blob: 8d8994a417e87fa07b54a06d1057f5209e059031 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007 Oracle. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0, which accompanies this distribution
* and is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.value;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.Transformer;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.iterators.CompositeIterator;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.iterators.TransformationIterator;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.event.CollectionChangeEvent;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.listener.CollectionChangeListener;
* A <code>CompositeCollectionValueModel</code> wraps another
* <code>CollectionValueModel</code> and uses a <code>Transformer</code>
* to convert each item in the wrapped collection to yet another
* <code>CollectionValueModel</code>. This composite collection contains
* the combined items from all these component collections.
* NB: The wrapped collection must be an "identity set" that does not
* contain the same item twice or this class will throw an exception.
* Terminology:
* - sources - the items in the wrapped collection value model; these
* are converted into components by the transformer
* - components - the component collection value models that are combined
* by this composite collection value model
public class CompositeCollectionValueModel
extends CollectionValueModelWrapper
* This is the (optional) user-supplied object that transforms
* the items in the wrapped collection to collection value models.
private final Transformer transformer;
* Cache of the component collection value models that
* were generated by the transformer; keyed by the item
* in the wrapped collection that was passed to the transformer.
private final IdentityHashMap components;
* Cache of the collections corresponding to the component
* collection value models above; keyed by the component
* collection value models.
private final IdentityHashMap collections;
/** Listener that listens to all the component collection value models. */
private final CollectionChangeListener componentListener;
/** Cache the size of the composite collection. */
private int size;
// ********** constructors **********
* Construct a collection value model with the specified wrapped
* collection value model. Use this constructor if you want to override the
* <code>transform(Object)</code> method instead of building a
* <code>Transformer</code>.
public CompositeCollectionValueModel(CollectionValueModel collectionHolder) {
this(collectionHolder, Transformer.Disabled.instance());
* Construct a collection value model with the specified wrapped
* collection value model and transformer.
public CompositeCollectionValueModel(CollectionValueModel collectionHolder, Transformer transformer) {
this.transformer = transformer;
this.components = new IdentityHashMap();
this.collections = new IdentityHashMap();
this.componentListener = this.buildComponentListener();
this.size = 0;
* Construct a collection value model with the specified wrapped
* list value model. Use this constructor if you want to override the
* <code>transform(Object)</code> method instead of building a
* <code>Transformer</code>.
public CompositeCollectionValueModel(ListValueModel listHolder) {
this(new ListCollectionValueModelAdapter(listHolder));
* Construct a collection value model with the specified wrapped
* list value model and transformer.
public CompositeCollectionValueModel(ListValueModel listHolder, Transformer transformer) {
this(new ListCollectionValueModelAdapter(listHolder), transformer);
// ********** initialization **********
protected CollectionChangeListener buildComponentListener() {
return new CollectionChangeListener() {
public void itemsAdded(CollectionChangeEvent e) {
public void itemsRemoved(CollectionChangeEvent e) {
public void collectionCleared(CollectionChangeEvent e) {
public void collectionChanged(CollectionChangeEvent e) {
public String toString() {
return "component listener";
// ********** CollectionValueModel implementation **********
public Iterator values() {
return new CompositeIterator(this.buildCollectionsIterators());
protected Iterator buildCollectionsIterators() {
return new TransformationIterator(this.collections.values().iterator()) {
protected Object transform(Object next) {
return ((ArrayList) next).iterator();
public int size() {
return this.size;
// ********** CollectionValueModelWrapper overrides/implementation **********
protected void engageModel() {
// synch our cache *after* we start listening to the wrapped collection,
// since its value might change when a listener is added;
// the following will trigger the firing of a number of unnecessary events
// (since we don't have any listeners yet),
// but it reduces the amount of duplicate code
this.addComponentSources((Iterator) this.collectionHolder.values());
protected void disengageModel() {
// stop listening to the components...
for (Iterator stream = this.components.values().iterator(); stream.hasNext(); ) {
((CollectionValueModel), this.componentListener);
// ...and clear the cache
this.size = 0;
* Some component sources were added;
* add their corresponding items to our cache.
protected void itemsAdded(CollectionChangeEvent e) {
* Transform the specified sources to collection value models
* and add their items to our cache.
protected void addComponentSources(Iterator sources) {
while (sources.hasNext()) {
* Transform the specified source to a collection value model
* and add its items to our cache.
protected void addComponentSource(Object source) {
CollectionValueModel component = this.transform(source);
if (this.components.put(source, component) != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("duplicate component: " + source);
component.addCollectionChangeListener(CollectionValueModel.VALUES, this.componentListener);
ArrayList componentCollection = new ArrayList(component.size());
if (this.collections.put(component, componentCollection) != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("duplicate collection: " + source);
this.addComponentItems(component, componentCollection);
* Some component sources were removed;
* remove their corresponding items from our cache.
protected void itemsRemoved(CollectionChangeEvent e) {
* Remove the items corresponding to the specified sources
* from our cache.
protected void removeComponentSources(Iterator sources) {
while (sources.hasNext()) {
* Remove the items corresponding to the specified source
* from our cache.
protected void removeComponentSource(Object source) {
CollectionValueModel component = (CollectionValueModel) this.components.remove(source);
if (component == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("missing component: " + source);
component.removeCollectionChangeListener(CollectionValueModel.VALUES, this.componentListener);
ArrayList componentCollection = (ArrayList) this.collections.remove(component);
if (componentCollection == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("missing collection: " + source);
* The component sources cleared;
* clear our cache.
protected void collectionCleared(CollectionChangeEvent e) {
// copy the keys so we don't eat our own tail
this.removeComponentSources(new ArrayList(this.components.keySet()).iterator());
* The component sources changed;
* rebuild our cache.
protected void collectionChanged(CollectionChangeEvent e) {
// copy the keys so we don't eat our own tail
this.removeComponentSources(new ArrayList(this.components.keySet()).iterator());
this.addComponentSources((Iterator) this.collectionHolder.values());
// ********** queries **********
* Return the cached collection for the specified component model.
* Cast to ArrayList so we can use ArrayList-specific methods
* (e.g. #clone() and #ensureCapacity()).
protected ArrayList getComponentCollection(CollectionValueModel collectionValueModel) {
return (ArrayList) this.collections.get(collectionValueModel);
// ********** behavior **********
* Transform the specified object into a collection value model.
* <p>
* This method can be overridden by a subclass as an
* alternative to building a <code>Transformer</code>.
protected CollectionValueModel transform(Object value) {
return (CollectionValueModel) this.transformer.transform(value);
* One of the component collections had items added;
* synchronize our caches.
protected void componentItemsAdded(CollectionChangeEvent e) {
this.addComponentItems(e.items(), e.itemsSize(), (CollectionValueModel) e.getSource());
* Update our cache.
protected void addComponentItems(Iterator items, int itemsSize, CollectionValueModel cvm) {
this.addComponentItems(items, itemsSize, this.getComponentCollection(cvm));
* Update our cache.
protected void addComponentItems(CollectionValueModel itemsHolder, ArrayList componentCollection) {
this.addComponentItems((Iterator) itemsHolder.values(), itemsHolder.size(), componentCollection);
* Update our size and collection cache.
protected void addComponentItems(Iterator items, int itemsSize, ArrayList componentCollection) {
this.size += itemsSize;
componentCollection.ensureCapacity(componentCollection.size() + itemsSize);
this.addItemsToCollection(items, componentCollection, CollectionValueModel.VALUES);
* One of the component collections had items removed;
* synchronize our caches.
protected void componentItemsRemoved(CollectionChangeEvent e) {
this.removeComponentItems(e.items(), e.itemsSize(), (CollectionValueModel) e.getSource());
* Update our size and collection cache.
protected void removeComponentItems(Iterator items, int itemsSize, CollectionValueModel cvm) {
this.removeComponentItems(items, itemsSize, this.getComponentCollection(cvm));
* Update our size and collection cache.
protected void clearComponentItems(ArrayList items) {
// clone the collection so we don't eat our own tail
this.removeComponentItems(((ArrayList) items.clone()).iterator(), items.size(), items);
* Update our size and collection cache.
protected void removeComponentItems(Iterator items, int itemsSize, ArrayList componentCollection) {
this.size -= itemsSize;
this.removeItemsFromCollection(items, componentCollection, CollectionValueModel.VALUES);
* One of the component collections was cleared;
* synchronize our caches by clearing out the appropriate
* collection.
protected void componentCollectionCleared(CollectionChangeEvent e) {
CollectionValueModel component = (CollectionValueModel) e.getSource();
ArrayList items = this.getComponentCollection(component);
* One of the component collections changed;
* synchronize our caches by clearing out the appropriate
* collection and then rebuilding it.
protected void componentCollectionChanged(CollectionChangeEvent e) {
CollectionValueModel component = (CollectionValueModel) e.getSource();
ArrayList items = this.getComponentCollection(component);
this.addComponentItems(component, items);