Make it more clear that release reviews are required yearly.

This commit modifies some existing text and adds some FAQ entries.

Change-Id: I8d9eed91a1e060723379cab4346773a3e0be6a7d
diff --git a/source/chapters/pmi.adoc b/source/chapters/pmi.adoc
index 615f18c..98628ed 100644
--- a/source/chapters/pmi.adoc
+++ b/source/chapters/pmi.adoc
@@ -254,18 +254,21 @@
 ==== Milestones
-Enter the name, date, and optional description for each milestone expected with the release. 
+Enter the name, date, and optional description for each <<release-milestones,milestone>> expected with the release. 
 Projects should generally include more than one milestone build with each release. To include additional milestones, click the btn:[Add another item] button. Note that milestones can be dragged into the desired order. To remove a milestone, leave the _Name_ field blank.
 ==== Review
-The release has a <<release-review,'Review'>> section that can be used to provide information for the associated review. If you provide information here, the release record itself can be used as review documentation; no further documentation is required.
+The release record has a <<release-review,_Review_>> section that can be used to provide information for the associated review. If you provide information in the _Review_ section, the release record itself can be used as review documentation; no further documentation is required.
 Each section on the review page includes a little help to describe the sort of information that you should provide.
-All major and minor releases require a review. Service releases (i.e. bug fix releases that do not change public APIs or add new functionality) do not require a review.
+A review is not necessarily required for every release. A project team may declare official major or minor releases and distribute associated products for up to one year following a successful _<<release-review,release or progress review>>_ and reviews are never required for bug-fix/service releases. 
 If a release requires a review, you can schedule one by clicking the menu:Schedule a review[] link. The drop-down list above the button contains  several options for review dates. Pick the one that works best for you.
diff --git a/source/chapters/release.adoc b/source/chapters/release.adoc
index 12ffb1b..01f89ad 100644
--- a/source/chapters/release.adoc
+++ b/source/chapters/release.adoc
@@ -167,6 +167,17 @@
 The amount of effort varies based on the nature of the team, and expectations of the community and stake holders. Generally, though, a project team shouldn't spend more than a couple of hours working directly on the formal aspects of the release review. If the amount of effort seems too onerous, you may be trying too hard. Connect with your project mentors, top-level project's PMC, or the mailto:{emoEmail}[EMO] for guidance.
+Do I need to engage in a release review? ::
+If the the project team wants to issue an official major or minor release and has not engaged in a release review (or progress review) within a year of the planned release date, then a release review is required.
+What is the difference between a release review and progress review? ::
+In practice, there is really no difference. The activities involved are the same and a project may create major and minor releases for an entire year following a successful release or progress review.
+Progress reviews were added to the {edpUrl}[Eclipse Foundation Development Process] primarily to support the {efspUrl}[Eclipse Foundation Specification Process], which requires that specification project teams engage periodic reviews that do not necessarily align with releases.
+In cases where, for example, a project team has gone an extended period of time without having engaged in a review, the project leadership chain may  compel the project team to engage in a progress review to ensure that the project team is following the processes and is generally engaging in the sorts of activities required for success.
 How do I submit the IP Log for review? ::
diff --git a/source/config.adoc b/source/config.adoc
index 026442f..531e138 100644
--- a/source/config.adoc
+++ b/source/config.adoc
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@