blob: 47675e059dd885fe0aebbba191c571cd22b5eff3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0, which accompanies this distribution
* and is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.model.value;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.CollectionTools;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.Transformer;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.iterators.ReadOnlyCompositeListIterator;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.iterators.TransformationListIterator;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.model.event.ListAddEvent;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.model.event.ListChangeEvent;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.model.event.ListClearEvent;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.model.event.ListEvent;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.model.event.ListMoveEvent;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.model.event.ListRemoveEvent;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.model.event.ListReplaceEvent;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.model.listener.ListChangeListener;
import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.model.value.ListValueModel;
* A <code>CompositeListValueModel</code> wraps another
* <code>ListValueModel</code> and uses a <code>Transformer</code>
* to convert each item in the wrapped list to yet another
* <code>ListValueModel</code>. This composite list contains
* the combined items from all these component lists.
* Terminology:
* - sources - the items in the wrapped list value model; these
* are converted into component LVMs by the transformer
* - componentLVMs - the component list value models that are combined
* by this composite list value model
* - items - the items held by the component LVMs
public class CompositeListValueModel<E1, E2>
extends ListValueModelWrapper<E1>
implements ListValueModel<E2>
* This is the (optional) user-supplied object that transforms
* the items in the wrapped list to list value models.
private final Transformer<E1, ListValueModel<E2>> transformer;
* Cache of the sources, component LVMs, lists.
private final ArrayList<Info> infoList;
protected class Info {
// the object passed to the transformer
final E1 source;
// the list value model generated by the transformer
final ListValueModel<E2> componentLVM;
// cache of the items held by the component LVM
final ArrayList<E2> items;
// the component LVM's beginning index within the composite LVM
int begin;
Info(E1 source, ListValueModel<E2> componentLVM, ArrayList<E2> items, int begin) {
this.source = source;
this.componentLVM = componentLVM;
this.items = items;
this.begin = begin;
/** Listener that listens to all the component list value models. */
private final ListChangeListener componentLVMListener;
/** Cache the size of the composite list. */
private int size;
// ********** constructors **********
* Construct a list value model with the specified wrapped
* list value model. Use this constructor if
* - the wrapped list value model already contains other
* list value models or
* - you want to override the <code>transform(E1)</code> method
* instead of building a <code>Transformer</code>
public CompositeListValueModel(ListValueModel<? extends E1> listHolder) {
this(listHolder, Transformer.Null.<E1, ListValueModel<E2>>instance());
* Construct a list value model with the specified wrapped
* list value model and transformer.
public CompositeListValueModel(ListValueModel<? extends E1> listHolder, Transformer<E1, ListValueModel<E2>> transformer) {
this.transformer = transformer;
this.infoList = new ArrayList<Info>();
this.componentLVMListener = this.buildComponentLVMListener();
this.size = 0;
* Construct a list value model with the specified, unchanging, wrapped
* list. Use this constructor if
* - the wrapped list already contains list value models or
* - you want to override the <code>transform(E1)</code> method
* instead of building a <code>Transformer</code>
public CompositeListValueModel(List<? extends E1> list) {
this(new StaticListValueModel<E1>(list));
* Construct a list value model with the specified, unchanging, wrapped
* list and transformer.
public CompositeListValueModel(List<? extends E1> list, Transformer<E1, ListValueModel<E2>> transformer) {
this(new StaticListValueModel<E1>(list), transformer);
// ********** initialization **********
protected ListChangeListener buildComponentLVMListener() {
return new ListChangeListener() {
public void itemsAdded(ListAddEvent event) {
public void itemsRemoved(ListRemoveEvent event) {
public void itemsReplaced(ListReplaceEvent event) {
public void itemsMoved(ListMoveEvent event) {
public void listCleared(ListClearEvent event) {
public void listChanged(ListChangeEvent event) {
public String toString() {
return "component LVM listener"; //$NON-NLS-1$
// ********** ListValueModel implementation **********
public E2 get(int index) {
if ((index < 0) || (index >= this.size)) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index: " + index + ", Size: " + this.size); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
// move backwards through the info list
for (int i = this.infoList.size(); i-- > 0; ) {
Info info = this.infoList.get(i);
if (index >= info.begin) {
return info.items.get(index - info.begin);
throw new IllegalStateException(); // something is wack
public Iterator<E2> iterator() {
return this.listIterator();
public ListIterator<E2> listIterator() {
return new ReadOnlyCompositeListIterator<E2>(this.buildListsIterators());
protected ListIterator<ListIterator<E2>> buildListsIterators() {
return new TransformationListIterator<Info, ListIterator<E2>>(this.infoList.listIterator()) {
protected ListIterator<E2> transform(Info info) {
return info.items.listIterator();
public int size() {
return this.size;
public Object[] toArray() {
return CollectionTools.array(this.listIterator(), this.size);
// ********** ListValueModelWrapper overrides/implementation **********
protected void engageModel() {
// synch our cache *after* we start listening to the wrapped list,
// since its value might change when a listener is added
this.addComponentSources(0, this.listHolder, this.listHolder.size());
protected void disengageModel() {
// stop listening to the component LVMs...
for (Info info : this.infoList) {
info.componentLVM.removeListChangeListener(LIST_VALUES, this.componentLVMListener);
// ...and clear the cache
this.size = 0;
* Some component sources were added; update our cache.
protected void itemsAdded(ListAddEvent event) {
this.addComponentSources(event.getIndex(), this.getAddedItems(event), event.getItemsSize(), true); // true = fire event
* Do not fire an event.
protected void addComponentSources(int addedSourcesIndex, Iterable<? extends E1> addedSources, int addedSourcesSize) {
this.addComponentSources(addedSourcesIndex, addedSources, addedSourcesSize, false); // false = do not fire event
* Add infos corresponding to the specified sources to our cache.
* Fire the appropriate event if requested.
protected void addComponentSources(int addedSourcesIndex, Iterable<? extends E1> addedSources, int addedSourcesSize, boolean fireEvent) {
ArrayList<Info> newInfoList = new ArrayList<Info>(addedSourcesSize);
// the 'items' are either tacked on to the end or
// at the 'begin' index of the first 'info' that is being pushed back
int newItemsIndex = (addedSourcesIndex == this.infoList.size()) ? this.size : this.infoList.get(addedSourcesIndex).begin;
int begin = newItemsIndex;
for (E1 source : addedSources) {
ListValueModel<E2> componentLVM = this.transform(source);
componentLVM.addListChangeListener(LIST_VALUES, this.componentLVMListener);
ArrayList<E2> items = new ArrayList<E2>(componentLVM.size());
CollectionTools.addAll(items, componentLVM.listIterator());
newInfoList.add(new Info(source, componentLVM, items, begin));
begin += items.size();
this.infoList.addAll(addedSourcesIndex, newInfoList);
int newItemsSize = begin - newItemsIndex;
this.size += newItemsSize;
// bump the 'begin' index for all the infos that were pushed back by the insert
int movedInfosIndex = addedSourcesIndex + addedSourcesSize;
for (int i = movedInfosIndex; i < this.infoList.size(); i++) {
this.infoList.get(i).begin += newItemsSize;
if (fireEvent) {
ArrayList<E2> newItems = new ArrayList<E2>(newItemsSize);
for (int i = addedSourcesIndex; i < movedInfosIndex; i++) {
this.fireItemsAdded(LIST_VALUES, newItemsIndex, newItems);
* Some component sources were removed; update our cache.
protected void itemsRemoved(ListRemoveEvent event) {
this.removeComponentSources(event.getIndex(), event.getItemsSize(), true); // true = fire event
* Do not fire an event.
protected void removeComponentSources(int removedSourcesIndex, int removedSourcesSize) {
this.removeComponentSources(removedSourcesIndex, removedSourcesSize, false); // false = do not fire event
* Remove the infos corresponding to the specified sources from our cache.
protected void removeComponentSources(int removedSourcesIndex, int removedSourcesSize, boolean fireEvent) {
int removedItemsIndex = this.infoList.get(removedSourcesIndex).begin;
int movedSourcesIndex = removedSourcesIndex + removedSourcesSize;
int movedItemsIndex = (movedSourcesIndex == this.infoList.size()) ? this.size : this.infoList.get(movedSourcesIndex).begin;
int removedItemsSize = movedItemsIndex - removedItemsIndex;
this.size -= removedItemsSize;
List<Info> subList = this.infoList.subList(removedSourcesIndex, removedSourcesIndex + removedSourcesSize);
ArrayList<Info> removedInfoList = new ArrayList<Info>(subList); // make a copy
// decrement the 'begin' index for all the infos that were moved forward by the deletes
for (int i = removedSourcesIndex; i < this.infoList.size(); i++) {
this.infoList.get(i).begin -= removedItemsSize;
for (Info removedInfo : removedInfoList) {
removedInfo.componentLVM.removeListChangeListener(LIST_VALUES, this.componentLVMListener);
if (fireEvent) {
ArrayList<E2> removedItems = new ArrayList<E2>(removedItemsSize);
for (Info removedInfo : removedInfoList) {
this.fireItemsRemoved(LIST_VALUES, removedItemsIndex, removedItems);
* Some component sources were replaced; update our cache.
protected void itemsReplaced(ListReplaceEvent event) {
this.replaceComponentSources(event.getIndex(), this.getNewItems(event), event.getItemsSize(), true); // true = fire event
* Replaced component sources will not (typically) map to a set of replaced
* items, so we remove and add the corresponding lists of items, resulting in
* two events.
protected void replaceComponentSources(int replacedSourcesIndex, Iterable<? extends E1> newSources, int replacedSourcesSize, boolean fireEvent) {
this.removeComponentSources(replacedSourcesIndex, replacedSourcesSize, fireEvent);
this.addComponentSources(replacedSourcesIndex, newSources, replacedSourcesSize, fireEvent);
* Some component sources were moved; update our cache.
protected void itemsMoved(ListMoveEvent event) {
this.moveComponentSources(event.getTargetIndex(), event.getSourceIndex(), event.getLength(), true); // true = fire event
protected void moveComponentSources(int targetSourcesIndex, int sourceSourcesIndex, int movedSourcesLength, boolean fireEvent) {
int sourceItemsIndex = this.infoList.get(sourceSourcesIndex).begin;
int nextSourceSourceIndex = sourceSourcesIndex + movedSourcesLength;
int nextSourceItemIndex = (nextSourceSourceIndex == this.infoList.size()) ? this.size : this.infoList.get(nextSourceSourceIndex).begin;
int moveItemsLength = nextSourceItemIndex - sourceItemsIndex;
int targetItemsIndex = -1;
if (sourceSourcesIndex > targetSourcesIndex) {
// move from high to low index
targetItemsIndex = this.infoList.get(targetSourcesIndex).begin;
} else {
// move from low to high index (higher items move down during move)
int nextTargetSourceIndex = targetSourcesIndex + movedSourcesLength;
targetItemsIndex = (nextTargetSourceIndex == this.infoList.size()) ? this.size : this.infoList.get(nextTargetSourceIndex).begin;
targetItemsIndex = targetItemsIndex - moveItemsLength;
CollectionTools.move(this.infoList, targetSourcesIndex, sourceSourcesIndex, movedSourcesLength);
// update the 'begin' indexes of all the affected 'infos'
int min = Math.min(targetSourcesIndex, sourceSourcesIndex);
int max = Math.max(targetSourcesIndex, sourceSourcesIndex) + movedSourcesLength;
int begin = Math.min(targetItemsIndex, sourceItemsIndex);
for (int i = min; i < max; i++) {
Info info = this.infoList.get(i);
info.begin = begin;
begin += info.componentLVM.size();
if (fireEvent) {
this.fireItemsMoved(LIST_VALUES, targetItemsIndex, sourceItemsIndex, moveItemsLength);
* The component sources were cleared; clear our cache.
protected void listCleared(ListClearEvent event) {
this.removeComponentSources(0, this.infoList.size());
* The component sources changed; rebuild our cache.
protected void listChanged(ListChangeEvent event) {
this.removeComponentSources(0, this.infoList.size());
this.addComponentSources(0, this.listHolder, this.listHolder.size());
this.fireListChanged(LIST_VALUES, CollectionTools.list(this.listIterator()));
public void toString(StringBuilder sb) {
sb.append(CollectionTools.list(this.listIterator(), this.size));
// ********** internal methods **********
* Transform the specified object into a list value model.
* <p>
* This method can be overridden by a subclass as an
* alternative to building a <code>Transformer</code>.
protected ListValueModel<E2> transform(E1 value) {
return this.transformer.transform(value);
* Return the index of the specified component LVM.
protected int indexOf(ListValueModel<E2> componentLVM) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.infoList.size(); i++) {
if (this.infoList.get(i).componentLVM == componentLVM) {
return i;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid component LVM: " + componentLVM); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Return the index of the specified event's component LVM.
protected int indexFor(ListEvent event) {
return this.indexOf(this.componentLVM(event));
* Items were added to one of the component lists;
* synchronize our cache.
protected void componentItemsAdded(ListAddEvent event) {
// update the affected 'begin' indices
int componentLVMIndex = this.indexFor(event);
int newItemsSize = event.getItemsSize();
for (int i = componentLVMIndex + 1; i < this.infoList.size(); i++) {
this.infoList.get(i).begin += newItemsSize;
this.size += newItemsSize;
// synchronize the cached list
Info info = this.infoList.get(componentLVMIndex);
CollectionTools.addAll(info.items, event.getIndex(), this.getComponentItems(event), event.getItemsSize());
// translate the event
this.fireItemsAdded(event.clone(this, LIST_VALUES, info.begin));
* Items were removed from one of the component lists;
* synchronize our cache.
protected void componentItemsRemoved(ListRemoveEvent event) {
// update the affected 'begin' indices
int componentLVMIndex = this.indexFor(event);
int removedItemsSize = event.getItemsSize();
for (int i = componentLVMIndex + 1; i < this.infoList.size(); i++) {
this.infoList.get(i).begin -= removedItemsSize;
this.size -= removedItemsSize;
// synchronize the cached list
Info info = this.infoList.get(componentLVMIndex);
int itemIndex = event.getIndex();
info.items.subList(itemIndex, itemIndex + event.getItemsSize()).clear();
// translate the event
this.fireItemsRemoved(event.clone(this, LIST_VALUES, info.begin));
* Items were replaced in one of the component lists;
* synchronize our cache.
protected void componentItemsReplaced(ListReplaceEvent event) {
// no changes to the 'begin' indices or size
// synchronize the cached list
int componentLVMIndex = this.indexFor(event);
Info info = this.infoList.get(componentLVMIndex);
int i = event.getIndex();
for (E2 item : this.getComponentItems(event)) {
info.items.set(i++, item);
// translate the event
this.fireItemsReplaced(event.clone(this, LIST_VALUES, info.begin));
* Items were moved in one of the component lists;
* synchronize our cache.
protected void componentItemsMoved(ListMoveEvent event) {
// no changes to the 'begin' indices or size
// synchronize the cached list
int componentLVMIndex = this.indexFor(event);
Info info = this.infoList.get(componentLVMIndex);
CollectionTools.move(info.items, event.getTargetIndex(), event.getSourceIndex(), event.getLength());
// translate the event
this.fireItemsMoved(event.clone(this, LIST_VALUES, info.begin));
* One of the component lists was cleared;
* synchronize our cache.
protected void componentListCleared(ListClearEvent event) {
int componentLVMIndex = this.indexFor(event);
this.clearComponentList(componentLVMIndex, this.infoList.get(componentLVMIndex));
protected void clearComponentList(int componentLVMIndex, Info info) {
// update the affected 'begin' indices
int removedItemsSize = info.items.size();
for (int i = componentLVMIndex + 1; i < this.infoList.size(); i++) {
this.infoList.get(i).begin -= removedItemsSize;
this.size -= removedItemsSize;
// synchronize the cached list
ArrayList<E2> items = new ArrayList<E2>(info.items);
// translate the event
this.fireItemsRemoved(LIST_VALUES, info.begin, items);
* One of the component lists changed;
* synchronize our cache by clearing out the appropriate
* list and rebuilding it.
protected void componentListChanged(ListChangeEvent event) {
int componentLVMIndex = this.indexFor(event);
Info info = this.infoList.get(componentLVMIndex);
this.clearComponentList(componentLVMIndex, info);
// update the affected 'begin' indices
int newItemsSize = info.componentLVM.size();
for (int i = componentLVMIndex + 1; i < this.infoList.size(); i++) {
this.infoList.get(i).begin += newItemsSize;
this.size += newItemsSize;
// synchronize the cached list
CollectionTools.addAll(info.items, info.componentLVM.listIterator(), newItemsSize);
// translate the event
this.fireItemsAdded(LIST_VALUES, info.begin, info.items);
// minimize scope of suppressed warnings
protected Iterable<E2> getComponentItems(ListAddEvent event) {
return (Iterable<E2>) event.getItems();
// minimize scope of suppressed warnings
protected Iterable<E2> getComponentItems(ListReplaceEvent event) {
return (Iterable<E2>) event.getNewItems();
// minimize scope of suppressed warnings
protected ListValueModel<E2> componentLVM(ListEvent event) {
return (ListValueModel<E2>) event.getSource();