blob: f981b885cb92bfb585574a037d77e596c5a2c439 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2015 Oracle. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0, which accompanies this distribution
* and is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jpt.common.utility.internal;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.eclipse.jpt.common.utility.internal.iterable.IterableTools;
* Convenience methods related to dealing with Java source code level
* type declarations (i.e. text descriptions of Java types as they appear
* in Java source code as opposed to the value returned by
* {@link java.lang.Class#getName()}).
public final class TypeDeclarationTools {
// ********** is array **********
* Return whether the specified type declaration is an array type; e.g.<ul>
* <li><code>"int"</code> returns <code>false</code>
* <li><code>"int[]"</code> returns <code>true</code>
* <li><code>"java.lang.String"</code> returns <code>false</code>
* <li><code>"java.lang.String[][][]"</code> returns <code>true</code>
* </ul>
public static boolean isArray(String typeDeclaration) {
return isArray_(StringTools.removeAllWhitespace(typeDeclaration));
* Pre-condition: no whitespace in the type declaration.
private static boolean isArray_(String typeDeclaration) {
return StringTools.last(typeDeclaration) == ']';
* @see #isArray(String)
public static boolean isArray(char[] typeDeclaration) {
return isArray_(CharArrayTools.removeAllWhitespace(typeDeclaration));
* Pre-condition: no whitespace in the type declaration.
private static boolean isArray_(char[] typeDeclaration) {
return CharArrayTools.last(typeDeclaration) == ']';
// ********** array depth **********
* Return the array depth for the specified type declaration; e.g.<ul>
* <li><code>"int[]"</code> returns <code>1</code>
* <li><code>"java.lang.String[][][]"</code> returns <code>3</code>
* </ul>
public static int arrayDepth(String typeDeclaration) {
return arrayDepth_(StringTools.removeAllWhitespace(typeDeclaration));
* Pre-condition: no whitespace in the type declaration.
static int arrayDepth_(String typeDeclaration) {
int last = typeDeclaration.length() - 1;
int depth = 0;
int close = last;
while (typeDeclaration.charAt(close) == ']') {
if (typeDeclaration.charAt(close - 1) == '[') {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid type declaration: " + typeDeclaration); //$NON-NLS-1$
close = last - (depth << 1);
return depth;
* @see #arrayDepth(String)
public static int arrayDepth(char[] typeDeclaration) {
return arrayDepth_(CharArrayTools.removeAllWhitespace(typeDeclaration));
* Pre-condition: no whitespace in the type declaration.
static int arrayDepth_(char[] typeDeclaration) {
int last = typeDeclaration.length - 1;
int depth = 0;
int close = last;
while (typeDeclaration[close] == ']') {
if (typeDeclaration[close - 1] == '[') {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid type declaration: " + String.copyValueOf(typeDeclaration)); //$NON-NLS-1$
close = last - (depth << 1);
return depth;
// ********** element type name **********
* Return the element type name for the specified type declaration; e.g.<ul>
* <li><code>"int[]"</code> returns <code>"int"</code>
* <li><code>"java.lang.String[][][]"</code> returns <code>"java.lang.String"</code>
* </ul>
public static String elementTypeName(String typeDeclaration) {
typeDeclaration = StringTools.removeAllWhitespace(typeDeclaration);
return elementTypeName_(typeDeclaration, arrayDepth_(typeDeclaration));
* @see #elementTypeName(String)
public static char[] elementTypeName(char[] typeDeclaration) {
typeDeclaration = CharArrayTools.removeAllWhitespace(typeDeclaration);
return elementTypeName_(typeDeclaration, arrayDepth_(typeDeclaration));
* Return the element type name for the specified type declaration; e.g.<ul>
* <li><code>"int[]"</code> returns <code>"int"</code>
* <li><code>"java.lang.String[][][]"</code> returns <code>"java.lang.String"</code>
* </ul>
* Useful for clients that have already queried the type declaration's array depth.
public static String elementTypeName(String typeDeclaration, int arrayDepth) {
return elementTypeName_(StringTools.removeAllWhitespace(typeDeclaration), arrayDepth);
* Pre-condition: no whitespace in the type declaration.
static String elementTypeName_(String typeDeclaration, int arrayDepth) {
return typeDeclaration.substring(0, typeDeclaration.length() - (arrayDepth << 1));
* @see #elementTypeName(String, int)
public static char[] elementTypeName(char[] typeDeclaration, int arrayDepth) {
return elementTypeName_(CharArrayTools.removeAllWhitespace(typeDeclaration), arrayDepth);
* Pre-condition: no whitespace in the type declaration.
static char[] elementTypeName_(char[] typeDeclaration, int arrayDepth) {
return ArrayTools.subArray(typeDeclaration, 0, typeDeclaration.length - (arrayDepth << 1));
// ********** component type declaration **********
* Return the specified type declaration's component type.
* Return <code>null</code> if the specified type declaration is not an array type.
public static String componentTypeDeclaration(String typeDeclaration) {
return componentTypeDeclaration_(StringTools.removeAllWhitespace(typeDeclaration));
* Pre-condition: no whitespace in the type declaration.
private static String componentTypeDeclaration_(String typeDeclaration) {
int arrayDepth = arrayDepth_(typeDeclaration);
return (arrayDepth == 0) ? null : elementTypeName_(typeDeclaration, 1);
* @see #componentTypeDeclaration(String)
public static char[] componentTypeDeclaration(char[] typeDeclaration) {
return componentTypeDeclaration_(CharArrayTools.removeAllWhitespace(typeDeclaration));
* Pre-condition: no whitespace in the type declaration.
private static char[] componentTypeDeclaration_(char[] typeDeclaration) {
int arrayDepth = arrayDepth_(typeDeclaration);
return (arrayDepth == 0) ? null : elementTypeName_(typeDeclaration, 1);
// ********** class name **********
* Return the class name for the specified type declaration; e.g.<ul>
* <li><code>"int"</code> returns <code>"int"</code>
* <li><code>"int[]"</code> returns <code>"[I"</code>
* <li><code>"java.lang.String"</code> returns <code>"java.lang.String"</code>
* <li><code>"java.lang.String[][][]"</code> returns <code>"[[[Ljava.lang.String;"</code>
* </ul>
* @see java.lang.Class#getName()
public static String className(String typeDeclaration) {
return className_(StringTools.removeAllWhitespace(typeDeclaration));
* Pre-condition: no whitespace in the type declaration.
private static String className_(String typeDeclaration) {
int arrayDepth = arrayDepth_(typeDeclaration);
String elementTypeName = elementTypeName_(typeDeclaration, arrayDepth);
return className(elementTypeName, arrayDepth);
* @see #className(String)
public static char[] className(char[] typeDeclaration) {
return className_(CharArrayTools.removeAllWhitespace(typeDeclaration));
* Pre-condition: no whitespace in the type declaration.
private static char[] className_(char[] typeDeclaration) {
int arrayDepth = arrayDepth_(typeDeclaration);
char[] elementTypeName = elementTypeName_(typeDeclaration, arrayDepth);
return className(elementTypeName, arrayDepth);
* Return the class name for the specified type declaration.
* @see java.lang.Class#getName()
public static String className(String elementTypeName, int arrayDepth) {
// non-array
if (arrayDepth == 0) {
return elementTypeName;
if (elementTypeName.equals(ClassNameTools.VOID)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException('\'' + ClassNameTools.VOID + "' must have an array depth of zero: " + arrayDepth + '.'); //$NON-NLS-1$
// array
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100);
for (int i = arrayDepth; i-- > 0; ) {
// look for a primitive first
char prim = ClassNameTools.primitiveClassCode(elementTypeName);
if (prim == 0) {
ClassNameTools.appendReferenceNameTo(elementTypeName, sb);
} else {
return sb.toString();
* @see #className(String, int)
public static char[] className(char[] elementTypeName, int arrayDepth) {
// non-array
if (arrayDepth == 0) {
return elementTypeName;
if (Arrays.equals(elementTypeName, ClassNameTools.VOID_CHAR_ARRAY)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException('\'' + ClassNameTools.VOID + "' must have an array depth of zero: " + arrayDepth + '.'); //$NON-NLS-1$
// array
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100);
for (int i = arrayDepth; i-- > 0; ) {
// look for a primitive first
char prim = ClassNameTools.primitiveClassCode(elementTypeName);
if (prim == 0) {
ClassNameTools.appendReferenceNameTo(elementTypeName, sb);
} else {
return StringBuilderTools.convertToCharArray(sb);
// ********** package/simple name **********
* Return the specified type declaration's simple name.
public static String simpleName(String typeDeclaration) {
return simpleName_(StringTools.removeAllWhitespace(typeDeclaration));
* Pre-condition: no whitespace in the type declaration.
private static String simpleName_(String typeDeclaration) {
return typeDeclaration.substring(typeDeclaration.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
* @see #simpleName(String)
public static char[] simpleName(char[] typeDeclaration) {
return simpleName_(CharArrayTools.removeAllWhitespace(typeDeclaration));
* Pre-condition: no whitespace in the type declaration.
private static char[] simpleName_(char[] typeDeclaration) {
return ArrayTools.subArray(typeDeclaration, ArrayTools.lastIndexOf(typeDeclaration, '.') + 1);
* Return the specified type declaration's package name (e.g.
* <code>"java.lang.Object"</code> returns
* <code>"java.lang"</code>).
* Return an empty string if the specified class is:<ul>
* <li>in the "default" package
* <li>an array class
* <li>a primtive class
* </ul>
public static String packageName(String typeDeclaration) {
return packageName_(StringTools.removeAllWhitespace(typeDeclaration));
* Pre-condition: no whitespace in the type declaration.
private static String packageName_(String typeDeclaration) {
if (isArray_(typeDeclaration)) {
return StringTools.EMPTY_STRING;
int lastPeriod = typeDeclaration.lastIndexOf('.');
return (lastPeriod == -1) ? StringTools.EMPTY_STRING : typeDeclaration.substring(0, lastPeriod);
* @see #packageName(String)
public static char[] packageName(char[] typeDeclaration) {
return packageName_(CharArrayTools.removeAllWhitespace(typeDeclaration));
* Pre-condition: no whitespace in the type declaration.
private static char[] packageName_(char[] typeDeclaration) {
if (isArray_(typeDeclaration)) {
return CharArrayTools.EMPTY_CHAR_ARRAY;
int lastPeriod = ArrayTools.lastIndexOf(typeDeclaration, '.');
return (lastPeriod == -1) ? CharArrayTools.EMPTY_CHAR_ARRAY : ArrayTools.subArray(typeDeclaration, 0, lastPeriod);
// ********** java.lang classes **********
* Return whether the specified "simple" class name is a public class in the
* current release of the <code>java.lang</code> package (i.e. a class that
* can be declared with a "simple" name and no corresponding
* <code>import</code> statement).
* <p>
* The current release is jdk 1.8.
public static boolean isJavaLangClass(String simpleClassName) {
return ArrayTools.binarySearch(JAVA_LANG_CLASS_NAMES_ARRAY, simpleClassName);
* @see #isJavaLangClass(String)
public static boolean isJavaLangClass(char[] simpleClassName) {
return isJavaLangClass(String.copyValueOf(simpleClassName));
* JDK 1.5
* @see #isJavaLangClass(String)
public static boolean isJavaLangClass5(String simpleClassName) {
return ArrayTools.binarySearch(JAVA_LANG_CLASS_NAMES_ARRAY_5, simpleClassName);
* @see #isJavaLangClass5(String)
public static boolean isJavaLangClass5(char[] simpleClassName) {
return isJavaLangClass5(String.copyValueOf(simpleClassName));
// JDK 1.5
private static final String[] JAVA_LANG_CLASS_NAMES_ARRAY_5 = ArrayTools.sort(new String[] {
* JDK 1.5.
public static final Iterable<String> JAVA_LANG_CLASS_NAMES_5 = IterableTools.iterable(JAVA_LANG_CLASS_NAMES_ARRAY_5);
* JDK 1.6
* @see #isJavaLangClass(String)
public static boolean isJavaLangClass6(String simpleClassName) {
return ArrayTools.binarySearch(JAVA_LANG_CLASS_NAMES_ARRAY_6, simpleClassName);
* @see #isJavaLangClass6(String)
public static boolean isJavaLangClass6(char[] simpleClassName) {
return isJavaLangClass6(String.copyValueOf(simpleClassName));
// JDK 1.6 - no changes from jdk 1.5
* JDK 1.6.
public static final Iterable<String> JAVA_LANG_CLASS_NAMES_6 = IterableTools.iterable(JAVA_LANG_CLASS_NAMES_ARRAY_6);
* JDK 1.7
* @see #isJavaLangClass(String)
public static boolean isJavaLangClass7(String simpleClassName) {
return ArrayTools.binarySearch(JAVA_LANG_CLASS_NAMES_ARRAY_7, simpleClassName);
* @see #isJavaLangClass7(String)
public static boolean isJavaLangClass7(char[] simpleClassName) {
return isJavaLangClass7(String.copyValueOf(simpleClassName));
// jdk 1.7
private static final String[] JAVA_LANG_CLASS_NAMES_ARRAY_7 = ArrayTools.sort(
new String[] {
* JDK 1.7.
public static final Iterable<String> JAVA_LANG_CLASS_NAMES_7 = IterableTools.iterable(JAVA_LANG_CLASS_NAMES_ARRAY_7);
* JDK 1.8
* @see #isJavaLangClass(String)
public static boolean isJavaLangClass8(String simpleClassName) {
return ArrayTools.binarySearch(JAVA_LANG_CLASS_NAMES_ARRAY_8, simpleClassName);
* @see #isJavaLangClass8(String)
public static boolean isJavaLangClass8(char[] simpleClassName) {
return isJavaLangClass8(String.copyValueOf(simpleClassName));
// jdk 1.8
private static final String[] JAVA_LANG_CLASS_NAMES_ARRAY_8 = ArrayTools.sort(
new String[] {
* JDK 1.8.
public static final Iterable<String> JAVA_LANG_CLASS_NAMES_8 = IterableTools.iterable(JAVA_LANG_CLASS_NAMES_ARRAY_8);
* JDK 11
* @see #isJavaLangClass(String)
public static boolean isJavaLangClass11(String simpleClassName) {
return ArrayTools.binarySearch(JAVA_LANG_CLASS_NAMES_ARRAY_11, simpleClassName);
* @see #isJavaLangClass11(String)
public static boolean isJavaLangClass11(char[] simpleClassName) {
return isJavaLangClass11(String.copyValueOf(simpleClassName));
// jdk 11
private static final String[] JAVA_LANG_CLASS_NAMES_ARRAY_11 = ArrayTools.sort(
new String[] {
* JDK 11.
public static final Iterable<String> JAVA_LANG_CLASS_NAMES_11 = IterableTools.iterable(JAVA_LANG_CLASS_NAMES_ARRAY_11);
// the current release is jdk 11
* The current release is jdk 11.
public static final Iterable<String> JAVA_LANG_CLASS_NAMES = IterableTools.iterable(JAVA_LANG_CLASS_NAMES_ARRAY);
// ********** load class **********
* Return the class for the specified type declaration.
public static Class<?> loadClass(String typeDeclaration) {
return ClassTools.forTypeDeclaration(typeDeclaration);
* Return the class for the specified type declaration.
public static Class<?> loadClass(String typeDeclaration, ClassLoader classLoader) {
return ClassTools.forTypeDeclaration(typeDeclaration, classLoader);
* Return the class for the specified type declaration.
public static Class<?> loadClass_(String typeDeclaration) throws ClassNotFoundException {
return ClassTools.forTypeDeclaration_(typeDeclaration);
* Return the class for the specified type declaration.
public static Class<?> loadClass_(String typeDeclaration, ClassLoader classLoader) throws ClassNotFoundException {
return ClassTools.forTypeDeclaration_(typeDeclaration, classLoader);
* Return the class for the specified type declaration.
public static Class<?> loadClass(char[] typeDeclaration) {
return ClassTools.forTypeDeclaration(typeDeclaration);
* Return the class for the specified type declaration.
public static Class<?> loadClass(char[] typeDeclaration, ClassLoader classLoader) {
return ClassTools.forTypeDeclaration(typeDeclaration, classLoader);
* Return the class for the specified type declaration.
public static Class<?> loadClass_(char[] typeDeclaration) throws ClassNotFoundException {
return ClassTools.forTypeDeclaration_(typeDeclaration);
* Return the class for the specified type declaration.
public static Class<?> loadClass_(char[] typeDeclaration, ClassLoader classLoader) throws ClassNotFoundException {
return ClassTools.forTypeDeclaration_(typeDeclaration, classLoader);
// ********** suppressed constructor **********
* Suppress default constructor, ensuring non-instantiability.
private TypeDeclarationTools() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();