blob: fb8174da1c6a46db470dc9847a63038a05c4b2c5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 07.03.2012 Aaron Digulla.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Aaron Digulla - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation
package m4e
import java.util.List;
import m4e.p2.P2RepoLoader;
import m4e.p2.IP2Repo;
import m4e.p2.ui.P2RepoView
class P2ListCmd extends AbstractCommand {
final static String DESCRIPTION = '''\
- List the content of a P2 repository.'''
void run( String... args ) {
def url = findURL( args ) 'Listing {}...', url )
def loader = new P2RepoLoader( workDir: workDir, url: url )
IP2Repo repo = loader.load()
String ui = findUI( args )
switch( ui ) {
case 'text': listToConsole( repo ); break;
case 'swing': listToSwing( repo ); break;
default: throw new UserError( "Unsupported UI '${ui}'" )
void listToSwing( IP2Repo repo ) {
def view = new P2RepoView( repo, workDir )
void listToConsole( IP2Repo repo ) {
def writer = new PrintWriter( System.out )
def out = new IndentPrinter( writer, ' ' )
repo.list( out )
URL findURL( String[] args ) {
String s = args.find { it.contains( '://' ) }
if( s ) {
return new URL( s )
throw new UserError( "Expected at least one argument: The URL of the p2 repository to list" )
String findUI( String[] args ) {
int pos = Arrays.asList( args ).indexOf( '--ui' )
if( -1 == pos ) {
return 'text'
pos ++
if( pos == args.size() ) {
throw new UserError( "Missing argument to option --ui" )
String ui = args[ pos ]
return ui