Create a flow chart for prereq dependencies.
diff --git a/source/chapters/ip.adoc b/source/chapters/ip.adoc
index 47857ac..cda26e5 100644
--- a/source/chapters/ip.adoc
+++ b/source/chapters/ip.adoc
@@ -85,6 +85,62 @@
 Create a <<ip-cq,contribution questionnaire>> to submit a third-party
 library for review by the IP Team.
+[graphviz, prereq, svg]
+.IP Due Diligence for Third Party Content (Prerequisite Dependencies)
+digraph {
+  // Graph properties
+  bgcolor=transparent
+    graph [ranksep="0.25", nodesep="0.25"]
+  // Nodes that define the key points in the process
+  node [shape=box;style=filled;fillcolor=white;fontsize=12]
+  start [label="Create CQ\nAttach Source Code"]
+  evaluate [label="License Scan"]
+  investigate [label="IP Team\nInvestigation"]
+  parallel_ip [label="Parallel IP\n(check-in)"]
+  full_review [label="Full Review"]
+  license_cert [label="License Certified"]
+  approved [label="Approved"]
+  rejected [label="Rejected"]
+  node [shape=diamond;style=filled;fillcolor=white;fontsize=10];
+  type [label="Type\nA or B?"]
+  compatible [label="Compatible?"]
+  eligible [label="Eligible for\nParallel IP?"]
+  outcome [label="Outcome?"]
+  {rank=same license_cert, approved, rejected}
+  {rank=same evaluate, eligible}
+  {rank=same compatible, parallel_ip, full_review}
+  edge [fontsize=10];
+  start -> type
+  type -> evaluate [xlabel="Type A"]
+  evaluate -> compatible
+  compatible -> investigate [label="Maybe", splines=curved]
+  investigate -> compatible [splines=curved]
+  compatible -> license_cert [label="Yes"]
+  compatible-> rejected [label="No"]
+  type -> eligible [label="Type B"]
+  eligible -> parallel_ip [label="Yes"]
+  eligible -> full_review [label="No"]
+  parallel_ip -> full_review
+  full_review -> outcome
+  outcome -> approved [label="Yes"]
+  outcome -> rejected [label="No"]
 === Ownership