, 0, length);
// ********** separating **********
* Separate the segments of the specified string with the specified
* separator:<p>
* <code>
* separate("012345", '-', 2) => "01-23-45"
* </code>
public static void separate(Writer writer, String string, char separator, int segmentSize) throws IOException {
if (segmentSize <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("segment size must be positive: " + segmentSize); //$NON-NLS-1$
int stringLength = string.length();
if (stringLength <= segmentSize) {
} else {
separate(writer, string, separator, segmentSize, stringLength);
* Pre-conditions: string is longer than segment size; segment size is positive
private static void separate(Writer writer, String string, char separator, int segmentSize, int stringLength) throws IOException {
int segCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < stringLength; i++) {
char c = string.charAt(i);
if (segCount == segmentSize) {
segCount = 0;
* @see #separate(Writer, String, char, int)
public static void separate(Writer writer, char[] string, char separator, int segmentSize) throws IOException {
if (segmentSize <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("segment size must be positive: " + segmentSize); //$NON-NLS-1$
int stringLength = string.length;
if (stringLength <= segmentSize) {
} else {
separate(writer, string, separator, segmentSize, stringLength);
* Pre-conditions: string is longer than segment size; segment size is positive
private static void separate(Writer writer, char[] string, char separator, int segmentSize, int stringLength) throws IOException {
int segCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < stringLength; i++) {
char c = string[i];
if (segCount == segmentSize) {
segCount = 0;
// ********** delimiting/quoting **********
* Delimit the specified string with double quotes.
* Escape any occurrences of a double quote in the string with another
* double quote.
public static void quote(Writer writer, String string) throws IOException {
delimit(writer, string, CharacterTools.QUOTE);
* @see #quote(Writer, String)
public static void quote(Writer writer, char[] string) throws IOException {
delimit(writer, string, CharacterTools.QUOTE);
* Delimit the specified string with the specified delimiter; i.e. put a copy of
* the delimiter at the front and back of the resulting string.
* Escape any occurrences of the delimiter in the string with another delimiter.
public static void delimit(Writer writer, String string, char delimiter) throws IOException {
int stringLength = string.length();
for (int i = 0; i < stringLength; i++) {
char c = string.charAt(i);
if (c == delimiter) {
* @see #delimit(Writer, String, char)
public static void delimit(Writer writer, char[] string, char delimiter) throws IOException {
for (char c : string) {
if (c == delimiter) {
* Delimit the specified string with the specified delimiter; i.e. put a copy of
* the delimiter at the front and back of the resulting string.
* Escape any occurrences of a single-character delimiter in the string with
* another delimiter.
public static void delimit(Writer writer, String string, String delimiter) throws IOException {
int delimiterLength = delimiter.length();
switch (delimiterLength) {
case 0:
case 1:
delimit(writer, string, delimiter.charAt(0));
delimit(writer, string, delimiter, delimiterLength);
* No parm check
private static void delimit(Writer writer, String string, String delimiter, int delimiterLength) throws IOException {
writer.write(delimiter, 0, delimiterLength);
writer.write(delimiter, 0, delimiterLength);
* @see #delimit(Writer, String, String)
public static void delimit(Writer writer, char[] string, char[] delimiter) throws IOException {
int delimiterLength = delimiter.length;
switch (delimiterLength) {
case 0:
case 1:
delimit(writer, string, delimiter[0]);
delimit(writer, string, delimiter, delimiterLength);
* No parm check
private static void delimit(Writer writer, char[] string, char[] delimiter, int delimiterLength) throws IOException {
writer.write(delimiter, 0, delimiterLength);
writer.write(delimiter, 0, delimiterLength);
// ********** undelimiting **********
* Remove the delimiters from the specified string, removing any escape
* characters. Throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException} if the string is
* too short to undelimit (i.e. length < 2).
public static void undelimit(Writer writer, String string) throws IOException {
int stringLength = string.length();
int resultLength = stringLength - 2;
if (resultLength < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid string: \"" + string + '"'); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (resultLength == 0) {
undelimit_(writer, string, stringLength);
* pre-condition: string is at least 3 characters long
private static void undelimit_(Writer writer, String string, int stringLength) throws IOException {
char delimiter = string.charAt(0); // the first char is the delimiter
char c = delimiter;
char next = string.charAt(1);
int i = 1;
int last = stringLength - 1;
do {
c = next;
next = string.charAt(i);
if (c == delimiter) {
if ((next != delimiter) || (i == last)) {
// an embedded delimiter must be followed by another delimiter
next = string.charAt(i);
} while (i != last);
* @see #undelimit(Writer, String)
public static void undelimit(Writer writer, char[] string) throws IOException {
int stringLength = string.length;
int resultLength = stringLength - 2;
if (resultLength < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid string: \"" + String.valueOf(string) + '"'); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (resultLength == 0) {
undelimit_(writer, string, stringLength);
* pre-condition: string is at least 3 characters long
private static void undelimit_(Writer writer, char[] string, int stringLength) throws IOException {
char delimiter = string[0]; // the first char is the delimiter
char c = delimiter;
char next = string[1];
int i = 1;
int last = stringLength - 1;
do {
c = next;
next = string[i];
if (c == delimiter) {
if ((next != delimiter) || (i == last)) {
// an embedded delimiter must be followed by another delimiter
next = string[i];
} while (i != last);
* Remove the first and last count characters from the specified string.
* If the string is too short to be undelimited, throw an
* {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
* Use this method to undelimit strings that do not escape embedded
* delimiters.
public static void undelimit(Writer writer, String string, int count) throws IOException {
if (count == 0) {
int resultLength = string.length() - (2 * count);
if (resultLength < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid string: \"" + string + '"'); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (resultLength == 0) {
writer.write(string, count, resultLength);
* @see #undelimit(Writer, String, int)
public static void undelimit(Writer writer, char[] string, int count) throws IOException {
if (count == 0) {
int resultLength = string.length - (2 * count);
if (resultLength < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid string: \"" + String.valueOf(string) + '"'); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (resultLength == 0) {
writer.write(string, count, resultLength);
// ********** removing characters **********
* Remove the first occurrence of the specified character
* from the specified string and print the result on the specified stream.
public static void removeFirstOccurrence(Writer writer, String string, char c) throws IOException {
int index = string.indexOf(c);
if (index == -1) {
} else {
removeCharAtIndex(writer, string, index);
private static void removeCharAtIndex(Writer writer, String string, int index) throws IOException {
int last = string.length() - 1;
if (index == 0) {
// character found at the front of string
writer.write(string, 1, last);
} else {
writer.write(string, 0, index);
if (index != last) {
// character is not the end of the string
writer.write(string, index + 1, last - index);
* @see #removeFirstOccurrence(Writer, String, char)
public static void removeFirstOccurrence(Writer writer, char[] string, char c) throws IOException {
int index = ArrayTools.indexOf(string, c);
if (index == -1) {
} else {
removeCharAtIndex(writer, string, index);
private static void removeCharAtIndex(Writer writer, char[] string, int index) throws IOException {
int last = string.length - 1;
if (index == 0) {
// character found at the front of string
writer.write(string, 1, last);
} else if (index == last) {
// character found at the end of string
writer.write(string, 0, last);
} else {
// character found somewhere in the middle of the string
writer.write(string, 0, index);
writer.write(string, index + 1, last - index);
* Remove all occurrences of the specified character
* from the specified string and write the result to the specified stream.
public static void removeAllOccurrences(Writer writer, String string, char c) throws IOException {
int first = string.indexOf(c);
if (first == -1) {
} else {
removeAllOccurrences(writer, string, c, first);
* The index of the first matching character is passed in.
private static void removeAllOccurrences(Writer writer, String string, char c, int first) throws IOException {
writer.write(string, 0, first);
int stringLength = string.length();
for (int i = first; i < stringLength; i++) {
char d = string.charAt(i);
if (d != c) {
* @see #removeAllOccurrences(Writer, String, char)
public static void removeAllOccurrences(Writer writer, char[] string, char c) throws IOException {
int first = ArrayTools.indexOf(string, c);
if (first == -1) {
} else {
removeAllOccurrences(writer, string, c, first);
* The index of the first matching character is passed in.
private static void removeAllOccurrences(Writer writer, char[] string, char c, int first) throws IOException {
writer.write(string, 0, first);
int stringLength = string.length;
for (int i = first; i < stringLength; i++) {
char d = string[i];
if (d != c) {
* Remove all the spaces
* from the specified string and write the result to the specified stream.
public static void removeAllSpaces(Writer writer, String string) throws IOException {
removeAllOccurrences(writer, string, ' ');
* @see #removeAllSpaces(Writer, String)
public static void removeAllSpaces(Writer writer, char[] string) throws IOException {
removeAllOccurrences(writer, string, ' ');
* Remove all the whitespace
* from the specified string and append the result to the
* specified stream.
public static void removeAllWhitespace(Writer writer, String string) throws IOException {
int first = StringTools.indexOfWhitespace(string);
if (first == -1) {
} else {
removeAllWhitespace(writer, string, first);
* The index of the first whitespace character is passed in.
private static void removeAllWhitespace(Writer writer, String string, int first) throws IOException {
writer.write(string, 0, first);
int stringLength = string.length();
for (int i = first; i < stringLength; i++) {
char c = string.charAt(i);
if ( ! Character.isWhitespace(c)) {
* @see #removeAllWhitespace(Writer, String)
public static void removeAllWhitespace(Writer writer, char[] string) throws IOException {
int first = CharArrayTools.indexOfWhitespace(string);
if (first == -1) {
} else {
removeAllWhitespace(writer, string, first);
* The index of the first whitespace character is passed in.
private static void removeAllWhitespace(Writer writer, char[] string, int first) throws IOException {
writer.write(string, 0, first);
int stringLength = string.length;
for (int i = first; i < stringLength; i++) {
char c = string[i];
if ( ! Character.isWhitespace(c)) {
* Compress the whitespace
* in the specified string and append the result to the
* specified stream.
* The whitespace is compressed by replacing any occurrence of one or more
* whitespace characters with a single space.
public static void compressWhitespace(Writer writer, String string) throws IOException {
int first = StringTools.indexOfWhitespace(string);
if (first == -1) {
} else {
compressWhitespace(writer, string, first);
* The index of the first whitespace character is passed in.
private static void compressWhitespace(Writer writer, String string, int first) throws IOException {
writer.write(string, 0, first);
int stringLength = string.length();
int i = first;
char c = string.charAt(i);
main: while (true) {
// replace first whitespace character with a space...
writer.write(' ');
// ...and skip subsequent whitespace characters
while (true) {
if (i >= stringLength) {
break main;
c = string.charAt(i);
if ( ! Character.isWhitespace(c)) {
while (true) {
if (i >= stringLength) {
break main;
c = string.charAt(i);
if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) {
* @see #compressWhitespace(Writer, String)
public static void compressWhitespace(Writer writer, char[] string) throws IOException {
int first = CharArrayTools.indexOfWhitespace(string);
if (first == -1) {
} else {
compressWhitespace(writer, string, first);
* The index of the first whitespace character is passed in.
private static void compressWhitespace(Writer writer, char[] string, int first) throws IOException {
writer.write(string, 0, first);
int stringLength = string.length;
int i = first;
char c = string[i];
main: while (true) {
// replace first whitespace character with a space...
writer.write(' ');
// ...and skip subsequent whitespace characters
while (true) {
if (i >= stringLength) {
break main;
c = string[i];
if ( ! Character.isWhitespace(c)) {
while (true) {
if (i >= stringLength) {
break main;
c = string[i];
if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) {
// ********** capitalization **********
* Append the specified string to the specified stream
* with its first letter capitalized.
public static void capitalize(Writer writer, String string) throws IOException {
if (string.length() == 0) {
if (Character.isUpperCase(string.charAt(0))) {
} else {
capitalize_(writer, string);
* no zero-length check or upper case check
private static void capitalize_(Writer writer, String string) throws IOException {
writer.write(string, 1, string.length() - 1);
* @see #capitalize(Writer, String)
public static void capitalize(Writer writer, char[] string) throws IOException {
if (string.length == 0) {
if (Character.isUpperCase(string[0])) {
} else {
capitalize_(writer, string);
* no zero-length check or upper case check
private static void capitalize_(Writer writer, char[] string) throws IOException {
writer.write(string, 1, string.length - 1);
* Append the specified string to the specified stream
* with its first letter converted to lower case.
* (Unless both the first and second letters are upper case,
* in which case the string is returned unchanged.)
public static void uncapitalize(Writer writer, String string) throws IOException {
int stringLength = string.length();
if (StringTools.needNotBeUncapitalized(string, stringLength)) {
} else {
uncapitalize(writer, string, stringLength);
* no zero-length check or upper case check
private static void uncapitalize(Writer writer, String string, int stringLength) throws IOException {
writer.write(string, 1, stringLength - 1);
* @see #uncapitalize(Writer, String)
public static void uncapitalize(Writer writer, char[] string) throws IOException {
int stringLength = string.length;
if (CharArrayTools.needNotBeUncapitalized(string, stringLength)) {
} else {
uncapitalize(writer, string, stringLength);
* no zero-length check or upper case check
private static void uncapitalize(Writer writer, char[] string, int stringLength) throws IOException {
writer.write(string, 1, stringLength - 1);
// ********** convert byte array to hex string **********
* Convert the specified byte array to the corresponding string of
* hexadecimal characters.
* @see org.eclipse.jpt.common.utility.internal.ByteArrayTools#convertToHexString(byte[])
public static void convertToHexString(Writer writer, byte[] bytes) throws IOException {
int bytesLength = bytes.length;
if (bytesLength != 0) {
convertToHexString(writer, bytes, bytesLength);
* Pre-condition: the byte array is not empty
private static void convertToHexString(Writer writer, byte[] bytes, int bytesLength) throws IOException {
char[] digits = CharacterTools.DIGITS;
for (int i = 0; i < bytesLength; i++) {
int b = bytes[i] & 0xFF; // clear any sign bits
writer.write(digits[b >> 4]); // first nibble
writer.write(digits[b & 0xF]); // second nibble
// ********** convert camel case to all caps **********
* Convert the specified "camel case" string to an "all caps" string:
* <p>
* <code>
* "largeProject" -> "LARGE_PROJECT"
* </code>
public static void convertCamelCaseToAllCaps(Writer writer, String camelCaseString) throws IOException {
int stringLength = camelCaseString.length();
if (stringLength != 0) {
convertCamelCaseToAllCaps_(writer, camelCaseString, stringLength);
* Pre-condition: the string is not empty
private static void convertCamelCaseToAllCaps_(Writer writer, String camelCaseString, int stringLength) throws IOException {
char prev = 0; // assume 0 is not a valid char
char c = 0;
char next = camelCaseString.charAt(0);
for (int i = 1; i <= stringLength; i++) { // NB: start at 1 and end at stringLength!
c = next;
next = ((i == stringLength) ? 0 : camelCaseString.charAt(i));
if (StringTools.camelCaseWordBreak(prev, c, next)) {
prev = c;
* @see #convertCamelCaseToAllCaps(Writer, String)
public static void convertCamelCaseToAllCaps(Writer writer, char[] camelCaseString) throws IOException {
int stringLength = camelCaseString.length;
if (stringLength != 0) {
convertCamelCaseToAllCaps_(writer, camelCaseString, stringLength);
* Pre-condition: the string is not empty
private static void convertCamelCaseToAllCaps_(Writer writer, char[] camelCaseString, int stringLength) throws IOException {
char prev = 0; // assume 0 is not a valid char
char c = 0;
char next = camelCaseString[0];
for (int i = 1; i <= stringLength; i++) { // NB: start at 1 and end at stringLength!
c = next;
next = ((i == stringLength) ? 0 : camelCaseString[i]);
if (StringTools.camelCaseWordBreak(prev, c, next)) {
prev = c;
* Convert the specified "camel case" string to an "all caps" string:
* <p>
* <code>
* "largeProject" -> "LARGE_PROJECT"
* </code>
* <p>
* Limit the resulting string to the specified maximum length.
public static void convertCamelCaseToAllCaps(Writer writer, String camelCaseString, int maxLength) throws IOException {
if (maxLength != 0) {
int stringLength = camelCaseString.length();
if (stringLength != 0) {
convertCamelCaseToAllCaps(writer, camelCaseString, maxLength, stringLength);
* The length of the string is passed in.
private static void convertCamelCaseToAllCaps(Writer writer, String camelCaseString, int maxLength, int stringLength) throws IOException {
char prev = 0; // assume 0 is not a valid char
char c = 0;
char next = camelCaseString.charAt(0);
int writerLength = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= stringLength; i++) { // NB: start at 1 and end at stringLength!
c = next;
next = ((i == stringLength) ? 0 : camelCaseString.charAt(i));
if (StringTools.camelCaseWordBreak(prev, c, next)) {
if (++writerLength == maxLength) {
if (++writerLength == maxLength) {
prev = c;
* @see #convertCamelCaseToAllCaps(Writer, String, int)
public static void convertCamelCaseToAllCaps(Writer writer, char[] camelCaseString, int maxLength) throws IOException {
if (maxLength != 0) {
int stringLength = camelCaseString.length;
if (stringLength != 0) {
convertCamelCaseToAllCaps(writer, camelCaseString, maxLength, stringLength);
* The length of the string is passed in.
private static void convertCamelCaseToAllCaps(Writer writer, char[] camelCaseString, int maxLength, int stringLength) throws IOException {
char prev = 0; // assume 0 is not a valid char
char c = 0;
char next = camelCaseString[0];
int writerLength = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= stringLength; i++) { // NB: start at 1 and end at stringLength!
c = next;
next = ((i == stringLength) ? 0 : camelCaseString[i]);
if (StringTools.camelCaseWordBreak(prev, c, next)) {
if (++writerLength == maxLength) {
if (++writerLength == maxLength) {
prev = c;
// ********** convert all caps to camel case **********
* Convert the specified "all caps" string to a "camel case" string:
* <p>
* <code>
* "LARGE_PROJECT" -> "LargeProject"
* </code>
* <p>
* Capitalize the first letter.
public static void convertAllCapsToCamelCase(Writer writer, String allCapsString) throws IOException {
convertAllCapsToCamelCase(writer, allCapsString, true);
* @see #convertAllCapsToCamelCase(Writer, String)
public static void convertAllCapsToCamelCase(Writer writer, char[] allCapsString) throws IOException {
convertAllCapsToCamelCase(writer, allCapsString, true);
* Convert the specified "all caps" string to a "camel case" string:
* <p>
* <code>
* "LARGE_PROJECT" -> "largeProject"
* </code>
* <p>
* Optionally capitalize the first letter.
public static void convertAllCapsToCamelCase(Writer writer, String allCapsString, boolean capitalizeFirstLetter) throws IOException {
int stringLength = allCapsString.length();
if (stringLength != 0) {
convertAllCapsToCamelCase(writer, allCapsString, capitalizeFirstLetter, stringLength);
private static void convertAllCapsToCamelCase(Writer writer, String allCapsString, boolean capitalizeFirstLetter, int stringLength) throws IOException {
char prev = 0;
char c = 0;
boolean first = true;
for (int i = 0; i < stringLength; i++) {
prev = c;
c = allCapsString.charAt(i);
if (c == '_') {
if (first) {
first = false;
writer.write(capitalizeFirstLetter ? Character.toUpperCase(c) : Character.toLowerCase(c));
} else {
writer.write((prev == '_') ? Character.toUpperCase(c) : Character.toLowerCase(c));
* @see #convertAllCapsToCamelCase(Writer, String, boolean)
public static void convertAllCapsToCamelCase(Writer writer, char[] allCapsString, boolean capitalizeFirstLetter) throws IOException {
int stringLength = allCapsString.length;
if (stringLength != 0) {
convertAllCapsToCamelCase(writer, allCapsString, capitalizeFirstLetter, stringLength);
private static void convertAllCapsToCamelCase(Writer writer, char[] allCapsString, boolean capitalizeFirstLetter, int stringLength) throws IOException {
char prev = 0;
char c = 0;
boolean first = true;
for (int i = 0; i < stringLength; i++) {
prev = c;
c = allCapsString[i];
if (c == '_') {
if (first) {
first = false;
writer.write(capitalizeFirstLetter ? Character.toUpperCase(c) : Character.toLowerCase(c));
} else {
writer.write((prev == '_') ? Character.toUpperCase(c) : Character.toLowerCase(c));
// ********** convert to Java string literal **********
* Convert the specified string to a Java string literal, with the
* appropriate escaped characters.
public static void convertToJavaStringLiteral(Writer writer, String string) throws IOException {
int stringLength = string.length();
if (stringLength == 0) {
} else {
convertToJavaStringLiteral(writer, string, stringLength);
* The length of the string is passed in.
private static void convertToJavaStringLiteral(Writer writer, String string, int stringLength) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < stringLength; i++) {
convertToJavaStringLiteral(writer, string.charAt(i));
* Convert the specified string to the contents of a Java string literal,
* with the appropriate escaped characters.
public static void convertToJavaStringLiteralContent(Writer writer, String string) throws IOException {
int stringLength = string.length();
if (stringLength != 0) {
convertToJavaStringLiteralContent(writer, string, stringLength);
* The length of the string is passed in.
private static void convertToJavaStringLiteralContent(Writer writer, String string, int stringLength) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < stringLength; i++) {
convertToJavaStringLiteral(writer, string.charAt(i));
* @see #convertToJavaStringLiteral(Writer, String)
public static void convertToJavaStringLiteral(Writer writer, char[] string) throws IOException {
int stringLength = string.length;
if (stringLength == 0) {
} else {
convertToJavaStringLiteral(writer, string, stringLength);
* The length of the string is passed in.
private static void convertToJavaStringLiteral(Writer writer, char[] string, int stringLength) throws IOException {
convertToJavaStringLiteralContent(writer, string, stringLength);
* @see #convertToJavaStringLiteralContent(Writer, String)
public static void convertToJavaStringLiteralContent(Writer writer, char[] string) throws IOException {
int stringLength = string.length;
if (stringLength != 0) {
convertToJavaStringLiteralContent(writer, string, stringLength);
* The length of the string is passed in.
private static void convertToJavaStringLiteralContent(Writer writer, char[] string, int stringLength) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < stringLength; i++) {
convertToJavaStringLiteral(writer, string[i]);
private static void convertToJavaStringLiteral(Writer writer, char c) throws IOException {
switch (c) {
case '\b': // backspace
writer.write("\\b"); //$NON-NLS-1$
case '\t': // horizontal tab
writer.write("\\t"); //$NON-NLS-1$
case '\n': // line-feed LF
writer.write("\\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
case '\f': // form-feed FF
writer.write("\\f"); //$NON-NLS-1$
case '\r': // carriage-return CR
writer.write("\\r"); //$NON-NLS-1$
case '"': // double-quote
writer.write("\\\""); //$NON-NLS-1$
// case '\'': // single-quote
// writer.write("\\'"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// break;
case '\\': // backslash
writer.write("\\\\"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// ********** convert to XML **********
* Convert the specified string to an XML attribute value, escaping the
* appropriate characters. Delimit with quotes (<code>"</code>) unless
* there are <em>embedded</em> quotes (<em>and</em> no embedded
* apostrophes); in which case, delimit with apostrophes (<code>'</code>).
public static void convertToXmlAttributeValue(Writer writer, String string) throws IOException {
int stringLength = string.length();
if (stringLength == 0) {
} else {
convertToXmlAttributeValue(writer, string, stringLength);
* The (non-zero) length of the string is passed in.
private static void convertToXmlAttributeValue(Writer writer, String string, int stringLength) throws IOException {
int index = string.indexOf(CharacterTools.QUOTE);
if (index == -1) {
// no embedded quotes - use quote delimiters
convertToDoubleQuotedXmlAttributeValue(writer, string, stringLength);
} else {
index = string.indexOf(CharacterTools.APOSTROPHE);
if (index == -1) {
// embedded quotes but no embedded apostrophes - use apostrophe delimiters
convertToSingleQuotedXmlAttributeValue(writer, string, stringLength);
} else {
// embedded quotes *and* embedded apostrophes - use quote delimiters
convertToDoubleQuotedXmlAttributeValue(writer, string, stringLength);
private static void convertToDoubleQuotedXmlAttributeValue(Writer writer, String string, int stringLength) throws IOException {
convertToDoubleQuotedXmlAttributeValueContent(writer, string, stringLength);
private static void convertToSingleQuotedXmlAttributeValue(Writer writer, String string, int stringLength) throws IOException {
convertToSingleQuotedXmlAttributeValueContent(writer, string, stringLength);
* Convert the specified string to a double-quoted XML
* attribute value, escaping the appropriate characters (i.e. the embedded
* double quotes).
* @see #convertToXmlAttributeValue(Writer, String)
public static void convertToDoubleQuotedXmlAttributeValue(Writer writer, String string) throws IOException {
convertToDoubleQuotedXmlAttributeValue(writer, string, string.length());
* Convert the specified string to the contents of a double-quoted XML
* attribute value, escaping the appropriate characters (i.e. the embedded
* double quotes).
* @see #convertToXmlAttributeValue(Writer, String)
public static void convertToDoubleQuotedXmlAttributeValueContent(Writer writer, String string) throws IOException {
int stringLength = string.length();
if (stringLength != 0) {
convertToDoubleQuotedXmlAttributeValueContent(writer, string, stringLength);
* The (non-zero) length of the string is passed in.
private static void convertToDoubleQuotedXmlAttributeValueContent(Writer writer, String string, int stringLength) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < stringLength; i++) {
convertToDoubleQuotedXmlAttributeValue(writer, string.charAt(i));
* Convert the specified string to a single-quoted XML
* attribute value, escaping the appropriate characters (i.e. the embedded
* single quotes).
* @see #convertToXmlAttributeValue(Writer, String)
public static void convertToSingleQuotedXmlAttributeValue(Writer writer, String string) throws IOException {
convertToSingleQuotedXmlAttributeValue(writer, string, string.length());
* Convert the specified string to the contents of a single-quoted XML
* attribute value, escaping the appropriate characters (i.e. the embedded
* single quotes).
* @see #convertToXmlAttributeValue(Writer, String)
public static void convertToSingleQuotedXmlAttributeValueContent(Writer writer, String string) throws IOException {
int stringLength = string.length();
if (stringLength != 0) {
convertToSingleQuotedXmlAttributeValueContent(writer, string, stringLength);
* The (non-zero) length of the string is passed in.
private static void convertToSingleQuotedXmlAttributeValueContent(Writer writer, String string, int stringLength) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < stringLength; i++) {
convertToSingleQuotedXmlAttributeValueContent(writer, string.charAt(i));
* @see #convertToXmlAttributeValue(Writer, String)
public static void convertToXmlAttributeValue(Writer writer, char[] string) throws IOException {
int stringLength = string.length;
if (stringLength == 0) {
} else {
convertToXmlAttributeValue(writer, string, stringLength);
* The (non-zero) length of the string is passed in.
private static void convertToXmlAttributeValue(Writer writer, char[] string, int stringLength) throws IOException {
int index = ArrayTools.indexOf(string, CharacterTools.QUOTE);
if (index == -1) {
// no embedded quotes - use quote delimiters
convertToDoubleQuotedXmlAttributeValue(writer, string, stringLength);
} else {
index = ArrayTools.indexOf(string, CharacterTools.APOSTROPHE);
if (index == -1) {
// embedded quotes but no embedded apostrophes - use apostrophe delimiters
convertToSingleQuotedXmlAttributeValue(writer, string, stringLength);
} else {
// embedded quotes *and* embedded apostrophes - use quote delimiters
convertToDoubleQuotedXmlAttributeValue(writer, string, stringLength);
private static void convertToDoubleQuotedXmlAttributeValue(Writer writer, char[] string, int stringLength) throws IOException {
convertToDoubleQuotedXmlAttributeValueContent(writer, string, stringLength);
private static void convertToSingleQuotedXmlAttributeValue(Writer writer, char[] string, int stringLength) throws IOException {
convertToSingleQuotedXmlAttributeValueContent(writer, string, stringLength);
* @see #convertToDoubleQuotedXmlAttributeValue(Writer, String)
* @see #convertToXmlAttributeValue(Writer, char[])
public static void convertToDoubleQuotedXmlAttributeValue(Writer writer, char[] string) throws IOException {
convertToDoubleQuotedXmlAttributeValue(writer, string, string.length);
* @see #convertToDoubleQuotedXmlAttributeValueContent(Writer, String)
* @see #convertToXmlAttributeValue(Writer, char[])
public static void convertToDoubleQuotedXmlAttributeValueContent(Writer writer, char[] string) throws IOException {
int stringLength = string.length;
if (stringLength != 0) {
convertToDoubleQuotedXmlAttributeValueContent(writer, string, stringLength);
private static void convertToDoubleQuotedXmlAttributeValueContent(Writer writer, char[] string, int stringLength) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < stringLength; i++) {
convertToDoubleQuotedXmlAttributeValue(writer, string[i]);
* @see #convertToSingleQuotedXmlAttributeValue(Writer, String)
* @see #convertToXmlAttributeValue(Writer, char[])
public static void convertToSingleQuotedXmlAttributeValue(Writer writer, char[] string) throws IOException {
convertToSingleQuotedXmlAttributeValue(writer, string, string.length);
* @see #convertToSingleQuotedXmlAttributeValueContent(Writer, String)
* @see #convertToXmlAttributeValue(Writer, char[])
public static void convertToSingleQuotedXmlAttributeValueContent(Writer writer, char[] string) throws IOException {
int stringLength = string.length;
if (stringLength != 0) {
convertToSingleQuotedXmlAttributeValueContent(writer, string, stringLength);
private static void convertToSingleQuotedXmlAttributeValueContent(Writer writer, char[] string, int stringLength) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < stringLength; i++) {
convertToSingleQuotedXmlAttributeValueContent(writer, string[i]);
* String is delimited with quotes - escape embedded quotes.
* @see <a href="">XML Spec</a>
private static void convertToDoubleQuotedXmlAttributeValue(Writer writer, char c) throws IOException {
switch (c) {
case '"': // double-quote
case '&': // ampersand
case '<': // less than
* String is delimited with apostrophes - escape embedded apostrophes.
* @see <a href="">XML Spec</a>
private static void convertToSingleQuotedXmlAttributeValueContent(Writer writer, char c) throws IOException {
switch (c) {
case '\'': // apostrophe
case '&': // ampersand
case '<': // less than
* Convert the specified string to an XML element text, escaping the
* appropriate characters.
* @see #convertToXmlElementCDATA(Writer, String)
public static void convertToXmlElementText(Writer writer, String string) throws IOException {
int stringLength = string.length();
if (stringLength != 0) {
convertToXmlElementText(writer, string, stringLength);
* The (non-zero) length of the string is passed in.
private static void convertToXmlElementText(Writer writer, String string, int stringLength) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < stringLength; i++) {
convertToXmlElementText(writer, string.charAt(i));
* @see #convertToXmlElementText(Writer, String)
public static void convertToXmlElementText(Writer writer, char[] string) throws IOException {
int stringLength = string.length;
if (stringLength != 0) {
convertToXmlElementText(writer, string, stringLength);
* The (non-zero) length of the string is passed in.
private static void convertToXmlElementText(Writer writer, char[] string, int stringLength) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < stringLength; i++) {
convertToXmlElementText(writer, string[i]);
* @see <a href="">XML Spec</a>
private static void convertToXmlElementText(Writer writer, char c) throws IOException {
switch (c) {
case '&': // ampersand
case '<': // less than
* Convert the specified string to an XML element CDATA, escaping the
* appropriate characters.
* @see #convertToXmlElementText(Writer, String)
public static void convertToXmlElementCDATA(Writer writer, String string) throws IOException {
int stringLength = string.length();
if (stringLength == 0) {
} else {
convertToXmlElementCDATA(writer, string, stringLength);
* The (non-zero) length of the string is passed in.
private static void convertToXmlElementCDATA(Writer writer, String string, int stringLength) throws IOException {
convertToXmlElementCDATAContent(writer, string, stringLength);
* Convert the specified string to the contents of an XML element CDATA,
* escaping the appropriate characters.
* @see #convertToXmlElementCDATA(Writer, String)
* @see #convertToXmlElementText(Writer, String)
public static void convertToXmlElementCDATAContent(Writer writer, String string) throws IOException {
int stringLength = string.length();
if (stringLength != 0) {
convertToXmlElementCDATAContent(writer, string, stringLength);
* The (non-zero) length of the string is passed in.
* @see <a href="">XML Spec</a>
private static void convertToXmlElementCDATAContent(Writer writer, String string, int stringLength) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < stringLength; i++) {
char c = string.charAt(i);
// "]]>" -> "]]&gt;"
if (c != ']') {
if (++i >= stringLength) {
c = string.charAt(i);
if (c != ']') {
if (++i >= stringLength) {
c = string.charAt(i);
if (c == '>') {
} else {
* @see #convertToXmlElementCDATA(Writer, String)
public static void convertToXmlElementCDATA(Writer writer, char[] string) throws IOException {
int stringLength = string.length;
if (stringLength == 0) {
} else {
convertToXmlElementCDATA(writer, string, stringLength);
* The (non-zero) length of the string is passed in.
private static void convertToXmlElementCDATA(Writer writer, char[] string, int stringLength) throws IOException {
convertToXmlElementCDATAContent(writer, string, stringLength);
* @see #convertToXmlElementCDATAContent(Writer, String)
* @see #convertToXmlElementCDATA(Writer, char[])
public static void convertToXmlElementCDATAContent(Writer writer, char[] string) throws IOException {
int stringLength = string.length;
if (stringLength != 0) {
convertToXmlElementCDATAContent(writer, string, stringLength);
* The (non-zero) length of the string is passed in.
* @see <a href="">XML Spec</a>
private static void convertToXmlElementCDATAContent(Writer writer, char[] string, int stringLength) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < stringLength; i++) {
char c = string[i];
// "]]>" -> "]]&gt;"
if (c != ']') {
if (++i >= stringLength) {
c = string[i];
if (c != ']') {
if (++i >= stringLength) {
c = string[i];
if (c == '>') {
} else {
// ********** constructor **********
* Suppress default constructor, ensuring non-instantiability.
private WriterTools() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();