[45864]Audit Check of DTP release plugin version updates
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.datatools.releng.builder/bootstrap.sh b/plugins/org.eclipse.datatools.releng.builder/bootstrap.sh
index 1994d1d..6cf4f66 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.datatools.releng.builder/bootstrap.sh
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.datatools.releng.builder/bootstrap.sh
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@
 		 		 -updateSite) updateSite="-DupdateSite=$2";shift;;
 		 		 -sign) sign="-Dsign=true";shift;;
                                  -upload) upload=true;;
+				 -CheckPluginVersion) CheckPluginVersion=true;;
 		 		 		 echo >&2 $usage
 		 		 		 exit 1;;
@@ -295,6 +296,9 @@
 echo $tagMaps >> $USER.log
 echo $compareMaps >> $USER.log
+echo "======[PackageVersion]: $PackageVersion" >> $USER.log
 #cp $HOME/releng.dtp.192/dtpURLmonitor.properties $HOME/releng.260/src/
 buildCommand="$antRunner -q -buildfile buildAll.xml $mail $testBuild $compareMaps \
@@ -307,7 +311,7 @@
 -DgroupConfiguration=true -DjavacVerbose=true -DjavacFailOnError=false \
 -Dbasebuilder=$HOME/releng.dtp.192/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder  \
 -Djvm15_home=$jvm15_home  -DmapTag.properties=$HOME/releng.dtp.192/org.eclipse.datatools.releng.builder/mapTag.properties \
--Dbuild.date=$builddate -Dpackage.version=1.9.2RC1-$timestamp \
+-Dbuild.date=$builddate -Dpackage.version=$PackageVersion \
 -DmapGitRoot=ssh://xgu@git.eclipse.org/gitroot/datatools \
 -DmapVersionTag=$BranchName -DBranchVersion=1.9.2 -DjavacTarget=1.5 -DjavacSource=1.5 \
 -Dusername.sign=slee -Dpassword.sign=Actuate# -Dhostname.sign=build.eclipse.org -Dhome.dir=/home/data/users/slee -Dsign.dir=/home/data/httpd/download-staging.priv/birt"
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.datatools.releng.builder/extras/CheckDTP_PotentialVersionIssue.sh b/plugins/org.eclipse.datatools.releng.builder/extras/CheckDTP_PotentialVersionIssue.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e1c8cb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.datatools.releng.builder/extras/CheckDTP_PotentialVersionIssue.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#Script that can automatically compare each plugin's version between the current version and the last release version.
+#And send the list of plugins that have potential version update issue in an email to the PMC members.
+#For example, the org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.oda.xml plugin has version 1.2.1.v201104121500 in the last release 1.9.1.
+#The plugin has apparently changes in 1.9.2 nightly build, with a later datetime stamp, but it still has version 1.2.1.
+#So this plugin would be a candidate to alert the PMC that the plugin micro/minor/major version should have been incremented.
+if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
+	echo "USAGE: $0 CurrentBuildPostDirectory CurrentBuildId"
+	echo "Example: $0 $HOME/releng/BIRTOutput/dtp.output/1.9.2/v20111202-1046 1.9.2RC1-201112021046"
+	exit 1
+if [ ! -e $CurrentPostDir/dtp-sdk-${CurrentBuildId}.zip ]; then
+	echo "Currect build does not exist,cancel comparison script."
+	exit
+echo "Start running comparison script"
+rm -rf DtpCurrent DtpLast
+rm -f nochange.txt change.txt allchange.txt excludechange.txt
+echo "unzip -q -o $CurrentPostDir/dtp-sdk-${CurrentBuildId}.zip -d DtpCurrent"
+unzip -q -o $CurrentPostDir/dtp-sdk-${CurrentBuildId}.zip -d DtpCurrent
+echo "unzip -q -o $CurrentPostDir/dtp-incubator-sdk-${CurrentBuildId}.zip -d DtpCurrent"
+unzip -q -o $CurrentPostDir/dtp-incubator-sdk-${CurrentBuildId}.zip -d DtpCurrent
+echo "unzip -q -o $LastReleasePostDir/dtp-sdk-${LastReleaseBuildId}.zip -d DtpLast"
+unzip -q -o $LastReleasePostDir/dtp-sdk-${LastReleaseBuildId}.zip -d DtpLast
+echo "unzip -q -o $LastReleasePostDir/dtp-incubator-sdk-${LastReleaseBuildId}.zip -d DtpLast"
+unzip -q -o $LastReleasePostDir/dtp-incubator-sdk-${LastReleaseBuildId}.zip -d DtpLast
+ls DtpCurrent/eclipse/plugins/ | grep org.eclipse.datatools | grep -v .source_ > DtpCurrent.txt
+ls DtpLast/eclipse/plugins/ | grep org.eclipse.datatools | grep -v .source_ > DtpLast.txt
+while read LINE; do
+	PluginName=$( echo $LINE | sed 's/\(.*datatools.*\)_.*/\1/g' )
+	MajorVersion=$( echo $LINE | sed 's/.*_\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\)\..*/\1/g' )
+	TimeStamp=$( echo $LINE | sed 's/.*_[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.\(.*\)\.jar/\1/g' )
+	LINE2=$( cat DtpCurrent.txt | grep ${PluginName}_ )
+	PluginName2=$( echo $LINE2 | sed 's/\(.*datatools.*\)_.*/\1/g' )
+        MajorVersion2=$( echo $LINE2 | sed 's/.*_\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\)\..*/\1/g' )
+        TimeStamp2=$( echo $LINE2 | sed 's/.*_[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.\(.*\)\.jar/\1/g' )
+	if [ "$TimeStamp" = "$TimeStamp2" ]; then
+		echo "$PluginName: no change since last release"
+		echo "$PluginName" >> nochange.txt
+	elif [ "$MajorVersion" = "$MajorVersion2" ]; then
+		#Exclude current bundle version timestamp of v20110722 in list of plugins with potential version issue
+		#This seems to be the changes made to "rename .cvsignore to .gitignore" on 7/22 when we first migrated to Git
+		if ( echo "$TimeStamp2" | grep v20110722 >/dev/null ); then
+			echo "$PluginName: Exclude in list of plugins with potential version issue"
+                        echo "$PluginName" >> excludechange.txt
+                        echo "Last_Release_Version: $MajorVersion.$TimeStamp" >> excludechange.txt
+                        echo "Current_Version:      $MajorVersion2.$TimeStamp2" >> excludechange.txt
+                        echo "====================" >> excludechange.txt
+		else
+			echo "$PluginName: TimeStamp changed but Major Version do not change"
+			echo "$PluginName" >> change.txt
+			echo "Last_Release_Version: $MajorVersion.$TimeStamp" >> change.txt
+			echo "Current_Version:      $MajorVersion2.$TimeStamp2" >> change.txt
+			echo "====================" >> change.txt		
+		fi
+	else
+		echo "$PluginName: TimeStamp and Major Version both changed"
+		echo "$PluginName" >> allchange.txt
+		echo "Last_Release_Version: $MajorVersion.$TimeStamp" >> allchange.txt
+                echo "Current_Version:      $MajorVersion2.$TimeStamp2" >> allchange.txt
+                echo "====================" >> allchange.txt
+	fi
+done < DtpLast.txt